HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-19, Page 4r • s .<_ y��rf•f w. v.. • bi . a lc ;�i laF s � .F".^.• d71;1Y SEN' ta-N EZ 1400H/IL.= TAR L$T3Ij,-R`LY AND.:YO AitGUIs; F.RE1 LY ACCQRDINGF = > 'Ii _ DZOPATES OF CONSCIENCE vE .P11,1413:ABOVE. ALL OTH 1. LIiEItTjE S.''.: _ Tact ow Coomber 0th, 182' PA ANG EVENT h' Thin , official count: -of ` the votetaken . ou the: Scott ::.4 ct for Brant County was made : mil.Saturday last: Ti: "•-total ',vote- in- the -city.. was' : 64 6'for Act, incl 812: a ai est ;a - majority against the. Act in the city of -166; • The total -vote in the county for the. 1,690, a ainst-the Act, 1,088, 4 majority for the Actin the County U Brant of 6:42. ALL propert3 .holders- at this time. of the' year _should-. examine the' -lists of :laand-sales. for taxes: _ The sale ,Fr=ill take : � place in Walkerton- l,ertoii � on the � 3 rc'. Mistakes are -frequently, made•in.. the le assessme3tt'° of , property.' in `ti-•illage itrinici iilities ?specially- :.and _ -a lot :111R_V lm retui n .d: as,:. nailresident, in: which 'case Ilotl ing til�ill -save. troubles: b the Owner-excicept vigilance in bold i:i attei the b of land. and sales.. Petted ip sure than/sorry.' ii=1'Dothinion oVel' lent have eeil to, run Nonni ry scry ice Bach e •: tl (, incuil ers.-of the . `Ctitladian 'mi - 1 mi -It oiae; brie 'aate,ileral -Order ',hill- t be 1squf;d cl it ectiil��• - ti s� n- , lt-' every= , a. man whd lies served -three: coi:i crofts t, : I',Q 11xi�r oilf?corps-CO - 1-,.- x,111^ ,Gi8- . l .dents ea1 any, • Si nd l . the year -it will ificrea0 by a.larger. Produce, and by a higher price, and -di- •minishy. 3y a scantie 'production. and by filelyek. price- : Let- him keep a cash 4,o.e$14. what i ,will :`ii fortn him -Whether he has received or paid away. most cash in` the: course of-, tiler year,' • Let him have •an acco iit.. with -.the fare by which he will learn whether -the,'value.of the :*produce he has been enabled : to dispose of -.is `greater: br less than the cost of conducting. the fa,rin. . It ..is evident that -.a :knowledge 'of these must _acquaint- every farmer. with the real: state- of his affairs- at the be- ginning of ,the year Fie ' will thus be. enabled to find out where the leakages have cone in, and be able 'toprovide • a remedy for the - future.. This -year farmers will,: owing to the low *price of proclu ce, be short in their.- bank ac- count from -what .'they ariticipatecl- in. the early part.of theseason, and a :set of well.kept farin books will sllow just how they • stand -.1 .et every . f a tmer keep boc)ks..- ; 'Surprise Party_aan:d• Presentation: Qn the evening of the 3rd inst.,; a number of Nr...4111-). n 'Gni don's -f rie_ nds- gathered at. his xeslclenee On the -btli: Con. of liii?loss. oi: the eve of his de pasture:foi ..Tees\eater;..and preseutsd 11111 with a han.aseine watch alid chain. I ev.?Jr. D>avidsoi pati .as eleetecl chair: air. nian :_ancl .after.st it ng the object of -the .Party, . i' Ir. .Alex. .i I c1enzie . reaclb a-- ii t tine" .ad {Mess. \l of dotl Ina ' ` lc an 'appropriate reply;.:�after _which t1ie..pattyaparool of the • refveshiuriits 1 Drop iducl by • the ,OU laches ofLah side ' After. t41. - the Company e,iiiu:sed . tlieinsel�=es in. -Viiriolas .Ways; alicl.'0th a oit speech- . fi,oiri 'Ir I1e�=irlsoi I. and sli •• a fair allii}tiilt of _singing the ev eniiig wn,:s spent in an: - entertaining aid , @ijayablQ� � iriiaiiiei it. ASTRAY,. 1A-TyL t_'r0 THE..II Eyt[S1+:AS Or- THE snb cribei•, Lot'11 Con. _ II inksg • I{ln1f�..,, .out tiic_ l titof i\ t yen4ber list, a ,light, 1•ed S e..61.i 1S; heiiel'. The o13,:nt'1• is. Igque-scrtl t ; prove p10] e1f],t1a'yL\1s�it:4es.az1 it eher :1tt ay EST, - 161.0l1rrli P. O... load fro' ..d to -- dear pile - c lie�t-i oil tri : -1�y- si�• ., . Lr wer the _: , fit , i TTFr ?:(:). r�� rr �r.17-1:-. ' t - Thii)se wh - se .... � si& . e: i• .-1 A 1'£'I •!4l -i 1 :iT . JTi •.tt; •r .....f,,, - �-., ,' t.r- .: and � as ��, � �y{'. I.. 1� � r ["�.t.:�s . «��::n � T, .-tnnibea:.W v • i� ::-3. •`�.. SIIi-�C1'iF.)?1•,_ 3_.i,t-' 1,-,-:il.l' rite .I. two •-. ?IeV'1�3�5 '1 mid .i 111 E'P_ ,' ti:1.t C) helmets,. , . _ (✓e on,, � tilt; 'i`t>SI:PI� �ir1 � ! r :t! �rIt? -i t' - h61met9j, � _ - - . , ) 2. _ _ r � � . , (117 • •Qiider•the"1I'�,r3,otd to every mail ser..iiifir ,t- -. ,_,; t qqi.'c tlt',:t of N.-1 1. GFYtt'+>.:• er'•q: iiQe�asse r, t• j c4 cV1' r11iY 1111 .' 'I I1t f�El nr. lg •-re'illlet;tert �i eC'ai.sl� e ye; T S 111 t}I( 5 :3I ^ 1."-pKive j+r..-)i ei-ty, pay y t: _1,1 t►.r. -and ttrlce-thel l aonnds . fever > .ti sty and were re•ech 4 • Other side._ The' ..„- - •2:s _ - ..1 Dol. -LE., i- a„- the° hill, -and t�' h :T '�� _ _ _ _ _- �..ucl'.IIt, lc -_p ., _ .p.. .. .' .of ,t _! _ u' i - '� -�t4 ••.. t,o. 11? - . .. 11a - l Yi ii 3 �... G`- .. ' tzl + . • s a bief`�halt- waa-m l :� �.�r��4 . *des the. •- detaohmr i i.t}i:"t_he ficicr�� z'1., .. f _ `` r• (( f.0 •., - ii :. •} . / 1 r It' -� .�.]�•i I':i..I ll.'1 ii'. L�>--Jfl!?l .♦.L'3 ILl ��lr? l�t~�-rt�111�1,•. i.-. • passing wondering - - i•TIlOi'1 � , 3 � �._ s:tttl�!�1i.t)tf•. ,,,;• � � . -.. l �"�f :.�,lll. �Cl� � ....��,'in 1.iiy -.i�;h �-,oir ref a t i headsl. s r feed their t. - t t: - }\L . �... J tf 1 i , - , z I 1,e +a - f ll t1 t x1 )11 ,le )I alxl :VI ''11 -+, tlj i � t zed el;� ,. r i • ceruse and - a �1t t oris - %';�II � \ l l lid+ •- �._ 1 I -n Lz�,t• f 1L plc ,� t lc I �t •. . , L'aIl c;n.i 5 prooession•_ Rain t� f): set t.r a.11c1 �Y�t made 1] ver ' ...11�si . sdc:ir'1ti. , . t.. llCtllti' i.s ro- teli@` men. halon a =_J_ ne tf'4I'_to `)•7' )ti . p •. • - g.��.t1Qi -,-'7:' :�f n, , t, t)L 1l) °rcy,. Pzl�j - c.:�j�etlsc3; ailtl their; greats... coats- l . v t,; . ' i:'rga1'd , ) tt•1Lti i,henn. '7.Si Ilyr _. .;,two rniitfo Cor O1 1 p, Blt�R1 .I�. �,. z�._ { 3111 507 • !] 7 l - ,n --.1 -'1111.0V : S.umgo - 1. Iev .. ti.. .i - 7,1:::.•:141:1114..',,e;13 -- n :' sttclz lseiialty' IS . nflc' ,rt ' + . I .11 . Ai J� a�stiti.1-� i. iC 11•' r i -. 1. Ill 0 9 1 �� 7 i} 1 f • :..: 1 'u 1.d be✓ then,fit t I�i(t l: %RI.iliIS1;S F;I. ;.3 r7.T. - Yllat? - _ 1 r3I'Ihi, i., its '(,tc1 •_ 1 :3 . d a x the L1IlYSh11IL.lt . t 112 .s P c1. on -or cit b�txtt}:r-' (.1.1 i;f N )velr�llcr lsrst: ,�-, al�owe- �+ � :'.131'.: � ti v 14 `.Ctttti °, , ,' --`j 2,-)-y. x•, 1pllllaterec -if .ordered f v.:: !j'la eixa.l_srf tees .and 2� : an. heifers-, ! t,f • ��13�C:Z1z� U .•l�J' � , � .- ex ' inn ..._.• - d the :.,there red_ an.l. wi.i,te: 'l a «,=pula -Pel' ps . 11e tiSl P Q.reque$teel V). pro:ye. pr-,fierty=, lap het COtirt. , lie 1 twi.c thein .1i. ova I , • c�ouid . ised :for dirt ::,t,T good.- plan ,,,as • end JA3 1+;S Bt°WN' 1 �lisclpllYze, elle 1�1.: f. Aniberlev P 0. ��;Cui 111 p1 r 0' « `the vili(14.1C 1 eii.tina_. . Ills: +ITTL�Ei',,-9T2�'. t;a,iTe .tlnle :Oro:. lash.; rnforinth: fLbl'ul t (tUCl i�i$ictld of the Well keep 3 S TO � �,wauo$h his ihort�`n, vlclnity thw` ► .:�► II] g chefs outlay �s '• , '. �i� ' > have .Paid the ton tZt a ide of ` `r� 1- re ha ° neo•n • ani' p_:intowl/aide -the grounor s hundred. It and the roadway. makes awkiVas .. ..round acute angles of the trill.:. Again est b1.• order :.was given to strike Up:the. bugle march, bat atilt in -spite of ;-the•impoaiog precession'scarcely fpa human .being:was die4. lger,uible. .Eves in the populous dir trio of $tbfan few people were etirring,: but lest Ian ambuaoade should be. attempted scout: ing parties COLsletik 0/two mariue:s and a -econstable were sentl.in.- adance to -the :tog. of the precipices comm nding a.:view of the tablelal.d:: beneath. Therewas ridiculone. side to the whole proceedings: So far .from any opposition .being- offated to ..the advanc- • ing expedition .: • scarcely =any :one 'could be seen along the. heights .or in the.. valley beneath: As the men marched. into the township of Sutflin a few.ofthe proffers. -.and ' them -roves --and- families; 'emerged from their iheuses to- encu the;. uniformed: array of, -armed Men. - Collie dogs3 barked as the 'troops pewit by; and. {occasionally a-: few oroftere engaged- in sel:airing the thatch of -their houses paused • : in their work and curiously oouteniplated. te:yformdable body of mea .• -Here -a.. - • withered_ c ae: danced a derisive break- down,ea.9iug laughter.among the:mari'nes ;; there a .-group ` of fisher . girls returning= town every night 4• for sorties-' W?SH -,aer•Yne sash. -.') ..r,n. 14;: X68 41.14.13X.--t�erkshire lYs _ 3Luck zr ' - VOR SFRYsCE. tit `.UNDO inform the tiGNET). WISHES $ he -he -will keep for .e of Ellis vicinity shun Township .,, s\-t;_Lot 2, _ 00 hbred poi 4I s we e` llfo'r Elle CIL, jstmas:Trade. I A Large Range : to pck.from Great C1oathg 2 Per Cent ocuction .00e1.54 Ciot tin ed Goods aiidn20,0 Teat. .Il many I;Ines. e✓lO to c1ectr } • >t�`lieap t,ai d 1-e t•A s r oii ►•ec1_ to . -the v to cele et from. - • 1 r • 012 021,0 v I 3 IV gath OTI'y . t, A IA TN 20 lbS'11Y u af#nI $1 -00 .t Ladies', � 1.. Child; '1'3'.., 1foo ,. liW.}r990 per r ) i 234.N., 29 *inch Windsor -: . ceuz, clow lh e tteg,1a>-irl[c, • Cotton.. ... -.... $1.00 11. • O yds. 3.6-ir, r.e` cI .��>ic 'Windsor, Colton, . till :the en& of* ecclil An -tail. weol ; Canadian Tw ed + FIRST .G Felt Tel ; IJats 50c. td 60e. An wool Fr o cif Dress Goods, 1. c edits •; • • --- s 1 Z. efts++iliplt7+i11 ire < NSPftidtn ,31: 1111. attlki.41. E1r' 1 A . ouvr 4 13.".7 i� ..• Y i r. t ' l ��-a' ) laOt, Ij ; Ij.r ` ..l .` t, ,t p9 1.1 �� ff l i ry ail aha S.14 '711.4;44114,>3 ?` h,, r-+ya, A rl t 1 1SJ ii + 1 , . I .a 1 . . i i N � + 4. t- rYil: ar_ 43 a•- i�.� Yeti °*2 ! y-xw,,,as 1-01;Il�ipn i tr• aitr;V +1,1..1 �haa il;+ A yyl� ', r.Y �..K• 1. W i more ioneythan at 'apythin€7, se by ;akin- all ia,geucy for the belts 1.s fag book�4t:*.Begiimers. succeed grar;11 : Noire fait.- 'Aims free.L LLLTT BOOK;,t's ,. moiland, tis sae. 1•• tha 11. 1. ksbire Sons R•S;: P..� briar FaPcrf�etisln, of West.:Wawanest'.. W. Gaunt , . • • ch -.��p• 3•E 'sZ,'tir� to ir.st l+i .sai1t rrounded Velvet, the -m dai .; so 14.xed that both its. -sides .are exposed. 'when -the °over- is `.o3ened. A : pastor reports that -he lately -.found a .: convert: kneeling before it in adoration, teeing it for an 'idol. ', He• has: .heard-. 'that ' Audi.- a - perversion of the object is - common among. the ilerjoes of the South, where the medals are he in awe: as possessing supernatural qualities. Five -hundred dollars for a pair of shoes seems a high pride, but it has been paid by one of the society belles of New :York. They :: were of.: -white: satin - and were -embroidered with -pearls.:.- Stuart Cumberlandh, s .been reading the thoughts of'theEtnperorof Germany: His Majesty -thought of 1861, .the.pear of his coronation as King of Prussia, : and Mr. Cumberland wrote -thefigures at the fir et attempt. Rhode Island new- styles itself the Belgium of Aweriea.'. --More than 60,000 :New Yorkers live at hotels, and there are '10%000 -strangers ia` •1- :i otoo to Ore La -accepted a fav eiT ear toeil I 1tP h: *1 1:hg711 Tileia- 76 I : 1 I. ear re id‘a‘ ablithmtiatei: i"aill'd;ristrersfatri",' ; ghisir; vib -1.hitr) an Anie0oiin wife m lf " .TII '3'''''' -:'-' e The LoUdOt nner Circle. It4ilroaci 1E1 . "iiill,tr"a7dlior c•-•1 A marvellous feat of engineering skill. '1".)dv AND Erl'TIX tii.COOTINTS,. tilts trains will be..passing °tier this 86- . . „fr... - 1 NN terrains° road. nder the busiest centre , i The 1;1, rids'', Piilia .. Pavan:Jetta m de of brick impregnated ltii' 'Id )118 band, With their°7-Lk-,. a:high tempera *1..i. .0,0untg _of Hui or its amendments all ercp-ito,rs more durable fo wear than granite or coin Texas, the largest State in ifiale. I, pressed apphalt By driving out . the 403;3, to have the largest capitol •in- the Vinous! and water Abe ';iriciks take up -15.or 20 p0; -,The corner;stone of pie- structure will be cent.. of bitume ; they are- then pu tine , Aaid on. Much 2nd. li is now found thatit In waYikon a mutt(' bed- with. hot tar.. i- ,if Will cost 63.000,000. 1 the I' •a. Tu "I.. thh1 t. � i1 F:)1t 11.-00-t); - New Ce41 Lea FAULTLESS mutinyF ta%1 and Shji Them • unl Coffin q`�sa b pig ALL KINDS OP anci see. tpck before ere WEST PLAIT N • All jarlies the undersigned er .7a:14am