HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-02, Page 5• • • S If LIFER Ab {AY. • A`Ct)11 -I Pltl4f SI OF THE vttlf.orPt Lot 11, Ce , .1th,att the 1st tt * November ls,.su,. s, light rhi ye.►tling lusher 'rho t+atter is requested' to x,ro•rt� /teal erty,payex cllaes,and-take.her away WILLIAt-11+I- G1.1'11 ST, �tnrt• 168; - Kinlough P. O. MAI E- AS'I'R°A1' -. F .. A.\Il:': TO_TIII0 PREMISES- OF THE underaagned, Lot 4, Con. 5. Township of, 4 tt eon, ou or about the 17th: of November last, dark bay mare about 12 years old. The :soot` is requestec1 to --prove property,; pay ex - ,e nsefs andtrlkc her "alt ay. u MAWR -MATHESON; 4in-V114; _- - Ripley. P. 0. 00 R FORSRVICIM. + . iE E `UNt ERSIGN/I WISHES TO incnrm the fanners of ars vicinity that, ltc` will keep f•tr service 'at 'ot a, Con. 14, West %a,.want::cal. lets thoroughbred Berkshire Luer, Terms at t::t.(El. - ALE'N. CAMERON. : Lncknow ..P. O. T Ill+ tTNI)ERSIG vEI-) WISHES: TO aicfurze tin fatilers of this "vielnity that It el keep fin:menace a e let Los t9; G`+tn.toVer<t a . c� ltntBili, ins tti. it .tt+•hbeedt. l ttlrkrhire boar,- F. +tight toast . vIcLaughliu, f` Duirlybruok. I•le f at titSt-+zlaarrtaartitlttaQt, Mitti.t i•e�;isteretl in the here} kook. `k'erms 81 eal:+tx:: - FREDERICK ROBINSON, f m-.►l;o - . Dungannon P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVICE, H1•r UNDERSIGNED. WISHES .T0 infurrn the farmers- in _this sectionsthat he will.kt.t•p f'rservice this Sea: -.on at -Lot lS tltt. 3, iiiaiosisr, his superior Berkshire' hoar +- recently purchtasedfront the Modal Farm at - lnellih. Terms 81 cash. - 4 ALEX. M, cKENZIi, an . r7Q Langsidle. P. t 4 MAJOR CARLISLE," r iifl•ITN Ei SIGNI 1) WISHES TO,! inform the Public. and farm ars in par.. titstllar. that Ire- still Las- at, Tint 3 Cop. 11, Aslatield.hig pore bred, Berkshire boar,"Major c *it:01%1e, purchaseydfront Snell Bros.., of:-. Ed - tri on, and gut by insp:s het Royal Qtir:isile 3533. 3. The; Snell lees.' herd Of Berk ihit•es t.tftk every first prize in their Cius9 at Toronto industrial and Pruviai_?al Fxhibit f+ns .i feat - r ever-bef€tre ticc'unl'lished lay tine breeder • at these shows: Major Carlisle took' dist prey' of l',t know fall show.. '1=erarisS1strictly., Jib. li,. E. ?.ANTE, Lanes l'. O ht J,re��e'e td givenaway. UU' U U USend oar ae pasta ge,aantl by mail' I . you will }let free_ paelcx a of a;t,odls`of large value,that will start _yea in work that will at oilers brine!; you in - rummy !aster than anything else: in. America. All about n a t a><lte B2QQ,Q00;<ttresesats with each' box. Agents wanted everywhere, of either sec, of aa.% mem, for all the time, or spare time only, to.work for us at their own homer.. " if ar us�es tax. An workers. absolutely assured. _ on .t cte itty. H. -H tLLETT and Co, Portland, Maine S ao tv Creditor' 1 .4. .w, • 1. • WILL a 22: lbs.' of GOODS1U:GAR for oneolla`r ALL_ WOOL .GREY. 'L 'NNEL; for e c.a yd. be sold e ea • 'usl ay rived, a' -lot -el Lake -- Herrings, ILDEN-:*C LA" 07Z4EME1i The best preparation known to science forbeautifying the MPLEXi O\VE - SINGLE APPLICATION is :w arranted, - to Beautify. tho Faee and give to the Fadcdor Sallow Com r - plexion a Perfectly -Healthy. Natural and_ Youthful' Appearance. It - Conceals. WVrinkles:: Freckles Crow's. .Feet, and the Evidence def Ago, leaving the Skin Soft,:. Smooth, and White. PRICE -50 cents.: Sent- to any address. Postage stamps taken. Address all lettere to CREME D' OR; Drawer -2,878, .Toronto P.:0. Ask your _ druggist; for .it.. Wholesale by all, whole' - Trade Mark. stile druggists. 0 Waltham:, Elgin, Swiss' and a English; -at Lowest Living Irices. Guaranteed, Excellent Time -Keepers. d t-exande . Findlater, L.tTB OF TUE: VILLAGE OF _LUC&NOW IN ll COUNT? OF BRUCE, JEWELLER,: at,ECEASED: - ' itatr ` TO Tag PRF VISIONS: • Chapteir107, Section- 84.of the Bevis- 44 Stat iter of- Onterio . the 'creditors of .Alex- ander Radiate?, late. of the -Village of Luck=- now in the County of Bruce, jeweller, who Alta on or about the sixth day of October, A, -1884; arkhereby notified to send by post_ e aid or deliver to ,1111%t. Traver, of the .Village of Lueknow,, Solieitor for the admin..-` istrators, On or before the 24th day of ,Tann- t. A. D 1R850the full p:erticnlars of their AAfiune ar accouata-against the said Alexander. Irindlater,;zndther nature of the securities if ,:any held bythem, and after the said 24th day. actuary, A. D. 1885, the `adnninistratore weal tjrroceed to distribute the assets of the said •estate• amongst the 'potties entitled thereto 'raving regard onlyto •the tela;,imx cif ` creditors ;of Which theyahan then have received notice. Dated at Lnokuow this 26t daffy of: Decem-- herr; A. lir 1834: . ELLIOT+ ''TRAVER zwina Solieitorfor Adaninistrators,. or working people.. Send 10c. ELL pdistageq�, and we will mail you, free, a valuable 'ddama>;le: boar of goods K that w" .put you in the way of : making more. ?bone a a few days than ycu- ever thought. Ymssital at aaybusineas..;Capital no£required.. ou can live aalt home: and -work in spare time ttuly,or allthe time. • Allot lioth. sexes, of all - ages, a randly.muoeessful. SOo to $5 easily -earn- scd every everting,. That all who. want work rimy test. the ±business, we nsake this unparal .ieled tier: To. all who are not: well satisSed: we will seed $t .40 pa for the trouble of writ- ing, os. Plaid partikuraara directions.,: etc.. sent fa Qtr. Innraease ay , cutely sure for all who starlet once. Don't y. Address Szzxso>st :& Co.. PorIaa, - e_ o>r _reed oh ars' a Ramt. ,l tut r ±tura never in *ate to ale repose-- %_in fact, the best furnished house is barely • comfortable. The bed hat. -ro spring, but has a nutobsr of little oohton- mattresses covered with,, silk; and padded counter- danes, which are.rolled up in one maps uring the- day.. - Such a bed. represenleRa perfect square, Covered like a catafalque.. The lighser furniture, of air very andalome bard wood,, are atiff.looking , the "tables are usually heavy,. massive} solid, but .I -have seen -some light ones made of bamboo..A Chinese parlor always .looks like a council. hall. - Against the centre of the wall at the further end' . a divan is always-- placed, covered with thin mattresses. At= either A Large Assortnient,. Best Makes, , Very Low., C�E.3 cpm, GZFZ7'�' f A y - Is the Place to get School Supplies, I a FanyGoods,, : . MA.R I Berlin W4114ol, Bibles,Violins, Concertinas, Jewelry,Vases, Silverware. our Paper is a-Wond� is a Magic, few weeks. ago Iantic reat and this:week Y have �a:a for Goo4s from � •- 3 pal �s eTs 44. nd to give �l '1 everyone ' a c] gods a E �I 1 continuatli� C�.e�; until mas V • r'25c; .tehLiO e� lir Sugars have no �r Fruits a e the lowe ti. vine Tr ampere mY Prices. :dFertised Prioes,an that mfr Figures a spectfullyours, AMP The sr. it. an. Thi oelots of is, 'than the ova. - 'air of the Ohio DIES' SILVER JEW ELRY,BROOCHES,EARRINGS, ooth, wi>lthout� �, , . Brae leek, This; one :olid Silver and `plated :wares, suitable for;. holida, s y wedding o -admire in- them ;-.:Call and see stock.. A large variety of Clocks. • ock is -far: from: dei O. 0 Evoryth• s araoteristio of the tract,- -. dieereoeive Company t,. die. The menremain. in .ole. Gaittl. eras .reoeive-- their • male *icy ewelf'y -Zn-Endless-Vay ety • - .t- ry wealthy family has several oo, - • s. They are bui pon -little illi - a ' to and Satisfaction guaranteed. - • - ideas are unit' .: -Mier :bybndga, " r• tv eiye _of SpeOth' ° 6in he.1best:make always on hand. ' - upon c torhicr Nov._ 25th;: whicd4. le. of the ;,..1The ,4/atery and d a tel `tiher ill the lam present attired t,. to a slain di Stove Dei gious..4 _. ot gong lighted,. when th: - Med .Ire them ti' sat soil died (4E dainty r ginger; toget+ha . .: the LL -ACE-‚ Luc,;yew. PRICES DOWN.1 QUALITY UP.! AT' sit . by - tO CONCEDED' THAT THE DEMAND" FOit LOW PRIORS MUST' ±aadtial met,, but the: time for buping and selling goods put tip oW purpose to � Opposite the Whitely House, Lucknow -1 • e • aide}• is : arow . of abairt and on :the floor .. ; Alp without regard toua1iy is past. e undersigned, in -thanking. the Citizens 'of Lucknow and vicinity for atronage bestowed on him during the past_ year, takes this opportunity • attention t his large: and' well selected stock of Stoves for both weed "ntlery, Tinware of -all .kinds, Coal Oil; Lamp Goods, and: everything - !to. Carlin cans,milk pans and dairy pails a spec a1ty. ; ` _Eave. ±-repairing promptly, attended to. , Best Goods at the Lowest !nd be convinced. t e -:Qerco k •. I ata4�1o'vr counts w'' i1 _re ui ' e dtibase; brat nd andel Ina roti -tam a L sdiaaasete G..iiewTot;te 7. ' once •