HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-10-10, Page 1VOL. 4 :44 _ he. it.tlivoiffruflit_61. _ - Polee-hed every ,Friday. at the SENTINEL - Publishing Honse, Somerville Block, Camphell Stied, - • " 'LUCK NOW ONTARIO. - JAS. ER Yal Y, EalT08 AN1)PUBLISI-i,K8 Stibseriptiora Price, $1 per Tear -in Ad vairwe. - - ir, of •EXEQVITI) /Via:h2eucI Doopataix DENTAL, EROZZE, Lie.611tiate of t • •. : Dental Surg- •.; `ery,- has z Tfl' t d tu Wingbain, - where he will clith blithe 1 hmtristy n sin ess -; -but be Win" d beg. to inform his patasms that he •vill isit '1•,11eknow on the first and third Mondays an d Tuei,illi,ys of each . Mouth. Office at 'W1ite- GE N ERA L!. - Insurance Guelfilt. WEST.WAWANOSII. uluat fife Insurance Company. OARD OF DIRECTORS MEETS FOE -the traustuaion of finsiness on the Mt Ttlesdity in eaeh month- Parties wishing to bave their prolierty inswed in this -increasingly popular Company, - will by giving notice be esalhal upon by the undetsigned or by one of the Direetors.- Business calla promptly • tended to • r -R.BERT MURRAY, • -St. Helen's P. O. .84 _ . • , ' oney toLoan! (tAN . EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT.; Apply. to JOHN coolui; Agent,Dungannon • Money to oan . _ . 4Th• -REAL 11S TATE, at RE, AS O.N.A.BLE hates, on Term% of Payinent stilt- . . -.Borrowers. - ELLIOT .TRAVER loneyto LOgin- _ ilFtRaT4.-ILAss AfoRTGAGEs . AT 7. cent„-intereat, payable'yearly.... -Charge-a very Moderate i • Apply to . • ROBERT MURRAY; St. Helen's, ' Money to Loan! _ GOOD FARM- PROPERTY AT 6 - 13and 61 per cent.; according to the Sectir- ity offered. The above will be loomed On any Terms to Suit the Borrower. . Correspondence. be eheerfUlly answered•without expense. _tOE further particulars.apply to - • JOHN GORDON, St.- Helen's, Moneyto Loan, APER CENT , FROM 2. TO 20 years. Lists of Farms for Sale in On - T 7- .13 tario as well as Manitoba. • Parties_ desira's to Farnt3 will consult their interests by in- _ ' specting the advertising facilities of Subseribel- . in Great Britain and Ireland and:Continent of Lands for Sale. - - • .• . • ANGUS STEWA.B.T; Valuator; Lucknow; Ont. -- • MU CO., thelelmENTrrie AmEnrciaN.-- , 0.16 net as Solicitors. for Patents,- CaVeats;Trade• Marks, CopyriglitS„ for the United. States, Canada. . England, France; Germany„eto. Haud,Book about Patents sent _free. Thirty-seven years' experience. ' Patentsobtained through MUNN & CO. are noticed - In the. SCIENTIIPIC AMERICAN; thelargeit, best, and roost widely circulated,scientific paper. $.3.241iir year.k. Weekly.- • -8plendid . engravings and:interesting in• .. formation. Specimen copy hi the Scienlitio.Arner. Van -sent free. . A dress M [INN & CO.,_oiE.NTIVIO - -.A.MRRICAN Office. 241. Broadway, New York: r • ])..E. 0-kME (OF C4ME1ON4 CAM.PBE..) NOTARY /PUBLIC Conzmissioner in .8.12., Contellol?cer, etc: . . . L'Uoichigw ONTARIO. Conveyaneing in all its Branches. D e eds, Mortgages, Bonds, .1-Vgieenients, Leases etc.,promptly wad carefully prepared, , and. correctness guaranteed. k Special awl prompt' attention paid trl the. • s-earehing of Titles, and to all 'natters coneetc:. ed with the transfer of Real Estate, - 3/4Chargee Reasonable,- • gurarcgmerier 'INNIIIIIMIIIPII - -7-77- • ': • • LIEGALI - . • - A.RROW & PROUDFOOT; • Barristers Solicitori etc iloderich 4)nt . T. GARROW WM; PROUDFOOT.- • - LLIOT TR.A.VER, Attorney -at -law, -Solicitor in Qhanc47. Conveyancer, etc; Office next t� to the Post `Office,-,Lucknow, Ont. • 318 . . „ - AMESSOMERVI LLE: . -. • CONVEYANCER • . Money to limn On Easy -Terms on Beal Estate'. Valuator for Trust and Loin Co.,. 101AXTON, . . 6 ',Conveyancer. Commissioner- in IL 0 J„ etc.. Money to Loan at 7 per cent., straighfintz-rest. Valluitor for the -Doniinion. Sav:zigs and 1nVestinent-.Society; Issuer of Marriage Licenses, KIN-LOUGII P. 0„ Ont. . . . - . . _ MEDICAL Nies MAcKID a- • ofifee,--;Abo.3.e F (iricndy's IStwt; inckneth. . SU RCA?. ON - AND AC • econcher. Residelice-7The: reSidence formerly oCcupied by .1)r: AitteUrimmon. - Licentiate of • Royal College of Physicians, . Edinburg. - Licentiate in Mid:•Wifery, Et1inbnig. :Office-dampbell Street,-Lucknow. LucKploW -• ONT. J S TENNANTI M.D . . .0ffide---211edical Hall -LA kflathe • Egr Special attention td'.diseases of ;Women and Children. -,E3r06.11s preMptlyattended to by or day. ' A.,:1110VRIMM011 M. D.,- C. TM., I. R: �P, L. Licentiate of Midwifery, Royal College of Physician's &Surgeons, Edinburgh. rr Office -One doer east , of the Post -Office, Lucknow, Ont e'ViTE R I NARY" . - J. ST. CLAIR WALKER if S ' -,0ifiee - -Next door CO thel4artmor hop. LUCKNOW • 1. - -ONT full supplkofmedicines.-always ron hand!. Calla both night and day promptly attended ; o. 'AB -Charges moderste 4• . , Can be found day and.ilight bis offled.- , , . , SOCIETIES' ,LOC'ICNOW Iteeig-eiery Friday evening it -eight o'clock in their Hall, Campbell Street: Brethern cordially invited; . FINDLATER- -W H sgrtH • . Noble Grand - •-• Secretary". a• . o . • • . _ 70%0 UCKNOW LODGE OF THE ANOI- JJ Order of United Workmen; meet in the OddfelLw's Hall, on the seeond and last _Monde y evenings .of eanb month, •_ at 8 o'clock. Visiting Brethern are cordially invited.' 'I'. LAWRENCE, Master Workman. Recorder. #11trtv,00d: Cioutt: - C. F., ;'%Ico. 50. 4LUOKNOW, °ONT. HIS' el0T114T AIEETS _ on the first and third MondayS of every Month, at 7:30 p. rn., in the l'eraperaiica Hall. Brethern will pledse. attend. 44p1 MacINTYR11, R.- S:= • NO. 184, - t • ' " O. R A.10. & A. M. 1/TEETS-THE Thursday on' or before,full mo u of each mond' at eight p.m. Visiting Brethern cnraiially. invited. / Sf TFZZN411.117913. MALLOVGII,- •-*• - -1 - ,Becretary. - " ER FRIDAY, OOTQBER 10, 1884. PB U., LUC:KNOW.. At • Reduoed.Rates to Snit the Timei. Loans '•on Mortgages as Lbw as'.6 percent. at Mortgages Bought Drafts and °beetles ••on all Points OaSittid. Special and Prompt 'Attention Paidto, the "Colletptioi, of Notes, Accounts, Rents, etc. . .46iDrafts Pa,' yable. at Par Issued. On the Principal Cities and Town l of Canada andam the United States and Great Britain. Parties. Remitting will find thiathe-Cheapest, Safest and most Con aenient Method. ' - INTEREST.- riire per -lent.; .alloWed on. -Deposits - in the SaviTlgs Bank eDepartment. Funds Invested- -,for Private rarties. 'We are prepared to -offer to . Cnidoznerii 1,every facility afforded by a - Charteredliank and on equally favorable terms ONVWANCI N In all it -Bran-Ches. AurFire and Life insur-• mice. - Best Com Pan i es R epresented. Office Haurs-from 9-1nil() 4 pffl CAMERON & CAMPBELL, • LUQKNOW. J3ruce Fail Assizes. The Auttinin Assizes for theCounty of Bruce were opened -at Walkertbn on MOnday, 15th :Sept. .- The honor- ableChief Justice - Wilson on the Bench: The following is ..a. complete list of cases brought before the cpurt : i B ohman N E.Scott. - Settled out of' , ' cour .- • - .. : - ' -dikrk Vs. . Omni; bell. -This .was a chain?. for:illegal distress, the plaintiff alleging- that the notes . were not act- uallyi. due at time of forced sale. The plaiiititf was subjected to a -very lengthy examination.- At noon recess the;parties came to an understandina , . - . . - v . and. yerdrct was enteredby consent. _Shaw & Robertson foulaintiff; Bar. .rete Jt', Klein for;defendant. ••••••.0 . . . _Ferguson vs. Hays. -Shaw & Rob- _ . . . ertsdri for . plaintiff ; Darling -'4r. Mabee- . (H. B. QConnor, -Counsel) for defend-. . - . Pal.t. Verdictior plaintiff,. ...-p597- • : - C reoran Nix -on. Q.. , -for' plaintitf;' Mr.- Stephens for - .-. -.) . . ... defeii dant -V erdiCt for defendant. .1 JainesCharlesworthwas found guilty of la c.ei-ty and breakiilg-- jail. .• Sent:. • • . • i ' • - eneq 1 to two, years at hard -labor n the: -peni entiary.. : - Mr; . Dixon- for the .Cro n ;•the-:prisOner was undefended. ' - The next Case -of JohnRobertson vs. : Hector. A. Borniar was taken up: The plaintiff was suing for .12000 damage for _alleged malpractice in setting a broken - thigh, . Mr.Shaw;Q. 0.,, acted On - behalf Of Mr. Robertson. Mr. O'Connor• acteii- for Dr. 13onfiar. - • ,- ••• •. . . .. -bn behalf Of.: tlie. Defence a great riuniber Of tnediCal , -gentlemen were called Who - 4pprOvei1 . -highly. .- of Dr. Bontiar'S; method Of treatment to the .rplairitifil , . TheY _thought ..,the ' doctor. had done allthat-. could: . be -expected of him, .and that he was in -no *ay to .b16,40 for the apparent-, nnSatisfaetory. resilt.. -..,--They thought - if ,Dr, -Cooke had llowed Dr. BOnnar to treat.the leg t S lie- desired on.- his return: fro ni- , .. MEiiiitolia„ :When he found - it swollen; it;ld have been_auiefil.* *P.u.,lerr. to -day . . .. - . . ' in. all probability.' , .... - , .. i • , Uri the Whole .the :imed. ical,evidence Was greatly in -Dr, :Bonnar's favor: - , , . , At the- cOnclusien of the, Plaintiff's 1- case His Lordship said t� - the -jury th.erp was no evidence :. to go to them .to support the charge:- made 151-. plain. tiff that the. Method - of treatment adopted by theplaintiff had been im- proper, as the - medical_:_ evidence. had shown it to be a-- method - approved by the highest authority. In °regard to the -other position .�f the case hewOuld- haVe to let. the Iiiry' ipionotince.. as to. Whettherthe doctor . had; : -carefully at- tended his -patient, andWhether the. , ... , res*. had :been. what Might: naturally be ekpected .even- palming the method of -treatnient to be., proper one. - The medical .evidence -'was•.: to the ffietitliat,a:broken thigh bone was the in�st difficult fracture t� 'adjust -Of any • place; and that, atiei - Oe tit4190.4111 • .. • Atimimemnimminmememnimilinnhammiu,:. • .; VVI(OLE No. 659 and care had been exerciai theresultA i) a had been unsatisfactory. • Thejiary was locked. irbiO? 2 o'clock. p. in. on 14,1iiilay and at 11),fiielelck that evening w;ere brought *41 the court room, when they .said theY were un- -able to agree. They werdi:;tihen locked up for. the night and were t4ti11 unable to agree when brought IA fib" court on Saturday forenoon aXid w4E41,94 Atg•scharged. ve . to be The case. will therefor: tried everlagain. . There werir, ariumber witnesses examined, the .follo -medical gentlemenl.gave evidence "f F ton and Di White,Toronto, Dr. T1 lAllanford; - Dr.:McAiOn,Paisley; rDrs: Ussher' Rotier. SthlW Walker- ton; .De. -Stewart, Cheslev_lilDr. Tay- rior, Tara. - iht;, question submi-,tte hY by thj e .udoe we understa the 4 - . ;chance of an. agreement on those ifaVerkble to the-defendan„:L. Lu4nnw Public 64 t;)1. • - The following is the report r t e month of 'September of the; different dep-riients in the Lucknow .17..ul)FiliKoSSTephEr.T 0611.E. • 31.E4 t Senior SeCiion.--EramaMul124,295; Maggie 4M -in -ray,' 274; ; Maggieluartii$470; . Edwiird 1...awrence, 743; *David Grahart4i -g04 ; Annie Middleton, 214. Junior Arlatrong, 273; ikthel 111411h-11;251; Thos. Matt -W(4247 ;.Lizzle McMillan, 242; William Gruat3,227 ; Mary oeveot, 201. - Average ittencianeA for Sep0. i• • - . SECOND DE*AETIfIci Senior Clesa.---LaviniaGrithf _Martyr', 246; George' Rear q- Matthie, 214:i , - I Junior Pattero. Little, 226; James Gallaghee Middleton, 196.' * Average attendance, 37 4-7 . 1E1119) nzrAnnfut Senior Second,---RebeccaGii nee Hambleton, 421; Ann• 'harks Johnson, 384. - :Junior-Sedonda--John Whi Lawrence,. 318 ; Ethel M Charles Baird, 286. _,- A.verage attendance, 37 2-211 °OATH DEPARTME3sp Part 2nd." ---Willie OS Lottie 4.graineswtr:).2n6g2, ,.2•VR ply! BoYlt . - Junior Second. 7 George Smi, 73; John 4t -211.5a Aggie Lyons, 29:11? run, 294. •- - I Average attendance, 36. i toEPABTME Senior :•Class.- -14•Utii ll'. 1 with,- 201 I. -Larry McOhar.1 m # i. Graha, :165. ., • ...Average attendance, , . • ..1.inloss Qoune Sr, 30; 263 ; ; Willie _ ; rrank 4 ; Willie 462; Flor. Kew -415; 44 ; Tena an 294 • 2 21; Ailie Cam.P. 1 3; John 92; May 44.444444.41.4 .- A Meeting of Rinloss Councl. as held on the 30th ult.; with the Reeve is_ho chair and all the Members present. Th hutes of1abt meting were read and signed -1' The Reeve stated thatehe h itedJoshus. Bidwell and' found -him in. a.'d 4tiltute condi-. Sion. - Moved by McKinnon , I McIntosh. that as this Cannel). Call sii olairn-that- :Joshua Bidwoli Oan have upon ?- gigunionno. itY.of Kiuloss, that we take i 4tiler &Cam 41 this ease atlhapresent tnneilrlOarried. Moved by McIntosh. that -° account- of - Dr: Bradley for atteWing`My I wkshaw be. hot entertained by this Council itirried. , • Moved by Stewart and MOI4 11, that the following amounts: be paid, Uoige Young, -i:u1Vert,•-$7.50.; Angus MCDou lgrayel, $2; lintican lqc,Kinnon, two cu. 1, $30.85 ; Gehrke -Artilstreng gravd-, Henry lioligina, roadwork, $21 ;..B. PLue1,lowerjug ialver, dit.4 -$12.75 ; 11. llongram,1 lumber for u1't2 train, by-law 39, $8 Stews; ' 1:70 ; Warreii, inspecting :leariedrainIi by-law 34 $45; esi3e1.4-;inavi11' ;,d- ch,- ditching, 421.32 ; - that* R4inson, flame -fie hauling gravel, $2 Wra'Arant,clear- ionsgSBLIitOnuhud lbaYr4Yiaarriti,20.-e 41%2 ;13ciwiO4.d.Ki1:4' Kin' l Bonds of Collector were lartiO' d and so- eePted assatisfaetoiY,••• Ail?. Stewart gave 111 a-litatO:Pe t shewing- ,p . that Conly dirM-cCue,contractifti r the drain under by-law 39-, were paid in ;NA ef -contract priee,.which iwas approved of lift.'be Council. Wvod byMeKinnon•and , that tho Clerk give ekice -by hand bilkt>t at all taxes must be .paid i before - the 15th ifti of Deem- .b,emr.-oveedari?riyedwtewalt ,•;01.d mot Reeve div expend the AU* of the B01111clalli .0f RinViss and on,' that the 'dollars on. AWawanosh on condttron that the CouneilfMtstWawan- osh supplemeut with. a 4ike ant4f4itt.. -0 irri ed. The Council then adjouri.e4, ,ime6t again ;an the -19th clay of Novembew-, ?MR-REID, ".wnship Clerk,' - a4a•-"i4a..• HOLYROO Front Otir Own Corrop t. , A Scott Aet -meeting Ni;,a` eld in the. Methodist Church oil TikeAlay evening. Addresses were delivere by Revs, 'Cameron, Walker and Trk, "Liiekr. now. COininittees we rganized. Manx Of the electors werlipresent and declared themselves in or- of the • Act, and 'eledged their al 'prt,, : tl. tifkITEOHUROH Fromvitr alms Correspondent. A Scott At meeting was held here • on Monday night last in the Presby- - terian Churcli, The Rev. Mr. Ander- son, pastor of the Church, took the . -chair. The Rev. G. it 'Turk and Mr. ‘D. R Cameroii,.of Lucknow, spoke in. • favor of the Act Mr. W, Campbell,. of Lucknow, attempted to. speak in. oppoSition.:Xf the antics have no abler champions than Mr. 0. their cause is bail one y a rising vote the entire audience declark itself for the -Act The Rev. Mr. Cameron,- of Lucknow, was present and .organized committees for work on the day of polling. §. S.' No. 8, Kinloss. The folrjowinia,re the names of the three pupils in each class who obtained the greatest number of mark i during themonth of Septem,- ber - • , Four:mi•.-Santee Hays,Minnie McPhtrson Willie Stewart. Sax, 3an.--RAchao1Taylor, I)avid Young,. - Catherine Young. Jux. 3nD.--Maggie Hays, Sydney ' Farish, Mary Taylor; SECOND.-7ohritatina Boss William Moffat, A.mabel Simpson. . S.- a.No. ",t, Ashfield. The following are the nainev in order of, merit of the pupils in each @alai of the above - school who received the greatest number of perfect marks : SN. 4TH.L-Martha Mathieson,jbhn Allan McDcinald. . _ " jUN. 41140 -Jessie Mathieson, Christine . AlurchisOn, Ellei McLean. SRN'. 3RILL-sJulin MeNay, J-Ishil McLean; •Mary A., McLean. JuN. :3itte-Ja6es Gilmer, 13ella, McNay, Duncan Leaii. - • . 2ND.- Thomas GilmareTosephHogan,David Baynes. • 2ND rART;-51.aty Rogan, Sarah McLean, Bella Baynes. -- 1ST .;-Ellen Gilmar. Sarah McLean, John -- . Mathiesen. •- The winners in the monthly spelling match were : John Hogan in the 3rd 'and .4t13; and Mary Hogan in 2nd part and 2nd. PARAMOUNT. • From our oion Correspondent A meeting ii the interests of the Scott Act was held in the schop,l-house on Friday evening, the Ord inst. As, it was a -postponed wain.).ba large at. tendance was not expected, but at the appointed hour the building was filled, many having to stand, and several listened at the windows. : The *v. -Geo. R. Turk spoke ri favor of the Act,explaining its history, provisions, enforcing .machinery, .and penalties. Opposition *as then called for, but no person.' responded. _Mr.. Turk then -invited the audience to -ask questions or urge objections. Several .questions were -put,ivhich wer&answer- ed to the apparont,satisfaction of all • Great enthusiasm prevailed through- out. When at tile close- the chairman- - invited all Who were in favor, of and would support the Act . to stand up, the entire audience with a"feit excep- tions rose. - Bev. Mr. Hamilton mom - • pied the chair. ....• .....0....._._•,..ih, TRUSTIES and teachers' will, says art ., ' ,.....3 exchange,* be busy • for the next few weeks making their engagements for 1885. , Theyact wisely who Ina.ke, their arrangements early. TruStees, Will do well.not to lose the Services Of a good teachei for the sake of a few ° dollars, while a poor One cannot be got rid of too soon. We think the - engagement ()light:0 be for a term ot years with a -chance to terminate it by ' either giving notice viithin a speeifieit 'timein this way lime permanency might be Secuzed, . Nothing so injures • .a school as frequent change of teach- ers. Much time iS,lost 'and confusion caused. by different- method i Of teach- ing and rules of disipline. . :It is also to be hoped tat those boards i who fix, , the summer .vacations at four weeks will mend ther ways in that particu- lar, so that w4 niay soon have mil- lormity all o er the province in the . -matter of holidays. !. -The heo,ne flush, pale UMW cheeks and peecalious appetite, hid- • tape Atoms.. Freeman's Worm Pow. ders will quickly and effectually *move thew *am t,