HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-09-26, Page 5DUNGANNON,
.Frint, Our .Owrc Correapondert,•.'.
c�, "Three young sportsmen!!' of . this' vil-
et R
ae:went. coon:. huntin' the other
vening, and with the aid of five dogs
;and an unlimited number -of clubs_
managed to capture a; monster, but
while one of the trio -vas • up in the
tr. ee :tryirlg toake the annual down,
the infuriated brute suddenly seized
by the degand had it not been
for the aid of a torch. he : Might have:.
been verely bitten.•
Wg are pleased to ;earn that • Mrs.'
A. Sproul, witoiias far}some tine past:
been seriously ill; is able to be :arour*
Mr. Robert Hagen has sold his farm
.of 56 acres to i%Tr. T. 11 Shackleton
',for the su of $1800:
Two y. ng Dun gannonites, w:ho` iad
seine ry important business: to
• tranta in. town, took advantage the
other -evening of so doing, - and- while
there orae of then. vas -relieved of his
packet book containing $5, in a, veryl
army sterious Aallner,, and up • to the :
present time 'nothing has been 'heard
of either pocketbook or burglar'
• AR/kw aticlition has been made . to
then Iethodist Church :choir in the
person of Mr: D. Bickle, whose ability
as a vocalist is unsurpassed' in' this
-f2 one Our own- Correspondent.
▪ With pleasure we announce the re-
covery of Mrs.: Wm Murdock,' who.
was so seriously hurt by a run -away
accident. lately.:
Miss Maly Sutherland accompanied
by her cousin, Miss Lizzie -Uerinan;l as
returned home:
env buildings, :The enterprising
far•uiers$of Paramount tesitify to the
fact that " this age is .- progressive."
hree new houses, which will soon be
oinpleted, have been erected4his. year
on the farms of Messrs: Murdock,
Mumay, and Marti.- These- when
finished will add a gracefullness'to
this section, iv°hioh nothing' else than
well -finished houses could produce:
Obituary,We are sorry _to an,
rantice the death • of an • olcl and re-
-spected citizen of Paramout in the-
.perscm.;,of Mr. Robt..: Davis, -who died
.on Monday, -15th: lust . at • his new
Tome in Argiur•.
Mr. • John Taylor, who ,rer"rioved
from here' last spring.,. is•at`preseut on
a visit to his -old friends.: •
hiss Tena McKenzie has returned•.
afroin Toronto--' Hospital . after a- futile
attempt to cure a sore leg. '
Owing to the rain • on Friday eve-. • ning last the Scott Act meeting was
p3stponed. •
♦ to i
The G. W.Division Car Shops at . Lon
don Burned—Serious.Loss.
Ilavin concluded:to..4emve froLucknow before: -the
,rtst of ct ob_er, we offer ou entire Stpck= of
In Gooceries We Defy Competitio
aSS `are ers clo the' Advertising.
"I. am Clearing Out a Lot of B00l
Job Price.
Now iis the time to s A cure such IBARGA I
eldom offered to the Publ c.
Waltham, Elgin. Swiss and
English, • at Lowest Twig Pri
• Guaranteed ped E cejlent .Ti
Large Assortment,,
es. : Best Makes,
e-Keepe •S. : : Very Low,
u plies, _: • - ? t_
The = undersigned, I'ving• -concluded
Lucknow, offers his emtire stock concis=ting
The stock is all new and -choice, boughtthe best] and
cheapest -markets, and -selected j{ with -the j' e� ttest -care to
meet the requireinents`of ;villages=and country' rade.
- .• One of the most destructive fires that
las ever occurred._ in that ne rhborhood
took place -on Saturday afternoon last
in London East. About 4:45 p. m..the
watchman in. the Great Western Car
° Shops discovered smoke issuing from
Ali empty car box situated between two
others • in the .centre of • the repairing
shop. This -car had just been brought
in franc the east for repairs„ and being.
off the trucks it was found impossible
to get it out-, of the building. From
the carerecting shed the flames spread
to the wood -working shop, the passeng-
assenber coat& shed, . and iron machine shop,
all pf frith, with most of the contents, -.
comprising - several partly finished
coaches and cars, the tools of the work-
men; and a great quantity. of_seasoned
lumbers were destroyed. . The co-lta--
parry's fire brigade were early on. the
ground, bat the pressure of water from
.. the tanks was to slight . to be of any.
avail, and although the city fire brigade
.lent their Willing aid, they could clo
• little, good, as the city water was not
connected with the company's pipes;
• and.it -was not till the -fire -had burned
itself out when they were able to get a
.good stream. Three immense buildings;
•covering or six acres are complete-
i` destro- •• eel„ and a vast amount of:'
-material also; The loss is variously
'estimated at • between $1.5%000 and
00,-0O0*Between 350 and 400 men
,arie thrown: out of work... Among
lose— are two Wagner -cars and 36
• freight and `other cars. -.
. cKExz-$- 1eKrszj.—On Tuesday, 23rd
inst., , by the Rev. A. McKenzie, of Kinloss;
at the residence of the bride's father, Mr.
Angus McKenzie,, of Paramount,- to Miss
Maggie McKenzie, of the 12th con. of Ash-
-fie ict.
$500 REWARD.
a We will pay the above reward for any case
at Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia.: Sick" Herd=
che; Indigestion,(Jonstipation•orreofii.iven'iess-
we cannot cnre.with West's. Vegetable' Liver
Pills, when the directions ark strictly oompl ed
with. They are purely -Vegetable and never -
fail to
e'erfail.to give satisfaction. SugarCoatad.- Large
13c>xes contaiuin$ 31) pills,2.. cents. For sale.
by a 1 -druggists. Beware of counterfeita'and
mitations The genuine .u'anufcctured• only
bv.T HN C. WEST & Co:, 81 and 83, King
St. East, Toronto. G. W. Berry; druggist,•
Lib cknow `
Now the time�to secure :such Barg
of6r-e -offe ed lx Lucknow, .
D/g RRH (2-- /67,
to 6ftiyts to
(Dv c'rco
CD pg.
-.0ei r4$13
►im• Re t:41;4>
ate • 5
`143.; a
P p . - kCfrp!Q4''
m E,—
o =• F.
overdue notes . sand .book nts *•
nm t
paid at Nice.: : ;
A Lawnet Opinions 'of Interest
to AH,
�T ATavAaey, esq..,'leadsng attorney of •
Winona, Mem', writes :" After using it for
• more than -three. yearsr I: -take great pleasure .-
ia stating tlxat I= regard Dr.; Ring's. New Dis
covery for -Conaumptiou, as , the. best remedy
in:the world for coughs and„ colds. It has -
.never failed to cure:. the ;m'ost severe colds I.
.have bad',and invariably' re eves the pain in
t. 3'nal` .o tl .. of.
b .t � es his cure cure for `i
all throat and lung diseases may be had free
-.at Berry's (bug store. - Large size -81.00-.
• • An Answer .Wanted.
' Can any one bring is &case of :
Liver ComplatIIt ]that Electric Bitters will ot
speedily elite? We say they cannot,�as thou-
sands of cases already permanently cured and
who are daily recommending Electric Bitters,
will prove. Bright's disease,- .diabetes, weak
back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the blood, regulate .the bowels,
and act directly on -the diseased parts. EAery
bottle guaranteed. For sale at 500. a bottle
at. Berry's drug store.
2v1eM Tx•—Iu Lucknow, -oII Monday, .15th
William. Edwin, infant sett of -R. J.
-and E. 111. McMath, aged .7 months and 18
• days. -•
• Age shauldd always command;resppect;in the
case of. Dr. Fowler's Extract :of Wild Straw-
berry itcertainlyaoes;-for 25�yearsthat has
been the standardremedywith the people, for
Cholera morbus, dysentry, diarroeha; colic and
all bowel complaints:
A`Rare Plan.
The Wilts Strawberry
:Plat possesses rare
virtue as acleansing, cooling astringent, an-:
teseptic, and healing medicine, and when
combined with other.: valualile
vegetable taile e
x -
tracts, as in Dr . •i owler's , Extract -of Wild
Strawberry, it is an unfailing . remedy in all
bowel com tlaints.
---The tic ' flush, k .ale . Hollow
cheeks and precarious ppetite,
tape worms. • Freeman- s : Worm Pow-
ders- will .. ,quickly , a d ,effectually
reg ove theta.
be Met,
but the time for lb -dying atid:steililing goods
sell cheap withoutregard to quality,, is pa
• The undersigned, in thanking the citizens of Litc1nenti Vicinity fox th
liberal patronage6bestowecVonhim during the past year, es this sopporturtt-
of callingattention to his lara and vellseleetedstock ofMoves for both wlitn
and coal: Cutlery,- Tinware Of all kinds, Coal Oil, Lamp (*lads, and everything
else in: his line. 'Milk ears, : milk pans anci dairy pia,' ' specialty •Eave-
troughing andrepairing promptly to. Best €o'de at the Lowest
Prices. Coil and. be ;convinced.