HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-19, Page 8- Ti -RS E. T onto'squint t,i()IXOt:NORTIL 6;24- • - 11:1 / V14 '3: 10:42 - 8: 2:20 810 10't4 Train leaving Kincardine at', --..0:50- a. m. • for Palmerston runs Tuesdays,'Ildiys mid Saturdays mak.- i' Comedy Company. :Correicli's Comedy- `.6pmpany are billed to appear, in 'the Temperance Hall here this (Thursday) Ovenin the drama entitled .!‘.A.Father's Ourse; - or the Dairyman's Daughter." GO and -hear them.. • - Not a-Oanclidate. . Mr:, John Steivart ;wishes • epunce this •week that he Also 'will be a cand.idate for the .CotMeil P to an- -Titillgt Vidittt' *10. 11 -nnt for- -1885.. It looks as though consid- oard. ei-able new blood -will, be taken into the Ce-upcil for next year. Saved -Armin The 'Meetings-• of -the lirrity-• are • • Pa.y your..Taices. - . The Colleatar, Mr. M. Corrigan re- quests afltii ll parties .- o ha -ye-- fibt. yet - ( Isaid their taxes t( d� de, ,s0 at ,onee .and: -sa.Ve any unne'Ces.sary -expense. - Noniinatioris. 'Monday, 29th .-December,- will be noinination- day througheut -the Pro: vine(' for municipal otijces. - will he lield on Monday', 5th Jaheary. MoneyFound, . Found on the boundary, - just West o the village a sum of money. The oweve .pe 4an filthe Same by applying akthis office •ancl- paying, fpr-tie•ad- . • vert itivnten - -personal. • 4 - * kill I _ft-eali on Pride last from -Mr. Stewart 1114..Yradie,am , f _ River, Iplkoist,"'a ed.; soli of kir. Robert_ ..Me Cradle, formerly 0f this village: Mr. meoradit• reports, that business is int- imivitig in flit' Fa.1` • Fence -Adver-fith,g-, ViiticOV.i."11aVc.t It'irrned to read, then. awl eetss.tif. paen- t 334 eve:civet-its -te thoir ..the Reeveship. «wap.,1( lenges. treog anti . . gaf //, B t - y3 nu .cerr,kein •iiisertei th.." t 1, • largely -attended - each nda great amount of_ good is beine: don then labors here. At - nearly every 31 inan,y new converts are re- ceivea from the ranks of the young - men of the village. . no -saved Arniy, of Georgetown, _have Up_ the- bieWitry. them. . for a barracks. They have christened t gi a •a Hiewery.! --- Revival Meetings. , The revival services in the, Metho- dist Church are still being held ahd already ov,,r seventy conversions have taken plaee at these tugetings.7- _Disgraceful. We hafe -been infprined on good, authority that as • three prominent Walkertonians were -passingthe Grey Ox' hotel one day this week -noticed a yu.tipg lady- Standing in froat•of itand insultingly referred to her as the grey 'heifer. - tic or tin Oceg Siganiersi e b - - - grand Opening. The fermal opening of the Lorne J 14UJKO1,,V skating, and, eurling. rink take I., place on Saturday fWening, 20th-inst, buccessor to S Tennant, Dieci from his Injuries. • - The old -eentlenian • name Hodge, -• .: -Who. WaS seizerelV. 'injered at -the ',station here a sly.mt .ago, died on Sattirday afternoon'. last from feetion of the heart, the result, of his recant injnyiesi. His -remains were :taken to Goderich for -interment. . - The Markets: Fait wheat, per-,bushrel,. te -706.-; oat, 3 28e. to .30e. ;' peas; 53c. to 55e: -0e. -to 52C..;'-- Patatbei,, 49e._;. appips„ per barrel, ; $4--; pork-,-• 5,5.004).$15.25:_i hay; per ton; t19 to 4110 ; - WOO', -.per pound, 18.. ; hilt:ter,: 17c.-- . 18c. eggs; per (km, - 1 -• national March. Ill V..' reeervAd • 1 `fil--en.• the„ccen- . I.', 1.3.3. A. -S 1: i in in ingki of . , .ilott,,33i,:fi, a foaut ifill 'X'.a.:tiotial 'If ttri';41, ._ . , x..t tai niusio by 1.1,-.47.1.-. ()Iivi,,P * *i iti.;, of :i.1:osto-. aii'd (teal:044Q to jest yQuecti Vietoria on the.oceason . . . ., . ...,, 4- Cke. h'T..it•L•46 Iiirtilri•Ws.' - Thr; ITillgiO -*w.i' II .12: .y.lit; tii aii y ' at if i ',ass 011 reee.ip-t--, _ , priee, 59- et ut.s--,.. ../• ! t•;;, -r-eltidulerit Peddlers.: inoildler4- • are* -.-arotind the conitty trying' to -sePieleetro �nttn -:tnenisei 4'3 It011! W14-.1'0'1'0144 • T.110:prlce c'lleuhle.. .for•the: k hy. yourAocaV iposkt' 1 -upon •.bys. -cent _of audh • La*,rence,-, Charged NVith. perjury, The. old 'Man was eemiiiittect-for, trial.;.: the t he. 'Young Man's.. case" beieg t took pleee. The alleged Peril.] rY Was wornmi431-Committed. in giving evrdenCer.: against gri'ya, . . 'where -1i In Ins recent case („t---Walkerepri. PhilipfTfOlt, f3arriSter,- '6 lOrieh,:. pr,oseentod;: -:,Barrett,- * 'Walkertqn,.':appearieg Ler; -the defeeCe. itiTefferis , ru&lipti= The ice will be-in.splendid. condition and all -lovers of the skaforial art _ should make it *a 'point- to be present. Skaters' will 1-/e", charged 10c. ; gentle- man spectators will- also., be charged 10c. ; lady spectators; free. The rink' will only be open for skatingpn Tu days, thuriiclayi and Siturdiyi_ o each 'N;eek. Christmas Cheer: At this drafty seasim of the year, When freeFing Winds abounil, We ever find him at his poat The -Newby oli_his•rounr1. _ - '131:it-When you meet..iiim at your door, 917;!;kij)iiitik.o.ter ,tbe.grotind;; His :1().1: "tip The News hoy. on -Ills. round. We tILLVO infOrllied --000d authority that. Air. .1):- Carnpbell, oui pre-Stnyt igiin *o tfer f ftS a candidate for re-electiOn to•the •(Thief. Magistrateship. Of tile- village for, 1885. is- altogether likely Mr. •Campbell will be •re -e -lee -ted.' by aocla. rgonversaziOne. A grand.0011voit*ailein :Conk:lee-00n with' Knoi .01iurch be he.td in the- 1.1'eniperance Han . on". Chrietmas -‘24t11..inst.. .attractive- an 4. inter-. eStin,,.0.1-itegraminer--- will . presenter:L- and the best talent in the: church will .paetieipate. Will be pleasing and ...welt_ --worth the price- cif adMisSion. TieketSacluits, 25c. ; children,- 10e • . 'Be: ante arid - attend:. Cornthitted for Perjury.... -On Tuesday last Thomas ,Srnitli, jr., . , . of Kirdess, - Who was com.reittecr for trial about a fortnight ago -for -forgery, and hiS father, were- brought i rt , inamstrateS Grahain, .Campbell,- and ._ . euted :with -a InPituionsciust for Ottawa, Ji. 1101 - lie, ap imgrovii,frain Chri-St f their ()skein ;••• - arroN Eidape. Tliii.large planing mins owned by J,..c./lin :Stewart; of,.thiS had -- -ivory In1rrOW escape front . total- .clev Ny'.ednesdaY night town continue - ineaps- the large beam--,,j.est. o'vel.: lt,v„r.kiii.,04,ii.t6 ite, k s- pees': „ t 1(..: bnilc mg he. i a,..,(t;,L,_,..,-/ , ..,t-F4e boiler .teeli lire,' - awl- as'. Mr: 1). " eiletiel, A.r0111 ' .. .1_ ner NV I pasung • 1 .i. ' " 1' ' - Ing 6)ovItrd ii. 8- `'I'iP(4 t };(1.1 4;4*, •and on i.y,oing.to . the. if th,,: prs4eia, ( fbuild it -1,02k(.tri • He_ gav'o. the lem and the- flames Were Soot-L....ex-. that the V.filtig Ltinguishpa-Jiy a• few -pails of water.- A 0.4.'nnient for tl ui net a'ppreliend "- Wii.y of Oe- iding c:Ind idateS kin:we foe -their. cl rates, and prp- py. 1)11 tlie f cal,u11111 - chap ;lien l4st 3 7 11-4.-tre5 Tok4111d wiCthd, - awl J. apt, twOX trtioli 4"d thtfizili Mod hicei. butt, grail-4110ljg 0, trilobata tele 4PPlied JT• 1'104Y - Cimiail-t-V° •can. conscientiously' . deny tile fru th of_ the bo:ye lines They i-ar0. hard .matter-of-fact,': theref6re, iiieentroVertible,.- .leur.• devil VOCiferafes..with emphasis.- : The NssboY. ha -s -a hard ro-'fir. to liotc -- -therefOre,.' our,' reimeroris and kuicl reader, at this seitson of ItIr3 especiitily.; wil I. net' forget thelbey .. who: through yind And- rain, hail and now, ate-rm. and -tempest; -was---always. . , • at his -p`ost T IIS 18 the holiday tittle,. . _ the seaon -QV good .cheer, .--and our, Newsboy hope, and. trust' that per. _liberal and itnd -Igent readers .will en- deavor-- to ehe(rr Up his despairing ' heart -and • pdcket :- next. - week-- by: . . iatidsomely.-'-' - - . ' ." cpwing cjowti Anniversary a rd Tia.Meeting. - The --anniverAary...serriions of the --f . . , . . •Methodisk.Chureli here were -preached - on ...Sunday 'last :by, the, ReV.:: James Mc-- - Alister Of Kiliwardine., ivho. deliVered- :two very able and profitable.discoUrses, to large aedierree, -. the. church'. being , packed beth morning and evening. : On Monday evening -the annual- tea-zneet7.1 held in the church.; After:::the large ' ., in,,e: took Placat. ' and' a '.inore sUcceSsftil I. and enjoyable.:ent. „rtainnientwasliever 1. audience present 4.ad. fully partaken or thetthany.goOd thiegs -prOVitled :by the lad i.e.a--.-of the: congri- ' ' ga ion. the intelect;_ prograinme was pro, or, 'Rev..- Mr. Turk, • while. the Speakers- -J..Macriabb- and C.-• noiv, .W. -1,Taugh, of Bird, Of the. Se;N-Ted ual portien of the ceed *with, the pas being in the chair were' Relt: MesSrs. _Rhin ilfon, of Lug, Ripley, and Lieut. •Army,all cvhein were highly appr itted. • The dhoir of the church-, was d their rendering. elections of music- was..-grea tly*,ad Mir- The- pre/coeds- $109.----- 'After •tho s the meeting was. - _out in fullrformt ai 't116: :different _dui-1.110.-th°, evening ea: bY- all...2presen -amour) tedqo neari usual .Votes of thaul cldsed- . . ,s-m44gft • " -Lake salt mu es in oreand_ the whole-bialcI4'-'-' ' ' • have boon .fltini:bsy =-1ys4 of i:verydeserir iffer It -it'll the many: lartre pilei• • of lanes and(J,, - to nut r,he oi every - was in ri.aclitioss -1)u t the fire (ji°`11s- • , ' 8teWart )1 /1.8- 110 I 11S111:a1100 On trta18. ' Neu*, _Ve4r antl-wetkiing gifts at •-• or!V<Z.71, ••• '..7V.."*".1- 44'r. . 1.44. .;,242-,...azzinio. ERAGE„ :PASSAGE_ pawl .1.1--4ck.Now TO L:verpool,-Glasgow orDuLJja . FOR 526.do. 1.61 11:7:4c8e14.4.e'tat*;cfhti*-41. • rafts issued at current -rates.. antir- likt frei. &large at the leatliw in 1 land; Irobtiol, Ssejr,..41artil, • . 414, 'he Nevvspaper Agener.- . -ot -./iPtirnial le tile. world at Po ers 4rict44.: See ley 114 awl .sithseribe EX__ . • , G. -N. Tel (10;.;-Lucicrigwi - RUGS, MEbICINES; U-IEMICALS, SPONGES, RR. ITSTIT.S, Nb PE.RF I; MERY, ancv andi;Toilet 4 Pucks EirPhySician. prescriptiemi'prepir; 'ea- with greatest- Imre-. ' • . S .pecialattntion paid torarnily Recipes.- ° • itre.q s and JLiquors or 51edicinal and Sacratnental :purposes • - ▪ • . - .In- grea resorts .dtglay Cards 14;1 . CAMPB.E *RS LWCKNOW, 'At Re - () Nota • : .arir Special :C44 iit1. and mob rot tliRat. to Snit the. . LOaLl; ortgages Low as.6 per cent-:. iand- br.o___.itatarjer3 alto and Cheques on -all Poin • 4kit Pr.ropt A tteutilm Pala 1.71. of Notto; -AceotInti, !Lents etc. s Payable at Par! Isetieci tri,P itiesand Town. ofleanaqa and on - 4 _Stat#38110(1 Great Nth's' ' thiS: the elheaReilt,- •cinvenieut Method.; . . • • T. RE clig1 . 14.a FiV•v.et:Ap: cin-tt. 'allowed on Pepsi in titre 4.,41c Departninit. Yunds'InVeste4 - for -Priv. e Parties.. We are -prepared -to ffer- .-th.11(4ift ers -every gift ided a' tank and on equally favorable:terms. OPNVEYANCI In all ilk Arangbes, te-Fire and Life T,13.814r-, Awe." t COmpaniesRepresented. , • • CELB1141:TED 4PEC-A.C.LtSr The leiSt•ii. i3affivin the'finest cotch e' Peeble. We ,;uarantee•satisfaetion. -. - ftim.w.wedwp rid F n S' rem a in to..4-p , _ UViF4Eo N 84 CAMPBELL .LuoKNort. JO afid Die Happy. END VAIiIETY Ana :WJLDEJ And you you wil squeaky - ?le of those cellbratea H SPRING; BEDS , INTO; be surprised hbw . fresh r in the -mornin.g.' rickety, get -out -of -Order kind. -Can be r ,.iied if not its reOeSented; and thly 4i6b ftii• an ordinary' double bed. W 6 Jot of 11 ivater '4 . g•-• tiOn and at• all priees- ..-1114he rill the yard, _The 'fire :criptirt-: -•---Viestroyster.S:al,iiray on:band, at. ody' at 11,;-.T. Cope- t'V'inoruished %s-ithout•their assistance. , presents inL great abn • . _ . tna Special prluets ----- --uh4stipas either• stock or filf,rii:for whictb p seasou bo held I • - it Monday -evening- XrnasneXt, 22n and Noy Year cards pbOtograph; sera .) • rotaises ins, the annual secial and enteriai rileAt of the St.- P -20 lbs.of bright silear. for$niacint r Large:white...Berl:61db. tinfoils at maYdefis; d 1-yro's. - • • • s .res yteriafi pe 0 11.6pic of Cjitfre,.41 • .•tlfe ..11;-vetiing- Of tr1,1 P ° !'" 41i I 'A.....°119ic-a. and; of tir,t- ‘17., program Elle beem-iissidtiouS I, in ailtograph alb els *; tositei-eeiey ;goods ot all.itinee at 1-1, T Copelitila & CIO1_s: .- :. 7;-`.-+ I.sa3r.:.: oln „my. 0, i -4..eu you-- are. in J i - h * • ' - - ' Ateknow Just e .1-1 lot,:t-Ite'd's auct stOt ine softie 1 they -are iniich bct.ti..r for 'flavori.ne thaw -those of tlioe.-enilioe friessiiiti.: lee -ions., yoa know 1 'rank *6enctii'. - -- • • • I* •".- : - - ''... - ' : ,---Don't'iOrgfit tO -mita% R. .N. Clowra' tor, .. .„ . 37)1m unrihrinas and New Oaistoyei•oonfeo,. .1.4 eeiry erici-..bliogit,-.-.1,'Ilini'--fliaddiet% Oysters.. . _ ., .. --- It you *afit• to 14'.hice '*a good cake ' for uhreitteas Ilay, gl, 0. g-itypay III ps: pi' fruits ,at1i,1 .$311-ces-.. r . ,.• ,. , I ,'.-: . --: , 1 .. 1.,-- . , - .• t. .:-..4)-all ariri saa.-our fine it disulay,:cf Xinal;:- -Newi-Year, aia birthday -Ctirds before 1;he nests_ one* are laiignie.-7-4; • 1.!,- lieeelsail.._& ' Co.,-, iderrecold stand.. . : , : . • - - -- -*---LI14,4h for 44w pits: a-itt..'a.. Outyre's. • „.... . -:-.4..ostrarriifedat-Reld!ti b ter.ia let ..of -tie*. ohei...e --trults--7oranges. ,.reinoini,, alinei-ias. &PP' es..ligs, LOP•I gqids!“*. s t -21,1140iiii .7314.0. filberts: .1,,,414!itzi, iirtail am --: fre)44. raastod- pea - .. ., .0 ,.i dul, jetneis,'aoil .6.6 kinds, eisit. ik II (.1 • di e thi111.1 filled by the -1-.4uCk- .13'1 P-rP-I-)• art'ci----:-..1!---1W!. and sPecial •(icii,os.,66 on - friter_ -featfires-„.hrti..e ,been introdueeclz---;:and cluner24, 9f- pecilj,Ily satiafac,tory ancl- enjoyable en- • • .by.1tev-. . - - the may rest Assiiiied. of an Tn-4.ar. etocuti pOtaffi41611t.:- The managing committeend - (4.rae,y, of win..., themSe!ves•of..every-posai;.. of PaiI17;_ to Make the ,afthir atttract- tut() ile.preliont. ive and ph -lasing -.'t fo.' ' • , , here • •ice, we entent, win bo, (10;• lay that it will be. ene - ' I • - • - " • 1)(ni't foreet the' the./114 0f til°: eag°11 4114 :will ecthIe: • Oth 71.06 .-exPectationwa 0± the nios H4 of Luckifoy.. The. doorsi11 be open atj - ' -11 b 1 - wk ittrgod.. -p.-0:,,tertt.i.erVed.fro.m to 8 P.141-, t the prodeeds oprft after -3,004tand igehargiive the ret part the proceedings Will coznintniee 0 ' • .3,op-ivi organ, W pureki..aed ky-3_ p prices of ,adnitssion,--aquits, • ; • • cha, I cts.'"; .childreq cts. -Waitfor it o °Iowa fer your CliAstmas canduw, ---oppoand CQ Stoelc .i:sian excellent -one, and the u ' -7-SpeOial b.ikg 48'14 , g e add.holi god u at • .apernentsAo, pine .1,!lers.-.• - 110 .of of holiday eoWds !wee unusual in. IrIndlcerettiefii) 4tray Orel I.A41NIES .Selling at kvb • - lief '6 S TS, psi ale prices. Be' y a set they are -all gene"! -** •‘•••••.,.•••• China, Crockery and Glass- ware Depot, ON 15esir ILLima CAS - 19.D. F011 EGGS • 'ffits just re2eiVed zonipiete - - Tea Sets In China afht Stoqewara, • - BREAKFAST SETS, - DINNER -ATS, B.4DR, 04-sETs, • In Stone and China. Par or,. .1dining room and bedroom amp, , SIX LAMP CLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. - , - - g:50eextra value in ta INo 25c. tea kept on the -premise' s. Ladies Band Ha' Shets.1- --Market -Baskets. Clothes Baskets. Pickles by, the _quart or bottle. Extra quality. e - ALL KINDS OF CONFECTIONERY 1" I ozzigoolle HOE ThousEdids of :64-0 10Etald. .a.ati• BOO Pacsiin a kjieed Consta,ntly' on hand. 7. - - ALLKINDSO,F4ANNsoptuirs,Erc.. soLxw.tsp, . • . .• SITOES whiebytre w_ill °Fie of at as in w prices as IS ViZICCd 040 th e Iliedom 14 so c,olLg. ti , • . . consistept wit): :fa t ealing 80 as t0. enAhle ui to pay 101) qttin the dcllar. We invite y 4 6 tr' y our store or rather try our goods and t. tl-i3 and- you will be igyit- Tt is- very wl -lease --th. e eye hat we . - eti i.v.e ta please rth' e ; Kiketalso. •.41.* eperso.tral . lm. . Initiation pi . 4. of 11,..1fits.14 a . 3 will 'eel. -ainlY Vida eFeik tVt, )ae ..alvAiniost rarebit niers, that we are* -0 etti. - • 12000 COO MITs ADE TO OBDE47-lirtf.v.ill ha! e a ittrge. stook .of liarO'st Ilits of,ilar-owa 011 hand seaason • • 1- 71. LOW pRicis... •