HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-05, Page 9SOircrit 624 19:42. • ozou- 1/4.40ING _NORTH, .11t17 8:37 et37 • Gz-1.9 - 1Q152 leaving kincardine at 5:50_ ;r1 - . f,r 11/4Interston ri414i.rnesdiys,Thufsdays ani Natavdays only.; 11.41K•.-1014::.X1r4Otg._ • fvfoney Found. r.rotind on. ,tlie bethiclary, just weit • _Of tlit village, a. sum of money.: The - •owner.can.liave the same_ applying: •! at this office and payint, for this act- veitisen inet. - - • .- Saw Legs. --- -The : fonsers in thiS. section -are making tho best possible -use. Of the Sleighing and are teaming to theinillsin , this - tities of saw logs.. Wood is also being lirotight 19;the Village- in- great" quail: t ;ties, all of whicl1.. appears to :Meet a salp.; • • A MiicI Winter; .4 • - MI peeple, say we are -going to have zt. mild winter: ,The sign, on which . raey in-xlict this is the fact that -there . , • • - - . ,. u•ere no . end of _iraspberry-.:plants In toSsom this fall„ -• as welt as :quite. is. 1,u'inber of tsecond growth strawberries. - : They say when this- is the case, you lieed have no.fear tor a 8evere winter. neway. The horse attaehed:-:0, Mr. -Thomas CUttei. rad .away on: ednosday - • - fr:uwiting last, and coining' ;in- contact- \ a, load of saw fon the.:e.utter was wr'eck-pa; but. tlie 1101 156 escaped unhurt. • This was' the. second_ run,' Ity the-saine-herse.that -Morning; t Ole dPA dr d lw as the 'only part' " -tt the . vehiclethat -.suffered r'in the Crst- at teniptArl. _ :•• - • eiverSary Services. The i (ular aniiiversary 7; seri-ie.:es' of- . .Methedist Church- will be hod .011 when the Rev. Air; Ale:Allister, • of , •f•! py the pulpit. • - 011thefollowing. , and not tire.22td :as announced .:last Week) a' a-ini.:iting *PI he hold i11 the chui ch'. which.sid:geod time generally -Maiti luf-ein.eted.; . .-.. . Ale'n nor's Las.t Praptiec.y. - - _Aglow •Vennor . died'. he.7.nlade_ the: •111P-wiitg•gemeral-foremSt 16r -the Fall of 188 -1,-." Thee Falrof 1881' -,- is likely }- he- very 64)144, and a •Mild unseated 'vxilit!ir. vi 1. follow„ with a:f• 094 -deal do-widall in the shape .ef --.s2.,%ow 'or I aill. I look- for --a .green . Christmas, :t el a- m 11,1 ::.iN e w: Year,. I 885. January, : i 485: -is predicted- to be Mild ; Febru- _aryy, dry and cold ; March,Seere,wfth - .:...- low,-,ternisiand the exceeding:Slimmer . i.:kely to bei-ex-trentely. - . .. - f4;.1316 Sbefety.. • - ' - I he -amnia! meeting Of theLneknow ' Britneli of the F. 0.--Mble Society. Was -LAW inK.uct.. x- Cliurch- on -the evening. . :Of the 2.'5f11,.Noy. ,.ler. 4,.-(4, Manly, a!_gent of the tiouiet, •,. was- -present and: delivered a Very 7.istructive --addresa : The:foliqw.ing are the officerS elect for tr.,..11 VilStiing: yeatl---,--Preslqi.mit, -Rev.-. MkjAkellabb;„Se.c.rticaq., JohiijIairet;.. Treasnrer, .1.o-4,pli Lit tle.;; ' -Depositor,. Itikorts Grubtrin :, _ Cnnittee„ Messrs. liohnes, ' Douglak A4niith, Me -Hardy, Turley, Deno* Math ieson,*and Arch; ,Iliald. ' EAaminations in. i!kg.ricultUrea- . Thu- (.!ou ticiirof the Agiicu Itu rat and ..rts 4-ssoe1atimr. Ontario, --iii aii -trdatiee witN tiT F.ciruu, of .inuual v,aininati,40 luo444. a -Wrect bearing ",-upOn. practical • . t -11'0 fdreaily inaugurated, -haveri*. inged thtitrthe se:cond of these 1 L.tiuzp , wane; held at -the Salle tune, 7thr NtLIn0- 1)140PS, and Subject to the- vitne rides,regulations and supervision- 80-lio61 iliterniediate • . st ions -.a J uly, 1 885„ and of 4thc J' t"t nitil (hitt% of which due notice 11 be given throu-gh the local pi o' (.1opies of the. - cireulark relating to. these exaMinations -may be had front 1% 1 Lent y Wade, -Toroisto. • ' • • • The :40%4 ileadsrs: - itheIUW Iteadors.: p19)are4. under. * ireet,ion .• of PO: partinon t: are tio w tvaisly 'for 14bl1va.. -tom: Thu N() ,parts of .eite -FirstflOdk :I th-ti. ready for. introduotion-- iitt.c the ublje uii.thii first Of Jahmart next,_ met the P11h1r4 itiid.:..rotu•th • ReaderS: • ,A,loittt. it mouth The- tioti'Of the- Third, -Iontirth,`- and --.Fifth itpadves of the old *bid' word' i;vpio* On.the Z.St of:August,. 11M5, has boen telided till. fit of Jiin., and that- -the iJtIt tq: use' ill° 1 (1/id--lbeoders .- and :(1411,0,414-4.1.4 shlts. cOasf..o., at tke Stotip: ttia,0% •.. 13yAcclaniatite-N . . .7 • t • At. the meeting of the 7 Caledonian Society on Wednesday evening last, Mr, Malcolm Campbell was again 're-- elected Chief by acclamation. Mr, John Murchison .was also re-elected Secretary. by acclamation; Ne'w. Bailiff. • zJoseph ISIallough, of the • town- • 'Ship of Ashfielcl; has been appointed by the Lieut.-Governor;bailiff of the Sixth DiviSion-Court, (Dungannon), 'Of the bounty of Huron in place -bf Robert Hagan, resigned. English -Mails., ,The first mail Steamer for, Great z Britain, under :•-the_ usual- winter a' i-angenient left. Halifax- on Saturday, 29th Nov. Letters' from Luckno* to Connect *Ali' regular • yeekly:?mit. 1 -steamer must be..Maired• on Tuesda inurnine - Christmas-Ad-yertising:: judicipuS'adVertising --Creates many a new business, exilarg08 Many:an old business.; revives many. -a dull buSi... 'less ;' rescues Many; lost business--; - , . . saves many. a -fallmg-.. 'business, pre .servcs. Many . a- :large :ImiSiness. Put your advertisements in tl4e-SENTIN*1) .ence: - ; 'teachers' Certificates. • . . filobe says :-Messrs. Robert- . Alexander,. of Galt,. and of Kincardifie, 45f -=• the. Toblio School Section -Of the but,,,t3: Teachers' As- sociation; -waited Upon the MifiiSeer -of I •Educiition on Friday- -and. asked -that such .amendmenti to the -regulation be made as will advance teachers'. certifii,- oates from grade,- 'te.: grade, according to their professional su eces$. .1; Killing Poultry.; 'Messrs. Murray ilroSI have had a large-nuni,b9 cards. printed giving clirections'as :to the killingi.dressing and 'preparing of PORI. for -_ the • market. Poultry prepared - the manner deseribed by this process will - commend the highest, possible prices. e ' All Who'wisli a•eard Should call at their store.: • • Big Sale -of La,nets. •- Mr...A. MeOliaries;- .well-knew4 in- Lnekii.e.w, -has _diSposed...-of the even-. numbered' sections in six townships • of the temperance Coleny. lands to the Memionitos, Of,•Whoni*Over..20-0 young. men have beCome. of . age since..their parOnts s -Caine to -:111-aniteba thirteen . years. ago. - --..-.This is, - •:p.e.rhaps,_- the: largeSttransaction. in real iiState.that .Iiiis taken' place in Winuipegthisyear. : The, Bishop's Visit:. ,• .t. ,..... 1i . .:• - . . ..• ,911,1itirsday evening of last week, 4s Prov19:uly ahnounceAin the columns • of t11( SExiri.kia..„;.; Bishop I- B.alf1Win - of the 1)iocese of Iturdn, preaclied.,in the 4 . ) . . -St. `Peter'S 'Episcopal-- 'Church.: 'Tile' -- - - - I sermon- cloliveredr' .was eloquent and:. , . .: • :. _ i higical;.and ..:caminendecl: ;itself . to. his ° heare-rs. 'Tile "andieliOe. present. Was 1, an average 0110, -hut there 1 reaSon to ' believe had. the :announcement been • . • - .-1 Made -earner; the °Much .. would have 1) 1)een- .paoked..-- Tr.y.the S.CiggeOlon.•':.:. .. -.. -.The folloWing: sUggestion ...frOm -an rt.2 exOho,nge.sifeti id- b° acted ' on :---.-".. At " present :tlie times* are • liar'ci and there I" is not;inuon tebney in eireulation. lite, -e • ,-. . to -only- Way to make -Alien" . better is for. -'w ... .. etieh individual- •to pay; elf :his -little pA:, . bills and -se lcl.i.p.. thd inontiY i,n.eireo-- :ot lation-i-iteepit-m.oving....ifive dellars .r. pa's:this through- the • right 'hands and kept on. thei move :can" pay ho,ndred.s.. Iof indelitedOess in.a,Single mOnth. It In • is the only., . AVilY t9._ lieitp .'"tlie sitotie'r tli •ruit'lir debt for what.You: want., '11.3116 - .st') 4444.44e444.. 44.44, Saveif Army The Saved •Ariny made an assault on this village last Saturday -evening. The Meetings are., well attended and will be cdiitinued ,for all indefinite _period. ° Man' K1 lied: - As We •go to press , we -1 Sin that a .Mr,.:-.MbLeod, of the of mon and McLeod, plump* makers. of Wnighain, had i been in a . well neaiLechalsh. Particulars Will appear -in our next issue. Christmas Conc-ert. ' " .The cong,regation o Knox Presliy- terian Church intend haying -a- grand concert in the. Temperance Hall on Chrigtmas'eve; when . a . splendid- pro-. arainme of *vocal • and instrumeiiial Music, readinfrs etc' 'will be given. •Farm toiLet, • . The 4trin formerly °Coupled by r. John Stewart, just west cif -the, village and. Owned by ;IDavid. and -I :William. 'HOwters04 -will' be Jet on 7Saturday,-. tte 1-3t1i.-DeCember.' Parties interest- ed will govern themSel.V.es aemordingly.. • I .The rkets • . *heat, per 'bushel; 69e'. to 70C.; oats, 28c. ; peas, 54c. barley, .50e. ; 'potatoes, 30c. apples, perbatTel„ $1 ; flotir„$4-; pork, per curt,,,$5.40tb$5.5.0.;, hay, poi. 011,41 0....00 t4:10,. $1-3 ; wool; per .pound;;1.7e. ;- -butter, .to, 18e. eggs, per doz., 18.c.. , Art Gallery. • Mr.__ W. Mellis, the obligin press.agent and assisting post m ni the village,. has had his office] • . re -modelled-- and : "liked up". . f - • pictures, etc., so that it now pres the appearance of a regular gallei _Art. Will. is, determined to pl the public' even if he's got to let 4 . . " beard .o•ro w" to do so.. - - ei• aster Jt - - STEERAGE .PASSA FRO* LINKNow iLiverijotil,1.014t. oiv: or:Dub - • -F9R.:626.3e. : intertnediate and Passage at .01Tre posicitfigly low.prwes. •, t a -Mats ii4stwd Current.- rates. and . - be cashed free 'of (.1trarge at•the iu England, -Ireland, Scothoitli - *3The e w=:, paper Ag.meyA iff Peiiislicsi or jeniiial 1,y'orld -erspriceS-. See 17 li,t Agt Ana :Thc-C.0 . . IV. Tel. • cep :Slearne CA ERON PB I -7 UCK NO W.4 NET i .. . . . itt Reduced Rates to Suit the Tinic.s. Louis . 011 illortgage's 68 140w as 6 pt-tr (-NIA. r Notes ainl. Itiloltgages-- Bortolt 41 '" . llPite b in -Drafts and Ch quesun a .o n s as ed. Special paid Prilnipt .Xttentipn Paiii tri. tbil ' ,000 (110.10, E g: TEW: 'GOODS AnitrilNi4- 11 every da Oalt .eariy awl lave . your ick. Special reduction I made to:. • _parties *buying iflUinLerofpaii8, `41 - • II Title hhherslistRaealyet. 'headceearters for /1 r • 'f • • I • ; 10-0 CA lel 0- t'‘ Cr) teheriptitall. ; pairs 101kg boots, ON.Wg nlake • oanci. Orders- filled-- on tile, Shor.4t Try the old rtgulble befoiv urchasing elsewhere. ' 4 . t. Y. .A.11 overdue Ifottit• (10illlts' must. be paid insisted -14' tel -11\I AVHF , • awteitlyii.. .1,0;..r.z)i1,1,6:;:ci.opt.i;:fLt s Payable at Par Issued on the Cities and (fown4.of CanadA and on. of:Netes,:Acicolints, RentS, etc: the United States-Und Grektt 13ritain. 134trties ents lieinitting wiil_find Sills the Cheapest, Safest 'Y 01- . - -2 and west Conveidept- Met litikr. * • - ease _INTEREST us .• ;Now isthe Time. A laree 'number of .our sul;scribers- e have. not yet paid for this year's paper, • andmorethan a few. are still in arrears' for previous yeanS -as • well:. re; - quest all Such. to -i 1 settlemeiit. doring .presentr. month , Irri very . The -amounts taken ,Singly are but trifling, but tviien -ed- together they foot OP . to. Several hundred &liars We*lave 'sent out .nmober 'of* accounts. Which .-we.'hop- will be e Latch( Q qo at once,' - , • •-• Penitie nih fp; • before US. .tuqgnMi.mjilt. ..ey4graVing of -penhianship re-ceiVed: , FleMing; -Principal :of ;the-. $artherp. College, :.Owesi,' EnClosed • in • a ; wreath of, . . . • . • • . . of o of. the.. -pretty...pieces •pf: :Scenery .•i_. flowers _Sketph near OU14. • The .tvariety. of floirristied birds- and :quills,: scrolling,- ettering4 etc.; more than in our ftlilyl-desoribe.. Every. ne can possess: a copy Of4titheinSfilves, • 1;:y. Sending '2 three Cent 'Stamps --to Mr. to pay postage, etc, g ..)r 24- inahes•: and, haild$9111e iettire .fpr frainmg:_ - A Condescending 'John G.- Sake,. the'. Peet; .jwas-*once- le; :'editor- of. the:-'13urlington..-(V) 'e?thi.el, and on, reeeiVing a notef si3Offetided _ subscriber- ratlfer cure ems, Orderiiw'iris paper st-oPp Stit-X0! o• . rbtel:.• -- • . b ,inihsc.riliei.fti the Sentinel . bids ns','. semi. the .thing • ir` friend is riirht,-we -frankly 4nnst onntessi ith change. f resider) ce change.thesiddieSs shall besent,-if ...Charon's . haat will heij"Our,..sabseril.4;r .sare'tO get it. - - " G. S. evidently was -a :grrisping div,idual, „and. heneverWent bade oii e establiSliedi -eedf: Of rules -_. - t is, %end' the paper .to any Cliine aS._ there is any' tin7 to be . - - circulating, aiid- not hoard it up and • th last method Will ruin any. community." iva Municipal Nomination. , Su We: twist- make preparation For ,tlie day of noinitiation, - 'the -8-eCking Men of oOculation, tiO Clevpr -in their generatiOn, 'AVith both sense and educadon, itercr e And abeski the Nile temptation' I -I) Of xve indulgine• speculation - ' • - ed Or of Seeking compensation .For the. duties of -their stations teZ1)• 1 Men of noble-eniulation And with' earnest- aspiration To avoid the _degradation Worki- . Alfred Andrews.; agent of Munday School' SOciety- eonnee, With the Metliadiit-** Church,. ad..; sSect-,a large atidience.in-the,1-clihreli my'. Menday• -evening' "The - v. gentleman Wpa Considerably -aid dt.ring:his a 'la- rg. Spread:- oti t on.. illustrative Of .the scenes of oranee - and re wily '.7.• anion g the -dre that Moved the:heart: of .theanthropist, • ---,Robert . I.:"... of Ueester, to: establish -the first.' 'Sal)," i Sobool over hundred years.: ; the.- . •ditine *.ls0--;:beearne his: ing.:.iervant _ fer' each as children as: gathered., . L.6 'Art{ Containing •.the of ilk and.. AaroWs red- that bUds.104,:. phil Of goneral prostration'• O4used by liad administration, batl .Leading. to our -ruination. Men who iteti -with inOdeiation% ago •Whe _will favor light taxation to -t And the sidewalks' reparation:, And,prevent: ditapiaation man at our road -commultication tile - thp, retofthis great - the With just. appreCiation- Of our_drainage- ficia .13rWhicii. our Corporation: • .'scen A.tay be free..froni inundation. "napl ?Len who will iiveach _relation - i..-1140 their thoro':prepiiration. -- -For the -high and- noble- stitioul .4_4)040114's - iv - look, High Priest in Pontifical robes -- show bread, the priests washing , • . 'feet ere they proceeded to surf - 1 offering, and a variety of other ery its connection with the taber- e and its worship. will Nell my atoolc of seilettes IMO than - Now Is the time to get a sacette 41* es geed -as real seal mut int e • .- • • r , Five per cent. alio SaVings ark DePa for Private Parties. CArstouleita every Chartered Bank -and red t?n. ;Peposits-1 in ,Alre tnient, Yurids In vesteq• Ws -e are iirepared to offer affi:rded iequally f verable term CONVEVANOING . • In all itsTranchei. on -Fire -and Life ,tnsur- mice. Best Companies llepresentetj. - Office Hours.:Fr m 9 a m to 4 p CAMERON CAMPBELL, Luomktow. Kow to Life Lon and Die Hap iller And buy one 60hose- celebrated • WILDERMUll - SPRING BEDS, w And you will be surprised .how 'fresh ..yolt' will rise - in 9ie morning.. No • squ-eaI0, rickety, get -out -of -order kind. .Can returned if not as. repiesented, and Only $4.50 for an ordinary double 'bed. We have a lot Of .mmirmorio- t'a - !I HARNESS S.110 LucKsiow.. '$ `rr Selling at -wholesale prices, 13ty 4 Set before -the.y.lire,:allgohe. CASH- PAW roit:Eiids. AT BOOT 8i SHOE STORE' Thousaaida of dozens waited. Be sure and - extunine onr itock ot • TS ' which -We will diappite of at a.e8014.-wasptroio:.inirthies COnnfotent withfair 125 toipay 100 cents on the dollar.- - • Ur Invite you to try ourtore Or rather try onr and prices. atil yottwill,;:be eon- v.iaiidd that there it wisdom in -so - - It is very well to please the eye. but we St! ive-to pletts(4 tlo pockmt Also. A. personal examination of • -• - OurElegatitSto; tools&Shots wIll certainly'Cim vino' all 10th the blOsOst - audinost-careftil.bayere; that we are -offering GOOD.: COO -DS AT:LOW:PRICES. IMP-MITS ItA1-)E TO.ORDEk. ilicrWe will have a large took of Harm Mits of our own -snake on h nd ix. 'iamb. • • - ••• ..ear qrri 4 4 • _ Crockery and 'qrass- wate Depot. LAW ON S just re2eived a complhte Sioek of eh in China andStaritivare . t tAKFAST SETS, • DINNER SETS, I BEDTWOM SETS;-, • one and China: Parlor, room and bediooin lampgt • AMP CLASSES FOR 25= 50e. extra- Valqe in tea. .1.‘*,To 25e. ept: On the premises. Ues*Hand Basketso littarket askets. Clothes Basketzsi 41 ° - ,TtPickles by the quart or . • r -quality... • - INDS OF .GONF.ECTIIPERit ,..,-4-0 Ham,. %cost and Spiced Roll' • o„, tantly on. hand. 'INDS OF CANNED FRUITSDETC: - - • - -- Id --7-. .. A pALL SOLICITED.-- ....46-,` ..,u0KNow ESS. BEPOT . . - HatiSfvin stock the largest and hest ddur • • -• of z AND HEAVY HARPIES& ever.-:wn in Lucknow.• Special induce• znenes in 11410and, GOAT 'nos s . . orso Elnkots, etc, Mys< of Trunke, Valises, If andSatchali, ete -le how complete and includsi all trAi. - r, , . latest styles and lintkes• t As al IAM above articles were purchased-frosia the ivst makers„ and at the lowest conh f#ce 1 ant prepared toile]) as cheap :s any otherhouse in the tr‘de. on't fail to call and see uiy stock before purchasing - elsewhere. - $iiee3qt attention paidt, oreft•w• ed Harness • AP gitassinteed firet-clase. #0.).gtatfi