HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-16, Page 7• * ueod_illittrekt • yol itIhthti. low-touid and Wow, -a much • out trpad, , Ow wtaultlfitift tOOf Of OVIO who:shoals ot miout (toga. „1,0tv botwoon tho bouo* -"bolowjtlialhd vottl* thmt aro whorl:watt _ - tor tovlittothy knt ausi. nigh tio.intoitipagui _ •tiot wittt grattAa bougatik tho' tool- .taul tt*. •Eitto thp . zg.vo btttor Itoti Itke -*hatMet @Mtn War grace . • - IN/A.0 Khali some um whence they Gum% oOoll mole vow *two voktv, ink with *pm wati loyi and lica they lave. tett tat out* they woro nut,' awl now they aro Pot.; and • Oath a thaauto wo_linOWt • -ovtiolv tho acaeona kordOrly ll too -Audi • - • . • . tito shall wo dem ti o soldier brat)) who trots •0.•at hit wounumand ague t - - - *4,40:vie via aoneelme. Watt* that we shetilidaah att-ho well -soon brawl, . •4-04NVII ON Imo with toot unfixed1. but evetaa 14194i.guatrot ;Ittetrii)Awirtitt. "wci 1?1. wo to the .dust troni which we eameind with Ivo* wa dna. tif4.woerObera VIM% &Nit Stipa Alit hatitahoft oyes,. . _ Wear andel* ot soil and toilvandlaitry, and fain tar Aka - • it with lead _ bottoms.- Tin further up,river am; rideathe bolter betioniea the a4untry for graiiing. This omen thousatida at tone al hay eaufd: lAve, been out there in tiVery direetion• &aril% the. Lodian.-rekervatian of Belkaap. -the party diacovered.0) a lake about twelve .noiloollong, seething .tio-op and Woll stalked -With &hi Arauntillais ;lake was the haat hUGIDADE VA writer ever Before vomiting Belknal) a -muster of *siiiiih4ine village& were- paned. The .itahbib ants' manifested'. a ititereet party.. - it dietance they tvidently pita, took intonation, but: nearer' they nagi. taint aur ealling_-aud- - cried tiut. " kii0W-owboVt -They dertatuly had heard at cowboys, but Wm party *as -evidently the bat aowhoye- eret Jinn 14- them. Thoi bake admired Our, leather' chap*l. eo nearly *spa like their . awe inakaiun. legginud gai tiat- 7&!.`g,' -lit 1" 474 -ah-a-P4s w11111 a broad seam,flap,..ejactitsted, 011941101' -•.//tit Belknap ha oliMage of Linialn. *he 'Indiana Slis slum retest -ail abundant °rot- ot area% hay and nate- I anal ithout 1hy$uthila Pit MCI saw there twatk pativage weighing sixty pound*. - :Indiana have a surplue ?GOO bushel.. TGGVfi. -they wilt heel tot Winter Inc The will inv. iitiug shack& built. Their pastel . increasingan: bog fetsind they aim to be- *intent under td4. Lt' alai rule. -Further on the -0sia 'Ventre*: aaaupy portal pendia. of stook 'seta. Ait the • time -our party-. pissed fOotOber 1-41a4kibl ths -bnaOlt gnaw *pv*11411-'64 - - • -At Pat Asainibiiiiais' rotated. ie be _the atilair but built garrialin• the nailiwest, .wo lamed that cattle mid horses Mwaya -wiateted *ore ankh)* Milne bin tat - In the sprang. Oosatiatioir :.Erasidwaterlit •work aeon and mtge. finning near tho P051 gnis, fa -A tlii: of mir I ibis point-. we wen Mali), thirty.live • mile. trout theStitiab Unit but, '•eilinio • U- M Oitoberi - the ' bight* were - frosiT mod' the days -delteicuelyolf. Phu. ant.-• Turialug soithwaid ,- pamd. along the - -eastern • bate 7 Baal Paw mental's, Snag creek' : Md. lake& and beautiful meadows without 'Ma- bee, Sat treat_ tatures beitat ibundent tsed aue *alter ind pure, • running: -Water.. .Blit in the, b.asin = -between- Boer _Paw esit Vie -Little Balite% &a tart. the- eye-- Saud- ' nab, 14 the •atiest gaging region men. The.wather Wait getting Sharp, but 1.4wera win in bias); by thertadaide. and btslu the latter pail it 00tOber. It itily miler tidal's we exaggerate "the worth of --the Little'-iteokies as a. peeing - *NW -ht. hula am it- hirnealf. Ilartattatle Turning *esti-ward tram the Little R in rod* eatineively over •nalierlortionf splendid- griming regioni Will Watered by. Witatswe• believed.to-be the OOdeliettt‘ the 'Patchett. and lisiver.- crook% thoMah we • are not amain of theee name's. none: ug *having ban in that aantrybefore, Further. *oaths*" we travelled the grater. pat ot sone -day Over & long ruoadaw. whiek must .haniantained,at least 40,000 Weil of gat . hay laud. Thou toning into the bak lands and broad battoma along:the-. Miegaffri,'we sought -our original erng plan at. Wit :Buten% near -ilia math' .ot - Oreelk Hight glad we wen tO beige du the tenth side at .the titer ono. more. Being so late:10 the, Neal= tlia titet. might have got- tartinning shish. ion ant prevented swinaming- - Our - bona or ferrying ameba .in the-skift - Had ibis- awned • you may traagine lour iiiteratiug condition a• ha. the Initth side ot. the MiSsourt, -short of 'grub,. no tent, and Wad:idiot tulles kern say.•attionient garison. in a Gamut- -Where, game is rvery,saara... OA such delights ia'a aevibrirs Mc sweetened -maisionally.. Ia- the Mat Af ant being froeenlit WI woiuld. have had to 'take the beat of the -situation on bask ;nest . straight till -tin idissouri time solid einugli :AO Ono °vet •tlie. leek - In -concluding. this. is maistar.y to-sta* that all tho -riginviegical-, uCetti otthe Missouri to. the rit4sa Hue le ror Iran U4* roach at wingless gui Hat to -*waled with ale& „ • . 24I,yeller& tO boliti ant neeketo. ot • %Vomit -- • iVolcoming sit tilft alto givea- nii-glorlea of youtil tuidprime taiiently watehing them all demi- our /Aida = - grow white art - W-4 Irevaturgesiaiti!telarti tiSt‘ ga'T:t1 t441 Nye: a spring: her priminge hath, au a ever & may-hor luau . ' 44ii.mseoi utile neat hat died laat you k the role . that it born tarley. &tows not too return, we men, at over the voulk4 eartit whirl* - hem a head Is Mounted witb. gray, big attother •iN-traut144 owls. tike visa * east he was bay, bitt :ot -there axe boa audgink . - 4,14but• altria futile angle of walla CO um - but caw taco wore t • 41 -4 -tor thevoin thet- hos Iowa sayEgi a bird , to an tionew-ae• t • : - - 414. ler Via Itteet• the.ftwor al noway& that blot. soma on earth no wont •. • • - -.00sinaltonigliousa IktAfogathie 0160 eiwor.v, elitallENT ,TOPION. -Tottrie of the:Jodeh _festivals fax -1184- bin 7 - . • • 1;n611-. foiWirded- " to 6610h B ritiAb • seu*rill o oar ocrumanding ..• distriitt, *-ordei that for -their lobliernnii:MAI, be afforded id -soldiers c)f- the Jewish (sib. Work is prohibited Whig. .sight des of tha year.- The ;Moth soldier will, there. tore, have the advantage- over -hie Ohriatia -comrade of eight days ekemption from duty while in reCeipt at full VW. • • . - . Aka noon work On aloohOlic drink*, Dt - ' WefimakitifilA•otiVirlvaitt. 1111111M1111= ThudiOhira ante' that.' sherry': -and- port wines are inside liY methods Ile crude and foul e 'be Silineet incredible. He on! damns tile habit of -01 plastering sherries." that is, aclering the grapes with plaint of Patio before premium. It donitto pratent Gettian him:tate' hrreentatione• 10 which_ the - dirty - Modes ot. -manutature make the wines -of Bpsitt- and -Portuguil peculiarly lisble. The_ wineitot Itadetra mid Sicily (ttlarsalg) which reiible sherry, are Stid to be bee trom this •-objeoiden. - Wituatio, .1h, riot Daltliniinan,"- . _ saye-aii- exchange,. 4, sent* thirteen shoot, inge . in --.'llootland. -.Miring about .280,000 . . Pala palmed sear . Where Pilsen% Kauai -Rub .is •Mea. Coui. paid et thii-mos!' powerful 'park subduing '* - fault d410 -knOwn. Noivilitte 'toil 0 * give. pronaptreliallutheuthatieras usighighte erampa, pain in T.the back and side, and the .huat of painful "affections, -ititeraia or frii. tumult1s. arising from eUIDINIOry GOIi011. A 10 cent sample battle -of.. lierviliae wili •give sutholent proof of in-. superiority , over every known . remedy.: Try: Nervilins. lArge boob* - ttial itiottles only 10 anti.; • • - . • wires- and pee. $251000 th.. year fax the biggeist one, the highest :pride paid. fax h tonsil& Scotland. Hie petty: hoe- Wilt about 150 stags -- this gesson.r. s therefore, about 11166 eiplein fax the • sbsga itot reckoning hie. ether - expenses, Whith may &Motu% .to 32000 mon. But thst. whenthe oho. pinches: Land &Mounts hi-A*2501000 sena Is leaned iron oulti, • Vationatit be land that ,osit boi altivtited, .te make A- holiday fax himself --. and triads. i Watts: - me not stathusisetiosily •1 _ corivagid. to beanie dookin and organ . Pale. -.The Stigical .8oOiety and the • Saisietia Hospital there ben both just deOlined -to &Mitt •girl: latest' students as internee hi -.the hospitele.' The. I:Work against- -them- was.. very. large, they _ not obtaining but tour TOUR the total number in one being thirty -eight mid the other shitYleit. It was dealmed. thst. women art neither ay...headed Slough sir aftleiently .aursgeous to.. take' ative'part -hi all the•operationi tibia- tall to the care of bode. surgeon% The queetion- was not 'disallow' -upon -ani: Other oanaidentia, • • Trig Loudon bridge, Which the - dyiw -neW ooititithit Traits. :au note, soda 1578, theak•letter -has made ite appearance in Beata.- It is vied* by I- phatc41%hograph1c preemie -I -mid -it a very aline transition: : 41W kat - 4" It , Meat interesting Ohaptei amid be eons' piled showing the riesilim means -NOM.% -Waite resorted to -to - pan hi mom suffering member: : Rumberless.ageloould be _cited- showleg the -fretagnay of amputee %ion ot a .tie -to pi rid of a troublecant corit -a radial remedy a be euro -but one- that manrWill :Wattle adopt. that is Wise will_ahosi milder and safer ineanesild in. the sure pop reisedy Runituree Painlese Corn ligweetor. - It none tills, always soli painlessly and - Beware of dtin genes anbatitntee and SUE% gate and painlia.: Palos -it - prop*. tOricEingston, Ott: - • ' - . _ The.greated miser in Indiana. put Ms savings -into- lite Manama goliotes,_„..ind denied -himself all-lnatiriee and, IhOal 60111,.: tOtta In order tti pay thaltemlitnis, though - bis heirs.were distant relatives, fax Whom he seemed toi oars nbthiac They will get now .tbat heti MO; about $84,000,- - *sibs' _Wallis ght Danmitile. by - :Gawbete-.A vilegisiousealdgnicvenent• - Beyond. Attlee Oity -northiart the British limit lila, a MUNI Wilitib 1114 hi. properly called-- an unktioW*.lant4 _ 8.ave frorn buffalo hunters. tappgr% volt pot. muesli adders, who -followed Sitting Dutra SW* Mid_Gavernment teamster% WI Mile • intormatian lam been given of this valuable; anctinterestiag country, • • . z • Puling *nis *unarm% alike buten tit _ rustlers nut Stray baud* ot ming Indians, ¥x u. W. -Um* drove. 000 yowl : Texas %Stile na.ths IiiiLDryi_about100 miles north. pi Mao Oily% --The. - Bunning. Witter- Land isind Oattle • Oampany *allowed -with. genial thousand head at Daintitrosttlitwhietathey toad. 14ose. upothe Utile Dtr*botti 126 utiles Mr* e4 Stiles -qty. itst laws; ,ot _ Fort Keogh, and Ito1Otkle, have also.located ritualist 'and Worst Moil* and hada' call. Ott timlAittioDcy. Three Old buffalo huntentutatiVenture3onie uill • located. a oath . and - tobont BOO. straded Useteen- mate at- ItenUd- • " between,- Halt Otak . and Squaw:- Omsk1o . tha nearly VO • mike -northwest:- of Ulla, Ow, -gteat.s..rahn y -_ parties have been Vospeating mil)* thi Nissonti 'and Dry IMO- *W. seasons ma probabIy-**---nat year Wtli witaeis snth : et cattle to ali Latvia_ na.th: est the Yonowsione. TheriS is tut Out& ot gram and White- age_ 14 sit tbis -regiont but,* woomaityat water, gad itle to he • theit wilt uot .onratockadt agave tried to Oar :up the:other day, was begun: in ICH :-and was MAGMA _in- 181174 IOW deeigue ot John Rennie, anhitein ot elathwark _and. Waterloo bridges. tat is adman* at between .£1,000000 ••tid•S91600,000,' Xis built otgraitel In - lye mhos, the entre arch being.152 test, the neat two 140 het, and the two shove arahes.180 feet eaob. in span. The bridge Jo .000: -tat long and .54 feet wide. • The lanappolits made trout Amnon tetra in **Peninsula wer.. Over 100,000 -persons Pagiivor it only- day. :Police. aust&bles am *taloned:1u the middle of the roadway -to psovizat, blanks. - le the -bandicoot- bridge over gin : _ . 4n3. BAinanzilhs.. owtz01.` 4.titubere;t79th-Rearliti:dbart!' .mug1414"insitthtisaPPE bwaikitar44 ad* -Ithuiv. aLFritla tudiau recervition.M proem% on whit% no ai„K. asTiiia‘• egoept- contractors' me allowed to -•441"61-•7-' ' grace. But Die believed that the reeerva- -the big 1)4 sui "Jae" autg-kitY uez ttion Will be thrown open fax • Will ANNA !ha Alkef 11.Veibble IlMer tav ibic.,4419,1% u .901 audyikuy timer . there. -The-1241:ityluCgributnry maks taro Well tiMbered with' oatto*roodk- tar --the Teilotilitata%the toad ia - *nor not rra4k- auough, fax --perfect -the • lowstone Ma, rough, a44. laud*. Gutl •boand; -*Alma Mad Wolter. ;North from tag Dq thkoonatry grows twitter au rang et UMW blissouri itaaZ bad Jenks pito un me put to by eluting and Ateau,spnr. lion* or a' stock range,. • out word fax "it . and- a* the Gauntry north -ot -the -before loath* eleetrliere.7- Mg, Nike Ofiti(ilfettiono) - - • The Vralltsir tairtspe_aius Mitt 811•0* You can have. utildea a the -aningiuniati - • _UtOUntittaik high. all are graolitrimpassa. hie,:.evera to paak onttAin* ikk Oreek. :n4 suienoMer --Yankee Dou1 don:dolled there- wIth lintekt ii014 ider may =•-•. itartirom.Van Iluren% to Islas Helt Orealti • velley1 wadi aser -1111Yeria ot gog..04 - may still lie. atli ito spit • down. from a& land Offs Sallie root of .-. Vault- shack.• " The Blinouri bottoms are gargrally- gad - , soil bus oVerpown with an dgnssu i. ordint scant -hay gram The acot7 Loading Us. M bring We and that in- a die- oo,d. - growth- along- the Missouri la bode,' and insalthig way. lb 1311411 is -eom *thing te- be Wendexectet bY Sh*** W140 orabhed, oross -and best on finding :bull, 1 -.1.0roatli Of the hillier- bad lands &le. crowned oan.- *AO bt in lila with* her map, _ .nover :; -with Rings' mad at distant interval* along soil goat Sy people - won* • the - a few • pantie . maiaisan me. as 'nano fax their looney as decent lards low 'apply-. the ocassional. steam= folk" They csome here and with ten •or - guanhag up .the ar tar ee Pas fifteen •cents-upeatto get "fifty- eat meal. - Eamon. Beyond. them and ail Semamional, They .a. so unremonable that rths$ mak•e' -band of Aialtbreada or Indiana, tho girisinatiohnd you--an't blameAs liws bank ot:. the litsiouri • I. tielebebliedt ilam thadithes about bit. • Sneral- weeks. sine* Sean. G. W. long ited Onfliolmera. ligint 100 'better thaM o ilk gentleman. thaza the: way= In -which : ho ordetik_ilmealo- Table. Mannora-alwayi_dia. aloim undesinbletralte aharater whloh under other oinunistanne Would- not be. easily•disoierniod: Whew hero b$.thiraseivea *bar tinder :no motel *taint and the way in Which they &bug* us _p o0r,gixis Is awf01-, It they enlY knew: it; they could got more MA better .toad. -by rolging,1 bus liteneas -with their order" thin -100m, * *.'41 * 5- LYDIA E* PIN *VE, GEV 1012. 00 no . iseeptie ries die Day * Mahn TkIuiss , . - -things, may help a Man 10 riter-a- bent Pin la an asy obeli for inetame. Pieroe's Pleesett Piggative Pallas" an .amall thing% pleasant -to :take, and they are abikAeadeolilis. relieve torpid liven. and do Wonders. :Being purely ,vegetable thiy °rennet:hula any one. • All &nights. • - • • • • .Thereviare 00;000 _widows in India iron three to pe years at age who will 'Drier asiuT b� married: In that laity** ea -on sssobtldIs born inatahl outdo by bus patents.' -It tin boy _dies e girl beanies *widow, and .must: Wear mourning: fax her intended as long as the 1iTes.'24 - , - - ineveated Victor . H in Paris. -Ths. aulptor h Invited maid Mend* to meet thirgreet.apostie of liberty, oat :ot an Italian, on .aseing_ViatotHugo. regarding the _pato, 'There I eee two -lauds regarding each.:Citheril which gentle- flattery mu not lost okthe. put,- whose ospsoity fax assibillating soh: diet le Juanita. 04 tali* lean Witt* . Hugo Qua mon wat to thgatatue, and cried out, ii.The;sta,-the vasti..the agitated. maw tells of the union between two-reconailed gnat .-a-nutries.i.'- . suggested .tha thee. words *aid .be carved Von the bus - -the: statue, but the -Atli. Atoll Garet& .hopee fax -Ttotor _ alte, . that. the tha will not CUR Par on .t*s. Patent :Cani0 4 • Wahiawa ea "risme* ha GiC *PERIATAI POPG‘ATIO :tax Ohltil swim= INva Wean ‘e • 47 OUP Swat Cottptaknies_t. m.t, OVARIAN. tivvet, imatnalow Ann 14,mnt IfiaLli:44ine phlicontaxes% Ann TIM vootiquinre filtsgo nett-, Aou -14,wriautitgly :OnAtteivoP Inks a itu,T,••prepois'ta Ain) Tux* • MIDI% IN Web= molt Op Dirriuktt: .T1NDIINOTTOCIANothor a Buttons rakT.„- VOlir SPANDIT4T-DTpril I. * • * PIINOTIS TAINTNNIA, FLATTLInt0 *Gwyn iNo PTIMAITANTS% 4140/111* wabz4, NOG 01, TUN STollAuil. IT QM= min, igneous. PROtTNATION, QUV AND • TUT Pieta* OP BURIN* POWS, _ Wale= AND WIXOM, It MAW% WAND ibr4T8 DIN. * * * - • WILIA AT AL. :TWA Ann mom PIANOlt AOT IN HANNON? WPM TAO PiittatiN • NKr* vespan tio _SOLT= ionex0, 4 i 71./aluarts • 4ws . * e • NIALINO OP DOWN AND Tux 1111.10%.., Nix, AND-, TIM IT DOet ALL ir oLsime To UN 'Rt=pilsainis er LADINS VAR Oi.b.w.T_ Tt4' • * Fes TUN_ GUNN or Kuiawr ei-,,plAune MUNN INN TIM ANNIIDT It roof q••41einn, • . *Sou PINXIURI, TROZTABLE 1Z,-,*poss ensued at LYII111 Mare Price $1. aks \•(L10441141 tor Vola by ha dweigia& seat 'rakitisteem et Pine et Leiters es recoil* Orks Oxrree: • Piekhesile "aside to Ewan win be ot*., beaten. --Lydiall.Pinkliem%-Vegetable Owns pound is' to be -bed It the 'nand drug store: fax it. dollar. It it not gleamed theit -this remedy will gun: every- dhoti* under the an; but that it dom. ail thM deign tog do ; -thatiandeot geoid Wom:a know ind doeltra• : • ,. Prom a sWitgrain planted 1884 says thi .Ctthia (0•14 Record -gm* twitity,two Maks. eali baring s full lased: These -:yielded- 'snip% 700 ot whiek-were- _plated:the nut :. year, pro-. dtang- on‘Stsk of a-. WOW. ot splendid: -wheat. -This was Planted list ipring,-yieldi hog Ornate -en kebob, making -1,020 mode otitheat !loin -one'grain in *no lame.. --beaan od oiiti •• Word* 40; Wandillt and. Genii's% oti are suterintfroni twakilielthear- lauguiebieg onoted asieltuese. take , - lit yeti Are ihnply allie ox- it -yea feel full. wit aottonwoads. The jot *ry. Vag him the foram In : •I weak aim* die tett - • • sitiaoutolearly_ ow, • 'Int why, klop mitten wiil liturgy are It ygit area minister, and' bare overtaxed, yourself with yolit pastoral duti* svmOther,- WWI/ Out. with care. mid work; QV NAIAD iltbUtinete _or - 161)or, weakeited by the wain et year everyday _0111*/# or man Of Jetta" toiling ow yolit -midnight 1,00, flop Bitters will_ most u017 •sixeugliten yoit, - ohn LogIsh i levitel 02 thole ow'• mew se Make Ater Pertectly Sate; - the 'ghouls one-hav ' _ esoasion - ride --Over large scope kboir welts itdy. and there • bo @matt. north cot the • missourit soma 0 Oat. aunt* -. danger in .1,1 ta -make :it ) "moat ot that 1,,ilieu may balloted pato' ,emoitusg. The lady takes her- seat ()tithe se„drina tor .1.n.,.-'7gwirgigaing their saddle .satt cushions, betted firmly braced against - ipowleisztnei taToriiiiikels soguathemelond the !nativism, whiah curls over and amen •nasir the mouth of Hell Creek, 611110100aing thins, her handesirisping the rail -at - either *hemming in- & skiff, thaarty followed up Mel the be2 u7 thrown backward. _ Tolling bat yary Tombs scanolly 0: lett I . starer takes bigplace behind-. . •. . - . TAO sendiew stamp. • Utters eeefLdoethkeeure'ereik oho Id beIlthout latitA175 ?era oeCzeuttitre Ive • ippirk ditr , N.J11.• ill • . - There *kali be iirAlps, 141a eon tallied of -hiveAlig Italy one Of. his aers said:" Rat, sin, maim, • bsx the Alps.". To an ordinary MU these .Would hoe seemed simply insurmountable, - but Napoleon --irespoiiditi_ eagerlY II There sbsIL bo no Alias." So the famous Simplon 'pas. was Made:. Diseases.. like ...mountain, Sande the Way of fatue, tontine • and honor to many who De. Pima's Kialden ItedicatThicovere might hs healed -and. so the mountain *aid -disappear. spec,. ilia- -tot all °blood, *rale lung and : hver diseases,. nob m_•oionsumption. (Which is scrolials- of tim-lung).1 pimple., blotches,. oartiptiona,- _tamer., seignior; fevoirssoreio adilthidted ample's* • ° - - mmanyonnolimsmis . Extremes sodietimes • meet. - China a dogithiet is -beheeAed, but thot. men Who steals a million an be. lint slightly pun, Jibed, ad molly runs EtIlly 00110 . In -the: Vatted Sates, & horst thief illYnahed, and an . &beclouding bank -sunder ga. to - Caustic - - • _If•yau are *offering from' over.eating or - drinking, any inanimation Or dieSpation, or gin young .and growing toe -las% os m often *be am% . • .• -. 'Or it you &re tu she. wariinoy, On the ' tusk at tile desk, anywhere; and toil that your aystera- neees.eleansing, ton, or skiniulating, without lug, 11 you ere old, - blood thin and impure, Ws* - feebleo. hales unsteady, faculties waning* Hop Unmet* what you need *tiara -you new lite, keel* and vigor., • If yOu am wetly', or thrill) or suffering ases OT the stomaoh- a bowels, it is your _ °WI fault 11 700 tif . -you ue welting &wry -with any torn of Kidney dhow, stop tempting death UM -- moment, and _turn' fax a-somue Oa- Hop Bitters. . . - _ .It. you ati with that tesodble *Jab, , *dirt amok tor shait- tuadileathiost AU -will go w • does not move but WM note oat sauna a. boa luau ocuair- betide thairlyho 'tin an inch so the right with • vitt bitor His -position is, optional, bui *he general loge pooh westa.-----!Nearing ,-Biver abet two made to to tle OU ths lsit side, propped on Ails* rid% tins - &linos* • desert on,carin, with the right leg utended,whith °healed ehteitly, te-the-Aeat rumneed tor steering. -14 OurinvolableIvale," we 1 wok swami *hobo tor eaid a friend, 4° Is to hold on to your. girl. • . luta eeevesteseesebe, ant thete..aro withal -moments when. a very • , Over 100,000 _women and- girls make a living it the slut* ot-Par4. They sni lioensed.:. by Government. Thirty•fies thousand -Are ander '181 12,009 ogy .15 and. 6,000. under -1S. . - at all.- Several days p 40111 • bolo:040am shad, and _Athol. -It reeelies . old Staffs !Mimi: ot wing hue iTtitunbet ot tribatiry SW" =toff ben ..***t Utdd. th• # posit .slaat water degas. sivst. pebbly's-OM - gain to ilikgood avgei • r • • - •Gikmwa Ot taint Wilk wend - with a growth ot sunfiawars, alms an indioatbn `Olivalms rich soil. BliarlEiver is,well timbered With - gotionwood fax -building and fencing. Its- - grater le abmidant and pure; but near ..ite lour end its:banks fax several . dais! rick ars to steep and miry fax cattle to water • sidi- the Oight hall 15 abiO101ilY ingtrom -any ot. e nuhier405* 411". nest, Nervousness, . lilt foid Balm Giliad-1!-11r/top:Bittere. - It people loild but maks * I -41 yes are* frequenter, or a resident of, -a miasmatio district, barricade your sys. - ' -tem against Om swap ot &nomad* • Hpidsraio, -Bilious and lotus - -mitts* Fevers by Um use -of Hop-Bitteri -'s Rile inmate ound In ten days, ruPtrin.- in- four- weeks. Addnsat Die airy- .eissocistion. Buffalo. -41.- • • - . • Wise _min an inairgated by notion ; men of ' less: understanding 1440mi-ens: ; tha meat ignorant byngiiissity ; mad the beat by nature. • - ' Boyer, maentria English 'idyl' hes Nit. died et IfIddleton, the age of 02, with toleaatli three .inehet long._ ' It You -have pimply, or sallow akin, bid breath, ItOp Hitters. will give_you fair sk __Ain risk blood, tbe sweetest breath and licalds. MI will be paid tor a oaee therwill na.t ours-ot WO. Lady's Whit. 011, bow I do Wish my skin :Wes is deer and 11011 Ail Pune said a lady to ha- friend. • You tan easily make -it Eh' :answered. the .friend. ,* How inquired the holt lady. , - " uiling Hop Bitters dist makes pun, rich blood and bloOming health., It did 11 101' me, as 70* obeervhn - • - -11111one.- genuine -without -a Much of green Eons on .the wliite label. Shun all the vile, Ous shift With "Hopor _ -1Hopi" in their: _ Every visitor to the -World's in New Orleans is required to doped* a silver .balf.dollar in • glom boa in shafts ot the -doorkeeper., no _admission tickets being sold. , 4 ' 1 - A imp nude of Ills* beans and aim is one of thi latestepleareat novelties: ' It IS said -to be ot Nortreglan origin. NS MPT " positive remedy to the' abfave us thotisata of owe or tlx• worst k1d sad ot veadluirbavo boon owed, seldaedeoeturlirta ffbai*ilent%Wtsrr mbera!ttiitujtrat: ertErsai. NB. T. At a0ai4 111 Nal Wg liisw USIA. . _ CUTLER'S. POCKET• -v AA #1) Carba:Inte ciflodine LANT cure- fa. - _Bronchitis. tsud- all di" Oatst • £utb easel of the Throat analiunge,cf, gee, if takanit lieftS011. it will ops, _ . at once* It litho Mut sot G - ediOnesio A taw Jubilations will correct ost Slecast sive Bronsbo It may be earrie,-z handily so . & penknife, and is always ready. •,..,,,_ _ .• i_.... _,. .ciens ot every sehools and. op,„ , WI belie WY I -abater IIPM4141:7 tr esandant Isedfcal Jura* c wor .AM "arm in. -the Market are sit- washings . substitutes • or Multivalent imr? oat. liven . 4190,0410 1* ase, ' ' 1 hold by all DroW__sts tar zitOinslit$1.1111 - • . W. TICSMITH . CO:'obi% NM. - 0 DAYS v DR. . . ‘0117461 1111N. 1 -RAD Tail, lia.Voritargo Buys Co.o of Marshall, Mick.- otter to send their oelebrated: Illoitato.VorosiM Bs= Ind other limarsuo Arruitimis on Aria fcethirtyslay*" to ". -min (you' -or ••old) *Meted' with nervous •Gebtlitgoltiel of. Vitality Ind man hood, tad all kIndreliroubleh Also tor rhsa. mama, riouraista, earelyds and man, Wigs Masse& Complete restoration to beallga Tia and nistihad gnarenteed. No risk ie .ineurred as thirlS We trial is snowed. • Write. them onee ter ulustrasd punphlet frees • . • Illitantto Isom a Busltillt. 'doodle& or Spoliation Pa .&t40 01 the OHM. . w(JV !tat. - Wirww1ass.- " . IAN Buswmas unTiven ' END - Si FOR "GAIIRIBLVB .COMPENDIIIM -lind learn _to write well. W. COOTS, -- • • 4,, - I 1•.161AWARIE LOrPlarri7E- 140iMai ematillrdigt au tarrsillka"."I'll to quality oondare . • Ana4 140 -re R040LTAIO BELT and APIllown kre. pent on IQ . ONLT iouNG, OR OLD,.40 are suffer- 17. from ;4*IIVOI)* DICKLITTA vrt 2 "lying:1MM% tad thei.;;Efiseaste PANIKINAI. 'ABMS sea ORM nOAllue. npeeoy Tenet ci,..41,1 complete restoration • to: TWIT*. VIOOTti • 4. MAW*, lend et once , Illuenseee et teee. Acdrees ••. • catido Zeit 0o.. Mar - - - - S F-YENTING ThedinPleat and soup 'Man* es Hughlon stria ?FAUC Bassilton. EkEt EAR AND ROA7. j. G.. TBIBBI30 B. 0_ S. Imottirermi the and Tunas Trinity medical coney, Ton,. Oculist* Auxin io.tbe Toronto Gentili,* Ilospitalo. se : 01101051 LasIstalil- Boyd !Atop Opbth1 soanito, wawa% Ind t51 Lando Throatiud liar Hospital. -MN* Torluito. Artificial Human ' emetos.,. .reavrearNomErwoo,,_ Women tkorougbl prepeled tor, beldam* .ag] -bow BoolWieep BusinallontonMeaman. Arithmetic) and. lomat try.,,,M1 • . Forms, Arithmetic, tibathandit- me. . send stam_eilor PAM16 .Wf11T In 0011. - 111113PONDENCR VOL,* Mii Ilt. Buttalo, N.Y. • • - -6 -- a