HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-02, Page 4-• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL JAS. BRIAN, PUBLI$HEE. 41, VIRE .I1BERTY- TO UTTER AND :TO, ARGUE _ = PREELY ACCORDING TO THE. 'DICTATES 4O7 CONSCIENCE WE PRIZE ABOVE ALL OTHER=i.IBERTIES. imiknows Jansas End, 1886, NEW YPAR'S GREETING. . = - With this -number nit -SENTINEL a enters upon its,_twelftl year of exist; once asa:public newspaper.. For the past -,six years it _has ` been under our uninediate guidance; . and during _that. *time -it has shared in all the advan- tages which -a goodly subscription list: and prompt -paying subscribers bring. .As at: newspaper TUE " SENTINEL, like - human inortalsi no doubt has its faults and imperfections :; but we.' haves en- deavored to keep pace:with the times 41 according to the length_ of our pock- et,", ock et, as the saying goes, : the course which all rudent : and- successful ,..=:ductors of :business enterprises must: pursue. Of course, as to the readable -and interesting character of TIE SEN TINEL, we have mo desire to make any observation.of our own, but we would• just remark that live have a thousand or two stray testimonials and. written _` encomiums `from our many subscribers :and•readers lying around- our spacious premises testifying as to its merits in that direction.. In conclusion,we have onlyto say -_ - ' that with the : beginning of another yearand in. the midst ofthe festive. son. ' itis only appropriate tea _ that we should wish all a pleasurable time -and a share in general enjoyments which the . merry season,_ confers; Trusting - that all our 'readers. will share abund- antly in the many enjoyients con- tiguous Apron the- festive season, we have much . pleasure in wishing them A . HAPPY NEW YF a P PASSING EVENTS. ' THE' Minister of Education intends. introducing' a bill at .the -.forthcoming: session of the :Ontario'. Legislature to have: the elections for school trustees held'=at the same time . as those fo* mch. councillors. . -.By ` this 'meas-; .. : .sen in the dere interest will a thing that- has- election of 'trupng in 'the past. along-- .and ran into the creek `opposite hePa sadFL" side : the -road upsetting the • sleigh : and : • gpR, _ , throwing the �unha� . v_. victim into, a cold bath. The last seen of him he was iunning:over the 'hill after his -team ,We wisih hijn a Happy New Year. . Union school. section :No: 14 had .a very • successful "examination on .the 19th ult. The:pu ils .were - examined P dee:_ 'oy` Messrs. Matheson,- McIntos;i An -derson, avid Wilson, in the presence of • over eighty visitors. They all seemed pleased.with the ,progress the. unils •had made: under the graining of Mr. .Horton- their t4acher during- the - eat::: ' `entertainment , • �, past y • The, ehtertalnment and. Christ - masa tree in co lin ee ion t was a : .success.. : The: presents were so numerous that. t he.. t. e could not bear- � up � under., �-Its 1Joad,•and:another pact to be Sent t for to 1 :7.'�.a i—'-T--...�-1.�*-gym..+- .•w,.. • . 1 hat t 11 - a be unity. of the �b>trch' of Christ -� • may be irianifested and brotherly love iraurease ;- that the churches May mere deeply realize. their responsibility in regard to -=increased- evangelistic work .amo ig the masses; and that theLord's coining inay,be more earnestly looked for,: That all -pastors,:- swinge ists, teachers, , and- workers - _ -May ;:: become= fervent -in spirit-, :diligent in their ministr i y;$�`d :faithful - in p�eachng. I`J esus: Christ and Iain_ , crucified ; for' Sunday - schools ; and. . for the better... observance of the Lords day. _ • a Thursday, " Jan• . S --Prayer for families and instructors of youth. That God's= goodness.: and : mercy ° may not be:withdrawn and that -the: w' rd: of God may run and ,be glorified, `that - Christian parents may :more fully re cognize the obligation to train. Up their children in_the . fear of ..God:;; that ►oung: people may. be. :saved :from..in temperance, immorality, and other, sins ; : for universities, schools, profess- ors, teachers, : _ and students : for. the ministry.• : ; Friday, .Jan. 9 -For. the :nations. For rulers: and : Governments and- all in authority ; far the preven#ion of war. ; that all laws that favor: vice nd cru � � alt y :maybe remo� ed ; : that� Wicked men and their conspiracies may be confounded -and loyalty and goadciti- zenship prevail; for: soldiers and sali- ors.; for . the removal of.: the -opium • traffic, intemperance and the social evil;. and for the.• su r s� pp a cion l -of all that is impure��in art or -literature. Saturda Jan. '10 -For missions home and foreign.. For the outpour -ins of the ioly Spirit. and a Spread of the: Gospel in all tan s - P tl , .for- lucre laborers to be sent forth -endued with' power,fi -from on ,high for.- native h i . .�rst ians, that they -.be . established in the. faith :and • become ... come inore� '` earnest in .. seekingthe salvation, . 1` Anon of their country men ; for all. inissionaries; for God's ancient_ . people .. Israel and the _ con- version. of many in. the faith. ofChri - SL for, increased blessings to _ attend:the • circulation .of =the Scriptures andt' the e religious 'training. of.- the young.in. missionary schools -and- colleges. Sunday; Jan. 11 -Sermons ..Wait ing for the Lord's appearing. Isaiah xxv. ; 9 2. ':Chess. ;iii 3-5. • The first "meeting will be field in • St. Andrew's Church ori Monday evening next ; in Knox -Church :.on Tuesday; • evening � and in A». 3IT - .�J v ,LEGE . • _ 1 PARAMOUNT. - Prom our ours Corresnonderd. Skuddy is quite. a faiiilliar .game ainOng the boys ::this winter. - Our school tuber has- returned:to his home ill evurn to spend his poli-- :• days.: tv' a wish aim a: - happy time:, While ' some unknown gentleman .was driving :home. from Lucknow last week his horses took. fright at the saw - Fr Dominion :Parliament�1,, will meet. 44;the despatch of : business � n the - • 29th of . January. It : is also under- stood_ nder-stood:_ that the Local Legislature. will `assemble:about the- 25th. . The delay in calling the Legislature together � has Yd been.occasioned b' 'the dilat. .. ...: . dilatoriness of e Dominion in connection, with, he • led aka claims of lesthe : old tPro rice - ful home`s Bratrix sit yo n = �►« get -her obnoaiont'�.--� to- good. So sure am , r. - thi.G I have pretended. to Be have already invited `her, and, 'c., at ter to -morrow I*. shall scud her ., E icn 'care of her, maid. Lwould Per myself, Only that I' am a --eon$ invalid. My dearfriend you must ta, best _qui of : my , treasure. See th a sends rid letters to any -one . but her or me.` Allow no : stranger to viseit he r•depsad hopefully . co-operation on in this matterfor- m 'daughter . y is a� fitting mots for the .bast, and � gill not sacrifice her .to a poor man. •Yori- will pardon my .prolix letter,for the eakeof a mother. s Anxiety..= *s Yours, IeasELLA " �Rot)K. She closed the letter and 8t.looked.. a ` .at. - L: eo iY,who stood. in the embrasure window oi. a lace -draped � t - gazing' -carelessly. out . the o beautiful grounds:. A mocking sneer purled his bbin lips. as he returned to her. As scheming , -' .said, - , .g woman of: �the,world,' he ads ant anti o : ndl .:. y.I ileus. you:. will not ` lend yourself to her iniquitous plan."he letter Goal _• Mrs. Le Roy: glanced' at t . ... �,- ,,Yon see she reallyiv" Ecce. Ei es me no oh ci}}: � or refusing, Simply -taking- m • t anted" eke said Y commit for aid dubiously. rt. " No matter; Write' her that you cannot =ave -Beatriz.. fief •.:ter I name home terday, and: that. I am' an ogre who would • • 1 a. eofrne T2S,„ scally for ..t the Chr st nas Trade. arge Range to, ca from G great oaring 7Goods, Olothi: Sots $hoCL great many Lines 0614 at Rag- Below 0g. to clearout. r2rThe Cheapest and :Best Assort- ed. Goods ever o ered -to the Public, and$20,0Q0. t to s .,lett from. ne month Only at 8. MaclaLy�e's. •qhs. :Briht :4 �, Subar for .$1. 00 R£ ds._ 29 inch Vinciso r . I - yds 36 inch {yd.wid e} Windsor Cotton.-:, ll wool ' Canadian:'Tweed Suit for is Felt Hats 50c. to 60e.•. • { wool'ren�b Drs�` GOOds,._ 25 cents.`` Ladies', bliss:es, and hit• i•en s Hoods bought 201 per cent• -below the regular rice. - This Sale -wi 1 cc -mu till the end of Deem'_ 1a FIRST -COME FIRST GINTYR Nab ;tae, r,y..•.,f - - deails: coming and f Beatriz sunk h.,a crimson, were lain' too'young. • Where u r did She pick.u er?" `;be ked :himself. ° " She aP . ve become, infatuated with her danoi 9r or: her musio-master. • that. .evening- when litre. Leroy cell i sued the piano and -asked her to play, se -:with;: ea r0x. begged - to.. be eaoueed.. Being _ 5;; ;-dressed, she declared that. she had never didn't mean ' ear. the fan i,, r � : ,piano, she ail not Hoare icor WAIVER. RUE a stoo ed to F• ski at least �� _ P �� �not very, .mnoh... As i' s. :o d n the pa..t At�tl keep3 orT,„ , >� n. A bevel)<< T�i-�blle,ezpressed the -surprise -the 'felt: large and superior stockkt1im home for Lison played an aria for ` his 'mother, oneQ. - n theyolosed the piano. , are say Eden ' ' is o it was' not her r4usio-,basher : Y '. Who Flcl idin ' v r Y" tap out of .each ,t n er heart. The circle_ narrows down o e ,y. thin #c►und -111...01fb he eat down i :the professor of ::the ter 4 ichorean art,'' LAWRE C• ' in d Stove Ibpot1 'NEW ARRIVALS MONARCH ENiENS��9N xe.4ro.i r rood*,m- ,' S�osByy AUIT�ESS PARLO all and see They ► Mgood Housekeeper. He *cul . ps the . public, . more par ticularl3 ..F '440 hi mself. Community. thatheLn:Enw e ` •-dear, >•hav been 'watching you of a:Tholough Miller, d i osey" said Mrs. • LeRoy, suddenly,„ dif-_ if yoU "t bother you 41,t villin diold what was. s1eftp After or listenm„:=.toari1a the iran n u�i cekdn 'v n1� et r . and d a.progranme prepare(' bythA.teaehcisvfro the; u d :scholars the presents wereli . _ with to the c spells -,. enjoyment _of all w. WW1 "close- d b Quee frig mita S r ` - have .never my life before!" CHAPTE V. St. Leon looked. at :the -girl as she made her tumid reacted. _.1Ier eyes drooped from his qulckly,,and the frightened look cam- into them again.- - i was unacco antably_vezed,:alldongh a moment before he; had been pleased, because she was afraid' of him. .y sboidil the little goose fear me ? I am not an..ogre,",,he .said to:himself, shortly;- turning bank to tbe window, while Mre. Le Roy answered"politelp ied pled nit° so earningly e asked. "I utif ul, tis sPo We• will both miss : at way. T �'trude upon, each e`: haunt - is the library. Item! out of - them, .you -may e'the right of; ;way: inthe,restof the house without- . materially disturbing me.” Palpable diem - ay.aowered .over; the -:lifted face: that looked .so lovely in. the golden sunlight..' " The library and the books are all. there —aren't they ?" she asked .with a note of;': keen yearning in her voice. " `Yes • `do . yonj line• boob ?" he :asked curio slY . °• °' :- Ilovehem t she ewered, ;asoai'dm . ; . the word "like" as she haddone :about the' Sowers. ,There was no half a strain. in her - y nature. re. F . rve t - ardent, ant im , etao " word was -too oooo1 cold - for her;, Those " .thin ` e th t 1 a e se d her. ,�= g P e she loved. Then,, perhaps I will lend you :some books sometimes, if you' will only keep but of my: sanotum,;'ho said, coolly.'. "=110you. promise ?" "Tee, I promise," she relied,. with:a gentle Smothered.. replied,. gentle, high. ��-. Then' suddenly e: lifted here 'es and:-' asked Win the l a 'meet ' n `h y l�q do 4 would'havb_ 4 at doonot at all resemble your mother. eyes, -yours are black. Ber es were t a quite different • from yours. av .seen your father, but 1 forget how ooked.. I suppose you are like him." _- I am like my ' father," Beatrix veered, but her face crimsoned, and she fed . s iit she `Vere. about to burst into sea She cooimanded herself ,with as rtl etnd a little later, declaring that her d'aChed, ehe.begged .to be ezonsed,--and 44 Poor' girl,!' i she s every unbaPPY l" � , said . ® Roy. "-Isabel :Gordon .is very care. to :let that .ohild have ,a lover ,i' She e of bueiaess out ots the eohoobroom.' - CHATTER .- VII.. 0421z Went -swiftly ito: the pretty dress gran, ;Where tte-nfaid Was busy -:sewing ^t R thin ner-dress Of pink ,puna veiling for rl,beautiful young mistress,. She sank wnuon a dhttu and looked at Clarice th'smbra, miserable eyes. " .0b11 l %i I :shall -h. D i ave toggles it All • ,'! the pagted.,,They :suspeo$ me -.p -quits sari they do r .. a . rt - a. laricslooked trigliteaed and -disturbed, e 1:e eproliohful. y A _ - ALL KINDS bp-. of the hei exotics in his buttouht i House of Commonsn a fin by a•par of high inettled h��, 4n s tyle.you do tot have in ` Party that represents what � poktioal dissenters, though such Puritans n 1ta219 :�9 you me►s still . a_.F count Liberal people of 3ew England are of a similar physical type, 'oolo h pie sed,'une_motional men, aa of } - ble will and of narrow views. Chamberl is is of this type, with a' touch otsuerosi ' � �&ad a suggestion of emotion. He is one o,/ those men you would not o to %Imre with unleos you were prepared to fight o the death. Lord Eaudol , the C1on l� tiv$ champion, is a .brig'it, clever, pluoky men. Sho rt inetature,slatu i� not ttn g pi ' • an aggressive head, use s►dfar t -heavy ;ous'tach eyes, , md, la singularly pond. power- Iiil 'voioea a heti Eli the qualitioations tbab go to make a auooesdul poiitieachief in opposition, lie is ill neat. audi for satirical a riff ° trine reckless, t �?�, oar not =ate pat to wonder it be is telling the t a•nd Oen snoops the ugliest rspe r e retort with eq atuudty. Ue *mulct Nut smile :and be a polition.% CO �8 b