HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-09-26, Page 1Iritrittirtir entnei x lifou erv.2. rry 7,rmay cs.t, ' ouc tsiij Publishing House, Somerville Block, CampbellStreet, - -Luck Now ONTARIO,. JAS . BRYAN, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER SubseriPtiott'Priee, per Year in Advance. All kinls of jit.i013 TED • w,u1:1 aoRtiloss and Despnich :GENERAL Robert Cunningham, - Insurance A gent,_ Guel.fik. WESt. WAWANOSH tiNal Nainsurance .Company, OF DIRECTORS MEETS FOR. the transaction of buiineis on • the. first 1.7nesday- in. -each nionth. ',Parties wishing to. have theickproperty insured in this increasingly . popular Compan3r*:- will by giving notice be •,:alled•uppn by the undersigned or by one -of -the Directors. Business. callo promptly tended to .- . t ROBERT MURRAY, - St. Helen's P. 0. :Money to Loan! ON EASY TERMS OF PATAiNtr; _Apply to JOHN COOICE, Agent, Dungannon • , Moneyto pan! IThiN REAL ESTATE, at REASONABLE Rates-, on Terms of Payment to suit orroWers.- - _ ELLIOT T:RA,VEll; Lucknow. Money to Loan ON FIRoST-CLASS MORTGAGES AT 7 to -7i per cent. interest, pa3Table yearly.. -.ClaaTge-veriModerate. Apply to.: - - ROBERT MURRAY, St. Helen's. Money to Loan! -N GOOD FAR) PROPERTY Y AT T-6 and -4 per cent , aonordlng to the &cur- . ity offered. The above will ,be loaned:on any Terms to SUR the Borrower. .Correspondence • will be cheerfully anewered without -expense. For furtherparticulars a,pplyAo , - JOHN GORDON, St.- Heleu's. • trp Loap. . A -T Y PER CEN FROM 2 TO 20 -il.. years. Lists Of arms for Sale in On- tario as well as Manitoba. Parties deeirons to *sell Farms will consult their interestint, [ipectingsthe advertising facilities of Subscriber in Great Britain and Ireland and Continent of. - Lands for Sale. • - -3, ANGUS-STEWART, . Land Valuator Lucknow Ont.: CAMER 0 'AMEBO* & CAMPBELL.). NOTARY PUBLIC . . a • Conintislioizer Conre:yancer, etc. LUCKNOW • ,ONT ARM*: Conveyancing in all its Branches.' - Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Agyeernents, Leases, . et ,promptly a;id carefully prepared, - and correctneOs gharanteed. - . Special and prompt attention paid to the • searching of Titles, and to all matters collect- ed with the transfer of Real Estate - ON -Charges Reasonable. loll an ea WALTER THEZ EATEN As in the past still keeps On hand a - large and superior stock •of =era]. Groceries Including everything found in the Larder of a - good Housekeeper.- .10-11e would alsO •inform • the public, more -particularly the Farming Community, that he has engaged the Services of a Thorough Miller, and will -carry on the • Milling B' usip.ess With renewed vigor, and by turning out good grists in quick time, gain increased patronage from the public.. A11 kinds of Grain and Seeds constantly on hand.- sr 'floods deliver- ed to any part of the towii, - - • .. • 7 AY, BEPTEMBER 26,1884. lbr Barristers,Si :citors, e J. T. GARRO WM. GiideriCh,Ont, ROUDFOOT. LLIOT TR. Attorney -a tvoirVeyancer,.etc.,- Office; Lucknow, ; - • A.MES SOME Money to Loan on Valuator fOrTnis R, w, Solicitor in Chancery. The.inext to to the Post ' 318 A XT Cony . H. C. 3 etc. Mo s raight interest. S vings and Inyes Marriaip Licenses, VILLE, - • NVEYANCEn. - - Sy Terms Real Estate. - d Loan Co. - - '-ancer. Commissioner in ey tb Loan at 7 -per cent., aluator for the Dominion ent Society. -.issuer of fINLOTIGH P. 0;, Ont. - CAL A. , . G. Elliott Lidentiate- of 1 -to Edinburg. Licentiate ifery, Edinburg. '-t.)ffice,Campbell aeet, Luekrrow., LUCK NOW ttr - • ONT. MCPSO. • College of rhysielans, H. •G. M ;1,KuDI M D Ofice—Aoov.e...r.-Grrund,y's Stqre, Lucknow. HYSICIAN,• -RGEQN AND A6;. coucher. 11, idence—The - residence erIy occupied 13.r. NIacerimmon. S TENNAN Office-11.feclfc Special at on and „Chi Calls pro ht ofday. . D,M CP:8. ialt Lueknow. to diseases of en- - - ,1 attended:t0 VETE . L.CLAIti4' AKER TS . I a • •lOfficq-;- Next- fkolleo` ti e Barber Shop. L • '-ONT. A fullsupply of n:-.09pini.:1(alwayo On hand. - both night -46::ttist-prOniptlYatiended to.- ,.'Charges moMrate.-1 ' I- • - • •• .9kii be found daYtad,n4ht at.his Office. EROME, Licentiate. of . Dental Slug- ery,has removea to in -a an, where he will carrv on the Dentri9y11?ustaess • but he would 1' .beg to inform his pg--ze-,s ' he will visit Luc now On the first tlird Mondays and. --Tneadays, of each A -41A: ' Office at White- ly's tIotel. LU KAT -OW L DGE; . , Mee s every Friday vening at eight 'o'clock in their Hall, Caripbell Street. All Brethern cordially invited, - A. FINDLATER, W. H, SMITH, Noble Gralacl •Secretary. 0.:177 TCHNOWL01-?GE (.1,F THE ANCI- • ent Order of traitedlorlarien, meet in the OddfelLwieHali on tb. seuond and. laste Monday evenings of tap]) month, at 8 o'clock. Visiting Brethern argordially invited. W_ U. LiTu,g, - • Master Wor4man. Reborder, nved gond. €1,O', No. 50. CKINOW, OIN T. HIS bOIrlIT MEETS Allumat on first and third NELL At Reduced Rates to•Sfrit the Thnes. Loans on Mortgages as Low as 6 per Cent. ,- - Notes Mortgizos Bought I • s • ifDrafts and Cheques on all Points Cashed. Special and Prompt Attention Paid to , the 'Collection of Notes, Accounts, Rents, etc': �Drafts Payable- at ;Par Issued on the - - Principal Cities and Towns. of Canada and -on. the'United Sthtes-and.Great Britain. Parties Renlittiug will find this the Cheapest; Safest and mot Ponvenient MethOd. - - INTEREST... Five.. per • cent. allowed on Deposits the Savings per. Department. FuncleInvested for Private Parties.. We are prepared to Offer to Customers .every facility Afforded by a Ch rteredBank and on equally favorable terme ONV.EYANCIN In all its Branches," Aar:Fire and Life Intim- 'twee. Best COmpanies Represented:- - -. " Office Hours—Frond a In to 4 p CAMERON & CAMII3ELL iLucKivow. . PLY.1140- wtjlFS. —Miss Susie 'Burgess is vidtina- • - friends in London. - .—Fur trimmings in all widths at Mrs/Smith'S. - —Mrs. J. H. MCHardy returned from her visit to .Toronto last week. --Mr.. A. Findlater and wife are attending the Western Fair at London. : . . --Another job itit of hats. suitable. far fall wear. very cheap -at Mrs. Sin ith's. —Miss Ella Mckinnon, of 'Blyth, has been. the guest .of Miss Annie Main, of Belfast • —,Plumes, • feathers,- _ wings: . and aigrettes. in,. great, Variety at Mrs. Smith's. - Tam O'Shanter, Glengarry, and "sich like," are being gradually laid away. . . —Dangerous_eountel-feit on the -bank of British North America are in circulation. —25 yard heavy factory ailVfurray Bros. for $1, also double Width sheet - lugs. and pillow cottons„. 1 —Mr .• and Mrs. Mullin and daugh- ter, of Belfast,. have returned from a 'trip to Ottawa andotherpoints. --L-Mr. James Mullin, of Belfest,has been awarded the contract of carryin.„0. the mails between Lucknow and God- erich- adriges ' in the advts.,-.. of. Messrs.. A,* acIntyre,. .Murray Bros?, . and J. Grenache.1 - _ 7---Thelatesrep_ort giveS the. major- ity against the Scott Act repeal,- in the -county. of Halton, a4 188, instead of 120, is at first Anneunced. opened out at 'U Lawrence's a large assortment of -trowels, planeSi- locks . latches, , window catches, window blind rollers, . etc,- . - _ . . —Tie Dime Museum iWhich ex- hibited here on. Caledonian Day -;carne. to grief a night or two afterwards. Its apparatus was fonnd oneThiorning pro- miscuously strewed around. Moral -- Frauds must go ! —If you want V.3a, don't fail to call on MacIntyre. Better Value you can- not get, only 25C. a polind. The best black tea _ in the Dominion for 50c. - Get'a sample. , - —The irrepressible ,qmall boy and the indescribable -.kazoo now make. night and day hideous with their 'COM - billed noiseS. No doubt it annoys the more staid and grown-up folk, but the small bty fairly revels . in delight and Mondays of every MGhth,,at 7:30 p. m., in the- Temierance Hall. 13.9,thern will please attend 444. ' ALEXt MacINTYRE, R. S. or be • O. 184, &A.M. TEETS THE, flL. Thursday on ore fullmnon of Oachnr nth at eight p.m, jolting Brethe-A cordiAlly J. S. 'F -NN T B. -41A.LLOUG1r, enjoys it hugely. —The hose reel team- belonging to the -Kincardine Fire Brigade, : won , • easily in the tournament at Br4se1s. The teams which poinpeted against them were from Clinton and Seaforth. —For laces, buttons, promenade shawls, hosiery, collars, woolen hoods, knitted goods -jarn, . ties, gloves, hair Secret --l)on't fail to try' WHOLE No 657 ntire's 25c, erich on Monday last. pans. --T newest* and cheapest at T.,Lawrenc --Mrs,.J4rnes Smith. 6f London, is visiting at Mr. John —Miss Louisa of Sea - forth, left for home las'ilirek.- -No. 1 case and tal, curran.ts at Murray, Bros, .- --Miss Lynn. Reid, .. oderich, .is visiting friends in this age. ' --17. pounds good y sugar at Murray.BroS. for $I. —All wool French , -ess- goods in all colors fbr:25o. a yd. i.P4cIntyre's. —Mr. and. Mrs. Fletcher, . of • N • :Brussels; Spent a fet, .,days in.the !village this week. - - ; -; --American scale bens will weigh from one - to six huh ed . pounds. :Cheap --at Lawrence's. —Remember the Ortucre pic-nic in Johnt R. Gardner's gro-s0 Ashfield, on ,Monday next. *----.Work is being pushed for- ward 6 - ithi4voilniaMger. Campbe, 1.1's iiew block in - , • --,‘Go to AI itay BroS) you want lbargains fl f)inels: 0` au canton --Pia/1nel for 100.- a .yard. hoods, caps, s -,W1s,squares. ljaelccts; -reitts and 'Jerse .7ackets ip,P Colors' at Mrs.- Smith! 1 :--A large line of 4jWs clothing '-ery:-ch.edp.at MacIntymsi'' ' I.. -----,-An -014 log house di 'let. 10; 1st Con. 1-Inron;filled withli-4y-..owned. by • D. lgurchison,. Caught r, :from_ burn pig stumps and .was corqued. . .. . . . . . , - . —2Twe good cows at r!ii3§,pnt giving Milk -for .sale:: Apply al Ile°. Kerr's,..1. :,. - Dry Goods Store. - ,.. .1 —Mrs.._Jask-SOMerVil ri. R. L. 1,41 - . :Hunter, ' Mis Mary S I 8,- yille and friends at Ile,iniltOn .--a T Master Horad . Somervilf re visiting nspension -Bridge; - • . - --"--If • you, -want . blac,-, ,r colored Velvets don't fail to ,insi,.3:4 *Conners stock before yon punkas -if; 4. he isigiv-7 -lug ifinnense valne_itthelines. . . . -. - T. Smith, of Arthur, who has been visiting t'i.i3ds :in the. 'village for the past coupi'o *of weeks, -lett for :iiinne on Mondaxii-zst. Mrs, Smith -wilt rem n --th: *village for some timeyet.. ;----Men's and boy's 'caps Connel'i for 250.,Avorth '7 C. and $1. •.)oyou hear? a..meeting.lield in- .-.Toronto of representatives i from -144 *different temperance organizationsNresoiu-tion was -passed unanimously fb 'submit the Scott Act --to the Vote -ofr1.4e-electors. The Elate of the: subinis,on WaA .not decided upon. ° . felt, :Velvet !,an. traw hats in the novelties of tl ;season at Mrs. Smith's. ; ••• - , . --Better drainage to carry off the- surpins'waters which- aeMu1ate in large quantities thereon. he rain.s of every springiand fall de- sired Inglis street . th The , • 4' attention of :the council .most re- Spectfully directed.• . =The _appointment 'the - Hon. John O'Connor 'to the ant judge- ship is - not ,regarded. fat-oral:01y by *a _majority.of the press -andiliat.. Aside from his services as a zeakuSpartisan, lie possesses few qualificaiic)ns that are likely to,. Make judiaiat record , a brilliant _ - - .• .ene. - G • R. CO.. hk.N. arranged to:give .a cheap excursionl:;f4r .ten clays from Oct. 2,:3 and 4, to • Dt-greit,‘Port Huroni- Chicago,. etc: - Floe from Kin- Saginaw- or -Bay City, cardine to Detroit or -Por, r.00nra$n4d- ., Rapids, $8; Cincinatti, aukee. or Chicago, -$10. This is. oPiii the best eieursiOns Yet arranged. • • , b 4 -7 ----Mr: Alfred .Watsoik er many yetiro:4 resident Of the vit4 0, left for Mi. former home in Guelph , ast week. During his long- stay' hOr he 'made hOsts of. friends, . especiallv.Mmong the younger portion of ,-,the co,minunity, cl they: deeply - regret s leaving. an Alf" was an enthusiastk;;Oupporte.r Of 'athletics, and in him e lacrosse ab in Particular. has S good .aIllound" player. .ets, and all kinds of. fancy good!: go cl Xacinttyres. • • • !` , • - --Kincardine Stanciard.—yr. Robt. purchased the billiard room from Mr. P. McLaren, and will 'hereafter con- duct it. Mr. McLaren .purposes open- ing a livery Stable in Lucknow. —At the State Fair held at Chicago last week Messrs. Fisher, of Goderich, succeeded in taking lst prize. in the , draft class with his yearling filly, . -" Baby • .Mine," sired by, Messrs. Moffat's importhd " What Care I," and bred by Mr. R. McKin--.- non, of Kinloss. —The follbWing dates have been:' fixed upon foi polling, on the &Ott Act October 9; Dundas, and 41engarry, 06tober 16 ;.: Peel, October 23; Bruce and Prince Edward County, October 30. Votes. for the repealj of the Act will betaken in Charlottetown P. E. L on October 16, and in Yok, October,30: —A dema a- for Canadian apples has alreadys rung up in Englandid consequence x the failure there, as well as in 11 Hand and Belgium, of • . the crop from cold Weather when the , trees were in blossom. A London house has wri ten to its a,,oent in Mon treat to be on the alert There is not mudh* demand yet Buyers .are just feeling their way. . —The school house on. lot 5, in. the 5th con. of Huron tp., was consumed - by fire on. the 10th inst - About three o'clock in the. afternoon smoke was seen ascending from the porch inten minutesafter the house was a Mass -of, flame. The fire cannot be accounted for unless it wo.s incendiary, as there was.no fire in the school that forenoon and the afternoonwasa half holiday. There "cas • an. insurance 9f $300 on the building and $50 on contents. -,-The next lentranee examination to High Schools will be held on Mon-. day and Tuesday the 22nd and 23rd days of December. -1DraWing will be • - a compursory Subject, but the -usual percentage not be eiicted. There will be no intermediate examination next year: The course of 'study fort third and second class teachers will be• _identical, with tile exception that in . addition to thehird class course sec- ond class teaphers wifl take chemistry . and an option in ransic, Latin, French... and German. • • Presbitery of Mait(and.. , ThisPresbyteiy -Met inKnoxChurah). Brussels, on qi'uesday of last week at 1:30 p. m., Rev: D. B. McRae, incider4- ator:. Eighteen. ministers -were pres-, .ent.and almost an :equal muniber of. elders. ' .After' devotional' exercises a. call from the congregation. at Belgrave-- to Rev. a Law was presented. The .call was sustained and ordered to be . transmitted to -gr. Law,- the Preiby, tery, in the event of his acceptin&the‘ calk to meet in Belgrave On the third:. Tuesday of Octelber at 1:30 p: m., to - indutt lum into the pasteratcharge of the congregation. -A Call was also. laid on • the table from Ashfield in favor of Rev. Mr, Morrison: This. call, i4 view Of .the existing circumi stances of the congregation, Wasnot sustained:- After representatives from • Ashfield had been been heard, Queen's resignation of the moderator -4 ship of the session .was accepted andN -Mr. Murray appointedA committeo! consisting of Messrs. Ross, °Brown and McRae, with 'their Presbytery elders , was appointed to visit Melesworthsna Trowbridge with a view of uniting. these two congregations into one charge. A, conference- on temperance was held in the evening when excellent addresses .w -ere, given by Messrs. Hart- ly, of Blnevale ; Cameron, „of Luck - now; Wallace, §:f Gerrie; and Muiri.. of Fordwich. ‘.0n Wednesday morn- ing the Presbytery again met. Home - mission businessi: was zonsidered:and application male for assistance to several eongregatiOns within the bounds. After itransaetingsome other - - items of business the Presbytery ad- journed. Next regular meeting to be.. held on the third Tuesday ofDecb*ber,..; in Knox Churc.124 Lucknow, at -130.43 11 in' :C:23 1 . „ 4