HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-16, Page 1a _ 4 .74411111,0•11 • - .' - ' . 111P Mrall, _P•as!tum __Imlw_mi.60_ .,_A .- . ..___.rnimmatf_Ismi.Itaswim"„mmitismo!milislossess _ ,A•ras=m1temioo, _ors, . .immr...w.____. : . . Ir :„_ , ___ • rmiNati,,a,%•imm,,,imizeis.. : ' OKA TO!.- PBIDAY,1. JANtTARY16, 1885, • +WHOLE No. 676 _1. ' • • :Itritnout, t t .IA Pohl +cif Oory• .14140 .U SOT/NNII c.h.)011itt 41tth .Itta.,14fttI:- N tibt111. 'VDU 041tAk- LiU 0 IC NOW ONTARIO, • a:m=4mm Mt lalsaL. -,1-41,s`,41.1.1141f,-irptroit A .-1118.&181.11:Rit Pirtbseripti4li Price,. $1 per If ettr lit Ad vatter. =an All kin Is of WIT1( Neatness gad Dospstoit I cfili PI it Flit Le r JtOERT Ai -47 INEIUK-ANAllw FMB ANO ltARINEI •- tkIJELPki. \VE4T WA WAN • Mutual:fire: Insurance._opipany. • B() ARI) orinitiiomitst:imkt 'kon the transaotion:ot btrAtticiis kill tho- first --trucoday tat w1 month Partici- Wishing to kayo thsir preporty instirod in this inersattingly vopitlar Oompany, .will by- -giving lutticO h�- k.ialisd upon. tho•undettegnod in, by- otto of -.the iRroctors. -Uin,icallo proutptl$1 ot," tottdod to• • • • - -AQBERT 'hit.TRAtAyt ; .. St 1i.1oi'P.' 0, oney to Loan]. ()N- EASY- TE•RUS . . - to' -• . • ••• • i • w, JOK tt0001(14.i Agott,Ditng . .on o 1' _ (IN .1110:14-ESTAT at REA,80XsTABLE NJ. kat*, onImo_ of Paynietit to liarrimoors. - .*. RIA.T01' TRAV/ilt, Lucktiowi. OneY _tof LOaflI • •.• ,f • 4N-FTRSTLO-LASS MeitTGAGfiti AI' 7 to 71.0or cont. intorost, Payahlo yetyly._ Vitargos yoryliodorato. Apply to -:litOBERT MURRAY, .61.1-ifelsn'it. • ON GOOD FARM. PROPERTY -AT „0 and 9.1._por cont„ acoordingto. the Itleour. - Sty offorod.' Tiut above- will bo leaned On -any "Tornio to I1t tho Bruwcr clortosistudoncs,. wUl bo. •checrfully .404w:stie4 without lonpottoo,' _ For ftirthtte particulars Apply, to . JOHN GORDOH1St.• 1114.1-mes. oxi-t)sr• stp: .140471:1 • - • • • A. - 1-1141VTPROIsit - 9 TO. 99 • years. -1.1its of Farina for* $ale In On. AN-MikOltObEik- 1.414461041eik1r0014 to • .4641. learnt* will consult their intorosta .14 in. - spootingthoudiertlidng facilities of litithsoriber: In tlreoit. Britain oad Ireland and•Oontinont Of. •-1:4ands tor:Salo.• - • _ . Al$701.1S.STAWAItT,': . , . • Lind-Valltator.*LuOkitOW, Ont. • . . Sond. le for postage, - and re • . .1.1-Erolyo froa a oomily betof--goOds A . : which Will help:yon to 111414).UOMOk r1ictt away than„anythiOg o4so. in' the . -•AU, isf.1ttir son,lotecesd- trent first -hour.- Ths-. . broad lowt. to fortune einem( hototo the workers- - -stbsolittely- sure. .At - Once address 7.- Tnun • and- • 41`4,-AifultA _• CAMPBELL poiclus 4:..-WOK$0 •44, Anoint Ratoito Snit the Tuhs.•Loins - mi Mertgages att Lovr as per ctint. :Notes:mid :.34.01tOgis ;30ightl: • .MISIMSSMSOINIMII . • sorDrafte end Ohoquos on all PeintaCialhod. ,Apoolat and- Prompt Attontloir Paid to tho tiollootio .of Notos,.Acoonnts, Boots, oto:. - - AtirDr._ ',Payable_ at Par ltiod on the, : . - Itrincipa9 Atiotattil -Town* of Canada attd on. tho trnitod'Statos and Oroat Britain. I'firtios liontitting will find this tho ()heaped,finfost - and most austYintiont Mothod. - • INTERESTU Viso- Poi Cont. alloivid. dn Deposit* In the At -wings Um& DoPartmstt. lettuds-/twosted for: Privato Portia. _Wo aro propprod to offer ttiVu_stomors. oyory faoIIlty Miordod by ;•411 Oimiitorod Rank and on oq Rally fayorablo towns • . - OONVEY.A:NOING Branabos. awl *Life•iniur atom, Bost OOmpaulos R *rounded. Office Hours. -from 9a rain p vAmmtox & CAMPER LL • LUO,filrloYg : GOO LEGAL1 Li ARROW _PROITDFOUT,- . • , Barristors,Solicitotv,etc4Oodorich,brit.. T: • GARROW-WM. PRP UD -P -POT. thit/T TRAVE R • -Attorney.at.law, BoliottOr, itiOhancory. tIouvitymicor, etc.OotOffice 'Host to to the:Post 01fice,=Lneknow,--.-. _•: •• - • - • 010 AMOS •*Tglatv1"E, • (10.NVEYAN1E1t.. Money to Loan on Easy Terms on Meal Estati. Valuator -10r Trust and -Loan (lo. • - AXTON, • - Oonveyantior, IlOtnitissionci In .0, 4.; to. ••- te6.' Mtn at 7 putcont.,` straight intorost. 'Vtduator for the Dominion &laviugs sod 1nvvtrnijit oktv..- Limier of Marriage Liconses, ICIN1/017-01i P.- 0,, OntSimon ., _ orri a . commission -0... inHC KiNj4Ovaii. 076, STE WS • 11a-r4ster, etch,: P rvtlitottr In t1to . Officio with: . • • WAiTE1-CA11P IIELL, oyaccor, Mousy 1. -on dor, .1 teal, )4400) Mid . inktrataat Agettt. - Collectionopromptly made and tetartol-givon cook 'week: • • tfiir titottols, lbteds. not Words:• . . 00cc.--741.01.--Pindlnter!trold done, .E 61P: CAM IRON: ('4IttP8/04.) TARY PUBLIO -1 Oiptaiesiottor-in B. R., Pon-Fetiottor,,Oto; .LUOKNOW -1 ••OonYeyanoing in tt Bronehes. •:* .-Diedii,Kortgues-,•Botide, Agreements, LIMO*, • ,to., promptly and carefully prop -mod,•. -.and c.orrootnossgnarantooli.-: • • Spocinl.and prompt "attention.' paid. :ao. -.the sealichitig of Tiges, arid to 41 matters lactiect. �d with -the traniftni Of tionl Estate::: • - grckargos Reasonable. NI DIOA La 1.1D MOTIO I I 41 --Liectitiate• Of Royal .Gollogti..of•Physichins,--. Editiburm-- ‘• . : • contiatii111 Mio.ry,Editbnt 011idoeittophell Street, 1..ucknow. LUOKNOW • .".i 4.-'. J.S.TENNAVI ,M. p., Zookoms. • - iarl•pecial*- attention paid to `dittiasos o° _ women futd-ohildrint. . • . ihrOtills:promPtlY attended to by niiiht 'Cr day.- , D A4. AOC, ItIllitiVIONCT M. D.., O. 1.,•11: Q. P.; (.1.14.,,und L. M.1 Edinburgh. Ottronor•COnnty of nruo04 Lloontiate of Midwifery,. . Royal (ioilogo Physicians aod tittrnoons, • - . • - _ : -Edinburgh., ..„ :iirOilloe --Quo door ei4it,of the Tolt.011ioe, LookOciw, Ott.- - • SIE-'-14-ss 444.4 4 -44. -- Da N TA Li ..1E.• PASINESASE4‘ 33210 1.0i Licontiatouf o Dental ttittriti- as removed to *Ingham, wtwr* h Will carry .ou the Dottilsty business 1 bit be would bog toritstorto hitt - patrons that ho will *loft .LnoknoW on the Grit and third MoittlaY* and Tuesdays Of eaoh- Mosta. -Office at WhltopILS A VIETtRI NARY' J.ST R...TALKE,R; .01too Nat door to the liatto LUCKilOW. • •• - -ONT. A !nit snpply of Riedioinetr always on hand . - Calls both night- and day promptly attended to, -801rOlititgoo moderato.- ° • *Oen be found day and night M his office. 4.441., . .7-74T7 414..P.APP. IN 1101311T I EL: - Loops, . ail 36•100 OVOik Friday evening* eight o'clock .% •thoir Hall;OaMpholl-Stroit. • All ' . lirithorn cordiallyinvitd. .• LarfiL••BRYAN, • _ 11. SMITH, •: • obits_ Grand • klocrotary. . I - troKNOW Off. THR- -ANCI. 11 etitordr 0, of Mittel. Workinoh,.moet la- the Oddfoli on theiseuOnd _ Audi 1st - Mondry evenings Of titan month,•1 at:8'0'01(0k. *Visiting Brithorn aro cOrdiallY invited. 111. LAWRIONOS 2-, W. V. Lunt •, , • - Master. workman.: • -• - Recorder. • _ dlight °Lige Of II NO. • I 4., flA 4.4.11f. - i1 4THE . .•• • • .Thnrsilay:.tin dr Dofore full moots of each no fah at eight p.th. Visiting•Brothern 00(11411y invited. -• . B MAT, LOt f C+Ir, ',I1 Seeretary. • t ••• M A LLE R LOOA LS. slis.tssaaa . • W J E‘Vingitc-visiting: his -Mother - • a G.. Martin is vhiting tiien. •• , . 'County ..9Otincil -Will Meet on Titetidity,, 20tli . . Polly, if Kingiten, ie ing at Mr, littnib4710iiidsay'A' . • - �f Ooderioh, ire viiting friend. - in the .Watikins frOini•Sumnier 11111 it Visiting her editor, Mrs GOL.Kilty, of iielfast.,• Mr. Glaiier and family ::havk re!: , moved: into • LucknOw from if Alton's. in Ash6eld,' • - • • Thomas O'Laughlin, of . .7#1010aliirikillOwly:r000eiring• Jroin hit reaenti :torero - '4-1Viri and. Mrs Fietober and and Mrs. Powell, of . Brueseli,„ ipent Siindity itt theiillage. - - • - -Comintinien:Serviicea will he hold the'Presbyterictivainrolj, St: Holet* th0 itutt Sunday.*7iftiiittary, : and :W;r: Oeddia were in Ingersoltlast;-Week attending the fun- eral ef % rolntiveof Mtg.- chddite* -- .....Adetachineig of the Saved.Atiny led., by /Seto* • Wilsmi and Hartley hold a aeries of:,00etinge lest 'week -itt Hackett's ()burgh, Aslifield, r• • . . „, ....4orter!e• Hotel. in ,LoWer - wing. .hani was: hurnod to the: ground on - Saturday night list • . The fire M sup. posed. to-havo heon.• canned by s du fectiVe chimney. No •Mita7&�s.- Willi* kiltst vitollotk&vs fb thi-nat tina. *iokil it L4244;017 hit *foga.. fee.... -v AG RIOUVTLO OA Li' SO 0141.16. eimanaaa =ANNUAL .1;111$11NO 7 OP: RINLOSS - The annual. meeting of the Kinloss. Firatieh Agrimilturtil Society was held - in the Temperande Hall here on Satur.- day.afternoon last and was very largely attended.: • 'The -chair was Oecupihd 1)7 the.-Preilident, Mr ;-• Peter McKenzie, in opening- the .Meeting:- congratu- lated the direethis.` and members on the very sueeestiful year's • bushiest of the Society. , After the re -1110U* of -the last annual •-ineeting - were read and Signed, the -Secretary,, Mr. W. H Smith., road the auditorsi:roporkwhich: was adopted. • , The.TOttsurer, Mr; Thos. Lawrence, • • aubmitted-the following report:-. - date receiptsspring show.. ; 27.10 -Government grant 1884. 64 10. AshfieldTowntihip. grant. •.. 26 00 W. Wawanoili. • - _20 OQ .Motabert fees.. . 108 00_ :Hail:receipt% . 31 30 Gate 1.98 1.8, 71. - ?i493 80 .4ultiets-granto4 tk`Socicty•-• but '1,not yet 'received by: Treaturer4:. KinlosM TOWnshiti• grant; (..$ 24 00 :14uchnOv: council_ .grant . '00_ • • , $:6O 00 Amount reefrom late Treas.... 204 70 Total roceipte, . is• $768 59 -Exiiimdittire' for year.. ATO 36 . • . . . Assets at. annual nieeting=. . cligiut4ion thenfel. lloWed-: as to • whether. the., Treasurer should pay out Spieler Oil:es-before the Same Aire paid-. to the.Society; when it Was iniiiifed 1)7 Thos. -- L-awrenceand seconded by D. H. •Vaineron that altispecial prizes be . placed inthe liandi:of. "the- Treasurer *.befOre the seine are published:, -: the' piss Thoi. LaW.rence and iecondod- by W. Paterson- ..that -none but . Members . be allowed to take part in any - •Mr. J Murray then moved that -the 'eleatipn- of °Seer8:44 by baliot. Mr: a.- Laiie seconded the Motion,. but on . a . vote: being Madeit*.ii-declared The -election of cdlieers was then taken up, Which resulted •iii-followa President,, Peter 4MeKenzie.; Peter.Corriga•n•;.2ack tice„3 Jost' 141).Y.‘141` ' s • I. 41,11'qty, - - V iii214414414MR _ McIntyre, 41ts. Lane ; West: Aret.- wairosh- John Wetter, nos., .,.4c1c1 Kitiloss 1. .Chas. ; -Huron 1)ontild• Clark ;--- Luelcn-w:e- D. Campbell. Auditor,• -1) R Oftineron and-Ri)bi, Murray -•- -• -The i.eeting throughout vial gri :theniost tifianimouti-revOr.held bk. tikti Sopiety, and if -one *Ore to .joto the epochs' Of "the.... different ottlieot and others present inithilig will bt:ett Undoneto make this' year- the moet- •ptiosperons in the.. hititory. of tha suety., Before the - meeting. broke' Op • • votes of thavilre;.wett tendered, te tkke reitiringioffice0, auditors,. and the-t-dii- -• or of tho.SatioriziaL for the:great inOtt.. est he hu alwaystaken •in the pm.' a of. -the Stiolety.i• g Sekliaitifor High SehoOlEstaminati‘s • -- • . • in July newt. . • .Tho. subjecica.the. nextIlight3Oli6o, 1 Entrance Zite.iniiiitioni, July, 1686 . • - . . -. 1 i anii......Orthography and - orthoe -y, spellingifrom1 ititation, " markimip . :nunciaon 0.1;. d , Verbal -.distinctio 4There: .1.41. be '.60-1.i-natika411Owed lor thicatilmect, ,.' One mark will 'be •--- c.: ducted for, every Mistake- in Spelt , in the :Overt on litoraturei• .__graintio, .geOgrttphy,- tentopsition 04 h1401,,I, . Writing--4isidesi a: ...piper . en: subjeoki fee Which 15•? Marks -*intim sisigned, A Maxinium- of . 5 .:.niarkki .10 writing and neatness will -b&ano*td -oli-.sekh i' of -the _spoiling, '..literatit.f0, grannuar, --arithmsia, , canipc910,04 geogr,phylnd history papers, ru4.448 :60 ine.rks in All for writing, r - ' ••1.! . ., . • - Arithnietici.kAa7-far as perctc and interest,:•100intirki. • it • . 1. i . - •4, i ' 12The Incident itBruges--Words. worth. - _ The total number of marks assigned- ' is 750, the minimum required to pass is 875, and one.third in every subject., . Teachers should out out this curd.- . (Alum, and post. it up conveniently.' for reference, "'"'"°`1"011111100"t4114;1111144olimmiser‘ KINLbUGH/ - -Jrrost ems, own --f7orrevoitissi. Mr.. John. Sutherland, blacksmith of" - this place, lost a 'valuable colt an Situ.: day .last. It was let loose in thj-yard . and when attempting to get 04r the lenee Wai gored on the pickets, D. Lodge of Kinloss met in the Orange Hall here on Tuesday' last, when there yeast good attendance.._ Mr Thomas Corrigan its on his way home from the North-west .: - liMissifolt, :of Hamilton, .itieltie of - Mr, R. Paxton, is On a tour to see her friends in this aectiori. • y • • . Mr. A: *brainy .is very buoy attend- - ing to the people% . wants, with a' machine forvconveying water out of wells and cititerns. 0,11 and set thok, Machine. A:number of farmers • are boldiiig. their game for highpricei. Two youths :met at ICinloUgh. "Have you been to PuOlttiow •to- _hear: , the. Saved Army I" "No" Well,by • Iightayon•shotild.P. More take edifice. -Onee more we have a breeze of the, Northwest weather: . • 4110"+"ar41.11 • * ASilek Swindler from Setts:el& R1,084011, Jail, 8 „..-..There has just• been unearthed. at this place a very •.GrainmarInfleations,' .definitiond, ingeniotis,sc__ home of forgery, During.. • cOrreettOnsi Parrunit and s..11ftlysing, i00 last •summer .a young-Ainerwaniiiimeat .marka. - - 4- •.t Wallace made :hie appearance, and.Anbi. Cotniotitian4tenteiice constru c`okit no -tinted that he was willing .andki. varying] expreStions,--trarisitositioli 4nd ready to purchase i• good farm. A. ,Contraction of i passtiges,..;•-'expansion .bf" fifty-aore .place acljoining. the village,,s • phrasing,• -topical -.biota into a ,ocimposition, Si and on which Was erected -a cheese pitrietuation and .-10toi. factory, was offered him. He pure • writing, -70 Make., Besides .the maflko chased' it, . but on :tho. understand-ing giVen on the composition pappl that the first..payment was not to be. maximnini Of 15 will -be allowed gat. r Come due until lst, 'January,. the cortipOiltiOn On .the history, gtd That he had some cask • was :well.. the literature papers', inakirig g0- known„but his esahemes werelarge,, *Marks _ and he needed. a. partner. Residing. „ -Googiiaphy,L_isionrui ofidmotto/4 k On the adjoining two -hundred acre the -Oartb, ebief def1iitions, chieg .71 f:errt:toliwasociann6d ptort:dabrarilrogil*::-. atid polttical oirclia highly the -glebe, maps of -America, litiOl* Wallace made advances te his ion .andf.- •rtimilwa,oitfaryisotaaisH 14 -Ga. npardotiaticiond -4011:341§, "011edulahni,iu Attirmgoit• irontonma .dweahloinot,cantntioet.. mereitil relations of Canada 0,44. read; indersed..-a note for them.- They 70.1naika._ •• - . 6 made some money On the speculation, - 1 - • and Walliee's stock went up so high • • •DraWing-A -paper' on drawing ; tn the market that thereafter when he ivhieh 25 marks 1411 be. Ott 44 - Candidate, or examination thud p$1,46 *idled a backer at any time Jill he. • adto do was to Callon old atanAnat- their drawing. lbook: in the bands f h Wallace managed to make up,: - :the--pretidiiitexarniner . the mot&,. atm* his notes by. forging: the names of ing of .the Arai* :Of the examinatia • prominent:farmers „when be wished Every eXerci0 must• be *eeetifled the old •:ones renewed.. Thie was :keg* fitolteaChOr `ako: otiudidc.4tqd up until' a little over two montlw,go,„ aWn work, and '...should • show M leAgt when be. called at •ArmstrongLs.just, 'three "Mon.thii" Work 1925 marks toicoe. about dnek ens evening, irhen, the ekt.i., •ed• for'• the beaks,- • linaking - in • 0.1, 4bi gentleman was eens41.4, toalocrtzill.;, be .obtiti flea in:drawling and also ilk 4 14004 Onshird.ot the • markci nijOt nes% induced ilfr..Arnistiong sign a note, Which he. represents& the other subjeCts. - - coed for .1500,. A few days after • Wallace received word that business. matters in the States :winked -looking Reading.....iiitAligently And intell after, and' accordingly It" went off to • ibly, with _Correct pronuneiation,. ,give his personal-. attention, to the-. , ,Ohatticand pantie..50 marks. • matter: .4 udge of lira,. Armstrakes to Bhp* thaomOning etwordi,phris -wiirhitUstnlveehtehilahteon.riof uthoetifibrin:ollhellirk"' - Literature-4`rOm • 'selected4 . bar;,,, passages ;,: to Irepro-dnoe. the note of his, on which .aliok Mr. Wal Matter the- pupiro own: langnagt lace had drawn . -086O0, On receipt of to quote passages a special b4rie the news be- immediately went to. ' to ovince some kiseWledge o !'j11 show ailidaidfoioeli21000hly, est the0si:ihocisunedi . 4uthotiii ot the lottoult--.1O0 .marlot Theitweli4441-Ootions for thot1y al* :a i6ta °r1-111.8' balance the.' bank authorities.. He his cliscovereclt ,andDecembeir,118€35-,examinations • Oat the names of the ,other indotaers.4 , 1. 'Tilt' Stolle 00aelt...Diclseno. • , . . were -forged, and that • 2. le Lar.1,c.; at -tiiiap!gging.8-1-ten46.- have paid one cent, but,be' hon - 3. OA - 3.- T °Geysers of Ice1and4;..Duirerin, -Orable man, is now. ,making_ hard 4. TheStory Of Le Fevre- z Ste‘), struggle to pay of his • indebtedness, Qf course Wallace's whereabouts '181 5, -The:Skater and • the Woltegt... : 6... The• Oixitin --Byron. 7, Autumn Weede--"-Bryant. Yolm YranklLiLPuiW 9. TIre•l.iinidviit „Mho I. TIL01401*,01- the Balt,IC--;.IL- - * .41 • .. .1.11411.1AIMISSI 4............M14•441•414•Av.44=4 am... Diidis' • Tiromnson;....InVoiborno, on 25th Ppos. loiout ,tiouglAtor nI 4ir, 1s4232ouiptoul oftiAta ' -10 wook., . One more lanai) in the happy*fold,,, • For (kW. inuotaion ,hor there - Though our &I&I1l U1I ne'es be told, yet Jvisis our sorrow will -Shore; , - -HORTO•tik-'-ittAXiettblirO, on the ,Atib, Inet% . Hiwton,.-„,ftv. $itsoot but, very 4)4141.0 7 s • „ 4.11141? . (;) AV*6 ;* ,V*1 r 4 11 ' tot