HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-16, Page 8a,
0.01-x( su'[711 ' • OiNG . NORTH.
0:24 l i7
U 1U;62
ii� t•, . Ti3Hcardirit at ii:
►a' P41;11a1'e.t441 r toi'1`urndaiys,1 hers aYS *awl 1
att3rdny, on/v.
'iltage tcjfl_tf ` ttly0s.
• `• Council..
t'he first meeting. of the new Coun-
4tii will -he held on Menda
y, 19th.Jari-
uary, at .11 'o'clock in the forenoon
when . member's ar'e. re'
r;n bsori be to tie_ necessary declare'
' to.
of qua.ificatioiis and office. f flc ,, claretions
A. Rich Find:
on When discussing a can - of oysterssters
`Christmas evenin
ltitark�iale found a genug, a family in
ineearl valued
at #300. , We . -don't rwanti to be envi
ous, but tf euroyster vendors will.
guarantee ua a -similar find, we will.
have .noof jeetions to
• on:: an oyster ster diet ;from putting
until tli e'
y diet until the
After* colktinuous absence of seven
„years,. Mro `We. Willra,meon, : d0n -o f
illiar�ison cabinetmaker
of .this•viiJAge,•arrived home on:Satur
day.last, lOQlcing- hale and..vigor®ua,
. Of late "Will„ -has resided.i'n Chicago
where a
gratia number -of farmer Luck.
no w'ites are pursuing .their- vaiuous.. vo-
cations. His old ' school=mates:and-
friends' in town wore g'overjoyed to mee.
and : grasp henda with • hini again.
Temperance Ooctveetiori
A.00nvention. of delegates from,' the
different divisions -in the County will:
he held in tb town of Walkerton one
• \Vednesday, Jan. -25th,. at 2 p.-.m.,aud
riot an the 17th as formerly annoufo
The change has ::been:Aeceasitated
fey the Toronto convention which
meets on. the 20th.
Pettious are
irrg circ ted in the county for. Signaa
tames praying the' Qa vernment Akita
texlaw t ion to past *total prohibitory
They Taylor,Ofifton
Tho entertainments ° by :the- above
company in the Tem
,�st,i Temperance -Ball -Inst} on
ure� And Monday • evenings last
fairly weiJ .Attended. The ro-
ti min lei ted utas a ntherr to agreP
;seal; and. drd not by-
ttp- to expectations: any. mesua conic
Pan hear ' ry 'urchin�� er, one
a•xprstsing .himself- -thirst and comer'.
from .'Oman y ,, y ` T come .
somethings oto,, and v.
s hung in the programme
- trued favor'witt the: " bhoya,'
-QE Ross' Latest Move:
`uesday'', . despaloh anno
Thai . Duncan G. Roes; the
Died or Oonsu mption,
Mr.- •
James Beamish sr.,'wh.o:it-will
be. remembered was pardoned from.
the penitentiary -{a few ..weeks ago, died -
at his home in. , `East Wawanosh on
the:5th inst,, at the age- of' 52
and 8- m.ontha. years
Ulose Beason:
Sportsmen will; bear 'in m #id that
no partridge; pheasants : 'or -grouse can.
be shot from Jan.
-2nd to Se t, .
wild- turke and nail .-from Jan.�lst
to Oct. 1st; 'woodcock from. J;,:
to August;.snipe and duck from Jant
lst to Aug.:;15th,
Bruce: Printers: -
of Bruce Printers an-
Publiahte_ rs� Association will hold `their
annual meeting. . in
-Friday,ag• Walkerton, .Qn.
January: 30th inst., at' 10
A full attendaioe of
members is desired,
,, .The ' election of
officers, = and other • important business
will be_ discussed:
Calf Refused::
The Presbytery " of 'Glengarry de-
clines to
translate .Rey. J. A. Mc-
Lennan to>the, congr'egati'on of"Ash•.
field. Ther congregation over :which
Mr. *McLennan presides: as
Benyon, is very much attached to him.
They would not-= listen to his leavin
thein for Ashfield and the. Presbytery8
very kindly relieved nim of saying he
would or would riot ..go. -
The Supply. of T ache4
t achene graduate seethe. year from the
mo del schools int Ontario. As - a con;
sequence- about: the
nurober leave
the. profession, �In thence for sobool.
the youngteachers: who are willing to
wor oheaply,,are -surd .to•win, The5
result of this state of things is that
about :one.fjthi of i the •
Province }same the teachers ins our
profs tion annually.
It is estimated that about 1000 new
Journalistic.* . , '
-lir:: S. ,
W . Galbraith at- ones time
editor and proprie$or of the Wf
2'inTr`mew, -,but. lately ' nghmru =
e. . da y avertieing agent for
X, has ;again entered. the
journalistic ranks in Winghatn, haring a half interest in the itiette
Steve bas ahead' :�,: -.
on that journal, fo l itt I now a
fledged Liberal:.... a
)f`ay suiccess- attend
you, old boy,. 'and that y your:shadow
may .sever . grow less.
f. O.O, Fe Otflcers
• At the last. ' .
`-meetrngi of Luck -
&e fallo�rrn L
the .(*dicers
stalled -for the present term: t
Grand, Janies . Br an . Past
Alex. , y _� 4.Oble Grand;
liaison Vices Grand,.
e guess Stewart Thomas
, R. Secretary; W. H. Smith;.
prese tai"I P. Seeretary�,: Wm. °:Gonane}} • -:
er, Geo, Douglas wards J' h P Treat-mt.
Thos, I)
400tok athlete,. and well-known
district from. his prominent'
t�33 -
Conductor, Thos, ou Blas;'
n 'earn
:Chis.: Wilton..;. .I,, � � Ia.:S.11T;t4,,
n»ces . S ,. 5.. N G., Sheri
famous . _ . V. W. Hooch; . L," S. V. 7 .'
in this *-Thoat son • �' S �., .:Adam -
in L• :S. S.. Isaac
perforin:. I• �.; J. � ,' Morrisein ;•
Anderson ;
coast at the Caledonian Gam. es
had given up hissaloon" burin
Cleveland, renounced- athletic
decided to enter .theministry,
tis str�arige° news indeed,' and
.almost ittcrrdible: To a Zea(
ilorter, however, who called`
• . to cltrestion:- the truthfulness: of th
por,--Mr... Ross Said Tea,
going to give up. - �� sew my-, saloon, � and-
. no more. 1 ha�'e deeidted
enter the pphipit, ands': am now per
• ung try - pia a� for than
have.to.night _written "a letter
*faculty at Trinity Oo lege`t thco.
cal soiltinary u.t'roronto, .fur-admi�
1.. hop to obtain. -a; favorable reply,
if I do 1 shalt immediately cloy
toy a6rtirq here and enter the minist
'A -What' has caused our.
termination.i,,.• was Y present
4.4pally :asked... ;. (�.p
E _ y 'a desire - to help. my felt
mert,' replied the great athlete, ea
(,stly. :" Witco my wife's death. I h
. arca heart to resume my -.wreath
taatc:lles and the .saloon business
ways iratfrt otinok nus to nmer. llesi
1 &in. !.)W -convinced that in this w
_i cars alp the most
,iffy alce god,- end that:
y.. 1 n my particular. libelee.
here, Oarnfval`
est in t-
The ;first grand m_ asquerade carnival
mid `of the eesson . will .take plane. in the
:Gortie skatln
Thin g rink . on Tuesday eve.
nips •next, 20th -lust, �,� h
seems ppaaiir of rates will: andsome
�' re-. best.d presented ao the
reseed lady in costume.
upon him in. oost>tme°:free. Skaters
e. i Doorli: `open at 7
p.: in,. Admission. -single tioket,15o.
I. am double ticket,25e. Qn. Thursday
shall- evening folio. in
g an Qxhibi`tion • #
to fancy:skating b`.
r eot., tyre, .vha . g y n1'r.:Du}ioanr.�Maolr3=
y has won skatorial henors in
purpose.. - I`. many -Contests, will be- given;
the slcatin contest for a and a
distance of five
ogi• miles, fora championship silver cup
ssion. will -take -place.* This: race is Open to"
and all comer's, � � , P
The. ice will ' be in splen:':
e up: did`-conditic� weather' permitting, on
ry both of the-above-evenings,A •
, Admission
de.._ on Thursday evening; 10c,
owl Wild -Man.
The wild man of�the- w
ave .caught and gaols; The - oodafiae been
ng :creature who : bat haunted the -weeds
has of Wawanosh for some years `baok�a
des has- been a sou rete . - of terror': -to the
S,y women and children h ldren of that trowiiship,
is wase taken'. in custod
sic 'da .by a sty. of hunters' a d h de
be our to Chi
i have sNHrt many things that _will e y pa
-. tasefu co. the in many
pun it.: - -It Will hi
(au t b fray putrposo► to wag e - ill brought. h3
5 a partiou Drum:moitd
.t upon saloonists.; in..: other under the
charge wor.dg ,shall ,not pose as at reformed tent h qt= -u
ileuukaa•tl, for , I . have. never been a months. - P
-tit'onkarti, - -'Neither am I' to preach.
and aaclveacate- temperance exchitivel .. hi came fof
I t iar �ruthor try' design to point out o resen from
the you,d the dangers,. that lie inwait Ppearan otn
fol'.thein in the great cities, and=,to doter suits n
Uavdeate a, vigorous war oar bite' disro. wonder=if� -t
l'utabja elt'ns-tliat infest : the city and shocild be:
the 14 Oharacters they. shelter -and . ani:ht.m-e-, .Ee
lit'cata,ct,, There is: _a field fore such creature. �• �t
work alta_' faun _confident that' I shall
:�aruceed lit it. I hope to - r
f from alto t itv 'vithitt . two weeks et nd
it). E. : allyl
enter college by the' fli•: t :Qt
'`ibrta r:.y.
of . ;Davis; of . Blyth,; who
8 .'prisoner before Squires
and Young` on
of vagrnne
r y, who
to Goderioh gaol for three
.Ctis-poor creature who ;
Chas.. Edward, and claims
near Bristol; inEngland,.
ost forbidding hideous.
enveloped. in`. about - a
Fold tattered': clothes ;
he women. - and. ren
, children.
rrorized,: in ; case the
or see such r
y attempts hare been
made to capture this '11411'14nel, lout
hitherto without success.
sohoel re -opened on- Mon.
The Markets
Fallwheat -� � � ,� P -
Iyer bushel, � 6e. -to � 6c.;
Oats,. ,�0c..to: 30c. ; peas, '55c. to 55o..;
'barley, 500, to ...5oc .
a les � , potatoes, ` -35c::;:
pp - s per barrel,81-; flour '4 •
, ,pork;
per amt., $6.25•to $6,25; hay, per ton!
012to jo.
. Sig ;-•: wool, : per pound, 18o;-
hutter, 1 ic. ; eggs, per:dos:, :20c. •
Saturday� .- --
night last. as the
inrembors of:. the: Saved.:Army were
parading _the streets . of the -village, -
parties threw ancient eggs at..
the procession, besmearing. one of jthe
momb�rs, � � . .
This ie disgracefel and the
person found- '- guilty .of such- condu � -
should= be severelypunished. - ct
The Dominion TeMperguice Alliance
hireisined petitions in.- .this Section
for eignatureete be .presented - to the
at•nO okange. be. „made in the Scott.
the action f who are
'oireelating petitions asking- that :la •
.11Pirrivi 3101. Oak -
hundre.ctitiles.:".froi.n.Lucknow took a.
ad Of dressed hogsitO. the Winghain
arket,:and wee -..offered only 85.90
er hundr'ed.1.. This was the highest
d ha Could get ant 'not, ,Wishing
11 at that figure Ini.brought his -load
lye -4 - .640- per hundred, which
°tinted to-AN:kit .540 on. the load
re then -he Was.Offerettin Winghim.
is is pplY One -of Mini butane* and'
;ion* becaute they-
*, "a long war' , Market : they'
e. We have :al*api. contended that
ible, priees,.and• if the few' -fanners.-
:Still 'persist in running. rawey
amikete, *Add diesee::of :their
ace- here the --.:.year .round .they
be 'Money in' pooket,:at thi.pase
14 V0400 tilde
the season
rhe -Fite, Lecture: -
The _free- lecture- girt* niider the
perazioe Hall- on Thesday evening last
proved•tp, be both interesting and in-
ttetietive.." . The chair ;was' occupied by
Mi.JaineaSoinerville,M. position
.he Alletl to the .entire: Satisfaction and
ent lot; lot:the benefit Of the audience.
Added Vocal and' instruinental
anti reit-dings •to .the.Pregramme, Which
BO- very graciousIiiatOsted wereillisitet
E. Sinith, Rooklidge.- and -14. 316,
Orson,- 'II, RoOkliclge; . W. Connell
W. R. -Martin, .of -.42hathani; Deputy
Grand Master Of -.the o.i o. of
pesiessing..a consider --
.able functof humor 'and aneodOte, -end
When We infer:. that his addrests'.was
pungent;:.pleasing and a genuine. treat
we..but faintly e;press 'the sentiment
of his heareri' - "At :the close vetes- of
ehairinan and these -who'-ao
'listed in Making the affair so pliasur.
Don't fan to gst nom ot those
los MUMS at brnmay Bros..
-Ashfield Electiens.
The 'following are, the ccimpletei re-
.turnsrof the -vote in -the different wards
hi the townillip pf hfieldr at: -the
•4.1unicipal elections On onday of last
Griffin.... .40 41. 24 120 104 98426
Pon Diusurti
MIT'rchy 21 33 21 109 98, 91064
Whitely.. :92 Of 5 66 18 124309
- 180i
clearOg.0 at :great
Successor toj 8 Tennant,
AND cifEimicALk
.Fancv and fade 4r/ides
,6ociks,-scotie sltklityy
eistS:fitbtg,ze/h4hhe will
lowpresent itices
othetwiae bo.r, damaged or
foe Ocean Steamers,
1YerPOOJI ealaagovi .iorDubliii .
be Cubed Iree of charge at the leading 13i111160=
Periodical or JournaNkthe world m°Publish-
era prices. See my /id and aubacribeuow.
ni Wits, Agt Am Ex Qo,
Poirot Wings .anaf L1.010,
in..s,116iffeat& 111 a -ards
ALO Aid GOAT •ItOlagg
0310 :Blankets, Ito;
makers, oad at the lOwest calk.
'assay otheeltonad in the trade\
, Don't fail to mall and nee .
Stook Wow purchasing
th.tt lioness
parauteed drat -clean.,
Tbe lenses .cut. from the -finesk. Ott*.
au r
- experience in the inaimfacture;
"over moll Am. now !letter Pfreparksk Altait
to meet.the Wake' or the pnblio.. -
respects rolahn 'Wkthout fear of contradict n
Titian claim to make the be taurpport iot 11
anyone angering from ropturti 4 One and °OM.
ost Office Time. Table,
fiToriu.ta,„ woman.,
Aeries ,Otoge._
Mid& East clod, at 6 a.m. na 'rundown.
iipi,and Saturdays each weeir.:
vitt all ul
donut Of re- Of D
landi Br?'
11217 ass IQ:Paw
. ,198:;4427111
t. 41:30pnt 11:300m,'
pia -Iron -1,4i 'it. 6, Offices .in
in. of Cliniiida, Great &kohl. Ire:
ft Erie
Nil 9.6.40
;SAVINGS' :11tAiike
$1000. Circulars „giving."
intended five refristratiou