HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-02, Page 7%. • , f eat* Mesa a Time. .. • . little OM coulees to ray knee Da togging pleads that lie may °Utah . Iota my lap tehear me telt • - -be Obvisttnea tale -he lover go mak,- * MJrny =per told te mei 1Iva:en1ng '_Ouce upou a, time." - itt title Of the skies Alit raug ' _ WItiteenger rhapsodise sublime; (if that great -host, serene and white, •The shepherds saw one -winter night Awlf tlie glorious stare that sang Au authour01100 upoua tirae.-- • 'utory of tbe hallowed real.' a •rpeija of the sacrifiee. glIbl •Of Onia whO prayed alone and !Wept While ilia awearied folloWers- v, A e4i how HtS. blood, and Mary'a tears • leramingled, ones upon a time, •tid noii my darling at ray side • •And *oboes of the distant chime • iiring that sweet story back to tee- •• vithebernmid• Calvary, a -la of the gentle Christ that died - •Fe,- sinners, once upon 1 time. • . If? mighty (Ueda that Men have tohl •- pooderous tomes or fluent rhyme, shadows lade awayi.-; aweet story 'bides for aYe, •ad, Ince the stare that sang of old •siVc slog of "Once upon time,"• i . • - ' —ClIticate Wow; -PIath Ilerber. watt allttle flab. Or else- a little kityr- - almethiug that don't have the. curia -- Which grout:4 folks think so pretty. - :obits so whon..1 liege the brualied, Aold Mary; ev'ry moraine, , • itaya 1 aro *stiehii,usughty • . Sho 'give warning.' Sae ierka, and don' are bat sew pliuk • - she- soya Per.' ye trying," • - Itut when they'r angled full of seam, liow. eau' keep from erylog ? . . • vilviay Taro the .barber-nitte,„ • Aod out them ali piano*. Z don't care if my papa does _ oat them hia*.golawa fleeo.es.'" Sae took the shears sea out them off, . • )1Y3th grave, absorbed demeanor. And *lien the lamb was ' Wish, you could have seen her.- _ golds* ,Dava, . . . Wisal Ethel nalit. psoim, tobanta Cisme, poor Mau, --- • you kuow, papkit le lack se; _ . it la tale of Mug ago., • Andclo you think 1 do not know, - : really den't gee how, yen can. lladeedt• ps,p 4,.• lillemi ohis • • And our eft-ye-pipe:is very email . • --To hold St. Niue,' his pipeand . • liIthougli is not very tall', • 3 -don't believe -lilt rai- told, . . • •,04, dear paps; what -lithe usi? Re could not 4414 that la fiat. . _f know you could not get ahat TbroUgh such as rriall.i!tovelloor aa thaU . lpdeedi- vau_not etich a goott. - - :Where 4 they-COMO-60ra - Can't' yeti tell? Who came. 80, lightly through the snow, fitcPPingitst ilia way, soft and glow,. _ - For reethialittle girls shoultitnow„ . • And at the doorstep tripped aiiti fell. ; no, nor peel); •Biltwlian 3101k made that:dreadtill noise, I thought most likely it-Vaa the: boys • Of Santa. Claws,: whin- all hie toys, - • winked so.hard I could net sleep', • thenryou laughed,: and-mamina. too .• In just one lit. le minute more - - i heard you. both come intlie'door, - • And pito the-thibas up- on the hoot. Ilutqw I know it Was . Oh. lest. papa, now that is true. - TheChrist-ohiki °exact to us that night-, • To: ten of kis turoana Wight - — Ana MI the world with Rea,veray - itut Sante Claus,. you. kuow; is you,- . . . • , • Osiris:0E zN,ysti*eittol; OMNI! beside eaoh shaft : it a . - Magnifitent porcelain: valie-•,preciisely : rite „awe: aS those - Chinese_ - Valet we -,Th- use.' formantelpiece . Onilinionts.: Mien vseii are ueedeliztplyat spittooas. Lanterns- tymmetrithilly diepoied. fill the. Parlor,With a pale lights.: _Nothing': even' appears. -dial- distUrbed or even animaledIn 'thole:v*0 and gaoleil room during Winters - Painfully - the- Chinese; ladies- 1:holed:their-little feet °fir the 'Uppity -floors or other etrips of Rakia caePet. Object' -.Of it, valuables,- atm, are 'kept it!. botai .,padded,•and lined with- silk, They ere taken out occasionally. elitiwn to Vivito* admired,. and . put. beck into the...boxes:4pin. -- Embroideries and: fine silks are in large cheats. Theritre onl-Y- taken-mit on the occialOn of .6 -,weddiug Or - „acute great holiday. ' Then: they. are. }Mug • at the--- doom, or - draped. all armind: the. • walls., This custom, preValle: alge On the other tide = of :Alia, among.theIRkirghit. -They alto, -upen great decasions, hang iip broidered stuffe and -.Coloted.teltneet in 7.their youries.- • - - . .- '•' - Ohinete ladies 7 wear rebels- of silk' of :any •3Or -every oolOr.f Their. frightful' little feet. protrude:fiam the lege of a.s.traight-pair of :satin- path/Aeons Much._ like- the European. gernient -in total.: The custom of raertyria- ingtheleet always affoots:_ the lege,- which. • invariably - become. thin, i atrophied :Or -defOrmed. • Little feet -.are not admitted to the trapezia' eourt. Unly _the 'daughters of the Tartar- generale- -are -. admitted 0 -the. •Vanperoris . p *lac it -;:: and that Tartar girls :aretrieVer subjected. to the torthreof having their. feet - deforrtied." Stiliv-I am told that - the Tartar gide , re not at all' anxious_ : t� go to Pekin,, where some dozen of the -Or Creatures are- Csondemaed - . to the life .of a• -.recluse inthoge 'huge palace tuildinge enc.- :rounded': by lofty Walls.' 11 -• one of -them -find beeself , lemma by: a --zaionientary : (*pries Of 'the Emperor, the only(Prerogis- •tit,* she obtains thereby,- is the: lAuging before htitdoor as loag as elle: lives a. °up' tain of yellow leilk '• The curtain- does not- . suffice; to seance- the happiness Of -these idil—they clonsequently- lige ea kinds *of • stratagems andrusesto, avoid the:honer ot: attracting -imperial Mors The high °OM- missioner sent to,the various oitiee of :the -mnpire bonhomie these :young girls it often astonished at the multitude Of infirinitiet ftoni. Which :they:pretend:to tuffer.- -: One says:the:hes a -wen, • anothertonsuin-ption, another deolares ehelliblindot. one eye, etc. Nevertheleei, the- Chinese Government it -administered .by a -woritiman eMprest- Alit thia. tovereign doeit noe seem itiOlined to -do -anythiagloWerd, elevating - her se/. - above its present oondit1on:-•4oweird giviag. womazi a larger place and Dior° authority -in the', faintly and --in:moiety.: - Very .,o1c1-. ' ituedan ladiek whe :remembered the-. time iof . OatherinelI. have told Ma that under there -iota ;that trialYgmaltempreas *when 'held a preponderant power in the-Stide.. It iii. otherwise -in China, where the -wornen retain .oloietered in the gymntsoeum. i' The . Chinese women 10.vt their Ohildren,..and ere muoli Wed 'andrespected by .them : The :story aboutOhinese infants. being-thtown into the dyer le.pure . humbug._ The- affe0--, tion libOrn to their children by the women of . the lower' Olsten -it often *00 tOuChing. ITpey-carry 110tu-' wrapped:to- -their should -den even whild, at work. Chinese busbandir are -like husban4e-the, World over-iteither ;better nOr worse.- It &just a question of. temperamentand cheraotee. aci it is every- -where -else, . Those : whose: --professions oblige them -to *oval rench - as,governors- , appointed to ,thstaut Provinceeor diplomaits --,take. their wives -along With thenkif they - are. ,fpna Of -them, or confide themto the oareI of -.their, own : fatuities it unable to . do otherwise.. _In China the infidelity. of, the husband -it wet considered a crime, -It it --very diffterent in -the .0ase of ' Women; but the ,:Claintot are lir .-froth,-,Jbeing- to' severe In this, respeot as7,certilin ' During r • informed vititersltave deolaged.'--- Dining my stay , in. Chine .a • wornan.- Was Put IQ death for having-iiilled,her husbeitd..-fl-4 She was• out into: fair &toss.- - 'I'lie Bunten ednsul- went • to geethe tatoUtiOn. , :: He stood varrclose -to thei,-Yietirni and Came itimiediaiteiy to -tell -Me- bis. imprecision*: while they were still fresh. • Even. now . 1' • shudder with honer- at :the Memory- - ot that_ recital.. But let mt.. :return to the :ciliate -evade Ohioeset ; Iselin.: -. I.- iebiarked that they are very fond of- pearls 4-,. their - head!" are Shyers -adoenet- -with:. them litringe otpearla are odiledinto oiroleelike' -little shielde, which. -itre fastened. neer the *MOO.- Eineralds, sapphires and. rubies' 'Ire found in the Chineseminee,aild are well. tippreelated ; but the jadeltone IS prized above -all :other- stones And: meat -sought after. . The • greatest- ladies' ., wear jade .bratielets. on .bOth arms; some 'feu; rM. g• • made• of it.. ,The color of_ 7this _ jade approaches-, either a torquoiso blue.. -ora. pale green. .The women fthe people also Wear braoelote of -gray or White *jade,: lees Fractions than the- other varied* •1-- .. -.- _- .-i The hair. of the Chinese - women . it thiOlt, biaok„ taboo* without ever a gleam in it., a.* dead, hie*. -This one`otthe things *blob tdo not adniira in them; bub. it is_a die. tied cheracteristio of the racie.,, When the great ladiee receive company- they: • always eat alone. The Men remain in other parlors and there ;twelve !- thigit . male - friends. 'Every v.realthy fanift his . sevetalcountty ;kiosks,. . They are Wilt ,.Upon little hill*, i The gardens ore:united together by bridges, and gtairways . lead • from one to the other ' - ' . tad 4 - --riot _precisely-. as is represented - in the : designs upon Chinese lans.,-, Some -mate: • rioua littfe kiosks contain Tenly two or three 'Moms; whioh were sheign'tne.-Witka peen.: liar smile. What mysteries must go on in . . • - . - - - these, immense_familleal .1- have - known • Chinamen who had. more. than 150 mouths, to teed. : Hereand. there among theitioski Little: -templet of honor ot Btiddha, and. of other •Uhinese diVinities, are eroded. -Here • the faiiily worship -is celebrated, and :I. Was - present atone ciereniony.;;.Sontelmandarins. attired themselvet at-.prieete, -othera.. sang to* slow and melancholy air,- certain .- reli- - gione. chants, acoeMpanied by. the -Sound. • Of .goags and , oymbetle.:. - Uancllet :Wert -lighted.' - ln-oense, Was . •- burnek. and *hes the Goren:10y Was . Over We, procte.ii, aded tronione kieek. to aliOther, in each of thee& the ladies invited aii to take -tea and eat dome:Chinese - Oweets,poppy.Seeatan:, died (Which has also . beceme- ..a . popular • dainty in Russia),- cartdied prune-siletollis gingeeAuinoe jelly and- almond preserve* together with excellentliqUots,- .of which • the basis is ,rice4Orandys. I _The -Molt- -pais, the. winter season. n the: ,Oity, ,-Iii :the SumMertihey go to the ItiOnksfstirrOtinde&. by those gardenswhich mem' eotanteetio tO,Etirepean eyes. ,-The tree are clipped into shapes of dragon., doge, WO!, *like,. and, to make: the resemblance More .strik, • Ilaratat Superb Physimie .atut CenteliiieSs7- , . .koletures et tape Oleleatial Empire, . „ . - -Far leila mystetious and poetioal than • the veiled women -of our own Mediterranean -, Orient--Turliieli. Egyptian, Syrian Mor-- : esque, Arabian—the gteat Obineee !ladies- ' lead, nevertheless, an indoor ,life, beyOna - the reach,of vulgar aro Oe publie,-Omitaot. • Whentthey' do- go Out they -ate talwaya. _ acconopinied by numerous servants, the 1 palm:Oulu is entirely oloeed-np, its Windovro are oovered Wilk musing of imponetrablo gauze, one .. cannot even distinguish the shape of the woman within the palanquin, which: is . always decorated iwith the iii.. signia of the -privileged elasees. A min, diriati wife muit net eh,oW. herself unds•R - risk of being sullied. by • the-lage of tho - populace. She share! the honors- of be --'husband„gikves parti,es In her own Whoa visits her temalelrieudt,lut the *treat 12 forbidden to her: , ‘". -, ' ' - • •'. In Turkey tbe wives.,of pashas i may be wens not 'Only at the bazaars- of .Stamlioula linat: in alithe shopet of elonstantinople. -Ono • - prefect of police—a Turk of the old: steck.--= • thought himself eVall,...obliged te publish an .edictforbidding them to visit the- stareti a • Pers. In China no wcroan of the mandarin plass is • ever seen -in a shep-. When she desires to make a purchase the goods beep to be brought to her Muse to be examige& If you. should chance to meeta well-dressee Cairtesa, womati, either. walking - or. in ma open Peacliquilif Ycit May assure yourselk that. she belongs - tO• the demi-monde. -As i he women, of the people. they oat ga ety through the etreets ; they C'arry packages, metohandiee of ail ,kinds, and - adopt veryericeessfully, by reason of theig uncommonly well-devegoped , . rauetoulag .. power, the - trade_ of-. petters. The great -.Gaines& ladies:are served by:female, domes- _;,- nes called?“- ataaha." These servants some._ times. perform commissions, but not -as- e. rule. No woman employed- in en& an aristogratiolamilyAllows hettelf to be seen - upon the streets without goodgeason. - in the honese ot- the `righ- mandarin there are alWayil leveret sourtit-a-little open _ yards—through which.' one has tio pac • . before reaching _ the female apartments1 whicb. are always -separated, from those the men-« The married people alone mono the me room ; every other member of the • * fa - Must °campy st separate, room, The. . .m -Ititurions. OhineBe ". uPholoterr an6 !taw tura. never invites one toidle repoge4• - in fact; the best furnished house is barely. ,Oorafortable. The bed has ed spring, 1:44 has a nufther -of little • cottcai reattressetA - imared• with silk; and .. padded eounter. panes, whit% are rolled up in one Maee during the day. Such a bed repro -mites • Perfect square, covered like • a catafalque-. The lighter furniture, of a very handeome • bard wood, *re stiff -looking ; thelables are usually heavy, -martive,'-solid, 14ut I hevg %nil some 'light ones made -of .bamboo. _4 • Chinese parlor alwaye- looks like's connoll -hall. A.gainst the centre Of Ohs wall. at the further end a divan it alwayer placed, .: covered with' thin mattrespes. - 4ikt eithev. .sids is.a. row of_ ii, airits an On • - - . ... - d th floog , e eyes , and other , ammo et ' tti ' - • - - . - .-- el are: . Made - in . porcelain. ''-'- 'The- ' Bud. Militia. temples' ,' are -. _citiVeted - .With -:pori ,oelain -tiles, and built Ustiblly in the mitre Of- an artiflohil .poticii,' whore -duck. ::11Ve in multitudes,.,' theduck i being the favorite bird of the Chinese.- • The-walks:are paved with Moeitio,- and- lined With ....inagnifleeilt yeses. -containing the rareettowere.. : - i - ; . - But -the - WoMat of I he _people, the *onion. Of -the working ohmage, At -really agreeable -to see.: - What. strength I. 'iWhatakill.foe all tradeeitid callings i The beatweiteii. who, pats • their - .whole- life qui :-the water are adaileable ter their deur* and .patiende., -With-their bare -lege and- --tribe they- are veritable Nereids ;- they leap boldly 'into. the: current- to- pull the .hoat °Vet the gravel: bare;. .they. wrestle ' agoling.Vrapida i they .wade and - twice by turiati ; re-enter -the junkt and d ireot their court° ivith.. astonish: his . fortU e ',shawl/ by navigating ' the: i Mg ease a -4 grace.. 4 .p4inter Gould Mille, Chinese rivers. 1 What wOndertultypest - -: - It mustnotbe sUppoied.thatone Chinese• . weitaitn-exaotly resemblet -an-Other Chinese woman—it Werii i j gistat ratitaial to ,.say that all .Feenob women , look silica. . The rade type lothe same ;but the phyeiognOmy is Very different-. -I have- eten fine •.altiiline. noses, _ long or-oVal..-faceC - But all- thesewonien have bright.' intelligent,'- decided,: energetii.-- leaburee.-. Their , - dosiuMe le. slit pie, .. Very fitectoeftt14- and some little - 'jewel of.j. Me alwaye.: gllatnete - -in the ear, or:Oil the_ swarthy firms - . --'..- _ :: - -: -.-'. The vrilekingwoman- .e1ine, . goes eery Where.: 'She:hat-lithe bold; brusghti Manner et thePerson.itho is wh011yseltdepen4ent;- And is • tionteiOut of.. her . foroe to odo and dare. --,=_She it the exact ' ominterpartof the: irietooratiolady„ WhO stagger§ abOut tipoo heilittleleet. : A'good example01Chinese high life it shown by the fad:that if any one asks. what imitt Of a !OMNI -temp- great Mandarin - has . married. the ' answer :,18 satrap -givens- with at air • of ehooked,.. Bur, prise :-:. "Ohl- a woman; with..little *feet,_ Of course r ':That le to say, he him_ not-ruar-- risk -beneath- -hire.: lit - Biome 'that -. poor h.uinliaity is not quito sitielled-With all -the misfortunes and pains:Which nature•lonietess but- roust needs inflict artilloiel evils, among whith-I may :_olte.::the - tompreeeiat Of the, Waist -by European Women and the defOrin- ing-Of the feet among -Chinese -1-adies7•-tWo torttiret catch of Which .inVolves.the7 - Most unfortunate otgasequehoes.--•-Lydit Podia), in the Paris Figaro. • - TH AMIN- TRH BLIND! ' . • • ••••••••in 'Their Preticiencv inM.4eIIIaig% Music and Many- ilianuat-Empleysiienes,:-, _ . - •4.--olaiti Of little. boyetat Remind a table 'It a vie.assaf room' of the . Pennsylvania Institution foe- the Instruction of_ ;the . -Blind, at Twentieth _sad Bice streets, ,yes? -terday afternoon. They Fere modelling in Clay, and -under their nimble fingers-: the - -outlines otboats, houses and -other familiar. objeotts began to appear. It - Wee twilight in- the room. Outside mueky eklearmiet, and a drizzling rain dmitened the surroundings. • . " We dO 'not -realize -that_ these little fellows are working in the. dark"' said • Aseietant Prinoipal Batlike it -6 -visitor, sOftly Oloaing' the tallAhutteri. of* the win. :do*. The room was z pitch daek.The busy modelling fiagere could only be beard. 012, Mr. Battles, luet look at thy- cup,. Wait and see me put a handle -mi it." Battles- tbiew, 'Veit theahritters : and: out of the mietkatd-rain the feeble daylight orept-baok into.the room. The , class withdlay begtimaled fingers, Worked at their boats -and houses,. and the youngster held -out his fiiiiehed ou-p fOrhis teacher to 'look at :Daylight and darkness were alike te. theit. : . • • 4.t•We 'only teach the Nina those 4tedes In whioli -maohinery :does pot ..oOmpete," Bald the:assistant principal; ,'!:When this institution Was fouuded•rope‘waill'. also constraotta, anditt lametes followed -that 000tipation for Years.- • After rope.; making •the 'manufacture of oboes was - taught and since then making of • baskete, rbriishes; dam mate, Mattresses and oarpeC: weaving. -MaOhinery first -took Item the -blind the rope and twine making industry, aftertvard the weaving OU -willow beiekets,- and later ehoe-miaking. . TO -day • the blind are taught to. me** brooms itild brush* owe °bailie, weave oarpete And Make mat- teesses. . These occupations are taught espeolelly to the boyi and men, While sewing. by hand and Machine, knitting, embroidery, Oroohethig and fully beactiVork'sre :taught to girls and women.- , • - &pile are inetrueted Mink and given Musical edtwaticitif they shiny any aptitude for the study. Many of. them become :organists and mueio teachers. most important businees in -whit% the blind , ate beooming very eiperb . it the tuning of piano's. There are now About twenty expert blind piano-tunersirf czlity.- 7 In Bostonaltthe pianos used in the put:die-24We are kept in tune by pupils -Of . the • Massaohusetts for ;the Blind. The..use of' the type -writer is now being taught the blind. They become very expert with the.thashine,- handling it as the piano -player does the kept of ; his initill- ,menti hut of oeurge;they _can only be Of sir - "Woe in writing from .dlotatioa."--7.Fhitadei, ,plafa Times. . . " , „fiffetere, . „ All .staeOlie- are .pretty muchalike 00 :the' & 0o,1he etkeini1Vei$94. ,1010Ww. pro_priStoriid "Mit-Spioe And litelthit Powder &U4 geievreett wee*,. ..-„,1.40 Ihititimi- loar.-- nnted;:frortih'e -rthiit: the! olaitea Of- goods .,rpantfaCttircd. by She firu. enter into '''shit -dOcipOsition of .. ChrIstwa .prOvisione. :Meagre.; W. -Dann -.• 'it' Co. sterted:bneinees,innatailton ten fy.eare.ago.i Menufactuellig-'0Offee and :epioe4 Eight ,rciontht afterwards." -they suffered -the lest of thole -factory by:fire. but 'pluolcily set to Work. 'and- imiltediatelt-rebnilti:."and ' eve!' sites .have had a, -eteady .,ineileege :of ..btaiki: 'Their 7.prodnoti have * woridiVide: reputation.: - 'Enoonraget by the .succesa: -attending the. :.0-tinUfaettiting-.Of tioffee-..and• epioeitheflini. in anent:. four.- *glare .-Tadded- innepard -.to :their products, - they -now have a ..Vert.‘•_,Iarge eale :Subsequently'. the baking pOsvde_r- -- wait _. begun, and readers will ,bo sum:lead 50 lecillithee' ne leas ;than. .twe IOUS per Weekare turned out at, this faotoey; I.i.aeknear the- :Arm. found,- it '...:ilecessery -ealarge thole:1000, now '-'tto*i 13206t r..00101110clietig ;4*(644 Canada. Tbe firal;iinports alt their, ,atite. dite014 -*Pd Are PaYingi---epeolit -Attention - 50: the-.10pOrtation _of- the finest -. brands :Of 'green Oeffee."' !The „firni.hae, just addedAt' •hiaVy..-expernie th� West :invention:Iv roasting coffee; which, ment Ouithe bid stylo.. The paatLyear% bueinees has exceeded 'any previous one; • andthe Aro hatthCeitfsfration. :of- know', Ing that -Odds Are -sold and aPpreciated -all- overthe Dominion.,. 4.1thorighArading itaWs. -G. Dann-, '10 • -• , - , • - , . An old ladyof 66 years, living In Lswie °minty, Washington Terxitory,.. oast - her maiden vote at the last eleOtion. I --Repeate&requesti have induced the proprietors of Lydia E. Pinkbanes Veget- able Compound to send by mail to ,vations lady ooreespondente, large mounted port trails of Mrs. Finkhara i and now zany et household wall Is adorned by the fainiliar, motherly face of the Massaohneette MOM= who has done so muohlor all women. Some epicures say that prairie. olhioltens will stand more red pepper and teati better for it thab any game now ou the liit. _ . • consumption. . Notwithstanding the great number who yearly sucioumb to this- terrible and fatal disease, which is daily :Winding its fatal coils around thousands who ,are nnOOnsoi- ous of its - deadly presence; Dr. Pierce's " Golden Medioal Digoovety" Will 'cleanse and.purify the blood of .soroftilous 'impuei. ties, and cure tubercular • ctineumption (whiolti is only scirofulous disease of: the lungs.) , Send three letter stamps and get Pieroe's complete treatise On consump- tion and kinared affeotions, with numerous -testimonials -:Of cures. - Address, World% Diepensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. • • For twenty •years George Vit.-Ohilds has Owned.. the Philadelphia Ledger. His inOOMO from it is $400;000 annually. I Rupture( Oared • • i‘ A -Perfect fkletiti ofilunshhte ". will fill theteart of every tearing! woman it she will only persist in 'the UN . of -Dr.' Pierce's, .44 Favorite Pregoription.”, It Will oure theinost excruoistifigpstiodiaal paine, ,and relieve: you of all itreilularitioa and give' healthy acitiod. -It will positively cure internal ioflammation and, uloioration,_mis • placement and all kindred -disorders. _Price zednoed to one doliar. - By druggists: Ohriatmaktrees are already on their way - outh-from- nolthern forests and will soon make fir groves on city .streets.:. - . Fre* -i•rorinces Comes a boat of testimonials as to the - Magid Oorn and: . Wee; oure-Putnani's, Paialeas Corn Extractor. We select trona the list Of names before us that Of Henry Taylor, . Halifax, probably the -most widely ;known druggist in the lower pro,r 111Q1311., Mr.'Taylor:- has no hesitation- in Stating that in an Operienoe of tWenty, yeara he has. handled nothing that hoe 'given the, suniversal satisfaction that Plitnatali Corn Extractor invariably -dcies,41, It 'never -We, it ie painless, _prompt an proddoestO -disocartfort.,- BeWare-Of 'mit tione-and substitutes: Palsoict Cei Rine 11111Nile 1 9!PrtIPretaei::reaten-li tO be deserted -bis - year. • A letter- despatched: from Cairo, Nov. 16th,: state' _that Only two dahabee, yabe had gene up Withal. date _ Don't •do its Dor-not wait, , .Ifseffering.from painolmt go it -onoe tothe- liearastdrtg "store an&buy swage -bottle' • Of Polionle NEavinncE, the great- pain °um Never fails -tci •give immediate relief NerSilliie is endorsed -by, Medical mai .eiveiywhere. DOn't wait a single hour wit:12T out tryints Nervilines The -best medieint In the world to keep in the house- in an emergency.. 1 Ten and25 bents a :battle. - Jeff eicion payis' health is. said tO be fgt.': tug feet.. • 1 The Man who applied to. a Denver anti' .geon to .get his head amputated, and 'wait surprised by -a refusal to perform the opei .ration next undertook to- acooraplish his purpose by layieg hie neck beforeA buzz saw, only to _be again thwarted. . • Those creaks whit haie no other -ambition on earth than to millioz :postage-stairtps have been struok by light- ning andblownup Oit steamboats until the imbiber has being reduced to abont half *- dozen. - :t** * - • * *, -, $ IF 40-4, at 1 11- 4 • * -so • • aemmiesessui •alset Plii•ikeR to Seem a Buda's.' /Moats= or Bpsneerlanke manehipl at me VENOM 14tH- BUSINPuN Mimes* •••nlasnhu 16. CI + R. :14. TI.,,,1,11/ARE .Lorilittra's .C1bnaz • QP A 0(4/ loearing a red tintaa ; that Lorillard's t • Rose Leaffine out.; that -Lorillard's. ,Nitvf CliOninns,and that Lorillard's Snuffe, arei the best and cheapest, quality conSidefed , , !GET.i.LBLE' , . --. ' . . . l'''' iiP * ' * .*-- * 'ISA POSITL :t7:: - 41 )11: • '. .• *,,. . *, .. _tt.Aroo.f..0.- :._ * For lip Of -those :pain44'00aegailliwitutit.. _II' .1i Weak*earkes' so oomnic)ri-,44iortr bolt .4 3 * * . 4 4 FritALIt POPI:t''Wtahlk• * ' -a _ * 4 " IA e . * - 0 .IT-.W:1141CIALiEr.'lln37740"4V8((i iA1M003PIti004074r:Nt*14lObT ftsoAvmx Am ttoiATi0N':Ptn4 km 4149113fErturs, AT4in *lin.torisfo71;r:.qAza,Wskog Vessi ANti IS .TARTIcTILA1114-1.0p, ' _ED TO we ciwcor 'or Lino.. :* i 4 t,:r tr•=,',4,-1.-.* - * - * •4 4' It WILL.DISSOLVE ,./.4.,Til -EI 0,4 i lams PitintAmi Utzwus IN AN2AhLMSTA013 0,110..VOLO Vlaii'r. TENEIENCYTO CANCEROUS H.1:11*.,!STItiEExts VERY .SpEEDILI? AT ITS VSE.. -.7::;::431, -.,-4 4 ...• . _41,, 1 *ir..itinte.N14.) ka4i,t7igi 11V4,1**.2-, . , CT t *XIITROtil ALL CRAVING FOteSTIMIT.I.ANTS,E,r4L13:::AK. tESS tat Tut StOISACH. ' IT CVAO Acms,BERspusl)RosTRATIo04.EIttiALLdiattro;TriA DtPRESSION- ANTI INDIGESTION,k • .'..*.-- * ''' 41, .• m 11-Doriatift, _ -vs Arif•I- 1.miatizcaers,:- - 1 Jit'' . *- •' ' r ' - .4 ALL i,i4 Livii ' THAI :II aarIts Punro:egas,SQVRIer.„ ,A#2r4ic3tricRes .. -HicAmsci,cr. tISEASE 'AND Tiq;:?4410/1 OP 1N, Alin THAT IT Doze ALL ITAL4110, It),1)gi TIEWIPARDS Or -- , . LAMES pAE _GLADLY TESTIOr3 i.'„I * 0. * et . . : :it 40:Foe rin- MAX OP Ir..4.1_37r pimpLAion,nc. ,B,IiiTtHEDIL-74 ..i, :WS REMEDY;lie..:'';'-,, . ,:,:crill): 6.048tritottal : . Masi. PriOL-1441_,.$ . 4 -100.1001 -for lik - . liacium proved a , Bold Span-dr/Age/it& .Sent b:yb.11;1164.,-ISV4e: paid, la Corsa -- of Pills or Lozenge* on reOelf4 'Pe**, unnholre• P1n4AM's "Guide to Health” ?.s.74'bRiila11ed free to ear :Lady'; sending Stinnio. - IMO!! Ohfiglentlaily stomp* • , ' --.• NO 'family_ Would be withontalYDI -4 2. pnumstro LIVER PILLS. They. care Oortetiaptibni Biliousneap_asst Torpidiq of Via Liver,: :25oeupa?,z, .0 •, `..• it . ir • * TEAT PEELING Or 13EABINdil): WEIGHT AND 13AOKAuttE, 1S4- OTMED BY,ITS USE. *.. * 4 IT VAL' AT ALL 'TINES AiD, STANOIWACT IN IIARIONT: eioitax THE PENAIE stistr0-: • • .irreenv Thorough and praetil- 10 II 11 cal Instruction given by Mail in Boot -keeping, Bildnesa Forms, Arithmetic, Shorthand,. eto. Terms raw sonable. Send stam_ps for.PAMPHLET to COW RESPONDENCE BUSINESS BOHOOksgi Ma fit- Buffalo, NM Olt. , IteilLTOCi viz* ::—Agnikz. TM& • ' VOLTALIC BELT Co., of -Marshall, ',WOW. . offer to. send theixtelebrated-EratimaoTormara • Bane ancrother Nraparam APP11010115 on- tali& !- for thirty days, to Sten (young or old) afflicted permanently.or- no limr. Our new and auro. with nervous debility,logg of vitality, and man cure teethed of treating rupture without hood, and all kindred troubles. Also -for Anti matisra, nearaigis, paralysis and miny other the knife, enables us to guarantee a ours. 1dlseaseL clomp ete restoration to heal ,. viSc Trustee- can be thrown awayi at Int. Send And manhood aranteed. No risk is inetirre two letter stamps for references, _pamphlet ounoothror tudactetraY8 tedal ipesimaliplilweedt fem. Write them and terms. World's DIspeneary Medical Astoeistiont.Biiffeilo41.1*. • - • • 11411111,1t01112j0)11160 801100LA :rev/ Zealand .proposes to give the -Boot& women thcroucb4Y, Preinerei for:slog:Gni come out there to• , for oireninee- - • orotters homes and 'farms habit- they will lihNn2a'Arraek-thmetickeiringefilintio "Bandlittum4glitrbenmali men)." •••••••••••=•11 • • • 4•. AittR: halute of lcidins ItiRALANT. tain owe catiA, =Ba°a1 r. ril dia,t4" , +.4* i - for eases of the ThreatandX,unalren Colsostnsp. don; lf taker. 10 season. • It Will tragic up* COM at once.- It is the Wag et Veattli 11:1 few inhahltiOns will corto'L.,44'.. most Often - sive Breath.' It may be cyMed iba handily tie, a penknife, and,is always WO, 'This is the ° only Inaaler%vprOted -! clans of.• every sehopl, kItt-7.-07idorsed by the - standard ntedleall .Mirgtfikot ;be world. AU otbera in the market WifAither woirabless substitutes or•travadiztepf": airnittltione. ver 400,000 in Use. - Sold by all DruggistsforsTiiieg.„13yreal131.25' ' W. H. -OldITH O.': Buffalo, N.Y. • _ - 1 - _ IBEFoits.) , „ ULECTRO-VOLtitIO arid bther ELECTRIC J.4 APPLIANCES are sent. -'.,';-%,,130, Dan', Trial, TO -KEN- ONLY, YOUNG OR,: ..OLD, who are suffer- ing_from Nnwrovs %Lost vvraarr. WASTING WILUCNESSES. IMO i,IMOSO diseases of g PititsONAL NATURE._ getnItt-.15rP, frora Anvils ..1111a OMR CAUSES. 'Speedy" •-;.(11.1ef , and complete restoration to IftALTIti,-11.0.0End MANHOOD. GuArtatissii. send at or laustrateci 'Pamphlet free.. Address Voltaio Belt Co.. all, Mai _ F-V,ENTI The simplest and beat if Atarket. Prio•SI4 Address, 68 Hughson etrrA south, Hamilton. . NSUffile.N1 area positive remedy fotctila -above obtuse; b • use their nude of cases or thAVroret land and of lot standing have been cured. so etrong_is_inp_fa In its etscacy, that I will send,WO BOTTLEs gather with a VALUABLE TEVOISE en this diem* ta say sufferer. Give Express inh$1Kt.,..9.,mAldreiti. - DR. T. A. 61.0013tAt:m .Pedrigt,,atiswyedr, _ Erri: EIR 40:,17roo47...' DEle IIVER3Olt iti. MI; El. It_ J. lisetureron tInZy4 2ar sad Throat Trinity Medical Colleget_nreute. Mash at Anrist tO the Toronto apeatiral Nospilallt g 01V .Ansigbant 1/010-'; 4,4).udonZhabillau . El tali Moorefield's IPM. Oen Indo Unit, and sar .Hospi 817 °burg Stir, Toronto. yea . • 11 'At •