HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-10-17, Page 1. .• r a rw77,i's•- - „ LOTENOW, ONTARIO, le itchotr tutind rtti•ifqout o -Tory Fedor at the -SIMT1241- Pa•lilitihing House, Sorneeeille- Block., Oarapbell Street, •- .. . fil*R106 LIJOK NOW 4.1.3F2)P0T.4101.t.iB SabeT...elptlen Price, $1- per Year In tdvance.: All kinla . _ wrrii .es8 ttud Despatch . GENERAL, -Robert CitnniugIia, Insarance Ageitt, Guelihh. -NV EST .W.A.W.,ANOSH., . . Insaf,artcg.-Conpaiili. A13,, I ) OF 11 TRE0ToRs -4•11iii7ATS - --th.0 transaction of blydneas -On the, first Nest to y in -01elt mitth. Parties vislilluk to 191vi.tkwir propurty tint -tired in thiS increasingly -vatilibi,e-(.1,,,oliany,.will .by civing /take .be 1,tp.on.b3 4.1o. undo sAffnedOV1.oy ono of t.Ii 1 Yi eet! to rz4. g3u.11s.-.1iriariptly teak& - • .1k.)1VE111 St oney o- Loan! A.4. TgaMS OF PAYMENT,. Apply to ,JOAN dOOKR, .41-01t, Dingannon. oney tc) °aril _ REAL ESTATE-, at REASONABLE ltates, Terins. of Payment to suit - il,orrou ers.. ' • --* •zttioir---TUAN.EitsLucknow LEGAL. •••••=i• GAllit 0 & PROVDFOOT,' - Barristers „Solicitors, itto.tGodarichiOnt. 1. T. GA.RROW WM. PROVDFOOT. oney to Loan! 1C1LLIOT TE.A.VER, - . . Ali Attorney•at-law; Se'licii2rtcilfithe Post Conoffice, Lvav.ucknow, Ont . t . Q.,.. . °". .. • N ttgt CLASS MORTGAGES AT 7 47.i,pdcont.. irgorrestp ti ay:able yearly. k.:1.1argo, vcri. 'MO It.„1,1)! to UQ.BERT MURRAY, St. Helen's. • MKS, SOMERVILLE ' ,•• • - CONVEYANCER. Money to Loan OA Easy rerroi on Beal Estate. Valuator for Trust and Loan Co. 1 Up AXTON, • 'OveYancer, Conitnissioner in C.3.1 efo../Money to Loan at 7 per 'cent., straight interest. Valuator for theDerainion Sa-vingS and, Investnient Society. Issuer of Marriage Licensee, KINLOUGII P. 0„ Ont. MEDICALI _ ----- oney to. Loa -1si _GOOD FARM PROPERTY AT 6 aad per cent.,,aceor(tigio the Seetar- ! ty offered,. The above will be loaned on any 'rertn,i -ti-} Suit the.Borrower.• Correspondence elteerfully_answered without expense. 2Jor fora:et:particulars to -;,1011,)i GORD ON; St. Helen's: oney to Loan! T 7 PER, cENT-i- FROM 2._ TO 20 yram List e of Farms for Sale in On- tarioAs as:Manitoba. Parties desirous to Farms will consult their interests by in - Ha Ga MACKID M D . a- a . Office-AboveF Griiikly'e'StOret Lucknow.. feYSICIAN , StrltGEON- ANT .AC coneher, .Residelic6—The .residenott formeily occupied by Dr•:-MacCriinmon. p ti rig the ealvertiging facilities Of tSubscriber Great liritain and Ireland and Continent of .1 -Ands for Sale., • . ANGUS STEWAIIT, - -land Valuator, riucknow, Ont. DR. ELLIOTT. A.G Elliott MD , -.M ORS 0 ' D. E. CA ER (OF (MarEBON ci CAMPBELL.) NVTARY PUBLIC Licentiate of ..11,4a1 College of Physicians,- EcIinbutw. • _ . : • - Licentiate -in Mitl-wifery,.Eiliiiburg. Office, -,-Campbell Street, Lucknow. LUCKNOW ONT• as TENNANT No hi Cirs . I - OffiCi-Medical Hall, Lacknow. .10pSpecia1 attention to diseases of Women and Children. •, • _ft2r Palls promptly attended to by night or day. FRIDAY,- OCTOBFER 17, 1884. Cook stove--latT 'Lawrence ; 2ndD Suther- land Parlor tove-Is T Lawrence, 2nd 3) Sutherla •. OoaI stoielst T Larvirence (12nd D Suth- erland. - . . • Parlor cook stove -at T Lawrence: . 2nd D Sutherland: Oran-Ist Wm Allin. Sewing machine -4t :W Alibi. • • a s. MacCRIMPAOtly M. P. S.O., L. R. C. L.- R S., and L. M.,. Ediri. 06roner Coulnty .ef Bruce IiiceAtlate of Midwifery, Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons, OffiCe•One. .door --_-east of the ott •01-4e6, LuanOw7 Oaf DENTAL Firernen's Meeting. A fullmeeting is requet 4 forTues- 'l at fire _Cale 't -„I • ,s1P " WHOIE day evening, October 20 hall—treasurer's report. hell, jr., secreterY. Skipped Out. it it is currently ruraoureff 'that Jeiteu Horse blankets-Ist T Woods, .2nd " We -lord. . • yaute site. te,o.: of Bervie- vz}ge kzkvir hotel at the veins ot neois to await out, gives twig rooac iide left for part. nknoien, g the facie alivisd look, and _sometimes owe, e many•unpaid debt.ind him.' stone- variouhemorrhages-nos s ""vrammumosamonscommianommier Livery P u rch aced. Messrs. P. -11cLaren .a;nd Allan Me- leod have pnrchased the Lucknow livery stable fkom Mesirs.. Whitel and Little, for $2200. Te•demeemelneririe-reteivabSr "die- un-, euetIgned up till Thursday,' Oct: 23rd, for the.siding '01f- the Caledonian- Hall' with block siclitig of inch pipe lumlier, all Material to she ' furnished by ,dott- of the -tractor... The lowest nor any tender stomach and lunge,: But -there IBnodeal "n not necessarily accepted by the:?, coni - ger of 'the patient's dying of auffoostimi Public Notice. mittee. • . Jung .BoYD, Cl&eirinan. Com. • as is so often feared. Tbe disease may bi All parties indebted to „; I ea. Miller gaits mild, or very severe. - Occasions:1dt hue it the carriage buq,e,ess, either Farm Sold. tue.pereou gets well in a few days, withO b note or book account, *,:requa ested Mr. David Jardine,- Kinloss, who any medical aid. Bat generally the &seas' a short time ago sold • his _farm in that, lasts tiix weeks.. Sometiraes, when t se.ttlIttne same at - or and rsave all t('.•,•"'eounts not locality, has removed to his new preme looted, it rune on manradultatriyhikbetosa; f il:ibereforreutbhieC.firasst of Nete.33al.' ber next ises toenship of Ashfield, about rule,. - the • paroxyanes gr raid less givers and frequent and then cease • • . - . . ill be placed in other - 2 0...ds -for mil- three miles f-r-om the, village of Dun.- , ' *though for - a • -time • an- ordina „ . oold will be _attended with- a 'WhOo --Tcylon.. • .gannon, wliere we are sure the neigh - The most that medicine OM dO is to pat I - bots in that section will. extend. to. him. ate the syinptoms and- shorten the dnratt alhearty ,welectm& of• the diet:169es - Alqm - eats well on t eeti n g- etp oneds The .meeting of the yot men fer. time formation of a Libei-44", lub in the village, as announced in hit issue, Ede been postponed to F,;,'•,e4'irie future .1' date of vhich due notice;':' 41 be given iti the SENTINEL. The Sd •kt., Act agi- tatian. is the all - absort# irn; question st now among the elect le. both old and young., - : p ieflamed bronobiaLtUbe ; belladonna On t: Accident. • - irritated nerm that -cause the spasm& While thrashing oft his farm at • A tletntiety ynnat hA nontuall " .- - s .. : . LADIES . wOYLK, - . . - . ._ .. - , . - 7 ' 1 4' Paramount, on* 'Wednesday- last- .. I'Aog cabin -qt!ilt---lst J Bell ;.: 2nd T Woods.. serious aceiden't betel Mr,',..Da.vit-f Mc- Pateh. OM- in wool -1s' - 0 Darnin ;: 2nd A Gill, one in. fact, which-, might • have cost .hiM his life. He. was attending - -. Patch:OM:in cottOn1St A Finlay-013;2nd C Durnin, - • : . .......-' - .• .-. . . -......s to matters about his barn 'when, the * Knit counterPanelst 1.ies M -Lyons ;-'2nd wind blew down a,• scaffold from above, -WH RAid. • EROTICA Licentiate of • • Dental Surg- ery,. has removed to Winghara, where he will carry on the Dentristy business ; but he would beg to inform his patrons that he will visit Luoknow on the first -and third Mondays and Tuesdays of each Month Office at White- ly's Hotel. • - 15 Woven counterpane -;lst G Greer ; 2nd A, Murdoch. - breaking his -dollar bone.. Crotchid counterpene--lsi-E L Johnsen. A Fine Galt. • Patch 011 cloth-lst Hugh Spinerville ;,2nd and one of th(4 boards fell 'upon Hallowe'en Ooncert. A grandegallowe'en e auspicet of the Cale ...will be. held m the Temi • on. Friday. e 310. the programme. will cove eert under an Society "ance nst, -when t of vocal N MOKinniin.. ' - , - • ' . - - t Mr. John Murray, of -Ashfield;:on , . - Oil Painting ,7 -1st . J.lis Anderson ; 2nd -T. fair day weighed his tenmonths'old bell_ 1.)airn--:1st N,MoKinniiii; .2nd NeljieBurgees. Hunter. .- , .. • .- .' -- - . talf,..-whicli turned the ..sales at 1046. Pi:ill clothe -let 0 Dernin; 2nd T Woods. poniads: The calf was -awarded the. . Pencil drawing -let and 2nd .F., L Johnson; Flamtel all -wail -lit.° Dtirnin; - z- first prize lier43 and -competent ji.i.' ges- . " Flannel-half.wool-Lit 4 NolViillane-2nd C pronounCe_laira .equal• te any they. . ad - :Flannel Shirt:-1et Wm Wilson; 2nd Nellie an admirer of first-class stock we ';0.511 . • 4 -131irgefili. . --. --. • • '- - - - ellibell. : _. • .- - , . .14Otte iil siilk-,1st Nellie Burgess ; 2nd It and instrumental ileum 7- ding tations, and Highla s' rem- ficl leine - • . r p. E. -cameron algo tpunaced. for a ten Zinuths lecture on7,- Ullowe'e ' • Chance for.our.Athlete D.."McColl, of ad.challenge- to match an 'a, for $100 at the folk g g he winner -of five out of,-..ft'rneh- ninarsatio4' 13 the winner : Putti stones; putting the 1.i;t:P:,.,s1toenehwettivthY . seven feet six inches d • c't a#3eP ; puttino-- heavy an- light f A 6 rota -a square e.tand ; throWi 4 -4 (tthiEl) heavy !lani.lner ; throwing the' - Durnin. . • • - . seen at Toronto. A.s Mr Murray:vis 0 h'in success 1 Ra carpet-lst Geo Middleton-; 24-1 Ar- . Auction-Salest There wills pe sold by publi'd auction ate Martin's Hotel in this village on Satterday, Oftober 25th, a laree amount of valuable- household furiTi- ture. ' W. auctioneer —Mr John Purvis, I auctioneer; will sell by public anctioii at part lot 6, col)? 1% .VETERINARY. Rutherford. - . Motto in wool; -let II -Johnson ; 2nd --J Mo- . - . Crostie. • . : Ettsticlet N WilKinnon• • .Blankets -1st 1) Stroud , 2nd- T Woods. Water oolor kntinting7-1st Jno Finlayson.- . Crayon drawing---A.St L Johnson ; 2nd T Hunter: _ .• • - • - - Collection shells -,--1st Somerville ; 2nd j Firilayson. • ' • J. sr CLAIR-WALKER . ' Office -Next goof, to theBarberShop. LUCKNOW ONT. A full supply of medicinesalways 011. hand. Calls both night and day promptly attended to. AgS-Charges moderate. - . Can be found day and night at his office; •••••••• sociETigs. --carninissioner in IL B., Coltveyancer, etc. LUCK NOW - . ONTARIO,. LUCKNOW. Conveyanbing in ell lel-Branch:es. - - Des, Mortgages, Bonds, Agree,rnentsi.Leases,, • etc..,promptly-andoarefully repaired, and correctness guaranteed -SNelaf.and prompt attention paid- to -the- ,404c.hing• of Titles, and. to allmatters oorieot• 41d With the.tranefer of Re.1111111tate. iar• Charges Reasonable. , - wittier= ITEZEAVEK As in the past still keeps on hand a '; large and superior stock of General • Groconee I. Intinding everything found in the Larder of a goOd Housekeeper. .H3 would also inform thepublic; more particularly the Farming -Community; that he has engaged the Services of a Thoiough Killer, and will carry on the Milling Business „Wftb renewed vigor; and by turning out good ' grids in quick time, gain inereaaed patronage -from the public. iar.A.11 kinds of -Grain and: Seeds constantly on hind.. grtioodx tetto .port 91the terie •••et7(00. -`14th - 1. 0.. . - Meet d every Friday -evening at eight o'clock in their .Hall, Campbell Street AU• Brethern cordially invited. A4FINDLATER, W. H. SMITH, Noble Grand • s• Secretary. issues • n in 'Can- s ns k i Pants,.-tailorniadb-lit M CampbelL township of .1auron',, .on . Friday, Oct. . Pantikhomeinade--lst-W Wilson; . 2nd }T. 17th, a large iiinount of live stook and -Mitte-itit D Stroud; 2n1 D MoIntvie household •.ul'init-ure, .- the property of _ Riitherfard. - • - - - - Gloves-4st A D- Calnerou,;.,2ad D 8#oud. - 'Mrs. John gird. - 4:90.4.--jiat Nif i WWI : -26c1 A)) Camerae ..... . . ! ., -Socksi1t il Rutlierford • tndT Anderson: i the: 56 lb, NV-eiOlt. long. _ ; e• - Fine shirt -lit .T Anderson-; 2ndJ-Potcher..-- , . ' . , Ladies underwarelst Nellie Burgas. - Fe. 't.1 ernperance iMeeting., ossing the Caber thro amineT 3 lweight,high with 'ono ho i'ttrro5w6ilibi; Crotchet in wool-'-lst Mrs Ford ; 2nd Crotchet in ootton-lst and 2nd..Mrs Ford. iaadienoe chi-efly ladies, .Somerville. • - - • t • - On Monday •Pvening, st a large embled- at r the. Scott Cameron. 1-nbroidery in woolTist-Nellia Burgess. : 1 if.nbroidery iu.cotton=ist 7and..2na: Miss ti.)1c-' TP:ra_PeAa_..110e_H_ all_t0.111 -Embroidery insilk-•-lst SomerVille ; Ind Tho address wsabaYoc.acinnp-iDeci Lyons. • . -,• Nellie Burgess. I- • , Berlin wool work, fiat,--Ist W U - Little; lUameron, who open in 2nd J MoOroetie.: - . _Berlin wool Work, raised -1St Wm Wilson. Feath.er ii0W0B-lit A Murdoch.; .2nd T Woods. - - Wax flair/ors-1st T La-wrence. . Hair flowers -1st . Duran.; 2nd -UCKNOW LODGE OF THE ANOI- ent Order Of United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellow's Hall, on the seeond . and latit Monday evenings of each montlit at o'clock. Visiting Brethern aro cordially Invited. • T. LAWRENCE; " W. T.T. 'Master Workman. Durnin. . Paper flowers -1st T Woods. Braiding hi cotton--lst Mrs Fora; 2nd Jae; AndetsOn. - - Tambouring-letT Woods, 2mIW H.Reid. Fancy knitting'. in cotton--lst W Wilson ; 2nd Miss M Lyons. • - Java canvas W U Little ; 2nd J MoCrostie..- Fancy marl work-lst Nellie Burgess-; 2nd T Anderson. . - Bead work—latN MoItinnon.; 2ndir Woods: Sofa- cushion -1st WU Little, 2nd M B WhitelY. - Meg mat -14 Mrs Ford, 2nd W H bong Slippers-lst J as Anderson. NO. 184, , • G. B.0 ii.S.Jit.th siVIEETS THE Zephyr work—ist T Woods.; -2ndC Durnin, Macrame work•-1,st T Woods, 2nd Nellie- - Burgess,. • . -Crewelsin silk -1st M.E- Whitely, -2nd W. tr Little_ Point Iace--1.stTAnderson;2na MeCroetie.. - Fancy tidy -1st M E Whitely, .2nd Nellie Burgess. - • . • Auttimn leaves--Ist A. D-Oanieron ; itnd Smith. - • , - Collection ladies work -lit T Woods, Collectiondry foods--Ost M Campbell. 7.Collection mil1inery-1st Mrs W H Smith: Tinsel: mantle drape --1st lVPrs W HSmith-; 2nd WIT Little. • - Collection Photos -1t Feste- candBa•ylcY• F'oresters'S enion. iOn Sundal morning' lest •the Metho- dist church -0;as crowded to the on the occasion • of the anniversary' sermon OE ihe Canadian. „Order of Foresters,.wlich was- preached by the Rev. G. R. -urk.. The members ef :the Rev.D. the Society u. the village, tog_ethee.- Ole meeting with bretherla from Wingham, Dun - :delivered. a. Eihort addres".s the Tem- gannon and Ripley, assembled at the Iperanceeause, after whi.4:;144e introduc- Lodge Reorh and -marched to the church in a tody. The rev. gentleman, chose for text the words, " We are no seri-ants but friends," from which .ta&preached an able and . • imptessive tiiscourse. ' Oor the Wor!.lciks Fair. • I ed the speakerof the evetle%.. Mr.Cam- ron spoke for an hour a a .half in which he ably review e ;the rapid progress of the ..temperE41.40 movement, i and, the *great good __th4:'il #Ould. result to •society if the Scott 4e• -'were passed. in the. County. . -He s statements of reliable , Act could be enforced -it . Thursday on- orbefore f u11410011 of eacbA't11,01413. at eight p.m. Yiaiting Bretherntordially invited. - 8•TBENANT, • B,1114,44149.1.1011„ -1';ey Command Ootifldence. • - . . - - Concerning wh at are known as "standing . advertiseinents7 in newi7 paperQwhich some merchants say are uS-ol'Oss,1 it has been. Iremarked, and truly, that they: Cenimand confidence. The man who for . years -.resides ina coMntiunity and lives WresieCtable life, even though he be of ,inederate ability, will grow ut•the confidence,and esteem of. his .felloWit.• On the same priociple newspaper asIvertiiement hemlines: ;awl -liar to the eyesofthe reaaer. It may' not be carefully 'read every day;, "still -it rolikes the name and bUsiness of -a man...fp-dila?, and its continued; presenee in the columna Of a paper in4 spires eonfideato in the --stability !it th9 _VAX. Secretari.i. • pd from the A. that the Were adopt- ed by the. people. 1-101,'.eilepounced the arguments of some of Anti -Scott advocates that there w ty Whateverbetween t• old Duncan t -haiy similari- Act :ancl the took up the. compensatien cry: whicf' he said .seem,•,-. ed to him -at first to e BOMB weight: • • . with it, but -after matqc-e. deliberation and -oarqful. study he.ltaeOlne • to the conclusion that liote*-•,..#ers had not the smallest vestige. sa0 gin for com- pensation. . The ta,kin'? way of the licenses. did. not remot beard or it :brick °frees the prope but simply . broke the monopoly,- plaCed the ',budding :en. the -se • valuation as :other business places i:'- Re, same lOcal- ity. This -:provec anillsetra- tion of two .t13.e village, one an hotel and the , her a brick. block :ol.stet.-et. Whk e - said, the forMee eou.ldobe ruatpa • r. alioilt $600 a year, the a,er14, cost three times:as eiueh to :-.)uilf; jils the hotel, 1 4 - *would not realize rnu. cver hEtlf-that amount i1 pent, and th ete he contend- ed that il€the S&ttth.,!;.::-Ift; were -iiassed :on :the ,30th ;rest rvatyluatiuoind now placed.. placed. upon.' hote. :::;o8pe to.otiee with erelnremoved, 61 . 3.14; c1071: ilble•hthe eloquqi ' t • electors to, do all._ in. -1er power to s*ell the majority or of tLe Act. The next meeting 'helel, on. Monday eve1i4 inst.; where' another prommen.t te mace Tearer *ill: deliver an ad .1‘ Mr. Wilgani SaiinderS, of London, • President ot;' the Ontario Fruit Grow- ers Association, is -desirous of Securing •- samples of tbe apples grown In this 1 section for xhibition -at the World's e Fair, to be..aeld itt New Orleans short- ly. HeAvikthes tg. obtiin collections of twelve saniples Of every variety of *inter app4es griiwn in . Western On- tario, and :fanners or' fruit growers , having sucli fruit of extra fine quality will obligd• by communicating with. him,. so thal.; arrangements uan be made for having them' sent in. ,, A , rem* will be kept of the owners of fruit se- leoted, -and, t4e- donorkwill receive full.. credit. therder. EtopernenZ and Arrest. - Gedrge 11)aniels, a married man re- siding in on. 4, Kincardine township, and Ange,lina Shears, girl of 15 • years, pai4 tv visit to Palmerston on , `Tuesday eS! last week and were Con- fronted. on their arriial here by her brother, who had arrived 'Kee an earlier'. train, for the pnrposoe of rescuing his sister froth' the wretch. who had in-. duced her to leave -home. Constable • kearns hicIdeo been notified to ar- t -at Daniels on a charge preferred by a livery Icli)eper inKincaxdine, of whoae. ho had hiieda horse and rig to go a. distance of nine miles, and 'which the owner found had been left atLueknow. A donate:1)1e from Kincardine took charge of ,Daniels, and. the girl and, brother liAt by the .early train on. Wednesday for hoine.-Tr•Nraerstop... Teilir.1014