HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-12, Page 1St• 11-'‘?"-"virtilitotniffi! VOL XI.— • 4,-* )4' • . . • -s• 7:4 simosmesessmi.sresseriisisa • a •IC.N 0141. atAY,. f DECEMBER .12 4184: -ot—rAi'tntittri - 1•4 Ith:ighed• every - -Ft iday nt thofliglatimh. ;Uinuk,4,•orth 414" Corner of 0atrain ULt 1- (.atupheli Stietts, LIJOKNOW _ . BY Y,ft ElitTORAN.P.PriairSillt - Szil)Se9s1i)11011 Prlee. *1 Per ,-!'ear •A41 ;lace • - - NTARIOe' B Reagrtesite end Despiztal GENERAL, • tet- Criiam $ Jt surancee gent, . WA.WANOSH.. . . atu21 Fifa Insurance tam any Fon trAusaptipti ‘If1lu4iress on- -the. Ord •11'neiclay ii oath mouth. ---PartieS -Wishing to ve thOr property insured in this increasingly 1.‘timlar (Itnutinuy, will by s.,11Ving -notice hf ulpin by OP wittelawavii or' byone of . thw Dirktors. 'BUslitess ca`,1t4 promptly aV• tegiled. tu- - • .-1011111T, KURR St. aglen'sP. (30-. 4 ' . . lir.,:rsi=1:00.¢.11.410.1•23.114..0 piairram. • AAROW PROTTDF067.', . -Berifisters,Solicitorsi eto ,Geoleiteb;(44. PI,LOUT0001%'_ • • _ _ LLIQT • . Attiirtiay-at./aw, Solicitor in Chancery: thinveyallO0x, ete. .0flioe text tr. MY the Post 01E00 lifibknow, Ont.' • • ' 316 •A41:3' SOU: `It VI LLEi 4_ ' • • -!(1.ols/ VEYANCER:- 1/otin on ItaSyTesine n klwtl Flatatti• .4ye1 Triist aud Loan .T.„! • :- AXTON, • • („);un _vatatuder; cauntuissii:ter 10 Q. 4.i•,,etti, Betoney.tii Lotin at 7 per cent,: straight •httcreat. Wit: tor fol the uomiiiiiin Ityhtitment 4ocirty..- Issuer of Mnrriogn Messes' - KI$LOV P.O, °Ont. ..76114004‘. 0 . • MKiD -.M D • V . AG. 11 be postedU thinuteihefore the elOsiNtef (110111 - Arliettera intended for reLlistratiaas 4Store,-Lnekams; • malt: - - • -4 ss • tritiOTAIsT- SIT5N• AND AV M. CAMPBELL POSTMASTER SMALLER. 1..00ALS:77• 7— LUcknow Post 0 , MAIM. _ ice.TieTable, Oka- .S inth aild East inolutling l'or(2nt7 H . amilton, Guel h, treal, ° Manitoba,- tTnited' State_ ,s *Yor‘ •eigt . . 6:24 1(h42Mails-g)ing Last close at uesdays, !lliursdayt;tind Sattrdlitit eauh - * k.- '• • • ' ; 11117 ant 6:50 ant 'Crest and 3i26 -pm .60 am 6155ani 0:16 ani '16 a m ° Gederitih,Dontatition,.Bel Lalies:-St. 3:4'2prii 8:37p 8:30pm A • Holy foodAigiough ,Kini'es 1 p 60 ant gy ORDE IR on and Paid from 1ll1M. ces • ia the 1-40mililkin if (Iallada,43..reat -Br! n, Ire- land, Brithila India,:-Ne"WfoundlrinitAittrfitiny, AnstriaritalV, Au-Aran:4 The•Uoitol-Stites, Frsuce and'Algeria.- - , r$ • , -• POST* OFFICE .SAVINGS- SANK. Dtipoilits received from $1 to PA- ; Itorkwith'Post*Kister General's sikeial mission cou'depOtit MAO, Cliicularsfi ['twig inforthitioo e,in be had on applihatit,n at thls .0/lice hours 8 a..tn: to 7 pi tn.- ooneiter. liesidetien—rhe resideli ortiterl) aiicii0ed by •Pr. AftieVritimuil. • - 1.1•0••••.exrasem DR. ELLIOTT. A. CF.. Iliptt, MD, moPS O. • Liakitlite of loyal &liege of i'hysielans, Edinluti4, . • • * 14cettiatii ip Ifid;wifery, Edinhuig. Street, _14ticknow, 'LLIOKOIOW • onsay to Loap.. !JJ S TEONANT,M. DilVi CP Sir ON,EASY TERMS QV PAYMENT; . • JOIT.N. COOKki A.gent;1)ungannon. ou-ey .tb. • tAXtUM4 ESTAT Li, at TMASONABLE RaWs, on Ter -us - of rapt:1.94A to suit llorOfweee. • .----- • ELLIOT- TRAYER„ Lueltnniv; Money tp, oan-t - • WRST,014.ASS 'MORTGAGES AT 7 - to ri per centinterest, payable yearly... elintgos yory Moderate, Appy to IZOBERTATIT.RgitY, St: fielou'ef. MoileY toLoan! • •• GOOD. VA,R-At _PROPERTY AT 6 - and 6poi rent., acoordiug to. the See y (4ferod. The abOve 'will be .losted MR any Terms to Suit the BorrOwer. Corr evontlenee AVittliQ cheerfully answered without expense.' yor fLu t1in Ms tienlars. apply to - • -J (AIN.GORPON, St. 1:ta1on's. oneyto Loant T7- PEW 4711.iNT • FROM 2 TO 20 . yearA. List14 of Farms for -Sale tario fis well as Manitoba.- Parties desirous to Yarraq will eortsulf their interests. by in- -specting the ad YertiSi tiq facilities of-Snbscril?er in Great B ritain 'saki Ireland and Continent ot Laii,ds for Salt A NGITS STEWART, . 141,1-4 Valuator, LAckilow, Ont. • AIVIERON -(OF C44l RON4 04211PBELL;) • °TARN' PUBLIC pontlato8ion'ey .41..8. R., OOn4.eyancer,ef.c.: LUCKNOW ONTARIO. Conveyancing in all its-13ranokes., 1)AcIsMortgage-s,13ortds, Agreements, Lease's, etc., prouiptly tid baref ally prepared, . Am Irectness guaranteed. . gtweial and p rapt, attention -paid to the e:trehing of Titles, and to all -niatterSooneot; ed ivitlithe.-transfev of ite-al.Estato. • 43reharges R9sonab1e. • W4L7Ei2 razzrAVElf As it -Mu; past still keeps on hand -6 large and superior stook of Cforteral CirOC011ieg 1111c. • iliding everyth* ound in the Larder of a. ..stoH od ousekeeper .a, He would also inform - vie:. -public, more 4artieularlf the Farming 4,eminunity, that he has eugated the Services. ot0 'rho) ough Miller, and will oarrx on the , . - _ _Milling Buslness Withlrene wed vigor,"and hy turning out good ° krists in quick time, gain increased patronage: • *ram t le initlic. - airAll kindstof Eirain ILIMI SOMS constantly on hand. _ _ilirGoods 4t4tk'ult- ec1, i1Y.-Prt .01 tillti town( , :I • - - Olk,e-4.f41ral LUCA71610. Itg,4Speqial*.tentitin to diseases of Women" and Children. _ MOalls promptly *attended to .4 night or day. M. D., C. M., M 0 P BO, L R. C. P., L R. C. S., and L. M. Edin. Voroner °Utility of Bruce. . Licentiate of Midwifery, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, - Edinburgh. Inf7Office-7-Orie &on: east fthe --Pest Office, 14-neknow,,, Ont. •ematiowiifoommmitiraiitaimentr_ • • • DENTAL, I4icentiate or • - Pental-.S.urg- ery, has removed to Winghani, wlit;re he will _ oar/ on the Thntristy -h1sint,S4 but -be would -beg to inform his -:-ilatroni: that he will _visit 1,lieknow- on the first and third Mondays and. Tuesdays .nt each- Month'. . Office-1kt •Whita'• ly's,Hotel;• 15 •••4.7^, - Vi"siese° ViTE_IRI N.A J. ST CLAIII WALKER V OfficV.- Newt door to the ilai.ber Shop. LIJOKNOW • • ONTs. A full supply' (4 1.3iedicines always on hand; , .thitls bath night and day- promptlYattended togC1arges niedera,te. • Can be fund day and night at hia-pfiice, . ..ZireinVOTVI • . • MeetsieVery FridaeVeiiing at bight n'eloakin their Hall, Carapbell Street. Bretherri cordially invited. '• 13RYAN'i*:•• . W. H.SMITH, . , - N"oble Grand Secratary: - 44, :TiCKNOW LODGE OF THE-,,ANCI- CI- sent-Order of United Workmen, meet in the UlidfellAvto Hall, on the second awl* last liondsy evenings of eachmonth, at 8 o'clock.. Visiting Brethern are cordially invited. . - T. LAVVREIsTOE, • - -W. U. LITTLE, Master Workman. Recorder. . . . - • tit9ht *edge • NO. 1.- .E1-.)2.0.,.aLif th if.- Ta- 31111g .• Thuriday on or before full innT: of each mot:that *eight P.m. - Visiting Brethtrn-m)rdially invited. .. Se vit),TA.A.liti ,•••1 it:(1tEitzLovcitg, • • J .)140 1,• .hviiyy Avails of last„weieli com- pletely wiped out our a1eighing.4 . hasitetern- ed front- her viit to friends inf Leter. • Je)hirOf -Belfast :ar- . - • a rivecUiOnie from Brighton -on Monday,..1 - ....44.44...1.1 was-ev9Pne:1a1°sli t: during the progress of meeting in the Temperance meeting had to be closed, duct is deserving - of - the.1 punishment 'Army 'all. The ph don - severest .--Thas. Reid has in stock all ki.tra;of cakes candied and everything in that linc_f 4;•,.,° Christ - MAL HEMLOCK CITY, ASHF4 - Pleoln oar own Correspqnd We are glad to- learn that . Long, l'who..- had the mid, ha \ ink his collar "Ixine brok Alex. ne of weeks '.0gO, has, Survived thi)timishap, and is •Eible to .be around andlttend to his work mice more; Alex'el•t'$rtt a,nd drollery were •greatly. Missetrby- the boys' ef°Ilie-eity during Iiis. cen$ nement. 3, . It is kwhispered areundthaf have been- prowling: inE this and.fariliers should be carptuUs. - _ • ..- - - their doors properly:secered _ . No one - knows whither tl 'Pointed theii.ffiglit.-- The" w in. their attehipt of secUrnig except their escape. Kenneth.- McLeod, thre..,-- day. lest. week -while ciitti On. the feria owned 4 Mr. ,.11 Donald,. Cut _hisfoot badl. severing three .�f -his 'toes. - taken beam,- and Dr. Longw in, who, 'examining; rglars inity, avina night. ' have foiled hing, e; -one -wood Mc -- most .0: was ; en -ash. kiameron, anger, has • -•-• . b iv; ifound 1 necessary to amputate -:?one of . •, - the toes, Only for the doe een u�ufinedth bed -durmg •-the -peat _ • - week. • . „ •' —1101, rs. Leask, of St Helens,- return- ed last week from Guelph, where she was visiting friends. Ed, Noble, formerly ,,of this at home, and medical aid and cured, he would inevitably I te death. . • ? wn ig Epro- bled. Mr: Makolni MoLeod-speatm: Of go- ing to Uncle 'Sain's dominion - the village, • but lately_ of Wheatland,- 'course- of a few weeks to :spe-,1(1' the Dakota is in the village Christinas holidays in the fair-i,lity .- of . • " • F out for the things -roils over. •Chica-go at the residf ' Venerable old gentlemen- of lo- hk4.1gin . its time -f�r getting - ; lit-deattif Work ▪ ' i-cality prophesy an-open:winter. ,• • • • •• ' • •• -..;.„General 'Lindsay of the ,Sai-ed • -. The infant,' daughter, only 'Army will officiate at the Meeting -in days .old, of Mi•- •Charles 31cX4'„ • the.Temperance Hall this evening. buried on Monday lest —Mies J. Ross,of the Lueknow •-• t LOi3HALSH, school, had 'been :engaged. t-aehin- the Walkerton schaa for next year. —The ladies Of the Methodist • . .1 • Church' are makinrample preparations . Otie teachers! Mr. McOlu and for a large. turn- out at the.tear`meetiUg Miss CaMeron are making pr.eli tion • . " '• • Frani, Qui; 9ura (larreeponcle few was on Monday evening next •• for a, grand Christinas tree entOtain- - . -Rave- you seen the large stock orcandiesi. ment in. the sehttel-hOU se, whirls *ill, cakes-, fruite,: so., at Thos.' Rt. id's It PAS' you to vis him a seal no donb. tjndging:litthe on you have received an account Iast year, be a genume.success., from this,office, please call and.settle The tax collecter has'. paid -u it as we ivant the nuiney to. PAY OUR nuaLvisit, and we understand DEBTS. - , • . ' ' considerable gruMbiine in his • - ,. . 0 , ,-Rock of Friendship- Temperance not at the collector _of course, -Lodgeon the boundary intend having genial 'gentleman furnishes n :a. literary , entertainment some time for such, but at the inerease int this month, - ' -. ' This increase is eaused„ by the I. -•-•Rev. Anclerseri-- has been. presented by a number: of AO White- ohureh Section-. of his :Charge •Witlif.a .very handsome'. buffalo:overaoat; —Mr. !Tames 1.4ordenhas purehased . the handiothe frame oottage tn1:0i4triniv Street al present occupied by Mr. :W.. Miller. are pleased to, learn that Mr. James Hackett, 10th' Con: -Ashfield, who fell from a load of hay some time - - - ago, is rapidly _recovering. --It is the iii ention of- the Hack. ett's Chureh. aL3bath School to have a; • Christmas tree and entertainment sometime about Christmas: • . • ' --Peter Corrigani auctioneer, will sell by piiplic auction' on Saturday, 13th Dec., a valeable farm ponsisting of 100 'aures, being east half lot 5, Ashfield, the 'property of Mr. Isaac. Ashley, -. ' • • - —Messrs. -Alexander and Hugh An- derson,of St, -.Helens,- returned' last week from the. 'nortli shore- Of ;Lake Superior, where -they have been work -1 ing .during the past tivo years, . r.P. U. ':lYteGregor, general agent Ontario -Mutual: Life Assuraooe. Company, • visited LuCknovir this .week and • with the local agent, W,..11Iellis - gave us a friendly -call, Call.again., • •-Ladies, Baltic: seal oap4,1adiest-mbakcerfai ladies At:brat:Ian (AN, white aad• blickPersion lamb calm, Snoth.SeaseAl cap_ ,t4 caps for$1 60, d - 4 .• • • ,. • ... • . . , . an . Must -e3itra0dinary!nt.rgaito at Maclatyitea. --Dnildien's and thissee hoods fur 800.,14:1c; *aad50o. at PilauIntyreia.. - , I• 4-ChOrtilisa ccaning,‘ _at Usat- ran. wruldtblnk an,31 on, none guild o4pttn thi* • aftselsy.tia Thtes: elsid:?•watz-; ; • an - re is Ake, that tAalase Axes. -- of the large number of Wire feeees • • the township, .and though the".41 " in- many cases very necesser* generally thought that had- the tit been spent in improving' the bet • 1 . I are it is Oney t the road which in uniny.plaCeS .durki.t-, fall and: spring is: 'almost impassali).' the people -would• have epeeived.. ieater benefit and beet-1,13*er satistie( rsuditen andfatal accident *sad • nature- ocCUrred'on - the far -in 'Mr, Finlayson an Wedntrsdaiheven- .,- - :int of last .week about 4; A well was .being Stink onthe: preefses, and a•nutinber of men° -were .ekaged in putting 'in thelirst length of,;;.:Tenrb 'when a couple of Men,- Mess* MO. ‘Crinitnoti.& McLeod,. -pump deal of a agents are .0111g woriderfirlly Winghtini , drove up,and ess- well Several. new:lines,. Theynee'd • ; -.thinking:there was no .of trizteg to many more agentd all parts of the . do business till' the curb . was. do-, country. Those ivrtdo needprofitable work slixild apj4y: dt once. . • Women do As Well as men. °Experience is not necessary, for Messts.. Stinson Undertake to shows 411 who areiiling: . to work, net hard but. earnestly, the path to large sucee.4 , It, should -Le remembered that- ait agent can do a handiome busiAess without beirg.: away from ovg,ir might Another adwintage--7it cOstgi nothing' . e • • the business a Arial, and an agerit-ean. 'devote time or only his spare-. • . Stinson, & -guar- antes.). grand :sticceSs tot all...who -en..4fage and follow Siropla pad plairr'llirectioes . that they give-..• We -have. not space-- . to explain 'all here, but full particulars , Avip sentifree to those .who address , . the fujek; ;t74,1 actdress giy,teq... ibpvet..• • WHOLE No:5.U8' Teets Hanged at Owen Sound for u rd e • Owen Sound, bee. 5. --This thorn- •• • ing at about -8 p'cock Cook Teets,con- --victed' murdeiing his wife by ad. Mieistering poiseh 'to- her a year ago last October- in the Township of Arte - mask, paid the benalty of his crime' on the gallows.- His solicitor, _during. the trial at the Assize Court, made every effort to have the dea,th sentence collimated, but. without -avail. • Last. night he - received a. telegram from Ottawa stating there would be no executive- interfettence. The downed man. received the: news with great calmness; .in fact, ever since his 4.111-• firisonment in October 1883,. and , • since the senteuce of. the court a' month ago, he has conducted himself with great comtiesure, and Manifested the greatest indfifferenee As to the horrible crime :171i0a which he Wa:sleo#- Acted . and tile . terrible • end that awaited Last -night as theliours. were fast fieetidg away, and the dread- ed. motile& appitaiched; 'he occupied the time leisureIyitalking and chatting. with these who -14pened to visit him.. . Whenever the-imaject. of the murder Was reverted to litp protested hisinno-. cence, and dedlaii-ed most empliatic,_ ally that he wits- innocent of the charge. -Testehlpy. iii the presence of the clergy and ^otiers he Made A long statement in wming, reviewing. the . whole case and denying, the evidence given at the tlia. by ,the Leppard farglik. This Winning the prisoner • was Attended 14- -.Rev. newel', Methodist miniWi, and Rey: A. H.. Stott, pastor of .g.nox Chnrch. Tiny visited the cell 4311-1i*this 'morning and held conversation:and-prayer with the • doomed 4,6klafipeartAquite peni- tent and prepared for the end,bukstill - declared his innoeence.' He had no de...-. sire to make grit, 'statement on the scaffbldiand'relubsted the jail officials.?'. to have the 'cer4mony as . short as- poisible. At PA, three liqiuteS to 8 °clock the cell dor . was opened and and the sad protleSSion started, -con- sisting of the' lasiit,•loner, supported on the right, and let by Rev. Messrr. Howell and Scot}, and followed by the sheriff; 'jailor and other officials.. The prisoner walked to ..the.sciffold. „Ind ascended .,•ethe , Steps with all the- • fortitude andzfrmitess desrribible,and took his stanit on: the trap do thof e scaffold. Wlipst 'the harquiati was adjusting thelidOse the prisoner shud, _clued hilnself a slight turn to the leftl.which was followed by a nervous trerabling for a few moments, during. the ',delivery dof the -Lord's. prayer ' by Rev! Mr: Howell. Tie- haligman then dreiirthe bolt, ,and -Cook -Teets was Almost instantaneously _Ushered into; eternity.'. After the - body had been hanging for about fifteen minutes it was' cut down and . an inquest held by .-Ceroner Cameron. .The jury returned a verdict of death - by, hanging in tcouipliance with sent-- ence of the court. - . • • Money to be Made., —I— . • It is said that dnii ate'not' known by. the .agents. for the great publishing house' oil aeorge Stinson •& Cm, of Portland, 'Maine. • The reason of this -exceptional success is found in, the. faet that _they -always - give the -public that *which is -keenly appreciated and at prices that all can affbrd.: • At ,present ,understand . • once lent. their.' -assistance. went 46 one 'Side of- the curb . Itis'shoulder to it in -Order to to. the perpendicular,: and it _ clown Suddenly he,,lost his:bilasOl and fell over •sideways,-intO the well,','-„;tpikr• ing -the .1bottoin on -his tem* and breaking his meek.. A doctor tira- inedie,telY, despatched*. as entirely uselesS as -lie Was,- ilea -a few niinutes.. His friends.. we nuidiately communicated',With,i0flithe body Was remove4 to Wingliainthnile .f011owinglinorning. Mr. AfeLeeit*irai - apparently about trw.enty-five -44-..r4 of - age and unmarried. As far as be learned, 11.t- was ofsjuiet,:teimperal paid inclUitrioueihabits, Ewa was mu peotoi His Melancholy dish 't ; cast ft: g000i 4 4 • f? 1/4 • • - ,