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The Sentinel, 1885-01-09, Page 5
_ .._ ._.., Kincardine Hi -t• Sehoot Er trance: Ex- - a_.nirtatiot7. 'l`1te< sttl)Jc�tit �cl list -gives the names g.; tin; sF cc eAsftul itandidtttesi lit order o merit. An tot >.lysis showstthat the ti itt(�,z><tltttt -1`xlei School e(iucatecl 8 ' out 'of .the 2 .Nho.stkc .ceded . in their Er: a-inittet i n : -No. g stt(:tzott, �4 1�,Y>kilossy Fs. .Y ♦ ;,. sato ' allrat t,�.. ;. to. Klti • E No. 8„. itt`de(` 2; No. L tush . tlt.•tt'y 2 . 1 L. i3ruce,. 2 , and 3, K twiVartlink, ati& No. 5, rti<<e`, 1 t:ttt,i1. N ,. mt11)er of Marks ltiF•�•IIa\ ,_ Zti y .1Ltitkss.t.. k� ; .'1 0 -Mott tNc}t c; :3 5 );tiini t Powt41. l tttetzrclittc' 1 'S-,: 396. i1e(tEt:i 1y=t,1:t I`t.11s� `et.s,.Bruce' . 3{65 J. ut<Y\ttow P.„ S ra..360 %.inlOsa 359 6tt€•F€ft \1(14'Uaft'' y. 2, t: ' 356 P l� 't't .� ) Ni_��. �, Kincardine... 3 r?.2: 1e'':ott:t' t`1 eiat, :t?: 6.,11tu t .352- - 3 )?- ti' 'lyi_L'i1 Atkt t. K ie.tr(ltttEt . S4.311, slit -.E `.`t4.. \o, @ Kinetu;diiae`.:850 • ttttl:t i tit sty `.E1. g - tri k tt1 itlt;tttt-..art, Ki.icar(1. itt ..S; = t . t ort ft M tart :ta - ;t ...c 329 ..„.4"—it £.`arroll,4.4. 44 2 Lt. ' �ttrt;. (•()tt, r.. «( 9.. •etttte IhtticzY, - c/.. s. -311. • A•,Mm rit.\,-�;o. 11 I.Bruee , •..317 s e.y. \1«rtilttccs; Kitttrail.it�c _r 1 .S..,31- • :;t €{te1 .l tit 1tt•rfc)i•d,- f',..K ut..a dino. :31 a • li iw' i:= McKim,- N;' ,. Buttal dline;J1 . \t.trv; E. _A.Ir-I-}r irtniJ. \u..11 1 r tce3l-?. : ; t, Ti I3tirLtess,. Lti kis? P. 5-.31.2. I,i.-1z; =•'k€t', N:/) 6' Kincardine,. , . 31.1 >ct vitt .11--x% rt-itt:4, I tti(ik 14:0-W 1'. S.;... 310— C1ME 3D'0,, The bestproparation.known io science for beautifying the Entrance. Eica n'tnat On. _fitk. t�xami iation o! pupils fon.cn- •e tt >t.:� •tip (16 1t rich lrt h .?hoof was lx.(1 in tltt• t i ttt:il . chou1 on Tuesday c!t t(l Weanescltiy, 23rd and 24th Dec. • ,lit. (,tudi fart's. 'Wrote, . 57 being froitl (tui( •t ch ;,utl- 29 froui "the rural schools. Of those 12 • front. ((detach iutd'-1.5:: ;Irma -tin. csnint y .passed the requite/1,, Ind NV(=i a provisionally- aelttlttt(<fl. 'The:. ((Mowing are{�the litmus Of the suceess` }} l`1 xti�•ts MeK y,' - • 8 Asbfiela 37: A t lt'1' : 1f, itt.rtitt,it tl 3q1 `harltitte .Johustc tt. t' '33:4, Juin t.tc)rt►=a, (: 11 qqi11.(•t t 1 itl`tt 1, olbcxrnc o�u8 ,;,•;1i.v. ` "i1�oa), t4 --44 • 3-,, $41 t h V. it..austoue, .c .. - .-c 30., ':1 liCrion \ ittsott,= - ti ` it - ;156_ w i. titt=i ; 1.10.`v -d, 5 • l4 _ONE SINGLE APPLICATION is `warranted to t neaptify thaF ate and gii a to the Faded or Sallow Coin- -flexion a Perfectly .Henithv, ,.Natural and Youthful_ Apbearanee.: It Conceals Vrinkles: Freckles, Crow's 1� l . ' • -Feet, and the Evidence of -Age, leaving the Skin Soft, Smooth,. and White.. t� e"� •� 1 -TRICE-50 cents. Sent to any . address. Postage atainpwtaken. Address alllettors.to CREME D' -O R ;D_ ra_wor. 2,678, Toronto _ P.O.-`. Ask yam druggist- . for it. . Wholesale by. all whole Troth `Mark. sola dr -n fists. . 1 - -ammainum- r -. Walt,Ingjn, Elgin,: Swiss and - Ii gl vii, s't J. w est Iaivin ; °Prices. (4arar teed` Excellent : Tirne-Keepers. -. ,' Y Ts the Place to get School Supphhes, 4 Fancy Goods,A.T� Perlin Wool : Bibies,V•olins, "Concertinas, jewelry l ases,. Silverware. X318.. iii. \lc.iilnAky,; G CIodt'rith $ 80 k V. ..1.-. . N (fit t el; ,,, . wgraTERN ;ivy NI l.��tt<;iilit�,•15� \V t, wauosh3501 p `ile \Ir(t rttiatz Of -nix -ea 355 PLAITI .kilt` Trench,'" - - ' is t.-, 3:ro 1 - lla Btrv,(lo lt.�riclt loiie'1Scli( of 430: l�:'ttt`.9it. CEttn plfellg - to - . - ” -343.. 40`til-t`ttttttkt.'c tt,• ca - Cc • ,314 • lief= l lit.k'.ou, -c;e . - -376- y ‘ itt= - Jobustokt, i. tt - 353 1Mi'i t.`ro ri Ptt;t•aons', - ! ct'., _ u .`314 if 329 :it t4t<ti• " “race • Altai -lie Munroe, - • NV hi 10.1t j1 ttrtsonn ttE- l_ ::toy:%%1toi. LC Q HALSH.: =ronti parr f iiv orreeporicient. • - The. C1tristina c troy entert ailmmont of which notice .kvas given in previous t orrespondt�itco c.Une off a annetinced .01,Ghriitiruas-'eve and consideril4 the incleuic'iaey of thi3 weather [ and very - ttitfavora.bie sta tt iif the loads was well :attended.::. The' little': folks of :the_ section were out in full force, toad the free with its loac of beautiful presents ,ra, the cyuosurt of all the little eyes lin, to school. • .bout 740 o'clock -S. (. Murdcoh was called to the affair, • -.and the .prograi me, a lengthyy one, consisting of ` '' *-los, reoitutiens,[,td i;. vocal and instil, d' tal Mink was pro • .ceetiiid with. vwoutld occupy too • much -space tot multi . in detail on the v *Iion pee Sufficient it is to. say that the children acquitted them,! ' selves pit a very creditable: ranner,and sevt'ral of themdisplayed: considerable talent in tho c liar_acters assumed_ by theft, 'When the , firsk part of the - . e progratu tie_ wa finished, ofrestoten64 . wer. ervecl ill he shape•of-coffee and �ara t kinds of pastry, after which th . krese its ere ;distributed. -and the second ' a th( progratnZe proceed` _ i. i .! a '. s e!d at. a late hair-. ed.with itlt b was�lUl<s1� The— Sure t al.' the :meeting wag 14 ho. attlali de i Clue: to: the assistance csf: -.a number • 1:ln; a. distance . Who -do not . *:.rt side in- lis section, •and among -whom.- we n `mention tits M nMes M. Murdoch a M.. and J Agnew: i : and • esIIM. W. i4 Murdoch, R. Hurd and ;.: #. - tichar -s, of Paramount ; aid Cleo. Plutaine Bud D.- MILK af. Pine ...1hver. _ • vote- account requested settle Me save by e. tsst o/ .T anufity 'or ey 1 = r collec� i-o� . i - JOHN E1" EWART Lu©knew, March 2f nil, _1,882. - Pracelets,, to Solid Silverand plated wares, suit,,; wedding or birthday presents. Call l did see stock: A larger Everytling of the bests :make.9 Geutlernt v s Plain & Fan ir4PRepaithig ►romptly attend .A. full stock of Spectaclos aim's" in El ed to mid satisfaction f the beat make alway PC&Tt_ organ'(. BOOT SHOE STORE, Thousand' of -.Meatier Viantedil sureY and exaam!ne • our. stock _ o!' • "which we Will dispose of at ad t(}w: prleee ad e- =oonsi®tent with fait dealing -so . as to -enable us to pay.100 cents on the, ollar. We invite yea to .try _our store 'or rather try our -goods and price& and you will be, con vin d that the it wisdom in so doing! • It is verywill' to plonk) lho er ut strive to please the 'woke- also. ,on' algal examination of 'fined th '`din it►r,t=1. o ve 41seuss; by ,it., tt<. 0 t wed ithd of ion tt fi � ®trontrie m .faith at k send. 7 1: "Tti PK�f,, t�0• a VALtts:, Tit r Oakton this aut>ww, ► Give Bungs scA9 t 10o,, ddreu. 8.. T. �.- t, 301/te t Kiwi Bt., NewTotb prod h and pramil- E ST u 1: • r h$struo•ion given- by mail in,: o -deep SuIineer Arithmetic; Short: 1 ,_ ate.- erinr ria- : Fiend etam-pe#n: jk 't1PoLET to 008' MINCE ill SII. 50H00L, an Ma will-c®ithtialy.convinoe all, •oven the oloeeM a,nd uoetenrefulbuyere, that We are offering: GOOD GOODS AT_ LOW PRICES. MIT8• MAIX TO ORDER; - Ibis *IR bare : a large stook. of . Mares. Mks of eareu►n cake on hand in reason Peart Gori ping van leir assign T IS CONCEDED 711AT THE .1).611AN -be met, but the time: for buying sell oheap 'w4tto tt- regard n ' ad e :+�.:a�s Silent :until midnight parted, 'hiking . bands with con.. ( �t 1 so ca on the pleasant' evening they As Peter Dongberty, of New York, sr'r `� on. Thursday morning be qrdsred ,hie .yeae•ald dery hter to bring hint a - bottl whiskey. -She. refused, saying. he, - -, already' - drunk : one - bottle, :and an would -make `bim-drunk. ;Dougherty' infuriated, seised.1oker an daughter, when hervmother.inlert�r was badly. beaten.. Dougherty then re his daughter on,.ebr floor and jumped up and down -Upon her. -She will die. Dougherty_ p� kat beensuusatedr ,' . Ben =0r d T111164, Marshall, .Ilion. asno-Vourers Ws( or old) a lotad ®� o�ono on tality and man. erz Also for rhea �d`men other. =fi to health vita risk it inoarred. Write them • ikipeeotme a Daniel ter s noerian Pe �}b_:gsS?oH�001 .�: