HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1885-01-02, Page 1""ww'ais "Ft ‘, • -Zs - • . Teliblighed eye4 kiiday; at the SANTIOL . Block North -East Cornet of Outran,- - and Ca1inpbIi Streets,. .4 Ur tr entinti •1440.1ANO Br r ONTARIO. ' . - -.1.--A&BitrAir,mivro.7242irD 1V1341738:11$*. siubsertptIon- Priee-11.1- per:, Tear Its'Ad*. once. • a'-",refr . . ,•• PRINTJ MCAT= WITH volutes azulDoptiageh I GENERAL. RICIBEliFOUNNINGHAM,. INSURANCE, .FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. _ • ger. WEST wA.NvA.Nosii. Mutual fire Insurance Conipany.. 1],00ARD OF DIRECTORS MEETS FOR 7 the transaction of business on . the. first Alnesday-li cacti month. Parties wishing to liave their property insured in this increasingly • Topular Company, will by giving notice be •. upon by the undersigned or by one of • the Directors. .Businees calls promptly at; tended to - • -ROBERT MURRAY, St. lie16n1; P. O. onQy to oan I tAN - EASY. -TERMS. -OF PAYMENT. XJ Apply to JOIEN COOKE, Agenti-Dungennon. .ou_py-::_to*•Loa4-1. ON REAL ESTATE, it REASONABLE hates, on Terms of Payment to suit-- _Borrowers. . . • Q. ELLIOT TRAVER; Lucknovi. oney to Loan i �N . FIRST-CLASS MORTGAGES- *AT_ 7 ton -per cent. interest, payable yearly. Cizargee very Moderate. Apply to -• • • ROBERT MURRAY,- St. Helen's. . Money , to -Loan 1 • ON GOOD. FARM PROPERTY AT 6 and 6/_ -per cent., according to the BfflOUT• ity Offered. The above Will. be loaned on any • - Termito Suit the Borrower. Correspondence will.becheerfully ansviered without expense. Nor further -particular' apply to . '4444,7 - JOHN GORDON, St. Hilen'i; • Molloy- to L�ani A T •7 liEli-OENT _ FROM 2 TO.- 20 •TAL-1. years. Lista Of Farms for Sale In On. -.tario as well,as, Manitoba.. Parties desirous to .4,41 Farms. will obneiilt their interests',by. in- • • spading the advertising facilities of Subecribar- itt Great Rritain and Ireland and Continent of • Lands for Sale.' s • - •ANGUS STEWART, - - Land Vabiater Luoknow Ont. • . it Dom Sehd • for.Postage,and -re- n. I it J.LEOeive free, is. costly box of goods ; ; • . vrhickiill help you tO More tiontiy• richt away -than-anything else. in the world. Ali, ofeither eex slimed frotn first hour._ The . broadroad to fortune opens before the workers olutely Sure. -.At once address Tuns and Agnate, Milne. MEResi - CAMPBELL, BANKERS -- LUCKNOW. At Reduced Rateslo Suit the Times. Loans: •on Mortgages as Low as 6 per ceht.,-* Mita :fiid. imostifigoo. spat! • earDrafts and Cheques -on all Nate clashed. • Special and Prompt Attention- Paid to the Collection of Notes, Acconntit,' Bents, etc. . -JarDrifto Payable at Par lassoed OA the rincipal_frities and Towns of Canada and on• th lilted States And 'Great Britain: - Parties ttiiig -*ill find this the Cheapest, Safeet mot Convenient Method. - - Five per cent. allowed .on Depoeits :in the - .flavings Bank Department; Funds Invested for PrivateTarties. - We are prepared to Offer to Customers every facility eSorded. by . a (.1hartered Bank and on equally favorabloterm• s • -QONVEYANOING In -all its Broobes. ntifire and :Life Ulu- . &nee.: Cognpanies Represented. - • Office ilours-froing a m to 4pm. cANIERpN,0„ CAMPBELL, huckKNOws .fse. • VONNOW, LODGE OF THE ANCI-• ' ant Order of United Workmen, Mettin- the OddfelloW's Mallon the seeond and last .Monderivenings of nob month, at S o'oltudp. Visiting Brethern are dordiallr invited. T. LA. WRE NCE_, 'IL • Master Workman. . - -Recorder? LEGAL. • etARRow & PROrDFooT, Baprieteii,solloitore,00.,00derich,ont: .4 T. .GILIPtow—lirm. P401.7DFooTs*- Luta TRAITER, - Attorney-at-law;-Solicito in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Office next o to the Post - Office, Lucknow, pat. 4 318 _TAMES SOMERVILLE, .CONVEYA PER. Money to Loan On Easy Tem:our ,RealEsita Valuator for Trust and Loan 0' . • • ID _Mb AXTON, . •Conveyancer. 'CO missioner in H. 0; .1., etc. Moneyto Loan 7 per cent., Rtre4ght interest. • Valuator for e Dominion-. Savings and Anvestment Sodie Issuer of Marriage Lioensea,..KINLOUG • ,P. 0 Ont. • . " 99 Baribiter, dee,: PraCtioneOn- the • •• High Celiac -Office It, ALTER -CA MPTIELL . . IlVeyanCei, Money 'Lender, 20.! Estate and urance Agent. Collectione.), ptly made and zeturns each week. •-Our motto is, Deed not Wor • Office. -Alex; -Findlater's (OR gAgEitox # attmp,„AE-z-4), .QTARY.J —.PUBLIC 007417tiniOttel• ifLB. IL.; Conveyancer, ite.- LUOKNOW - .contirAmo. - _ Conveyancing in all its4ranohea. Dada; Mortgages,lionds;Agreements, Leases sto.;proniptly and oarefullY prepared, ; • and correctness guaranteed. : Speeialsnd prompt 'attention paid to the searching of Titles, and to all matteri:conect- ed with the transfer of RealEstati. 'NO -Charges Iteasonable.. MAcK.I1j, Office—Above R. More,itio.knoto. HYSICIAN, SURGEON AND -AC. coucher. • Residence-1'hp - residence' •formerly occupied.by ,Dr;•MacCrinimon. ' A. G, Elliott, MD, MOP$ Oi LiCentiate oRoyal ,Pollege.aPhysicians; Edinburg. . ,„? - • - . Licentiate in Mid-wifery, Edinburg. 1 Office -Campbell Street, Luelcnow.. LUCKNOW •'-• - J.SiTENNANT, M. Di5;111.C.P,S, Ifaltvineknoto. rSpecial attention paid to diseamos -of - women and ohildren:_ .• _SirCille promptly attended to by night or •day.• - MAC 0E1'3111110N, a. M., M. 0. P. 8: 0., L. R. 0: P., .. 0$.,and L.- M., Edinbiirgh. Coroner County of:Bruce. • • Licentiate Of Midwifery, ROyil College Phylicians and•SurgeOns, . Edinburgh - igirOffice-One door east of the -Post Office, Lucknow, Ont. - DENTIALe 31110101,' Licentiate- of . 'asses.' • Dental 8111r .ery, • lie removed to Wingham; Where hewn?. cearry-on the Dentristy linsiness ;hut he would beg to inform hie patrons' that he Will Visit Lin:know on the .first and third Monday. and Tuesdays, of each Month; Office-- at:- ifs Hotel:• , :15 •• - VETERINARY. 'EST. CLAI VA.LKER, v.s. efflos_•=1Vizt. door to the Barbi? Shop. LUCKNOW •-• • ONT. A full supply of medicines always on hand; Calls both night and day promptly attended to. ZS -Charges moderate. . Cante found clay and night at his office. SOCIETIES. 4170E710TV ." :Wo ,11t. geode every . Friday coming it eight o'ciOcik In theft -Hall, CainpbeliStreete All• - JAS. BRYAN, W. 11;SMITIf,' •• •Noble Grand _ Brethern cordlallY t. eds.40-retary. , 1 0. o 41•703;14, Gi.K.9,4 4,4.4 11B T • Thursday on or hetet% -full-Moon of each month at eighty. . use - Visiting Bretlierti cordially -Invited. rEpt•TA#T-; ' . - .4,-MAI,41401/G11, 1 1 '3_1.1_411_2_ . w,144. Sigretarp. TAit19, ticknovi Post Office Time Table. • M41.49. drrive.- . Close South. and East Indio:ling London Toronte:.. 6:24am 6:55 -an Hamilton,. Guelph, 'Mon- •treal, Manitoba, United 10:16 api -States, English and FM%• lp tn: eign Mails. . 10:42am 6 a m Waite goingEastelose at a.m. on Tuesday,, Thursdaya,and .Sat_urdays each week, %Stand North ' Goderich,on; 11:17 am 16:50am -5;42pra -.-8:37pes 3:25inn Dungann ..fast,,Lanea, St. 13:30pai 6304* • Holyrood,KinlOugh ICital• 'ss - 1 km, 6:30 am MONEYORDERS . Tanned on and paid from all -M; 0. Offices in the Dominion of Canada, GreafBritaiii. Ire-. laid; Brithili India, .NewfoundiatidAermany, Austria, Italy, Australia, The United States• France and 'Algeria: - • • Pon. OFFICE SAYIN NK eposits received -from Deposr itere.,wigh :Post Mae ueral's special per, miseion can de 61000. Circulars -giving full info o can be had. on.applioatica' :at this c. 0 ours to 7 n tri- IrLetters intended fo8r.srm. 'm ;trati shonid buIrsted 15. minutes before the glob; if each Ma CAMPBELL; POSTMASTER.- . • SOIREE AT DUNGANNON.: . . - VISIT BY ST. ANDREWS' CHOIRfr:-STRAlt NOTES. _ -On. year- SP 14St Christmas night he . - oh* of St. .Andrew.' Ohurah, LucknoW; .furnished 'nolo . at :the annual Christmas' eoiree :of - the- Presbyterian Churoh at Dungannon. The they so delighted their hearers - with their musical heleetions that this Year they were again solicited to:bon-tante the initsical part of the prograni, and they -oblig- 'Ugly commuted to do so. Accordingly, On the evening ofthe 25th nit, they Proceeded to that thrivilvilla and, after hating survived a few narrow .0soapes from being precipitatecl into almost unfathomable' inoiv-banks, ars yed there In. the :test Of spirits, having en joyed a merry ileigh-driire.'" On their strrivr, they were • iinmediately taken in hand .rnelnbez'aofthe entertainnient conindttee a • • — ' MUMOIPAL REEVE CAMPBELL RE-:ELEc •• ACOLAMATI6N. • The nominations , for v and Councillors- ,took • niece inrg e old school -house on ?Ion:day la in the 'presence of about on rate- 'payerA - With the clerk, H. Sniitli, in the chair. There little 1 - or no - excitement at the 74-iting; it being generally unaersteodl:A4 Mr: Donald Campbell,- our presei3 Reeve, wO again be•returned b acclam- n, and as none of the oldo mb,ers of the 0ounci1 Board intendeeyfering themselves as 'candidates, „iti forded a clear and unobstructed fiel4t4 the- . . • _new aspirants who • were a*s . • • . ,17:4 sacrifice themselves on the ;9 altar of ,the village. Althour..*:*;:y thirteen candidates were it@cnosed onliAix Messrs. W. 8: John ?r axe • time 2 the °the then eve ceiVed *fail new - ex- reizt Camel n, M.- Campbell, ant and Obt. Graham also addres c1: the 3! meet' g,, all Of whom expresse selveass well pleased with the - 0 - *usto *eipid. .Some Pots-lher, Jas. Bryan, Angus Wm. Little and. Jas. B. Hu in.tize field for councillOrs. haring arrived for the cloziin nominations; and there being • candidate in the field, Mr. Sims- decla'red Mr. Campbell electe by acoltunation, which was with cheers.' *A public mee then held with Mr. J. Greni the chair. The Reeve and all aspirants for office present ha4 pressed their views on the d affairs of the village, Messrs; 4 41` f‘v d entertained sumptuously at the Temperrne s Hao. Tht, ninaical dad ititellectnal iiart r f of" the retiring _Council, KINLOSS TOWNSHIP. In thii township- the cont0 .ttor ununpal honors is very keetr s,fid 11 no doubt - be one of the flea ught battles that has ever Ion Ade in the township, as all the * tes are . well • known • and : very For the Reeveship II:teak/aunt, the present Iteev1 d cbb Nichol!, are the "i3ozites the proceedings wore hsdd the - Englieh Church,- whiCh was pleasingly decorated. roith 'evergreen", Arland', 'etc. . On the Walls was . the ingoription:" Peace on.earth, good- Will to 111 Men?' .-A cOnatiaratiVely large audience was r assembled, and the Verybest of :order was Ob10 - served-I:in • fact, :iv& can 'e.ongratulaie the -.:P1 DingannOiltes with its being the:lost deocit. da -nue and best :hehaved"asseuthly we have ever po had the pleasiure of - attending. Mr. James Ja --Harlow was • appointed shairMan trnlike Ja • the *est -Majority Of people,' .Mr. H. did not seem to:entertain very high . (teapots, of his abilities to fill such scpoeitimicand,:at .Vatious stages, encleaitered to inculcate into the mind" of aniiitiredulents- public, that his talents were belOWn'tedieoritY. • geiVeVer,uotWithstantling this ;fact, ha -da not &pia a I whileforDeputy Messrs. T.J.St. and Peter -McKenzie are in the For Councillors there are eight field,- Messrs. Alex.. Smith, Tr- -Murray, Ackert, Simon:, rian.!Alex -Nieholion, Jaq.. fanc• y ta*ard,inerinaga, and inside Nine p hits land, -1)ugald MeKinnon and Y• which in wine -degree counteracted th . an ful .effects Of - his Inc insideritte • indulgen Atterthe.Selectitui of a -chairman'. the. oh rendered an anthem ins spirited Manner, a the affair . -.Was L'fitirly. begun... The .ohairnia milled -on.' williknoWn gentletnan niske.a-opeecili, ilia that gintleinan goner() ty - declined, asserting_ that: his.' Oratorio facUltiei were not Gaol -0141y "•devel4necl- Unify hitn to -attempt speeohmaking. llother gentlenian were aleivcalled-upon,b precedent having - been- istabliehed. th asserted thief prerogative, and the 'thairma herettire,hadieboUrie to Rev. Mr. Pritohar I.- 'Manchester.. - •Thier- gentleman. :Ore onumhat. lengthy adiireis, .referring. hef'sr:baneful" . effects .of filothNinets; And, actiVity bisiness affairs,: the etribi goial ad dishOneity, the .uPholill!)g of every .virtu _lid the detitying' of vice, one;balf h sage advice, •.wete.followed, out by :his heard het WOuld be fit fdr.'flingliom cotne'k at an Me. - the eieningley.-MACitmero heir lately inducted- pastor, related..a .few it Northwest minsionnry - enperianee4 anion he Mentionitei, which- created. -great intere ndlaughter, mine 'being inditirous and Mien able . the--entrinne.: -.The-. .choir' .talen nder:ed atitheins, 'quartettes, .solos -, :and fed ions at intervals- during the' evening an lofted thueli applause. MO: Armitron ted a000mpanieti • At.- the ()loan heart tee thAnke wins. tenured the ohoir;:th riouti and:-Ohairinaii,.:and •toth ardour. of the English:Winyah 'far .the.toes..a, eir itiacions Iditlee. The National ng sung, and.e• benediotiOn -invoked; a die rsal took Place. . The :choir airriVed h•iin out.Midnigh.t; flinch pleaeed. and .,gratiffs, th their oourteoui. reception at Dungannon *McIntsh. ca. -WEST WAWANOWS. nd For the election of Reeve O'L to n Deputy -Reeve in West Wawa;,p AO- there Was nO opposition to the.k c- al pants the position, _Masers.. Che s to er- Gir v111 and. Charles .Durnin, bov: f vi *hem were-iieturned'. by facia ey For councillors, there are • sit ith field, Messrs. -: Jac Gibson, ni- d, a Kinahan,,. Robt. " Lockhart, •T to Todd, homes Wallace and let n - lies) :Younfo he era a -a a ti a vl • re tat el ao vo va th bei Pe ah wi n, of st • •. wn42, ws: wotip LIES TO KNOW Whether Or not .the *choir thip sing a Solo.? -Whether- the- choir shoUld feel gratified? -i# not, Sheuld they feeteatisfied ? If. not, why not? If W...0. got °might -in ""quell • "..? Wby he didn't .finish his- stiirY • If it didn't need carrying. out? • —Good resoludoni will new - e hunted `up again. The cobwebs will be brushed off and they will come into fb " 18 as. %Opal. See if tlfeY 'ti' be ,made to -stick thizt time, *men. 14- .• • aAah, - • -In A.shfield the conteat ' very' keen as there is opposition oftsr in Avery position except that of-ae, - Deput_y:i to, which Mr. Patrick: r has again been elected by &edema For Reeve the candidates are Mk.; Joseph- Griffin and Richard JeS1 and for 'first Deputy. Messrs. McMurehy and -.John Whitley. there are • four candict • in the 1111,d, 21fessrs. ugh Cham Hugh irvin, .Janies Mahaffy John Mathieson. • KM -CARMEL • 5 • • ilia R. tir gragrtg. • eVe Vanstone and H. Collins. ! . wApKERTON. Mayor. Antirektfoiean,- Wilhlatn Ccjin and G. G. Dobler; Reeve E. W. StoyekT-4 Win. Rich ; An WiliOn'and Peter Tidd. OODERICH. H. Horton, Fred Johntko G. Claci,r-ozi,(by 94911113114101i.)0 - • The.parti't;h0 stole the c sleigh. from the front of . Ma jewelery store will r,e and Saye trouble-,;. ••• • • - . 111WWWW1511111•11111111k, -WHOL 1o.573 Lunknow Public School. The half -yearly promotion examina- tion of the Lucknow Public School. was held on the 1 -7th, .18th, and 19th. Deoembet. The • attendance in -the different departments was good. In the fifth ...department promotion. was made in October shortly after the In- speCtor's official visit, *hen -13 pupils were promoted to the fourth depart- ment. • In the first department there promotion in one section Only—from junior to entrance .class. From the entrance class 9 rent up to the Kin- cardine Entrance Examination, the successful of whom will be promoted to the -Ben* section. The following statement shows in order of merit' the standing -of the pupirs promoted :--- PIRsT . Junior promoted to 'entrance cities. No. of marks obtainable, 400. Ethel Mullin, 339; Mary Wilson; 334; Lizzie McMillan, 322.; Annie A:fiddle-. bin, 300; Hardy McHardy, • 205; Mary West, 278; James Kerr, 252 ;,- Minnie Armstrong, ° SECOND nePAnnixirr. Promoted. from • -the -Sr. 2nd -department to the -.jun.1 ist depart- ment. NO. of- marks ..obtainable, 15. . Harvey Lindsay, 411; Bfatthie, 403.; Phoebe MODonald,388; Herbert Grundy, 383; LiizieLawson,, 71; Lavinia "Griffith, 314; Whitely, 862; James Grundy, 354_; George Murray, 348 ;Jessie Lees,324; aryAmievt 320; -Lena Bo1and,305; Willie Mart'yni 297; *MinnieBOwer; 86.; *Horace MoOrimmon, 284. Promoted froni thejun. to the SM., - o. of marks obtainable, 560. John otnell, 420; lloience Graliam,.401 ; -MacIntyre, - 384; David hempson 375;• Duncan MoQuaig,' '74 ; Traiiry Holines, 371; Willie iddleton, 368; Frankie Little, 352 ; izzie 338-;- Annie Mullin, 4;. Fiera Patterson, 313; lames allagher, 303; Ambrese - Grundy, 41 *Albert- Whitely, 178. Thole- arked * left to the discretion of the TI11111) DEPARTMENT. ' *111m*N1/1.••• 6 3 34 2 11 28 ni pr Promoted from Sen. 2nd. No. of marks obtainable, 410. - Mary ()amp - bell, 309;' Willie Hamilton, .294 r Rebecim.Gritfith, 289; John McPher- son, 278; Charlie Johnson, 271 Wesley Greer, 261; *Carrie Lawrence, 260; Willie Miller'254; Florence .Hambleton, 2 54 ; Maxwell Wilson, . 247; Eunice Grahank 24 4 ; Robert "Douglas 243; James Baird, 228; Mary Fligson, 219; George Stewarti 213; Grace Boyd, 202; Annie Kerr; 190. Promoted from jun. 2n$1.- .No. marks obtainable, 305. jazzes Bow. - ;man, 263; Maggie Oanipbell, • 2393- harlie Baird, 238; •John WhIte,232-; MaryStewart; 228 ; OharlieMoHardy„ Ethel McMillan,- 223; Martha . Burns, 220; Thomas .Wallaoe, 218; Tana Lawrence, 215; MaggieBurgess, 213; Maud Stewart, 210; Willie , Reid, 203; Haraish MoCrimmon, 203; 7 Clara Hambly, 202; Wilhe MEN clook, 201; Alex. McDougall;' 204, Ambrose.Grundyi 195-; Ada Grundys 185. r Aggie Lawson, 155. • .; FOURTH DEPARTtizier,: Promoted from Jun, 2nd. - No. of g markrobiainable, 185. Allis' Little, I 165; George Smith, 151; David Me - Lure, 146; Prank Johnston, 144;. Maggie Macnabb, 144; Semima. Oaineron, 143; Bettie West, '130 ; Dolly Cameron, 129., Ella Ross, 128;. Laura Mullin, 125; Aggie Lyons,126; ireddy_Grundy, 125 ; Jennie Denoon, 122; Angus McKay, 122; JamesMc. Coy, 119; Lizzie , Findlater, 1171 Joseph Bell, 107; Robert Kerr, 106 r • • John Tennant, 103; Vine McDonald,, 99; Philip • McMillan, 96 r . John Stewart, 95; Rachel Stewart, 94. • Promoted from Sen. pt. Ind tio*2nd book. No. of marks 'obtainable, 145: Lade Armstrong, 127; AnnieMartin„ • 126.; David Beirid, 118/ Willie, Mal.;:, lough,. 117; Willie Wilson, .100 . -.- Maria' Pollock, 991- Maria -.:1SToKtiy, 98; Alex. -- XcOarrok, 934 . Freddy Davison, *91. • -.Prosnoted bora Jun. it -2nd toSeno pt. 2nd„, 1sTo.of marks obtainable,124. • Harry 3/(30harles, 109; Um% Littloi. 108;- Jessie Thom,107-; John. 0644 .104 3. Albert Bciyd, •-96 ; j• BOland* • ---- 95,- Willie _Irwin; 04 Oartie Buns,„ Grahaoi 79j4kti MoTAttei7-31, , • 4