HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-19, Page 6"
" - -
o •
' ... Tile Meg •t the - Vieille. of -what merits I- may have posseseed.th
. No more sweet than01old. Again and agfe-44. aosior from the lips of a woman who. was
.. ,
The writer -or the folloWindreniarkable deseri 1:Willider.thall-,0at tiiiiies :I wished that 1 were she held Me entranend'as. she -had held , K4:4 .1$ already his wife. .
- ikons .of bits _or Alistrahati scenery saw th i • gifted . w4ste. tAa4;• pieasiog assurance, which Once beforettihen -I:little expected the Ueda i The hour was late when I returned from
.:.- chaid and ball attache
ie -t :
40antrv, 'lotus a tra.veller•ror even as a-00We . 1 Bits Bo: Well:: 02. many. -Men; and, tate ond' ending to her song, Or that my foes and my solitary walk. . I p&seed Peoliee'e witi;;
but aa ebiviwith. ii.'
..• . to his:leg: ;11,1/ 6 Boyle O'Reilly was tranagott
- to the Antipi)ties as an frisk inswgent. an iviC
..,.. opportunity belt% given; teethe be go "eking -singer's Weeeeteolosely interwovee. dew, and -etsnding gazing op at it I WO.II:
way toward Wiening e woman's heart. _ . -• -: I; We& leoprieed., *lusters, when t ., ,•dered itehe, too, were lying awake aud
.... some 00..11},./A1itf)illt d8CaPed in a boat to an Aloe - ,, Time and epportunity at least were bait evening: she turned on the doorstep * .,thinking and 'deoiding .aboat our. future .
- oan.acheee e f; Zit zei throwing their guard into th
-Sea an uit....king. him-. liwin2 ashore. -, In Atheri ,kaid, :" Not to -night. :-/feaVil me, pleade,..2f lives. :Ah well, - to- morrow would ° "Mt us:
he became the editorof thi.Boseo :Mit; Thee
.iboth outof suspense' • . . . .
to.night." • i: .- -• - . - •
• tines °ohm in lag poem..." The Kin of the Vasie.' 7's I urged:no .dhjeotiod. i '-took, her bat ' ti • The night being still and -.warm-bar win-
.: - '• " • .•••end there - '-1 . .*2d- bade her farewell .untiithe morrow. . ,• ili:ew Was open at the top. -.Before I turned
Witbiathe .1. outdo Shadeand'steaining air; . ••
would go and *ander by starlight and •thioU :away &fancy seized me. • I picked a roes •
.- .Ane there/mid shaded amen and shad-id.ligh
And lungs roe glorious poison
The scarlet pii.1-14 hs fixed.itif nosions reop .- .
(*.her- . - • 1 -.•: • - . • . .. :i'ti 11:om a bush in the garden•.ana,,magaged to '
The steal -blue; lit (en t birds take:rapid-flight - OiliA0481:0Pleartntlyr-43 1°.(). 4_ ed at the litrelle find it "itniltueStirnelleenite.°gP744113.gue' sBshinegta:itigolimt
- . The priti1:411.1 -,14 unlined tern; Peleavewtheair. -
. --Frein iartbto tree- and tree to -Carib.; and- ther
•• "'Gilbert," she said, speaking in Italisei„ Whom it °eine Might -wear it. It wonid be:
.Likell inf.: firp-7 Aud huge, brown owls awake for Prisoilliewasi now standing. at the deiekt a' gotta emen. : - • • .
. To wateb tar down the. stealing oarpet stake, .• • . 1.-7.-''' 61284 I pray for the :_Plist .50 return _ -• The blind shivered- as the .,rogeb•
ui.-struok 1
• Fresh-8kb./ tea and glowing in his changing•dres,
With evit •iv ratio En iu .the erUel:-eyes ' . - that I should never reme.mber it? • Whiat It ; • than, fearing: discovery, I turtied and
.That elle i tikOgeins as olerhis head flits by . Will be the: best for 146 -and for you ?"* . - • #ed.. - - - - : .
The•erue- blaok armor of the emperorLily ; ... . . Without waiting to- hear-- iiir reply, 8, °- The morning beaks lair. Irose with hope -
: -Of prityri-e .44. i Lb trioense from the hearts offlOwere,
-line all tie- ile e 0, I. earth displays its powers
'glided past Priscilla; who -stood waiting tezi., izi my heart and soouted.the fears of the •
That 10Eiti ti.pi Itir-Wit11: beauty and with Wine • -me to follow her. . - •••• • •: pight. At the„ earliest • Moment I -oeuld
- of ni11441t.:t rolor as With one design- • ' - • .- . " GOOd-Llight; . Prisoillai," I.said, " I a .,.•pope to .find . her, 1:- started m search of
. Of makitt..N. Or carpe., to be trod •
Pi*OVii-,. 24p1 - fun! by the feet of Goal • not ,comitig in." -- _ • • ' ,eauline. She bad just gene out. I &seer --
:.'in that. situ ngtv. country's ifeart whence comes-
- *-. -, . _ * . :I,: -. -* • *
_ •. • . . .
. • .
• I found . her walking sowly, withlier
- "Not 001ning in, _Master. Gilbert 1 ;•/),/i !tined in which way andf011owed her. •
.Fauline •will be -V.;eed.'". . .- • - ; .; .- •
. of het eietete mei pestilential death, • _. •
jai, 10842...4„, uf-woodedinvalitp that from the hills
- -the hrelith ,.. . _ • • , • • .
-had :better go to her. -Goocepight." met sweetness, and we.t.valre' d on tilde by:
"She is tired.: and notioite. well, tro , sad 'hent. She greeted 'newish her - I
:Seem stro. i...iii 'tug ineadoWs • but:the flood tl2 t fills •, Pruoilla clime --! out 'to the-deorstep aii0 eide. I looking in vain . for: o y rose; and -
closed the doer :•
hehind• her: • There Ws;;;Oirati fain to comfort . myself h)thiohiog it :
-Something in • her Manner 1 whioh told. iziO, Must have fallen where -the oonlehhe see -15.
iihe 'Meant , bit Ithis . partioler ocoasio43.-:• 1-11evertheletis, I Was troubled. • •
. (To be continued:I.
authority: - she - . had been delegated t-
P:AU1.--4I.DNTE.: .exercise ' over me during my lendeet.terres se aration From lier niebitthar
yeerean -authority I.did. not dare.to disk. Ilia wpiehile.er -Art iietprial.E.. hdy.m. toz,lit-h-e.
site until long after I had been investeC1'. '
wanting in my case. '- - o •
' I had take]; up :My quarters. tear to her,
..ndliorn morn , .to , night :We were in, each
other'skeomp4ny. --Wo.. wandered through
the nareow Devonshire , lanes, with their
luxuriant bank&Of ferns 011 either side; We
olimbedthe rugged :tors; We fiebed with
more or less silicoses -the rapid streams. -
..We drove :together:- -We reed and sketoeed
-;-,but as yet We had net talked of love:;
though all the. While my'Wedding•rifig was
on he; iloger, . •• .l* , . , - .
It -required all ,'reiy -.authority-to prevent
Priscilla telling.. Padline - the truth. On
this point I " was _firm. Unless ' the past
came back of its own - aoqord, 1 would beer
her 'lay , she loved me before my lips
revealed it 50 her. Perhaps it was the idea
Which at times .0anie 10 , n30, that Pooling
remembered more than she -would own to,
that keptmesteadfast in l this resolution.
_ • It Wale Ourieue the -way -hi -.which-she at
once fell into friendly, tinehnitrained inter-
Those•eel iey o,tbtus has the 'hue of ink; • 00tieffe With MC We'. might have known;
And dismal tlogrways open on the -brink, _ ' each: other, -from • ohildhOod, so perfectly.-
- Beneath Llw g /Jai -led aran's Of trees thatgrow• natural and umenibareaseed was her man-
. allieattees et, the top, Vora roots below -- -°.
' The Lutne tmoa. • nor When We were together.; She Made no
• demur. when I begged -bet _to eel' we by my-
•ohristian name, nor did iishe objeotto -my
making 'use Of her: own.- Had Ishe done
, so I: attunes 'think in . what forth I should
have addreesed her. Although -I had
instruoted.P.iiloilla:to oall her Mies March;
the old woinan• stoutly objected to this, and
ooizipoudded • Matters by speaking to her
and of her ita Mies:Pauline.-
The -days blipped by -the happiest days
My. life had . as yet known. : Moin,:. noon
nd eve we were together, and; Ifear, were
bjeots-of ,ouriosity to our thighbone
he •no doubt wondered what relations
misted between I me and She beautiful girl
t- whose side 1 ever was. . • - - • .
I soon found that Paulioe's 'natural die- -
risition was gay ad* bright It was, tho-
ook, telling of sad ',Orneriest vihich -Be
oon'„Yet to expeOt it o.reassertitself, Yet I
as net -without hop that before Ling that
fon availed: her facie,: would lade away
°rover: Now . and again a_pleased smile'
le up her fade-, and merry- 'words -slipped
ioni her lips. Although; T when reason:
robber's death had 000urred hub- the day
rst returned to 'her, it teemed aii if her
efore„ I felt sure :that, after a while, she
riderstood that . years -had . pasted sinoe
tiie fatal. -night. These years were -to her
rapped 40 a mist ; they seemed* dreams.
She was trying to redall -them, beginning
ab the beginnlog ; and I need not etty with
what alacrity I lent niy. aide '
By common consent we. - avoided • the
future; but of the put, Or all the past in
*blob. I was . not . concerned, --we spoke
freely. . All the *events of her early years
she now - remembered -perfectly ; the could
a count for. everything . up to - the time
when her-brobbei was stem* down -after
that. oarne niietinees ; from which the
emerged to find -herself in a, strange rOoni„
ill, and being *used by a strange nurse.: .
Several days passed Pauline ques-.
tiried me as to the _pert -I .., had played in
her Olouded life: Oneeveningwe stood on
.the top of a 0.thratto:crly. - wooded hill, from. whieh -
iiiiinid_ ()Mob a glimpee: of: the sea, now
:Ott anr 8.:iiiihit glOrii?tis *net. We had.
tinned. 10040 AUPliet andWel 4att ithei I loglIctilaWnill 31 Bai fa
t .
the .glotiieg tints begin to fad' • th . ' - -
ig tO My oonipanidet -1 -founedi .6heenrlduarnri
:to-, rename what - ehe could of thae 1;--‘
We walked back together; with Prisoilla
followiug. at a proper , distinote. Pealine
. seemed to accept my -.society. •aa thoughlt
was 'kb perfectly- natural thing to do so.
,. When the path grew steep or rugged she
** held out her hand for mine, as thoogb
support. Was hoe right. ,Yet for & long time.
she Huta nothing.
•"!-Whero . have you .,- chine • from ?" she
asked et last-. -
't Fiotu a long, longjouroey.of many thoti-
*Arlie . -
" Yea-. When saw your -face you were
-always tiravaltiog. Did yeti find what you
sought sbg asked eagerly. • ,
. .
fotted_thet truth. I know every.:
• think*,
• " Ing where he is ?"
•41 Where who is ?."
"-Anthony,- my own•_ brother -the boy
they -killed, -.Wbere is his gravel"
" He ie buried by the side of his mother.'
41 Thank �d.[ shall be• able- to pray
. Over hito-." - -
She:spoke, if -excitedly,- quite sensibly',
but I wOudered - she was not orating for
justice to he Meted out to. the murderers. •
-a DO you -wish for . vengeanoe on those
• who:killed him ?" • • -
• " Vengesnoe 1 what good oan vengeance
do.? It will not bring.him.bitOk to life. It
• ; happened long ago: When,: know not ;.
but nciwit'seems years. ago. God may have
- avenged him by now." ,
*"..ffe has a great measure. • One died
In prison raVing mad; another is in chains;
'Working like a slave; the • third, as yet, is
linPunished." : - . •
Th will °eine- - to hini 1(000er -or later.
- snore. .
in which they itsk.b.
beeeeohingly and said no
"You will take , to Italtr--lteuee
,grave?". • • .
I pronllied, Only log -glad to :find how
-itistinotively she turned to me topreferthe
request. • Shci must reinember more than
abe gave 'herself credit for:
• "I will .there • she. said; _a sad tee the
plow, and thin We will speak of the past
ate mOre." • - •
• We were now at the gardenlati.-J took
• her hand A124011113.
."PaUlale,"' I said, a teyrtry tO:rsenein,
''••• me." - .
gt of' the old .pitszleit Zoo!: came
•• - passed, her disengaged
• Fut,4,td, and then, withOn•t
• zay tale is drawing. bettered thchonse.
. tould, fc4 My- own pleasurb,
after -chtptert.detailing every oaNg. -
the -nest month-4esorib
. every r
eepeatinkevary -word that pasjed between
•• Pauline.and. myself, but if I *vote .thein
• they would be shored from all persons pave
tilio4my vrituand 'myself.
If mysittiation Waft an-anonialoue one it
bad at least a certain .obarine It was new
- iroolug, . nong-; the lest entertaining - and
T.,awset boohoo its :-obisot haPpeneg _to be
: ,already n2Y• Wife in nan2a..'• It wu'like a'.
, landowner walking • over his 'estate and
, lively direction finding unstispeoted beg:and doknOwn it 'nolo! wealth, Every
• shoWeitilie fresh charms in .tho . onion
P -1,•, di ' i - - ,' :: . ' - . . . , -
t.- Ant WIW t NAM wax a:joy greater _,than I had
F;40 the ra.,•. lotUred; hoe laugh a revelation, , • To
reeed um,' utothose bright, tinolOuded eyes and
0041er.! wiloAli 60 learn - theieseerefewas a reward
- PlAron,'Pn !quid tile for ell that I suffered.- : To
.1:00fisi°41°Ist her intelleot; now restored,- Wes fib
046 ihlea. Illeeiri,ataheci , with any one'o-4o--know•'
tif$121._'°w 13.,thert theifinle came 1 *shoUld-besiveii
• .1144 MU Dlleasoly ii „mist beautiful,- Ait• my eyes,
filt.f,Pair.tho wall Wotion, but 4..00mpanionend a
onstaine smiled° .fristifl-40W: oan L-deseribn:
'jaw PrimPii)ture 2 - . . • :. -: '
6..kleiead :beuit was a' rapture not unizedifieit by
o * 11#:•t° th!'w,h_and fears.. 'It May bethat.Myehar-
- . kW PPPIntlIg AO --- thibts:• very. Useful trait called
, kg exPeeilieil- Iltoboildenoe and by; Othere cons
• ;' : bi- ten. "Mg v4Ittere I saw to loveaud. adniire
-'s41,0y- benegith.- - itid niors.z asketi oiivit bow 1
1140- the t3w., '1622,1 41 wiped that 10 - peetleini -a
• uPf-terM. ana..tuesr- te"--tideicend - to &wept the
.1 -. et -wined -frolii their bouirero, - ff g. -
•- lieiformed array , of armed :me . - . 11_ " er,
• - Apo barked as the . troops point (I- by,
11,1P1 , l' w
• Oaqe,sionally_- a. fritv-: crofters. engaged. in va,11,.unt,11, 44
• reit:hiking the thatch of theirbeases Paused ule43P°' -
,..., , . - . •
fte•their. work and curium"), ciOntetuelated Rhode -
• 1* --i 49rinid*ble- beflY*--.-01 .. men. Here, a- Belgium of
w0-hered coo_ danced a derisiveerlah;•. More the
de*Otepithig laughter among the marines; --hada, sad
SOio, a group of fisher -girls -sstarsing town every'
,..• -k, -
e ea • gazing _at Me- with " '
rileetl:ttude. sit.e. /24 en. thab..lest tinie7co7-m7e:sviThiOur;
to 4 Tell roe," She :" tell h
er Anions as . IVO e, were .playing
w1 b her Wedding ring. -She Still wore it,
and the dianiotid keeper -I had placedsabove
it ;I but she had nob se yet athecItne why it
**icon_ her band.: :
"Will it oome baths? Pauline., • do you
thi k?" I asked. - • •
thope iio---or etfiai igheuld I hope:so?
in& kfpg me -joy Or sorrow ?"
'owes lye • are. always
Id you mime Into'. •
ream of your' • - 417eff to the
You sew nil., :80 often When.
with jackets and trousers. I have no dotibf-11;7eu.stmituititsehhePghhedrdde'oalie8seeliehentinhglovwebrhile;;h:
the collar- and foie me a sound h k'
but she - would hiie liked to seiz: ma einbI-rthjoi. The story of her passion for th
. . t
Aii it was she was, obliged to content her,',.„
self with throwing a world of soerowItill
indignation into her voice. . ,' .. -I
"She may easily feel ill, • poor . youn
) ty
.., t ...,Ingland for exhibition in this.oity. - A Tbey
and she ab another. And here's every body
lady, when her bullhead 'lives ab one houiellfly.. not popularly amount to anything, but
,',e-r4perts in art are geingto the Metropolitan
round.about trying to mid out wheat Mee 4Mile011121 to study them as examples ' of the
tion you two are te each AAber--asking ino,649st English
sit Ports of questions, andl :Minn sey yon„, works, and the . museuni,
' ins sustained by- end wreent,- oan afford
give a show which eancially doesal
y. There is extraneous interest, .how-
ever, in the paintiog .which iI, have briefly
(ascribed, because it separated Ellen Terry,
0 &dress now with Hikl-gy . Irving, from
of her husband, Watts married her
'Werity years ago. line had been an
.-, .
'tress in roles that deprived her of skirts
e she
rapturing mortal is classic legend, isayou
ow. The.painting, whiob presents it in
e manner indicated, is one of those by -
atts which has just been brought from
are husbana and wife. -
"No -not yet.". j • ": .• ! •
. . "Well, Tra jgoing to, Master Gilbert. I
you won't tell the poor young lady„I shall.
III, tell her how you brought iier home and
sent for me to come and take. Care other-,
haw you tended her and waited on her all
sake, never seeing an old friend's face Oh, , ert
day long -how yert shutyourself up, for her iu,10 ?vne ci bi 17)
and kissed • her. ere.. you sterted on that- 4.:!•II.,, a wh an h
Ill tell her _how you went into her room iiirgpioymen ii pair
t Asrotroef iliefii
yea, **ter Gilbert, I'll tell he all; and '
f 491's journey,. wherever. it- was. Shell Pf - vied to dennbative :sparPrweorlorsed,E, 91b7leaenitn°wrge
reMember everything fast- enough theni",.. ' Ode' for the Selene. She was not aware
- " I command youi to say.nothing." - •- ip:erever-,_ until the painting We's nearly
"I've heeded toe -many. commands of: t 4....
yours, Master tkilberte to Mind breaking 14 '-'1.10baaRE.IlidndtglerbOOtittloaeb°12etrbe th°baiteeithe
ode for yotireake.: I'll do it, and take the •
rming in long skirts, and to -that e
44118eque4448" .1 •-:•
-. *tiled Selene in drapery whith fl
-7 reAling,that she explanation, it made by eehind her as she floated: The sin
Prieoillii, would not _Only aWeep away a -Auldus figure was that of the f
ogirpetastatdi3ealsotfterrosmaa4naeln, baatitearhoeuTfigahrtinp9rree- •6:11ress *how London had semi so
threat. :
difficult to adjust to my own satisfaction, 1 Tioebeewlya,sbautttibtawtastimmeo. adeisiktleynedersa; peBdu- t
was bound to prove b her oerryiog out her
1,tilf : agl dal awP loeoaesre di nwsittohtt dt 13 eo f r eel ensge' nwt
. resortdarl/bua tg, oh:she- 4Kau7o°alet yea. cajolery. 7 1 :lib ardE; I ise°9sdual 1 di dIe, i"waPPaus I. esirodi;e 11 lasking ettdh. bta't tt er ogda t tv ce i nagl: I Is noeme er ok:Ita party
a f 4. 3orro nil ees -Ptaor
14: there Was a quarrel... Soon after
•a b000n : - - - - • - :- - • • - 0 of whom he was go proud.
- "You ;foul if I _entreat and beg. you 11.0t rsted her :to dress ea beoomin
ttoo,dmoyinorofiralegnaid.a- in,rietu:ra- ylowveiembeeat.!- inuoh liflisitiebeitseleintnoirgdhettbethilaite.asthaenitre. ,Psibe:s,pirootiniu
appeah.but she urged iiiii...to proclaim ,
Priscilla mai .not prodf against t;ihiee feazzle. theca. She did it by appea
true State of affairs is soon as possible; • ,,,i4rde bthheemmainriethatrretleaktiforntesel-Oilfdll°rg.hatnsa r'C
"-And don't be too eure,,Master Gilbert." pts, 41 But there .is no great reseuibla
the ocinaltided, "as to What Me remembers een the facie of ,.this Selene and
;•176.Wabil,P;th:P.waSul;18:beee7tati;i8b4zilei'it-t:hroaii;Intliii•.;-nellaniakn:dgr°1;vutti 1 21.441:;:uarlt'itifhaseighngsetf::444:0-wierse ai;°:::dallitYtt°12whil'eeheara8:812b:414sijarhkietntaellseewatehm‘i:t:aha'fiwueeehnr:
-about thlait"."ti: "Preen - ' the Irving
you--?"-eto forget or to recall.? rifeT1 mull 1' *id picture was laidaeidefor Year°,
Old e.be ferget--how math did she recall ? • naliy • finished -with a Slightly differ
Zed those rings on her hand net thown of oouritenanae."-New York .1,itter
berthatehe was a wife? Ootild the- help •'"
suspecting . Whose. wife she was? Even
it she remembered j nothing about our ' '' - ienies ter _Winiep' .
our imbsequent life together, she found
etreuge• bUrzled.. ularrlegee„ nothing &bong , 2c5 following rules, publiehed in Farm
herself after that interval of oblivion as it a ireci.de; are worth heeding . by those
were, under lui °barge ; found that I 'knew g little:pi:ELI% co; aonurosa:Te 4f preVentiori:
all the tragic oiroumstanoes of her brother's Shfer Rosa _With -the baok. upon anything
.end,lhat.I had now• returned from a jour- thki Os old. Never begin a journey untiii
learn the.fatal - partiOniark -' Although she
nay of thousands of. mile& tindeetaken to th ,‘: hteakfast has been eaten. , • .
.p.:i7i take warm drinks and..then tranie- •
as the
of it,
f the
nd he
ation •
g as
Per -
iiirtisatteie new
A ..Ivonsen 004 •itilettolt in. isteienee :Of
• •• - ,floildren. • •
mamma, , don't do it 1 ". sereamed
a -child on the fleet floor ot the ZE, Ilenie t
°ode ,after t ere Wiki a Pistol 14.30),'• and 4
ob?oulosoekilyPeliedaavyalmaeftAeLaobo°o11. t Aill,,;4;w1311is8ete!
a Poor mamma is deaid I poo, poor
, \ _ - --- .
the same child, and when the occuilr : of
mamma 1 poor mamma!"theitl
the house, .who had heard the noiel, were
hastening towaed th eoueds they *et two
flaxen -haired 'children, one a boy.* 6 air
the other a gie1,2 years yetinger, ,oriii g
toward them, the elder one weepkeg pia.-
fu_.1,1y;aniudnithae hYaosenigileciii-Onhaerisoeolkti,o, ge:/deutthirie
mute wonder. , 'i
boy, and the neighbors hurried ik to the
rooms of -Mrs. EliZabeth ITIlnerfao& found
her stretched anrin-s a _bloOdr-ttainell bed. - 1
There was a bullet wound in her Imeast,
from which the blood was strestiniii le 'atie.
her .breathing was so faint that ekii was
thought te bp dead. Symptoms 'id life
presently became percapsible, hol-fiever,
• but before a 'phydoian cad be ier..t; oured
the uthrtunate woniau had ezpirki. A
cheap five -chamber, 22 calibre riveberlay
at her feet On the floor.
From booupante of the house the eObtter
learned that Mrs. Ulmer was in. theq habit
of drinking to encess, and that eli-:i was
probably intoxicated. when she t !pi her
life.. The police Said that her b.Obaud
had taken a bottle of brandy fTm's her
before he departed for his plasm oti busi4
ess in 'the -morning; lied a w neeSt had
leen found who SAW Mrs. U•merintoticated
F the afternoon, and iwbo advised hep. to go
Ptilie and go to sleop.--,New York 114. .
LeilTslini!Its, atim cox, ess 14r4 Neal: ales.
'imieeseeiee de „Lund',
anal! ?II jautgtegnindse'd :tilittreeilhenocohnvaeirastaiittlsona&t
She 1°°41 inetitoot, embrace almost 'very
toPio of ti. day. The eld gentlenas.n her
liege lord/ indented:ids What oho . ELI *Ws,
13EliiptlyiSinliQ :he ?me laziguage. .
8ticientity adianaed him .1 to ••
Mr& Juggill.--Juggins, vieux•homeee, je
land I We, we 1-
parlemong pour Biwa);
oportoterre. ..
(73faxlisturri.Pci jao, jurtgulgg4eignsitanP.:4101,ter52:etdmeotdeertir, oeu..ifveceArlihre a:go:101:1!
.Turns jtuoggdili011it:onnar\Y'll;g:eihtarinili bra°0131317:16 t' ullek.
Yes, Mariar ; 'se I see. -
Mrs. Juggins-Oroyez,me, Jogging,
gull est vraiment Sir to,,er ou , nil
regulier fredbmiepunaise ? b
Mr. Juggins-Regulier ug 1 *311,
you know, Mather, there is a heat deic to
be said on both sides.
Mrs..,,Juggies-4 Parfaitemong eat web
je mangerai men tete s'il est ,S. li";er
•paroeque- • - - 11!
-. Mr. Juggine--Drop it, Hairier I- liA e4ott
going to have the Tiohhorne trial okii,er
again irarenoh. Life aiu't long
Mrs. Juggins-Oonime vous .
Potions doter chose. Monsieur Det,se
est eleve a la BbilliOlfil de Lords.
• Igr. Juggins-We, and and a very .iloot
Shing. .A sOund, hardworking Lraeralg
Dorlsen ; and he deserves the honor. '
Mrs.. cluggios-Oe a jet() un oigoon fi. la
tete A's Colonel _Burnaby. .0'est i,att'ais
8°Bfutr'. jitauggggkrufisi-I hope it wile not a ol gm
d'Ilip4gne. •
- 1ifr0. juggius-;-Non, c'etait nu tout petit
oignon, ma's en politique -un liedioal (bit
se rapeller que L' oiguou ne faitNee', la
Joao. .
111.r. juggies,--No ; one of the force itsn
the onioner in I
•'Mrs; -Juggins.Oui,ct servez lui riaeolf
Lord Salisbury a 6-6 min en Boosee.
. Mr, Jtiggins-Yes 1 I expect there'll * -a
Jelly bruit before this Franchise Gaillati(ie
estsettle,' as you'd Ray at the ,Hinstitoolf;
• Illes..Jaggins-Eioore un ediset mon 1.0
1u -dengue de pression , daub u ;Boole
. rleasttlerniers, . douse -sone de Wilson BA.I.T.
planobe I- ' • t \,
Dlr. Jugging -Cramming "e' for ttie
-Government grant, Mariar -that's wholi
he matter. All children ain't got the Bane
braink ' . ' • i:,
DIrsaitiggins--Avez vous 1u Phistioire ilo
Mr. laggine-We, dank, tons les pspuTe
,pgalbaluB teal 1Mrs.thi el Irlidtal0bui 'Jaz' :di' 1 griegalielta'd:13:06 irer::0::8WAleoittotbiBili rlainn_ir0: .1;1 1:art:11111:1;1 II 111:111ele:oillekdVrei1, Ali ati ihr:8-vi elin:3813;:iierten:tii!I!'
Francais presentemong aussi ble , . ' e inciai
Oe brave Wilson a emit :a le Pal; . alt. .T1
dit gull* ',aye demi prix a neuf heure. 1
4.4, •
Zinr i ( jUuggggi nu sn eINLeeStis ::::cleljteis 01141 file:pi:a sTo iho:',
tlik411ae Svuszigaahriejertgagrig::::::11;drige.:111; .
_ ,t.
1,..ii.t.wtahkia.digidoilirewtikein: • fiai3vd, toil Ipor od a.er‘.7.. clig:hdaifue:Istattihobilip .mhbeeik. a 0 17 theirtith. :Req. dite4)11 go out In the oold air. 1 - • . -
" And betilll neverretnra, Be s-Pna.
- T ° u g 11 n a 1 iv 'gave i la t° ' -en i isnikTi 1030det ohiror. :0 elas:dir;i:inedi;e41/ loalthileclarlin laievidel:el 12 ::' e. -w!0.4 164:o I ihdii :el d ° Po_ --
-11 1 :11
ed for his crime -for •.,tanding IN wh• -
t err boy use ii:rriarOd." : .
• e to •am•
ount for itishe
roniited to watt* over you du h en eh4uld e er "d
'EY h' ' 114d- tewid bh h b.
Bence." - g Wag heti earn ilea
• - er -Notre a '01
Ze-l• fm the back--espeoially between the
she, 443,erNbleelas-will oovered ; also the
ohe proteotect. Tie sleeping a oold
ro 2 elitablish the -habit of breathing
th li the nose, and never with the mouth
_ ,
r go to bed with cold or damp fest.
areznjj regular bathing, for unless the
er ozerez audition the- cold will
n carriage, f -favor ooligestioo or
to Shut out their - WoUld p
e preesed her rove toahneavehr. n yeikpleatiedra.al a
aids to hot oyti passionately th P sad for her loia
s paulizier. I .4 Pfehlig to duke' ',Wien :-1.0to' -0enerf's Tr.k ilui"exalY I bad °44;:'''
rent of her Oughtni..,!.1 tekizie e - Areel bleat i - mieueines-4
ins in dzie l; what you -4-ieeme er Mental 'Stitt a IVeddiat her.1 h'
pw h 0 -was I • °Tr- free
e atm .tdd: shr,....ih. the very rola ozetn froal her lips. -12 d heaz ray
7011 I, ." ret:Ikziew that rigbrould
• . . f e wan alleh that by nal
urge no plea based u
he shut b "r dreamed that y tad ear/21 Ind then pia i 18 ahe
sbo j. re use consent. All the' a was
14111o234:filifece /many lira -es -4i bind her to zoo
mer she shoald b,;;; Nothing should
tO wife.: So fas I Paeont1113247nal3atael
trilVialinietbrongh olo vld give'thalarr-iffelclitre.- if Ili
aken to annul Vie
r =ova an you Se120 enaecl her' al24 as hit
Ain going to •iliarn the truth' • . • be wiz
atientlY till yciii retlirned " 7E! °
never digamedof -me before?". •
_graying dueiti-:' I was .unciertal
it,Wae .tho- deePening Mode fro
ty:hloh. : made. hei.. . cheeks' .''11.
r -whether It was ' --bb4d Mr.
°MVP liklier air the first
•wro h•
. .
eland now styles itself the
Anierioa. • • . • ,
60,000 New • Yorkere live at
here - are loospoo etrItager0 la
realitYs Or tO fleV
- lad
12:1'80111 from
steps Could not
n_ ry Wu/
-Ws 061121::: 116712/ibtia4 ethr:k4 -1:01 11114tref:01:11
ittite ShOilld be ""411 $0•1401110W
lErlit(a• g • P/ra• . • 113)"
this_ r mania
ii•jr..1;4111 wee in aci, have -retired
more ateadiViit, .ranaitgi;r:Al ',for sleep,
preened asphalt!' By 1st Words
•and water the bricks., take' weighing' uf
omit. of bittmenl they are t Means SW.
ways -on a concrete -bed With h
_ • •,
puloment • itrisedalnier' 'd I
l to loc. 1 otretri. e
; whoaree k !!"3
,*0 pea as littl as /Jos -
°arsenal' is reciovereja bone 'el
play be permanent!
f • the threat be prodUY' t„, or diet -
thine •keepin th Y 4 4res and
iHwarm the back b ".
rreibisb posed to
TO clik; lerwise is debilitati
that thAT .
11 oomeaoinfortably •• '1.I
intrati; el
g rom a war.o2 abtiolipbere
er oue, keep the mouth closed so R
tbrougir May be warmed by ite passage. t
t e nose, e it reitohee the Jung&
Neve _fiand , still in cold weather, espe. le
daily ititla' hatylug talien a alight degree of P
exert:ball ,pd 41wayit avoid sts'Ading on foe'
a cold:vr '4 • - • *
or: snow, p 'Where the person ie *ppm:ea to
....... .
e. Juggins-Boshl 0144\another adver- 1
cam a. Zuggins-Non, les llootenrs onti-
elle. rande un changer, _ air pour .;
r '
A .
kV . . ' - I yf
r. Zuggins-Ohange 6 ai at'syVell; she '
o el ts herself so .many -airs, she eau afford 3
It hange one. • A ;
'44 pfra. Juggind-Irieux farceur, sal. Par ,
par, voulez•vous me ',rendre a les
„( Pnoh plays a leRo*lty, pour vole
le hvoroons ?" '
r. Juggios--lipyalty " Divoroonsl" Nos
all Hesse- tate.
rs. JUggins--.Quel esprit! Maio West =
einhour. ,. .
r. Juggins - Oaleinboiir-no, it's a
mmine. Twigges Vous?
y' s. Jugging- Bon enoore Xnggins I
' es loin. - Zcrivez nu burlesque pour
Shine, a la Gaiety, pour suivre "
8." Vous aurez un grand
et Vs _...
. Ike Loved Ile&
yill ve ine, dearest P'obe &liked of
e oreett4I hoebandl • ;
a•-ald yeti pay those bills
yeatekdy a .
0 res_, bip 0 yopb...ii . !
• Ii.
sthesqmilythitig you- wait particiklar.P.
7p, - , g - - -
, oc butl ' ou oft •131. et desire.:
-le T, Nt rid?„„tbP "
' oeus, . -
, P '
ell talk about that
th, and take that
he supper hem .
4,N omme
„e 9