HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-10-10, Page 3•,.
- Bova' Flush.
T.hree sports, ant into, arailrood of car,
• 4 railroad o-a,r, with op tisk of cords;
They dtr,tred " hoar " • Ai vox:* and ',there"- was
.. Ana' they always . spoke to each other.. as
4* porde,"
For spore there arebooth goo -land 'icor,
Profossi inaLand amateur,
- IITheregailroad truina are ruhning..
They wanted_ fourth at a poker hand.
Three were theyarid they were one short, :
-And they asked a. stranger if he:d be the salad
tee try alittle game for 'sport,
For strangers -there are wlierc, Men abound,
And ytt,Sli always. dud titrauger.rottud
' 'Where railroads trains are runnin.g.
Thu stranger didn't know -the -
Hut by wati wijling to hve.tind learn;
To Kiln thocards were all the same -
And th spi,rta laughed loud. and dealt the pack,
.••` was to all at first he'd beam I"
atitistmhtuu four eitiouns artd. o thick legged-
, .
s they Will WhOH.traiza!w- are riihning.
-A.z1 then they het-i)h.th e poker hand,
And tatteued tne pot to a goediy pile,
, And thE y asked the htianger if ht. 'Would -stand,
kutlthe stranger Stoodw iii1 a simple mate,. .
Arid ooe soort raided tlie other two,
- And:the.straugor him, as strangers do • •
hereialroatt trainti lab running.
And then in a solettin. breathless bush
Mho three -sptirta allowed What they had got;;.
But aces won't beat a royal ihit-h,
• -.Awl t.trangergobblod that obese Pht,
1.`or tstrauf.iors and sport ars nature! foo, -
• And the former carry .oardi n their 010 08. .
here railroad trains are -running. ,
-Lehri8t4in at firm*:
THE natt rifle rePe E
• Mier Eventful Lite -Apparently DroivIlll
itapidlv to a close.
' WhO They Are and- What -They Do.
- . .
The only two old newspaper. humorists
who bWee held theig own before . the Ohne
tem O. B...Lewistok the Detroit Free .Press,
andtsRebert J. Burette, of the Burlingtou
Hawker. Lewis is a veritable prodigy.
Lie hi te Witmer -ooustautly for ten years,
and he has not weakened -Lin -the lettet.
Buedette cleei not writa. as newthebut he
tke18 improved, and he 'has yet to do, the:
heat work ot his lace Wei- believe 13 urdette
is drifting toward verse -making; if this be
true we may look for some exquisite.Work
rt his bands otter be hag learned the dif-
ferenoe between a epond.ee and dactyl, and
.is brave enough to. put his thoughts into
rhyme.- The fooliSh feat of .being tlaughed
it has abofted many a beautiful 'poem
- 01 thit more, recent- humorists; the best
re joel II. Herds, E. W. Nye .and °pie -
Reed. Nye it; the Most popular, but Reed
is Undoubtedly the most versettle. Htarris'
worktissimply perfeot in ite way, butthe
fitot that it is. largely Confined to dieleot,
sketches ptesOribes • the.extent of its phpn-
tatityt antAhis eetent Of popularity will,
we believe, diminiele year by year. -James'
Whitioomb R;ley is beyond all question the
beat of our numerous poets. .Thomaii B
Otiryptol, of this New York Morning JoUrnal,
is the most promising ot the. young: verse -
writers, and • he is Undeniably . the most
prOlifia and most fashionable; it is -bard
humor, as his -verses have hitherto been itposeessione if . he could roll 'off a speech
The Qeeeet' hail, :invited the -Empress
„Hugel:ie. . pity il.1.10 th3r Vsi to
SOtiOlitca tall8 autuain, aud- it is
probebie thee .she will (wimpy Aber -
edit -for , w elior Wale- in Oato-
ber, aftet the ktiuce aud Peinceits of Wales
1:111,Ve lett for the south, Saye a.leou don paper.
Accord -mg -to the European gossips- t he life
of Lae tel-Einprese EdReute _is growing
vely near toa. Close. Were it otherwise
. there would be 1,:t11 groatdr• grounds fat
surpr!se. If the ex plcoprettet life has. not
'beifit long otie,doe least it has been
crowded with evente exoitiug itud sorrowful
- efter.a manner uop.ireilieled 'in modern
writerE! Oar Irving. awl
us the little
the grattef
us of the fate
re for het—
es was her-
tire—so fair
and so terather init'll it featiteee that the
• eetwing torte of Paris" pet' abide--theie
brezters- of cliarcoal...and . resolved o- live
and beeetiee empresses—it was by no
t meats; one of uualleyed enjoyment. Her
e lite Was spent under the aim of the aseas
Bin, or she was made the target of foes eta'
. more plermlese-Lot paregraphare and of
polemiae, who did not shrank from libelling
• with impartial malignity the sovereign, the
' wile and the mother.. Iteen about the days
when the -second empire Was . °rambling
;ate the history has twined a. gart
eland of diehonoriug invention, and we have
;the -Empress &telexing Thee is -nty iittle
war!" or dieraissiug the fitithfui of the
Tuileries with thetAlipparit adieu: " My
• Mends, eve have played out this farce -V
• whew ail the time, be -was engaged eviat,
the crowding affeareof a disorganized state,
tor trembling, for herhusband and stoat
or flying for leer We froth a fate worse
, than that of the Prinoerte Lateiballe• t
- -The 4ite of the ext-EoapreseEogepie suice
- the dieaateir of Sedan has been moninful in
• the extreme. The crumbling of the fabria
t of the Becintel empire -ware fellciwed by the
death of her eltueband, and to' this 'sue-
. . Deeded, oktesely, the death of her . mother
e and . the taking off Of her telly•Oltild-; the
• _ gallant and fit -fated PALOS Since
- hie fell, thrust through with.- Zulu epeare,
and. the hopes of a Bonapartist restoration
?ere smitten by the shook, . she has
renaained a: mother of sarrew, mourning
for her dead with a eincerity.thet malignity
conid pot -impeach, and that basacquired
for- ber the retpeot and pity of the world.
• Rarely t if e'er,inthe world's history, has
• rib). fair a noonday been followed by SO bleak-
& eight. That the -end of her dayettei near
at baud ite one -Wil0; has noted the Condi-
' •tion Of the ex Empress' health 09,11 doubt.
_ he will will go down to the gave a- woman
• misunderstood and tnierepresented; to her
generaticin a flirt, a fanatic and a dietelor
of foolish- fashions, and to the fete who
- have read- the lines of her strong cheraoter
wonian of real talent, of fervid affeetions,
'and of virtues beyond .0he 'reaohttitlike of
denial and of detraction; '
Meritnee have 'presented t
5hild it frocks-, said "as • we
g• irl in her teens, hocansci
which the future- held ill
. •
• grand and gloomy. _ Bpleudi
zeze6r during the second
to determine. as to the versatility'Of le
wholly confided whip the limitstof 'comi- with the facility of G. A. S. This may
,oality., Whert-:' We -clothe to • consider the. •
demand for humor Which -eiiste. in
this - 'ocuntry, • we are . amazed. --to
tind. that there ere so few - writers
*petite of ausweriug that demand: It
etomplained that the humorist writes him -
telt out, but we do not believe it neoessarily
felloWs that because one has a talent he
enlist etlaatitit that talent in t46, free or ten
years.: We do no Bee why that talent
ithouldnof endure a. life -time.' But it hula -
be nursed and fostered and cultivated and -
improved. . • -
, -The trouble with -the averogewriter—be
e hufnoroiisly inblined or not—i8 thathe
spen.ds the principal of his ability instead
of husbanding that prinotpat and subsiefing
upon the interest. Tile gtaveyarde Of jeur,
nalisrn -rare: full of intellectual pupate—,
those: who hadall that genius 00d give' a
men, but who .fboliehly and extravagantly,.
their wealth of brilliandY, with no
thought of the Professional to -morrow,' till
. they found themselves suddenly bankrupt
and.. benighted and objects " Universal
compastion.teeEugene Field.
'teary M. stantwar.oervalit. -
Chairacteristiei of .Clever . Insproisptit
1 Talkers,- .t Boum and Abroad.
- Lad Colerid e, atethe Irvine binsonet at
:St, James' Hall, before our " p.3puler trage-
dian went to America, intimated that an
efterellnner speech:" consisted of platitudes
Ana anecdotes;' and I remember .hearing
Mr. James R. Powell, poets:bun:166111e and
Anitirioan ' Minister at: the . Court of 'Ste
Jaensay that if suddenly called upou
after dinner to speak, his mind was more
or less blank, hut that on the way home
fromtheleast bethought. Of ever Bo meny
-good things he Would like _to .have said.
;This implied a lack of ready wit,' but I
fency MT. James Reliowell dtd himself an
injustice by this minfeseion, as his speeolteie
ritually. • have an - -impromptu air - and•
abound in pointe and ' Mterest. ' Charles
.1.)ickens was an admitable . after dinner
epeleker, but I have nd, doubt.- he kn,eve
tolerably well before -band what he was to
"talk about, and 'Educe the lamented death of
I Boz" I fepoy George Augustus Sala bears
itway" the - Falai. tWiien -this notable
journalist rises, pease his obin in the air,.
rolls his dark 'eyes up ward •and. sends 0115'
hp clear metallic Wiest notes, one feels an
assurance, that a oleYerepeeoh le- forthoom-
iug, delivered withsfieent -eerie and felioitY
of expeession. I smite heard a -noble lord,
'Who very • freqiiently.. mekee- exCellent
speeches in the I.Teper•. Hopei deolere that
he ivould -pert with hal, of. his . worldly
'• Geed night- .
. The eilook on the inafitel„tolled a•- in.
and a little past, and stall the knight ling.
ere& trying to think ot something to say,
Mr. Stanley has- With him .his --favotite
servant, itoallit, a aline, -Somali cf
pieked up at `Adenewhts has acted RS his
confidential attendant for -the lastfive or
six yearsesays the Pall Mall, Gazette. ,No•
one could fail to be attracted' by hie oright,
intelligent -face, hie, genialesmile- and his.
answers to some -pleasant badinage which
his. Master exchanged with hint at linicheen.
showed a surprisipg readiness and grasp,
With the varioue points of the Congo quest
tion he is thoiougnly cenversant; express-
ing his -opinions . with much. decision; tof
De Brazza, of thettnissionariee, of the
Portuguese and So on. Tbe length of the
Congo, from.Leopoldeille to*Banana Point,
he is known, and When he appears at; a
station he is at ones recognized as the repre-
sentative of Mr. Stanley, . as whose ambas-
sador in advancehe often aets..- -
'&1:A3:tuella is a diplontatiet of consummate
tatit, whicili does oredtt to • his, teaching:
Bite Eitglish is wonderfully good,. and at
present tie is acquiring •the aft of writing. -
“ Duals, is gettieg..whitek every day. DO
you Use Niles soap, 3ttnellit.? ae.ked -Mr.
Stanley, laughiug out. Duane, hod not
tried its virtues. This is net his first visit
toLondon; though it possesses . great
attractions for himei-em afraid he prefers'
the gayeties ot Parise - Thealle is 'getting
homesick,- and is going hack to Aden; for a
time at least, .to friends:- 'Paella thinks
the •.white _girls ery pretty, but I know
there itt a dusky Soroali maiden in the case,
eh eDdalli ? blushed, laughed and
beat a hasty retreat... That he has faith .in
England is evident from the fact that "mit
of ths3.'tte-350 he has saved eut-ef his.wagea
'of 180 atiiiat he bas investedtt250 in. 'con-
sole. The odd £100 he "bas sient inpre•••
sents-for. his friends, like the - th oug
fellow he is • -
have been a de pgr42t but it certainly
implies e large measureofadmiration for
the °retorter ability. of I our prince of, jour-
nalists: To raymind-Abe most wonderful
speaker in. the world is Henry • Wartl
Beeohrete - the . celebrated , Bropklyn-
: He can epee* at any
time, at, any, -place . and • on any eub,
jeot, Iis pyrate.chuic`••b!airi, incessantly
Whizzing and 'whirling, shoots out thou-
sands ot bright.thoughts, which he readily
clothes in motet musical andexpressive lien-.
guage.. -The worst tgpeaker I ever ; heard .is-
" Dying " Bouoicault; who, though a oapeble
Irish oamedian and adapter of French plays,
boggles and stammers, hesitates and trips
when he "rises. to respond," and resumes
his , seat without hating produced the
slightett effect, eieept that of -disappoint-
meet. -Oa the whole 1 think the Apeericepe
are -more Aelfing after-dime:4 speakers than
the English: There is Daniel Deugherty,
the eminent. advocate . -of 'Philadelphia.;
Sunset cox, Oakley-lielli Eta Butler and-
Matins':ley' M. Papaw, whose names are
well known on this 'side "of the etiesineand
who, when they get on their legs, usually
oorrusoate to . the edifioition .1 of their
-hearers.-eliotzeird Paul' in 1160 Mail.
There Was NO Corpie—A. iteitarkiebte
Incidentroin Grief. to Joy.
It is not Often that a man putviites to
see the preparations for hie. Own funeral,
_bat such happened to Herbert Cannon, a
son ofiDr. CR1211014 of Luker.- The young
man, who is clerking for John A, Griffith
• .Sharbot Lake,- was taken ill and his.
father i went out. tovisit him, and tele._
graphed home to his:mother he Was better;
but through.sorne error in transmitting it
_was mndie to read thathe was dead. That
mettii4.and relatives at Yarkee *ere
nettelyt frantic- with grief. ' A gloom VirttS
oast oyer the village; relatives from distant
places' - were ; summoned, the church Was
draped_with'kinaltehands and friends, and
• large intinber of neighbors cametto meet
the 0tplie on- the arrival of the :train at
'Harro'weinith.. But , 'they -*eke most
agreeably disappointed, for theefirst person
to eteP off thetrain was -De. Cannon; who
imparted the cheering intelligeni3e that his,
son :was Much, hinter.- The joy of the
mother was as overpowering - as .her
despoOdeboy Was a short time previously.
One . individual remarked -sotto Voce "-drat
t1iin3 peretors. anyway."—Kingston News.
-An Eleetrileirench Cliri. .
Araga, Drolutlet and M. Visitor.
Meunier are reep aesible for • the tollOwing
extraordinary acteount cit an electric girl.
The girl a peasant of 13 Called Angelique
(gfyj WM, M. Meunier tells -US in WS
Ithou h it was painfully evident that the weeklY scientificis artiple, working in sefac-
berontateaughter wastjust too sleepy for
anythinte: • _ _ _ -• o
• .“ I am -afraid," 'he said at last ; " that I
- Me an auger."' * -
• "Wherefore, sit elinight?" she asked,.
'yawning with that high -bred courtesy-
- appertaining to the dpper claiseet-•
"4 Because I bore you," he sea, tattling
proudly at his good right wit. -
A13, now" she said ; you remind ineef
-tan Old that -look musket."
4piiiken like a soldier'sdaughter," clitoth.
• lie;"andastOIlOWV'•
"Takes you. so long to go Oft." she said
• kiridly-
At I 15 a. in. Abe:- portcullis fell with a
clang, the draw brilge, was raised, and the
castle Slept. Away in the starlit distance it
ood knight, tramped- wearily in the Wake
the last ovit whiCh stilled two boars
aihie .dly reproached himself for not
thinking' t� tell the haughty . baron's-
!aughter. that her oke .was too 'awfully
,reinatUre, because muskets weren't going
4'4 be -invented for'13.k.arly IOU years.—
;34.6°1:Ly/ -n
- •
A..famine is it the land, not of food, but
-31 vessela. to put food in. Some say the
eioductiort is snort, otbsrs that the low •
'rice of sugars have -induced more fruit
bottling than ordinary. At all eyents,.
fruit j tdre are Very scarce; in fact, quarts
aro not to be had ind hieve. advanced iu
price very materially. It may be useful to
- our readers to knew that the tellable and
well -assorted House Furnishing Store, No,
,J& King street -weett is the El Dorado for
these goods now.
114 wind squash is oneof the.
attraotiona-of Walla Walla, 'Washington
toryt-when 4,1=01 table next to her was
violently -upset without - Ostensible (mdse.
Subsequent)y, in . the presence • of --- M.
Miuniereshe sat on a chair held- by several
when the chair' zr was burled from
their hands. This was tried more than
once; with, like results,, the-ohair beingin
one case -broken When its - holders were.
strong enough not to liteit est When-isole--
tton from the -ground was produced by
glass none -
these - effecti Occurred. The
-only disceinefort whiali the girr evet *Melo is
a petnin the hollow of the: elbow.. Before
a combeission ot engineers -none - Of these .•
expertments- Succeeded, but itis 'alleged in
'explanation. that the electric properties of .
"her system .hatie through repeated _ die- .
_ .
'charges - lost their force and finally betiorne.
exhausted.I—Pa/Ulla Gazette.: - •
. The Wheel of Fortune.
Moves incessatitiy-the most buoyant to day
may 'be - loaded down . by advareity to -
Morrow. - Ode peculiarity' of that famous
--alleviatti'. of hument.snffering—Putnem'e
-Painless Cetn Extractor, is the fact that in
spite of hundreds of inettatiOns and milted--
tutes 't has retained Ito piece in the .very
front rank as a- remedy for corns. . This
Must ever be the caseate every 'person who
has ed it testifies that his Frontlet, pat -u-
tiles -and Oerteipe-three gaud essentials
Witipti, when combined, - as is the case with
Putnam's Rapt -ate Corn Extriotert insures
a Imre pop cOrucure. .Seldtevegywhere. '
The Dress of Modern Fiction..
. The cardinal .obj eotion against the lighter
literature Of the present day is its lack of.
sitioetity. .-"..Ftien:e is regarded as et more
importance • than. substance ;-•-. a - pretty
external drapery is used to ornament e
worthless manikin, - and When the reader
eepeote flesh -and blood he is - confronted
'mei wood. The at which should conceal
art isonly art- made coarse by artificiality
.inartietio niggling at petty daails ; a
comcnon.place attempt to catalogue e series
_of readily observed enrfat3ephenoinenee and
to neglect thevital soul beneeth,e, .Felse
art hastrineephed over nature; the .morgue
has usurped the., place:- of -the arena, and
literature tee 'sunk to the low level of
bullring itself with , trifles; withdrawing
its pictures from the dressinekere' and mul
liners' dead:mcidels; elaborating the insig-
nificant, apotheosizing . the ridionloust and
it whOvely. gartoaturese—Boston GaGazette.voioied Matrikini the. reward that is. due to eo, o
own &timing for ite..sti,ffej artifioial-
- enen.and W00213whomTffen-
.Rat4y.ot .1forplanition.
- Wall Street News One of the fete
failures in Northern Michigan was that of
a- .retail deelekeM grindstones—liabilities,
$3,35.0 assets,- $1,26218. His explat -
.1.1StiOMB were all ready for the -first eeliet.
"You see, I Wes- cerrying a. stook of 250
grindetones, all SUSS) all of: 'em provided
with hOles in the centre." - .` -
"'Yes." •
"The Overproduction depressed the mar-
ket and sent down prices." •
- " Exactly."
• while- the geneeal. depression . in all
kinditot business induced farmers to sharpen
their t tots on •stone walla and Put off invest
ing -in grindstonles."•
tit Just so." • e • - • -
'And, to add' to the test, rumors of 'a
-European -complicatton, the low, price of
•wheat spathe cholera;exciteenent weakened'
the 7market *until grindstones hadn't- e
ghost el shovi." •
. - •
Wilmot the Direct •
"Look here!" roared the oteettng _teller;
as he jumped into the Onshier•altoffiee. and
held out le! newspaper with tetielliumb on
the .paragraph. " Loek. hereV Lies thie'
bank any politioel influenee?It
“What's :the matter?":
caehiert turning oalte e .
"This I piper is urging ttl*Iennexatien
(if Oaetada. Novi, how are &big to
step that?": - •
Let- it 'alone said the cailu-ite0 with n
resuming smile, as he -poked 4,0ether pack-
age cif :•bonds into the tatteltif his coat. -
"Be faithful and -earnest in yOii attention •
to your duties. --- The banitilittestors will
take care- 'of that • 'aline** schemeite,
•What seourities have We in OA* on long
loans Drake'Travellers! gOa!Zitle. '
ed the
Fi oubles of a
New Yor)e. millienairit—" -re1the girls ,
up or the eight, 'wife
° Yee." t
coschl:411 chained?"
Has the patent butcher -c3
front yard beett oiled so
. .
P‘ Well, we might as well c
gardener' . and . go to sleep
" A Paris novelty is a rnagpifYing -fan.
Two ;ticks are bored and the holeiefitled-
tvi h• lenses,- of the finest . orystsa.
TIe Wearer covers her eyes with the fin
au wee the sticks Riall opera glass:
- - •
, : Evertlietly HO! Ho
, Read' • this carefully. If you or any ,
friend are suffering train any kind of pain,
Jn-tertal,. local or external, try --Pelson's
Nnevtetek,:the sure pop -pain cure: • Nervi -
lb= is one of the most elegatit combine:goes .
eVitt tottered to: the publio for the _relief
of pain.; -Veasant to 'take; powerful in
effect, :pure. In- 'results, and cheep beriause
the etropgestaeurest and Most certain pelt'
remedy in the World. You, - can test.thie
great remedy by going to a drug store and
buying a 10 cent sample -bottle. Try it at
Not a Dog Dentist.
-Ns* oriK• Star A Grezid-street dentist
was recently aeked by one ot his lady
patients if he would .make a set of false
teeth,for her dog, who,being old, ; had lost
his sewn:- Shesaid she was willing to have
the experiment made On her darling, whose
digestion wasnow greatly -impaired, and
'that many other people she kneet.would.be
glad to hove their pet's absent teeth,
replaced if her " dog's set was a BUCoeiS.
The dentist deolined to try. -
- - •
The big stone tower Of the Philadelphia
publio.beildingrnow in Dr-OCISES ofoonstruo-
Zion, will be finished -b-3, -the end of 1886,
and will•then be 30 feet high. From that
elevation the-iton work 9oMmenceit: and
goes /95 .tee.higher, until.the grown of
William VenA's hat,. the .heigItt of 5,1n; feet,
is reached. ,The crowningpiece u
oiroleforming the lower part of the tower
is a single Stone Weighing 32- toivi
I •
.-- •
. . .
' -Tone Island; off whioh the British gun-
boat - Wasp: was -'- wrecked - and fifty-two
erso' t 1' -
p -ns drowpecleon the 23rd inst., • les off
•Horn bead, 'a held. promoutory which three
. t -
eNhe 800„feet above the sea on the. • north-
west coast of Donegal: It is opposite the
inlet known as .Motiwyne'e - GM' Cove,.
whii3h- derives its -nantep from _ curious
cavern, saitoped out of . the intensely it setyt heed
traprook• by the fury . of the -waves, whi-oh.
rush pest Tory' Island t to break • On the -
Mahal:lad cost. 4Lto this ,Oavern the surge(
rushes" With extrebee. -violence,t pit:Ulm:dew
'dining it storm a roar which in earlier days.
was described.ati louder than a -diseharge of.
artillery. Of late years, however, the sea
:bee worn-- the cave se : wide that the
report 0! of ttloawynelt_ Gun is is ..greatly
diminished. - . Tory Island lies about
_seven Miles nOrthwest of thebove. Itis some
Miles long froth northwest to south-
• eitit; but quite narrow, and its eliteres ate:
deeply indetted: by the waves. le old
tin3eie it ' bad-. a considerable:- ptpulation,
drawn there by the, security effoidtd by its
isolatiee, itt the stormy sae:. •Ttie ruins- of
dwellings, olinrches ancleoroesies are found
buried deep le' the sand. A,•round tower
also attests.the:aticient importance of the
'Place, but at present the place has very fete
inhabitants. There is a. lighthouse on the
island, with te tower 63 feet high; rising .125"
feet above the sea: ,Tne Wasp was a steam:
.gunhoat of '465 -tons and .470 horse -power.
Shertoirried- four guns, and was 'empleyed•
in tpertionlar. service. According-. to .. the
tareeet navy list that Nye have- Seen, the.
Officers Of the filleted. Yee* were Lien.
tenant and_ Commander John D. Nicholls
and Lient•Frederiele A. -Warden. '
'1 Eightlit e:girlein:PortCheetertRY ,put
the tat large to shametby -oigiiiiiz.
iitg a lair or the benefit of the Bartholdi
statue- fund whioh netted .0900. •
... • • "
er in the
it wake .
reform the •
, 4-1Dood Ayers
A • farmer sent his boy:,
bush to1ook after the sap
Presently the boy returnee,
How are they?' asked th,i
theboy replied,
1 -full, s -some . are
are r-runnin' ? over. I get
.tteaverteget'botit 1 -full."
8 • C• . .0444- .
petition to teat the Soo
folk has been filed. .
. 'Metrical Crawford, the American novelist,
willmarrydaughter of CoLBerden, the
inventor, in October:-
-et-Dr. S. B. Britten says: "As a rule.
' 4- - - b ' '
pby mans do: not. y tneir.. professional
methods:. build up the female constitution,
andhey seldoni cure the diseasesto.whioh
it is always liable in ourtteariable climate
andr Under our • imperfect -. divilizetion..
Spesitial -remedies are . of ten' required to
reitore organic harmony arid to strengthen
the -enfeebled powers of womanhood, and
for linopt of - these we are indebted to
persons outside of the . medical profession.
Among the ver' best of these remedies I
.asaigh a prominent place to Mre.Pinkheno.'s
:Vegetable Compound. ' . - -
.. . .
: That Was What, Ile Said. .,
. .
" 2tIr. 8 trittr.exolaitned Miss Maiden,
blu et meeting .the leading men at the
Boudoir Theatre, "I've got a Compliment
for you—a splendid one, leo. • Uncle Frank
saw you in the new piece last night"
Strut—" How, did he like my. assump-
tion—" — - .• - ' -• • -- - - ' . --
Mies Maidenblti.sh--". That's 'just What
Ugole Frank said. . He said it was the
. .
greStest piece of assuaiption he ever wit-
nessiede' -. - -- • • e ' . t, .. • . ..
- Strut—." litra. - Glad 'to havt met yOu,
Miss. Meidenblush. Good bye."--Bostote.
Transcript. •-
the "auger •
tem, .74
80ar,e .
s Ahern
et, in
I -
For..-.atil of those -Painful 00:1031aints and'
• Weatinestios -so eininnot( t&-onr bet * *
* *FEllIALEPOPULV,-14'f0 * * *
• * ; • • -*
enteeei 01! LIFE. * * *
Acui 17,ERV0US PROSTRATION, G 1-gpAL.p4Bmir-ft
11.TURITE,W.D':31;4:•.IATTS *AND* ouilliectm:41744.
. • • • -
-.60vriuk- THE rim... • SYSTEM. 11,1 *
sartTs unrbst js SOLELY i‘ltlilliiisLE---orrixamilik
, n4i,pgat 011' insnAsz AND THE ntetinee OF PAIN; AND
Advertising Cheats
"It has become so cOmmon to begin an
article, inanelegant, interesting style,
1Then run it into -some advertisement
thwe avoid all such, • - -
"And simply call attention to the Merits
of Hop Bitters in as plain, honestterms as
" Totnduce people .
-" To give them one trial, -whihli so proves
their value that' they will nays; use any-
thing - ^ '
* FOR vita' ct.Tiut O KIDN:
:.prepard at Lynn, Masa Price , SIX bottles for $5.
. Sold by tali,drnggists: Sent by mail;Ar..feage paid, inform
Of Pills] or Lozenges. on -receipt of.;,,ifi:ee as above. )11=1.
philtharn's 'Guide,to Health" will t rptatled free to, any l•
Lady sending stung) Letters conktirOally answeTed.**
No family should be without L )4 E. PENTaikrill
LIVER plus. They cure Consti*U,n, Biliousness lint
Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents pg.., x. * et a
• I
11,8 • 1
cat:mush is
. "HE 4EMEDY so favorably noticed in all thw
Iteligiptts and secular, is --' _ ,
papers,-- .. - . .. •
- ' Having a large sale,- and is . supplanting all
other medicines. - -
'There is no denying the virtues -of the lirop--
pla t, and the proprietors of flop Bitters have
shown great shrewdness and ability - * - * *
-"In cooupounding a medicine whose virtues
are 80- PtIpahie to every one's observation:" , •
- - Didvibe Die ? -
" No 1 . . .
- " She lingered and - suffered iong, pining
away all the tion.for yore,"
. "The actors doing her. norgooi ;" _ ,
- ‘And.- at last was oured by this - Hop
Bitters the papers say semuch about"
' " Indeed! Iudeed 1"_-
' "How thankful- we shoulkbe for thit.
. :
1 •
me mine. .
s*.etnitughterli Blitierr:
'Eleven years out daughter Buffeted on
be of misery, " . . . .
From a -coniplication, of- kidney, liver,
re timed° trouble and Nervous -debility, 1 '
: '. 1 'Grander the care Of the best ph.ysiotans;
: ! "Who gave her disease various -.names,
" B.A.oxitd 7.iistowrefilleaf,i-s restored•tuu.s in. good
health by as simple e remedy as IWO. Bit-
ters, that we had shunned for years before
•ueitig it."; ----Tent Paitettes.. . . .
. .. Father Is Getting Well.
IY(HyoYfd.aMuughehter.bsegtatYe:i::-f-ather. is` Since he
'119:34118110903P-gBeittitienr."getting well 'after -his 'king ti- tiff—et.
ing, from -a disease deelared incurable." -
ti And We are so glad that he Mete your
•.,• • - .
Bietere."e--A Lust Of Utioa; N. T. t
rNotte gennihe without a 'bunch of green•
Bons on the white label. 'Shun all the vile,
poisonous stuff with "Hop" er:qHope" inAheir
atila. • .:
• (BtFOIL.E.) cliFTER.)
1leepeRo-VOLT41(1 BELT (2r 1 other Emerge/a-
are sent .03V4. bays' Trial TO
NEN ONLY, YOUNG OR OM•i, who are suffer -
Ing from Nnavous • 1,0sr vrtstrrY, • •
WASTING•WEARNF,SSEL and htlie diseases of
PERSONAL NATusst:resultingoii1411 ABUSES and
OTHER CAUSES. . speedy re-1.1,-fland complete
; "restoration; • to HEALTH, Vitth.. fend Met:goon
L..GUARANTarn. Bend at curt I tor .• Illustrated
t, Pamphlet free; AddresS , ±-1' • . .
- Voltaic Belt 0o11-111-00liall
When I say care i do not mean urr...T to stop them ror .
a time and then have them return c 71,,u,. I :neap a rad'.
I cal euro I have !bade the disease 4,f, !ITS, 'EPILEPSY
; or FALLING SICKNESS slice long 6.1,41q. t I warrant my
remedt to cure the worst c ;151141118e others have
failed s no reason fortle'l no recei.:Wille cure. &Inlet ,
once or a treatise an n I la •114•1 -O -15t my infallible
remedy. Give Express and lost 49110 It costs you •
t, nothing for a trial, and I will cure
Address flr 1. .L 1100T
IVOlING• AIM tuts.
THE VOLTALICI BELT Co, Tr -,J11,1=9,TShall, Mich.
offer to send their oblebrated t!,:rqAkirao-vourerac - •
i BELT and other ELECTRIC A13, ilittiNCEIS OH WS,
ifor thirty days, to men (yon0;i0 Ohl)'8,71otteedr
!with nervous -debility, loss of t-40lity and man,
'hood,*add all kindred troublOv ...Also for rhea
:matilsin; neuraigia, paralysio And many 43h
'diseases .Complete restoratii40 health, vigor.
.and Manhood guaranteed. Ify:.1 ek is incurred •
as days trial is allowecl:write them • '
once for.illustrated pfirapbleVro
R. G. B. BYERS() 74.R. c..
S.E, Lecturer on the E;' tier 'and 'Throat
Trinity: 'Medical College, To:: . Oculist i n
; &twist to the Toronto Gen(7.411.H.Hospital, i.
'Hospital, Moorefield's end -3:,'.3tatral London
Clinical 'Assistant Royal raraciii Ophthalmia'
Throat and Fax Hospital. • r1,7,9titireli street
cwnitn 4rtiAR.4c1' 17.11,,sort
con! mice
7f..14_0Iive a tiUtUUell
E▪ ducation5pencerian Pen
manentp_ 6)-1, he VENOUS
Circulars tree, if