HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-09-26, Page 8.7777. 71- . . . . . . . . . . . 'T, R nnnm Tj IN K TARL9. irsi V !e#pjhkn cim _k erl ha 11:29 ve-'-Wd-thq�-' itenge-j rm es If). 4, -con. 2' 5 26i Kinloss, 9.8 .4 r ea, to. *Mi..: terian CMr6h. f6rni shed i�ea onthe A .8i 5 Donald. D. 142a orii foeSSO �gtlouiids on 04ledonilin: Day, - e re - 3:39 ts -therlefrid y, f- a lot. Thb I "'of Sf, 'All rew a- Pkei OTTTIT. kilGING NORT11. Bata. eron - J; V40. pbell 5:1 REA-t, 5:50, 7 .10:52 J, a Ov is yeal m th­ .0 r .0f Think _j re in th a -A 'od of $606; neighborho and af6i Turlbi,. *johl d ducting ex .; � I � 0 ex ix h sineere thai ,�o the 8 to. the a it the' us to express ome'sum Lul6ir now. f, a Pro ts ThO ladies, a citizens of -and t, their kii . . e d to- iatulated _h .- * lib. Ml 94atibli to: th6m_.�' - eir succe" OUS Thipinkig-vin-g- D day. EW,G.00 Our 4�.yp lament.':- And th�.e6e Ilent And judii NG - a7e . . r o id-'- ha Y. i A th (jut. eaH , inent 4pi u Can Y if gh v e ye jij�myl? R It hai pick. redubt.1 accouiit. of -Our not ssuing a a N BAR"INS ol Pa 6 r. we wil I ond rd by- 11is. A4 heraldi tab P ast week eavor-this been o . I e. i4iiter en the Goerill eats parties It , -buying a i wa -%reek to aake up rn par't--b' cy orLGetierail Ole b y .1, ouneik Jimmy aa sent large sp ssuing a that Thursday, the!6th of ven�b6r,. ar plernent containin'gan, -ext t last ye ra b* i wall. ntori- �eadin Wing to mig his, nk s7 MIS&ed inde ad, 'but 'this year he -bbs.erved-,ag j of story -ii. and. e 'Ok"Wen games was. sadly misce us i -th h: �er� iti ful� U d all is ste I'Vs- vouchsafed.to.t ti 1). -win' an tone bel OW dhed forthill mej ememble'r'l The BI hoWs �Vjsj_ts�s U 114�mqua�llvu e, a ua ris Sho6ting Mat ol� ch. His Lordisfirip the v 'pigeon sbo.6tinicr. auge PW. aug d r a si ei.fo 'al-isti of $2510 -.-place.in -n t1ii hill oldreiiab] and. Ki-hloutr -on ma a A o I h - 6d:ion the' 'Try Lis r C()n -funf -so H hand . I uroni A ellt; iv: ; iift Ues 'water-- -pp e ter iny f londay -er6 �b er .6k - I h et. 203,., B vie and Ninli wid and. he le bl�k� or se er and Pi le f was he Son"' rvil the hero Q Pu as,ingeli wh Ttiesday,,- - Kinc 16 -Park� -here 66 ardine of *he daily CoMpefition ... open ..to Rive b'4twee Gadi OteSL n azid 0 a h n T. U, CLOTIT Th yes e mat& -4� f t eact i e Mgeneral -superin i'dia x t# J or- re rs, arge- R th', any Other *Qrld. U r'61f Wediit�iday following.. -of L now d Mr. rra cfaclasses a d Sauda ,es.- Ja Dolatot the a 6nd- _.'th lr..)f fh�se plac ult6d Of dorl - bing 3 4 - tD Av Buck board Stoi the 'district I - IL - -re . 7 6stekn - . 4, - GRE a td-rn -match: is tal k "d -4 of thej -night 'th ek' 0 Wednesday Gi 4 Trufik, was Of list �w 'Poet - ------------- s Pr6achfng-'in the Ha t( Of he olue parties took- a iis �aM6g.' a ark-licolorbid �t� g e.- was all A mises Jl Mfc(ja_f� e, niggai. Wde of 'our T� ­-bulird frm the Pre t gai the* of r. An evanirelisi d At th and as fr6y1ais beiph 0 in this-- preaching to conCoyrise"of.'spectat6rs -a 9e yet. no nd 'In act - every -a -in the - -emplbri - re thing. -T e e- w race, of the veh-jele. can bofoulaw_ A-- e . ii'e 1 udin isas o ��s ea 'er ei - air opiy uringthe' p- k Th" -ei; 0109niums of prais �ve reve e 11 r y is suspected and unl6s: d we ain pa t ast, a �id d -belie. d it is retu,.'med he' Society. h a t denounced'the pDY eat�. tt -that thl6' an 6ppor- 4 �110 got new. of rep t a _tjoja ir ey ng� in th t d' The -�nderld. info the aYing thiLt they coul' 7 Ip. .,d get.. 0 _e wished rm ly ihat .4he blic general T'worsh re a: a- RY --accbm jj�: is, 119. Eli will have or _of chVrchg6'Yrnrnen aiiid betiler �raiiw of expjaini bef6 efitly gjs t anyihi' trate. rl to:. es, abi �C neyear 8dott Acts. PU will l6eep. hot �fojl W_ mea e-41VIethpidi4t C is at urs%, Owing entlemen, The ladie4. of th Jhe. ltoT'e -.'date, all old- will bb r. The Scott -Act. UCKNO Oe4to also -,had a bo g ofor- the of4 -Waterpe ons,'lehloll OL lice innors to' ravenous. t IL I " ' - : Coun c 46rl Th6" : � tills N11 14(re. -a Option oii -1he Parish f Sj 0 of ii di e I- d .3 -0th , ­­ .-. Q is, ora Of 'the ple vin a qu -the Ar-11ARNES"s DEPOT I fro. -the. !t P. ca m Ir Space wetc. -.4mAll vet -they. netted. Arriv, -F - - '. L i at rom the-lartc;o number, ol 900... _d $80 fo.-the:. ed now a ri some t U.0 e 0 aY 00 -o n'the pet'l In.. �e+ ra way ac Qat' t 'see the,,�aines - 011ian thi 0 ion h - d great temperl. owin at* Ts Saul Fontaijle� sen ed -4, G. -Z R. e- &led d Furnis was coun w ju de ge e- r.,tllge Aza 'Tib d. o a vaili the.,10th 0 Au arl Act:will'be: ed' alculAt carried by. a d Xar ic h 0 Q, - Godait t at om-.1 ppople --a rrived C� a tra the 10 rs were cro*ded to: 'AU ue 6A#Ctjon Sale �' . . I -:. 'L - _. . . . _1 _ -extent �f even sta Left Town - -ha ding m P. .1am. orts er will �hi rooin: wa;, a -a 1h. TER WS n jol 11 G. Jonb, oALL 1ki-INDS OF-----;. 0' a etion: Rep co -t h4t:throug4 iss wh -has been lot 6 liAle. a �ay t at Kinjos o;� Adoild r In �ng in..the hardwa I. sj nto& the largest"d bot disj)taj arm e 8�y 1W,now i th6usiw.- were 'Onab e._,; .,bell StOeLkj im]�Ien L btc the 81011 arge qua the "k: -of ,6 fitity Of ace -as ri 18W rie hiyre'lfor Sepl 2.9ti it -I d L f6'j C nts, le to billson.:1- d. 'gEPAIRINg D S POOMPTLY. vbore lie lias bouLit -ol. U-Afr.- Goo- At 'Guelph and Yqgu e property, �reaeh out,Jhe d es - On luiasday 'S. undre wo;ll LATER hi oo 01f T AND. HE _4011 f - n tallUslied hardware busines 9 0 Osb6me. in -at the statio 'a 0 come, but is D ]a AV on r a own fa f Luelicnow. gotai i n-apee U n Uld -At the atte A shrewd by'publi auction t r SMOSS _. � X. 11 .1. . . -a essful bu and. U 03 O:W -_-f or, .-an sort moil �61 0 a aL argle aniouilt. of j2,. eLi -ST.3 wlon all acquisition to the, eL 0. -;)r -0 ac.4il Gi Mitchell one. At W Of T jrO n P or any- sort f 0-imad- GO Bus 41i'vek flatar' aiidMrs.. ao re' P 9 r ireide c y alocept but:" -it''.was no fl-ionds and e -I both a Jon6s duriii thei carriage and : we ili'_� t1i r d nothin&-couldLbe had,. and: they hp art g Tournament' e,, d- were . 11-re'is rite.".. L. -There E 'L A gran i9iting. . --fo to' e qu re ucatitly . reed turn bac Ptock (Tiufiks Alise� toUrIj n1pilt This ol 4nd §ell a no w comp)A� and inalud h as all t e" the; tiMe. for in Wadnes'� m hea sand 'C4eer-.upj.. e T lett at Appi.p.int Good Juclig.b�s.,," for. h should not be- inghan on F weiabts.,held* W` bettlej�',ti es, rg Z 11L �ho d ll th Caled e above ariiiales we pitit6hilase froon c e. -Thel*. -receipts of ding ay-E'nd; Thursday,' -66b w slio 9 is at haiiq, *eL .%�ould su -the' d t gii �:aidj'for whicha-larr onian. 0 apo --peirt y. nthe appofiltment �4 best nialtero, d at Abe, 6 unt'is, 0.4 al of judge - 1�out $2000.' _b ain ed i evera -o am Prepared -to cha P as ai other -house in the Ir%d. 1 the.. !�,Adln XP61i th the di C.I*t�j n. prize iductilig e ffirent depaitj� a die e a 0 p ttle um D i fail to-ci andigee U greatest quoit6rs in this village-, -i ug,i t 0 sho' lid be. exe ntefid tuk�hi ha. O� ut tby or rcised t1los q tournament and it ra ny _�ay part. in -th" e"vhQ'arf, familia -is -quitial d g Corl -mom where - and with cal likely, a able on th le a in cp _6 Ome of.th' 'le dL, else of 4ecidin ne An �b o uy jof come -to- Luck- now p AS se, 0616t �o URON f ihe article. the H rated -are to Judge ILD RAW W XG i's IDF4 GEDSLI ROBERT witlidut -caus. A I es not In 9 DU,_ e th go d edal. has -tO4 guaranteed Orst . ilielas libifors -freq tinj n'Exhibit.1d.n -Echoes INTI§ItF�STj -be jpdgeg jjoj ap d th _T11 -ed to e:Ruekth6rji_ eel F� H OF- An -a� the BEA'MIS ES.. fresh 11--PAI'D rO n9a"Pic-lilrNis. d -`IIM6ntreal.- J* th6­in jig, e.xh 'N�iinidnExhibitio� he Q]ft.jjTd I tD . ]kjt. Ora UnCe on- Y e1:1 . . G squela rickety,!; on ever 'At. theA getibutzfilloi kind. Thi4[.is.the-Oj)l- ept.- 28. k ly iva de reprib no as encing, all turn�d'i t 6en- 'ward6dL-.fOr__f -Cah- be ie ccount of thft wet e b a th ofA(ja f. a% 4, _6' L' 111d- an is uuilill, aY, cast- ir vs d at e n Courttd-d ond7 lasfL th Orangre pic- usi honor ou d- ap '-to b of. nd onlv.0 L pei L eal;. -.50 for an ord ir -d6u t was- an r bed: W6 ion %S�HOJKL.Sol OOT 4e, uc. iiqn,. ouiaced be. held --opinion. i -ey. -farnier W with n R the of d 'tried,- ; jot bl' ery 'A OU &jury RX t..; fo grove, Ashfieldi has been seir...umer'a oeAl deffiide& p ainiff zei wallAted. W sure and -4 oned ay. ext, -'2 the'be§t Postp- tift Alond - ibifi- thavit-�is V d' for� 9th fencing ii-ihe"Mark �.rhis. '0400 Aj us a sprjs� e -V u i�cwgjs for alla-.-at T. Lal Qe! a -van on �Ae 0 av now, rtole, ff 0. thef m.i ce w OTS nioney 'es 91i OriLugeisin; hal;dw@xe, siore recover zind. th� Catia-da Tempeian Fbi I I frai r 3. ne if Y a - - 11 & S 0; of th air , id The A' F 'plaintiff. ni 104 Orion- for e section. A n ift Iftnu I 4 vitation. is, ate Count a over, to -.holes e prl Aces as is, kvxten&d toi ib6; loss Branch Aiiricultural: - Oland �Wvi we -1 le Y- S nd B�y W sientith iar 4c% Court. ea n s6 to Qable tal e c PPQ1):e11ti' of' the So, e of t �sl, Tn 00. in: this "NcOtt, A*e-t -to be present take. age -on Get6bej Y_ 4!, pay '00 ce S e refe U nts oA th ScOtt ha be' Si b th rt 9th..axid'10ti Johnson ays ..era an prize H- -lvi. 1P e ore they are all Ine r4iiiiiiiiii�This- i's an�actii ne, le -a is likely he post' tre -a d b 'j. peni dd rather tr sts ee--. Anvitid vin to try. -be le n issued all e oti -may have, b .00 our stor-4,6' lib .-.f _. I 1, d xpeeted.. A-li SP -en- 'to recover a %1ty f6j and prices ite n- rdially did- r6 no do r �nvl d t attel miums' ollbred t riAirembut-of the S16ct* this there it wlsdom� in so doing. 'A Oo 'on Th' As, very iell Y-1, -6ke but we Please. e ear in -a mind At.the-ye1ju _ryelec o a -t L I . a Y. E 7- -ft - �ffi_ - - iibit_.. d ad Y;. 1w a la�ge 'congrerr�_t n f mparlson, .0 veryon should "b An. eXcha 8 or - () - .: Vf boy phase the p9choi a so.,. t a Of. o was it shou 01nt 1,adjourned the p6 wh war Id make -it w After lingerizi half h-6u.r to t fal orousting.- 1) se td attend as. thi sh' .4 it foi ears; et A'iack'. ajm o bids 11 d reto orl 'held joifrivaie� 4Y t-w-As-w-iti the ftj)OUtL to 9 to surpa ake.41nixer. The ad- Qns t of the' c wn at scyd he came h �bo eonsent. 0. 0f, andi hen e lagrent why he had.; n6i G�rderf Pirt n I Id hai JISL 6ther ask ed t old'- y at W lou-gh dates. His L Utildsh P t the- tal, even ty* ri Adend .,pega y Yerss tbat,we ai 0 he- sdid fie -ha 46 0 & ask- The gardon wAs7 liable tb the It e ftGOODS j4T on as� much en a . in O'w dence of 1 r-. R. 4S U16' D611" had: closed in hat he -h d the sacli. V1 . P.axton, Kinlou for, the 4� o fio illy: 0: tS are - like thi 'Titeiday eye . act f our perohaji .9h 119 � ni' of, a9t week, was early 66 LOW n6 V ha, a ve p enty, of-. gb dig to �grq nd a IB ave.,to decid re persons,� e jl�rMITS--MADE 0 uccessover one tted to 11un'd d. 0 91WER. 'fail t6 tell - 'What is b6ing. pretent. icrainst -the h er-- The garden --wig nice a e. qy aconsid , �i-� will havejilarg 'd, n- *c ion.a� hard e. jitock o You exPect*to sell hte e4.ti a ' -- : a, -Oppressive day atid goods in ig. with lAinips..A eat our owxi inak th World , on a 'ti a- - - I . , . ago e on hand in sel .§pf soni, e- 0 tu i6ches alad. -the ag e abundanc f 94ej espE e h �fter 'the it of' Y r r r -an r .0 of "theadiburn- 9. n Perr your sack,: �and keep cr c didate had as hout- readin�s, w th good 7 . senti ts seemiA t -.b 0 the meri per, --The pr6de&.' of yoi 0' k. :.to -ple :ir at C a4e, evervol men, ukh hel le be-- 66,agen, was not -bind -the can - 6P -D clai Pi` amoun'tad to $34,26 and. at -th re did 'A1110110 t1li plied td repair's _011 e cial -prizes -to.bo- gi �Chu`rcb.L -was an is at -tile ow III all vs. Aruitrong;�LT $1"0 FOR Vil ys h* he'utmogt-canfid lageon th ORS& or* -4 Or all oth' a e.- Mectie'n e. anG e d ft Is 9 th. and j oth -a Th ode go cl, ublici to'reco,�er:the M] ed "the moot o at 'RU qu6ond Ober, - ar k -to the X " " eitts, t Presei . I I -etitunderld pena ty ag Oveireatf r.- JohnWai Th as. 11i "who ea -expre. 'casei-;616ould fiiid bivsv to. -law a returnj�.& ej er�, for t1le &&ndal e eel ju t4k -dne'Thtiu 0 to cc, f _1d 1660 election '0 00t2-' r-� thanks tol �-of. Luc V for, sand V inars"tiple' 0 at hfiict of ,tho pe ple. th �'Old L bii tb eii- past officer -du tin a saKe..,has on hand ne c M by patronage. W sta he ha'rg th ected -he negil i0e,00nsui on in its for e., betpair -of A. lot. of 1emonsi- 6abbAge, orri orOu toina- fdg6d. to' roduce the I V an' d V COP -uses of the SI pap liver j? and at se -itta� 4 --a. b* It tea p ers' y: an a exce tAgthmu, 'ble In u ter dnolei, oes�- -sugar, soapi �A r4l 1 kinds the purl ES RjErr I I for wtdc'h we only. Oses. of a recouht O'le lat LWe-'Can Q U ac dig , )yhen.0ider- ou -,MurraY,� for' e- best Of bicuit jjU.eh th Coun' AM ty a -do so' the ju e of� the t f b a strawbe' bi tub o MY . cuit9 6, id, to Utbit not less. "t k ;,ini biead,gini bon t"�, thaft 50 lbs. op ca es it valuable-ilwhip, .:4y Atr. r oluitill'- Act oil dismissed; ith -costs -6.6tr -' tc. .-Confe -t- o#10 wrapp4's o e e ionery.: o bn'the rp#n, thatL R. P! f kinidiiii lists or son 6. peelyt -of 9.10 Y ex - es ad! l6fendani.h -fer the beat pair, of hors 1 - " d - fin blt�,j�04j�:,,�Sojdib plol Goods. deli , ad LE , � . all dru by th ypred to _anyL not7 0 and S3 1bg at. East. p4r been propqrly-ser,�edw`#h e' Society) f r- -the sP a.n IQ Wimp herd lease call, Gind: se oyour� . to'.p.ro ..uce ant, 0 S d th0ro4i ae ve, di 'th 'ers ed oattle.,- not e pap -1joli3fti. To�ont' _% Berry r.0 8 beft; b "C1O f L_ Afi­ at, Li egs uy-in&. for ge --e Want..' US& G -Arrow., for first -tow s" ulp thred fernal e--% aud -one, -male 8 ur oap.. 24.evrer eoli* to fie, -all 84 for second prize, �y r, f Or ss. -and conuls* und- a. tru.. RN S,5i 'd S ion% best PD, -prickiv he'a't, Qaiiipbl for rash, The graA jury have fo chen I bruptioij;. itch-, -:an4 co are the, in or mur er-. against Beamishand 44*1, of the.skin estray -so WCM)w ith D d the worms ir lg�, 4f, HE I An 7