HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-10-03, Page 5• i HURON. AS3J,ZES. "fag BNAYISHEs rotatD ounar oF' hI AN- $LAl fiHTa$. • At the Assize Court at Goderich on f<ouday last the -ease of the Queen is. James Beamish and ,his . two sons, - Henry James and Thomas Manasseh, vias'resume d. They were charged: with the murder of Wrn.. Maros, on the 26th of May last. The trial -has occupied • some four days, the evidence hay mg been concludedon Saturday ni httoo: late for His, Lordship to: ch; c. e the -Jury. •ghe unfortunate irrence:- was the ifesult of a family. qu ` . The :facts of the case as h»ought ou in the evidence are shottly 'these :: A quarrel occurred._ on . Sunday., the 25th , of May} between Wm. ;Mains,, the deceased, and theprieoner, Thomas. Manasseh . Eeamish ; .Thomas got rather the -_worst of .it -n that occasion' ;TA. went- home and informed his brother Henry of what had happened. Henry and :Thomas went . down the road to nearly opposite Mains' house, ° wher'eupon Mr. Maim, . rushed outf the house with a sticin hand, He %vas followed=by his son George, whop. u.lso had a stick. Mr.; ° Maims challeng �tl }Ienry`; Jan esT`Beamish to -.fight. lie :ry=lied that he would not make a blackguard out of himself by fight- ing on Sunday.. Mains then proposed they should meet the nest morn ing and fight- it out at 7 o'clock. 4 it of e. -Maids suggested that they -.ho ilt nzet;t.aat 6-:30 in the morni gg- Ml r. Mains said, `'AJ1 right j if my" two x; t sift 'whip you two 1'J1 tho t hem.: From,this it:appeais the figi w-a,g to have taken place between :the =c,'k;•s instead _af with Mr. Mains, On tilt, following rnoa•. ling the Maus were 1wnd at the appc,ir ted time.Mr. Y .1;�=;zinisb, the father, wont to them! aand 't: ik ed l r: Mains if the (filarial could•' _$ut lrc=`settled.. Mr, Mains replied that t toald,- aiid they both sat b.y the. ratlti-ide to talk it over.: At this point ileury James and. Thomasanasseh. - Bt a.misli came down Ate -road,, and . It • her the contl et of evidence; arises. The Mains boys say that llenryJ a' es- - :without the a slightest ' provocation, ays-h-ed at Mr, Mains: anti struck:. him . °t i lent blow with his fist,, and that. iii dais way- the fight startedWillie ° fly-fish, a younger son of the Beam- EW .AND DIRECT IOPORT int .0 4.41 �: W Clarn.aibhon, lose and ;Spon heaper than the Cheapest, a as •1 Burdock`' BLOOD BITTERS Cures Dizziness, Lass of Appetite,.Indiy estion,.Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the diver and Kidneys, .Pi'mp'les B%tche.% Boi ,� Humors, Salt' Rheum Scrofula,.F Erysipelas, and all diseases -arising from g f oro Impure- Blood, Deranged .Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. �In ; Gooceries We Defy Competition, 'lo the .Advertising.. I:amClearing..'Out a: Lot o ROOT,i 'rices, ustonl& iT)ES at 6 a • salt is Wealth a .NEW jlRRSITALS: lrit:L L 1VEs�r's IV RVE Arra BRAIN.'L'R. ar- Iltl i\T, a guaranteed :specific fcr 'ysteria, LDizzines,, Convulsions, Fits,-Nervons Neur. _ algia, Headache, Nervous f .rostration,caused .by the.use'of.alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness Mental 1 egression; Softening .of. the `i'ret wn resulting in Insanityand to-nitsery, it i deoa-i-'ancl deaths, Premature old age, Barren- ess, l,c.ss of Power in::either se:" Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrham, -caused by over- exertion of the Brain, _,srdf-a3-irzse or over in: diligence. One box will cure recent caste. Each: box- Contains one month's treatment..' One dollar a box or six -boxes for, five dollars, sent by mail prepai'i on receipt of Price. .:W gur rantee six hoxc's to.eure any. case With each order received byy us for 'sis boxes, ac-. comlanied wsth five dollars, we will .Send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the niodey if the treatment does not effect a cure. Gu !rantees issued only, by. JOHN O. WEST & Co., Sale proprietors, 81 and 83 King St Ea.st, Toronto, Ont G . W. Berry, druggist, Lucknows vows - ishes, says that - when • I1,.Janie c:come to where they were all upon the -road, Mr. s-Maius -urged his son Joh to attack Henry i that his son did no stzenkecl disposed- to commence the af it al-,. whereupon -Mr, Mains becam1 urged at his son's apparent unveil `inguess- to fight,. and h n s.elt rushed a I l f;naiy,._ and- that. in-- this way the ..fight brgart. . The Crow alleges that : old • Mr. Beainish prevented any interference en the part: of the Mains boys while the fight- was going '011 between Henry. and ` earns, and that. he struck Mains` over teehead with a stick._ 'iI1ie Beal sh'says his father did' - not strike 'with a stick. The result f r. tle:quarrel was'that Mr. Mains died the same 'evening of compression of the brain. s t = e t - sla.'.T:...��` o•G'Id!u'fd�Jiw.IL.;�..: r; i ! `r �'. l! soil. Wat•o:: NOW Coad & Food . Com. .b1=natio , :u FAULTLESS = CO1axy ator, • His Lordship..eharged the Jury at great length going over the evidence • in detail. His charge was rather against the prisoners.. The Jury . re• tired for .aboutan hour and returned with a verdict sof manslaughter agibsis. all three}_ recommending Thomas: to _mercy. The father,,Jams Bearish,, is a de- l cate, feeble man, • over 60 years of ages talI,, and wearing= a .long white _beard._ -.He completely broke down "'during the charge, and his • moans could be heard all over the. courthouse. His son„kt envy James,. acted very kindly to s father. He seemed' to pay More attention to caring, for his. • father than about his own fate. Re- sat holding his father's headand bath - Ing bu with cold water while the Jury wereout, and tried to comfort b a by Y -saying he hoped the jury would take a merciful view of his, case: His Lordship sentenced the father and Henry James to .twenty years- in , the penitentiary, and Thomas to five _years: Hely, onbeingg asked what he :had: to say,. said ha had committed. his case • Oto Almighty d, who alone knew all the truth,; s tri. who NO- acquit hits -on the great day of , a, gement of being }the cause.of Mr. M: • death.. a The lather had to, be supported: by 'the son while he received the sentence sof the Court. It is understood,,a petitim its to be got up on behalf of .the prisoners, ask- .ing the executive to exercise clemency The Grand -Jury fund true .bills ;alainat Oharle&atat Scott, a . private +banker, of Wingha n, on two gases cf • fraud. He.414. not spear when' :call ed to ansvOr the indictments, . His. .bail was entreated illiarn Dtacou Wu _ g•, ghani, was bail for $504. CHOLERA INFANTUM al � LSq.� • LMMER COMPLAINTS SOLD BYALL DEALERS. A Rare Plant. The Wild'Strwberry Plant possesses rare virtue -as acieansing,;cooling. astringent, an- teseptic, and _healing medicine and -when combined with` other valuable vegetable ei• tracts,: -as in 1)r i oiler's Extract of Wild \Strawberry, it ie an . ,unfailing remedy. in call bowel complaints. r' : China, 'OroOkery. 'Crockery.and Gass ware..Depot ALEX LAWS Has. just received a complete Stock of Tea Setsin Chi ia and Respeet Age. Age should always command resp ct, in- the 'Case of `Dr;, Fowler's Extract .Of Wi13 Straw-:. berry it. certainly does, for 25 ;that .has :been the standard reme4iy with . eople, for cholera morbus, dysent; r, diarroeh ; colicand all bowelcomplaints. V yRemark:ble Recovery. --`- Mr. Geo,' V willing, of Manches,er,Mieh. "writes.: . ".3.17 wife has -been: aimoit helpless for five years, -so helpless thatshe could not turnover in ped alone. She used.two,bottles of 'Electric Bitters,a is so much improved that she is able. to do herown work ". Electric Bitters will, clo all that is • claimed for them Hundreds of . test inonials - attest - theu•grea • curative posers Only 50c, a -bottle atBerry's, %SOO RE ARIL, o We will. pay the abov,; reward, for any Mee. of .Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia: Sick Head- she, Indigestion; Constipation c,ii,:Coetivenes8 we cannot; cure: with West's Vegetable- Liver Pills, when the direotiolodesfestvictly complied with, They are purely Vegetableand -never fail to give satisfaction. SugarCloatad.:Large Bones,. containing 30 pi ,2.5 duets. For sale by ai1 druggists. Bewae of counterfeits and mitationa, The`genuuse manufactured ofactured onl by JOH1T C. WEST 46 Co., Mi. and"83; . King St. East; Toronto. G. W. -Berry, ° Lu*ck.now. ' 1 .0a0_to!! l eo how and.:,surrounding country; At and undo r co • •: rice. The undersigned, h�vin� enn lu tied rithove ,canowoffers ilia entire stOeliconsstin of Y GOODS, `GROCERIES CLr AS - ' WARE, -CROCKERY, - BOOTS&WITS&C; READY MADE C,OT frrnn 3 ERBAKFA-S SETS, DINNER SETS, , BEDROOM SETS, In Stone and China.: Parlor, dining -room- and: bedroom :.lamps..'~ BMX LAMP CLASSES.FOR 25 C NTS Oc.. extra value in tea. No 25c. toss: kept on the premises. .. Ladies_ Hand 'Baskets,- Market - Baskets, Clothes Baskets.. Pickles by the quart or bottle. Extra quality. ALLAINDS OF CONFECTIONERY iar'Ham,. bacon and Spiced Roll constantly:-. on hand.: KI l�l�l. IID$•Of CA1etED.FR1f IMETC.: A CALL SOLICITED. 610 1 .--Fever colic, unnatural- . appetite fretfulness, Weakness, and o9nvulsions, are son ie. of The effects.:. of worms in * hildrein I destroy the worms with Dr. Lo'w's W S ru 0 _ • • jr a .. The stock. is all new, and :choice o ht ii • ' ' arid • , ; � � t�� fest anti. cheapest markets,' and selected.. with = the re 4 a , g ate � ; -care td meet the requirements of village and :country trail T Now - is the :tin i- to secure such Bargains a of ,re offered its L icknow; e never Saleto 'be in. o the'5th of Apt ' - g ,�us. � anal co%i��e uhtil Goods are .all sold, E, . 4'. An Editor's Tribute. Theron P. Keator, Editor. of Fort Wayne, Ind., "Gazette" writes: '-For the •ast•five yeare: 6ave always :used I: King's New Dis- covery, for coughs of mostevere character,as wellas for those of :a uukr type. It never fails to effect a speedy cu.1... - My friends to whom I have reconmendel it speak it in sUme high terms. Having been cured byit•of eery cough 1.have had for five :ears' T.con aider it the Only reliable, and sure.curef or coughs, colds; etc." Call a Berry's drug store add' get: a free trial bottle. 1[ Large -size $1. pa Ali. eoverdia -i btes : and hook d`.oat- cline: •.Q account`' dust be .4 —Usi Prof. Lows - SulphurSoap F fbr priclkl heat', netle rash, P , • �' ,.. deals. e ulltion; itch, and hil: diseased con dfiitic n of .the skin: � Nai s t, onal .Pilla are 1�z , ��gax coated; ;mild but thorough: andq ale the best .stomach-_ anc .liver rill his se.: t::fr 6 ?•p • kt . N Q •