HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-05, Page 8I
TheIllaiden't liastet Fa
inert' thonighb wore ouand we kii3w the worst,
That tho owl of it ail was -n-104.
Three doetara, they bad from the turylrilt".
And what contd. one do but ilt* ?
Olt, WLllfam i't ehe cried, "strew to blossoms of
-. awing,
leer th” new 'apparatus ' might riot,
eay that e banditti of shavings.. you'll bring,-
. . Anti -linger to Behnio•couthuat.
' h.. 'protnico rite, lovo, hy•the• ilfethOlo you'll
Watch. - -
- -And whin mouruertt atia iitokora oat -mono,
YOU Will Ettie- MO they light itiio 101.110 isolbuktia
Blow tuatilh,
And warm Wow• agalhat-koroliouv;,
• !"It itoottli oho,or Ina" tO know, ,e1O- them} rude.
- breezea ware "
My Vein...MGM* rta to trio vote,.
That ono whom Llova will look. to tho
.auti.navo-a fona nye on tha cosi. •
*Then promiso mot love," and hot volie fainter
• grow---...- .
" While thia body Of mine oatoinea-, % •
on Avtil . mid j u a t.- a8. tom r aii you Out tOthe nee
' And g . rut any asses arise. ., i - •
"Po? ThwuPacin:-.!Str• floury -has found ,otit a
. (Of blepr-oceaa-yoteve surety liesitctoll),
And you ournlitto a,parlor tuatoh gently -aWay
Not layout hifend by- a stabil. ..
. _-_. •
*tikt 110130f tho dainty need Etniff in diadain
• Whim uty carbon floats- up in the aky;
' haul 1. aiii aiikorlovo, that you WI I .mwor nom.
- piaiti, - . - -
Thougn ans ash shouhl blow -in -your eye._ :
*Now tin:hula.° 1hVo"--autt. murnuire
Whoa thOoitilotfloation is Wert •
U W411 tti by toy gravo in the. _taVtIght tilt/Irv-
/noun by tho banana door. - •
Yea, proinissmo, lo-ve, whit() the- seasons
• ravolto. • - .
ttit tittur nolaeleae- axle* the year -
You it visit thn kiln wlitire you Saw me
zityVOor ashes with: t3art." -- •
al GOLD.
40.110111010. : . - .
toicalustana lotessuosi to Show silo -Mum%
° moils tttOnith Ot tlt0 MOO:et hi-Saiii: . •
ilovi that Vanderbilt, the:git of 'Fifth
Atentii, lets - tnado, another to lutti the
paperes ; urging bit fellow-oktitalist* to
redo° • ten wawaof thtir Vorkteittatinf
, whio. Mt says aro so- high sis -to. ruin tint
* oottutry, 'We again bring to notice the hot
1 wilion wo tllustrated.- in Nevehtbor of lt
.ynat),writss Sohn !Swinton in 1114 paper, that
- tIlla- Stitrfa Vailiderblit himooll itt wortn two.
.. twudred million* of dollatit-Or„ 'in au
7' array a filturtsi. 1200,000,009—of which
'--.ah6tit 040-.000i0.00 _aid to , Uoited Samos
-heath's that Can be turned 1 AO gold al . -any
- MOMVIIIV Sii, the; sub treasury 16 -tbi 4' atty.,
*pti. tho rest in.. stothe and bonds whicli ho.
often putt -100e par-r!alllookcd up in his
• great iron: vault inVorty•second etroott...the.
Atretit•or.tittrt ot h ft made "• Pitt . of Ale: prii•
. (tubers ot_the tiaiteklittatetwit.'.-tin the Inuit
Ali -teen. years. ,- . • • • .
To ordinary ni' Ind; Oen gotno: tort --of
motion of omen it stuptindou* Oita:kid _of
gold Aka 0000.00a,0001 . zoo; ,it. ioto it
;pyramid of ilgy.pts what it Monument it
Would itutko, in We- deaort for its owner t
pi pat tt intoan obolisk over his tomb, the
steno column in . our park would leek. ilk°
te. pliptly ;OA giant. •• -.. . -:.
. Vatidotbiltitt.papital . of gab/ is greater
than all the gold. Unto- watt in the._ World.
- cottquorltig home, in the &fatting poin Of
Auguatino Catsar, • a - • . ,
it- is a, gveater CUM tilt Wholo•arnount-of
gold and Laver there:watt_ in to civiiiked
• world- in 14118, at the time- of .titt disattery
.. of Atneritia„ when
acoording to Pref. Now.
' herryothere, Were btititetu $150,000'1000 •and
.8000,000,000, . . •- . ' .- ..
• It at motet:than the entire prodnot for the.
•pait hundred, year8- of tho great gold mine*
' • Of the Catt.iet Rtissia.. -• - _. • - -
• - It ismore than the whole product for two
yeerif of• -all thegold miuos.of tht; wotld. -
It is. -nearly twitoi. as much_ :as sit the
• preeioutt 1146tall priduced thus far in -the
ttill and Nitwit- bearing Slate of Colorado,
- • It iti. &hong oqiial to the total produot of
411.the gold --mines Of gal1-for/1N duriug the
-toue yearti- from 184ti to. 184, when - Mr,
- Oliovalier dreaded: lest the deluge of geld
• •*-011;te0d overturn -the -world.
TO, tibt tuid to,:.gito; -Remo rie_tfon of the,
give -anti -tee of our, giant)* capitalIn gold,
bora I. otand hi. tho Vaints of the hub.-
Op:A*0y -of the Unittd States, faastileglity
• Wisp:pop. this 1todi6latte BUM 0/ 0)0146y in.
• • el4u, , i WOn*5 say it 18 itit. goll • thatglit.
tors here, tfit tt1ere iii- it bagatelle: of.-tnirty.
:add totftienk in silver but there are
81i00. 00a.000- in . coins aud gold cola. "by a
, '
'• largo. tuttioritip." As I itemi before it and -
Sod myeelt'able to look uponit at. mut fell
swoop, queer thoughts'. ;wimp through my
. ,braiia hat bquatilronut. of light cavalry ratty.
' Mg to tholortf, as it worth What * teem-
ing aubjecitto think of 1 -••• - •• .• .-..
' The goldlit paoked. in,stettli ettuVws bags,
li6.000 te ttf-ba& and,: as- I pais a golden
- uttneuti.gatherit about emit bags the noway
•'ideally rtRoiving tburno1vus luto one graud
aureola, •enoircling tioti. - otatirot, collection,.
tMd. paliug the saa.lighte in he vault*,
.0pla„ 'briabt.yellow gold! Ant;I:t wor=-Iiun.
(ire d .....-voillions.-,of- dollarttort-b---of.—
•. e00,000 victim dollar coint 1. or
tiu, 00,sitia-que4ter **Mewl or .
. 40,000,000- nett eegleat or
- 20 000.000 Caeca 1 -or
•10,000,0O0 double eagles; t• -
Beavtivicand earth, and- anomie*. that itte.
kla die earths:guar-din bet pr adieus. metals,-
* what oould a mortal do, and 'what could ho
• not do, with -.this treniondoue - &menial): -Of
gold? 'Cart you take in with. your mind's
two this array ef dollares and -bold thtim te
view while. you -tieunt theta., say at the rate
of tixty it minute t YOU caul, .-if your. Stays
it4pewett Will enable. you to bold out fot
- . .. . ; - • • -
- etx years four mouths and live.. days.: The
o bektway to de- it -it to spread- them out
*boa ttgtaystoned tillys.' midway -between.
• ' the horinott .and zonitlis ant . begin your
' coUntf' he -north. p tile, twinging eattt
1e4) t
ward r the age. - . - - • •
= Lay. -oui in it lino edges tOuching ; then-
- . pick up it hundred, one. itt it time, pile them
- ou to of the fast one, aud then go for and
- - POMO: batik with: the Rootlet hdiodred; and
" -let on through tho tucoosidve.thundrede i
• howiting.cOul-d you light it out i.t thatilue.
St. iiit—itidhow many Mi. ,le • Irc" tt
- ,wbielt *would reach from q York to
' - Lo
travel btfore• you gathered. tht 4"in—the.
.4200,000.0M , '
. - 240,000,000 'dollars in gold; 1 -mit
. . — ..,-.
850 to of gold i Or -
- 700 000•Pounds of golds bt . _- - .
11,200,000 Ounces (avoirdupois Of gold 1
. .: Ilow many freight bars would be required
- to civry tbie gold tTin you'll say at it
But etop ; -tin tone is about the
• =tat= weight- that it certied by it freight
oar I oonsequently„ at that allowances- we
should lasittit *vain Of titittrAtt,- tIttglit .
„ ...-..-
care; . and .w_hat it trsin:for 7 the:Alai-bars-Of
the ;westto loot.. -. • „. • - -
• How many- licensed' *enders"- - :horses
Would be required 'to- draw this -ratupendout
weightof gold? -Well, suppose. - you - say.
fourteen hundreds-, allowing ieqiiatter-• of
ton to eachit liberal allowances too, • 1--
•- How many itiumbos." would it .take to
dzaw .thie aniont of gold from the sub.treurt? Well... there - are. Jumbte and
jamitom.-- Of the African Or Indian variety,
severity could walk off with it, .giving- five
tone to aeon-. And what itehrivt 'they would
taake.--aeverity,jumboe. '
;Tutu the gold-WM golden uleagles"-74.1.0
coins -.lay them hi it °kale, edgestenoning,'
what would be the oiro.umfiarence :of that
chole, aud ho* long would it take Mud 8.
to swieg. around it at the. rate Of :2.10- to
tha milt? Aietwering. the - latter pert
of' this* interrogatory' first," you say ata
j mei:1p ,stx iniuntos and .thirty tiecends. -You
iire?:- IX your . base; for it would be it ring
Over three burid.red miles. in Oirouniftrenties
and Maud S., speeding at:the:rate of 210,
mile: after mites toteuldnot passuuder the
"string," at- the °occlusion :Of' -this mott
.tiltraottliriaryheat, until the expiration of
twelve .hourit and .. forty •. minutes, Yes,
readers. Maud f3.01-ay.Eye•8ee-; (*.any other
..phenomentil soh, and ()Very
. male at 2-10-7would be twelve hours 'and-
fotty.rnieutts owhiging round thie • golden
oirole..-.• pould.gtve you tho choumferenoe.
of this circle, but it Will only be it:phi-saute
to :you to itguri ouo. the-diatance to be
travelltd. '• - -
- •
To sWitoh off- again,. Two_‘•hunared mIl
Holm 01 gold, run intoitsqoat° bar a•-- foo
thicktisaid • bar would be abouthow ltiugs do
you. think? 7 Otte hundred feets.elt? Welt,
Wend you would get badlyleft-, ifyou sold
ulietght unseen!! for it - 300 -loot
Iet by 050 f'Peet, or 090,658,000. • " • • .--
To shotilder• this remeudotie bar of •gold
ad take it up to your reHlden�e on- Foftn-
alieuues beet -matey meal -woultitatiequiced;
good for *100 pounds eio1144n6re thitit.the
aterege man would °artyfor any con.
thierettle • distionael _ Seven thone.ands.
reader 1 What it proomaiou "bey would
Make, inarohing loek.step. .Stop *it jeer
mantra. to me that no Morellian 000 ;mon.
Ould-potaibly mit their snoulders-to tbit
foot-natal/550, ifecW bar .ot gold, _walking
neverfso chisel and.. that -_number opuldu"c.
:beide to tale° it faint the.groutd.. • -In that
. shapes.withotttrt 1 lures,- It would take seven-
. Umiak sevtuty "Jumbos" to drag it along,.
So lotit he there, It *nibs -Nate,
•ritty men, standing :on -Park Re*, and
glviegthe.d.ollars owey:,at therate-of 81,000
it day, would have to otand ',that .-etevon_
yoars befote.-; their work w -as dip°. •-This,
.nowevar, Auld "-be..; an -tatter Joh.- -.Fifty
mon olevoit year giving away.'" $2,000,000,
!at the rate, in tho eggregate, 01450,000-a
TWO. Madrid dolleri 1 What it
valuo,. of gold it would tasks: for Vattilor.-
bilt hi Fifth avenue, for Whioh his present
palace- mightbe the-owl:bunker.- - • . -
Vanderblit'ilovtit woleht is •-• an atom 'it
Attnparison with- thie850 tout of gold. -
With it he couldbut up and. On: all the
131& deny:and weakly nowspapere in the:
United Stateot-ranning them to :suit-ltier.
self iie it Manufitoturer-of pttblittopinien on.
,a_tigentio Ode, .•--• .: .•-•
Ttrith it Ititoo.uld pay the year's alitrY of
all thb 0.51000 tiergyuien of all tho • pulpits
Of every soot in the country, giving @why
ono of theui Over 88,000 it you_ , whitik•ie
live times -as tough *e.most of nista got.
Withrit ho Ould egive- it Still greater
annuai ret saner to every one of '. the - 04,000
lawyer* in the laud, atid get them to arguo
fee: anything. Whatever.- -*
W&oi.it be °quid :rabic- an. &Tiny. °COO „000
tnon aud keep With- itt th.e Ifield for it year
it an eipenae. of. 0200 •;a bead, Whitt- is
About the costa :aloidter .iu lteantarokti.
_Goitinan..fithly; • \ • • , •• -
What it theme 1 • It le too teeming.
-Two Wind:red itiationa of &Alert in gold.'
It is Nat the liziof- yOnr piles isn't Mr.-
Veindorbilt ? " • -- • • - •
. -
• A Vlsoroue stutoper.
gouty Ward'Beecihtr has been stumping
ha. the Presideetial oampaignior Cleveland;
and be .6 truck tight out horn, the shoulder.
notelet it speolMen: "Lot la . talk about
bier sild Ur: Beeoher. • " When Jamii
-G. Buthie Raid be had not- bought 1180.000
worth of stook in the Little -Rook & Fort
Sahli Railros.d let told, not it professional
lids butit persona lie: (Loud -oheere.)
Whoni he doolared that he . did not Own
ift1.5,000 wmthof laud la the- Hooking. _Tab
ley he told it lie that could stand -and walk
*tont, and so in the Fort Soon -affairs and
tho 880,0,000; Blaine is it brilliant liar, and
if ever there is it . oompotition in 'lying lid
will carry off the prizo. : (Clitere and laugh.
tea.) ,In feats. he 4s a- aoustitational, .edu.
otited and national liar." - And then in
dealing witk Mr. Joyi it prominitiat .railway
Mau whom Bomber deo-ferias le lying to
sum Blaine'l reputation, . (Btooher)
ed t- 91' The advantage waloh i expected
from your donial °au last but it day or two,
but tho lie 'Will endure. forever; it will abidtt
with.youi folloitt You home!, dwell in- your
unwary, be preeout in your oldagar stand
by your uo» ti and -Mat yOtt in WWI jag,
moult day 1. May 71. who found it way to
forgive lying Peter forgive you and havo.
mercy ozu your soul lu that awful day 1" _
. changed Hie Blind About .1licy.
.41. I eh11 never cialion Mrs. Smith again," -
said KM X011011i 0! I: never wont tosee.her
soy More." . -
You *min are vett! .foolieb to quarrel
over trifles," aaid Mr. 3611OL °I Mei. Smith
is a very -pleasant various- a little talkative,
povhaps, but Otto. the whole it very esti.°
tootle woman. " You shouldn't attach any
importance- tc.what she Opt.- What.-7as
tho trouble ?"--* • "• , - .
Sho-eeid you:woren't -.Very prompt lit
paying your debti.ti. •• •
Well, by -thunder 1"; shouted- :otos
lumping tohie feet,_ I !Wand -give - 425 if
shit -were *man for just. ten. minutee.!L.
New York Star.: ,
Titit -designer of the- litet Oonfederate
battle-flagwes Colonel Walton, Of
aria, . who 'patented it . to ...*;:General
Beauregard, vrbO in tnrit "'submitted it to
Goleta Joe Johnston, Who Caused 10 00 be -
adopted: by the- Confederate 'army. It was
a Greek cress of blue on it red field, withwbite stare on the -blue bare. At the bat.
Ile of Ball Run the Stars and Bars Wert
found to,be too much like .the .Stare - and
Stripes, and causedireat -.confusion among
the hostile:forces. It was far thle titia011
that General Johnston -took measures .to
haVe a new beittle4lag.
- cLitis_ditelAte.
- • .7
Thrailr0 'Aside • Ills Dots, le - tend -Boars
Wrong' AL'ostimony. to ilte Trittk
. • • ' ... • • • "
- (London Advettitet ).- -
-- Skeptioism ilk -it:deplorable things::eopeol
allywhen it leaves the -mind on it .;stortny
Bea NetthOnt: an - obi:nor'* ;hope of baton.
oda not -prOb.tbly.., prevail any more in
86-daya than- it did inf the past,: but we
heir inoiq- of it beoeuoe Of th6-:publioity
given.' by the -ReOular ;pros*, Some mindo
-ate.'so oouitituted that they; cannot, itooept
anything Without proof, And yet - they do
not neuesoarlly,dtmandthat the proof thitil
-nave the Otanip -of highest authority. _•Tliey
tereignize -. plitlit+ for itself ,-..tand ' aboept it
‘glathys ":.11nottitig . that - eventually- it Minot
gain- general rem:ignition. • The- legal' and.
.. ; .
midicel pi.o-Wco. a a i toltie the edoleth 2.
-tuatara slow 00 adept What may,-;:oondiot
with htitrnotions of sialtinterest ant right.
- - - ; ., .- -
Now: :ideas- are -* alma _always. dieturbiegs
but -eventually- they becOtne'aositeilated'and
are tv-armly commended. ' - • •;- .:: • ' .• .
The -case of the Bo.. George Waterman,
a talented - '01 -orgy -Man -of- •Iter-v4ii - Igidge,
BroadstOnitt-Winbotne, Ent, 8400s -these
observations. •_ He got into:it-desperate- con-
dition, whiob-- thoroughly : niiiittiad. bit& for
mitiliatelial Viotli, His-.ntinds tyttipithissing
Witithit body, beiianie very Mitotildepretaed.
As the mind isekto the thou•gliti - are. He
tipsily. put -himself tinder - tbe.aate• Of the
beatliondon ppedialists, tor OVeral yeare
he pursued the, ever" fleeting Lphantoni,' but
at 18110h -00y told h nabi 0 ogee was beyond_
amendment.. Stilt-- tore I teoroughly-de
pressed, he grevi;skepticallitta degtee. and.
believed hiniself.doonied.-• ; i --. -
Ittovid44atielly, 'hop/ever,: •ne had •-•'111-0
-attention drawnIt to it Widely.reptited miasma
efrettotation in- - Oeses- like 'his ;•osen. -:' -He
-reituitantly.*:begatit his use. :: Every forw.
weeks he had obeittiotti.analysinii.nitide, and-.
Adding -mins -Dint imeroVements . he 'eagerty
persevered, and .:synen twOuttioixbettlos.
had bebilitisod, the,analygli !•repot bet: "" No:
taloa. of .iiiither,;:albuntion Or iel.'gar by. the
severest WO." 7 ' In. „ Other. •words,- he
-lila -had:, Iltighttrditease of the. kidneyi.
exolaime - with reptiles,- " I was .ottred,".
That was in.1800; and frout•the day -be;,. put
aside . hie kittpoloiem at the Mae- of an
..thiatithatislid • reedy
m -until .today ; he has
. . • _ . . _ . . .
been- ationg., and woll in - body thod mind,
and contrary- to the holed* of -Iiis --mtdioal
Weeds:has:bed-no relipoth It le bolt fair
to remetk, - though it tatty' be -Airmail& for
petters °Mitt:tally to do Hos. that :Warner%
safe- care is the reutedY.'whibh :saved 'Xr,
Wattrautii's, Mos: towbiaii he heart willing
tettlinditY.-, And. when we Roo it .pnbliolt
eudoissd by "Huoli einintut ..:Pertone ; of
quality -as the Right Rev. -13ishOp Edward
Wilton, the Rev. - W. S. ;Henderson,- of
PtesOott,. Madanitt Saiiiten;Dolbyt the-
renowncd-- Mini° :tesolter of -:Ltitdon, Dr.
-DIO 7,4ewia, the faMousAititrioan higienitt,
•the Itiev.'Dr,.•SqUirrell- of Busby, .Eog.s7" the-
- ReV. D. A. -.Browns-:: of.:-;AUltstille,_Mr.
--Arthtir AUguitOf-Montreals- Captalu. W. H.:
Niaboleitof llamilttits that -Roy. Pt; B. :O.
Sowerbyt.of gelentburg, N. a-, --the ROW
AMOR. Brierly,•,- MT A.„ . CiOngleton, Rats
the Hon. -:Geo. Taylor, • Of: -tee.; glob*, and
Others quint. weli.known, :We i -unheeitat.
ingly, aciiiiniendit to; the" favor - .tif otir
readers.' , - -- = i • • - •
_ . . . .
• 0,
'ThyNtonuseh sind *ntectron.
, - 4 " •
.It bee bong boonitPoplar - belief that a
Waiolier With *fulliatotneon wau--oizipara.
tiveltsafeiti the laiok--i_rootia, and- that -cittit
exposette infootion wititaiiiimptystornaqh
wt,s tn. Oat ditoger. cif .taking it, • oityt "the-
-roiled :colittatifon. *Lewis ..- -the..
results -ef aottimulated:•: etputienoe, are
kulittantially trne. Soiebte, attlepts- and
.explatett them. 48 We 44ve bad- ocositlan-
repo Medi y• to say, want infoOtiotts, itealeik.
ere -det to -bacteria—mica:oh oopio pliutts
reetived into the • ot ete ai .with . the -.breath,
food. Of drink. •• Cholera la fetted to - beduo
:to it mod of baeterie .oee -whose- oliat•
aetetistiot is that ley penetrate :id.seply
inte thecoats of. the iotettinet thus, dents.
lea% .prodnitieg More deatritteeife disoigani ,
attlen: and bting • net -so •letiltily • reached
with" remodiesi oitu be :readily
destroyed by vsilets adidos..•proVided tney
°in- bo tektite,. -.Nows..when Abets diseases,
aro prevailia.4t.tbousends.-.0 persons -May
tako the baateria into .- tholt. syttents Wink
entire gaiety,: ;What is the:explanation?' It.
is -that --;goggested - above.". ..A • vigorous
tateuta•oh, itt it state ot itatiVityt- digests
Worn as al it :does larger ;Vegetables.
: Tho gastric juice itiaelf is emitrand 10 • thus
.delitructite to .their life.. -gceiltes: :since:an
-Ilgtpty .stomuch- doos...not- jacotete gastrio
Polo, itallowthe' bacteria:: to -.past on
imhertuectto the: alkaline .potttou of the
lutUStino.• . .. - H ;
• . ClOthiUg•- }.
Hygleniets hive.. 'pritiatid Atom •, time.
iminentorial the • nee. of Woollen•-olothtnii
next - the,: .skitt. Peof. _Jaeger's.. -novel:
depatteire; -Outlets lir advo0iiithig thtirmigh.
plug ute Of WOoLea-wellae Floe, ,the • outer
as for . the' -under. *4n:tette, for -.the-i bet.
dipgs: and evon for furniture as far; *al
.pritetiOeble. Jaeger expietitlyirejeOts. the-
uae ot Wool next.the skin .tiniftelt-- the outer. -
helium% are likewise of Wciol. ••-jaeger.
gous eofar an tO-atiy.that.a • mai Who, wears
it woollen liuderthirt and eibove. that a
linen -shirt becomes more tountitte and it
latticed rather Alban' -benefited,- [being More
-liable to *tea** cold," than-- he who ustie
cot n _underhirt. ljeegetiasolantlflo
arise ate otiginal. ,•• .-:!Whether'.-they*
are,true; is Open to intelligent disoutnont•
Stattdin aajetv Words* ipoitiblet Jaeger's
disoot,ery; besod . on.- approxiMately exact
:vegetable *tisane (oOtttin,
physiological lerjrneuts, :is AO( _That
-hygienieelly ,un - for -Use,- -mid.: ;mitt - be
Wholly and -altogether disearded.-i-lieetet,
Tree:trip, ; • ' -".
• . .
:Ue Was Mietitkon.'
- - '
-.Denver passing yotir,
bowie -last' evenings"- ;he • weiatt- ou, -I,' and.
stood at the gatit for & moment; to hear you
play.. II think retire improving -.4 any
iinproventent it . -postibler he - added,
politely.- •It Mot evening?" i-alte "..asked.
"-Tett:About .1.-Tou ate mis-
taken. I Woo .at tho opera .1.1att evening,":
.s'A said in it *trained Voice, as the accepted
au• invitation to. d•1100 frten . another
•gentlenian.'. ," _It was the man I tuning • the
piano .yowheardt.". :
• , • - • . • • ,t-tirit, . • •
zoo Eitel, Of Georgia,1 WO ab011ehed
praelice:. Of ' itirinuwiniessee and
Ohne. to kiu haibis when they :••are
sworn.. • • -
- •
dts Knee oiagered: 99
With every disease imaginable for the
last thtei years. Our ' - .
Druggist, --1". J. Anderson, reaommendiog
- • "Hop Bitters" to nte, • --
I used two bottles . • ,
Am entirely cured, and - heartily reoom.
mend Hop Bitters to. every onet.: j. D.
_Walker, Baoliner,, Mo. • . • -
I write this as a ,
yoTuroknenopo.t tbs. great appreo.latibil,I1r0 °I
*•-*- • Bitters: 1 was sieteted
With inflammatory rheumatism! LI
Ihr nearly • - •-•
Seven years, and no .. mediaine seemed' to
do me .any 1
Good 1
ennui .1 tried two bottle --
s of your :Hop
Bitter.% and to my surpride I . itm. as well
to.dav-as over 1 was. I tope • . •
"You may have ablindant•suooesit"
" In this great and"
Valuable edioine : ••
Anyone 1 . .withing to know More
about my euro?
. Can learn by addressing me, E. M.
Wil1iuina1 1108 16ti • street; Washingtoul",.
D. 0, •
•11.111"..M111".."1"11..6"MIMII. '7'1".M°.11"1111"1"..111.4r
consider Yber
Remedy the bedrren.aedyin eidstenee
pot iiidigostioe, kidney - • •
And itervons-d—
debility. r,hii°47-Taulsittie
Returned. . - • .
"Front tbe South 'in it fruitless sear&
for.health, and find that your Bitters- are
-doing :the more •
Good 1,
Than anything else.; • •
A-menth ago Lweet extremely
iatedl 1 1 . , ,
smuttily:, able t� Walk. Now I am
134410$1 otrength 1 and ,
Muhl " • • _
• And hikrali? it day passes but whtit I am.
- - • • e. e * * •
. • •
ooniplimented oit tity improved •appeatanoes •
and it is all due to Hop
Bitters 1 • 3.. Wioltlifft.Jseitioni
' --.;Witmington Delo
.JarNone genuine without a bunch of green
•Hons. on the white label. - Shun . all the vile,
poisonous 'stuff with Mamie' or _RON" in their
nein' • - . -
many as 8.1ty: wIld geese and ,thicke
*have-:•niet their fate in the blaze of -a gas
-well near- Pittsburg.: light -of :the -
:matting. gett: detudel the pOor birds; and
they ity_ luta the blaze. The heat • in so
intense that not even :a °hatred bane -is lett.
pi is truly wonderful to see how the
name •Of Mre, Pinkham is a household
word among the wife!) and -motherit Of our
land.. Alike in the hixtitious _homes- of our
great cities and in the 'higable obins of the
remote frontier -one- woman's deedit have
borne their kindly frUit in health for others,
To DOn Antonia de Mendoza, Viaeroy
Mexico, the honor 10•0211 to belong of estab-
habit* the drat printing taloa, in Amerioa.
The Atilt printer was ;nail Pablos,
• "-What we learn- with pleasure we never
forget."—Alfred.,Merekr. • The following ia
a case in point: "I paid .-outrhundrecle•of
dollen without reoeiviug eny benefit," says
•Mrt; Bratily Rhoads,. of MoBrides, Mich..
"1 had female complain:tit .eimeoially,
draggietdown,' for over six years. Dr.
It, V. -Plumes -I Fitrorite Presoription' did
me more _goad than any medicine / eve
took. .1 advise -every sicik lady to takelb."
And to . do we. It neverdisappoints- its
patrone. .-Dtuggists sell ib.
Mr. Gladstone, during lila -past and
preeentpremie'rship, hat disposed of the
Huglitin primaot and of sixteen Boglish
-biseopripts ei well nit .-cif - eigntsen ,English
deauerlett besides many °enmities and'
livings. • - I . •
Fite. Tumors .
however large, speedily and • painlessly
oured without knife, oaustiit or salve.. Send
six- cents in fitateps forpamphlet, refer -
Otos and reply. -:_ World's Dispensary
Medioial- Animals:thin, . Main. -Street,
'Buffalo, N. T.-
An Ohiciferm sr shut a hog into it hole fir
hie' haystack by,.. Mistake,and just thirty-
three days later the hog °am° Outten the
other :side, -.eighty . pounds *lighter and it
world whet.
; -
1- -
Stranger than -Fiction
are the reoorda of Borne of the aurae of °on;
.sumption.effeoted- by that most -wonderful
rentedy,—Dr. _Planate "Golden . Medical
Discovery."' Thousands . of- -grateful° men
imd*omen. ,who have -been —snatohed
almast from the very jaws -of death, on
tistifyi tbeit* tiOnsumption, in hi early
stages,- is no longer inOurable. --The Vie.
()ovary ; has •- no equal as a peotoral and
alterative, and the - Meat obstinate afteo;
nous of the throat :and lungs yield to
power, All -druggists.. • - • -
The Lancet Matra that some „families in
Lesignan, FenOli have shown symptoms
of -•poisoning which . were PrOVed--' 110 -lave
been 'caused by :,*tting: salads :from
vineyardstreated with ohm/deal productswhieb had been - employed, . against the
phyllOXera. - - °
_ 1.11; saved My Wile's
This is the report of. it Princess MAO
gentleman who had the '.opportunity & few
nights mince -Of tetting:Polson's Mammal,
thegreat pain Parc-, Be prepared for -any
emergency by having a bottle of Nerving,
at hand.* - •It only Oats 10 oents. toted it„ as
you can buy tett bottleo-at any drug store.
Gat *10 or 05 cent Wattle today. - Sure in
rheumatism, • neuralgia, cramps, .00liat
headaatie. Nerviline, the sure pop pain
euro. All druggisto,_05 cents a bottle.
The New York Medical rettune Osalle
attention- to, the _ fiat that einoe the pro-
duction Of; 'cider -in New --.Eoglaild". had
almott ceased, there has been a "marked
increase In rheumatism and otone. Euro-.
peat 7servere have• milled attention tO-
Similar labia abroad. - Mr. Dumont, While:
ettamin ng -- the eteatiotiae ef it ' hospital itt
Notniand,y, found- , that • in fifty!nine
yeate Only four ; oases of .atone had been-
idniitted. Thetordinaty beverage in•Niit
noidy is Glass,
- .: 10tilleo : ipylse, .111i4C ; .
. •
.11.- Will -01;i0agiOn YOU - atif,V7' OE' CI to 4E10
,•,,•.0 '
that many ladieemake A &nee Of using -
the razor. • itevegthelest it tit',;41iteral blot. _
As Many brothoittand hi:what:4*nm testify.
Why should ; it :he :- considerei.:.: unwomanly.
to luso ;-it razor, ospeoially tf„.; ehave down
treitbletome i -inittst The ; illy . reason.
.brighter era Ilse ditwned iipa;i. '',1;140 suireierli
against the:praoties is beoatt,-,-Onew and it
from Corn's,- for -Putnam's 1.4,0cle8s Corn ,
atraotor, by its prompt, .ciatt*_a-nd pain- -
lest action,- hae.doneaway wt4thi• neon.:
Bit)' of . resorting to the danCottiR pratitio
of utingthe razor. Try PuttiM's and be
satisfiedthat it is the best 644pareet aors
ou 'e. Beware .ot iniitations- '-! - • - • .
't,v 'il -
•. ;
16 Lewis is probably „-itOtegue .Witb
Co . Sellers. ; He deolare,s .t11.7;titrnipe are*
the best food potpie cen eat'elf• .
., - *7
A Chhi-etel. dootor at•ViotOgia., -B..0., is ,
reportedhave • hate - .a000mtitened Immo ,
-remarkable-aurae -upen whirsit''-' Dun - who .
were given -Op as 1nourable by sitbe tioulty
of yiotitriat ' -i,
Aii. 4****ememenotot
si i* •ii- • ,,..* *ot * . * • •-* * it,. , .. 0 ...
I i - - - - ••• - '7-- - e
• ot • •
a- -
• .
.. 1:-•-
‘ . .
is •
• i
l•• AS
. WI
i : 0. •
0 ,
* ..
-41 *0 *
0 4 ik• . • 0 :18. A PbSITIVE C * 4; lk:**
* ::: mmoomemoommoroomer,,,tii-Oi. . .44. .
..17. * all- of these_ Poinral Otifsgpininto and-
•itir:a"lx.rozerimAtte. et; rO0OrnrinciltiOnoO
ril.A04714,:1141t :
L..- _. - • ,ti
, * 7 WILL•OTTIMI EsTuTITLY TITI wo.fill von* Or
M ' V COMriAibITTIA .ALL- OvetuAtk ',',fitounr.as,
ri4maiwri01 On ur.omiknow; 1,4,i,T,,nvo AND
smoirevon .Tail coxaszauz.ip2tN.,.-,:4 ,...,fr.:iu'x
E a, AND 18 rlrtrARLr41;f41D TO ..i4T
virar4ticniosttrozolgt llNyonliptOstiltaliOntpi4tna..... .18: * 44
. ,___ _A,....,- }.
*T* IIEMOVES paarrnagi, PbAirwptitlIf.; 11118=071111 •
A14,, ORAVINa ion irrutraparrs, otraftgzvus WEAK
Niiil or Tun Ellioucti.. IT CUM= ettootee, 11
ACi/E, Nnnvavs.PItOSTRATX0*,- GEi.,; Anita DEBILIWT.
DikuissiON AND-INDIOESTION. -4,-. . * - * 41
Passel •
159WRioiyinot %
we Em*llTTPoliii•Li2iBOAcOKAT Be.Ens, vilovutioannalt. .
' °0:01)ElitlY. IAIOT: .1:1711.4:/dONYA!rDW*ITTI.; fti.fifix,'TA. *waallICUi"lipor.. . '
- GOIVIIIIN T1IM'YEMA1-2 aTaTEM. iiiii:P ' * - w 46
4.4t. fier.tuNITG8-0.Prtin. Drogu2143.A81400LET41.1;7117:iVoliLlpGAmirita,, hoTtr . .
TIAN :IT DTTE$ Ann:CLAIMS TO 1,-4;1110118A2qITS OP
LAii„ IE.!! 04-14 OILAPLYTESTIPMe 11A4 * -
1, witiEllu.SEE.MpTiNticiuMS itiriMZ.DIFET a ISEIra's.jr.rtodriposzpum). Ili : .
1 • .: ,-.
*. , Pon Taal wits) - osi KIDNEt ,;,,gOMpLAINTS us
prepared" at 1,„*n, Mau. Price *1.1-11)v.hettles for-gs,
sofa by ail fitiaggtota.,i Beat byuktil, ivi.f4tro paid, th tor*
°flint -or Lostme onreceiOt of 0,„0:.1 0,a above. Kra
Plitichainis fiGnino to:Health* Willitritailea tree tow"
Laiiy senciing- Stamm: _ Lettere eoun.tiO.F:Viy. , .„ answer**
:* No &batty_ Amid be without Vit4f . . I, -,4IMIA1-.
LI It PILL& 1Thy ours Conetipat. • 1Illounosaaral
phlity of the Liver: 23 omits per?,kt• ', r ,w
'• -.,' KW cre,/ IA: 40"1
. ,
, - .
. . .
EL t
ate -of iodine •
. • _ aiktnrgunrciehitfioreo
As1/$1,-.1k., and all die-
eatos of the Throat and•punee—M,4, Coomuinp•
slop, takekin mum. Itwilf/14c4k up a coati--
at cues; It tape IlIn OtMot.1.14'liviirsitclnrot
A few inhalatwns will oorroot 11:34•Moat Mien-
eiVe Bralp14- It may he perri4-2A4 handily as
a pan knife- and is always ready. f -
This ii.-tbe only inimier n' 'c1 by •physi •
oi.pas of every school, and lorsed by tne '
stOudard iordicol journatil ho world. All
*stmt.* in tile rearwet aro ar,qt..i worthless
euh,ititutes or trausinient inpions.• Over
490,000 in use. - ;Lk.
. Bold by awn rou.gghlmettsTfRor 110.fie ymall *125.
.3ffaIo, NT.
. t •
P,P01:4.)* • 1
r OTRO-TOLTAIO BELT and ritl‘:6",' t.4111:'• 1.1)11t4211t. le .
LA 1 APPLIANCES *we Sent 011 SO i'? -k;- WI' l'Zial TO
1)ml .1:10.0NmLiY.IsilTROvror: DOcRamOittp,.,.. ,.i4!i ti411avITFtliffuner-,
WANTING WEAKNESSES, Rad all tbOA . menseti of a
.PE SONAI; RATURE,_---resulting ir0-40 .4111/61S.8 .alld
Pa i phlet.tree,- Address • '
OT an °Awn& sposuy rad .441 complete
ft* ration: to ITEALTa; V10011, i IllANHOOR '
GU HANTERIk End '-.1:1t 0/100 1 illaStratid
.Vo till° Belt Co,, ItEirs1 ,,...-Iliblii
OfilutRaii0i Dives- -1111RIL! Betook
151 Main St., Buffalo,4A
N. Y. l'.44 Men anti .
hly prepared fkAbosinessi at
horn& Bookkeeping, Business rotgas, Pennnan
shiPiArithmeio and Shorthand, 7,,f'...-01;iffiht by
NOITN111: MIN l-inlik,mail.
BOMA for dro lam 1- ' '. 4 - -•
. '' 1112 VOLTALIO BELT Co.,_ of Z4agaball, Mich.
, 4,',.„..........6
-r 0,,,... -..
offer to send th. eireelebraten stitimito-vorerarao
BELT and other ELECTRIC APPI44140128 OU ME
for thirty days,. to- men (young mold) aimed
with nervoutdebfitV, loss of viWity and -man. '
hood, and all hindrod iwoublee. i'Atto tor ring
maidems neuralgia, -paralysis: -ait V tam 'other
diseases. Complete restoration fg-it•althi viga
and mathocidlguaranteed: No ett,ros mourred
as-tiairtydaystrial- is allowed.. W..,t., *on . -
oil" for illustrated pamphlet freit_.;,74 . .
. - ErEillit, AND -17-14047: . .
B. GB. IITERBONiiiii. a:Pe
.. ,
-8. an raliatUret oi *GSME. '.-.# bind Throat
Ttyity Medi* College, Torentt_iii ;Waists n -
Au t to the' Toronto General 4-OlPitole- it .
OBlopitelHoit Asusioonnetantemaotysia nt o node,i,e.grLaimdot •
Tbrciat and Bar Hoepital; 81T1 '1(rell Olivet
Toronto. . Artileial Human Eiw .
OMEsoTbor,„. b and prititi. -
cal tction- given-
' by mail in Book -k0.;10.14, Business
11YorMs, Arithmetic, Shorthand, etk:,-;'-'Terzaa re.
sonable..- Bend stamps for PAMIII.I.r-AT to 00R-
BEI8PONI)BNOB BlisitiEBB80-4).07.ea451
Bt. asuffalo, . .
1•• FLAWS to aeRgtrOa Memel
-adtittison or toi oertan Pe -
TAB -B 9(jrAlin .
101/1010111 ft**