HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-09, Page 8• _ t • -41..c. I M E- TAB L Be• VisT6 SOTTT-H NORTH; • 1117 1.,S:42. . 837 •10:52 ••• 6:24 1:14 2:20- 0:10 -i Traia.leaVing Kincardine ak,5:50 ,6r l'altnitrstoit runs Tnesdays,ThursdayS qud -aturdays. •PIP p. -..maadapeekiPames•amp +••••Pis iiittage nd t4nt:17t:tWA. .4•41...paapaa.•••••••••• . at': • in ?Ohne Notices I..fiareby give'Publie notice that Neal (k.. McDonald is no longer in My • employ as agent for ag.ricniturarim- pl(menta, • K(3 -wing. machines,and inuaical ins.trumenta. • .W..Aittx. - 'temperance- fvleetmg. SpecialaMeetitiv, otht members .. will be held in the North StarLoclge • roomi ozi Tuesday. eVeiiing next:to :finish up the worIof the township.:- atid also to appoint ...a de1ega0,..to tt- tond the temperance- convention at _. -.Paisley .on the 1 t1 of 'Jazivary. OfficasRarnoved:- . , 1)r. Teiniaut has:. rernoNea ..tus °Ince to,the building fornierly • oecuPied by the late 410x.. .Fiudlater. All.part4ts indebted to tho latter are requested to pay'. their . accounts' to .:1.)17. :Ten nant or • I). .0a11t1)bell; The • aIsqr6quests. • theS4 indebtod- t� lritzi to:. call around " Una-Seq011111• • • , r • No' Hard Times • • yard ns times are there seems- to be-. -lie lack of the usual festivities of. tlfe holiday'season. -There was the.' -usual . number of. goos'l things '‘dovo- ,uted. • Presents Were gii-en as in other years, _ . _ . 1111d..41toptIler people womoU fo 'iijoy, •-` theinsolvts Tato. as Well vs -they usual- ly de. Bro.. of OfiAthittn„. will_ pay ;an -official.: Visit.: to Lucknow :Lodge 1 0, 0. 10,, Of this. village, on Tuesday neitItt the even;,. itig lin entertainment will be given in', the Tem peranae 11444 When the -Rev.. -WO. will .-dnliVer aleeture on "Oddfol-; -1Tetil1es,the leeture- there. ivill be. -a spletidid -progratunie of 'weal . *old inStruedlutal'inusia, readings and oeitat lam Admission: MI are :cord i a 144n:sited. - AcCidenti - e • • At 0. . polling Hul).74INILknon, 4... In.' X.in logs; ou Monday af*Orn001)•- . ,144, owing: to the- large crowd .of ittiii10 and the number of 'vehieles con- . grognted 011 'tile_ roadWay: in front ,of • -the' palling booth, a: lierso driVen by An ,uukhOwn goittleman became.. un7 snaungenble and, :plunging about; back tho cater to:which he..tiras attaclr id •into a ditch„ -'nearly overturnieg the vehiele and breaking- an iron , 10(1 nt- taehetl to on ..of th6 _shafts: -11efore lurther . damage- Could be done tho 1101 a.8 takOn -iii tian+=•by some of h0. onlookers and paelfied.-- Jonrnalistic. : The 1/40...-rizeep cam° to hand irve,k-in an: - and - w-4 01 a Co.titttivfe citItss qt. "Vp0.- • The Scott Act Oontest in Wellington* .The Scott Act MsoCiation or the: -County of Wellington are endeaVorini School Trustees*. - At the election of -school trirstees • on Wednesday Messrs.' Geo. Douglas to secure the services of Mr. D. E. and ROA-. Graham were again elected Cameron for a series of addresses .in• -that..CoUnty. expected to. take place there *mit month. • National March. - The "IsTational March" can be had on receipt Of price, '50. cents, from the, composer,. Eloise A. Skimmings, God-- erich -Ont also • composer of the -acing • dedjcatecl to the paled onians at Luck - now in,.1883. • t •• - bard of The -Presbyterian Congregation of Dungannon wish to: tender to Mr. - Firdayson and -tile rather members.of to the Board, over Messrs:. -Dr.. Mc- Crimnion- and M. Corrigan. ' Burns' An niverSary The members of the Caledonian So-, ciety with their- invited .friericis ill celebrate the anniversary 'of Robert Burns; on Jan. 27th, by a rousing bill •tol be held in, their new: hall. Beeiwa* Wanted: -TheTtindersigned has e. large quintty of comb foundation which he will 'ex' change for beeiwaxkarties wishing. to take advantage of this .change Can, • d�. scli. any time 'before the" lit of -Febru- . • St. Andrew's cbeir; Lucknow, their ary. E ..f..4. (1.01.,INS011f 1",ucknow. P. 0, , , • -1- - vices rendered at the "soiree,. irl Dun- Nqb-ces gannon en OhristMas night. . . To thy patrons and friends: As I in - hearty. thanks for the: excellent Or.; - • • D. G. CAMERON, pastor. • The Manse,"•:•-DungannOn, Decembe 1884.*:•• ' l-loron-Convictions., - The liSt ot conActions by :Magis trates in tle 'county Of: uron *aunt -sed to 41 for the _ past quarter, th largest published for A lpnittime: ef -thoin Were byGedorich.niagistrates .16 by -Seitforth,- 22 .by Olinton, 11 by 24 , :by- s. -Brussels; 11 by ENeter, 19 by Blyth. -29, of the 'con- viaion§ were for .asSal.ilt,,22.for bein -drtink,and a variety Of 'minor *offences.: Thetotalil,ttibun,t cif fines imposed. Wa8. • te d removing - f L : rorn nok now t practice in Seafaith.4 If recommend to r you my auceesSer, Dr„..Elliott,who will be foundinthe. :place fOrmerly'.occu- pied by myself, over F.Grundy's:store., 2.111AoKri), M. D.„ 7 The Maekets e* • - Fall -wheat,-. per. bushel; 74e..to 7.4e4 7. -Oats, 80c. to 30c., peas, . 57c. to 510; • r' 'barley, 50c. to :50c. r Potatoes,- 40e. ;- apples, per barrel, $14; flour; $4, _pork, per cwt 5 •65to$5. 65, hay; per -ten, $11 to . 11 • 7 wool, per pound 180: • • butter, 'to 15o. •) eggs "per doz., 20e. , • • " Agricultural Meeting. • .A -.Public ineeting.• of. the .Kinloss, -Britneh ,Agr.iculturalt ‘Society will be . hell_ in the Ternperance -trail_ in this village on 'Saturday -afternoon: (to- morrow)'10th January. = The aritual t the •financial statio. c:lin- of- 't,r1°,PY1 e!8. ociety.: will • be .givenf. andthe officers for the_ present •year erfictecl. i?,Veryene -fraying interest in the fur (Tait co of agricultural afthirs -should: -mak° it. a point to* be .present.. -Let: there -be.afgoad nieeting. ''Proceedings to conymence at long.-O'clock:1- Card Thor oksi7 TOL 000 gentlemen:- who so. 10.iielly and. proMptly . gate directionsand put 'themselves in •peiltioris to render assistance ; to 'OUr littlo -..171ardy :in his perilinis-VOyage.loasi the river during the latel'flOpds, •s_ive hereto( tenderour heartfejt.- _and. sineete, thanks:. shudder 'ta think of siteli tt narrtiW1 08- (41w, and .recogniia the po,sitioli of 4T 100--,Provideriea• in_ his niarVellous deliverance; . 411.a. --tV tliO. 11. iticIlAan:V::•:. - Clifton Concert :Pesters _announce an. entertainment .tho -abbve Coinpany-• on Saturday • „ • tort and his -treupe. are_ ..N:i'911-knoNyi, in this,, ard-. him. concerts -hav.e -acquired teputatiOn • as being .• refined - and edif ; tliticseaSeit lehas atrial! gain ict (A- with a: nines Taylor,: the great 1111 nnirist. as he is fatniliar- ly _some of our read- ers woJl remember,. basing appeared 110,9 ElotnO or teii years., ago.. aleap .of itin'!.in j trinity, . , The, itfor 114 (yrin of the J.)e'st-papers • • i•410I(in and its pi(..?•.. itriet.o!.$4 MosrS. 00,1110 & MOCkVern, a 4 • n4rt,1 1M 04 n1,*(1 011 tilu t tliOyeattnit4itt -• -1,11eir 111 •1 ; - it-teiLforth ii.,c/;68./tor has itisq • . donned a new dres.s.t.lrat seems to. fit t old lady -vory wen,' : Kriiimi fop ltfiida.Ili 'tly4 for suprei!!-Inily- •t • litno.lig tuna weeklies. ---114b- U• ark - wttii Wit WOok print ea in honor o its- scvefiteti n • itiratanv.. • -‘ • '• New Oho -P.01,- - - • - . 111113 Met1mcbt congregaticiti in:the ifitiit;t1 •i.rectnly, church fullui spring. Siiuie thornily, Ttirk 'has' takon -charge. of ;the chuvcli „ 1110. nuin bey . of : On bore and adheifpnts.--Mts -So it.iereaged that-:117is .inpossibltf.to 110(1seati tig : ;room for h6h-i iiit,Iio folsctit,I :We ie,VV theY- 11 aye:: :pure -ha -Sod -tht,. site - Or the newjmilditig-•.ati .the -aorner.,,fof havelock and - -Camptelf....streets Air. 1 1 tifilr j‘lcKity,. .and oopi. nencing. operations:. 59.011. :4's titO .. veathev. will ipermit, :The building 411 cost'abaitt Ave ::thotiSand , dollars, iul throe- ,---which Ilas -treacly _been. Subscribed, We. ,.$tratford-luti a real .iter4tte:sohool•• aandat., A sobei.i Sedate inenibercif- the -Schoel-rboard been ,-fotinit:-.fiSs- ng ono Of _the...lady teachers,:--...- And lio- the lit:H.00AS Ito- 'd id Oh sdear I. oh ettril* There:sms- eeto. e kissii4--1.4dy-teaalier'S4aVa Passing; ver this fairland..beau.tiful,Otitatio-.0t. urt.;;- patt.loulaylk the:. portion hereof. .11t:i411 • 40.00oks ,!t4o mania' as -pot. '.48 yet 'settled,' ,dOci.n: of• Piaturetique, happy go. 1.-pky Init:sthere 41-- no telling, , sOon: it our. :We selteol.board,:fuid 1 -:•thiretitty of the' ineinbers - :idroOf .1'.° -Thbretir6.--we.:4ill take- tinte 03 'forehigli and liasttlit. to inforrrithetn-' frthe 019.8-0 proit:itnit,y of thisHdreadfut !aiady. Dew:A.11e of 44 . yii.-.)/61).Agpr- oiOurs-cf the. 84091 board -*kn. -, by all- inciting .ornetnher tholaithful . • oylik-gt yield. Oki •.-eft4i Much -Ado -about Nothing: 1",ier iltiarges -preferred. againSt ;reit, •Italiker;.(if this -eitina -o Hitt ilrtiny I aisfat• .Wtt Ikertoil pit! %. &want; ta adjournment bre- efo - .Nit mart( and -Cooper, and were final= • ly dismisiied. and., his character - v I tyli tea.- • Th rough On ti . - .1fing au& severe trial 0; Mr, 1 01 roil: ham wen .Sul$36eted his many' t • : frienda haVe -never hist 'Nth • in him, 6 and- 41rEouissal tlio onso..-:aftor ANL retling• inveitigat b •011.i:1(4,10,11y. -:retnove-_ from the ;public o • fitu td: any .delibt That -may haye. existed .d • its to hig eitfirejniteeencon-f-the charges:. -t 11,ruitglit - against WM, 'Net- -smutted h . t h Ittlend tog. himself .:A.1 r .01411.61111 earried- the • war Aftleit'' and- 'It cotinliF -chi:0.mm- against tip!: h SthitiN„ 0110 Of -Whilib 1.40$ 40 0) for -forgery : and -the: other w pellnry; The ‘iiliota'aflitir 'from: - ginnitig,tp_ end -savork strongly of k Noe ot the po,tt of:boitatopopoolis,-ti rti. injuring 9 • (linictitin in :Ow of :th4si publie; !! intuit be highly -gratifying. in -t Miro Chtnieron and )iis friends. INVe- NctItt$ oar kteartr co.h.ar11t.piatioi0".s. NewTariff for Balliires • The .tariff. of fees :for.. clerks and bailiirs-of.Division Courts, framed by Board -.Of County Court r.J•udis last sumincr,has been 'wholly -approved of by the judges of the 1•Iigh..Coart.ef Justice; and • came - into force on. 'Tannery 1st._ . - h Instailtlon ofofficers . • . . Oii :Wednesday- evening ; .last the fol lo Wing- cdiedon.rea Oflicers were di4Y- .inStalled for the ensuing year M. Carnpbell ;- :1St. Oliieftain, A. No - Pherson `-.Ch-i.oftain, later drd Chieftain 4th • •.Chieftain Gus. Wilson ••• Or. See., J. Mnrchison';. Fin. $60., r:J. Elliott -; `Treaitirer,-psme,eotio.1016n ;:Stanclard • Bearers A. K. Qtniorokn 4n0 Dougalci McMulIin ; Marshals, J'• :Morrison -10d Neil McKenzie .;:7PiperS, .A.FixilaySOili,:- ! C. -McKenzie,- (any, and- Janis McKay, -M.-1); • He Who Doesn't. and He „Who 'Does, - Our devil" has just produced' ill allegorical'painting,- startling' .in its. truth to nature. ' :The time -honored - truth which it brings .out so forcibly, and endows with immortality, "Cannot be. too firmly. itnpresSed upon' the minds of the youriLt-and the old: 1@aI -1 P o7) : • • :The man .iVhodoes. tise. -• The public school : opened- last:Nfori;. dayi. All the:: staff -of teachers; -with 'one exception, Were primsent and 'eolnIneneed7their Idtities:for 188-5. :The •-vileaney.-00purs. 'in- the '..fourth depart. Merit-44ns- : teacher T'eng*ged--- . hating fail�d in passing at.the recent :I Yule, theprincipal of the scliool, Made . an eminently laver, able iliipressioii, j tic] ging froitilhe: re- marks : Of tbe_Seholttrgi This is a Tory 'pi:A 'Omen; and no doubt :everything Will -go happily du ring his regime. siitoo reakti. tliat a :Misi.--:.-mcGreger has been engaged for the .4th d_epartine4. - Tea-41tegng-. :Toty.atiott* tea -meeting of-. the United' 0911;00046ns of tile Methedist, :PresbYterian, - 404 ,Epiico.p0,1-.0tiuti.bheii • :t!,* heict*-Ainioss: on . Nei.* Year's hiltbti,,Thieltight-WaS starMy-and,diS- 'agreeable,. but this did fiat goodly pintiber "- turtling After tea:11%s er tiotii- the' Meeting mias- -aclijOurpeiV. to „the.::-.-conifortable ; brick olitirok tyliere•-an .40ellent-prograintne- -. . _ wiw,preseitted. • •The :chair - was 06ets. 00 .by A1,1-!, A.::-R.ciss',..tbabbpr,r.i 0040'4 abundant supply otiowiip *es an dificiefit choir nildei..;the. leadership;of • Aft 4010i: no doibt tethe.incloMency- of the Weatherthree of 'the :spealterslailed: to come, the. only en0. tct pi t.itt 811 appearance. beint, 7Ust'CaineraiQ of lucknaw,,' ORM-Alba the - audience te.'-their evident sitttsUction pleasitreloirlearly: an .hopf.. Lind a=hali.: .The num who doei not .advertise. School Opening... The line fat ewe fed by fritinee•Laneli and sold -to -R. 41.oliesin,-- C4oclerich,:oar4: tiled 0:the 3rd'-prize-.at,-.th6 :Goderielk Tee s tool; 1iow. , . - • - R •.!`11. liana has pUrchased 4noblier, -Berksluyo froth- J. S1104..0 Ed019111,1 brod.frotyi registeredand - ith oite (14,1Ug , Zailtp Ole Otr enlist Pruggs'js Sucoes TY,CNO)/1/1_ of toj S'T-Ontia"int; . " DRUG IEDICTNES) SPONGES, BRUSIIES, AN IYPERti! ITIOR 'Fancy and iaillet 44ie4 garPh :gains prescriptions prep •-.r- ed with g eates.t.,cate. ' • s . - JIWSpo cial attention•paid• to Farni Recipes: .- • • , Purest Wines' gnd.l..,Ignoqs Forll dicinal and Sacramental purposes, TOS021 -great variety.. • . • . . rills ow Year & Birthday Card Agent foie -: ... EL BEATER SPECTACLES.. The lenses cut from the finest SeotO •. . Feeble. - Ve guarantee satisfaction. , . - - •iim,mitiommomitimminiumatments • • - ;I, poste e; b,ndwis Vint mail you 'free:, 4 H.E, Or.Voilking people. Send 1,0 ' . royal, valuable sample •bcre of gootts that will,put you in the way of Makin i. tun e. money ip a, fetv. days than ycu . ever t ougl t possible at any business. Capital not require Yoit can.liva. at hoine and work. in. spare tim . only, or all tIIe time.. :All of botlfsexes, of a ages; grandly !It eeetisful. Mc to $5.easily ear ed every y'verirg. : That ail;whowant .Wor .reay test the winless. we :make this uUpara .• leled offer: To all who are hot Well 101146 . We will id $I to paylor the trouble of -writ Ing as. F141 partieuIars, directions, etc.., su fret. Itinnetk e payabiolutely sure for all lAill :start at one. - Don't deliy.,i Address Swm a & Co,, Por61 ndt Maine. - , . . . • • aim".Nre!Magnionim char 11116! acean Sitota etathigralroa...„.. „ ?.; ...1.44A14,1,... 1 '1,1,17;-.^.. 0:40.11 d." laic!) 1... " , 4.0.* f- '..$Tg.gRAGg: • !PASSAGE F11034 LUCKNOW.I.0 Liverpool, Glasgow or Dvan. C. a F 0 S26. 311. Intermediate .and, Cabin russrige at collies. pondivgly !ow 'times. Jr -a -Drafts -issued at currigit in tea anti t Iit cash --d free ,,fellArgt: at. the lehdlog .111..tiks in 141.1?g1aild,' So4,1auti, EeT1u 14110k/4)w NeWs.paper.A get:. -A 11 V' • • 4% Pe-00411ent or Jpirrial iti the world at yrs prices.' and subscribe now: Wm MeJ1 Agt Am Ex 'Co,. G. N. W. %,01. Co., Lueknow. LucKNow ARNESS DE 0' ob uow in stock the Inc.stn X 1iefftai%)1 ay of unwr AND 'HEAVY ROMS I ever shown. in Luckno*: STA cull induce • IITIFEULLO GdAl noZzac • , multi In • • • . Zorn Blaikots, etc. . • My gtock Of Trunks, YalUes, Band Satchels d •et c.,is now complete and inclu4s all the stylt4aml iriukes.., As all the above articles were pitrohased from the best makers, andat the, lowest cas.h • r voi,i am prepared to eel) as cheap • as any otherhouse in the tritae. • Doult-failto call and see my stoak before purchasing elsewhere. - Special attentfon paid to °fifer - ed Harness ' Allwok guaranteed first:class, ROBERT PROCTOR.: 1.. .. • 11 0 WlitT TRZZ.VATertbi As in thepasti stillzkeeps hand •' large -and -superior pia& of eller, 1 Grocerito Iheltidlfig evelytbing 'found in the Larde of p 004 Housekeeper. . AgrlIe would also inform Ate. public; More - particularly the Fannin' Community, that hehasengaged the Servic .01.a Thotough Miller; and willparry on the 1,11ing.Bilainess With renewed vigor, and.Ey turning out good grids in quick time, .gain increased patron:10 froto the publ a. iria•All kin& of Grain an S,eeds constati ly on hand. - A`VaGoods delive ed to any Part.of the town, : . ailf$WY *IUMB - •• • Yd... emilimaapadilliipalawaYii•ip _a ow to Lin long,and Die iappy,. 4-141.4 AT ey & And buy one -of those -celebrated WILDERMUTH SPRING '.0EDS.; And you`will besurprisedhow -fresh' you -will rise in the morning-, Ne, squeaky, rickety, get-out-Oferder kind., Can be returned if not is represented, and only $4.50. for an 'ordinary clOublet. _bed; We -have a lot of • • Selling at Yvh-olesaleprices 13i1y a sit. - . before they are all gone. •v, • 0- YlitICIL.LE u er Street, Lucknow. • • 'AVING RAD TWENTY YEARS experience in the' manufacture of Arti- ficial -Linibs(dOring'ivhiCh tithe 1 have. sold over 160),I aranow better prepared than:ever :to. instit the_wauts of 'the:pub/ie. : My viewaof the requirements of an .artifio. i 1t, ease and eomfortin-wilking i2nd-, it natural Metion, lightness,' elasticity and Consbitied.withik.graCeful step; 3r(1,, reliance, iitt01110 andliurahnity,. In all these -respecticIichihn 'without feir 0„-oontro.diptiopl _ that my lege arerpro-eininent. - • -Oahu' to milkethe beot-suppoiitok all -kindsof defonnitiei.of lliubs, also supports for -ouryntures•ot_tha_spine.i will guaranttii -ovate aufferiniorom rupture a true -and com- fortable trues or no charge. . • Give .tne-a tthil and be convinced.. I have 'a ;ler unlimber Of testinbinials Which I San fUr.. -nis Addresa for wale" etc,.,:,.4 4C11414'SOYDs-'LliCKNOW POt, ,uttrio-W,Ptst.:Oflitglinfa. iii••••••••1 IM•Poomon IsansmaiPpIPINPI".• South and Bast including London Toronto... Hamilton, Guelph, 11100 -,- thud, Manitoba, Dnifid States, English and For- eign Arrive Clem mmlientomae _IIIII•raerspee.0,410 10:42 am Mails going. East close at 6 a.m. on Magian' Thursdays;and Saturdays each week. ,11:11 am t. 0 am. - •• 8h37 pm, 3:25pnik West and Is_Torth.m ' 3142 pm Maar eh,Dungannon,'Ber fast, Lanes. St. Helens ,8:30pm 6:304nt. lio1rood,Kln1ough,Kin1' 1p el, 6:30 am, MONEY ORDERS • Issued on and paid from all M. O. Offices lb the Dominion of Canada, Great'Britain, Ite- land, British India, Newfonndlatupermany. Austria, Italy, Australia, The 'United States.. Vranee and Algeria. = • 11)8T 'OFFICE; SAVINGS SANK: Deposits received from $1 to $S09. Delve - ltors with Post Master Generars.special per. : mission Can deposit mow. Circulars giving 21111 intoematioa can be had on applieatiGn at . this office. -.Office hour? ti• a. in. to 7 p. •'Letters intended for registration bhniii4 he posted 16 minutes before the elosint of,each mail. . Ms, CAMP3-ELII POSTMASTEL 411? • I- 4 •