HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-05, Page 4wok J4; ENTINEL TIIR 'LIBERTY PALELY TO IITTRh A*1) TO• ARGUE ACCORDING T® TMPD I�Io't'.A'F�1 1M1 coZ's(:I1:11'(p main n.:.&Jok 1: 'ALL �T 0 z+'n°know, December 6th 1 =884. .P,4 S s71y0 ,E 0 -gin's. mAN i1®I;r - bail ikota: as t ti1i�2`1cE� . The Ati o� �,crA , _ . a ',wheat -- - in tico: fernier cfit� ' � : price: at �1�eselit-: �►� lJitsltel,a�tcl alz.t}lo 1e,tl�eu-t��Q eellts cJe:ts :ht'in r •) �:.. tel'. 'fire eei2ts , ..aeonts'. 21r' -.i tauitolt , �;? I:wits-in Dakoti1 : . - ailcl. AL>#Isov hn, ' Jeofl reitolniliate(' tnCAntcst ililuti in' :.'tf'i'esta - i' the' .�ihore,l. -11�- s: speech to the- Coliveiiti®it-. wo,-si Manly y and - s"tra.i$ h tf 'waird: : H o ,. denied any • knowledge ;of. corruption... h& t ho fAI1t C2' o1f'G 1o11: . f = fight :;1Ti •d; cicl e •cas ilt�iltA2:toiionext J11yAizil1fairly, 11 `enjoin d ils -su ltfrs_ _ ((O. mune. Mit. 74.1 :. 111tt2:.:Ca1nAt-- c oitiIl�t:11h lreases with- his :: ,,- . - - F- • 1 ) s ill 1 F. It 2 11 � iliin . l o I�otxtoE+.�-. o . s • � �liA` o-:.4)004:: of !+Ret 1 �t1 was only offer. ed: 10 Tents to linSiiel_.fortl`ieru., t.hiul still at this. .in�� �atliti�. (1 , �t ate , . E.e «'as arrested -and.: before Magistrate ` :, . r Al• ; 20 and costs.: 'x ail ft>ft! A11 :.fill ::'I'i114 fcrllott�irlrt�. A Ct'f}�g, re the, AN% a ^: �trul .f{llllll fi t?. th'Icli Ili poisons 1ti'E►1'fa married: ►`'il:tilif)fiI)(t12'fa, I (0 - 1�' rilif.2•a. _�:? _ • , a •,..,.en-�A1111sAi , ;, ' 1 anl>lltli 24'; U . 1)klilte, I eple1` . ' IAS a , .,:Cott,; �. �,1 Fp dA]111SAllau1'liF' • J l.a�. t oil, '\`asll inkton, _ ,' l F ll, ,� on, lionaphrte', 273 Pe • r tl 1x 1, E ]1 drove- - � \O a21ddu;111 with` It9tA t11.$ ;.,. _ p die llA�i mind the question whether alcohol Mania or,roiigious frenzy is the great- er public nuisance. - Trusting, i Arliiy has any- .�' if the y saving powers it will Close its t1l eti11� allo«�_,. gs at :such:. tulle as will its vtaariss to retie:ere lids overtaken the tired art xan. i slumber RuLI@to. To thc: ElitorofMe 'ent del r SIR :--The .electors of the Wes in the ' Gou:�rties ®f n�uiYcipal:. Bruce should 'think _- , Huron a11d. they cal efu]]y- before. cast: their ballots elections, at the cuinili�•- No teuiperauee:rnan should vote for_ any' candidate. who will not support the carrying :out of the Scott Act. Re should 'not let ~ differ- ences step it � and -.keep �'otin� for a:. P 112121 ' troi�l supporter of the fel! The last: sill, -section of: the 'said ``et,. ltl;..a�4Al�illg. of. the 1i Act, those Nlio ti'1®Itit:o i.t lines_ In1.poS(;cli' 011: the l<iullio aj- ,, and ir�ceirect�,lJy F :councils, reads ®" The CAuncll o;� e:� er set apart not .I�s� 'tlra���i .alit !� y a11a1l - �oF� suc]1 tiles or a . 1-e.tiiii•ci part penaltie -• :received -by- the-laid nitinieipality for ucu tho-p1`esecuti®i2 a fund to :®f .this A.ctf®i` iirfi acti®irs` •;' •. o«', if ilia --electors ' ,;a'1®iiot Willing to 11ave - the lines paid. .into a council- they should tlot�� � cel' to. ilia said°pct - p thein iipower. Let -tile political, •. forth; t]1osf� ;Opposed partiAg • l to, 'twice., to , the:Act,: and.: tlosii ii1 favor. ofi:t. .:1r 111 o - t grand old ]1 -1 � _a E� 0 veteran ?ai1 -. lil Ji'o]lil,ition;� Iris• so. us a g - example- in this line,7- nM Asi1>�1eld, Dec.' ,-.).?,ver. �fi�rs; .. 3 . ,. . 18 IiI PS. .?o -the �ctitt)l of thof �„'etrifl tel . I�RAIi Sin :mono . last isle .o#. your:... night, silo +' tile. ill y- _ u fi - llcitel ail.:otlr. �`< �' p t, , tl ••eci talo - �. illi go Was.:attacked -lJai>!cl of cil~iul�E�l' ,l, . ,j t�cl.c�cl. Tay, R. _(]QAl' of •trill) ot1il- ' ,.r rawl�ls, -a11d- tll�. dill i »>aliefintsly burst = open, Shell cou(l. u t , ., 'becoming � 11�r.'.:I+.dlt©r•is- entirely tea. 'colnuton .iii -aur �'i11ii ,Ea, !'Jilt - -Ail lad the 'Soi•1 of _, � to learn tlii� ,. the p1 eprieto2�:. administered such A .:tile 11Ate1; of t]ic.: at>i•, ` , .. � ilii Psliii� :to Dile:: I tl I _ AtAi•S i; 21. r. l -11E! will- not seen :ef tllc� Outi�c,�re t]iait et Alt 2;�F. members of •_ fArg � , '!`lie other --.they e the took fliflit When A2 d.. him. -'-Eluting :or they -.-tAA «'Au1cl;; in.'all1obabilitlf ilio fiatl1 VOw '` : have f' � �.GC1't`E'fl 11�,N cotlStilil + • is strange AUT; ill)tI1111 it o ; f 41)1041N. tO :1c11•titi•: ,� f .ill() ni litlii' scenes. „ S�G11f S.• . r A t ?1 R t ,7` _ .4.4 i'4tlekno\ti, JeC.: anti, 18fi l a t'IS l Ii, ►t'2'11E, 1(.111, Zinintepx r '(i:; a - ll,ctic..`z? Ito cry - -�., �s, 3.u� i ; . - . .1 th,. (,1 ; • ,\�4,-fl:Sw I Ott ! ,l,l-.• : ,�•: �2�11, 1S tA ( tlf� _. 3 r .,: 1 . ;;Sir c i ) 1 1 . l t1 ' lt• u ti , l a } , IIJ 1 1 '4,::' � ,. t'2%1 cc>> ,i(� � " Ltttti�r ` ,' Acicllsan, • 44 ; -.ilii tl'on ;.,,, , a Young,.- � a . �� �;�QS7f�i . 4 r Swift -i< %;_ • ° X, s !Finis strainheal:. ' {' _ o 'ft) hea :. that t11o1 Q. iil..(1t111;3:(1 ,E l'j . Til1� Ay Dili 1 1 ' � a 21 f3 it c ltl[211 •Merritt- 1S 1 eparte l ' I cl to,- lime. ttitide ft '•$t. 'l'llontas 11.11lL1t1rgUC .1�1`E' tlictiolls of "aZcicleilts , o. ' u the'. '.� s' •R yet w teheraft or 2 t1 8UlitllE3i11-11111« a - Canada i , - v. • Siuch..a l influence, C11111frAlt: to go. t :i11E11 • ' was 01111 1work' to 921 t�1Q days :the 'fraud. ` • had fixed and thae-cotl 4.' party bact::i1 11•e,l'rested Mickel:. - stt�tu �+- � • All • plcl had pi ecilctiolls that it f d t of tv'eorge IV., <chal i ] days to leave e tom*. with witchcraft. no was given hili r, 011 tllreei Soul!• thin young oul-� •' y y g farmers and.busi, mess filen of Arizona have . - - Villei- #sent 9 t sent cast to find - of the nlel 1- 1'eco1illnendatail from : theJ to�t�lislli - ofil t - P cels All I f• tttE�lrr,liF�' ori s for agou-t says ;etc photographs •�. Z 11APA ilial _- Iseiliave -letters' of. u-'ers, tied ' -T 'want now is -to seg , = ladies. . - Their ill f1 the ;young 1eir expenses : -to will � be -paid b Arizona iilficl.itzfiel y_� the' Asspaiatiaal inl_: y, or, J if they pirefer, . _ ho iv ell inti idcll�esses a tllQy :will whom they --prefer, Af t11$ 111@lll?rS prefer, and Correspondence Can •lie opened.'� P dance 3 !0i 1 INICAT 0 2 u- the l ditol• 9f the* &- - r boot: •�•.{-l - ,x+ u " C a n • m en . -b e c 0 1 a 1 • •1+aiG1ted or- drunk .hy anything but t.col of and- so . become.., A liuls A1e, }l' sober Gltlxelof sLucknow, 10nwlt las night elifil2OlSedflln-:r:21dljir tSluliilers-by a baln_.tiolni toJesus' isereaeeis,t1ink*ulu e that :d1urkE1ess :and mlc ill;ltrH> airY .illAt1eaSt end .0i-ralISt1a,w1eIthe Scott Oct milole, intforce:,--..: ...nut,. sir,: we have.:tier:so.ica of i toxlcatioi11°firt --.1.-mean he Saved- • Army jle4alle WAS -the re:elly_of:last ri 1lt, ' of yO1g 1P1 .tiihoought- 4 tO if iii 10(1,1 wore, pronieliading: at be . hour of ht fi i . midnight, 1 dooit5 :, h SI n' the to Jf�sus�' • ueatng,or a. atilt shot .which tl1'ou ed ill 'IV Al -t 1t --t 1 E u. the bride frethe�t,,uet, the•-r(<ide>!io(,e of. �'l�+t�taf N�>vatizl) ''th Ct)n, •h. tltra .: Ufl the !',Tail 1i, -.1)t• the 11,-Y -Duneatt a etx u i( r ,v I .- ex l to t` [ L1> Nam (� r f ,t third 1. daughter regor, 4)f I rl htei i�f • h>3 tittciersi�P14 rlVa�.f:RY 4i(ed for Caretaker trf Iittok (1i�.-1 iblie Sc'1oo1; • -Tor information t() duties Apply, te, ttitle►n tide:' _ • O&'•IE ().'1'IT1 PI;7�:I SU Imes i her; Lot 20, al, the ()I. 1 IIkf the township- l�f Ii4ttr)n u or -*dant •the Ist`o 9th, G(tt, of N fiwa12iberr last, fill* head of :yearling F f tato s eae:tv and two cl�li r .. • heifelrs, .eluestec� to ltr)1ee) . � he owner is r.. take theta property, Pad' expenses; end s1•n 0 • v • • • great 04044 2O:-PCenr, Reduction for has 0 Q S ; 1300ts - �. &:-, A great � t nl1Zt1v.I.12z�*� Sol f.a ' 10 W Oc1I of t, Che rest ed Goods . • . p and Best Assort- and oods ever of}' reed •to •ile, the � P u ' .�0 QLh Ou to- se eat from. , .. c�.6•1•41•" taasavaspaapsamsgps ROBERT R : rr.Ir1 , -�., VINO } Arri ASTRAL :. .. AME TIM PREMISE � - aitbsc)ilier. T.tat la,. ISES (F 1'nl field, or abottt.thE• 20th Con. I�, Iv,•T)..lKh. 41 head of catch. 2, ate - �,r .N()vetnl�ar last, wbieh aro re, anti the others r and -� heifers, :i of The owfter:ls l (lueateej tti -nrev ed ati,:1. white.r`pensea, and take: ath a I)rotkdrty p_: i •a nrbe rley ,p. O. - - - em awn , �a d �1n-BOT � 1• S BROWY • ROAR FOR` SERVICE. HE trNDIIIRSTO .RD inform WISHES i f)'rn the farmers and others of th v14111Ly that he will keep large white boar service this season at Iot 4, ,„1.1 Ash- field; 'retina $1 cash; •l 'btu dC1SkP7I r1 r.'1T!•: il' 4in• - :T iteknow.P. • .. I10 tat FOR -__ RE , O�E iIe � T` � Yi I R .S[cChased nershre+Sean f -of fmithcf. Isle Hamht,gh-wiahes to. inform, thefar,n rgdill others of :this vicinity that. :htv,ill keep hiln for service seaspn'AfI�t)r Caul 9, ,jl)Wll�llp of Ashheld, .` e'1`ertiis `1. - -: 2in-562, • tS - QAC AS'fl`].E lifbAilt411.11 SE/IVICE -- 1I NDERSIG:i\;ET). T : obased a- fine Ilarks ' r Boar, i I. . ,-.John hltre 13c►ar, from. R (xc - . Dealer i r in :. )ff . 1 a e c r7 h t► .. a r . .h u *Township., - h w 1 na ei Film., b. t p'iblic that lie'will keep to :ci' •jrnt this Aera9un at T•.(�t'l2P blit fill, service • - a, Lon. z,-Kilalcaas. • 'I' this strictly cash. -• I -1 erns $I,. - - WILL -TAM D= •' '614,. Y50�T, ' Lanrside" 1. - : ?11OA-1 FUk' S: �.. L L I) ; ISH , - iuf)un the farniels of this viraalty: ita t:h'e -gill-keep.fir- eerytLi►t. 2,: Con. Township „:.his -.thoroughbred Berkshirehour: 4-.Perfctiot, •„ bred byJ (balmt CSa1y,of !leawano,h,Jerur 1caeh. • .•w Lw.ku1114• P. - 04” 11 1 k..\,) , "'IsIPIIIit Ili' t, , .. I l J�k;.,z, i / , o i,,'; �Fa,.Lic IJj i L, yr, I, F t 1-r , • ii [,r R � .I1-.....-0 is b ."41 • , iii �{ ;•, • { ...,.••• 1 - Jor �O] RIGF�' T BOG•! • t44i Only Bright Su.; Qli lbs.. � i i -for $1.00•. 25 cls.. 29 inch Wintilsor CU O11: "yils. 36 ii ch (3'11viiide) _ EISU O �i :i. t t' G:'-. 1 a. • .0th. wool Qa,na dint Tweed Suit -for .1 idents' Fait its .. ►fix..s.Zoo • encI e s. 25 cents. i • • • • �•. t �. 112acI44yre's. Ladies', Misses': and Child- ren's cods botU! 1 t " 24%4 �: . .cent. UP ; :)ta ���Y the 1 1 ular viice. . Jaz-This lzs & i 1cw;� i ll � , :. riI1 t� GOi1tl1l t��- 1e end of -lecembep FIRST CO FIRS 7 ,¶'EP j ,ap:_ r Lit,„ �▪ + -i •: aTwO Waw .. ecK I 1 lir .+;:emu i� I i' 1i A ll : I i F 11 f I i'- i I : rt • o. i I s s 1A, i�i r - I a V ti • i II I h1 - :s { i •LA s 1 111 Y• w� I !11 nn, f Ilii , Gf. iFN11I111lli 11111111 ��i 11 1(4 • ALL KI\DS of ISTMASCfJOgS . ancj see my Stock 0 purchasing else here WESTERN ✓ ;a.. [ The sntiiscriLH rhereby' all work in his lice parlor. style. h a sc ZII D_IT�} or $rrras- contracted for and fi111.shed. in t iE)1` irritlilile.l' and tiY n latest th great satisfaction. on hand a large : � Toll. 1 - keep ed °lumber.. : , ,,,e stock':Qf,`•sen_ AlI kinds f DOORS) SASH Ali public in general notifl_ to execute . g ral that'he is prepared " .. �. , F On laid: or- iirudf3: •' no ` , _ to order . ttce.. ; I guArant a ;short ee 'good: kf'e'p�)iotle�'";Lu - - g- d. won••;_-� �. "� t the best o .And material. w° •kmep. • JOHNSTEW4 I11i� kno 1 Haran -2 nd I. z ,0. Far— LA111 E 1 samaanigs In and Skve 11?pot, NEW' VONARCll No.... Ca 41 'rood Com, izat on! FAULTLESS FHRLc 1 3ktaC1u98eator. Calf and see Them ! THIS PAPER 0 'Will 1ic,sent for oLADYs BOOK. t ne year to any ticivl•e k -on receipt u$2.SU,which should bt;ee t to the rtil1Isherut:h4�int1uc1. - -Docielr'sliady BookIe the oldest family magazine l AYeric : l conceded by theJresa and public; to �e. the _leadeash oil t gatz ne, - lis) a -6) 1) crr ilttion probablycovers'theIiargrat area c'Iaty tmer eznrnahl cation, its patrons beinit- Yr 'V' - � . 'i��t�;iaI:��. �• s=i -�.,i,. t ...{:,I.$;�; ��.. r �i�-f.t. ;• '- - �� N-- - I...°. fou,.n •H vn y-c.iv ili z e d aeo l n u .t r 3 ander - t o sta 1885 , a urark the hitY fifth year f 1:4ihgazine, and it is fro that at shall not 011d 1,,.extei1CdCe in every department �UYthrn..irits 1)revlous ItistcrJ�hut surpass ,n attractiveness, quality lilualt;`, Anye°s;fl,IEIZS I.Ia�, Ih uaeaZii3, {urrib 185,wil contain . ther magazine �ub115,rd for tha :same rice. s �:1400 iases of reading,consisting-ofSt..res%ALL4_1xL 1�L� Accor • •1 t iUbytttstta Ietta�zrrea wri e• sa80.ArDles1)a Po • °ofN1S !Immune** SketchesetfiYHistory 1Q+ tiIsobs on Dressmaking (looking, ,hYrtCtical Recipes ds4tp:iiiT.� lct Oeta.nr1 #cr,•blf ck and white. 1410 :gL8jilustrating, Tasb ois incolors,all - �;; i 50 >s ges , l l tstr at i ou s P a n c Y. :it•ur-; in 5 colors, I ti [a 'i Maand white, • •,t Takes of Select e uti�I Engravings. Illiatations ,fArchiteetur . .84�ne.�r�des•illustrations of Rotseh) . 410A -3 1-z - alit o Schto9ruih8crber w)12 be allowed to Nate 8e tido tacb mouth of a ' 'UI1Size(tt rFagern„of any design 1in ine Magazine, without extra these patterns b7ortb 3ope than a price f the ai e,ave Will also )resent to every e5cril, aateelEngraving (for framing) P�rawts c?1- uIn tura • Sleeping Loire," IrQ irc. l l ,antie!y for this Magazine. - As �Ul)EEs LAIxDg �oon has faithtuilYcb,sese it Iramtses with the public for Yearsi-th;re.i�d be no doubt abouthe above .eaurfulfilled to theleter. Subscri )ttriPrice a year. Sample copies lila. d - if { '• K , 0, Lock BoxPt -3 I'Ilp• 1. • fD nap free rg wet terms Qf sal iady The bis 3:1 :II :Lai r°, sion of iTicgistr The sa 121F) 47fda 11