HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-05, Page 74.• -110, s. :• e•• HOW TO IBM - eLADSTONli.•- 'OAREMOICLE-FURTIgectIJE.±.• . THE ibetteeie",. OpiliiiirvAi. * -.A -Vow- * Mel •on: -now to Set - .Siztet the eleitrinit'etsehie Gress Breathet Promise- The Objections- .est4' sit the lillehOits - .. , . itemise. ot tuoinmeniee. . . ... suitetteatinotte's, mellitus for titehie; , , awing ta. theereetnio- ot reeve, ' .- - • - A ,' London ' despatch tsp.:. KY:- friend ' Bach iiia uta problem : : _ . . _ , . -- -. who:.tolls• Me the folloWieg.' story is One Of .. _ . . . . . .The, exact :position 44.0.e. spiritual lords -the keest .-reereoed . as well as • oho. of ow_ .- A London .6ablegrani says: At ' this Snit is at thietmonient ar.V.44, Oingtiler.cine;says- ,. •' - Moat vepierable.menthirs of the. New York yeeteitley Mr: :Busse& 'iiitid :the ..defendaut P.rafetsor . Free.man itetet .the • Fortnightly. - Reduce Elam:lett. Betas au° a:_iove of Vidlnittell hIS:promise.to marey.the pleintiff -Mete. eeate in Parttetteent 'hive been - what ishietorie and:tin:le !honored, :. ' and the -breaknig Off 01 the prod:lite •-seitlit 0*(80 -to • ' On •Mattlititand Very dtfferent ' " Went: you Must know," seit he, that •P11.6 ilibt)fiable "'I"' lltisit Fortetemei..be- „grounds. " - They - arp`,Aietted . to, quite 'didn't:propose tO -,g-O back to New York 'Cuatutttdt web -e-dinettee aka 1,10.y-, bet-• in eesteeettety - ereee• bititetiet•of .view, by the : and. say I hadn't heard- Gladstone.. • ..I --don't tleneetteeuce• 1 heittatheeti failure in boil: nodeOnfOrmist seeking-it:4e disestablishinent - of the ebuechi. ' The Are objected, no less t often- get 6 ‘.rail..ont- of my tifielee--ale. SO' 49151-1/ adopted :Fitage: life 'Utast 's he might - -rate abler ' ai: Eriglant -ant I was „bound eupeort her mother and. sister. . :Her salary reasonablyfritin his poipt of view, by. the thati *meld gee the one great marithey've at the:Savoy:theatre Was three guineas a zealous toburohnian, tetAtite ideit-of the got ere. So I etarted down tothe House week at firet and litter. twice :that. • She bishop's office is se hiteft tat he. regret's , to t h' at about 5., and -steered moat of My Way by .ntadethe-atqintietseoe -.Of -.Lord tGarrectyle See '0088 Who holdi.!'it:'.. Mixed - up with • '•• the lighthouse that it Perched up- On top Of iit .Sooiettelite in '1882.'; . Te- acquetutauce Worldly affeira at -all. ::Sitit there is 'some- 'the:highest tOeter.of the ..builditige.: They ripened- raptoly-. hitot mutual regard andtlitogi to he rid t n the- either eide. Inhere . tow the tower .is ...over, -800 feet high, 7.an.d inttneecy:andist July, 188a, -Lord. Ottemoyle is to he aby. 1;161.1E4 Of Ieeide at ell,We cannot- . -that the.light . only burns When •Parlianient . Made arptoptitetief merriege.it , - : . - • ' affor. to -- turn the bfelteee out of it till we - ie in Sondem - Atany "nitsitlit up ;Mese -!:f 'tittercue .accepted. the proposal httee POMO lOthee, 146,00 0108 -of no. . --• ... •--- , : . - the. Most •megnifieent : pg.': of... buildiuge -ant at Once infointed 'bet rootlet. :. At this hered"dtery: Lotto te-lett ititheir places., lady -. tequett .Lord ittarnioylle- iiiftirmed Two at tbree.Lorda peetepeal in ordinary. In the world -perhaps -tot. to " grand his t- tatber, i • Earl Ceirns, '.. Of t the are. - not enough. - • re Otititge .as it - may ;at: : Aisle • .sight.-- as . -. the- • . Washingtonithe -biehopse - :the - only . crass, ito.-- he had ..teked.. -. The Karl .gave -seem: . Capitol, but - more ' -finely oworked - when you come Up'cloie - to it:. t There : are eiepreintion.. to -a - ' -cordial but. t guarded -Of . men : :Who . keeprheir seats in • .„-- . traditionary . . .: , _eighlt Mires of groand ()oared- by thie stone, approval of hieson's ciente°, and•wrote Mips -patllamerit by.42.0d appear. in "- .° - ,. person e absembly of -. - buildieg,.andit.hei cost - about $15,000,000: Poetoecue that his onlydesire in the. mat ter- right oftthe.. --t- Ent iSli. freernan to • 'HeWaver,I'gtitiiii they didn't steal :any of was for -pis Sonshappiness; She replied to ' - : -hey , ept what others .. • ' :fie :fat. I 'don't see how tbeye•could-- have her.preepectiVe fatheOntlatei etteuting bim bis people. They - - - Pt- done lb for leak.- I entered-A,great eotirt that her one and 'only:: wish_ wehavelost.In theory: Might say the e • th: make I the - yirde and- a .p.olioeneite-they - °all: - thane. Loed -GermOyle happy.. -- A little _Altai : this same of the earl-tie-Wearldome have utterly Writ their anoittitt- obaractee-,they z bobbies there ----told me -I: intuit • gathroegli Ltiedi itfarruoy le , saw. 'his. 'father,. and the have becioce esimply oetteritek an the heredi- -H.alt . and then. through St,' latter, While- sayieg he. would . not - hitneelf • Weetininoter - - -•Stephen's Hall,' aud. then-- turn. to my jleft, have ritadia-suole oboice„gaVe his tionsent to tarypeerage:The eattettith his illustrious tigeyee uisWdifferliwho walks in netnothingi. • .-- and -thee lask smile one Who Would post Me. the union. 'OP July, 20th, 1883, Lord Gar- Soaridinevian title rett- . ... _ . So X: trat4ed- Along. through 'a enagniflitent ' Moyle wrote to Miss 7in teeede, steting that from the Freziele end the Fitettil visoount who 1. - . hell"- whote,painted toof wattinede.bt•greet Earl 'Cairns_ thought he was &nil - - a before 1101 •i ...Oak timberworkt past - tnerble - statues . Of ieutibile thing to get -.7married. • With Lord walks after him. But-teitt-biehops still hold Boglishtkingi s •_ up a 'fieties.; of thread :ettibef.. Garmoyie's otinsent the . engagement was the sone s.eate by the einte-teinire as when '-t ' *tie into,another. imposing.- hill, where I .azitiOneced,'- and . NUBS- Ferteseue •beoanie Antlem-braved the wriitetif Beres, not for '- lam wattle- statues Of .far greater men,. the recipient of kindly • letters- from other ettolesiastios,Lpttvilege,Wntfor metal tight wrung its more ,,t- •Fint, Burke Pitt and•Ohatharn. -- ' -This hal-: Mettle:NW of Lord eGerneoyle's. lazeily.. In ,'ite. whenStephen Le*ton teed out ..the• f-- '''. , was crowded-tvithe Euglishmen waiting 'Aegust he - told -bis t betrothed -.that - his oharadter oHenry, itie : . 3'.6 te,at When ',MI, -I their,: turn t to • get into the - :Stranger's: tardily held. very. -:.tatronge -viewii. . -regard. than renewal - from ., .le e-tGelleey. T hurried -by and approetibed- the toe. • the - theatre ;- and ‘ .stage . -life. ntutidt nieend'estie .tie Anslemecould " - door -.• Of the ' august . °bother, - where I- They- . theught. en- aator's 'prefeesion -.Wee withstand:king-and PO like in the Cause. . - .be bishops' ieste - ;Imagined: -1Gladetoesi- haldiug his .hearers.' not. only _fitli • , of ---peril, - buts, ungodly Of:Englishfreedom. , had been taken away a y Moment. up to spellbound by hee,-persitesiverperiodeet. _ and pretantiet. Lord Gatmoyleitosnred her i .. . , .. • -, - - .i.Qeite impOtoiblet-eit. - Don't - Yeu .see be did not share ' these views t at his the present, it would he eimplygiv - •there. are over :fifty - waiting :their 'turn. request -Mies oForteectiet aband ned. the int up lheinnernioit Veeces •tif the for. It " . :- Steed -. &tide, piqued; sir.' .-... ,, ---. ,- t• -,.-t -- stege aed.her-oiater;desieted fro repent. trees to its assailants; wouldhave beeu. longenorottoh. tic • the -fieitleeet to et -., -. e'iBut I have 'Lenard from the 4.inextoiti tiobe for inch a- life. ,. Kies:FortesOue was Ooli • if - linitter, aracitte' t - -: - -• tt. : .: . al terwatds ineited to Bart Cairn's: house • '- 0 'Ciiit'Velp; hie • sir; quite hitopossiblet -.Where she, rebeived..an affectietiate greeting menuof theeexchisive oreclitetry doctrine, In - any mote general 'Otottderetion Of the tee .sirttt .-'tnoet . bueprecedented *- hiefinx ' -of 'froni Lott and ' Leidy. .0airhs... Suddenly, wholelpubject, this matelike others, will - etrangeriotehet,etie • • - :. .. ' • " and without - the _tieghtest- previous hint, i have to be thoughtovere It was aboard to negotiate With a man- Lord : Garmeyle, le ._attuitary, • 1884, wrote a. : •• -e ..! . . ., - e--eeee,_:ee-- . . --badgered by a crowd .oe huegry applicant, let carte :Mitis :Fortescue breaking -off :tee- -- 1.fliteee.emeeeet CO'lipprialis. -:.•:i - - - -, • • ''.:and to -- offer .a • txterittition ' fund publicly_ :-engagemente He ittin -professed the greate .-• would have beton equally intik", . I retraoed • •etit love and - a doeieation- for her, tett Old; 0ause4 ei the. Little la ettion tuttiefloe ,t. .my sieve to tbe oroWded Vestibuleewbete his would not aoteitit. her on acodunt 1 et' tea Burka .-and. Fete .kept -00eopaby -- With'. the of her peOfesoiae. 't.- 't .- - I. .* •t- -, . . . - "ittle rebellion--• . -.. , existing in the panteloo.n'edegentry Of Picoadillyt .t. •'' • ' ' AttorneyfGeneraVtianteiadmitted these , IThe little of Skye says the Neet Tork Commercial " 'quite -it orewdei _tillutVe- •to.nighte -re! circumstances, but iuitilied -Lord -Get; ' . . . -Adtertiset, has , not been,: very .oiearly --,,Inathecti gieillly to ,te disengaged -bobby, • inoyites ttotion. .-ThedefenanieWas willing, , deleted, as tee iii- aii001,11n the Recounts, : - whose duty it was toseethat thteseqeenoe. ter he 'always ' had. been, -toltrant acorn:, - -pe -at odeltneYs was: legititreceived by cable ; but tetiot in the least •nately maintained. -peosetien to the - _At -the samelime, : .diffioult to tied t wand- it0 ectiOunt fer. any 81 suppose Homed -these people will hardly Lord-Geri:no* *hilted to Mate thetnot-the r reach '' the 13 creegerie Gallery until r_to.mcie, elighteet imputation . rested conceitable discontent-ltiong the poor , .• on Mies' . !-: -row morning?' - -. ..• ' ' • ' t .• . ' '• ." . - • ' Feeteiloutes: Obercrofter* of that island. :eater.' She had through. ' Theeisiond is in the tiitiii unfit for Agri- ... "4.I ' suppose not,' replied ': the . hopeet out their Intercourse .conductedtherselt as .0111tOrti..: The . lower ellet#g - tracts are peeler,asbe eyed- niteolosely.. ' '_. t.,':..: • . a .highly Modest.' and high-reinde.d--nglish .sesoeptible.te oultivatiotteitepetatoes and a - •:' VW sorry, etintinue.d X , '4 for I hoped to" lady. : - ' . --- • - t . . ' ' few - other ptoduotot - ottiy,:th,..e climate is - get in t3-nighte .- ' .. - ' . _t unfavoeiblee the soil , g, and the resttlts • • ..." The peeler looked abouteivith.an air Of - . . Ittille,...6111014titeA.• tee;melleet. . of .lithoe.very.umeertaiiiief The land sYetem, • aesumed indifference.- 1 oOntinued, looking• net ouly in Stye - but ptt; "'Other islands o -aii.- tbe statue of Barite: : - : . . t t - 'Insp:oir.inni ase.etiete .eee New. Yorke -T. the group, is -about • ttee) •Woest one con- . 81.8•1'.;.-tvill :give you ntat ._* _crown. -if yell -- - .„. Preiniitiona to belenken. ..-'. . ceivablee - Tie greater e -2114k -of Skye belongs will ,smooth.:nlytwey:to the -next..p011eeman, et one great tproptietoetotted the -dune-of - • ,A , last --(Tbdraday). : night.% • New -;- and glee. hien eelf a otewnetoo.' _ --..: .. reete. great estatee, intendectet4 the 'supp )it Of .. At this myetetely companion strode off -ditepatch says : Alerge.- niiiiibe_r oft'p a dOnWe be trip& eeteef - • dependents. nein_ physitiana, eaniterienet add health. . and in'. a miunte returned and lordeeed. :Me . Upon -the „ soil, he fetttt throughout flu °fleets' from various pitiee, timona-i i ,10tfollOw"hiene His expressionwassevere : •Hebrides. 2,n 'many tOieles the - land is . and left the irepreetion.olithoseleftbielnaz t others Poston, /tektite,' New Haven .aed, held of the great pr '. ' jettir by teaks. :Philedelphiee. met - at the -.offioe- -Ted - the that. I;Wai •Itetiebetnied on Siete- busiitesee men; a,tOrt oft ntiddlent t Itetween owner e , At we a. halt 'orow,n - slip--; Health board teeday. to 6i:insult about. the . . and cultivatar, -men wIt titold tbe land. by .:.ped 16U:this baud. --- I was about to Pus:the' threateued clanger of -a cholera epidetnio, lease and it at hi .tee rates to others, froth abroad' :and the best :means ot.bettiug- seoeinde bobby,' who gearde the-entranoelto- it oitt. ' Cholera visite ditcueeed in .9,11:itl- levyiega oeciont rent --otte.heir Own, whieh . the lobeiteeWhen _Met .funationaty ,arreeted would • be - -- Well. nigh tett,ondUrable burden MO With 'a geeffty . Keep ; oueintn't -phieee, set plebe: Were ferneulated upon a to .. agrieultural.- industty.S. 'eau- in the best _which to keep it out cit our cite* if it den- ' pies:here, sir." • - ---! - : - ' - • hie cionditiens, - while the tibetitions- in the "'But - tilt villain:Oat ttettesaid L: , .-. , not be -kept away ;trent ' our - shores. t. he oroftere .are ItPt •..." 'Oh,. 1.: eg. pardon e. Come 'elite War oiroulatete the health. boards Of all oem• - elebrides are the worst. tamely small tenterit-gteette who holt little : unities, .presoribing- e•ssential-preoantionet -... :lid- a peooticl halt oroven-.e.(aboUt 69 Oen f;) 'will beiteued,alt the fleet fruit of the .. con- . fieldsor 'gardens. upeti titkireeet uncertain - entered the hand -allot, Blajtisty's - tette:de' . baronet). • t t - •• ' - - . - ' * .. ...oftenures-41eatiof.tenettep4ifivill-ttat bleb* ; t botibtie ..-... :t - - - t . • *., -- .". .. - ' . •• - • .: et-, t- ' , .11*as Ooneludedthat looatheilth-bOards rents. 1They live by lielteoand kelp halt- ." I - was piloted through ti numbet. of ing, and by,tteeving. sum or touriets • and oould.hest deal with the disease, and - that ,..opti3O ivileged indiVidniels .who .' lied - got their lives are one king.lettetle with absolute •biethioride-of nteroury- -Wati-One.of the best • • 'Ousel r -Oid • seemed tueable to get any germ,destroyers.thate oehld-be used for the destitution, wtth- the odtteel;tetribly against • . '- !Untie e tItited to feetthe ..tiatee'Sergeant- purpose of- disinfeetion... The eiliesure Of Speaker's gallery -only al. few, flecintlis are ountarainated. ertlities tti- tit. high and 1- - teems - t .. .• ,• -, itite.t.' it who. :barred my- _way . .to ...the' That there should beOtteontent among people SO sittiateid---espeaially. when °the Very : • : dry tte• teneperetnre --. -end ... the But for sonteecceit reason this ..dragOn .iii were population is mo-eloessiteeetee it .is in these .blaok - silk tstbokidge end - _knee breeelies . boiling .. • of - infected . . clothing .- - islands -is quite a rnatAe'rof omirsee and '.highlto : ctoitimended ' tnetteuree. .* The e seetnedlese *titeepproaohable: elitene On- My • - ' - the desPerationof Such dei•eentent is equally --...-fOrmir visit I Waited tit .fayeeabletoppoio 'ineetieg adopted 'a . series . of re.sohitions to be presumed. Men -700 . at best, are tacitly When our conversation '101201114 , nOt setting forth- that vigilant 'quarentine 'eau kllOweci Only the barest. toeSisbility of Sub- .preveelethet introduCtion .of Cholera', into r• • be public, prOperty.. Then inserting' altalfe misteecet and who -are- etetpese.d to the loss the tlJuited. States. The canperatiou. of orown between mY, thOmb and the oard - •- - , eftelet the AmeritaoLegation, and' in - that tete.: . geeerel Government, iis•' needed - AO evenof that -Bolan obe,e,by ordinary '- ti - - position holding - the combined potentlithe retintre its representatives at foreign. pepcircumstances or by thetrbitraty will Of s- :ettr ' : ides up.to Mtn and to .Iiiia. alopee1 said : ' tteprevent any ideated. .•-oar -cc:front 'being tholie who oppress theenOenot apt tobe .tee ' : ,". !Don't:you: see,- Air,. theteit iseirepor- : shipped to thisisotintey • n - inform the partionler.aetO legal forttln their efforts their Obildren • ttlt - tent that I• shotiltV 'go .up - to the Speelter's quarantine antboritie at tbe p0 te of desine to preeerve.theenselveti sii• _ -. gallery.; end that right away?' -. - -: * .- - netioit-in the speedie possi anner as alive. ,. - :•••• - .-e.,.e.--.- • .- "Apparently convinced; he -said; 8-611tand to any irespioitene Oa 6.-_0.U.siokiieg6aboard :. - e-e_e-.7 • - . :,1.e. 4- - . ', - • . say..4esiel. .: The: re resentatives of the i e 114.11,1P -LED "BacYtkal, _VAITIll. .-- A, .behinteree, Sir, and look eharp When I •gittit 0....: . .. . . tbe weed: - . --- - -. - e .• ; ••--e -.- • e.-:. -- 'GoVerittnent should also be ordered to give ,. L., - At thatmoment: s the door loom* to the. . line -Of - health- to. all vetted*. bound ' for the _Cleveland Carries ete;ee. Vorhtate 4 , . -,4 .• ' ' . SPetelteetei gallery .opened to let eeme one . t United Stateset/:hit% - bill obeli give-a:full. 1„ . • ..- f r. -- t. .ae1,14% etetement Of the port of clepe tetra and the • otAn Albany otelipatch -Ole.: . The State - out. - 14 tievere, frientlt in .silk *etocktngs oondition of the passengers, crew and cergoi ten,vassere met . at neeireo.yeiatetaity. ...All seized mY, oerd with - the 7adoompinyi4it •Alltveseels should..be contpelledt to ehow tiretent. Secretary Woeileanneunced the 40tiemer and I berried :- up hello the light of :itbills on wing here., The conference fretting of tee tables ..aett'allowet Higheet - the:1160e of Cioninto.ne., ,-., •:- - - - : - .-. tt & O also -Ppained reselutioes, deolaring that NeNewpernoeratio eled3r; Prier*. 563 155 ; highebt 't -But the battle was not yet won... I was One -of a number who had-to-etand Up,Y and ork queran: inettitions itio.uld- be kept 111Itepieblicen-eleoter, .Carei:*et 5620e5.• Pine even - - - - - - ' 7- gond :.repair,. and that the Legielature be .telley, 1 149, e Ieetveet De-t400ratio •elecitcir, _ : then ...c,euld et t :•ttee over welt. --I•• requestede to ' 'plait° -. id -the j hands; of the 'Ciiteutorit t, 668 048-: 1400e Repel:deem-. • . , were barred --off *by:: so .- te* lken- topet Web- Wapted -to get: into sole . good that -healh'ciffieer tail -power flit meeting the. etiosoit .garrite, 56L.971$ Plurality., 1 Ore • speeialelsn.gers of an..invasion • of..0bolera,, Eigbeet Prohibition Bit ottWi:Miller.,-25 V06; • ' rope was guerded. ebtianothee man in The national tionferentie of the State Beard Itiwest,..4.1sworth 21 9-18.:_-pighest Butler •. - sietOrikingi.. '-eigitib.I bided my , time:and kept myeitive.r wedgehandy for tiately of :Health Will :- he h ' hid it Washington ..on lector, 0 Donnell, 1.7,0(K*lifivest, Camp- - .-1. . : -. 'intention.- At .lese .the 'Otird was removed DeCember.16thi". ell; 16301..: After the eeteoutoement the •-, - , •. • • •. mereberketif tbe Beard eeeeeeed the tables the elle of. -8ortte one. .atid .apPeciaohe : I• . - -- -. .- - ing-thierope'guerdian itf4 benevolent Man; 1 The stnetteh et .11and certifioatel..0 : . .. . . ner„ I,tOld himthet I ..should itoneidee my.-. • il - t - atharineBrigge . widoW.of ubeertain 1 An 'planes Tr4pith,lre: . self in his debt .'to ..te . Modest extent, if :he age 'who owns' some. property and lives -on s Would let . ine .batee •one:; of the. priVileged • .A. Sell eFearteitco deepet.- says: M. H .seaterfacing ,,the Sneaker Vibioh he .. -Wite tile interest . acsamulatiog from dives and • De Young, _proprietor of' teleOhronicle; was .eandry- ittuirtg_ages,e 4..., litegeeshare, Of *her bOubd.hy:his 'oath totkeep the out oft- --The 'time lot Many' jeers" seems - te-haVe been.. elicit .this.eventeg_ by "Adettet Spreckels, Bon otioasion was too - pithliti .for Mere. practical: of CleueSprecklembeHettatian auger kink- -vatted in litigetion. On Monday Mrs.. tact osebittetveth it -faint silver i 41$/1e:in:My 7 Thetelibotieg. took plaeR0Ag' the business - ., ueannette Thompson got a. -vetdiot spina - , -pooket1 tamed the barrierand•found mere Offiee Of the Chic:Mete: •i5preettles . fired . her for 5225:aeseult and .ba.ttety, datnages- ' self in.the.beet seatituaginablee - ... : ' . ewlee; . the Beet allot .,toefteeffeiet in De in SuPerier. Court. :During the a ,. "After tieteniog te. Glaelitone ilia ark,* leung's ltfe arm, -is little te$1eve. the elbow, fatal •incident itiiiiitired.. - Lawyer Grece ;others.... and hearing '- . lard ' Randolph 'waif makbig a Speech ftir-the plaintiff,- &nu the- seconcliplis left shor0i,„ The -Ai:lot- :Churchill ;and the President of the Board in was the ouieozne of aitoeitiole published. . accused. Mrs. •Briggs ••of :tint telling the : :of -Tiede otill.e.aoltr:other tames X tUrieledto tenth-, c..." As we say, gentlemen,. in Latin, in -the- Chronicle- lain.; Sittp4ay reeptotint leave for boniee: i • : _ - ' e 1. • * '. -i .-..-*., --- . - -eel:eta-in .aeo, falsuein onitiibue.” -_.' Here the.affeire. Of the • lElewate4 Commercial e 8" Let Me sleety _you', doWnitairs, ate' said- , Sugar Conipeny. , Speetilitle;: was 'arrested Mrs. Brigge jumped" up aud:orted. excitedly, -- my polite tastodietn .. . .• I ,.. • -e. j . - e- - .• ' .T.8- It% -a lie 1._ I never rode inan-OninkbLiO l'' ." 4s SOOn as vie. were ,but 40 the Public * ..1 , • • , : ,.i.. . - ..- eye.Ielipped a handftil of Mien silver into. •j-Det:rait .Neivc. ' ' . '. ' lahll Se Prince what°. reacts mile on .4 , • bloyCile- hi 0.89, says thetteet wheelie Oatobe his peactieed.pelin and .walked .h.omilovith - I . • A Merida aligator was :r.ecentlynanglit ing• _ the..ttoing. horse iOiptily.a matter -of 4- heavy heart.- I -On-. a Stezday eiltihotil - - . - • With a ewelitY;fiee.potind turtle in hisjetiie. time, and thinks that -kei.ate=tecioed will. be: . stiperietendent,. sire and I Was '- Sad -"-eit • . . I reduoed to two rninniell ox' in 4 year or . -.hiving tiewoet stullf bribed my Way. into -the .-• Clain chowderis getting into high. faith- • ,, - t Briiiab HOUBe".01.001itatniti..". i . .. . - IOn'in London. Mr. John Clayton of tthe two. -: • :. ' . •. , . .- 1 ' - •• . . . CeueliTheatrei:sonein,law : of Mr..' Bond. ' • Prof. Tyndall eiye evoti. publio MOTO- , • The t;.U.iiittereity '' of Edinburgh hau a meth, is regarded aa 'the:Creek expert. an at ' •ati* test44.4 the.. qUee :du, ,-81:teeti 'it !., • guiss* tibirtY*1340. rieriartitionleindttit. intgrettle demand.; e , - t lave r. 2 ' " .. , 1_74 t, AEVitiCA N EXP114011.AT1 OM' iVOIVTIRWIEST G11.1JEC VANCE& ' • = f .The Wo.tiy, .erseenn.ittpdioDrear,nlmtnni Danger. Paed luarr" a P"iti" Edniceircal2"44 b:n in.tiie Tereitarles. LIThe following is a 'malmsey of the en. tents of a _petition being circulatedeand largely aped in the NorthWeet, for pre- iientation to the CiaiternortGeneral in Council. ' ' It is asked that - the Indians he more adequately provided for, that thehat- breeds ot -tee Territories have not received gO acres of land .each, as did the Mani. taut half-breeds, that halt breed imamate have not been iosued ; that tne old mallets Of the Northwest Territory - have BM received the same treatment as . the old oettlere in Manitoba, thet the claims of iiettlers on odd diimbere,' prior to the survey, and on reserves, prior to the ,procla- Mation of such reservee, are not recegoizeil ; that contracts for public works and imp. pfiee, and 'vositions in the penile eervice,are tiot eivenois far as practicable, to residents Of the blorthwekt Territories; that , public buildings are often erected on sites little eonencive to the ectriontikit trans..- actien of public business ; that - Wins .duties are levied on the'neeesearite 01:1110 t that the dieposal of is owe resotteces iS1201 iett to the Northwest itself, RS is the ease with the four original PrOlifrOes of she eat; that we are treated by. the Federal Gray- •ernment neither according to our .privileges as • British subjects, nor according. to the stances, We 0412 Midler be happy nor pros- avtightssorowues: are rirklepet;. Iiihnter°4-th"equeanintlelY'easircietg- Your humble petitioners are of opiuion, that the 'shortest and most effectual metheds of remedying these -grievances Would • be to grant the Northwest Terri- tories responsible government, With 00/1.- trol of its own resources, and just repro. eentation in the Federal Parliament and qabinet. Wherefore your Petitioners _humbly pray, • • that Your Eecellency in Conned lweld be t]leased -to cause the iatroductien, as the coming session of Parliament, of a measure providiog for the complete earganizetian of the ,District of Sitekatchewati as a,, Pr - vince, and that they be allowed, es in 18704 to seed delegates to Ottewit with their bia. ot nights; Whereby an undemanding Ditty be .arrived at as to their entry i•J to Con- federation, with the conetitution of a firee lototince. Aed, your humble petitioners - will not pease to pray. "Take - thousand men or: make, your will "-endh was the cheering „advnie -whitat Mr. H. Z. Stanley gave Mr. Joseph Thom - eon, the nenintander �f the 4.sogrepeleal Sopietteit , I Expedition to the . terrible Masai - Iii)untry, ,onthe. eeve Het ' his leavitig litegland in 1882. ' - At Wit night's ,.e4eeting Of . - the f ocnety aro ThomsobPir the pleasure of .ibeing able t0• . explein tee it was that, though be did not -take .a.thoitsand men, be has not had any reason toeieegeetthat he did' not .1u1003 his Will, -The $ .11ia‘thisi.daring- adventurer told the brilliali gatheriogin Burlington House was one?ich, as Sydney Smith -Judd of .the balled„1 " Chevy',Obase," stirred the heart "140 _a Wer -trumpet.' The Masai counteyliee between the -Victoriat Nyanet and Zee etifere - It is peopled by fierce and untetualeitei' savages whose territory is a bourne feck,e. which, as It rifle, nO traveller return& : QC the toad thither- Mr, 'Thom- son, it E4e41i0,,passed through more than one veritatile Aroldia. - but for the moat part: his .r.ute ley through 4 desert and swanip ahli.barsh- mountain .0ountry, and the, penile .t.tim barbarians and beset* of prey werertlich as -might beve daunted the in( at yaligit hearts. ' dais small *petty of 190 men. teete - composed .of the riff,raff .of Z inzibate • tend bistguides were .noted for their trekoteery. ' The Oely thing in. his lavoe waet at --when be got well into the unfriendly ind :big •lie6,01e were afraid to daers lest $ey should be out down, and it is but felt ' tit say, • eller being under •Mr. 'rhontson'eldiscephneefor a tittle, they improved, aed toWerdtethe end el his :mita- sion ,perfOrined feats of travel never equal- led by a cat4van -of the same 'gee in Africa. Toe .przneliel points of .popular interest in Mr. ThoreepuIs .narrative 140 night were his exploregon of Mount Kole, the Coxes of Blgon and his :experienoes 'among the fierce Mollie, by whoa) he wits vilely used; Mount Xenia is thirty 'miles- in diameter et the hese, which' is itself five thousend .ireven hundred feet above the.tea lavel.: It rteee frees this Leto,: a height of eight - see . thatioand * feet. -- and . . peak - gleams - with great facets of ice, . 44 ttigugh in Om ,depths of ithee the beat of - burning Macs," Another , .eXtraordinery ; ,discevery 02:1 Mr. iTherieson was made at Mount Elgoei.„ where to found the base of - ;the inountian .pierced by oaveti eteetohleg ' fgir into -miler darkness, and so Vast miineginy it . ientm. • extent th at ,:i?hole villages:wih their tattle: It is an aceepted 'feet in houoehold ethi . . oceitip:y teem, . Thong ' excavations, be that a .goO4 pert of Monday Inuit be ,sackit -infers, mese,. be the remains cf ancient' feted to recovering fromgestio engeet Mines, -woiltedbeee racewhose memory bas dered by Sunday's irregularity. In Most . faded even ;front tradition. 'A9 for :the households breakteet on the first day of thet Masai natiazi, they .seem • to - be. a .peoulia,r week is an bout later than on other days, people, jealoits, rather than zsitl )us, of good and .generally a more elaborate meal. works,. The, are the mot finely -modelled Dinner, on the other hand, with :apperent raced rfiEW gee ever met with.,their.frarnes ficoonsiatenoy, is several hews earlier; being- of . thet softly -rounded Apollo type, With tbe third eatiegt tea or suppera most and not dieteetired by the rough, knotted, -movable' feast. And this derangement of brainy - .M.,,.ueoles . wally .eeen . in the weekly :r.outine any chatelaine will tell ' stalwart • .bittberiaen.. T•he- odd thing you is solely to Bemire tbe "Sunday out aboutthem! •is that till they Marry to the servants. Said -a Vivacious beetese they 4a. te . abiLlregeta;riansie the young at n table where the question Wat-reamtly ,men and .weinen beintallOwedto feed on •diecussed--the meal being limner, at nothing but Milk and meat, and even then O'clook Sunday evening: - "From my Eartr_li, the Meat menet not be that of wild animalsest recollection Monday beAtaithe was Os r .dir : they tele' the 'roilk •and meat Weekly ,ailotent at bOdee.. When -I inerriet to ther. They live on milk alone for n and telInd myself the di -taster of a world - certain time... Thenthey consume .quanti- Of my OWD, -my first care was . to reform, ties of poweeful :purgeeives, and go, -oio rep Sondey .eatthg Bo ler as lar.fainillY was OUrelY, meat diet whicb, afterfurther:dosee :concerned. We breakfast at Bees usual, of purgatiVetii they in,turnchange for. one •andlunetrat 1; at 6 we dine.. The jointor of .milk, . Bet alter ,merliage, iuto 'welch fowl is mid, prepared on Saturder. A state they enter, when the prime ,of life is .;salad accompanies it, and •tt made dieht-iii • over, they are -Permitted to eat -vegetables, winter often ..etiaalloped .oysters; in slimmer oh-ew and smoke tobacemeseul drink iutexi- vaileas dishes of a sinailar nature that catin.g liquors. Altogether the Geographieal Sarah can prepare before she leave. She .Setizty may . be .congratulated on the -lays the table and leaves :everything in . reiiiite whit& have been _attained by their readiness, and then gets out long before her -expedition and en the sweetie which has companions, who are clearing away the, 'rewarded itife, • ThOinsoles patient enter- heavy 2 o'cloek dinner. I satange the din. prise.Lcrad64Daily Chronicle. - per upon the table myself. Our eleesert is _ ., •fruit in its season, or ite cold pedding of .4.8.eworiered Lord. seine sort, and 'our little 'Fowl Tootles -pot gives US enir cafe noir :on the _table. Being During the I journey. 'north, Lord eSelise , a one!esrsant ;establishment;" she -added. ' bury, the OoteterVative leader. in the House' lenbingly,. 88 le is not at all difficult to wet of Lotdseeihadged his ;ooettime for a full • serve -euitable ceremony, teed on fatillatiri Highland rig but, nit:eh:ding it as a Jielioele And Mondays' We enjoy the tame degree of compliment *elle lend, ot the . kilt. But - health vouchsafed the rest of the week." -- when he located at hiteeelf in the .glass, he . fund the,t th4 teilar had out his pettieotts, or whatevet tricsi, are .called, too short. ' So _ be made :up his mind to put ,on - evening; Itis not, we believe, 'generally known, dress. He eithanged hie upper 'garments that Admiral The wheel Dowell,00m. and then eat 4own for 'a . few exam:input *to, mander.in.Chief of the English 'fleet -on the . reed up hts"-gtondh• • Thiisentl him y01110311 :Chins station, is the -officer win), as Mid. He only awoks with a start to and himself :obit/mai 1)0 -Well, first ;plotted .the • Eitgliali running into the station.' Forgetting what , nag •eit the Island Of Hong Kongforty- had bep.pened, he thrust On hie bet -and, 'three years ego. Ibis i ahrtost impoeoiblo' appeared at 'ebe- winclew" betvivg, and this to believe that, in less than fifty years, a was bow. hs- •t•las- dressed: He had la : 'ideally dement Wand ,should have ;been Elithlitud, eestrime as -far. as his waste converted into ,ettoh a 1440e as gong Kong' .above was tetebite shirt audytwat,lorlooztrdilbeyd : .ceoprou.,37:tote.14Tiritoe 4etere:eeeBe (weeeene.erieuesa eotpeotohhe . coat, .steid the etire edifies - du'oCwilniwwniettgul ilnacittiollgbuit"Ectsb.elorbdalsdh-i-Bpatti ccvebithoelleetemwa.daettes.eb°ttrotelY eal,"3,treetthle:IvrIvrablino . horror ..when be stepped on °the plettorm- Notthat after Loe4ort. Liveepoor anct Gies - and felt the "teen wind:nutting-his .bare legs g pi?, the teenage et tie ,ffleppeig -ewe& .. 443,ph.73elgtreedcitlioattelaaobleuttiog, tie:cell? ortehne,h;oiottitvittalgeet. 01488,4nes vtafi tolre:4.hre,desfor b,)eoievaeneyy ()Le:: blitablitorrt with a pair trousers ih leis bands .Walitrk .The - Mejestyto •dominions. owe wildly 4nd exelelinieg,the"8-ile it.•loTrhel; ...ogirteia.e-et .1:tdiled-atibea,dtevtehtieoipwitoennclat ortri7,1:goi?hrreaVs iallui - my iota, yottive torgotten . Referee. • : i • t: - ., ,. • , the New World, but we -doubt whether the rOcerd of . itleug tittle eau be seraised atittenbiere.--.7.epan Mail. .-. Argonaut. • .; iiirowtb et int old World City. - id4sinefos tiaaniges. The Bradsirget Mercantile A.gency reports the faiuwiA !failures: Ontario -Barrie. dale, John Ifoting, general etore,aesigned iu Quebt0.-Moutreal, -JoSeph Flews, general Iringntd in trust ; .3. Shaw & Co.i w oleettle andAtetail furniture, asrig,ned . Nova Sootiae-Canard, D. R Elton, ship . builders and lumber, aseigaxl ; Liverpool, A. L. West, general "torte : A weeteiergper, in describing:an aceidept recently, say ". with eonsiderable oandor Dr. • VAS Wined, and under his prompt and jitilfut treatment, the young .nean died on WedntslaY inght." • Na one lo/ed,to tell -a tale of scandal, but to Lim thatlo se 10 beat it.. Learn, then, to rebuke and Olenoe the detracting tongue by refusibg to Llear. Never .make your ear The grave of selether's good tial118.-Sher4- ati. Stenemeribgg as , many sufferers have found, may eaneetimes be got al of 'in.'s simple way. ,g o mespendent writee 40 the Boson Tranke4t " loured myself of an itnitoying hateittuf stammering by labeling a deep breath- ftetween every few worth, and by tweet .myeelf to .13pealt ;unless tbe baleswere fly - iiifieted.e' A little careintittention soon made the price ;this a-haltit, and now I , *over stammer naleatiesiieheisoitede' " Aritiliciaj Bea Air. Matiy, indeed, are the luxuries that the magician's wand of invention now bring& int) the midst of out homes. As an instance, to produce a sea atmosphere for thieeick"roono, a foreign oentemporary, sug- gests the use of a, mention of peroxide of hydrogen (ten volumes strength) teentaining 1 per centof ozonic ether, imiLie to gamut-, non, and, 250 per centof sea salt. The solution petted in a steaM or band Spray diffuser can be dittributed in the finest spray in the sick mein at the rate of two to) fluid ouncesai . in quarter of a enn. It cominnicates'a pleasant sea 0 tkittnd ° is probably the best purifier ofthe air of the sick room ever used. It is a powerful -dis- infectant, the Sanit) author writes„ as well as deodorizer, acting briskly pm ozonize test solutions and papers. - Ie neighthe well to test the ;subject in some ward of one of our hoepitale- - - Recently in Paris, during the session of lie' congress of the free -thinkers, tine emit:twit thinker, striking an attitude, pas- sionattly exclaimed' "Gentlemen, I am an etheietet-thank God" The vineY ardsarotn&Mt. tna,in SiomIy 'Yielded this year an extraordinary crop.of grate's, 'the 4,h:rebore which is of -a supersoft 4luekttsY• -e •