HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-02, Page 8•e 77.7 TI -111/ E- TABLE.. t GING_ BOITTN '_01.24 7:14 10:42 _ . 2:20 4:10= <`UI G"N0RTH, 11:17 3:42 8;37 8:Y7 10:62 lairTr yin leaving Kincaidine+`gat /06 a, m. foi Pt:Ii¢:urswet run '1`uesdaysi,'Chursdays and: $aturdeys: only.; s . Z 1Y11-4.Tictuittt �. Bailiff. -Sohn . Farquharson, ° of Teeswater, has been -appointed: _ bailiff of the. second Division- Court in the -:room. and -stead of John :Mcliardy,':resigned. 1. O.: -Q: F Lecture, ` `1'he i t' . Mr. Martin, of. Chatham,_ - . Ueputy . (rand Master- of : the Ihde `; pc:Went Orr''r..of Oddfellows, will: de liver a. Ile tic lecture in the Temper ante. tint! here- On Tuesday evening, -January 13th, -under the auspices of :Lucknow' Lodge,.to'Which .all. -are cordially mv�itt?d_ta.attend.. • . The pu)lishers of -the Montreal Wztr see have ober ed, -.a prize of $100 -for the best and most appropriate' 'Winter Carnival poem net -exceeding 150 fines, the poemto be- in-_ the hands of the publishers of that _paper by the 4th of--J:ativary. .1t is worth while our mentioning the above Oder as the .-successful • competitor- may . be found among our, own readers. • • Re•engagod.. .. Mr. IL S.- McLean, -the efficient and popular Principal of our Public School. for the year 1882, and who his been° owned during the past year in the Clinton High Sch000l, has been re -en- -.gaged .at -en increase of salary orf -$100.: Mr. McLean ria an exceptionally sue; cassia teacher, and his :friainds; here are pleased that he is so highly apprec- atcd in hie.presuat position. Number of O'onvictione. The list of convictions • county of Bruce for :the past three Free l Free I I . To every -,subscriber for the. Daily, Evening or ` Weekly .[Vette -, agency,: . I will :present .. that spicy little book -", Toronto by Gaslight. Subscribe ,now. W.- MatiLIs. The: Markets Fall wheat, per bushel, - 68c. to 69c.; oats, 28c. to_ 29c. ; peas, 55c. to 560. ; barley, 50c. to 50e, .; potatoes, _40o.•;; apples,. per barrel, $1 ; flour, $4; , , rk, per cwt., $5.65to$5.90.;. hay,. pe $10 to $11; wool, per: pound, 8c. ; butter, 17e. t 18c; i eggs, per doz., -18e. fire l Firei l Perhaps some of our reader -already read the:contents:of the At nary. -posters with the above }leading :; If not, wve will just r that the Army will have -a .gr _bileee and entertainment in the -perane° Hall on this (Friday) ev prouinett-: off cors. will be= ent and a: good treat is promised' who attend rs�': have Saved: unique. etnark and lu vening, pies- those Successful, .1 the Lo mer resi- dent :-- fornterly of t7.. McCallum's of this ;city, will he pleased to, notice' his name among the list of successful students upon. whom. the doge :o of Ph. G. - was conferred by= the Ontario ,College of Pharmacy." - Mr. Barkwell is the more worthy .of. congratulations -from. the fact that be was in attendance upon dutiesbehind the: counter till: the day prier to entering the examination room, butt succeded. in taking honors in the subjects-. of Botany Mate; tcre iled ca. ` The: examination. must have been one of the most rigid, es out of an application of fifth -four there were. only twenty-one who graduated:_ a water, e. Village real hi :dollars Treleaven bythis- ass-of Mr. tiOA_ ristmas i$ ge,an oAB. �-- $�Th tire rev froln tnteud roper 8, 2nd 'hers col has t,_ she aa»iri solei tell HOP cite 'The following taken.fromn. ;don Free Freed refers to a' -for sit. dent of the Township . of As ;',The : friends of: W. 8. Barkwell, Brevlies Tcl sleighing has disappeared.and. mu rules . supreme. -..Thr_ .,: -in `e creak: -running through . th age as `never: known- to - be • 80 higho_ n Tuesdayy.-Sneak thieves' e44teed obi` Graham's store _last weekand bstractecl some three or four 'bun the _till.= -,fir, _`Palter as :lso.. been a . loser- ately.:' gentry. ---,The, Rev.. Turk reached to a large congre in e . Methodist Church - on Ch orning. _...The Saved Arrny still ing good Work in this rills d Meeting with many conversi Ge eral Lindsay,of Peterborou esti here. during the past week.. supplied for the : Re r. k on Sunday evening last, gentleunan being.. e -8r1�e3'tng'' � severe cold. ==Tl a Saved_ . having ''ood-blpw.out 111 theTe ance Hall •-here on Friday- evenin January One of the lady tea . engaged for the4: Lu cknow- - sch -had to wit:hdraw_.her eligageinen having. failed at -the .;recent ex attons, _ W belie. a that. `Mr - George Middl:e�tetl has again.. been:.. re -en gaged to' teach • at the- second 'erica schoolhouse. , of* the: ': th months: shows that_out of a. total of 125,:liiiicaat.dine returns no less than .5= Walkerton his 15 , Ripley 'ernes :jnest with -, . whilst Tara, Luckuoe, �'peeswate • send �y.iat�ton -are four of a kind,: having 6 each. � Port Elgin has: 2 -and: i; sley-cotuos=last: of all with a solitary one. The remaining.few"are: from the telensbi a fi In cl h an Officers Elected, do are -At the last nesting of -the Ancient :Gel Order of` United : Workriren of the, b - villa ' the- following: officers were: -Geta elected for the . -current term Past `Turk Master . t�"orkman Thiaa -Laver-sacs; Master W "orkman=E. - h� Jason 5`orwuan-- John Pe in : O erseerl V. Miller-; Recorcier--Jas Bryan ; • Financier--.N.Smith H. ,-Receiver . _ Little; 9.uide- .Geo• Douglas; T. W.-Jweplt; : An» eraon ; -: 0.. -hitt. Lees. Brother Thos.: Lawrance_. w� - elected repreietitative - to the. Urand Lodge will& meets in. -Toronto! in February. , • M Os es Oates' Predictions. - In January the :weather will .be �� bone the: nor a€, it- will be what may lie -termed a y month, • ,tlie total re c•fpitat ou of .rain rand: saow being leis than the -average. - .February-. will be alightly alive` the normal and will be. wetter than . the- .prceeding mont:h.- fnar it: will_be €iia taa•era :wouth, and, will be the . wettest -of :the - winter Menthe , . there - *ill be consicierrabie - -now rand _Tann in_ this- . month, -The r�ainfaly in . April. will' be full► up to Oil- th the average,- : The tiail.V - spell - t aril, - w'iliter:will. av ', about three -weeks; : Schoo . tut of course , - ' ightiy irregular' ire fro and snbject to - is ote asioiia.l cold snap. pupils 'there will l . a - good -deal _of rain next '-Sued sprit .,- struntter • and fall, - and ntuel ' bound snow in the .winter of'1$85-C. _ . - - pdie Pa rsope comport lis t 11 B` be -Will somebody stand up and us 'of what use the :sitiu walk lock -Street ns during - the wl r - Months It.is_oarefully hid :away for Summer fusee = i .77 Address and Presentation. At the .Kciox Church Sltnd-ay School. Concert held inn -the -Tem:peral ee. Hall a. 24th Dec.., Mr:. P. M.fcEach. Prinecp�al -of the Lueknow 'Runne- 1, w� on :. the :ere of his depart - in. the nil l e� : presented -.b the of both the gcrblxc Sci cul -.by ay . Seh�; `itlr a.. haridsoruely- aditiou of Chaurber's Eneyclo- complete n :ten TO111anas, Ac- yiug this.-uai�*nuiiceut if -was turned. home 'a .. anti al velvet_ et plot whisk ease and ��►:,=--. .. tui•,: el:cboratelr- -- cb,aaste - . , �! a. offer n: L"brief l:est ��• lir.Jcase h. , . and eostly. fc �lre�t.�ti ;aasc�l l�tt�$e.ieft.c,t. I'4iottclta�• to: =: Chrastrnta;, aa.�tt;- The- reseuatou. w as �4�.at t.� friends iiimade til�irsa � _llae , Murree ity.-.11,�, ��h::-�iatiat. returned to his martin r . , • ,_: liter :e iaz eicieag: ,: nrag dclr ss V. Little and family 9returnecl °. � +1i,�.` . 'e ,': �tic}1cer�•lie ra4 riinci: fr-t�ru: thheir -s*it t friends in Paisley- Baal F�.'fi�xtL :�`"tcftst` �ca:2tat ' Saturtiay.lMr. Jacaias citerdot�has D» _Si removed lnzs � dcr�elii,�a s s, -`aur .utan�•_f��iencls in . � t.� � the - laeaci�� r- .---�-.��_ learning; -:atel;� cl��iapteci $�a�-. fir. «', ��tlier.- With °ht>sat�. ' 'li n} .1 homes and' William ? % tttn!spent: (. s 'in •Uasin the • ... sincere -re„ t Init.it at .the eloee of the' eserit- year, the li.'nox Church Sabbath School and xpressien 'of onalty'as well _ are /earn that ,Mr. Geo. and i 1)ouglas who ‘Its, ill last es rptuoved to -Lucknow where he -manner In which you have discharged the aeduouS and res- ponsible duties' devolving • upon Ly6u. As a alieht token of our 'esteem and affection ferYou we beg -Yon will ac- eept the accompanying gifts, With the - 1 with -the earnest hope that the Great -Giver of all good may voichsaletoyou tetends -mail:144- business in'. • a long, prosperous and useful - career,• and '�wishing you a Merry Christmas .and a Happy New Year, we subscribe ourselves -on: behalf of the -: subscribers, i* MAGGI E MARTIN, .1: MAaaln' M URRA.Y, Luokno� i Dec.' 24th, 1884. Mr.. McEach ern, who -was visib much affected, replied in -a few suit�abl words,- thanking the -donors 'for : thei handsome presents.: and th many marks of kindness and: approbation, re- ceh'ed from parents -and pupils ofboth the .Sabbath and. .the- Public Sehdt,l Mr..: McEaehern has duriii � hip. Sher- Stay amongst ud evidently Made-: him. self -many_ warm friends.:: whose wishes. aecom an him -to .his new charge _ in Bayfield. -c � We :trust the sante success_may meet him as Princi- pal of that .school, :and:that his :labors may :meet same -appreciation, I• ly_� r; Public _Notice. 2'o the°•.Fedora of Lu h;ea_io Owing to unavoidable circumstances I wish, to state to my supporters and the electors generally Alla:: -I am not a candidate for municipal honors for the corning year and votes that may be cast' in my favor Will be useless,- Fours - Respectfully, W. J. Lona. Knox Ohurch'Entertainnient. :..... : Thar entertainment.:given' . :Temperance Hall in 1 this rill Christmas Ere under the ausp' the: above "Chu. rch was a very s -ful. one, the Hall . being, corufo filled; 'The chair was -occupied Superintendent of the:. ,School, Geo.. -Matheson, who filled the to:the-satisfaction of all.' Murray- read a short report: workings of the .school during th year, after which°Ohe curtail drawn and 'the` choir sang the c "Another-= rear." The- program Proper was` opened Ly a- :=wel l `-Opening Speech" from Master J wird;:.who was loudly appla Annie- Martin then recited in a p ing rear uer " liar 's.; i _ �. .. y Ctiotoe,,► which. Miss Nana Murray- sang good efect the solo " Will: you to my.Mot'ntai Borne 1" Ther d ent warts in tUe , dialogues, ' The fortunate $choler" bv- four girls, " What I would' be by Are -,well sustained. ;Alis A Misses A - °'wsonhand Maud McGrory each a recitation,: and were °.ltberallp plauded. • The quartette "! Dancing he Waves" by Mi �-Cameron graham and -Messrs.. McIntyre °bertson, Was well received, a$ also. a. chorus . by- the ,girls of the S ay School. Master..Johnny McPh on with several .: of ;the the boys - -t g in `good style the song and ch- ,� The Queen's: Navy. The first p ,the programtne- was- co feted by mp. citation " ThoPolish Bo n .� by�M can Murray, -who is well blown.: e Pillage :as au. excellent seeder telt and was very .deservedly tided.: • Intermission . was . filled e reading oft-en'addvess-to cEachern, Principal of the Lucke. blit; School, and. the presenting m Of a..complete eclition;i n teuav es of :Chamber's ncycioytedia: w neral :other = handsome testinuonal which Mr: McEacheru tiade- a. ter Paling and suitaablere ply•. The acid full :.is `to be found in another colurn the Stere*EL:: - Peace,be°still': choir opened the second part of -th tegraiuuie,after which-Matters'Berti Corvie and Louis afeGrory amused audience with -4s peeches in--Whab =tried: to . get the - hatter of-th th - in a= war award* Miss Nina tray followed therm in_the recitation hie Deaa:n," `w ltich'a*as exceeding w' ell. renders'. The 'dialogues 13oys" bar- Katie Murdoch and :Max n, "-The_ Way to . W indliai3n,,; b Grund y -alis soh Calineron, -�-and Place for Everything": bye. Misses g and' Lawson and Masters cGorvle and McCrimmon were all acted, *bile the. recitations by ere Alex:. Tholes and -Duncan Mc-. . w�. equally: well: rendered.° Mary McDonald also wive a very recitation in a •ored.itabielnanner, plias Jean ,Murray; :sang in good the able "Dreamland Faces" a liberal round. of applause. A by -the girds finished •..the- ro- ue, after which -the children :_.d a ":Christmas Box" iu .the. of_ a paper of confectionery.; singing the: Doxology. - the ce dispersed; well ply-.. in the age • on Ices" of uccesa- rtably: by the Mr. z:ositi-.on Robt.- of the. e past 1 was horns rne recited tunes tided. leas, after, with Goi ne ili'er-: Un boys, ggie gave - o'er and and was un - hen. orris:- arta in-: and ap by rP L�a t cl salt of re th rec -PIa th M Pu hi urn aga' to f. in - of. the Lc the each othter Mu' " � ly `s Wll�o f Armstl It well Mast Craig Miss good and style ceivin ohora g recet ye shape After audien deter Ow to oi. th siy rasa n - by e e: e -eee;" that is what:you wilt say .when Scotch pebble spectacles. . sole. agent' .We guarantee satisfiction. odor tine Occao LUCKN Succeimor 8 Tennan D S, MEDICINES, AND CELE. SPONGES, BIZUST1ES AND PERI' - ancOi and Yale/ 49 -4 - tar Physicians prescriptions ed with .atest care. * ErSpecitil attention paid -to Fat Ruris ;Pines and I Por Medicinal and Sacra/nen. • law Prom In great variety. w. Tear & ON ay -Agent for The lenses , ut from the finest -4: Peeble. We guarantee sat' actiom, 7.5 01 STEESAGE PASS- AGE give600l, Glasgow,.or Dublin Intermediate and Cabin Passage at corres,- pondingly 'Weep. ay -Drafts issued at current Foto,* aniP yip in England , Irehin d, 'Scotland. crs prices. See my lidt -and sulmeribe Agt AM Ex Di Lu 6( 61-A1 RN ESS DEI o rr Has now in -stock thelargeetaad best disulay of . LICHT AND HEAVY HARNESS ever shown _in Lncknew. - Special incluci Meats in - • trzsztAzo itivi GOAT ROB= •etc., is now -complete, and ineludss all the latest stylesand makes. the best makers, and at tbe lowest Mal Trice, 1 A111 prepared to sell as cleat) . • as any other house the trio*. . Don't fail to call and sec my stock before purchasing pedal attention pald -to order. - ed Harness w Plc guaranteed first -asst. ROBERT. PROCTOR. ow to Litv Long and Ole ilappy. Siting er • irlIAD _TWENTY YE egperie ce in the manufactire of Bolsi Limbs (d ing which time I have c' over 140). I ainjow better preesred. than svcs to meet the sr - to of the public. 5" 2nildal,eg.a n'areatulra1141 teran.", ljgdhcltaiteotrtelalltii6 Walkinqity agn:c i; reveal; I claim ithout fear of ,contradicticCi: }••• ti .fihoratit.buileYtiregimie- cl', rill."-elniO chazwe. il.en.}. r :: ‘. 1, '''.11' lair • curvatures of *spine. sarl rill guaranteeil • to; scone siigering Oorci -rupture- a true and_ conii) ! ' .Giva Me a tri end be convinced. I hive- 4 if number of testimonials which I can fur;I Has just reeeiv Tea Sets in C Depot. .A. Ina mil boyar Meese' And buy one' o ow -celebrated L0E-Dian! spipm BEDS.. _you will be stirpfised fresh will rise _in the mornisee.\-Ne. rickety, get-ont-of-orderkind., rett.tined if not as repeetenteck, only $4.50 for. an ordinarj-double - ing wholesale:prices. before they.are gone. a sit awl PAan so* Ewa BREWAST SETS, BEREDt70201 SETS, cl ,iiedroom lamp* 81X LAII Olitie-ES FOR 20 OE* 130.500, ext4 value in tea, No 25c. tea kept on the, 'premises. Lames Band Baskets; *ark. Baskets. Clothes Baskets. In Stone EirPioldes Extra quality. KINDS Di NFECTIONEN ALL OFOANNO) T SHOE -STORE;- (tad dozens wanted., :•134, sure. auk SHOES ue disk:lows-of at u low *loess/ in 100 coats on the dollar. and prices . aaci .zeuletil be semi. ,447 Please the e,ve but wo :to *ate the .vochwt.also. persesai antStock if Shoe:- efr,atifal ovate* tb, we are At IOW NIGEL in MADE TO ORDER. an