HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-09-05, Page 5A • - av WHITEOHUROH. Front our Ozer. Correspondent. - Mr,, David Gillies,' of the lst Con. -Kinloss is erecting a 'new house. Mr. -Thos. Wraith,: who had his leg broken, i, slowly -recovering = • Mr. John • Shaw _has purchased a new. self -binder. A detatchment of the Lord's Army inade.-aii assault upon the -massive L'reastworks of sin at -Whitechurch "on Sunday last' ' After a considerable -,amount. knee -drill, during -which several , xeavy _ guns were -discharged and a gallant- fire_ of musketry kept up, all the wounded «Tare brought into the -van where every available. means were taken for -their recovery by the con- siderate soldiers. The: -enemies' loss.. was considerable : al_thotr h - -little- _ins pression -was made upon the rear -of their works.. The next assault is ex pE,cted to take place on Sunday next about eight o'clock. . - 3r1.2- John;Ross,, of the- 4th 'Con. K i .loss is erecting a .splendid -brick arouse. When finished it' ill be -the most handsome- onein the settlement. �) _DIRECT IMPORTA it a Ribbons, Kik Hose arid Spor,Tans. Cheiver tlian' the Clieapest, as: Good est. . $10,040 to be gran to t : now and surrounding country', aan e Qtc ' mon e r cost rice • Ar'In C oceries We Defy Competition-. ors J o =the Advertising.• --- ianal Pills are sugar coated, said but thorough, and . are the best tornaeh and liver pain . use. _---Roofing.--Gall and see a_section c.f West,Peachey c Montros's metallic pk,nfl:g.- -Ili is certain to.supercede all .tit Ihei• roofings: T. Lawrence, a ent. • --L-1.7-se Prof; Low's: Sulphur Soap t .=_r prickly heat nettle` rash, _ sealey :yruption, itch; and all diseased -con l3 melon of the skin.. • - -The hectic flush, pale- hollow _ ,Tree=ks and precarious appetite, ndi= F ape worms. Freeman's Worn- Pow i,1.+ -1-s. will . quickly • and efleetually 't -s IliO'Ve theme: • • • Respect Age. Age should a• li,vays command respect, in the. < sr of. Dr. Fowler's Extract of `\.iid `Str Lw- Ferry it,certaizrly goes. fir 25 years that has: 1.f.c-n the standard r:.n ewith`the peoP'le, for is►rbcs. dysentr3:, diarrueha. c otic and bowel ( can alaihts.- The uncle si ned, li'ving' colliciw -Lucknow offers ; his entre - stock consis ing remove from DRY GOODS; ' GPOCI RTES,. - UL ROC E • 'BOOFI'S� & SHOES, J ,READY1 1r i Custom 'I am Clearing -Out a Lot of BOO Job Prices. SHOES 4, t CL -OT 1IN.G, etc,' .The f• t I� in Ih:e best : an r.l .Tile stock. is =all et n ._•• t az�d cl�o cat•, •clle� est n ,ri ets =�,uti ,effected w th 1i• creates cat e t nl!eet the=req uirel eiits f' vilI e and :c -(gra t ty;trade. Now is- the- t me to- Secure. such Bargains +as were'never. ef3re offered -iii :Luci no;w, • Sal-e_to begin o - tl� the Gods -are -all: sold, iv 5th of';��ngstnd continue: until LTTThR • c overdue notes 'once. • and.: book ccounts : Whist : be' aving'added: large y: to his '41reauv Eetensive- Stock-. f Ilarcb are, is 30=v pre-3ared to furnish everything- required by ih ,finders, i 3.8 Cures Diz,ri' ess, Loss of Appeti .e, .4c_!.,'' yestwon,, Bilin s. , �c Dyspepsia, alliicl ed, -A.efection It:e-Dzver:and .I idneys, 'P `nijtles, Bl tches Bolin turn rs, Walt IThcum.,_ Scrofula, Er.ysip,Ilas,' and All "diseases arisin-di2� I ipure -•: 3lood,. De, panyecl_ S omachi,' or irregular � on of thwe 1364 . els. •.---,....:,_-..--,x ter* s"'...c.,, ks't. `sk.:•:. 3 .� 4.+,- ... �' l�Y•k :=',tit S5!' ►i ,:? Also :guttering ii . in Tin or Gals-ar requirefl in.the- i Parties intenc and =see my Stoc A -ALL KINDS- Of .HARQ'E' Tin, Ziac, or alanized, Iron Cistern I inpc, raj a a ixetl- IronWat� r Lune for Cisterns sand r ' fact ���-tir � �� • •' Line - ;furnish at ray store. E rn Prior. mgFto build thi season will! fin to -t advantcig e to- czl;. before purchasing theirsupplies.' IN t TINWARE GRENA Wishes: to. call. the "attention. of:- the ' � - Orodkery and ''lass`= rare .Depot. F-1 LA S N • Ilasjrst received a complete Stock of Public,to' his. I have: as' -usual the Cheapest. and :despatch ! .. In Stoves I ha large and'well assorted 'stock which I t ' I sell as Cheap as avetrou ping ;a.. -Specialty`! Repairing; done with:.-nc._tness a large assortment. of- . COMPLETE BOOTS A1dD SH TOCK S: Embracing. a number of whicii-Will be sold at Pri es to suit -Customers. I _ .would re quest buyers -looking. fo the finer goods.` to gine me a call • before purchasing else'w1i re., 00 arlorX11 Which will be Old. at Low ;Prices.- Raving had .a long. perience in this line • of -business, 1 t1 nk: I can supplythe wants of -the . u ` without fear of" .op= - p� _ _ position.. Small profits and quick returns is my .motto - - While returning p3Ysincere thanks'to the "public for tl eir Liberal:Patrona'e b. in the past, I hope for a continuance of the sande in fut�•1; WRENCE,. PRICES DOWN - QUALITY tTP `T CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY. TgaSits.1 ato�warf Y7. ns takeiin exchange fo BREAKFAST SETS, .:DINNER -SETS, BEI)R;OOII-:I SETS,. • In Stone and China. Parlor, •dm ng- room and .lx droom lamps. , • SI LAMP CLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. extra 111tea. No 25c. by .tl73N L. WEST & Co., 81 and �.:a.tc= • Lineki ow. Ti • Stove Depot, Opposite: the .Whitely He -Lucklow, Goods:. -' $500 REWARD. o We will pay the above reward fo an w e of Diver Complaint, -Dyspepsia. S ck ead che. Indigestion, 'Constipation or.0 x*iveness we cannot care with West's Vegeta! le- Liver Pills 'when the directionsare strict : complied with. They arre.purely Vegetable and never, fail to give•s&tisfaction. Sugarcoat Large w Bos, containing 30 pitls,25 cents.. For sale 7.t y a:1 dry;ggists. •• Beware of couiitei felts and mitations. rhe•geriuine.roan'xfeetured onlay.. 83, King. , druggist,' St. :East, Toronto: .G. W, . Berry,. tea kept on the premses.. 1lanc- Baskets, Market ��.cies • Baskets, Clothes Ra sLset S.. - - - tie. bo _quart or 'bottle. she ��-� -' s: t. kle Ycq �. P _ by ExtraualY itF a • ALL T H, . . ed Roll Bacon and. Spiced: 7�G . - constantly on Band. AL ; KINDS.OF CANNED VAULTS,ETC —A cALL.S.QIrIOITED --�-- • • Sever Give Fp: r ssed -- If 'you are suffering with low' and epe. spirts, rt s ' l as s, ofa phet ite,-general : de 1ity, dis - ordered blood, constitution: headache, ire b" all "sus goat ih 3F a , `ea • of b i ,. a� or any , lectiic Bitters. le of E batt ,e a s r seta u urea fin You will be surprised to .see` th rapid. proveinent that will- follow ; .you will=be in spired -with new life ; strength- and activity will return , U • ain and misery will: cease; and henceforth you -Will ,itl re ' i ce in th. Praisee uf Electric -Bitters. Sold atfty. ce :ts it bottle b y' 1... .B Berry. lir. tiY 9 • STOVE, Mr. 4V: ``t My wif •cough.for more .sew- used ever.used ma urged to `th 'sem nu bottle rel bottle a hadso go ottes f� size, :$1.. • reat Discovery.., homas, of Newton, Ia., says: s been seriously affected with a enty>$ve years, and this spring than ever before. She had medies without'rellief,. and beim Dr King's: New Discovery, did t gratifying ` success. The first e-., rd' •ndth . scent ed her. very =much, � , lately • cured herr She has not health for - thirty years." Trial, 'Large at Berry's drug : store. = • The virtue a tc tesrp An .Ex Alderman TriedIt.. tesePii3 _- E,r-Alderman Taylor, ..of Tor, nto,- tried tracts, Hog,rd's Yellow Oil for -Rheu • atistn.: It . $trawls cured him` after all other rcznedie�hsd,failed.. bowel cd 4 Rare • Plant. ..`s s rare sses e -: a ant n �+rber rS-= PI r� St . .eansin , cooling, astringent, :an . healing medicine, and. when. h other valuable vegetable ,ex - Dr • . owler's Extract of Wile it is an • unfailing remedy in' 11 T I COTC DED: THAT THE. DialAND Fatif.. I .. for liu. in -and gbodt put up on parpo be met, . cat the, timeY g r b_, . l + 'cin • t is - aSt. . Edd .; . - . t• . e and to' ugh ...:• ...wit out r , P. � sell chea a y P E _ Thedee un. n tro 1 a . Ir`gera P of calling attE and coal. Cut else in his lin, troughing ani Prices. Ga. `g . thankingthe citizens of Luc', stow and vie' i • •for x 2 r�ecl, in �# tY a -1. ing the a,s1 . eti. , takes this o stun. ale bestowed` on -hint .dor a P Y �, P • a • 4 3i 7 for b���r r- cation to his `lame ancl well ,geleeted stdcl� 9,� Stogy es o t • re :of all iiids : Coal .:Lads Goods, and every tb3gI. levy, : Tlnwa kinds, � Oil, . � t 1: , . • > . ",�� ,e. -.'alt ails a s eel • air pans and=dairy milk cant e.. �_ •Milk c�, �Y " P Y - i repairing promptly attendedto.Be t 'Aaos ht th , LOwest 5 and be convinced.: iota: • r • �F.