HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-10-03, Page 4• • HE-LUCKNOW :SENTJN:E JA S BSZAIf,',PL'aW nat• THE. L1BBRTt TO UTTER; ,A2(3c) 'TO AitoV8. • FREELY ACCORDING TO THS -DICTATES 4»' CONSCIENCE WE- PRIZE ABOVE •ALL OTHER LIBERTIES Lnckaow, - . `October 3rd, J:iortuoverr the` village: ! n - Thursday: --Miss Ids :Johnson, o this village 'been visiting friends in Goderich - ring the pastcouple o weeks. Don'tbuy your sto until you ee and examine T. La nine's lar8e took.: The The .farmers visit to more fre- quently uent1y now than :they di . a few weeks a, Their heavy. work f the present -ear is'almost- .over- • --Farmers requiringmoney, on • :-Mort a es obtain loans ; at 6 . 6 nd 7 per mit. by applying to Elliot `.. ver,g8ent,or C. A. Sheljard,%aluator. -A' large:flock. of Wild geese passed • Official It has been -officially announced • that the- voting on the' Scott Act in= the County of Huronwill - take place on the 3Ot•h October; the time appoint ed f; -"r the submission of: the Act -in the Comity of• Bruce "R i FLYING :.WAIFS.' Isla l cu klidge I �'i iting: :fs; Berry, Goderich. 1�Y `the village this • • '-` c.i. -1 h. il �, -3'il .s lth the . s�.. .Ic pin ii re. t 1f S• a� i ,1•:.j eyl �,J;'C�l-v l-�•. 5 tiirld I 7ru rrav- Bros. have. just revel' e z.. r.ice: for sorne :more - •of that - granu-' 1.orning wh h indicates fine weather, so the hunter :`say: -This is a hard year d prices are clown, -but go . to Murry Bros.'' and you -.ill 'findprices down in their line also. 31rs.:.Turk, wife- of tie Rev. G R, 7urk, :left oii rsday for a few °ont' her old-hbme in Mont- i The .thi,tle .brand ':pi : cross :cut ar.r-:-i-These sawsare giving the best satisfac io; Only 75c •per foot, at Latrerce`. `-fir. WAnderson h :purchased. lie residence. of the late Ai" - Art, Campbell-- street- ui-this 11a . .'Out in California • wna man h his wifeout o.e three times 1ise�t�3eiiioadivot'• i'.es,Tut y hatprOision-:is. macre "the tables j{ Sys 4f' E3r? at'�1aJrt�rf War:. A,' -;La k=`'1 3t:;' 1F'..t-t; .ri• • ateo: oatr a- S 1 - . l si+ I P i iris . + ilr t'it+ ;:a tus yjaT 4 +rill ila'n 1\1 bald' fcr �t� , , _1 .l F Hamilt .i. tii• 'r 123 ?4.I lei'' u 1 La`iwr&13t •� .r u I s.. ti s TP lwtion-in,-* "Mr, • ;i:.•I lt�r a➢' .. {}t.IillYlf;_ a'r 1S h i'- ra !wav trackIS edi-nez,..a:- -J'3 r- P.F 1:: H Gardiner i' I Z:` Y . a . deeli v intereqincr - -rn on next Sundae .F.; frii-A 1 the text/+ALide with us. _ ::, to Murrar-BrOs. and .see -their i ► I f:if-J a �� +1 "t ill er�t ref winces. and i ihLiii=p-lsi Heavy, s'1de v incey Sc. •- -:< ,,-;i sham hley ' flannel- 30c, -_Sial schcolreports and- other T9Y' { matter "r �t 11r z I .. .1. arematter: .una olds _7 lv s� .crowd .. -d .nut of thin issue: They will. an:,+Sar -1:13 our iLF_ t.. - . r �1 is•`is tlli , his father xa':n iltoli, of th s. 1 illa¢e of H- the*Rev...C: • - The Prince of IN ales said :the.. h r dai". ` -\\ ere• I not o ,King I� • 'ci "Iii l=e an editor..''' , \ ell,we 'wouldn't s.nsad ext:,harnring for while with- .Al .,er-t Ed:ard. _ If he could. please -all 1, :-:- patrons of_a- countryaper for six ,lo; ±tins•he would to a 4ad certainty li m e a r opu lar. K ing. - After all there _- not"much ditlerence between a King and an_editor-hour are horn to rule. - Tl1e Principal ',of he; Goderich Public Schools intends h reafter - hold. ig monthly' meetings wit teachers fcr the purpose. --of . discus ing teaching -methods;-andattain' n • ' - u I a caterade�ree pf efiiIl' vie t an n. d harrnon ei ` .cls S yuzu lla �f work.- The idea- is :a good one .and a" ihould-reult in practical` .benefit, : to e 1 °- ,eaehers and: -u ill.• - -arid is, a -: lan_ lrr� _ c f Dots "to' clear. ,nut" at p p s, .._ p- t' `.A line Of bats to clear ou-t at c' -t .: line. of vests to clear out at i.J,_ •ate Ma�_Intyre s. - •—This • is hos• the=NVmghamAc1t'mce «ails •out tip its dtTln-quents'•.- Her- vest is over nos_cr bring irr the':wood ou pronnsed.. us, for ,we are sadlti. in ' -:r eed -of .1t e z...) A ..d. ertise your suras and estray- 'vitae . -I y. this means.you 'will -almost i:ivarials,\, finri• Roar estray animals, ..:and. find::an - owner; for- `those Whish have strayed upon your premises..., ▪ -Call and see Maclntyre's clothing. Splendid- all is-ool tweed: suits. for 7.50 • and 9:00 Ir en and l,oys. , Vest for - $1 :oto 1:5(►amnesias chespas the making: 3Le i -s and hays hats: at "coat -:to clear .,out at 'Maclntyre's. _ ..lIiss 111arie :0 Strong the famous Canadian co tralto,sister toMiss •K. C. Stria;,- :has acvepeed the osi- tion of .vocal and instrumental ": music t-sclrea' .intheDuret-Forest High !--`.c.1160.1.-.' . : --n -The • public: is- of ` tire.. ',antIT-y WF'1roizle, London, ofi`er_ a eopy of the Sea Side: Cook Book. as- a:pren_ 3itum. with their excellent story paper ` The =11 i,� riptiol price "is only: -.81. per , an - „p 11 III , n,siulni; With ljalance..of this year, free. --.-Box barieless cod: fish . 40c worth -I. As good black, _tea as you . woul d want to se for. 50c. -17 lbs -sugar :fur 1. Maize, tapioca, corn starch, =sago,'' .coaco�, coaconut,• baking powder; wash- . iag soda, washing crystal, 'at Marin-: .tyres.- - The •-prraceedings of the . recent. 0 f,r rnunication of the.Masonic Grand -.I of Canada have been forwarded: to subordinate lodges duriog the past -week. From :.. it We' -learn that there .are 350 lodges in . On_tario • with: an aggregate - membership of .18, 911: ' --.-The time for that •.class' of litera- ture which; is .about, -as thrilling as a .directory. and .fuiily. as entertaining .as a dictionary, is at hamar We refer. to • the annual fail eghilsition prize 'lists, the 'firstveonsgiigaent of appears n this issue.' --If have... .:: you- - ' fur entries ready for • the Kinloss Bch Agricalturr1 Society's_ Fall Show to beheld in.Luck- slow. on the _"9th and 10th hist. let -the secretary have them at once. He -will •be busy in the extreme,'. and- do not leave your entries to the last minute, s., help a little _by "getting them. .rias e•'rly • J• Which might be imitated with advan't- ..a.ne'n�i _everS j' ; town and cit. in • the a _ Pro; ince.- —The St. Isar y s Carria a is nof � n�,. act-•; .firing Corpanv, an Ente rise- nianag_ vd:} y.capitalists: of. that. •own'is: meet- ng:u ith great success, h wing sold al= Deadly over: to enty three thousand` shares. = The • surplus' tock- of- the _,o ipany atnouiltimg• to 106,080 will ae, divided on October 2 nd. "hares ...re; $2 each:sand all- those desi_ring to tiarticipate :in -this,'grand :divisi'on should: buy' a share. at o e:: Address: • . +,. W EITE, Secy - t. 31.ary's. PURSE LOST. -_ -• 1O3rEWHE .E $ETRE EN LOT 2, • .Con 6, Huron Townshu and the Gravy. toad leading unto L• iuokaow, on Wednesday=, 4th Sept., a lea: her` purse n rly. new, cuu=• ain%ng 897�S.in Arrnericaan• .Gold, - a one dollar ',minion tank Bill, and =tine remainder of 3l 8 i •Awerican. Bank Bi a Thi_ finder g:i11: be -suitably rewarded b returning: -the - � e• to this office. or to• : aZ Lai, 2, Con. 5, ;Huron 'T'p', • • FARM FOR. a SI LE. ��OWILL P ROHASF 110 T,es, a choice ;farm ot>F.- �t 2u Con 3, Kinross,'4 nzil e'from Lucknovi d 1' froth 1 Winghani, 118 acnes "cleared. free nm etutio;ps.: it acres : hardwood b ash, 1$ s rias sown with w -beat, good cedar fencing. .l age 0013e residence with cellar ,underneath,-. ,od-c-irchard, frame barn. with •shine stablin • n,de.rueatt,-neVert failing.creeksnd- well. El. M CAL.LUM, - ,angalds, Ont • .Cirto siren Office - 3m-5 8 HERN : EXHIBITION .:, BALKER SON � TO .:. , 7OCT. Exec al Facture. 'for ,Vhdinesday dTh'arsday, Oct,Oth&lOth, E thibition cf S ed Around' ;.ah Zing. p -Pau of Roadsters, Mar. or Geldings, in hz.e."s; twice :around -the tragi, best 2 .in 3' h 'its =-$35 and •$15:. • •r -'` • .ai e: tie eringGreat Barrs in • wish the..p 'are: this falll. - �l) we ask oryou t :a. tiblic -to- F see` ou •. fsa erstaud goods wp Aces before buyin' in C'�anadar at tie e nevera��-cb sap � • Wit,° -- -- '-• --:__ _ _ _ — = / l fie. '�•� _ — �`�-, _- �-_z— - _ _ 1 R4- ly 0.. • 11 a•. Y •t A A Fine Line of Hosier: `„ of.veni Beautiful� Line Promenade Shari ls. Beautiful Selection of Butt in4 ; in all the pew Sliade4. All -Wool-French Dres Goon �; ..all the newest ('oro us; b.. OnlY 25c. a yard.' Ladies Rubber Circulars (hear' Ends of Dress Goods and Print:. at (, oat. e most cn fl le e selectio3n () Dry Goods in the County, at acl INDLATER FOR ALL SUDS OF Cfockc..odJe*e1iry1 a,G�es P.EPAIPI\O-DONE +PBOi?TLF.. i ALEX. FINDL ATER, :.. A3IPBEL ST: WEST RN e subscriber hereby notifies the public in general that -he is prepared to execute all wok in. his line in a su4. - perior style.- BUILDING OP ALL $INDS contracted for and finished ifi the latest manner: and with great Satisfaction. I:'. keep on.hand a large stock . of season- ed lumber. Ail "kinds of. DOORS, •..s'ASH AND BLIhDs On -hand or made to order at.. snort notice . I guarantee good • work as 1 keep none but the : best of workmen 'and. material JOHN STEWARY Lucknow, .3larch- 22n& 1882. sHorse,Mare or '' lding,to wagon, tr= ound the. track, :best .2 in 3.-$30&814. .-Running, opeu to* all 'ori 'regularly. .re Y used as ]]�• _ .cks, and which ha e- not been =m far. training for at". least t o -months pr v lots to lst•Oct. - twice v� ice around the - track, .best ac , Iriat tv)in three: -$20 and $10. I. -Walking .Agricultural Team, Mares. or Geldings., fastest walking " f o lumber wagon, •twce around_the track. -$8 and -4:-Stallion- `to Wagon, t ice. around the tit mak, est 2 in 3 -$s0 and .$1 �unnnn to all. and . 1a.: g .open $ -0 Waith • El gin� -Swiss and . r •- . •• at•• •es • Lo tLlun g P� ' suaranteed T une-Keepers. r l A. Large Assort ent-, �s'Gs Best Makes, t: T ery Y.� �• __ 11oR Is the Bac to et p: � School`Su Supplies' - , r Goods, � } �ancy Goods, yl I t ool, Bibles, 'iolins, oncertinas, Jewe ry,Vases, Sliver%are. f PRiCES DOW T.1 nrALITY-UP 1 AT t d: Stove Depot, - Opposite the Whitely House, Lucknow, - STOVES f AT THE:liJMAND FOR PRICE L -T I : ,.��I�.CEDED TIi � goods .:tit n . .and selli`non purpose T butthetime for buying � . t . h..:met, u .ni y �g p sell cbp without regard to quality, it past. 4 ndersigned, in thanking the citizens of Lucknvw and vicinity fo' liberal �a rronage bestowed on'r2i during' ' the -past year; tomes t' i opp3rt ■ of caattention to his large: a. d well selected stock off' Stoves: for both vim, and ut1e Tinware of Rinds Coal Oil,Lamp Acis and _ever -thi ccs--� {� rya . r everythin n� else in, line. - - Milk - cans, 'silk pans. and dairy paw- a specialty. Ecav trough and repairing promptly attended to. Bestfads at the Lower Prices.: °'Dail and -be 'convinced. : IN.ENDLESS AT! VARIETY HARNESS Ship, LUCKNOW. IIERLAND; LUC. L11strat A, 3gt7, ' e, paper descriptive of the orth .�] and Far West and a County, Map .of-Dalicct-SentFREE fort -cent Stamp.. Send. your aC. _ -to A. v. H. CABPENTEE, ner- alPateer Agent, Milwaukee. r $1000 FORFEIT. Hsi` `mai a utmost of dense in its buteeriz ority oar '1;othese,:and atter thonseds of teats of ('..*,lcn' most oompploeted riderestf uw cases e ld find we'eel -justified i c eting to forfe4 Cane Thousand Dollars :for ani case of"oot ;Olds, sore throst,infloent pease- neaa,be ==? tie ooneum� pilon in its a riy stage wDooD t on,h and -a11 diseases= of the tilrscat and luree except Asthma, :for which vie only claim r ':.lei. thatwe can't care with West's Cough p whd takenao oording to diree- tions : ple bottles 35 And 50 cents? 1 e pottiest, s dollar. Genuine wra As • only epblae¢', gold by ail draftiest/8 or sent ex- ) NW o:' eueit of price, -JOHN C. : ST D Co.)`andp83 !t. Bast, 'roman, d<nt. +Berry, drug it t, ;'Lucia ria, • An ,Ex.Afdman Tried it. • Eta-Alderrnin Tayler„ o Tcronto, .tried Hag ara'sYelldv 011- for Rheumatism. ItW' cured him sifter all other rcanedieshad failed A Strong Endorsement. The Clergy, the Medical Pacult , e -Pre ,. and. the People :nil . endorse itmrdit.c.k ;;iii Bitters as the best system retievating blood purifying tonic inom . Its Nark bears ou themi , best recommend. . AN: Rucklemes Arnica Salve of he best salve in the welldforeuts. brumes, sores,ulcer salt rbenm,, fever sores, :tette; chapped band, chilblains, corns and all skin eru tics and positively vans Piles r no pay ' required. It is guaranteed ° to give if perfect satisfaction, or - money refund ed. ; 'Price 25 eatser box, Pyr sale p �., by G. W. Berry, a: is uoww ?4 3 S 5. 9 • o