HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-10-24, Page 4• • - T.1 M E A BL E. 171-0ING SOT'TIf ' uUING. NORTH'. 5:19 11:29 0:55 1:15. 10:54, 8:15. .. '2:20 '3:39 • Drug Store. Sold. -. Dr. Tennant has disposed of his drugsin this village to Mr. F. W. `-G. Jeffries, of . -Hamilton, t .. who: took oss ess` ion on Wednesday. ` P - T e h Dr. intends confining. himself exclusively to his Meddicalraotice - - P U. C Temper. ante Association A public meeting of the the above society will be held in the Temperance iall •onTuesda evening :: Y , ib next -at 7.30 o'clock. . The servces of the Rev. • A. Y. Har ..le of Bluevale, Y, _ ale,.: have. been. $e= 'cured for the occasion..- Thepublic are -cordially and respectfully invited; and as this will be the last meeting 'before the voteon .the Scott_Aot a full attendance. is earnestly -reuested. ospeiArmy. Captain Hambly of the - Gospel Army at Clinton, leld two- very sue- .cessful in etings in 'the Temperance I all here on Thursday and. ,Frid ay' evening of lust week': - The C t' : iiow in Walkerton takinflpa work of_ the :Army in that pl will be here on Saturday - ni ••-f it is .expected he will be 'reinfo other distinguished workers cause of religion. Patent WIr�e Fence * I .We were shown. on Wedne I Ir. A. . W •Bur gess } of .. `Burgess,: Br iinodel' of a- patent wire • viich he has secured used :the noun. • tor Huron. Mr.' ,Burgess - cl tis patent many ire. rove Y , p .men the old system of: board. 'fe r.4uvenience, cheapness and du aud'to judge from the model w - ' it ought to make. a "very hal t'.id substantial. fence. He i s' 11 -ins, g township. rights. a Public Notice, Al 1 All parties indebted to Wm. M. while in. the carriage business, ei by note or' book account, are requ to settle the. same at- : once : and s further tt'ouble, as: all accounts' lection. , • l:: woo cashmere for 20c. per. iller yard" at W.:ds:S. Little's. they , -The trustees of . the :. Luckn ow ested ` Public.: School are advertising for ave : teachers in every_department: not- u rs ""... i..'n7.a t'lh ighuno, t oFr� S Friends: Pall ds. - is in •the _.village. Duncan. intends D. „O. Cameron, of goderich, s no ' w th a s` frit of boastingor -anything .� of that at-. s o - that � w e -make mention of the fact th_ t we.have :coin- plet,ed arrangements:fo the . purchase P s e of the e large b _ nil din on - 'Campbell b ell street, formerly occupied' by Mr.p W. Connell as a dry goods . store, :for 'a printing office, but t , to give our many. �. friends a_ : chance- to settle :their ac- counts, -"and help.us payfor , it. We will -shortly: remove the office to our new premises, when.: we extend : a hearty invitation to all our oldpatrons . . ,_ to:call and see us. - Shake"! Another Meeting. A meeting was . held - in : Lochalsh church on Wednesday .evening,- whioh was crowded with - people. anxious to hear about: the Scott Act.. The chair was occupied by Mr. � Harrison, .Vise President of 'the_. Scott Act Associa tion= of Huron, who: introduced' the speakers Rev. Mr.Ross, - of , Bayfield, who opened the. meeting with prayer, aptain is ' _Res . Mr. Sutherland, of Ripley, le rt in -the 'Mr. P Y� end. J. Somerville, M. P.; efLucknow. ace,. but; A short history: of the: -Scott Act and Saturday -nig when the difference between: it and .the reed by Dunkin Bill was given by Mr. Sourer- n the vine.. The Rev. Mr. Ross showed the: people the responsibility. _.that rested - on thein ; and Rev.: Mr. Sutherland: aday by." took 'Up the Bible view of -the question which. ha _powerfully _arid lucidlyex- ussels,. a plained: to them... He: dealt with -the fence for- ; t e ` ht objections: to the, :Scott - . Act,: after r.ig which he made a feeling - and: able_ 'a. aims for - p is over . peal to the elders, ca == r�nunicants, and: - •attendants of the churches, - -clearly 'fen iris- ointing out.the:: duty " o . y rabidity; pointing d y of each on poll- . t3 should in„ day. On a call -being made -for a sdsome show of hands every -one in the seudi-- encs was displayed. in favor .of theAct. s• now The Chairman gave.a short history of . aHowe'e:n Concert, In addition to the best local sof. 1Iarsllal , of _Kincardine ►i�ig-at the Caledonian So i e clef s iu. ve'en Concert oii the 31st inst is i II:: Gardiner has kindly cons .v+o#`ontril to two -rea d ng- and Richards will be onJ -hand t:ojaiic recitations. The Ilia (la icing by the children in cos will be. an' interesting e i estina feature, an together._ the program lie . will varied and attract' •- .: . !�� one.. It is it h . e will be a -large turn' out br ie 4 Auld. -Hallowe'en."'to -rho Beautiful Snow, " 'Ile first instalment of -the � beauti- f ul" arrived an -.�, : . 3. �e1 , s Yediaesday' night: \ =1 �on, w.doulit, the many drank poets througout the land will be work- mg off . enfhusias tic . rhapsodies on 1 autiful--$now, for . publication,: and the editors waste basket well filled _ _. ` will. lie in consequence:_ - ' Some weej:sago the London `Adv went into: a- -brilliant �. cr t�s� .man.. brilliant exposition _of Montrea snow- :.- . and now we - w would -l1 lie;. u cry much � toy _-.hear- the �. sem e ge i eman define•snow as -it . is. to. €aurid in a mu - _ - be .oh more civilized sphere --like Lucknow-for ns and t _,.fence., � Came-: now, brace up, and �tiado;-in. - the meetings;;held: during the'week in Ashfield and from all accounts.Ash- talent -field.wi�ll be no laggard on Voting day teroll`` b x.Y will - o up .the majority in. favor of -the Hal- "Se$tu Act. Rev. sented. Mr. E. with. ahland tame d_ al' he hoPed cele L i Purchaseel,--= Mi. D. McDonald, slhoemaker, purchased r ,has- I rcbased the, store and dwelling �resent Occupied by - at rari+* � Mr. 'John Arin ' r= as a, liquor -store,: _ on. Stauffer street: and formerly the_ `:property -of. the la,'e John Jewitt. Mr McDonald. has do ale more in 'this purchase for the cause of 2 Temperance than. all the-. ttnr pe'ranee orations put together as he will tt;rn the -property into a residence. and lnot & shoe store. He is pract-• ice prohibitionist and the temperance lwclpleshould present- him with a flag to hoit:on the pole_in :front. of the,: store --c n the evening_ :-of : the 30th: • - The Scott Act Vote.. T Y -The :Scott Act boom. still Conti encs, and coitnty'after county is failing into . line. -Vast. week Stanstead .-.carried the Act by a .majority -"of over 300: In- 1880 the Act was -defeated in the -same ecunty by 'a majority- of 180. Siiilcoe carries:: the banner '-so„ far, 11aving:kdopted the Act by the sweep- ing g maj.,)rity of 1,183. The counties 5f GIei arny, Stormont and Dundas on: - '1'hu.rsday of last. week- carried -tn � _ an aggregate he Act b yggregate m-ajority of over. 1,700 votes, -a4u1 on the.same daythe•city of Charlottetown in r P _ince 1.s.#sed lie€sated the . Edward :. 2e repeal vote by' 40 vote�f The elle mea ..` r prospects for earring e in Bruce and Hiironare. very encouraging, and the temperance:: iue.Ti fee uiteonfi c r ., ,t q. dent of. success on.- 7.tg~ada next, 30th=iiist. '_ FEY-ING WAIFS, .Mr; G.- W. Perry, of Y, Godez•ich,aiS in the village.- • ---Ni ce. fze s h Sausage usage and head- cheese at.R. Clews: Miss Anes Greer is spending a: few days visiting friends in Goderich: A new lot of velveteens in all shades at 'Murray Bros. -Mr. J. G. -Jones, of Mitchell: was: in the: village -on Wednesday last.. yds. �ejf for $l, at�IL Campbell's. tiQ s.: --Mr. a n- Mrs: J. H. Ack le �to fHofYr0od. revisi'gfriens'inHalton: —Gents' :` ladies' _ � dies and boy under - clothis' Y lothing very cheap at MacIntyre's: Mi • W. Murchison . left last week k forof T Diff o where he- has secured a lucrative position info h d rug bussness-. -Men's all wool lCanadian .suits:from 7:5O to � atMaelntyre's. --The large and important Presb terian congregation. of .:Ashfield have � extended ndd e - cal:- O, l to Rev.. F. A. McLen- of Kenyn,eaarry 0 • —0acCase1 $ted X0''001 • et8 just received at . M Campbell's. ! Extras values. Mr, D. E. Cameron delivered an :hour -and three-quarters ;:address on the Scott Act to the public of Kin-, cardine on ' Wednesday eveninglast.: Rev. Mr.- Turk_ spoke at -the same meeting. --Stoves-=:Our fall stock : of stoves is .now complete, Cala .and see , our±- wood cooks, coal and wood heaters,also our beautiful samples of parlor stoves. Just received a _ quantity of jet :blacl stogy a -polish. - Try it. T. LAw*rxc --Mr. -Allen Bock, who served his apprenticeship with Mr. 11. IL Benner .oni the Port Elgin Free Press,: and has since been his right hand man- o_ n the Mount.- Forest: G'onfederute, - last week. married the : proprietor's- youngest daughter, - .• . - '--Try `T. LAWRENCE saws for - - # ,a agars; adzes, -levels,: squares in lion steel nickel - .late .turner's and P chisels. -.: and gauges, trowels, hand -axes,: lath ham- mers, also Y Bailey's patent planes. •�,..,lack;: forea and sn�oi)thing planes. -50 dozen meU' ,..a sad- boy's a -iris4,334 raMers, ,all shades and qualities, just received at trying his y g first .examination at Law_ in Toronto . shortly. —M0 ster- : � . - sale of` dwwhyy _ r�'. dat ooeries _ boots and. shoes,g still: ping. g on at M Oampbell's,-' -Mr.. Ewen .McKenzie been F � who � has spending en ' din . his P holidays da home; in Ashfield, has: � Ys ° at" his- , ,accept the posi- tion as teacher in one of the p ubllc schools of Glengarry. : We Wish Ewen success. If.you: want- a good c ashore re dress *Fat W. &.S . Little's. •--Mr.:R. A, Glow,: last: week .pur- :chased_a veryfine saus y' age mach ne, and is now 'prepared to:.supply'the sur rounding country with fresh . pork sausages daily. A fine' assortment of :Persian lamb,. and fur caps at ,Murray: -Bros. Mess•s. WI -T. -Smith and: Arthur •have .pp McGrory y. been a oizit ed,return _ -ing officers for. the Scott et election in thea° village :next Thur day, 30th As many pounds of sugar= for $1 - at Murray's as any place in town.: .They will not be•undersold. The 'voting on. theScottAct in the Counties of .Huron :and :- Bruce takes; place _on•Thurshay:.next, - 30th inst. . 'he500 .tea in 'best reen: or black g , . in the :Dominion at:.Maclntyre's Mr. Thos.Miller, of -the 12th con; of _West -Wawanosh, lad his :lea am- putated by. Dr: ethune : of -W in b. �. gham,.. on .Tuesda . =last the Y ,� _ result � . of an ord • fracture, line° of ladies' and misses' hoods for 50c. worth 75a at Macintyre's See them: before you: buy. „_Mr. James Forbes, for : the past nine -years baggage nnau at the Luck now, station, has resigned his position anti gone'. to Galt. :.J imm...'s ' friends wish: him; ,success in his new y ., field of labor, HGeneral , Lindsa : , of :the 3� _ Saved Ai nly,..with . headquarters at Kings-: ton, nnd: son: -of : Mr.: Jam .:Lindsay, - es of Lueknolv;wasin_ the village this ais we e k.The ,General is'expected to take the . meeting in: the. Tem . era ce part here_on.-Saturda� • • P. . Hall .Y evening next. °_• —Promenadeshawls,evenin shawls knitted steals, -silk lidkfs; : lace collars; gloves, :.fancy, goods, - very: cheapat MacIntyre's: -On Friday morning about seven, :: o'clock the wife Thomas een of L.Fortune;. of Clinton, arose before her .husba-- cr to look after the children, and ppro- ceeded to. the a,nd swallowed the contents of a : bottle of carbolic acid while laboring . under nder &•fit•.of temp. nary insanity::. s Death put an end to her sufferingabout -.. p Sufferings noon. .k . On Friday d aY evening1 last thee Lor ds Army - : barracks in - Wingham were raided by a large party : of boys and men,. who threw glass balls filled; with. black, paint through the window. The:. a service. was going" on at the _*time, and: almost everybody in the building was. smeared with paint. `One=. ` ,of the rowdies was fined $ - �10and costs. DUNGANNON. 1 L' T E*day. ARRIVING • Y. -: ,Call early and .have :u i r- pick.`- Special reduction -madam parties buying a number of pairs;!. !- full line � , t } Rec&,d Remember I . am head.uarte . shoe -leather _ . 9 , . ,.. �•� Igor er.o .. every f e description. pairs men's l.' ng boots, -own m ° - ake hand.. Orders filled . on the.:shox notice. - Try the 'old t . y .old- reliable beTP�e purchasing 'elsewhere. N. B.•—AI1 overduenotes and counts�mustlbe paid immediately. The undersigned taeYls to inform the public generally that sheill • Meals at all hours : on the w keep 11ot; ::alloys :elate; Water melons 4em: 0 . n y �oranges. toetc,. m. at 0 es � at aF , ZRB. IVICCITZZS low to Live; Lopg and _QALL AT --- 111e. • And buy one of those celebrated WILDERMUTH SPRING - BE -And you will be surprised 'how-: fre you- will - rise. • `in the morning..' squeaky, .rickety •n y,get-out=of-order kin,. - Can be.returned if not as represented and.oniy $4,50' -for -an ordinarydoubl bed: We have: a lot Of ' Selling at wholesale' prices, Buy a se before they are all EOZY&MILL, - gone. _CASH PAI Fon EGG S AT 0 na,. Croek6 ware. Depot.. LAWS�N as just received a. eoreph to Stock of orrigan BOOT & SHOESTORE, housands- of dozens' ;wanted, Be sure examine our stock of and 1� 8 -- T; which we will dispose of at aslow prices consistent` with fait dealingso as o nenable us to. y 100.centa ofi the ollar. Sets Chtiodfoneat; i REA.KFASET S; R ' D IST N N .ER S E� t BEDOOM SETS', Stone and China._ Paribr, ,• dining.. room and bedroom lain s, IX LA Mp CLASSES FOR 15 CENTS. 50c. extra valuein tea. -No -c 5. kept o� %e nvite you to try our store or rather tr our goons ane} priced and you will . be con vinced:that there it wisdom in so doing. It is very Well to -please - • �.: the eye .but� str ive to please theA • we pocket also. A per$onal. examination of 1 OurElegaofSfock 0 fBootc&Shoe s will certainly convince all, even the . closest. and- moa scar eftxl buyers; that we -aro offering=- GOOD. -COODS-AT LOW. PRICES. EMITS MADE: TO ORDER. W'We will: have a• large stock of Harvest Mitaof our own make. hand 'in seaason, n the premi„es. dies Hand Baskets ¢ . Baskets. ,.L ,. �, Market Clothes Bakets. Pickles b • the quart '' y %r bottle. se • ra quality. Props Our Own -:Correspondent. 'I We regret to learn that Mr. Samuel Caesar has for some .time past been. lying in_a very critical condition from inflamation. We hope he will soon be amongst us again. The citizens of Dungannon and :.sisr- rounding country will be. pleased to learn that their old friend and citizen, Mr. Stephen Stothers, is in our midst, doing business as ;a:general ,blacksmith. Messrs °W. and E. Fowler; of the 6th Con. West Wawanosh, have purchased from Powell Bros., Sprin boron h Pa; � g:r s a ,very fine black Percheron stallion, and as these young men are : industri ous and well deserving we wiskthem` eve ry success. in. their- new:.ente rise. rp The Rev. Mr. McGee,,, superintend ant•of the - Bayfield circuit,- preached in the Methodist:;ahur - P - ch here on Sun- day:evening of last week. A very successful social was as held in the Methodist :Church here on. Monday evening sof last. week under the. au ` pices of -the Ladies' A � Society. -: • . - choir furnished � .. . The some very - choice se- lections in :their- usualood y g ..,style} and after readings and recitations address- es ddress - es were delivered : by the Rev. Mr. Rice, • d the Rev..Mr. .the Nile, anW Carver - bOU'8,best v alua ever offered i Luck now- 1 on, Preshyiterar: mir>,ister.-pf 4. this lege. • ear ri CONFE •' KINDS DF_ O�IONERV "Ham,- Bacon and: 6pI ... ced: Roll' itantly bn hand. KINDS F OF CANNED ?$,ETC., A CALL SOLICITET. fa new in+stoc:kthe largesfand .'�'. - of. AND HEAVY eye« shown'An Lucknow.` •ents in: TEUNE$ ENDLESS VARI ETA or ie dis. !ay E NESS; ALO . e a GOAT induce's 3E3 Qree Blankets, etc Y. zock e , _ of Trunks, Valises, Hard � atchePa t ...is now oozmplete, and includes all the Istest styles and makes. 8 to the above articles were purchasedfrom, thekjest makers, and at the lowest Dash r , I aim prepared to sell as cheap ` t as any other house in the tr id1,. ;Don't fail to call and see lay. atook before purchasing .. elsewhere. 1 attention_ p id' •to. eider. ed Harness• nteed.Bret-Dixie■ BOBS kliQ TO.&;, HARNESS: Si _ LUCKROW.: I.: •