HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-16, Page 3- - . • . a FARM -.4.N1.1 GA.RPSPT. • •-gotasOnable 1110.tofi for. Readers - 4 In '111W Cotsnitry,..- _ . . • a RSEPING Vi4G-E,1411/11.4'Fg011it FRBEZING, • jol.,1 Treatment of 140 Etta -40w 11 Raise .Hoge -An Experiment in HoOtler berries; . • tOomplIed by a Prautioal Agricallttitidt,t- t_.•• •.• The King et ride lkesiglsoc ."716_e-ritordisiesfieldtltedin its scabbard, The rifle hangs safe on the walI;- -146 longer we quail at the• hungry, Hotrush of -the rating:ma- - . The war cloud' bat( hurled:its last lightullig, - .-I last ii,wfulthundera are Aitt11,,•l - While the dontou of cooftietlit'llsidee • - Ida.fetterd in forth, te- in will ; Above she broad folds tLat he-revaged„ Wbet moitatett rules blissfully now? .• • Oh,. crown -him. with-boiya that are bloo.dlels- • Thekingithe brave king of the plough • throgh the siiitaloW ata. elefite: cifRae-rig* -.,iiiiirearett the piireensijir eras_ wgent's *ere nieado*: end Mountain:,ad 11xd- Analike ar lildiff gad- ot ,xiiiharrsetc, •. The earth, spitted and air- spriteii had' spun, • Grew rhythinintsben swept by the_ breezes, • Grew royal when kisiodb ythe ann.; • . Before the Sterns charm, of his patiencii. What rock -looted forme mist .bow •• Come, crown him: With corniest and wlieat1eat4-, Thoking„-thit bold kits of the pibugh t houses, and don't teed hens all oorn if yoti I want them to lay. Put the •duet bath. Provide lime. _ • ofthe largest and: twist experienced - breed era and • raisers- -of hopee.. in, Illinois -says -that if you will giye, one. or two moutbfulSof list to theritiorlie- before_ you .water him, there will be '.apy- clang of the harse. being.wateralA4ndered: T is, as fete:I:hit eteertenoe hi:concerned inti11ib101" :ahcrlir remembered by all horsemen. • 100 -bitten pato) beano -value-exhopt to look hnitedisitely. .and' feet Go stook. • After, freezing- thepotatoite -have a sWeetielt, twits, fididetingjihef daMe et tfie the tuber has been ,ohanged to sugar, of- mune, is of the -glucose variety, and not so sweet is that - made from . cane.. A froot.bitteu - potato, however; deitays so . rapidly that greet -care should he taken to *top such. fronxcellers or from sound pits ol tubers. • t. P • The Farmers' Oesely, of publinvt- esti- mates than one ton -of straw, used as, litter, will absorb twice its own weight. in 'Plaids, and that the same weight Will be added in solid's during that tinie, - Renee, four toils of itiefttriWill be protitiCed- w one ton of straw. '' .T*tf' ea Ostia:hbe produoed from 100 - es fie arable ates that 500 _load* .f manflre !I laud. Weriaiinoli'dti thls Id our ydnng Dominion, but . we look hopefully toward th.e fatties, - • - • "Sheep inist be-Ckept in dr.y quarters. w _Tbrousli valleys of balza,dropping Myrtles, banha of Areadiat atreame,._• • - •'Where the.wind-tongtereret.t0 tite iiiYatto Mildsmurraut of pasaionless dreams; • On the storm -haunted uplands of Thule, • By 1e -girded floods mut floes, • • - • "-Vika ',weds -the spell of:his godhood. , .1 The bloitm-Of his heritage glows. A monarch! yea, More:aka** ulOilftreb; ail climes to his prowess Millet bow: Oonie, erown-hine with by. that -are otainless-- The king, the brave king of the plough! . At, far in earth's' utterinoat future, . Ali boundless splendor as scope, • I NO the fair angel -Fruition Outspread his higb. heralds of hope; The roses of joy ram around him,. Taw lilies, of aweetnws and °alio. . Por the sword has been changed to the ploUgh- , share, • . - The lion lies down with the lamb 0 angel M114118t10 t We know-tbeci, - • Though raised and transfigured, art thou- - This lord of life's grand conduinmation • Was once the. mart king of the plough! ' Lame tiaras* a Failure. • • • • - Large *me in New Zealand- are coning 110'he looked upon. fle- to:Our-es, Air. ,J. 0. • rirtb,who has 60, 0- acre (Hittite in the northern part of the- colony, is about cutting • ib up into smell .16rnis Speoial settlers, -brought oYer, from.-2.ug1and labcir on the estate,. are to be filltQt ed- forms of their Own, On :reasonable, tetma. The great estoblieh- . meat bos been worked with the latest • iMproved machinery' - and labor -saying appliances,. -bit .baa provenIuuremunere , tive. nigh wages bavaesten:uttWprofitti- lkere. is, smother exemPlitioation- the-rold saying that that ootanity10 most Proiperout, and happy whose -ppophi own the- hied they. tiP;-- • • -' _ _ color to 'Atm Stock'. _ "In disoulieing thim eubjeen, an ezobonge says:: "Long trperience in England has _proved that browiteolored -horsier :-And- especially those ot: tinned muzzle, ptp-Ve• the hardiest. Nett to: these. _come the darker shades of boy. The same bee been found to be the: ease In Anierioe„ nuitthen. 10116w the Clear dapple grey. 'Other' odors- seeM to be *bons dqually hardy,. 'Abode' pure white and red roan. ore 0On-sidered the- leasteo. - But we .know horses•of these two colors, as well as others vetying- from the Arai three above-thentiolied;16 be perfoollt hardy and enduring. As e rule. it Is ths. breed, iiith the soil: and. the food • on whiah they are reared,-whioh_ make the difference it liardixtess ..-ood -endurance 'pi basest: and the -_ hest .01- these ebould always- *- Sought :- afterisjiy -breeders andrearero; Thitt was goocTiense On the part Of ,the i'.udges on Jersey cattle exhibited -at theists show'. of the English:- Adrioulturel."88biety,- in *paying pertiouler fittention to the y.ello* - as they • were termed. -A-*telloivi "Ain' and yellow beide the- eats der -ted, they said, colored otetim," vih1oh equivaleut to, rich milk.: The bleak pointe,' as BO • strenuously,contended for -by o inntll-party of English -and Amerioan: breeders they satdenote, nothint -ails neitheetio'.-eolid colors-, and it is an absurdity' tch. assert thei thir &Motile thus- Marked polio's!" aby supe. Iloilo in. -the dell or iitheivrii. -There are alike good And indifferent of all shades and eolore, whethOr they are eafid :or, bre. ken, ea is daily proved_ among .the ntinier• • herdsi-Of jerssye, s bred- on :their . own phative bland ori n foreign- ciounfriee Iletfopies Vegetable" Yirelek. Bireeiffeif Collate *et are pro -petty- proteoted f rein - treat. by .tight undacpionings and, if needed, bloke of Nevelt or evergreen houghd0.4"iyo • Thi Nita-Engtafu fleitn*rg rarely freek-Mir; • ing the boldest veetber',-. in winters but sometimes an.unuotail told suopsor long.: lionlinned period of oolds. May endanger the - potatoes. and othor stores Moen ili _pretty_ tight oelleires especially if plenty Of brae are 2104 kept burniogin- room e - above-, We have- ptatied_ on old. Cheap -wood -Stove a: • Oeller ehignitey itesehee the trid-o) that the pipe min eater ito.ind litriiing fint ttimilete of Wbed-efiVed tee *0d -things 'dere& Thiel it Often ithpradt10-- sitilti-heeideel.intlAi *cif the- hal beta 111 Okra' g_oei - up thei chimney. and is- pad- _ Wally it•-ohenp and very elfedive. way to faille the teMptglittite fit dellar. that id dangerously .near the freeting: point to dal out tit Matt dtfaittifin keromenilathpi Oh the teller hOttotti curing the-daY5inievithen toe wanted tor licliting the rooms -abtiret We litre -fill filifiett intith Wittlier-* livinktoOM 716 lb the tiothinC- IMO. the lafililltara -burning Ohm ih the daytime with_ the_ eaftielitliontit of - life in the bleed§ or Utilities. All the tielit fttlin hurtling lamp rehotieditrthe Apartment TiVittiOztife . eenit worth_ of kiitiene oil will -throw out a '-'entprieing amount, of heat( sad many Vej Ib would he the- &lapilli :means for keepiiig &Oar foto. freilhillid during the . pirmage of an edit trefiti •_lieldtlin. ltiel Mtge than tWO-01 Vireo day_ .6 tifill they 6f6 Oftet-falloWid by.ssiith. windi mid it ilbatta, bat they list they. Way _ spat winterittstoto -of .vegetafiloo if -not Wooded thi kerne/Me ; _ohmap., end we him-sefiteely been to afftiteinets,iis .worthi Other Alarm." Monks& , Stool. Shelters by opss iffiderk Ow @Melia -tight - the . ignitors& : • IpETEOIVES 1N FULL DRESS. SO(' of ttle fdethOda Erni:acrid byl reeds -_In CrImtnaI Affairs.- " ATCH146- WEALTHY.: KLEPTOMANIACS. - A ! miiii- ;in . fast i 414 olOtheeS wife. ring- lb diiOnguit*ed algi and en eyeiglaiis )fiallted mull. e .detedfiVe e ofgii *Ili . Blitedi :Street yesterday litternoOn. As lie. put downsbis , vane and removed one Of, his, light :-Yellovr illoY4410 kiellied 140441'44 Of the -agency.. When:the-•ohief appeared the visitor had Bileaeedeit in freeiod Poe/hand from the tight confines of the kid; And said : "1 understand you :send detectives to :weddiogs ?" : . .. - ,/-. . "Yes, sir, we do." ./. _ . ". Well, I wieli yet; Would send a good man to•.niy housenext Thursday oight." -.- - - IS Whicl hidd - of:041f do yo di P :1;:avefllierol _ : The .'inimrne. pi were ap t -Selleville:Seidebberg Wedding?" .' The gentleman. put on his eye -glass, ands', stared: savagely. _ -He did • not exactly. •Ientember the De Belleville -Seidenberg s,f,f,air,„,but,- Iie„ Moneadistr„, markoyitli.* t Oh ot ifitrottin iss-ic ins. _,...„. el 1% don't tly4catoli; your (73neanliS '' Alf, t!but I -desire *soy 'that. thtteoplof'w o jiaiie behn 4iiiiite4-do..MY disteetwedding,fire eupPoited to .have some alliOlitoleinis to respectability. • -D11.4..I.ING IN DICAli 111018111!8. - 4101,101iet 14.i/tsetse...it -itod `Glue • Made enc.: of Defunct•le qualms. - - - - korowd-:had gathered oil Southside street corner Wbere_it horee With; a broken leg had 'been. @hot.- As 'Jae- Owiiet stood ruefully intveyieg toil', dark-coin•- •-plexidoed mem.; •elbowed his Ivey up and said, as he ; • - 1 " Say; _mister, raoart that horse away:if you will dive it to me. Is ite•bergein ? ' Thexisyner Ion -dated A moment, looked. Around -at the:crowd, and remarked • The ',Wand is nO use * me, find &gee Ion ;talk 4ave- it, but I'm blessed if L know, wheat you want with •• if. You can have bit you will tell mo.". • - • ,- " All right.' - You -see a:dead- horse repre- sents Coneiderable money to Mei an 0 when get One, r am Ong to drop ontci every rime: haul the animal out to my piece, - *betel will skin it,:iind tan .the • hide, ..cir else sell it raw to One_ of the tanneries. 11 Will -then go to Berne boot end thoi firm, w413 willPteeeed.to Make it up int° ehole, The leather, being Oft lila waterProof, mikes nioelt and &amends fklanoy f" - • - • • - •-• " Shoes made of oorderan, theleather. Is Oiled; 'ere- Considered the:proper thing bY_swells and -sell - The toil, When it isiong aucibusby, oaii be made into e nice horse -brush Or !witch for ladies. To Mike a -ilia. sWitehil Oka out the bone from she rail mit tiek the skin on to a handle, and ithere motive it, ell ready for use ea *on.; is it gem dry."- - • "Bus what de You -do with the remain- der of the body -the bones and,flesh.r' "Ob, they come 'in bendy. .1 raise lots - of htintiog doge. Of course if I were tO buy beef fortbera, it -would oitst mein smell fortune. When I get. or boy dead horses I save some -of the meet;feeding the 'doge on that. Tbettbrive °nit -sand it don't -.colt - • • • "The hoofs I -Self to some gine . faddy,. where they nre boiled- down and made.into glue. Do-1,mitke; use of the .troes?, .01 oourse „Ida. -Sonietimes I grind thein up and sell them es -fertilizers. Ground ' bone is the eta spread on your garden if you wantto rase good crept, When I em. busy and Want to dispose of themI iell them tO some .button-falatory-Theyjnake_buttobs, largesiddllitiell,lfift bones. I have seen name .handlei mode from bone, but it otaiske *hilt end is not ueed muoh. But. tone are More generally made from horse -bones- thin) iiiythibg else in that line. ".NoWs;if.„Yon- want mit meat for ',oat Oats let n2e kdoW,..and I will eupply but the former poOseisor tho.horoo did not seem th relish the idea Of hie °staining, fed_en _horseflesh, end-deolitied the offer with tbanks.-MitwoukeiSentinet. - 4- -- • - - - 4 1 Nothing, Woo- injuriOneas damp, hated cellars,.barissor "beds. - yon think' you Gan Make tholt places warm and dry and.oilmforteble by the liberal ust- of .straw lot bedding? Tbillonjy_inates taw- niatter worse. There- is nothing la` sheep dislike', Wow than a fermentiog manure pile. To oonipel a Soak of breedmg 'Awes to:: lie On ft. mass of damp striOtindtgianure• several -inches - thick. ie Ailmost certain ;to be followed by a 'Weak, ',puny, sickly Crop of lstobe, - • ' • - • , . Mr. William Bosley,. the well known els brewer _ of Waukegan, Ill., makes:. the following euggestione to- r beg raisers: it Give your hogs -ffouruf- sulphur: •iniXed theirTfeecl, and It saltpeter With it; 0, throtrioborcoal and rotten woOdfor them. _to eat, if they will; when-. any of -item- ' are attacked with disease- remove- theee that appear 'well away. from. the others; 4, take blue vitriol andinsertI email piece between the. leaps in the centre of each ear of the hog, and pieroef *through the ter *hate the vitriol JO -placed. with a sharp awl ;- this will change the system; I 'have found ita _very valuable -remedy When *boat or pigs.Aresiok ; it it milled by some pegging *the ears; 5, there ie too Anuoli neglect in siiieoting boar to breedlria. I 1.1k.fe AA W940 OUP Welt".41 64 That's all right, sir; NMI" exclaimed -tbe,;;cleteotive. "I only wanted to.kncity' youi'dould describe any people yoniventetivatelied in parlieular.", - • No, con,not, but Air great many values Mr.D. Scott l3ridgewiter.141. V., tells . . , The Ilusbanand,n that about 15 years ago. he transplanted liuokleberrieft, of both:the igh and the lo* kindly from a Cold, wet went§ We dry - gravelly moil, where they have grown :taller than in their 'native spot, and.produne 'ergot and more abundant. bents!: He advisee' us to setolit young plants, -ahem. a foot high, the. sprit* and then to mulch them fOr a year or two, and :plough iii -someaosise 'horse manure ooeseionally.- They are slow tt-•Ititrt, but after they are allotted they' grow rapidly, bobbin bush and berry. ' . - ble.".1q'estokki, 90340ileith ' SM -4001, 25000 worth, Werth.- and den nbi may :getting° the hones."' `.. • . • - ":1 Will send DIATti but you have to givikhim an invitatiOn, . • That', shall be sittendisd :to," 7 sold the.. gentlifinan as be -..inoVed his eye gliehr end • walked out. , • : 44 Is-- that sort Of thing ,oustomary asked, e reporter, who bad,ritneseed* tint. ibtertiew:. - • . Yee," repliedtheaifiettve;'-c-" We .send Men by regnant mit; OnfriktWeddingsi. bus' 10 to'cburelios fettle 0.6,ne: of our men is up now et:the St. Ohrysoiltent...fair at theaellovne." • - - . - "-Why is. e deteotive required at a- Wed-. ding, ahere everybody :: ponies- by ...invitai A000rditit, fo .potato experiments made Bogland, when the ehemidal fertilizers were sown under the seed pieoeseriets and covered with an intervening layer Of earth, the yield was pig tone to the ,ficre. When fertilieers werli_nittict with the soil immediately underthe aete, the yield was ilearly eight tons to the acre. When sown on the surface at:the time of plantings, the yield was over eleven tons to 'the •iitlre. When -"own, on the surtoe and lightly stirred in with a_ fork,-equiqaleni itOtA light harrowing -the yield was over thirteen tons to the acre. , -.... -:. . , -- - - . cetchteit the kap' residents!, . , . . _ 1 . I called at .Parks studio -one' MO ping-- il and make wartd pont* s. • tion ?!' • • - _ - ,• • „ . . - . - ... .- -- - --. - . • -", -ThiCautik it 411 not only ,_the proteseionol -Crook yen- have:W.109k outlet.- . Thelit are 'plenty of. Wealthy kleptomeniiice. • When.a -rithh elid- -wail-Aniseed: women‘,steele: a - diamond ring she is oelled-a -kleptonniniaos 'When st:dirty.begger ateals-.0 poly of elsook she.is.celleff :-...e•thief.,;_.We .deteotivies think that: this Is ii distinction Without it 'differ- ' Once. .. Then. yen must reit:timber -that 'alit* now and num - a! srefessigniel"-:.thiel. gets. into .. a . private .:residence where ,.:a. fashionable 'Wedding is; .beitig -solemnized; • notwithstinding.thetheliet-no irititition."- :. r-" Holtddes lift do itt1W. • -.-. .. ..... - .. , - . - 74' V,falkii riglit ici‘1.-.2.be, . meet -.expert and Orteseeatrn.:---01 -.petty :thieves al -Ways dram* `eieganfly•-aukbave the appearance. of the greetneCreeteothbility: : It --ier *7 -;peoriliar thing,,, . -, , thetidiey can controlsOMe of the v bade° iiitlindmosteocOMpliehed wOniet,..`. A.. thio tide, ft- ' ittiiih-1, on :an apparently. 400'00010 *Orien,-. end•sometimeeniarriei her: floine_tbieves.1-know of have 'married fl ill a and th neSer. Tuft wo.e464! irtif smiccpist, Latest alecovertee va 4.1.aietteal Invent- - gators ./P,ree0ibed. . • - : 'Th oughiy coofted.m6e6, when reduced 1 to-fiu :portables, .41; 'IVO" ttiVii; is as readily • tetaokod by. the gastric LI +mistime as raw . - ;Biaok • 0.494tio . 1, , ",.. solittA4104.2werm Wes 4he..:Inoar witer,_Fid wien Wits ., ;oh ilk well with furnitiitil paiiiiiii • ie 091111; and then rAbeutp9bteimrilecltwv:olriziotWori,- thrbigir. ter!:-AT7,31:1ki:_11:11th, eh,..64;n2..d.atk:he..r1i3°.h-wi,I. di .. ,..', To Make pulp 'from .wood or other vege, table.matier, - Racial Piotet ilest oonimin- utia the material an ta' then treetethe 'pew - der With oonoentroted itilphuroue aoid and Irriat9:4644151"erat"*41difinrfrgittoMM6J'270114"to°11°. 81) cittetitignido. , - 4.2 , • . _ € - BO°14e3illuble.in4.dwi4iiu4tePril-toi4tb''Ce416114diltetitilofati°136tOlitegrsavmis. Per htre. " The vieterraohitione arrests all ffirmentationAnd kilati.hniorobia: - Deriug twenty ., rote' hapariehoe ..he has neYer . 'knOtrn a easterof pateaOje eitiong the work- men oonsamitly-expoe4 ya..the limes-. „Railroads:in guas,jcili:Ow nee boa, .slotobt .enoltiaivelY as !net' tilitlOgli a few.sliors lines iii forest distriotestalem,ploy'wood, end.the• -0oells mined tor -the Moo pert in Rini= - territory; Very reeei.tly, and for obvious reason; petioleumfnol'has beiMme genii* on the roads near VIE) goocaeue. - . rii.cidAn tie'. Biliaty'ulnitt0a4boadfilp!doenpinpe.7npteiadieby00/4.v, - ated with lead tho prf " g °citrons reacher . Flo ell the plates* Of the 'ecoodihr,y 'battery at theieme tinie. It wt I tiecidire to belie far Mae Moloney ths4 Ctirdal aMumulators to -warrant the inete,site a expense entailed by the-opp.per,f. . - - f ,• , M. Delaurier b-te - livented an electric _ . latopheVing for itie. 0 ' tial .feature a ham - Mer whioh 'Oarriet.chO of the carbons:and receives a tepid ractoqice.ting motion -from Areg9ntitiiihrmeoesuilb„..FiEllvormacge;dinbteytthmiettsennotrnossetir- comities an& sepiOatio0 of the 'carbons pro - dins, the effect o; ')o_htinuous light. ,. 8 '' • . 'The French Opvertament are booing cons.' naiad, fibroed lOge and costly "special ,mathine took toii! in the .oOnstruotion of ligh"..ovalored swift qtisers. Quo Of these ' appliance e is a shearaiig apparatus for out- '11#g utt: steel pltites one inch lif:thickness. The .=total weight of liis -machine and the :eOgibe tO operate -it '(etdcbined). is about 86 tone.- ' - S41.efeb- . , ' ..., - ' -;1-- 41-,_, • ;Dflideaeetal Prn.Ann i.ixeyideist In and was informed that he -evertin Onto: ex:petted 'a visit from a ,great-.generii Sir OherleslanieriNaipier, for whose: ohatacter and ,-aobieyemente :ha . had the graitteit tiondideted hini by *far the gteateit Soldier ot modern time's- .atidLlied prevailed upon thegeneral to sit toihim for - bill 'hest. Park aoked tO step:And :be introduced_ - and nothidg loth. I- timidity ooneented, had net long to Wah. The general iniee like. the leek of an eagle -larger and 'more onspiegiod on his leonine and intelletitual *flies: • the§ -Of, the Mike of WeillugtOn, Whoee noes Wad -10111i4 In the y0010116 of the Otiardid It produred for him the title:of ". Oolikey- "- -from the Mtge* urthines - recognized him .glatiOli at won itaiie entered.- .-.0d idiot biaseat for Park Id. Medal hit fade' lifolity the eotilptor asked lifhi hot to thlnk 'of loo molly -things let lime, but to. keep hie mind fixed On out 'tidiest •.The general did his beet floi. tkiMply., with the rednisti with thereon* the* his fitectition isitithed tilted, end. -elegy- eipidadiaiii ;Withal- a traath -lot/Wising -Perk Nu& stettled .by .InquirIbgs "Is it trne, generali That yeti gave-wayt-retreated In facts -at the battle the plIOCd trhiah I havitorgottenP-Thegineralfi eyeediehedisidden -firth end he Wiit. *Walt to -reply -indignantly -*hen Park qiiietly. re lied; plying him tOOU On the he time, Tintill dcolenerali the up own 1# , admirable The' general fat through the filittedfre, • ifid laughed* headily, tletigietnatet: Mdgaifle • ritintetemailsefieopersf, •- Bronze may be renovited iiii&re-onlored by sailing' one part of Mullahs aoid. and two parte of-- water. Free the artiole from ingrown and 'dust, and epply the diluted aoi with a cloth. -When dry polish with , I t sweet oil. _ - •port _themselves -kart -1 Vat up at ApPlee. will not freeze it the temperatiire publio auction and tAil sold, not to the man 'goes to 28 deg,-, or !Out degrees blies 1 who will olOtheandfoodthem beat, but to the log,;..b.,00-- some sortie, or those of "dry tex.' I. -bidder -Who offere*i eitp them alive for ths. tore add riob fieVor, will be least affeeted .801, 10,11886 Aught* ra-0 *41 se i4tarvation, by the ookt If - kept tioindanitly- at 82 dem, varying not more then one Or Iwci: degrees either 'Wet-. from „the points. 11140Y will remain -toad, yeer..-• . ' Sweet. Apple Puddings -Ilse' one pint Of eifelded•litirk; half e Indio Meet' One tesepcionftiliof 'Alt, six. *West atiPlee. oat jute -.Obeli 'Pieties, .0ne • "Mita tivecupfts/ 01 finely ohoppod;suets two teblespoonfuls,of• moliiiises, half „teaspoonful of,-. ginger,. lititmeg or ohinanion, foe Well•beisted- eggs and half * Of soffit. "'DOM alt nipt Apst4Darts. • The ootinty igby, Nova Bootie, 'posseeses; An, intillktent - and progreseite -population; but the. Mist= of selling the poor totheloWteil bEAder still obtains there. A correspondent . the Hahfax .ileralt drawie heartroodip . picture .of the oon- • _ 7dessitute- in Digby. Unfortunate beings ho are unable to sup - into tie- 1010 e people. ,t knew they .WereoroOlts. If the thief doestiN 4404 be as his.inistrees.' r_When he makes , of 18;000 or $4.000, thro*: 8500 inteler lip. They iive on thctop . Of anctifiress 18 Well as.tba:fipeet. .40 is.tb0.040.04ibilig In the- World,. for a whittle err: have. deseribed 10. get into. a rioh man's those°. -whereith,wedding.,5is goingi.po. :They dryite up- to. the door!.(n. handsome oerriage., Whet -if tbty have no oardsl,, Plenty ,Of • poOple oome--Withoitt- theins-.altlaiugb the iettatiOn ,bearif. the eXplioit insoriptiont -".Present- this ,card at the doge The Usher cninnot -afford-7.- to' insult out& - giiislied400king guest*, No they Vase in. 'Once ineidet Whet- a. harvent, Epreed..bit, fore -the)* ltequently at weddings Ottlie rid.h41010000 Or 460,000..viortliof silverware, and all. 'sorts_ Of MOst volueble--; 'artiolee ate Atigligl iti.ifffilitil-Witbont. any proteetiOn whatever. - ThenlOok-et-the &snook there, are to eteal jewellery, and .0tilainehtelioni the - preeent. The *thief Is given- a better opportunity than:in .orowd on the &meet, begonia everybody le. totally trietiepioiouet All tholvoinen wear -the. Meet Valuable genie'. end -rotas:mots, they poetise,. I athir pretty good judge -of .0 diamond-04mi tell- One when tee. it - and I have seen Woirodi at e.'" Wedding -With' $50.090 worth -dinplayod her per. -eon. in. her .hair ao4 elite, on.her throat and.- -breast, and on tlie ebtaildete 01 her abort. sleeved drama. An ---experii,thief does dot Went an .iiithier job: than t6 .61i a pin .bere -Or; i Wet/ there, and 1* do at bike bimtong to Celled enough to support liftbil Mont laVieh-ettrariglinde flit nitifithl, Thei the- kleptontitniacii.' the high. *nod thieves of good bailie§ Whit ;.hfiVii 'hien inViteff to the.Weddint risk 'The- following ii side IMO§ fee: Stirn. ritiddielf er plain Nue* pudding Twolables Opoonfule-ol /olden myttip and twice 66 Lunen titidgeri IVO& 011- the -WWI- tilt properly Mixed' * • -• • - ' -Porttierl many tiarto_of- Nebralka are liiirfilfig orb for -lush They have figured. the Mattes eat: to_ _th- eir own - and are eouldent that it is despot bohiltil NEU thou it is to sell it mid bity deal, nal is worth,iii that *8 tate thbfalf-21 6600a hileheli find -earn dose tkiviedy isle in the rural tuarketo.for MOO@ that II Nabs' itspertimente hail Mown that Oro bueliele of eon ivill.troduct- mire Waribilithati Ulf bushel of nal1. and faritorm art thus bung log the former and -Iniug.rthenisolves ths' rouble- of hauling -it 10 thirkst and drawitg the- Nal home again' • " , . Twine:years lige se Wetted 'nearly all-titeir sager' Now. thez.lififfe it Wu bode/ , lit . • -• TO oay little- at olio h iehataiiWio beff6W1 its shame ,e • hetet a-lishahnife then, Of onto knickknack that le never Slowed frOM atnoilgthe large atfiliber of prompt& Al one wedding 1 reniemloor, some- years ago. the wife Of a Very _prominent Philedel. phial dropped. her 6144 -containing Ionia jeweller/ jolt as she stepped froinjlie esti up and handed -it 16 the door‘ Wee loosived by a lady5 and that Was the .1.616 heard:of it We worked .ds that _ease: for niontho..but were never able togs* a single elewist `... , • - . • • Vithst Matt does aletiedve puma M wedding - -plan. you know.* he lippeate 11116 guilliA mid :hot 111 511 •-of4oial eapseity, Hs weirdo dross atilt ev.611 if he .has to' rout it for the onitosion, a white-tie5 ant a gold stud in his :shirthosouil _The work is eztrithely Multi Really1 all that 'din be denifie wiLiah 400 Prougit- elestilfand see thab-soltedy carries any of tiage" Onle elle,de the outside. flaked it misery and orue/ty 'or two inatenoes 'On thotiOf "Add ;years ago-mity be the Most d1aboliO1 theksicat dritidtkl• Openly stated thet wretithed a titidd* • near ; that xuri• ourohaser. applied for Ma repeagoe, h)..i.ind days ,before the old:than Wee dea'14.- other old Men of 78 ypere .was sof f 148. -TWelltY-1114' one •Men for #1,26, to ' -need by him for one his mat mak*, eon-. the labor Of his sieve - : 061d this way, ,o deubled up with *theninitefat, insuffioient clothing, fodifidialbal tO the re ulte. As one Of. this (trying evil, ailed in Digby three Itioned as, perhaps, Mail died' Under 04112atenOell. ic was a, was in filthy and that no one would go todether;toain alpiddingluotilds or steam' _paupers were eo for twmbours.: • "?..! To Toest:Brod!,--It mil POPeit at lAril year IPA V1.114-1107-4:• -. sight netidlese to stipply a. recaps for thiit; Bider,bie,pront.'. 'blithe* feWimake realty nide toast r Pit* 1180fp; an' Old the Unite_ di ,the intehded eater thatild be, * borne- Inv -Mimi- as to the *fellow itune -liking ,thin, whilst thiok tootle, she desire. of -others....For dry town,' out the .bgeediin thin slices,'indhold it some distatitie from the fire tib -ensurii ithh heigorlsp h� - toast should -not be -allowed:1o, etaddlleddi before tilling it e or it WilltbooOdie tough. : , . • - - - . TO Pitieheii Braitl.-t4read May be .freehehiedlit plaoing-the -loaves .i0,1441oW oven and letting-them:heat quite ihrOughi er they may be dli)iged ih oold wide -And y1100110-4, tot 41114 -Mita °oldiedry; and -crisp, when they 'will be as gcottevireshii.4,, bak.d breedi -The loom:int:should not be left In long enough to render flie stoat har44 Pettry.titey be -rendered nevi by. -the Amt. preeitsi. Dtiting.damts-riatithers. pitities where 64in-biting tame- pito ones a.. *tells the Abets plait will be found to prey* the appearanokottootilta-: = - • .Piitsito-:.treadel-.----pue...Pella of :pOliffieki Willed or liktiatiled -iota drieds.. 64::.better stilt -baked: In -their. akin*. Weighed s Alter they are pealed1 stidillibbed through- &Wire deVe-With theimek ota wooden spoon.and toiled With a tinfitten of dotes_ -then • Made titian for 'ordinary houishold. yielif,fi goof light bread, *h1011 Will; bee foist a -long bible& Of osuree ilOW:patikt090 beiti answer fdif Shit popes:ill and the potaidesohoild be rubbed throughthi.sievi whilst they arithot, aethtitiroit they On. telifw111--setielion eeida- end .eaue thdtn le Wok in -the einfei anii-ele6 to : be -_- heavy *0.041 .. OM A- Sometimes. in e largo room, two men are required" Of Bourse we, unob prevent tho woke from working the mowd unless witappon to know them' • If we spot any ono we know they generally_get out as quiekly as poosiblo without making any trouble' Misr northing is over 011 111511 5 - eloOlour, pooh' btittetinWtiabout *sirens carbonate 41 soda, ode tesepoonfnif 'Cali, tinier felk @painful' %fix the Salt in the tour, rub all the luispottil of Nit sada,Aihd•tnixIn tile tout Add the butternilik (Whieh be odohomplo, or jtiot sour)1 mit tipto llgab. doth, ank.ibtfili into throoseerner sooner, and bake mi a griddle or girdle' (also „Willed baoksotone in some distrfOte) for about half an :hour, turning the none§ friouently whilst they are baklogi They may be oaten het -or -told' If *griddle Is not at baud. au iroll fryliigleAfiitay be enhellitlfed,. Eithot utensils ohould bo tabbed withitlittle.drIpi ping, and thou with a piooe of Wean pipit bolore'tiolog, our tuilkimat be ofibst.ituted' for .the ?ibuttettnillt.: Tithe... about three ounters•of With -4 • warp,/ thee whit not be, 'laced in le /IP 1ed lier ignorable room died her body could , •itlOinery coffins -but had oderittoi., t, 4.1 471"1"ft A- lrierrat lAtki Otresldlusee: ; • - Ati .engipeer f qBritieli Novy, who falthfutly for four- tseri leereiyme itrovaatiy :dismiesed in. die-- race on the etifiltSilit of sr parrot 66711 I 11110t1 leglar.r* itaa ableada With Indian officers w 'Oat returning toEugland*,„ emoting:- aqmirg loin; Dooley, an On the siseinehiglignooh; There were no jewarIthatilep gArtilts On boards 611 looking alikas had the 4: 004tslpoint of proof was the idol:tiler of "th6Mr4; whieh 1tad been lost with, that whi,liad teen found in the engine. romp, Th.O. 66titt,inertial determined vt llieparroggid the stolid. it was ob. jecited. that the ,tolibrcations-of the parrot in the ameba 0'4- the &leaner could not be • rooked ati. 041_4hoo, .but : the point was _ overruled, Thof prof -_testified invary golitleinailly that he had belonged to the major. engineer was sent WAY ditigr iieliallriltlys all hig is booklet!. as r theiviv one thousand, mei sits segigid dinte.1110 litettirdomy sign@ servante-in filing pm Wei 10 Roil* 111616"-W" kg" bleb ry °Y" 1431 'Thus -aid at plaint Alison iosobi milaffikaalatiPirimor1117 "1"laillgst WOrkilictlis Vatted iltatoo, Nays th*Bwito - -77 "SLI - 4 Advertisers beside', the- shop owned- by the yo Ash d88,1!Ild ?nub ran- --"do-brneij--1-1u--lboilifilgar-1,AVe eu 1114' another se by himeelll , oink. digit Loaatiages4 Dr( Greingeraciii bhestor. England, we* tailed in hot wotik o &thud several child. ten in Efarr1o4VOUrts *hewers seriously - I% Woitlift symptoms of poi soning from wail/7440i, The -dolor kid no-- . hops of min god boy, who, was rapidly loth* The.604 _Oh pump Was, however, ;used ,effeette41 .f4)d with oonotafit Mien. dot and are trfp..! was repOrffid OM Of Ungar. On ing their pookets the/ -scittae of thew; 06661Viel made apparent . Thoy wore f uP ugh losenget s.lt5551111 that the boys -Otte, 7 lb,- paaket of cough lozenges coritik*,or lifbh8in a whale." sale &omit #4,--;4 id it Of Ouster, lie eifis and distribtited owe among t, ".) disptite sr J. -I belwech sonte.fiiisetet rand nondiriver, In two on eaoh oids, agrsd tse the right by alight *battle to t With knivek. the antagonists boi,A o hot. together' The ett wore decopAveliiihed find oat, Two ere 1606/114 144*. @limibbod and two flan. WOUR', ,„•. • tkPi of avarial lavish expenditure in t-Atildiet his *rippled him of loth hi has aWitis id bloomer is is eoni. pulud to be iiekr %sod a -day Bavaria Is a vow Asap 4 o