HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-16, Page 7• * ueod_illittrekt
• yol itIhthti. low-touid and Wow, -a much
• out trpad, ,
Ow wtaultlfitift tOOf Of OVIO who:shoals ot
miout (toga.
„1,0tv botwoon tho bouo* -"bolowjtlialhd vottl*
thmt aro whorl:watt _ -
tor tovlittothy knt ausi. nigh
tio.intoitipagui _
•tiot wittt grattAa bougatik tho' tool- .taul tt*.
•Eitto thp .
zg.vo btttor Itoti Itke
-*hatMet @Mtn War grace .
- IN/A.0 Khali some um whence they Gum% oOoll
mole vow *two
voktv, ink with *pm wati loyi and lica they
lave. tett tat
out* they woro nut,' awl now they aro Pot.; and
• Oath a thaauto wo_linOWt
• -ovtiolv tho acaeona kordOrly ll
too -Audi • - • . • .
tito shall wo dem ti o soldier brat)) who trots
•0.•at hit wounumand ague t - - -
*4,40:vie via aoneelme. Watt* that we shetilidaah
att-ho well -soon brawl, .
•4-04NVII ON Imo with toot unfixed1. but evetaa
14194i.guatrot ;Ittetrii)Awirtitt. "wci 1?1.
wo to the .dust troni which we eameind with
Ivo* wa dna.
tif4.woerObera VIM% &Nit Stipa Alit
hatitahoft oyes,. . _
Wear andel* ot soil and toilvandlaitry, and
fain tar Aka - •
it with lead _
bottoms.- Tin further up,river am; rideathe
bolter betioniea the a4untry for graiiing.
This omen thousatida at tone al hay eaufd:
lAve, been out there in tiVery direetion•
&aril% the. Lodian.-rekervatian of Belkaap.
-the party diacovered.0) a lake about twelve
.noiloollong, seething .tio-op and Woll stalked
-With &hi Arauntillais ;lake was the haat
hUGIDADE VA writer ever Before
vomiting Belknal) a -muster of *siiiiih4ine
village& were- paned. The .itahbib
ants' manifested'. a ititereet
party.. - it dietance they tvidently pita,
took intonation, but: nearer' they nagi.
taint aur ealling_-aud- - cried tiut. "
kii0W-owboVt -They dertatuly had heard
at cowboys, but Wm party *as -evidently the
bat aowhoye- eret Jinn 14- them. Thoi
bake admired Our, leather' chap*l. eo nearly
*spa like their . awe inakaiun. legginud gai
tiat- 7&!.`g,' -lit 1" 474 -ah-a-P4s w11111
a broad seam,flap,..ejactitsted, 011941101'
-•.//tit Belknap ha oliMage of Linialn.
*he 'Indiana Slis slum retest -ail abundant
°rot- ot area% hay and nate- I anal ithout
1hy$uthila Pit MCI saw there twatk
pativage weighing sixty pound*. -
:Indiana have a surplue ?GOO bushel..
TGGVfi. -they wilt heel tot Winter Inc
The will inv. iitiug shack& built. Their
pastel . increasingan: bog fetsind
they aim to be- *intent under td4. Lt'
alai rule. -Further on the -0sia 'Ventre*:
aaaupy portal pendia. of stook 'seta.
Ait the • time -our party-. pissed fOotOber
1-41a4kibl ths -bnaOlt gnaw *pv*11411-'64
- -
• -At Pat Asainibiiiiais' rotated. ie be _the
atilair but built garrialin• the nailiwest,
.wo lamed that cattle mid horses Mwaya
-wiateted *ore ankh)* Milne bin tat -
In the sprang. Oosatiatioir :.Erasidwaterlit
•work aeon and mtge. finning near tho
P051 gnis, fa -A tlii: of mir
I ibis point-. we wen Mali), thirty.live
• mile. trout theStitiab Unit but, '•eilinio • U-
M Oitoberi - the ' bight* were -
frosiT mod' the days -delteicuelyolf. Phu.
ant.-• Turialug soithwaid ,- pamd.
along the - -eastern • bate 7 Baal
Paw mental's, Snag creek' : Md.
lake& and beautiful meadows without 'Ma-
bee, Sat treat_ tatures beitat ibundent
tsed aue *alter ind pure, • running: -Water..
.Blit in the, b.asin = -between- Boer _Paw esit
Vie -Little Balite% &a tart. the- eye-- Saud-
' nab, 14 the •atiest gaging region men.
The.wather Wait getting Sharp, but 1.4wera
win in bias); by thertadaide. and btslu
the latter pail it 00tOber. It itily miler
tidal's we exaggerate "the worth of --the
Little'-iteokies as a. peeing - *NW -ht.
hula am it- hirnealf. Ilartattatle
Turning *esti-ward tram the Little R
in rod* eatineively over •nalierlortionf
splendid- griming regioni Will Watered by.
Witatswe• believed.to-be the OOdeliettt‘ the
'Patchett. and lisiver.- crook% thoMah we •
are not amain of theee name's. none: ug
*having ban in that aantrybefore, Further.
*oaths*" we travelled the grater. pat ot
sone -day Over & long ruoadaw. whiek must
.haniantained,at least 40,000 Weil of gat
. hay laud. Thou toning into the bak lands
and broad battoma along:the-. Miegaffri,'we
sought -our original erng plan at. Wit
:Buten% near -ilia math' .ot - Oreelk
Hight glad we wen tO beige du the tenth side
at .the titer ono. more. Being so late:10 the,
Neal= tlia titet. might have got- tartinning
shish. ion ant prevented swinaming- - Our
bona or ferrying ameba .in the-skift
Had ibis- awned • you may traagine lour
iiiteratiug condition a• ha. the Initth side ot.
the MiSsourt, -short of 'grub,. no tent, and
Wad:idiot tulles kern say.•attionient
garison. in a Gamut- -Where, game is
rvery,saara... OA such delights ia'a aevibrirs
Mc sweetened -maisionally.. Ia- the Mat
Af ant being froeenlit WI woiuld. have had to
'take the beat of the -situation on bask ;nest
. straight till -tin idissouri time solid einugli
:AO Ono °vet •tlie. leek
- In -concluding. this. is maistar.y
to-sta* that all tho -riginviegical-,
uCetti otthe Missouri to. the rit4sa Hue le
ror Iran U4* roach at wingless gui Hat to
-*waled with ale& „ • .
24I,yeller& tO boliti ant neeketo. ot
• %Vomit -- •
iVolcoming sit tilft alto givea- nii-glorlea of
youtil tuidprime
taiiently watehing them all demi- our /Aida
= - grow white art -
W-4 Irevaturgesiaiti!telarti tiSt‘ ga'T:t1 t441
Nye: a spring: her priminge hath, au a ever &
may-hor luau .
' 44ii.mseoi utile neat hat died laat you k the role
. that it born tarley.
&tows not too return, we men, at over the voulk4
eartit whirl* -
hem a head
Is Mounted witb. gray, big attother
•iN-traut144 owls.
tike visa * east he was bay, bitt :ot -there
axe boa audgink . -
4,14but• altria futile angle of walla CO um
- but caw taco wore t
• 41 -4 -tor thevoin thet- hos Iowa sayEgi a bird
, to an tionew-ae• t • : - -
414. ler Via Itteet• the.ftwor al noway& that blot.
soma on earth no wont •. • • -
-.00sinaltonigliousa IktAfogathie 0160
elitallENT ,TOPION.
-Tottrie of the:Jodeh _festivals fax -1184- bin
7 - . •
1;n611-. foiWirded- " to 6610h B ritiAb • seu*rill
o oar ocrumanding ..• distriitt, *-ordei that
for -their lobliernnii:MAI, be
afforded id -soldiers c)f- the Jewish (sib.
Work is prohibited Whig. .sight des of
tha year.- The ;Moth soldier will, there.
tore, have the advantage- over -hie Ohriatia
-comrade of eight days ekemption from duty
while in reCeipt at full VW. • • . -
Aka noon work On aloohOlic drink*, Dt
- '
ThudiOhira ante' that.' sherry': -and- port
wines are inside liY methods Ile crude and
foul e 'be Silineet incredible. He on!
damns tile habit of -01 plastering sherries."
that is, aclering the grapes with plaint of
Patio before premium. It donitto
pratent Gettian him:tate' hrreentatione• 10
which_ the - dirty - Modes ot. -manutature
make the wines -of Bpsitt- and -Portuguil
peculiarly lisble. The_ wineitot Itadetra
mid Sicily (ttlarsalg) which reiible sherry,
are Stid to be bee trom this •-objeoiden. -
Wituatio, .1h, riot Daltliniinan,"-
saye-aii- exchange,. 4, sent* thirteen shoot,
inge . in --.'llootland. -.Miring about .280,000
. .
Pala palmed sear .
Where Pilsen% Kauai -Rub .is •Mea. Coui.
paid et thii-mos!' powerful 'park subduing '* -
fault d410 -knOwn. Noivilitte 'toil 0 *
give. pronaptreliallutheuthatieras usighighte
erampa, pain in T.the back and side, and the
.huat of painful "affections, -ititeraia or frii.
tumult1s. arising from eUIDINIOry GOIi011.
A 10 cent sample battle -of.. lierviliae wili
•give sutholent proof of in-. superiority , over
every known . remedy.: Try: Nervilins.
lArge boob* - ttial itiottles only
10 anti.; • • -
. •
wires- and pee. $251000 th.. year fax the
biggeist one, the highest :pride paid. fax h
tonsil& Scotland. Hie petty: hoe- Wilt
about 150 stags -- this gesson.r. s
therefore, about 11166 eiplein fax the • sbsga
itot reckoning hie. ether - expenses, Whith
may &Motu% .to 32000 mon. But thst.
whenthe oho. pinches: Land &Mounts
hi-A*2501000 sena Is leaned iron oulti, •
Vationatit be land that ,osit boi altivtited,
.te make A- holiday fax himself --. and triads.
i Watts: - me not stathusisetiosily •1
corivagid. to beanie dookin and organ
. Pale. -.The Stigical .8oOiety and the •
Saisietia Hospital there ben both just
deOlined -to &Mitt •girl: latest' students as
internee hi -.the hospitele.' The. I:Work
against- -them- was.. very. large, they _ not
obtaining but tour TOUR the
total number in one being thirty -eight mid
the other shitYleit. It was dealmed. thst.
women art neither ay...headed Slough sir
aftleiently .aursgeous to.. take' ative'part
-hi all the•operationi tibia- tall to the care
of bode. surgeon% The queetion- was not
'disallow' -upon -ani: Other oanaidentia,
• Trig Loudon bridge, Which the - dyiw
-neW ooititithit Traits.
:au note, soda 1578, theak•letter -has
made ite appearance in Beata.- It is vied*
by I- phatc41%hograph1c preemie -I -mid -it a
very aline transition:
: 41W kat - 4" It ,
Meat interesting Ohaptei amid be eons'
piled showing the riesilim means -NOM.%
-Waite resorted to -to - pan hi mom
suffering member: : Rumberless.ageloould
be _cited- showleg the -fretagnay of amputee
%ion ot a .tie -to pi rid of a troublecant corit
-a radial remedy a be euro -but one- that
manrWill :Wattle adopt. that is
Wise will_ahosi milder and safer ineanesild
in. the sure pop reisedy Runituree Painlese
Corn ligweetor. - It none tills, always soli
painlessly and - Beware of dtin
genes anbatitntee and SUE%
gate and painlia.: Palos -it - prop*.
tOricEingston, Ott: - • ' -
. _
The.greated miser in Indiana. put Ms
savings -into- lite Manama goliotes,_„..ind
denied -himself all-lnatiriee and, IhOal 60111,.:
tOtta In order tti pay thaltemlitnis, though -
bis heirs.were distant relatives, fax Whom
he seemed toi oars nbthiac They will get
now .tbat heti MO; about $84,000,- -
*sibs' _Wallis ght Danmitile. by
- :Gawbete-.A vilegisiousealdgnicvenent•
- Beyond. Attlee Oity -northiart the
British limit lila, a MUNI Wilitib 1114 hi.
properly called-- an unktioW*.lant4 _ 8.ave
frorn buffalo hunters. tappgr% volt pot.
muesli adders, who -followed Sitting Dutra
SW* Mid_Gavernment teamster% WI Mile
• intormatian lam been given of this valuable;
anctinterestiag country, • • . z
• Puling *nis *unarm% alike buten tit
_ rustlers nut Stray baud* ot ming Indians,
¥x u. W. -Um* drove. 000 yowl : Texas
%Stile na.ths IiiiLDryi_about100 miles north.
pi Mao Oily% --The. - Bunning. Witter- Land
isind Oattle • Oampany *allowed -with. genial
thousand head at Daintitrosttlitwhietathey
toad. 14ose. upothe Utile Dtr*botti 126
utiles Mr* e4 Stiles -qty. itst
laws; ,ot _ Fort Keogh, and Ito1Otkle,
have also.located ritualist 'and Worst Moil*
and hada' call. Ott timlAittioDcy. Three
Old buffalo huntentutatiVenture3onie uill
• located. a oath . and - tobont BOO.
straded Useteen- mate at- ItenUd-
• " between,- Halt Otak . and Squaw:- Omsk1o .
tha nearly VO • mike
-northwest:- of Ulla, Ow, -gteat.s..rahn y
-_ parties have been Vospeating mil)* thi
Nissonti 'and Dry IMO- *W. seasons ma
probabIy-**---nat year Wtli witaeis snth
: et cattle to ali Latvia_ na.th:
est the Yonowsione. TheriS is tut Out&
ot gram and White- age_ 14 sit tbis
-regiont but,* woomaityat water, gad itle to
he • theit wilt uot .onratockadt
agave tried to Oar :up the:other day, was
begun: in ICH :-and was MAGMA _in- 181174
IOW deeigue ot John Rennie, anhitein ot
elathwark _and. Waterloo bridges.
tat is adman* at between .£1,000000
••tid•S91600,000,' Xis built otgraitel In
lye mhos, the entre arch being.152 test,
the neat two 140 het, and the two shove
arahes.180 feet eaob. in span. The bridge
Jo .000: -tat long and .54 feet wide. • The
lanappolits made trout Amnon tetra in
**Peninsula wer.. Over 100,000 -persons
Pagiivor it only- day. :Police. aust&bles
am *taloned:1u the middle of the roadway
-to psovizat, blanks. - le the -bandicoot-
bridge over gin :
_ .
4n3. BAinanzilhs.. owtz01.` 4.titubere;t79th-Rearliti:dbart!'
.mug1414"insitthtisaPPE bwaikitar44 ad* -Ithuiv. aLFritla tudiau recervition.M proem% on whit% no
ai„K. asTiiia‘• egoept- contractors' me allowed to
-•441"61-•7-' ' grace. But Die believed that the reeerva-
-the big 1)4 sui "Jae" autg-kitY uez ttion Will be thrown open fax
• Will ANNA !ha Alkef 11.Veibble IlMer tav ibic.,4419,1% u .901 audyikuy timer
. there. -The-1241:ityluCgributnry maks
taro Well tiMbered with' oatto*roodk-
tar --the Teilotilitata%the
toad ia - *nor not rra4k- auough, fax
--perfect -the
• lowstone Ma, rough, a44. laud*. Gutl •boand;
-*Alma Mad Wolter. ;North from tag Dq
thkoonatry grows twitter au rang et
UMW blissouri itaaZ bad Jenks pito un me put to by eluting and Ateau,spnr.
lion* or a' stock range,. • out
word fax "it . and- a* the Gauntry north -ot
-the -before loath* eleetrliere.7-
Mg, Nike Ofiti(ilfettiono) - - •
The Vralltsir tairtspe_aius Mitt 811•0*
You can have. utildea a the -aningiuniati
• _UtOUntittaik high. all are graolitrimpassa.
hie,:.evera to paak onttAin* ikk Oreek.
:n4 suienoMer --Yankee Dou1 don:dolled
there- wIth lintekt ii014 ider may
=•-•. itartirom.Van Iluren% to Islas Helt Orealti
• velley1 wadi aser -1111Yeria ot gog..04
- may still lie. atli ito spit
• down. from a& land Offs Sallie root of
.-. Vault- shack.• "
The Blinouri bottoms are gargrally- gad
- ,
soil bus oVerpown with an
dgnssu i.
ordint scant -hay gram The acot7 Loading Us. M bring We and that in- a die-
oo,d. - growth- along- the Missouri la bode,' and insalthig way. lb 1311411 is
-eom *thing te- be Wendexectet bY Sh*** W140 orabhed, oross -and best on finding :bull, 1
-.1.0roatli Of the hillier- bad lands &le. crowned oan.- *AO bt in lila with* her map,
_ .nover
:; -with Rings' mad at distant interval* along soil goat Sy people - won*
• the - a few • pantie . maiaisan me. as 'nano fax their looney as decent
lards low 'apply-. the ocassional. steam= folk" They csome here and with ten •or
- guanhag up .the ar tar ee Pas fifteen •cents-upeatto get "fifty- eat meal.
- Eamon. Beyond. them and ail Semamional, They .a. so unremonable that rths$ mak•e'
-band of Aialtbreada or Indiana, tho girisinatiohnd you--an't blameAs
bank ot:. the litsiouri • I. tielebebliedt ilam thadithes about bit.
• Sneral- weeks. sine* Sean. G. W. long
ited Onfliolmera. ligint 100 'better thaM o
ilk gentleman. thaza the: way= In -which : ho
ordetik_ilmealo- Table. Mannora-alwayi_dia.
aloim undesinbletralte aharater whloh
under other oinunistanne Would- not be.
easily•disoierniod: Whew hero b$.thiraseivea
*bar tinder :no motel *taint and
the way in Which they &bug* us _p o0r,gixis
Is awf01-, It they enlY knew: it; they could
got more MA better .toad. -by rolging,1 bus
liteneas -with their order" thin -100m,
*VE, GEV 1012. 00
. iseeptie ries die Day * Mahn TkIuiss
, .
- -things, may help a Man 10 riter-a-
bent Pin la an asy obeli for inetame.
Pieroe's Pleesett Piggative Pallas" an
.amall thing% pleasant -to :take, and they
are abikAeadeolilis. relieve torpid liven.
and do Wonders. :Being purely ,vegetable
thiy °rennet:hula any one. • All &nights.
• - • • • •
.Thereviare 00;000 _widows in India iron
three to pe years at age who will 'Drier
asiuT b� married: In that laity** ea -on
sssobtldIs born inatahl outdo by bus
patents.' -It tin boy _dies e girl beanies
*widow, and .must: Wear mourning: fax
her intended as long as the 1iTes.'24 - , - -
ineveated Victor . H in Paris. -Ths.
aulptor h Invited maid Mend* to meet
thirgreet.apostie of liberty, oat :ot
an Italian, on .aseing_ViatotHugo. regarding
the _pato, 'There I eee two -lauds
regarding each.:Citheril which gentle- flattery
mu not lost okthe. put,- whose ospsoity
fax assibillating soh: diet le Juanita. 04
tali* lean Witt* . Hugo Qua mon wat
to thgatatue, and cried out, ii.The;sta,-the
vasti..the agitated. maw tells of the union
between two-reconailed gnat .-a-nutries.i.'-
. suggested .tha thee. words
*aid .be carved Von the bus - -the:
statue, but the -Atli. Atoll Garet& .hopee fax
-Ttotor _ alte, . that. the tha will not
Par on .t*s. Patent :Cani0
4 • Wahiawa ea "risme* ha GiC
:tax Ohltil swim= INva Wean
• 47
Swat Cottptaknies_t. m.t, OVARIAN. tivvet,
imatnalow Ann 14,mnt IfiaLli:44ine
phlicontaxes% Ann TIM vootiquinre filtsgo
nett-, Aou -14,wriautitgly
:OnAtteivoP Inks a
itu,T,••prepois'ta Ain) Tux*
• MIDI% IN Web= molt Op Dirriuktt:
.T1NDIINOTTOCIANothor a Buttons rakT.„-
VOlir SPANDIT4T-DTpril I. * • *
iNo PTIMAITANTS% 4140/111* wabz4,
NOG 01, TUN STollAuil. IT QM=
min, igneous. PROtTNATION, QUV
• TUT Pieta* OP BURIN* POWS, _
WAND ibr4T8 DIN. * * * -
• WILIA AT AL. :TWA Ann mom
• NKr* vespan tio _SOLT= ionex0,
4 i 71./aluarts
4ws .
* e •
NIALINO OP DOWN AND Tux 1111.10%.., Nix, AND-,
TIM IT DOet ALL ir oLsime To UN 'Rt=pilsainis er
LADINS VAR Oi.b.w.T_ Tt4' •
* Fes TUN_ GUNN or Kuiawr ei-,,plAune
MUNN INN TIM ANNIIDT It roof q••41einn, • .
ensued at LYII111 Mare Price $1. aks \•(L10441141 tor
Vola by ha dweigia& seat 'rakitisteem
et Pine et Leiters es recoil* Orks Oxrree:
• Piekhesile "aside to Ewan win be ot*., beaten.
--Lydiall.Pinkliem%-Vegetable Owns
pound is' to be -bed It the 'nand drug store:
fax it. dollar. It it not gleamed theit -this
remedy will gun: every- dhoti* under the
an; but that it dom. ail thM deign tog do ;
-thatiandeot geoid Wom:a know ind doeltra• :
• ,.
Prom a sWitgrain planted
1884 says thi .Ctthia (0•14 Record
-gm* twitity,two Maks. eali baring s full
lased: These -:yielded- 'snip% 700 ot
whiek-were- _plated:the nut :. year, pro-.
dtang- on‘Stsk of a-. WOW. ot splendid:
-wheat. -This was Planted list ipring,-yieldi
hog Ornate -en kebob, making -1,020 mode
otitheat !loin -one'grain in *no lame..
--beaan od oiiti ••
Word* 40; Wandillt and. Genii's%
oti are suterintfroni twakilielthear-
lauguiebieg onoted asieltuese. take ,
- lit yeti Are ihnply allie ox- it -yea feel
full. wit aottonwoads. The jot *ry. Vag him the foram In
•I weak aim* die tett - • •
sitiaoutolearly_ ow, •
'Int why, klop mitten
wiil liturgy are
It ygit area minister, and'
bare overtaxed, yourself with yolit
pastoral duti* svmOther,- WWI/ Out.
with care. mid work; QV NAIAD iltbUtinete _or -
161)or, weakeited by the wain et year everyday
_0111*/# or man Of Jetta" toiling ow yolit
-midnight 1,00, flop Bitters will_ most u017
•sixeugliten yoit, -
ohn LogIsh i levitel 02 thole ow'• mew se Make Ater Pertectly Sate;
- the 'ghouls one-hav
_ esoasion - ride --Over large scope kboir welts itdy. and there
• bo @matt. north cot the • missourit soma 0 Oat. aunt* -. danger in .1,1 ta -make :it
) "moat ot that 1,,ilieu may balloted pato' ,emoitusg. The lady takes her- seat ()tithe
se„drina tor .1.n.,.-'7gwirgigaing their saddle .satt cushions, betted firmly braced against
- ipowleisztnei taToriiiiikels soguathemelond the !nativism, whiah curls over and amen
•nasir the mouth of Hell Creek, 611110100aing thins, her handesirisping the rail -at - either
*hemming in- & skiff, thaarty followed up Mel the be2 u7 thrown backward.
_ Tolling bat yary Tombs scanolly 0: lett I . starer takes bigplace behind-.
. •. . - .
TAO sendiew stamp. • Utters eeefLdoethkeeure'ereik
oho Id beIlthout latitA175
?era oeCzeuttitre Ive • ippirk
ditr ,
N.J11.• ill
• . -
There *kali be iirAlps,
141a eon tallied of -hiveAlig Italy
one Of. his aers said:" Rat, sin, maim, •
bsx the Alps.". To an ordinary MU these
.Would hoe seemed simply insurmountable, -
but Napoleon --irespoiiditi_ eagerlY II There
sbsIL bo no Alias." So the famous Simplon
'pas. was Made:. Diseases.. like ...mountain,
Sande the Way of fatue, tontine • and
honor to many who De. Pima's Kialden
ItedicatThicovere might hs healed -and. so
the mountain *aid -disappear. spec,.
ilia- -tot all °blood, *rale lung and : hver
diseases,. nob m_•oionsumption. (Which is
scrolials- of tim-lung).1 pimple., blotches,.
oartiptiona,- _tamer., seignior; fevoirssoreio
adilthidted ample's* • °
- - mmanyonnolimsmis
. Extremes sodietimes • meet. - China a
dogithiet is -beheeAed, but thot. men Who
steals a million an be. lint slightly pun,
Jibed, ad molly runs EtIlly 00110 . In
-the: Vatted Sates, & horst thief illYnahed,
and an . &beclouding bank -sunder ga. to -
Caustic -
- •
_If•yau are *offering from' over.eating or
drinking, any inanimation Or dieSpation, or
gin young .and growing toe -las% os m often
*be am% . • .• -.
'Or it you &re tu she. wariinoy, On the
' tusk at tile desk, anywhere; and toil
that your aystera- neees.eleansing, ton,
or skiniulating, without
lug, 11 you ere old, -
blood thin and impure, Ws* -
feebleo. hales unsteady, faculties
waning* Hop Unmet* what you need
*tiara -you new lite, keel* and vigor., •
If yOu am wetly', or thrill) or suffering
ases OT the stomaoh- a bowels, it is your
°WI fault 11 700 tif .
-you ue welting &wry -with any torn
of Kidney dhow, stop tempting death UM --
moment, and _turn' fax a-somue Oa- Hop Bitters.
. . - _
.It. you ati with that tesodble *Jab,
, *dirt amok tor shait- tuadileathiost AU -will go w • does not move but WM
note oat sauna a. boa luau ocuair- betide thairlyho 'tin an inch so the right
with • vitt bitor His -position is, optional, bui *he general
loge pooh
westa.-----!Nearing ,-Biver abet two made to to tle OU ths lsit side, propped on
Ails* rid% tins - &linos* • desert on,carin, with the right leg utended,whith
°healed ehteitly, te-the-Aeat rumneed tor steering. -14 OurinvolableIvale,"
we 1 wok swami *hobo tor eaid a friend, 4° Is to hold on to your. girl.
• . luta eeevesteseesebe, ant thete..aro withal -moments when. a very
• ,
Over 100,000 _women and- girls make a
living it the slut* ot-Par4. They sni
lioensed.:. by Government. Thirty•fies
thousand -Are ander '181 12,009 ogy .15
and. 6,000. under -1S. . -
at all.- Several days p 40111
• bolo:040am shad, and _Athol. -It reeelies . old Staffs !Mimi: ot wing
hue iTtitunbet ot tribatiry SW" =toff ben ..***t Utdd. th• #
posit .slaat water degas. sivst. pebbly's-OM - gain to ilikgood avgei •
r • • -
Ot taint Wilk wend - with a growth ot
sunfiawars, alms an indioatbn `Olivalms
rich soil. BliarlEiver is,well timbered With
- gotionwood fax -building and fencing. Its-
- grater le abmidant and pure; but near ..ite
lour end its:banks fax several . dais! rick
ars to steep and miry fax cattle to water
• sidi- the
Oight hall 15 abiO101ilY
ingtrom -any ot. e nuhier405* 411".
nest, Nervousness, . lilt foid Balm
Giliad-1!-11r/top:Bittere. -
It people loild but maks
-41 yes are* frequenter, or a resident of,
-a miasmatio district, barricade your sys. -
' -tem against Om swap ot &nomad* •
Hpidsraio, -Bilious and lotus -
-mitts* Fevers by Um use -of Hop-Bitteri
-'s Rile inmate ound In ten days,
ruPtrin.- in- four- weeks. Addnsat
Die airy- .eissocistion. Buffalo.
-41.- •
• - . •
Wise _min an inairgated by notion ; men
of ' less: understanding 1440mi-ens: ; tha
meat ignorant byngiiissity ; mad the beat
by nature. • - '
Boyer, maentria English
'idyl' hes Nit. died et IfIddleton,
the age of 02, with toleaatli three .inehet
long._ '
It You -have pimply, or sallow akin, bid
breath, ItOp Hitters. will give_you fair sk __Ain risk
blood, tbe sweetest breath and licalds. MI will
be paid tor a oaee therwill na.t ours-ot WO.
Lady's Whit.
011, bow I do Wish my skin :Wes is deer and
11011 Ail Pune said a lady to ha- friend. • You
tan easily make -it Eh' :answered. the .friend.
,* How inquired the holt lady. , -
" uiling Hop Bitters dist makes pun, rich
blood and bloOming health., It did 11 101' me, as
70* obeervhn - •
-11111one.- genuine -without -a Much of green
Eons on .the wliite label. Shun all the vile,
Ous shift With "Hopor _ -1Hopi" in their:
Every visitor to the -World's
in New Orleans is required to doped* a
silver .balf.dollar in • glom boa in shafts
ot the -doorkeeper., no _admission tickets
being sold. , 4
- A imp nude of Ills* beans and aim
is one of thi latestepleareat novelties: ' It
IS said -to be ot Nortreglan origin.
" positive remedy to the' abfave
us thotisata of owe or tlx• worst k1d sad ot
veadluirbavo boon owed,
seldaedeoeturlirta ffbai*ilent%Wtsrr
NB. T. At a0ai4
111 Nal Wg liisw USIA.
. _
AA #1)
Carba:Inte ciflodine
cure- fa. -
tsud- all di"
• £utb
easel of the Throat analiunge,cf,
gee, if takanit lieftS011. it will ops, _ .
at once* It litho Mut sot G - ediOnesio
A taw Jubilations will correct ost Slecast
sive Bronsbo It may be earrie,-z handily so .
& penknife, and is always ready. •,..,,,_ _ .• i_.... _,.
.ciens ot every sehools and. op,„ ,
WI belie WY I -abater IIPM4141:7 tr
esandant Isedfcal Jura* c wor .AM
"arm in. -the Market are sit- washings .
substitutes • or Multivalent imr? oat. liven .
4190,0410 1* ase, ' ' 1
hold by all DroW__sts tar zitOinslit$1.1111
- • . W. TICSMITH . CO:'obi% NM. -
v DR.
. .
‘0117461 1111N. 1 -RAD Tail,
lia.Voritargo Buys Co.o of Marshall, Mick.-
otter to send their oelebrated: Illoitato.VorosiM
Bs= Ind other limarsuo Arruitimis on Aria
fcethirtyslay*" to ". -min (you' -or ••old) *Meted'
with nervous •Gebtlitgoltiel of. Vitality Ind man
hood, tad all kIndreliroubleh Also tor rhsa.
mama, riouraista, earelyds and man, Wigs
Masse& Complete restoration to beallga Tia
and nistihad gnarenteed. No risk ie .ineurred
as thirlS We trial is snowed. • Write. them
onee ter ulustrasd punphlet frees • .
Illitantto Isom a Busltillt.
'doodle& or Spoliation Pa
.&t40 01 the OHM. .
!tat. - Wirww1ass.- "
. IAN Buswmas unTiven
-lind learn _to write well. W. COOTS,
-- •
• 4,,
- I
LOrPlarri7E- 140iMai
au tarrsillka"."I'll
to quality oondare
. •
Ana4 140 -re
APIllown kre. pent on IQ .
ONLT iouNG, OR OLD,.40 are suffer- 17.
from ;4*IIVOI)* DICKLITTA vrt 2
"lying:1MM% tad thei.;;Efiseaste
ORM nOAllue. npeeoy Tenet ci,..41,1 complete
restoration • to: TWIT*. VIOOTti • 4. MAW*,
lend et once , Illuenseee
et teee. Acdrees ••.
catido Zeit 0o.. Mar
- - - -
ThedinPleat and soup
'Man* es Hughlon stria
j. G.. TBIBBI30 B. 0_
S. Imottirermi the and Tunas
Trinity medical coney, Ton,. Oculist*
Auxin io.tbe Toronto Gentili,* Ilospitalo. se :
01101051 LasIstalil- Boyd !Atop Opbth1
soanito, wawa% Ind t51 Lando
Throatiud liar Hospital. -MN*
Torluito. Artificial Human
emetos.,. .reavrearNomErwoo,,_
Women tkorougbl prepeled tor, beldam* .ag]
-bow BoolWieep BusinallontonMeaman.
Arithmetic) and. lomat try.,,,M1 • .
Forms, Arithmetic, tibathandit- me. .
send stam_eilor PAM16
.Wf11T In 0011. -
111113PONDENCR VOL,* Mii
Ilt. Buttalo, N.Y. • • -
-6 --