HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-16, Page 5• • • • Oast :Kinloss _ Council. ahnve Council inet on Friday, f�r4R- talc., witk the rcev._e inithe chair and all the members. present. - After tine minutesof last.meetin were read e:rccl - sign I, . the following accounts w•oro.ord't'red to be paid :--J.-Stewart,_ •invert, 810;: 1}, Mc;Kcnsie 40.48.30z ..%...11c wain,-covering'cuivert, $1.23; Ales .d, covering 3 culverts,85.22; .A. Slci*onald, 4 culverts, $8 ; I . N,lc Lod, repairing npp 'caches, -S3 ; •olio ilcliitlre, p,aatk 0280, spikes,'' '14% ; Angus Mel'ougall, - -b+)uu.clary kord, $25 ;. 'John: Chilies. de., 831.16; _&1x.: JohnMt in, gi ,veliing : $16.:10"; .6. Gann; gravel, 41.50 ; :Kenny tic iKpnrre'dy,. bridge, -$3 8.; ifeatnisly 4 ., $19.75 ; h e l --Stewart,. do:,; $35 ; .1.• Pennelk d t hing, . $18.90-i. John: t rehouse, work, 2 ; °1.1. Morrison, Klan-, $2.50-"; 'Phomas Morgan, -flitch n t $6.90 ; W. y G.ongrr n, bridge, $9.75 ; _ Stanley, taco, 0455; i#. Penne', - dr,., $3,64 ; .1.F'H.rrr; stay Culvert -A$.75; .luta -' MAN printing, etc.,- 431.;' -P. ltE�ic1 postagel 8I0. €3 ; do.,=: salary as . Clerk, $125 ; du, extra- -services in *cho01_ matt re, etc., $8 r �. oKen ie -covering bridge,- 8 eon., $2 _Henry Thompson, . repairikg culvert,. 750. ; .Malates Gaunt, sound fees, -•$20, read service, $3,3 ; T. J altewart, do., $20, <lo., s34 ; George Melntosh, • (104120,-. do., ; $19 ; Alex. Staith, do.,,: 82-0 do:, $36 ;. Dugald McKinnon, do., $20, do., $24 John Purvis, council rooms, $ O ; Pester Oorriga a , : ea, Xry as- tress; it rer, $100 ; do., at3end : 4 meetings, Dr. Waffler. . att Fading Mrs.: .. liatwkshaw are indigent, $10-; J. H.. llM'amish . repairing- app beaches' to ?- l ic1gos,. $6- Thome Brown, levelling ''strath 8 con:, $2.50.; The council then.- accijourned finite We. :. . PET311; RiCID, Clerk. PARA M U.N 1"• 11111.2 4 Pryta our Qom Gorretpond$e:t. Very suceseful prrotracted tn—eethngs are being carried ori' in the Methodist . . Church here by -the pastor, Rev. 0. - ;Hamilton. -Mr. Peter Stewi rt;'-ofLeeburn, has b ten .: :teaching in Mn . - .. Horton': ton's for: the. 'last few days. - Mrs - Horton desired :to l at: hnme . on ao-: sou ct of his brother being dangerously ill from intlannation, which terminated in his death on Monday, 5th inst.:: Thi people- of-this4:place syirpatFhige -with, iiarr_y-and his,frirnds. R M-4. B.. -W.- Riohatrds and -1 ei J'anet Murdoch_ -are both oh -they sic list; We qh them a speedy recovery • _ 'Tho following ofiers were elected -1 in Diw Drop Connll No. 34,-R. T. of for -the ensuii " terra, --fl _a., Pro.- .Tno.`Oook ; =v - i., ` Sis. X.Martin P. 0., Oro. V. C*. Murdooh Chap.,. tire. S. Kirk ; : Seo. Bro. H.:: MQL"god �I`reae., ro. N. Murtdooh ; F. S., Bre.. Muruh' on: ;' R. -.1.,. Si#.8. MoMi[ian; Baines;. D. H.,_ Sis.: P. . Me1karnnid , ., fro. A. McDiar`mid; S., afro. A. Smith ;•-• Lodge:- :• Deputy, E. W. Richards. .The aleMbere - = Qf t } is‘Oouneil propene having a debate .-she 'fly Subject, : rf Which .is .the, desirable for. Iife.00mpainion,� a` t woniatx with a puiok temper, or a sic only woman :with ane amiable 'te} per 1"•. The .siste: s are - anxious to kn • w which of - the two ie :preferrble. - Mra Robh. Davit - and Mr. -Wm, la vie,:' formerly .of 'this place but now o the village of Arthur, are visiting Anda heist.s presont. ow to fire. an lie andDie Nappy. $$ALLL A` ; MWer. d . iuy, one -.of Utose. celetrat ILDERMtUT# dl •: b �AAA- you Will be surprised �v fresh: ,you will rise in Saha .,morning. `So - r' .aitucaky, rickety, get -out -of -order kind. `Canbe returned if -rot as represented,: ta►nd oily $4.50 for an ordinary 'double *di' Wo have a Ipt Of 1-.,,. • iAo at' Wholesale prices, Bu a: set ore they=are'all gone. .44 amt • r Paper is a' is a magic. few wee: refit and s goI, yout • • v z �. sou :n oe d 1- 1� .e an ra p 0 a. -Onvixlced1 -47 • n 1.iS*eeL'I: :.b:v� for Cho Qds. fro� �o . givee :Ince to OXT SINOL1 APPLICATION; is warranted:�to Beautify the trade and give to the Fadedor Salle*. Cont. p1 xion a Perfectly -Healthy, Natural ,and Youthful �1 pearance. It: Conceals rinkles. Freckles, Crow% h' t, and the Nvidenosbf Ago, leaving the Elkin ; 8ott, 8uluoth - and. White. ;• • tick E-60 cents, Bonus to any address.. Postage stamps token. AddreeS alllotters to. - : - CREME D' OR,. Drawer 2,678, Toronto P.O. Ask your druggist- for it Wholesale by all whole- _ sale :d ists. ;. Waltham; -Eliin,-Swiss and English, at Lowest Prides. Guaranteed Excellent. Time -Keepers. -- Lar Is the Place to get So ool Supplies, Fancy Goods,. e Assortirnent, ,Best Makes; . Very Low.: Perlis Wool, 1libles,Violins, Concertinas Jewelry,Vases, Silverware. 0 cont nue`t: 3 • 1113. aS rio FitoFair lr sugary . la e. no uFr . Fru.its are the 1 Om are Q rices. �t AdvertisedPrices,ar :: that. rn - F.igu-res :d t. � dura } Respec a1� . al. st, F. the t-ec�n-. Oght. PiOnee � . Erg razzrArz ads in the past still keeps on hand a► large and.superiorstock -t'f Ge.era1, -GrOCQiOB.! Including evetythin fnundtin -r he Larder Of a . Hiousekeelrer. /WHe would islet, ia►fitrin- she tiublio, mord partioularlc•- t o h'.►in tau. Community that be has: segs r..tl the. ier�;iuer: •oo a'I'h hough Miller, and -will i n►rry uu`the • Millin _:BUS fOS . With- renewed vigor,, and by turning lint }sunt griets inquick tile, ain increased. �.ppeatir,nage;. tonal: the public.: i A11 kinds of 'tirsiil and deeds constantly on'hand. `titlodtdeliver ed to any part of the -town. ger cusTommtaILL xxNDLY GALL AND: SETTLE A otnITs. :tor itis - r-. ENDLESS 'VARIETY ►RNESS SIIO',` w >v ..1 IABIi PAID FOR EuG8 AT BOOT &-:SHOE -STORE, Thoudands of 'dozens wanted. • Be ` euro ` and. exaaninu:ouratook .et . Whiebi we will:die_ose.of at aslt+w prices as is.` ooniistent with fair -dealing So As to enable U8 to )Y=1.00 dents un the. a dollar. - Woinvite .you to try: our store or rather try 0urgoods and prides a you will le .Con- vinecd Mint there it Vdr ' ieodoing. • - 144 Tali It is verY well -.Ala- .y the eye but vire -. 'sti iveto please the :ot� also. A .personal exaglination oh.. ARIES GOLD 'AND SILVE - JEW'ELRY,BROO � ESg AR-RIgog.,. Br delete --etc.. Solid Silver and dated wares,eu . r.b1e for holidays,. T. a t P, �� y Weddingor birthday presents. Call sales steak. A le va'iety :of Clocks. Everything ' of the best : make; f GentleMen's Plain &:Fe ncy3 ewelry :in :dless BarRepairing promptly att ` nded to and satisfaotion uaranteed IV'A full stock of Speotaclos of the best make a&wAs on hand. WALL '245ths :1884. Luetknow. PRICES DOWN ! QUALITY :UP in & Stove Depot, Opposite tits Whitely Hou Houtw 7aueknow TovES T .IS OONOEDED THAT T ; Qui le antStc ck of -coots&Shoes I be me , , z e. AWA �f . - 'Owe' , TEAT - will certainly convince all, even the _ . Climax . Plug and most oaaref ul buyers;_ that we tar.1 c x ti tt 0OQQ GQODS AT O ; ilTs ADE T Y•on� tistomititgl pasta ECRU! � o4sl�o, `� Y Yoopi !Men an r 'We will have a lard a' :