HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-12-05, Page 3a
. ,
Th e Wlict Crt and: Hew :- Shit Should
- he Treated
• illa‘re lAiswor*.
little crib in a coiner, -
A lby neetling tttook
A tree head laid -on 01110W •
After.a murniurn prayer.
Ilafrup hi fanny pv,ifera
To make tognorrowte
ljet. oh. etieh a fr wiling for head- •
MAI ot th0 awaked Wrier
And live etnek Out i.o •tpouty" - -
over dimpled
WtIk, inannua, ivitt a blegsing,
• 1-Tneka baby /lumpy -
one eweet lily darling,
A And then 1111134 h rnh1tL g6;
The little lainha in the ineadow.a
.. Are feet mullet) I linow;
An(t. to are all the t niekieen
Ilere tne peat eo nee out- whin g
ta ehe rL with itiatry mobbing, ,
t hioffide-nioe-o ti=i=dooti-kint hen rt.
Tile .Wied -
_The girl of .10 who ortli neither -Sow nor
114 housework, has nreensinetie to be decked
outin lerieey and rat:raging about in tetrarch
• of fun and frolic Unless her -titirents ate
?lob,and lit that erveni ohe etiede the watch-
, int direotien of s ;toed motherhone the twee
Tberet lit no °bleed= L.e.fun, but. it • -4hou111.
o be Well (Mosel', and_ well timed.. No girt or
wonoari who wilt not:. work hesa right to
there, thet-wageg of a .Oooro.1121411'S: text... _ It.
Milo doe Work, if mho ilikes the clothe she
*tiers age egotists in '„,,he holigebeld dutleg„
the ohtinces are mbe.Woll have enough self-
reiipeot to beheve when platottme oomes,
- hut If 'the shotolttetill.Oe wiltie the
-'hotiest toil bhe bas done will confer upon.
-her'sornn d'egree of right to .:baVei 'her .own
ey,111-iudged. thougelt =eye°. " Tee wild
ri.abaelly agpiret to promineboe in some
oisioirele or °thee; ',,nd *her 'manners and
oonduot are in- erae.ter or lees- - degree.
-designed to utrti& to following .oR Men -
She should rernoirikr. thet followers are
not always. admirere, -.lied ;that tiae-most-
sincere admiration it,-Ooap• evet feele for &-
woman In e drewing-roarreis When he lotike
upon _her end • Hoye' ift hit4r..'0W11 Genbnious•
She is a portent lady." That et.%
• rea-oction thtit, netter Otourg te him .as -hie
epee fail iipon-the wil. girl. . •-
• - liood-eteeesui
Koep good coniPany or nobe. Nete.r bo
idle. - If, youe- betide otienot be tetetully
_employee, attend to tee eultivation of Year
mind. Always opal( tee truth. Maeelew
Aron:1180e. Live up* to -your eugagementso
Keep your own it enruto if you, havet ally.
When You-opeekto . person look io-
.the face, Cl OoMeony. and good (tenter -
Sateen tire the vtiry •eieetwe'cif vio wet.. Good
• -charitoter to obotie all • things Year
eharacter oounett- atitten-tially injured.
exeept.by your _ Own -Bete.. -.It any en -0
alienate ill of- yog, let seer life be thet
jlann writhelieeet hien.. Ever'. live,: mister.
taut excepted,. your Ingeme. When
• you retire- to bed, tl.trik 'over •what you:.
r )11aVe been doing duritot the day. Make ..no
heettito he righ. if . yeti •tiould,Altosper.
Smell and, steedy game- give. coMpetenoy
with tranquillity of ocied. Avoid tempt*,
lien, through .fear Wet you tatty ,:cotwhb
.titandito Earu mototy -before you .epend
it Never run hoodebtounlebioyou see- a way
• to get out tigt‘liltVer.bOrr9W if you -can
• poestbly avold'It„ - notMarry.uutil. you
ere- able to supporti..* -wife. Never
- litof aurorae. -
a .
• ittementee penpnineste.
Doniestie happlutee .worth;.
-: it nosy bartedisedb f)ioverty I itie eternal:,
*hove the °patrol of eirounastauge. Hersh
happineka is thellowit Of paredisa that hes
beau Buffered to stray beyond- its'ovelle„ Bed
thotigit with_ us ib doeo not bloom in
• -perfection, yet- its loossecos, as we- Arley
. gather thorn, ate WO fovelVoto lee;te utiin
doubt whether it's Werth our unhurt). Of
- all tuirthly_goods this i1 -11600'e best gift
• to man. Whilst thereis no other kind of
7. ley that can .canopeOlite for he absentee it
may itliktota the mtel wells • of the gable,
or shed 41014 and Vithrtzthover the -eel&
-state of the patece. Teem hi-no.cohdition of
life -to -which it how leot add Untold • preie.
'11.onarohtt 'there hevebeen Mho hate
-heatd.the exulting slutof viotory, -het@
>Ned it for a- mama, then *war*
sighed; rehellioue.sens were a thorn in the
heart Whose -roukliug priook *Si felt to kill
all joy. • Merchante OW, hate amalised
their millions their dowel MU* have been
'hoop:4 in varioug pueliatif the globe- ,but
itt a izionteut, when gucceee and -cectirity:
- • hew, attended" some favorite *chain* of.
hatiordougenterprise, in all the hitt-tiniest
anetaiNitthe SQUi hilt whispered::: " -This
is but -mockery to Mei whowoeld ask it * to
_atone -for the abeuo o doineetiti love:
Poets have ;lived wbese- brows- htiveo been
Wreethed by eleweiriaed 'lettere bat when
.epirite hoe teethed .to liturgist- for thores
grew at home-, Rot never =numb,
•onerchaut, nor peat tem* dancedo. bliss- a
ley toe mech., ILEEft °UN pooeeseed
vault, uot -barter it ;for . all otio-ototeth
-beside& • -
. oeireetut
. Sametimmt ib ingsI neoeseary to
• iugratiate the "boiling preperty. With rat*
•Keelletueilly meth the artioleit to water.
until they,ere perfeetty free --hobo- gold.
Tee -eppeereatoo tuoy be' improved by
riobblug theta wt.-Ili:al-440u* oil.. ,
• Oen" :'014-•_ rifirble or. elitheeter
- -humeri:1e the (Neat% :or two -or three (1'0
. water to boftett -dire, limeoeto.. Teen
: tokethera out oud °icon theta with% htuth.
Mee gleaned -1u thie wey as well . tie poie
table put them in a teixiure of One part of
•sootteeutreted toneletio Aka oud three- perte
.of water, until they tippler peefeetly chum.
TO glerie bre, matte a Mixture or- one
rt covaitiou i.itrw eitl end ate pert of
000 tioiariA Mine jet,. -haviug also
,idyaped of trashwater and a box af
mew duet.. Tee° artio,es no: be -treated ore
-dipped letothe wile, thou removedinto the
weter„ wad.' beolly r Abed with anwdust.
Thee liamediately chougett .thetil- to s brit;
none- goiiiri It . the bras USA beeetue-
. geeeoy it io firee AOKI In a atroug aolutiorf
et pettesh 14ta. '410(114:m wrrn Wt4iter ;. this
oti tile grease, 00 titti the --acid bete the
-Gape of 'bur, ,sit eggs, two teaspooifuls of
baking powder, two Cups of eager, twootips
of eteeed retsina. •
Winter- Squash. -00t. up, pare theepleoes
and etew • one hour; mash them in thet
*kettle and season With, butter, pepper and
slt._ _ -
Apple- Ple:--Stew emir ripple* until 'oft,
rub through a -outlander and 'add. three
„beaten eggs for each pie,- otieifourth of..a
oup of butter and one-fetirth of a cup of
-Bier Celteso-Mieoe. one -pound of 'steak
and add to it three chopped Oniolie, pager
and salt and two -beaten eggs." . Form into -
small mikes, roll in orecker erunibe and fry
in hot lard. • - •
• Bioe,Piitiere.-oOne quart of • milk, two
cups of rige, five eggs quarter of tecup - of
butter; Beal the rice In the -milk-until
Holt, then tidd:One tablesptionful of Huger, -
yolks of eggs -and butter. Whin cold add
the beaten:whitens of the ego and fry in hot
hard.' • -
..onp - each. -Of- brown
sugar._tied butter,' two teaspoonfuls .of-
baking-pewderootte pint of lititie,tene .teeio
speouful eseh - of - nutmeg, oil:mamba- and
ginger, ode edp of ;. All greaaed geni
pape We-thirdo. 1 ulI reed bake. o
. . .. • , • _ .
Apple -Snow.-Pare - :and. 'quarter the
apples, -boil qelokly lo water Mitered with.
lumen peel. . After stewing and drainiug;
l• pegs- through e slc.ve. beet tbe-whites of six
eggie add eixtablespoonfuls cif powdered
Sugar and • the otippleso Or together,- beep
up in O. -glebe dish and Ogaruith with legit
.fiegere. . - _
Coffee Cake...-. One gap flitch of butter. and
7stroug oue pint and .a_helf of lour,
three quarters of acuptif butter„ three eggs,
one cup and a half ofobtiger, one outdo'. --of
stoned ?algae, bell: *:eiephat - of OuoPpeo
citrenO"half oup :•of milk. Mix to a errieoth-
batter, and bake alty minutee:
•Arrowreot PriddirotoO-Outi pint .of
tee° tehlespoenfuls 'et arrowroot, two ego,.
half cep of -auger, half teaspooeful each., of
einnernee end - nutniego boil the ni•iik and
stir lnLhe arrowroot, -whioli bee_ been dig -
8°4%4 in alitIlo water; take from the -Are,.
tadd•the other ingredients and bake JO AO
earthenwere dish in -a qdick oven.' • -
,_ i • - • _ .
• _ 'The. Hada In POIltkiSs.
This has been a oyeatieesen for the dude.
To him Me is ordiperily* blank and the
*Old 0 .4o1ut3i00.-i. -But according to .0111
accounts he hag been on -importaht . tamer.
in the_Presidentiat problem. : Assured -- of
tliet .0a.rlyinthe oempaigmhe has ceinedien-
piously tried to nuke- hiingeie worthy of the
--oderibiem. Tee oral -nary opioion of the dude
hat been. thetree wiis of no acconut except
as- a tailoe's dummy. But the Opiiit of
-the , otimpaigo. Was- toe. mull Oen for his_
meobanioal personality.' ,It . *mid' have
otermate.d the .Cordiff _. giant it thaiii leraty
_ieditidditi- - hed not -been -broken up for
buildiotpurpeseit or. othetwiee.:dispesed of.
The dude's o.iperies a potitiolati heve-been-
exttemely entertaining if not entirely hero
Inanimate With ,higOehertoter.o: -Hie Wooden
eall-poseessien _bad • stood- the -tett of
-the- prottienede, the Matinee -and- - the-
reoeptigno . Ho . had -schooled- 'himself to
coetettplite :with- ;Obeolute indifferently -
every. attraotit g or exciting featureofmodal
life.- At perently sated with- itud Weary - of .
the lif'ehe had bardly.. -begun :he tvielked-
&breed. timer* eie •..fellowoikeeturos, as
eXprossioeiees PAS a: telegraph_ pole, with:
Maple akimbo, his cettie: etioking Out - hlte a
,sore.thiltub Of phenemeutilleegth„hie:head
propped up by airaillountoeller fromtwo
to. eix: intees high, hie legs, erigesed , In eel-
- akin - tOeuserso :feebly wobblieg' and -.his
.cootre of gretitytiorefully secured- by, the
ogeel middle parting Of Ineheir, a rebuke.
tood-a wonder II the rest. Of nieekiud- • whe-
:found. sotnethiug still left to ietereet-thene
in o,00lety.atid the world. _ - O
. _Zeit when: the politioel ', argone struck
our dude his cludeship went. all to 'please.
Al it :.d.tnle -11.o. beckon, a oomPlete: wreak
He fancied that - his invistble.: legs Were-
thadteto bear up the destinies of thie ooen-
try,-.and for weekti he bite been _itog.gering
under .6 load which:dieted . only .1a. his
imeeiriationi but Which has Neernerlae,real
-to him as hie. tailtiee and shoemakerie bills.'
ea his aetutelly been --known: to drop:tile:
oone and carry -a tOreh, :and to ezolaim --7`
"1- gay, aw, _hurrah., you 100*, for -whale*
ibisgawk-Our fetish, Joneo," .0e eleottilen-
night *Await .00mpletely &Moralized. . He
had actualltearried hisown ballot - to the
• polls and lifted it into the windowland In the
evening -the iiitelleotueli effort required to
ootiprehead the drift of things„ to :under,
stand why -setae_ men were • eplitting their-
-throat:Wend others looking as nimbi) . as a
-funeral director at sofitet-olestofuuerel was
-ju_etappallieg. He felt that le :RMS.' way
-thereitilehad turned. upet Mo... exertions,
and wtom'equite, sure he• had- iieed :up to
- 14a -duty mid privileges. ' O - --
And uow the -poor dude Is all gtnie.: Hie
poWers-milltinsed e week ago and the 'alb"'
oequent Prookedingehete felled -4o iiateeeet
him. He tictigeld Reeking ,ettineolationlaed-
eleitenieet Melia Oilier, his oltue„ his eel.
ektu Vest -sere, his plated watch:.ehelu: and
his : zugu*. ....groxittuotatipuerAoohostcr
' 's "•.
41!)Wer- tO 1;011.
. • rookie* "elector's... .
. • "-Wheat Getddlo OtiLete-Orte Oat and ,a
o hue:flour, halt tableepoonftit ef oohs three
teeepoonfals-af-hekitik powder, two ego, out
wheal o1 mLk.
Ratter Pudding000thie quart of millk
Tu U -411-11111VIta1l INIVISICAL• *Toile ;it
111oW 1. se. lay- 0.',172,.. 4::::-.70-11811.- ii:ieleaer,..." 14,41711... sin
--- In the reign of the Emperor. Hoang -ti,
,who ruled over China In the twenty-sevente.
cliatury 'before Christi-the-aphelia-Lyng-4mi'
vote coineeisehined to otomplete.the niusioiel
offiten2 : whinh . bad been, disoovered: 200:
yearg earlier,: tiud particularly to Itty.dowe
Atedreles for 'nuking mutiottliestr•iimeete.
Notattitly: be . hid to OorOinentia witle.the
bamboo, which_hed already beeii lobo:mid*
to give thenote.for other nistrapientee - kle.
therefekebetook himself 'to the Prey/inceof-
8111*-iii rnorthwestern China„ Wheii; . on
the -ing r there slope -of a range Or high: mote -
omits, 0 Species: of barithoe goer* which., -Op
aommet of Its uniformity end lie structure,
being i mai her: 'too bard . nor. - too --soft,
was _.- exopedingly: •suitoble :-. for - a. mind
ialitrument. He out one &slip and tried
it. - • Traditiot - says.: that -- it ...gots the
same •note as his own- :toice When . he
was emitted by no Onetime; and the. rip!
.elipg of the sourees of the great Flotinklooi
or Yellow Rieer,,Wbich were iu -the vicinity.,
followed in the eanie tone. At _the: _Bionle
•tiMethe.fabetoue bird. Fueg-Hieng, km:mai;
. pitiful: by iiiii•tnitte,. duw. tothe place.: Beth
perched- themselyee - upon a:. neighboring
branch and cominenced a sone, hi the course
of which- each- of _these birch,: gets eix -sopa-.
rate netee. -These are the notes -Which are-
oelled-Otire male and eix feinale tones In the
boale-dtiateeed-1 by ollyng;Itiri„ and 'which-
oorrespoed to the ancient ,deotnueof the.
Male and female prieciples in niter', As
4- matter of coeree, the deepobt of the male
nage was the one -*reedy discovered by the
philoeo, phe.r Mae 111. He :kW endeavored
to rept:odium the other notes .with the help
-of bamboo pipael. and : saceeeded. -. Hie task
was now to lay _down:deed, rules as to the
lento of othe :pipes, '..eo that *ttienciefortle
they ii Did beerisity•eonetreet id everywhere.
Per Ibis reason, and 618o -because subti.ei
me& ef notes. depends -upon- -blight: differ-
ences of length, itna -there were soeroely.at
this °time - instraineets. --to divide :greet
lengths, be-neemisatittarrived at the notioe
of pessiog from the less to the greater, at d
of latiog-doivaan•edeqotttely emelt netturee •
uditfor bis-ruetibureineats.-- That oduld be
nothing ole butt a geein-bt seed; and uow,
the point wastooget see-deof i'li.e. greatest:,
peettthie milierreitto :-. He 'chat 'a iortool
Milletothe sorghum - tabruni,' the seed Of
-Which:is of sodark-browe 'color, and weicei
is said to possess the .adeentagel of greater
hareeemi out' aniforedity th•en -that ot- the
geay aild . other' kinds.- The seed is poiuted
otthe ende;aud.'frona Onepoineto the other
the length is someivhet greeter tbanlie tbe
direction:at right ' angles. loyeg-Iiiii now
.fixed It:be-length of the . pipe, Which give
the keyonote • -at . eightrone :graiug . of the.
'seed : pleoed leegthseise in - 0 row. But
whop: the -grains were placed breadthwiee.it
took /00 greehig tO -glee :thes.eme length:
linier.the.dotibli..ditesiou of 0-e9 ,and ' 10e10:.
wag I tmturillyTtirrited at. •• Accordiog .to I
the dimensions-in.:gloat:ion; i1. Was welled a
mustier or an ordieary feat, the latter being
introduced with . the. dere noel ,subeivibtoe : Nth
a measure orleugth. . Thai breadth of 1
grin of seed weep 1 fen . 0 -.• Reek 10 feu,:
egged. 1 faun (au 1144 10 tette, omit 1 °be:
la foto ),,, 16 - ohe. equel: 1- .oh erne /.0. - cher*
_equal 1 ny. ' In subSe(Iuene times..,the line -
. wae I divided loto teethe, hundiede,.... etc.
-Lyng•luu also laid downrulelo for tho
breadth, as well as for the length, of the
pipe; beoeuse,:althOugh the , bete he men -
daily dependent on the leu.gth, it is neter;-_.
theism' ueoligsery..for itspeaty that-1:the
•pipe shouldbe neither. too -. :40ud. nor too'
-uerroWeooNetere. • • -
Mow Many.carioas Wagers were Made
Ina Settled.
-.A 'kidding's County,Von to, fanner: merle
gaged his farm to bet on Blaine. -
A Bridgeport, Conn., -man agreed to eat
two crows it Blaine was pot elected. '
- A good RePublioin in Dover, N. H., bad
to walk in a .Demooratieparade to pay his
bet.. • .
One or the other of two Bridgeport Men
will shite off big hair,whiskers and eye-
brows toisettle'an idiotic bet. • _
Two Danbury ftliots agreed- that the
loser should shave off one halt of his meas.
tache and weak it in that fashion for three
months. - • - .
• A New -York supporter of Blaine agreed
to Wear a Plumed Height uniform aontinu-
`dusty forthirty daye if James was ide-
. 2
feated. • - r
• • A_ meth better in New York agreed, :it he
-leek*, read the entire fobrth pagicet the
New- York Tribune in public every day for
iix racentba. - - • 1 •. • . I
One. !lathy woman in Weat Rutn4ey,-
N. H.; wheeled another twenty-five rode
beceinee Cleveland was elected., proe
OSNSi011 of 100 tokoh-bearers•accompatiied:
them.. • - .. • ", • •
W. CO Brace,: a „Cleveland, Oyeter
dealer, wagered---. Lis place of business, his
borne andevery dollar he poigieseed, buthie
Wife served an atteohment on the.:stake-
bolder., . . 7
Donald Dingwall wheeled Alfred .A. Maio
phyLarotind a square in New Htivea beoeuse
Cleveland was bleated.. TO--ayold colliding
With oar ..he dumped. his loud in ,• the
Mud. - , o • .
* TWO-:tverlimen In the. Wieehester. Atms
fatitoryoNeve-Haven, would not bet money,
but decided that the loser should go on his
.bandetind kfieeetti and from- work for two
Weeks.- - • . I
Henry ,K-eauseeit .*Government employee
• at Ceiottge, sawed u iscird of wood ia -front
ef the, 'Quetotti -House as the result Of an
elention bet.' He was eliteeltaged by a brass
borid_ond etenthaeiasticentrowd. • '•
baa wobi a -Wheeling, W. Vito,
'aeleswoulaii was to givee, Cleveland drew.
met ,forty.eight .kisses in - four - mon.•tely
Matalmeuts., As lb is; the- youag led.e wtli
wear.a seal tilde- saeqeerwhioh; the .dr
ruee will mottle fors:: •
T. Barnum 'agreed, if Cleveland was
eb,oted, to se tl- ell his veluable. property,
includieg .200 honks tniRridgeport,
for orie-fourthless than aotual value. N.B.
.'"olle-tvcin't.dei it, all the sen20.., ,
Willia'n1 - .of - Wheeling, : :W. Va..,
will'ooget every tie- On the Benin:lore &
Onio traek between Wheeling end-Weith-:
ington begrime Cleveland is sleeted.' COB.
Nitiler *peed, if -Biulne was elected; to
0412 a bend garb over the. Nett:Mot pike
Irma Weaeling to .WaShingten. - 1-
. • . •
Charleston, defied-.
live, bet that Blaine Weald have a larger
electoral imijority:-:than Garfield. had. If
he -hod Wen:1).-B.- G.ostierii *agreed tories
.bllud.Mule through Oeariestou's streets..
Bernet losing, Of course, will have to •sW•im
the.Xonemint Riter*from bankto :bank for
four -booze. • - -. •
The -Evotalion ot -maniere - •
- Annabelle. 10 not Anna -bails, or fair
Mini,. but is --theOfenoinine of dientlibil,
.-mtiaeing gift (or grace) of Belo._ Arebetle is.
notArebelle, or bittatiful altar, btu Ora-
bilia,"i -praying w,oniatt. In its Anglicized
form:of Oribel, it was Muolerdore Comnion:
in the thhtleathlentury. than at prescutO
hi -aeries has.: noththg to dt:, with 'Mimi.:
ties, or * PdoorObut comer; from Alerterio-
hinorneireigh the. kiogdore tifO--heavepO:
Ellen is the leMigine ot Aleia, Alen -or:
Alla, and lies no possible tiouniourin witk
UeleU,"which ....001120/1 from godifferene
pegs, and is older by 1;000 piers; at least. -
Amy not hobo itimeeibut from Inge.
Attie, or Avis, -doer not .exaotly Mean
advitieo ae mome thinkO 11 tonnes fro*
Maw's, and means happy
hae." no impost:mien with Elizabeth. 14 hi
the, deter ,Of- Louts!, and both are the
daughters of Halo's'', ..Whieh is Hele-wleo
-hidden Wiedono. :There is, indeed, another
terra ; Louie*, rather -LOuielo whittle
hi .1 the -fel:ethics- of lotittiso_ but
this - Was. - steroely, heard of - before
the eixtetiuth ' oeintryo- The-. older
Heloieefor maths Hattie, •Aloiso,
or -Altitieitt, was &belted' into notictreval
Euglieh as Alettiao-a- mons Which_ our .old
eeneeloststs tienfused, With
and. Amtlie are not diffor.eet teemed ;one.
ntione. :Erntlyoie. bora 2E-my1igothe name
of en Bowmen gene. -Amelia co:tee:4m
the Gotbt3aaiwdu, heeteely. Reginald is
tiot &deed trent Itegilia,. and has nothing
tool° e queeu. .1t is Rom .akit, ext.1 ted:
perils:- Allele. :Adele's, Adediade,-7 Aiteo,
-Alix, OAdeliee are all ferule -0f One name,
-:the rem of Mich je-adel, eoble. But Aeuie
weft eetter pied tisidentoetil• with Annie Or
Agues (ot-ewhieh lest the old tioottiehleariab
15 ,a overie9)._.-- Mir, as is eteroily MOW
twined,. was ilizobetle- eve* : synouyeeioati.
- -
Herald. -
o Thee tillage of :Underwood,. ()minty of
Heron, end vidieity wee thrown- 4itit4
%tete of err to-exottettent reoently by the
news: thet u °had, three moutbet old, had
been 1•iund lo a ptg pea helougtog to John
efoe,lettu, ou the eth . eon. - of- Bruce. It
--peeeere that a heoriless_ wouittu, by the
Of 13oauet„-of the. 2od _goo:- Of Bruce,
had oi ler:relied -wttli her husband, :and not
for the emit- time, and: that she brutally
reteuged him by easitug the ohild whera,of
ipbu4 beeu left 14 feW momenta loogeee the
otianOtli are .that - it would heave- been
devoured by a beg thee was just: about
ettiziug tlte. poor ohild .wheti .Mia. MeLeitits-
luoltily-oewe to the regatta. - -The °site was
-puri la- the • bends ,of-: -e. Megistrate, and
althougifthe-fether was -found and chained
the ohild, the wretched- mother is Mill
uulieerd ofo -
The New, :rink Cattalo will be oloeed on
Deo. let, Unless uavigation is !topped
soonerby We: • - • _ = : . . .
:Florence - Marryat will *Hew herself
late euppera aucl eetweys tekee u moreivie
walk, tiluele-rother of the -Basilian ;thou
I•the English type t 'thud leouiete red heir;
gue militie expreibion,-- euperblf
briglit .cemplexion, golden .brown eye%
little va
yrouuded throat and statuesque bust
, leand ittetootostion lotitgue.
' ..; A 'London- vet logrerci tieys : A !ergo'
theetiog of. the Ieteel. Restoration League
weer held . in 'fili.• Jamete :Hell, -. Liedont
Ititt.eteeitig, with Metisre. Miehael Datitt,
-Beery -Goof go. and Mis4 MAU Taylor., and
several ,aiewbere - of Poo lien:tent preset -It .
AltereTitylor Moved a resolution, seomided-
. by 1,40. Devitt,. that hand inellee ' bly
belonged to the people. She expre tied
eympathy with the Stet th crofters, nd:
urged tbe.abolition of the- Home or .1.46rde.
AIN Heery. George supported the reeolutiono
He fetid the -recent election ite:Arlierioe was
ex 6 ef-theozobt iMporteut in the hititory.
ot the Eteptiblio. . It Meetit 'death to :both :
greet 'potties -and the edveut of a - new and.
vigorous -; potty_ yet unnerved. 'lin future,.
he geld, etion.onito ' atid.soei a .0 -6 -atone in .
•Ametiea mutter:time- to the- trout. .
There are 120,000 WOMeil itt Great:
Britian •inareittie :their Iiehig .as sobool
emiltimes *ogee .at the rate oI
.slityeight pounds per inhabitaniew 1,08..
000 tons. • . -
. Rill ATI 1011
i tit to These- Who hailer. trrint -This
. _ • • -.
Disease and 110w- whey-04601(1'1)1ot. --
4:11114)SEN'S C.OANDI11164100,11Y
tiensible -.Advice Vpops OneWits Zvi.
:densly Has t $11 She ittr•Uniters'
: Philadelphia Oa7: One of the difficult
probleinn with all etts is that of accus-
toming children tol1 use of money in 6
way toloaoh therio,ite value and how to
r°aPe li r Li bas
dge a
its value is not appoeoloted ; and whilethis
may be generally tioiee,it will not do, even
for a rule. Tbere differences in ohil-
drep, in their .estbrittes of the value of -
money, •iwilich are erent in their °hart.
actor. Some are l'i'ielash and penurious,
while others are gatilertious and liberal. Nor
does it make muale_differenge best they get .
money, whether by ID or by labor, theirs) •
natural propensitieeo Will be given effeat.
Soilore earn their Opoiey by hardships that •
are often extreme, ...t.*IYet- are openhanded
•when.a °hence o�n o ezjoy it. Thee
no, rule' can be !io " en to govern this.
The proper use o Orley is a matter of
education. • .
And neriessarily 4t_i branch of education
belongs to parents. est how, it shall be
couduoted depend& acirotinistanoes. Some
parents adopt- tb jiau of tiltingtheir
oluldren-money f1*,; opetoal purposes, and.
ant at regular inteteele. Under this system
they know just whe*the money is to go for.
and oan judge ofSeleei'' wisdom of the "use
proposed to beoniaq-oO Others give a certain
Amount weekly or esenthly but require no
accountability. froei the child' as to how •
it is used: Stileotkoire direct how it shall
go -so much integetings and a certain
emoint into pleam;ro, or artioles of use.
And in otheroasee rente devolve -.early on
children the. purob :se -of portions of -their
outfit, and leave em • to exercise their
judgment tinder a .014eralparental super.
vision. All these- oo•etill other -plans have
thole merits and defeets.: Much inevery
ogee depends on thti ifnaraoter andehabits -
ofi the Gelid.- go"; .
. I We know a wet1thy, olear-headed Ger-
man who gent his.** to Heidelberg to be
;educated. He grated him an allowance
.of money to be -need'eas he might choose,
hat rooting' a mit4te, itemized account of
every cola expende o; He thus kept run of
the habits of - the:-.e4a, and the _sense of
acoeuntability mage. the boy oarefel. He
beoame on after Iveors an able ;banker.,
-Parents, in Order tO:p0eure correct account-
ability. must not oo rigid in oritioism
ner lose-teecold/einem of the child; ales
they deceive, and tee benefit of siiper-
vision ia loot. Cikeideen-should be allowed
the privileges of Ohele age if we wish to
retain their oonlidOil e.‘ Nor should prb-
per privacy or i.titiliege be too closely
inquired after, -Toe Objeotos not to secure
servile aocOuntabelity, but only to teaoh -
them the value an ` eoper use of nioney.,
And - care sbou be tken, al8o, to
gratify. the :tfll tendencies of
children, _ or allow, them to
-r •
Feonily Magazine: Keep
skin _ iti impatient: good tone . and:. working
order. . The, matutlual.: sponge- bath will
trerilithen the nerveti.arid keep open the
Orme I the Turitith beige,- portable or other-
wigeoeughtte: be tekee ones .6- Meek, .or
whenever an :atteMit is -threatened; If even
ouoe a -day for. a. time should be damned
debessitry it, will -net hiltte. It is a wonder!
fuliprophylectio. I .otinid -adduce buudrediri
of- oases itt proof Of.this,O Times subjeet :to
rhetigiatisui tery.often feel tired, depleted;
with oeMithoat -low of appetite. - The -body
Ito not aobe, but it :does net .feel f resh.
Probably .there is-- little. :headache,
but - more _Often a fulgese •. in :brew . or
eyeballs and the -patient has but'. little
heart ler -hie: ordinary e.n.eployment,, loud
thinge that Intereeted -him, Only thei•deY
before now appear- devoid of any value,
If 10-.11111h book .perhaps he will
bee that fOr, a. day or two previously . he hies
net been Heins qoite so abstemiouely 61 be
ought.. Well; he May cell thiti little Bleep
it were fit of indigestion 11be• pleases, I. but
it, is ludigestion of iSkind that hes detri-
noentolly 'Ouoreiteedothe into tioidirt his
-blootio...- Let oh i al take Turkish bath • at.
-mice,. if hie dootor will perniit *Ora; lite
by rule '.Theliving by ettle- inoindee
.a. :itertein---araehrot: °totally exeroletilia the
•opeti air. ......Witheut- this .. no ;hewn.*
'person can ezpeot 10 • he Item free -from
*oboe. and Ogles and. • weitrigonie
alwoat as beol to bar as pole itself. As to.
diet, tt_ will greatly . deemed on thel:age.
The youngrequirit more pourishinent .then
the midd1e4get, -binfoltpeciple Must :heve
their- :little often, . and oit mueli Am well
.9-Ookird Out' .easy-- . of oseiroiletton, For
breakfeet let teethed aolloa both be avoided,
eubetitatieee, cote* be ottooeitidedeith mlIk
tuid: sugar. Lt tout be .eoten. if -480
be prepared; li should be brown bread l- and
-butter.: etid -- the: Weed.- eheald. .he
Awed: Mese, except e littlertidely -peeked.
not toe fu.-'rEggs .totteeed, or
metudiedoor lightly. belled, not frted, and
arty kind Of `file except eatmotio: hefting,' or
natiokerel. olt-hangey.--ebout-, 12 .o'olook, -0
light blocait or two, Withbatter, may -hi
take* -lad a glatoi-Of Bodeowater and niilk.
Dinner sbould be earloo-tiette 1,80 Or 2
Weloeit. Soup the 010.02 I teke-tO
ugtd *Mit people do uotlequite It,, and
-itos atit :to gee ecid. with°eoniso, MOW may
now be token eporiegly, say twitie 6. Week.
Getrie, beh. poultry, oud. tegetobleei'!eXeept
the etrongertinde, may belie:ten every day
with dieuee. :NO 'beer With Metier; --leernoll,
julo� hilt: good stibettlitate; but glogerobeer
end iinger-ale-ehoald be 'avoided. Light
padeiugelsuoh as bread, tape:mai oi.gretiuOd
into, niai betakenlend &little good, Whole -
twine fruit . but :this letter -is better htfOre
,beetthtesteoNcepeatrytantrotteese is Olson.
• • -
0 their owel:Mtehes. Some have
g that lead -Wane direction and others
iretery different 104. .0iie herb fond of
eohineryoor.tooloobr mechanics, or books.
girlioinolined telfrawiog, art, hum Work,
or to -honks. In ee'llar as these tendenoies
are legitimate anclfor eht it is Well to give
• them play, but to,--taide and direct. - This •
may ba so- donee-Oet they will learn to'
ohoose between weorOhas value and a mere ,
toy, • and Will° le,Or.te knew values. All
thig oah be eleagge_40and readily -done, by
friend/kreletions With -children.
A Yankee 0/100;13103bat he began to trade
when, 5- years elWand. that his father,
eutioureged it andieitt times would bargain .
and tradewith hisig•Nlohere O boy. When 10' .
he had Mooted. dire ibis own ericount and o
.•The mere -sapid -
ren should be taught,
no of life; but a fair
,money isoneverthelees,
1 . •
tentoi Grover..
:a phenomenon in the,
Turner that is Inez;
plicable-oa veriteo„ o rooster laying eggs. .
The rooster goes Oothe nest- every day and
*nor the funotiote4 the hen have been
performed be oonototeff, utters a •derisive
mottle to the rest he .fowls and goes on
about hie busineef though- nothing. hada
happened. -Thisql euliar - !Owl. hail been,
itatolied o1oaeIyeTbe haebeen seen to go,
on the neat dailr: gems of -cackling and
there was the eiggy No hen WM ever -.seen
about the nest. - ,t3.4ta fowl has erouied the
Sdmiretion'a outroul, and is an. example
worthy the eniutritten of- the husbandman.
„ • •
He hag NOD the toIleand struggles .of the
titerworhed and 0.011y oppressed hens and
has °omit totheit4eecue And helped them
to.supplythe'detetoOd now sedately felt In
commercial oirolWand it the :boarding- .
sliOuges. , He. oarekeething for a _protective*
tariff, ot tariff fol. --revenue only,: or free
desire is to roost the
-0118Uthption and to -8130
'hog ia not I .wenting.
rsidieraost is a few more
nteziona (Ga.) Record
• ,
Oak cup of not att.:T*004g tea at 5 o.•
and elle, bisoult. aupperit 7 -or 7 80, with
oup ef goo,. • Seams and tot peppers
drtagree so do stewsofor thiti 'reasou :one,
cook lives who can keep grease out of a
stew, and, 'tnoreoverosteWs and food of that
o meiste_noy are ,generally • 'mellowed :too
quickly, aud do . not get -mite4- with the
bedivbry jamb. - are . also „SO be
heoame wealthy a
thin of wealth, o
is not the- whole;
degree Of care -
• oill'oo,,A
:There) has oorm
harpyard ofMr.
trade; his onl
deinands.for bo
that the Christ
What the ootin
living feasters.
. -
4• ,-
, -
-A woll known yer had *ease in court.
the Other`clay.itk ioh he warefor the oom.
ohalwir damages for 0, railway •.
accident, sari Ib:-Frenolsoo Chronicle.
He ** thole V`Iteesees to hie veraioir Of
the story, and h'e antioipated, a sweeping
verdict. His ogOl000eas Viet through some -
obstruction plakoii, 'upon the track in the
dark, through trOoj earelessnees of the de-
fendants, his oNoo't had. meir with severe
Wales. -11e•citgod'in a Most assured tone
for tho drat wittaitie. To lila- dismay this
ledividual sworcObet it was a bright moon-
light Dealt. an bat everything -on the
trick was.visitile.(O'He Withdrew' him Bud-. .
denly. Wituesi'Aouther two wee relied
upon to oontrovooeehe first statement. He
declared that ttie`Whole neighorhoed was
lit by the eleatO light, besides the moon.
With deoreaein *Mugu°e the lawyer
called.. the thirdo He, '8WOrEi Ibab it was
dazed attorney arose.
:hor,lor, • a continuation
ef ground of surpiiie 1'
"I grant it," sal -the judge, while ei roar o
laughter rose alt‘etOuud. •
aa leawyee.
-daylight; .Thete.'
!,:l.ripte, -Year
of the!
Pieoident ,Grki le- the most ex
etiutteur billiar&oeoyer in PM*. and
Elea° is imperblOoorotided with all
regulates for pleelfig the game. ooef.
• ; of oaten. weltoolpross Sudety
ohne Who wentlt) Noplee to as
treating the &alto% patiOnfii twent
dirt ,
o •
". •