HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-10-17, Page 5Remember that such an. Advertisement as t will not appear ;again., U IIGlliilti`.:. ,� il1,I�C@GUIriJ�Nl 11..niml:.fae Irgq -• f7 at his renowned- establishment will sell his. stt• . -such portions asthe public will want at • the most=.$inty. customer.` This:1sale will eclipse. all and buyers Will find- eyc4rything as• I 'say. Irna GRANULA4TED T 17 lbs. yellow for $1 and 20 lbs, dark for • I -am going to sell these goods, and great Bargains First come first choice. Terms stricty cash k Burglars at _Brussels:. • bt1 ` k russels,. Out., Oct: 13::.--43m Satur- ••lay night lia:4,at about 12_o'clock, tw elute to 3.ar. il:ill`s plact., pun. 7, Township of Norris,• and askt4 for acl-. - ,rel.; -heti which was rt.fused by Mr. 1l -til. kfter: t> fuw minutes. the ----door gwils ,brokevi in wwith:a plank, and the aaarai came in -and one presented a re- v()lvc•r and cl& ma -a lead Tr'ill's rtioney :or lir rife.- He insisted: hes had no rrroney. (-hie. Taman. kept- watch over Hill ; the; dither searched the. -House and stole $20 LI`,rtar aa, chest in an adjoining roo-m. 'MT then tore up a ba -,,,and tied :hill -liaa.lid and foot to the bedpost, and left. 1 =live en 12 and_ 1. o'clock they..got. to Mr.. McArthur'\, four las further- on, -- and knocked at' the door and asked for •- edinissio r. lie got up and_ lets thein 1u, vv -hen they seized Upon him. by each hand, the tine: :resenting a revolve.' .. pct same p a<t him and asking him for naone-yti Re told them where to find the keys and } From a drawer they took be- ..rroney. _ be- t v een $70 .and $80, -among- the -Money being a fifty -dollar hill. They also tore upa towel or towels and tied McArth- ur getting- 'the, iter to ; -r. -lied.. After- � g - . . moneyt%cy - got some -Bread and meat, and after a, hearty meal departed. One main- wore -a cdar k cloth mask and the bther .had . t false, moustache, but no beard.: Ori Sunday morning the t tc•tim tracked the -robbers after the rain to the Seaforth ;ravel road,whero all traces: were ` los'. MARRIED. d) Coca—Kn.—On Thursday, Oct. 9th, at the resident:6 oftbe bride's father, by the Re -v. .fames Caswell, of Manchester, Mr. 'John Co,,k, of Blenheim, to Mrs. Margaret Kee, of West. W wanosh. WiWGuTiti:A.N— MQOLINTON.—Orn Monday, Oct..` 1: th, at the residence of the bride's father,. by the Rev. ,Tames Caswell,of ,-M anche tsr, Mr. Henry Jackson. Wightman to Miss Christiana Jeclharles ; boll? of East Wa- wanosh. - S-pecial_F.o t Wires•: 1:. Balance of 188 free to `new subscribers. Average ten leges each week,-often_more. • 3 lieaa,utifully,priuted by.\Veh _feedi.ng-Press. 4. Splendid Agiictitllrtra►.1=Department. 5. Health Hints, by a prominent Physician. •E,:. Legal queries auswered by \V. H. Bartram. 7:.Educational-Dep., by J. Dearness. - 8:.Ladies Department:- Youths )epartment:- Youths Department. ` . 10. Letters of Travel in Foreign Countries. 11. '1 Light's and -Shadows. 12. Quiet l.Toments`._ 13. Breachers:and Churches. 14. Curious and Tfhefirl-..` 15. Charming 4eriah'., Music,- Pictures, etc. ilk Witticisms of the Week 17. Froth across the Seaa.,andthe .Wide World. 18. Personal and -Political. 10. Current Opinion —All Sorts'. 20.. ReadableandMuted Editorials,Reliablo News.. and Cotmnercial Iteports,and latest. - '140g -ram's from all over the World,' - 1 1deinarkable Escape . Mks. Mary A. )ailey, of Tunithannock,Pa., was afflicted for:raix years -with .asthma and bronchitis, during which time : the best,phy- sicians could give no relief,: Her lite Was de- spazred of, until in last ctober•she procured`. a bottle of Dr. Kiag'ar-NTe�v . Discovery, when immediate relief wats felt, and by continuing' its use for a short time She was completely cured,gaining in flesh 50 in a few months=. •Free trial bottles of this certain cure of all throat airs. lung .diseases atBerry's drugstore. Large bottles $1.: now and surrounding country, at and- un( ONLY 51.00=;PER --ANNUM.- For the most largely circulated Family Week; ly in Canada, excepting-only`t' o papers in Montreal and_ two in Toronto - CHOICE OF SIS 1'REM1Tih $ • :Cite of the following popular.preminmewill be forwarded to each subscriber for, 1885, on - payment ayn ent of the small additional amount rt' luiredforpostage, ete. Order: according to .letter' A-. Porttrait Gallery 10c. B.—Home and Health,:15c..: • O-ChasQ's: Recefpe_ s,; Ito, D:-- Glodlstnne"s Portrait; l0c.'• L.--Wellifgton and .Blucher, 10e. F.• -The Sanctuary, 10e. 'BaiUNN ItkCO•, or the Saixiirric AmEnicAN con: thine tenet as Solicitors for' stents, Caveats. Rase Marks, Copyrights, for the United States, .England, France. Germany. etc.. Hand Book about .'aatentsr anent free. T'hirtY-seven years' experience. Patents obtained; through MUNN Sc CO, aro noticed in the ScizsT1L no AM i ntCAN the la,Tgest best, and most wide. circulated scientific paper. $i20 0, year. Weekly. Splendid engravings and interesting in • 'lean sent Specimen Address�MUNN & COQ SCEENTIVIO - AMERICAN Office. 201 Broadway, New 'York. TREIfiMEN E U. \VEtr's Nrttv%'4.0- BRAIN 't`'itleAT-. ttEITT, a guaranteed. specific for Hysteria;; Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous. Neur- algia, headache, Nervous k rostratioz,caused by the use -of alcohol or -tobacco, Wakefulness Mental Depression, Softening of the 1 rain, resulting in Insanity and leading to _ misery,- decay. and death, Premature old age, Barren-,. ess, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary: ;Losses: and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over- exertion of the. Brain, self-abuse, or over" in- dulgence.' n- clirlgence. '- One box will cure•recent cases. - Each box contains _one month's treatment.. One dollar a bsx or six boxes for five dollars;_ sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guarantee s'-, :boxesto (Jure any case. With eachorder.reeeived by. us for sixboxes,ac companied wsth Ave dollars, -we will senthe, our._written guarantee torefund-the - rnodey.if the treatment does not effect a cure. „Gu-nrantees issued only by:JOHN Q. WEST lir Oo.; Sole proprietors; 81 and 83 King St.y East,-Torunto, Ont. G. W. Berry, druggist, Lucknow: . o 'WESTERNAXIN.: r Aeentswanted=in-every.'seetion..="Sixty Spezia. Prizes, aggregating regating in value $1.,700- will be awarded fir March next. to the most successful agents.' Icor free sample papers, termsto agents, etc., addre+s-- Y•' .A DVRRTISER PRINTING 00.) OND.011f ONTr - Very Remarkable Recovery. • Ntr. Geo. V.Willing, of,Manchester,Mich_. writes : " My wile has. ..been almost helpless for five 7eare', so heiplees that she could not turn over in bed alone. She used two•bottles of Electric Batters; and is so much improved . that `she ib able to do her own work.", Electric -Bitters will do all that is .claimed for them.:: 'Hundreds -4f teat maniab attest their -glen unitive powers. Only 50c. a bottle at -Berry's• T1iou$ands•• Say So. 1r. 'r W Atkins, Girard, Kan., writes:: i � tied. hwvin� concluded The, uriders . _ � � g . Eucknow, off entire stock consisting -Offers'his- GROCERIES DRY FOODS, GROCERIES; GLASSWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS. f4. S.IIOE:S, `HATS IADY MADE 't A {': I never hesitate to . _recommend your Elec- tric Bitters to sny'customerft, they give entire satisfactioll and are rapid. sellers." _Electric Bitters Are 'the . purest and best medicine knownand-wiii .positivelycure kidney and live ..ci mp•aaints.. Purify the blood and regu- late the bowels. No family can Afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of. ,, dollars in doctor's bills -Avery year. • ;Sold at fifty cents a bottle at Borry's .drug store. {publicin general that he is prepared- to reparedto execute allwork in his line in a su- -perior style. BITILaING OF ALL KZIWS The stocliii =111: nep an# choice bough"( cheapest marks, ts and selected- with the meet the requirements of. 'village and eountr contra ted for and finished in -di -latest Sale to begin onthe 15th of August. a manner and with. great satisfacton. I. the Goods are .all sold; keep on hand a large stock of .season - `ed lumber. All kinds of DOORS,'SASH AND .BLINDS_: On hand or made to order at short notice. L guarantee good work as 1 keep none but the best of workmen and material.