HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-09, Page 1.4" ri , - 7 • 4wtyl.resiaistusomerraorsysol!aiamearammam-impaiii al11.711.4t!"r".#84Ti 811.111114".111i1111101011,#1.1.11/raP - • - - • LUCKN-OW _ FRIDAY JANUARY 9 18 -aasitaiimsaa!ratis 41111111.11.11111.11.1111.111111, ittinsint IMINU4.411141 6 A-1) ohitd overy itday it he SENT -iglu; .. Bloch') North East (..ornee*of Oittruu4 it pbell ataeeti;-, - LUO,KNOW ONTARIO. .131* ' a 4k.. R.Rievf.N, latTiOlt AND P UPLISHElitti - Price, -$1. per. Year Ii 4tdvancc. --.• _ . muctioh•(if PRI • exitecitsn Noittrr rdreidfdr14.4 lerefiLliguriridue.tredIrlirmodom, 41414.11111! • • . . - . GENERAL. - -•,-J1011.141-1'...01IINNIN(4HAM---- • iNgl RANGE, ie Mt!: AN 1)- MARI N 11.1ELP.H. 14V \VA:CV-ANOSh..°. • LEGAL.. (1 ARROW Zit .PROVIYFOOT, _ -,Ilarris.ters,Solicitors, ete.,(1 ederich,Ont. J. pit0VDFOOT. - Lid 'Or 1111,4191R, Aftorney=at-law Solicitor in.Chaneer,,,.. Orifiveytindei., eta, - ()ice itektte to .the-PeSt Otlice;JmoknoW, Ont 7 318, TAMES. SOMERVILLE, - -.00ArVE-r.A.N.CIER. Money tO Loan on EasV Teytilt4 viiltottlgotote.:, Valuator for Tritst ancl.Lo4n•co. - . _ AXTQIN!'i _ , . 1. .COnyeyanaer...'' 0.6ininission et .1# U. Moriekto- 1-4oan, at 7. -Per strodglit-interest.. Vain:at-r for the 'Dominion Satings-and .:investment lociet3t. issuer of, -"Almilago bieenses;-KINLOITG.1.1 - • - • �J ST:9 "\T"M ifarrigilpr • eta.; -13raction e-rin ti .11.h.Th! iirts?! Office.v.iitli! • . CA MPtiELL ae r;. a y Li.ncljr, Ilea:- Estate 'an Insurance Agent.: --Oollectl‘ins proniptly'inadei- andjeturns eaeli *e.elk; • - • -.Cur Motto- iiii-D.eeds not Words; . ' Findlater's!old _ -...CAME a- 4* • uttral:- ompanyi I 1). 0- 44 1)11t/F4(1'().11F1 OH if )- - tht. trait...notion ofrIM4ines-s- cat* the first • l'n.esilay 111of:t(li Parties- wislilint to, filtevethuir throPe-rty 1H4U1Pt1.. itt this ititsmeasing1S, .popitiar Coipany, by giving .notice I upoit tlii. n !Om sIgn.v{tor -- by Otte of • „the .1)irectors. Business •91418. twouiptly- -at- ". tended _to . - ItOti-EitT AftrititAY," Ittooti,sP, 0. oney'to.Loaiit:1 *VARY '1' RMS U1 PAYALNWE Aig•iVr to : • tiN:COOKK Agent,:Duligannon. oneyto -oat" ()x 1.1i:A1; Estp,t7E, tit REASONABLE on -'1.'ertus . of .1.kaynteitt tit stiil 1140r,i‘Vers, . -. • - • E. 141 err -TPA:1111R; LiicknOW. oney to Loan: 'tS. AT 7 to 71,1f per cont. intinekt 11-ft-yab1ty yearly. Viittrges. ktia7j!Itithirattf. -.Apply., to • .„ ROBERT MURRAY, St.`1-Lelsn's." oney to Loan 1 N* (}fl0Ii l'Aum ritoPERTY AT ti : anti 61 pftt. e4'tit.,460ording to the Seoul, f.ty offered. Th teabove.wiii- be loatexi on any Torepvt,, salt tha Borrower. Correspondence - *ill chevrf airy answered without expense. For f nailer particulars apply to - JOHN GORDONSt Ifelen's. oney to Loan! .AT .7 P-10, ft fIENT ' MOM 2 TO. 20 „ ' .tu Li ts of Penns for Sale in On. t :trio tin-wellMaiitnh PLITtitid desirous to Faring will consult their interests by in in advertising facilities of Subscriber in (That- Britain and Irelandaad Continent of * tiandti-, for Rule. GUS STEWART, Land Valuator, Lueknow Ont., 1 0 it i i snafac ft?-17.-postpigo; :and re-. - F NILi - fi ,. 0; e..(mtly Ebiox of 'goods , 'which- Will help rimto more niOner- . . - rightaway•thali anything e. se in the w-eirh . • AU, ofeither soxsuopeed.frvin first hour. Tho 1,road void Lli-h!yttl110 Opeiig btlif0;r0 010 ilifirktIrFA =absolutely sure. At OlLett. address .Taus And I fo; Airusta, Maine: ' • ' - . - ' OA: • CANIPIIELL UANKE1tS_LU,OICitsTOW! (01? 0.4.1111MON 1 or -Weekly .Alitil tulii_gZ:it one free.+Valli • •I BUSINESS BREEZES. lea.Meetsi4 you want cheap goods go toMaantyre's • - Read W. & S. Little's ehange,pf.adv:t.in this issue. • • • . . • -Ladies' and gent's ...4.iitincan :caps very cheap. at .1114eIntyrfA. i. . - few of .thosi . cheap ..-oercoats- hand at Cozinell's:: Agood all Wool tweed • suit for $7. -.worth -$10. •-; Don't forget -to call itin-1 try Maortityr 25 .cent teit. -Other goods extraiirdinark cheap. swolnat•vEtrirtv.e::::::::.isita)tik_ah:fctriillbtirz.tdo c(4614p3a. ;8)01,r apdaYt106:,13r6O. of any-design illustrated in the. magazine free. . . herring.(split), salt water her- ring, at-11Tacintyre'ss • - • :;. • .-13larek.eashineres Of. thefineet quality at Comall's fOr 0o. pe 4 - worth $1.15. - - largalin'e iiilatilea! boots-at-cOst.• TriP118: hats .at enitntider clothing. at:cost, to de_ k t. 'out at Macrtityre's : ' • . inisses',-. and children's *liosie .a.rnyNdoWn cheap .at MacintYre's. 1'i4t,tWeed at Oiic. p-er yi.1.114..tha cheapest goodsin s n 1.:noknow for --ladies' _ tj get it at Conhell's.. '• • - - • •-Only-a few 6.)piei of ." TorOnto Light" left. .•Stibsctlbe now for .11a il• y"Eve! NOTAR --Pt) S LI :•.1.1 • . . coirreimfico-, ee . . LuOKNOw- • ?..,ONTAFtua-.. pods Mor tgeos, Bonds; Agreenien to, Ideases,.. p•ro niptly an d refit1IyjJrtpH.ted,: and correc 411tisti g UaI tuiteed.'. - f -pci,1 n.ndpromilt; ititif Eaton.. -paid to the searching.af tritium and to all matter tt conect, ed With the tratisfi ir-- of atiti4J4tatt0.--- •• • itr011i008 --• .441144111111111011•1114111 "�.MACKID n 3) 0171.-1-4b0e .Graridd's 614ore, .44414. _ Hy-§IOIAN, -SURGEON ANI) AO. - (lonelier. .:Residenco,--The: realdenee. fohnerly odonpled by: th.- 111'• S- • G. 1/1ePlitinate. of itOyal. gollege -Of-Physicians,. - ".• .Lieebtiate, iTI ifitl;wifgry; Edinburg, . Office tripbell-Stitiet 'LileknoW. LUCtaNOW • 'ONT. - •J.S:TENNANT; 4_ . • ;Office -.Aleaical 13411, .4)404170w. . - - • . - - - • ear'Special attention, paid to (Wawa of _ women and ahiklred, ••• - • 46D-Ca11a-proit1pi1y attinded to:by -eight or day. - r., mA. c. Pet.)R. a. AL D. L.' O. A i1 0. s., and L. NI., Edinburgh. Coroner County of Bruce. . f F . Licentiate of Midwiferyi Royal.Clollge Physicians and Surgeons, • - Edinburgn. t1ir()ffi6 ,; One door east of the Polit Office, . . LucktioW --- • snomEr Of • s Dental 'Sul. ery, has tounoved to Winiham, where he will 7Ciierry: On 016 lhintristy bi!siticsA; bat be wOulcif -hoe to inform his 'patrons. that he ...will visit Lnckhow On the first eJid:third Mondays -and Tuesdays of each.: Month.; 011ie° atry.cVliite- 's Hotel; - 15 •- • M 'VETERINARY. .JIST.CLAI1 IVALKtit vs. Office Next doo00 eke Barber Shop... LUOKNOW ONT. -A full'stipply of ineilioinee alwayi on hand. Calls both night and day PrOmptlY attendedto , . . °harps tirderatei . bO•found day -and night at. his office. OIETIES. zrodio, O. F Meets every Hday evening at eight o'clock its their Hall, Campbell Street. All - Brethern cordially invited. JAS. .BRYAN„ NV; 11. SMITH, Noble Grand- Secretary.- It Rethaed RatestGnit tho Tithes. Loans- (ni Mortgageaux Low as 6 per_ cent. • --Noos-- mit Moiigagoa Zought! -• Drafts and C'heqUeS onall Points Clashed. eial and Prompt Attention Paid to the ..olleation of Notes, Account, Rents, to. z £r1) Mft“Payab t at Par Issued on the 1 Pitteipal (Mies and Town4 of Clanada and on ithe United Rtateg and Great Britain: Partios find this the Cheapest, -Safest - Atid.tatist Uonvenient Method. • • INTEREST... 171,6- tent, allowed on Deposits- in tb . .Sayfut,ts Rank •DepartmAnt. rilvsteck lor Prtvate Parties; Mre are pre.pired toof!to eitstoniere. ever* facility -afforded by . Ititiikand,ott tq uvJly fav.ortiblo terms CONVEYANCING to all it Ilranehee,. -4WF:lee.and :Life'Iiur ilest.Voinpanies It ipreiented.'. ti,:aito.tttrii..o.m..httq4.pmi, ,• 4".4)ilElt0 N. 4. -C4iMPIIELL,. - - - LuottNcpw,--• ZUCKNO TV -LOVOE). 411O11..11 .1.11. 4. • MN -11t1X)TOW .146-1kGE OF Tilg: ANer- . ent Order:0 United Workmen,- meet -in • lit Oddfell,)W's.Hall, 011 the second and -last Mondry -evenings of each 8 o'clucki Visiting Brethern are 0°TO-oily, invited. Ti41,wii,11N0k,1 -U. LITTLE, Waster Worktrian. Recorder. c .comcmirli . - N.O. G.B.61„4; 4. &A.M. - - E1 STHE Thiirsday on befgre full awon hf oath meet!i at eight p.m,' Brethertt cereially invited. . „. - tiewsittrsii, J. TFIkkiNANT, B_MALLOUGIT., • -A. MacintYre will contiime gre clearing 8ale-.4ntil the -It Vehruary.: Cali. an 1 ,get some of Pie bargains. .. - • BOok,..55th year: of publ Subseriptionsrolling in: -A;•ban . .soine ;steel, engra-vint ubscajptiou only *2, , of bright sugar,. for.: $1 '20 lbs.. o • -7 for,$1. 3 -go yds. of 38 in, .ft.otory cotto for,.4$1'; 25:yds: 4..43 in. factory Cotton for $1. - 'well's apt' boy's gaps .for 25 and 50c. at Mao littyre's. • . .'• - • ----.-Extraordinary vi1,111.e in teas an,l,r StiFari.-The best teit thenominion. for 25c: •• ri. g t sugar; 20 lbw, .for 81 gaoXiityrtits ----Macintyreis -Continuing his -great clear nig: sale. to .tio 1st of -. Fo1. Any..omount (It nook way dewileheap at Maclutyre's.- mos..., .•.t= • • • WALLER LOCALS. We have yeCeived from 'dire ton- -don Feeeillreed a very handsome office . .calender. • 9.1yfa-.1sv:ivO. aNE vne ada ttaoewrIal eyTa: rveyf i ea. ice ees. t Ina iplol dtia.onlni -The frienclslof Dr. MaeKid int= giving him -an oyster:iupper previa," to his Ien.ving for Seaforth.'' Miss Jean Murray- who was here *for the Oliristinag.lioliclayi returned to Whitbi,Cellegejtiiis night last a large lead Of. GO eriehites ciatne.here- tick:enjoy an.: evening in tlieil.4orne skating rink.: . tJ,5rtirt of this 'has::reeeived the .contract for the re-. pairs to the .I3elfast public . --school ,house‘ -• - • - • . Clara Berry::: and' Master 'Johnny Berry,...of Gederich, -are Visit- ing friends in „* -the' f. have.lient out:a large number I of acCountS-.for .4 ubScriPtian,' 00:, and We he -t1 . p ley . . be - settled at on' as We Jieed.the'„:.niondy. •Hildrik and- `wife; :nea--MiSs -WRIker,'of-LOndeu,:.liave been visiting..friende in the- village during„ -7- • Neotinga-4fOltoikig held:each eye.-- xiing of this,., th'.9 :Week, -of Prayerelnl the two.. Preabyterian aicI Methodist. 'Ciritrphe$:: The speakers _are the-resi- -dentministerk and:;the.-- meetings.ire. largely attended. ; Out Thursday..eve 4. very successful te in the.Methodikt. 4'4 Qf t1i Sabbath::. =the col& weather an, burldini was w11 fe, .and happier lot ' it as -everybody froni -.chairman lo the. soul p 111110111,1 Ito 574 - audience seemed to light in the' entertatt This partioulat •the..fca,0'of good thi vitled' by ladies Sabbath School, an "..enough'," gr.,- W.,' Ineied to. _the chair;a;; 1Dsi wst ss. -the.old gentleinan- is W ofi.tahg,ie*.tenhaarlk,eab:sei_d`er Of chairman' -fiiled c • - tage than on Thursd.44-ev musical portion of thi)i pro supplied-:hythe VetliOest :Village," and when ' -different :piecF.s rence'ed received we are only iitiringi :to the feelings of - u _third &rim,- for altho pieces were _given bl le chairman thought thd udi lie willing to remain 3 :in enitig;'te such 11]us1c.":141's "attractive feature" e was a yiiit from their ihe. Rev. It. 0; weya, who delivered -1i- . and 'eloquent addres'', t..4tevenson,., the superili school,' and. ethers also_ addresses.. last week 5.b Wtts held lat Zion in 1` Despite led' er: clabji oes1 ltiihenre e erable -old 4i -d to find hild in the of others, pedal de- was.pro- ureh ancl had cried r -Sr., was �h he fihled Ilty years epositien Abbirgir;14.0:: :71V -a:anees. that the ere well - expression -,i0ce in a fifteen pir, the 4the would oing list- ther very gramme e pastor, assag,a- :y feeling Th-omas .dhih of the red short .4/3.T OA! itIOSE -EL-4 0!T2!IfEDI TheinuniCipal electi on Xonday.pa-ssed:offy although there was no perceptible :amongst t when the -ballOt boxes w •- as fond :that a: .laritu .votes had been recorde " kit candidates :than �n occasion,with one excep there -were Six nathes !papers there 'were • virt0 Candidates in the field ,1 resigned to. fo4i-e, The .following is: Ai •list polled, four be eiliors Or 1885 4-± IONS, izormr_ ; n& villa&e !t ietly, and ar .stir tors _yet ened it lihioer of e differ- revious though ballot -: five W. J. ontest votes C- COMM N1.4) AT 10A. . TO the Ecitioi• of Me:Sentinel : ^SI ri,,-.-.1Threi`igfi. tekii ess " and.. Other.. - . misfortune -the 'Rev. Isaac Ashrey,:,; of . Ashfield, has been reduced to circuni- stances. which - -call- pi: .the sympathy end'assistance'of the good people of -thiS -vicinity;, His Chattels have. been. dispoled off to satisfy, a debt, farm has been.sold -ander mortgage, his Means -are entirely ..exhauSted. 4 small .sum from each of his frienda and icquaintaneeg would enable him :to etet through the- winker. and make.- Atart in something to gain a for hisfa.mily. A subscription has been" _staked at the Bank -'where all who lwigh contribute -May have ail* oivor- tunity; of Jibing sp. ,.SUbsCriptions'inay also be left with Rev. ..flaroitton; R,-- Turk,' or mr,,kriliiiBryo; SENTINEL df100-. - Rd goes. twi9e-who goes "quickly." - It. is hoped- that..., Mr.. Ashley's. friends -at Lanes and Dungaii:r non co.- heartily int,' this. Matter. I inayi add-- that. it is - With great reluctance that Mr.-%shley? con- sented to this method of i_relieving his present -necessities.: . feel certain- the niattor only requires to be mentioned: tO•tatiet With a cotaial:response. _ • N.Div. ;:.12 Angus. ..74 John Potcher.-: W. S. 1-1elmes......56 j. B. Hunter . .` . :46 (resign"Od). xf$Loss. this .township the keeneitever known in as we -believe every Ewa& brought out before two _ afternoon; resulting in t all the old COuneili T a .list of the .votes•pollec • ent wards Wards. No..1 '• A [60 73 .. 69 69 tewart4.--.-: :133 , 90 2. 9 °54i3 IMeIntegh ..- 69- 110 2i. pain -nom. - 32 - 34 1 mith.; 36 91 3 urraY......' 20 20 15 14 10. 84- 36 -11 45 utherland.. - 3' • 21 15 Reeve, .Joieph Griffin; First' Deputy, Donald Mcgurchy ; 'Second. Deputy, .. Patrick Clrre ; Councillors,-- 'Hugh 'Chambers and Hugh Girv;n, . . Reeve, T R Young; Councillers-- • R. Scott, R. Graham), W. •11. Kerr, naussEhs. W. F. Vanstone; nuRON TOW:NSUIP. Reeve, Zahn Ballantyne; Deputy - .Reeve, J. S. .McDonald.; •-Couneillors -John Gemmel, .-Wm. :Wilson, and John. MeCharles. - :KINCARDINE. • _ • Mayor, R. Baird; ReeVei. -A. Mal- colth ; Deputy:Reeve Harry- ; Couneillors--4..J....iyans,, :Gee. Star- geon,*H: Richardson,/ A. Leslie, Sam HenrYi-jjohn Rueteell; - Dr. iga.rtyh,, E. Miller, Win. McKibben-, ,R. T.. Walker, Alex. GO)...den, Dr. Mitchell. TIVERTON; Re9te,-J: C.McEwan I Conneillors-, Jelin Pollard, K McDonald,. "H., P. McEN•aii,- R. Ballantyne. ' TEES WATER. . b - Reeve, Thoinipson_*; Couneillors-:-- Ferguson, Brink„ McLean. . . , WALliERT0N. • M or AndreW. McLean ; Reeve, Ward --Robertson, . flacon,. Todd, . 7 . .wini.m Richardson, Deputy Reeve, Andi w* Wilson, Councillors -East Centre Ward-Wisser, Blair, Luxeal HWaessst. Ward -Hearn -Ian, Anderson, • .wINGIIAM. _ Mayor, J.- Neelands ; Reeve, W, Clegg; Deputy 14eve,W.McOlymont; - Councillors --Ward. No. Daw- son, Virei. Gannett, . E. F. Black ; Ward No.. 2-W.. .1`..** Broekenshire, McOlymont, F. Buchanan and H. 'Lomrael, fie ; Ward Ne.3flowers, J. S. Smith, H. Kerr; Ward No.. 4-.--- R. MeIndoo,.J. 'Elder, B. Wilson,. KINLOUGH. • "tem our own Correspo. ident Now that the eleetions are oVer -We must direct our attention to some - sphere, and your Cee'respondep.t agait. remembers the SENTINEL. * The sleighing of the past fe-.4, days ha's taken its flight and we are again left in the mucl. Mr. •Macurdy and lady arrived home to the village on Thursday last The severe cold of the North wet seems to agree with kiln as he looks hale and. hearty . Afr..-William Malcolm of the, IIigh - School of Galt is home.. spending his holidays. He return 11.1 .II:few days'. l aeConneOdating stage"driver be - 107 . p - --7-..• 126.. tween Luoknow and Kinloss. is 'always.. Te.ta• - . . . -11t on -tune with the time. -.. - 0 al... / -. t • 1 iffrs IC:alike:4 Whighara isvisiting tiTli - .121 at her. brother'S„, Mr.. :Joh'n Young': 12th Con.' ' - - ) * • - I ,.. Messrs.. Drinkwater and Peter Ryan , are . ;Baking the' farmers- happy by crushing their C.04200. Valli, I. - . was the .wnship eiNpte was n the urn of 1Loving is icholson .porrigan.2. • okert •Total. ;348- 187 328 2.33 249. 238' 216 . .187 144 139 72 a 34 WAWANOi Reevf4-hx,, %AS:. Depity- olarnatien,;- three - - - . • ,-J-P as...:Gihon;. 194; •Tlio, Robert Lockhart„;164 ; 421-* Jas. YOttai 88 • - - ,',0/Ohdi.0!:-,frcini the Oontet .We-.a°Titblk°_ 161T:LLt g, CAMERON:, ,ikt the folli)4i% 4(VA). ,0 tion; a.e- first ates ° 174; inahan, 7. I iU re.: Air Thomas Ford, was reltleetr.di; . yenship, trust(44 for Sd .$1..:.111/ 0.- JO -1 !I:MI.014A . tnettbg dal. . . Hurrah for the 'Rub We have our churches, .merchants, Wm* ksmith shops,. , shoe makers,- house of acaomodation for the travelling public. with nothing - stronger than pop, also new sidewalks. laid down last fall, and all we are now.. in need of is -a railroad. - - LANES. • $ .reain C-orrespandent. The Christmas tree and entertain- ment in S. S. No. *10,, Was a grandsuc- tess, and too milch, praise canna be-, given Mr. Hawkins for the very ,offic lent way in which he arranged the proceedings.. $18.40, we believe,. was the amount realized. The tea -meeting da --Christmas ttre, in connection'with the Hackettstown, Sunday School proved to be the -Vest that his been held there for some. years. The total amount obtained.. was $59, which is te be.applied to the work- . lug of. the Sabbath &hod ; On Sunday- last the- Hackett's day School vote& to proeure.a nutaber, of ccpks of different Sabbath *Sphopk . papers in -preference. to, obtaining a, new library, I c