HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-05-16, Page 5• . 4 THE i EV. DONALD MCKE IE - nT TD or `fps AGED DitviEE . O• ne More of the Local Historical Fig.. ares, Passed Away, . • Ji: the :deaths - of • the • Reverend iii,►mi(1 Ncl enzie, formerly pastor'_of` Lieirkt•=f, ori Tuesday :evening, at his late r-tsidezicex Ingersoll, " another of tee c t:1 landmarks .- has . passed. away-.. \Vt trust to be able at an earlyt - date i f x g. • = • our readers a detailed account . ;i• -th;- ;- life and sal or . sof this etinneritty -. orih ' father -of the Pr esbyterian. Church h ie. t oount<v •of- Oxford.. His x:-,t•fiE -K ie be indeed th e History. of t ,r$ Z' rra for u: lang :term 'of, years: • Mx.lcKenzie ,.was ordained in 4 : x - tst 50 yews ago= --by. the, '4e. 'awl ei I JSS. Dr - McDonald, the f: t_:tt� -4t Apostle of the North," " - - , -pre- • .i;1:11 (Ai tis occasion-Shortlx after- -,.,.---t•.; ' 1r: _Llctl�:e ie. was: settled in k• Loris. i%he -e he labored faith-. - E T, •, ,.a icl with mar ked .success -for - , a... r s forty ears` w A remarkable .) fir.-.- in the -ems gregatiai.. towhom r.„# is i _stt•rt;el set long is the large • -ta:b r of vevit.g 'Weil out of it who: ', f \,; :• •tt1recl: the learned professions, .ct.a i; 'eia1IyV the Ohristian ministry. "Pili:. --t' a x e' castfie : as follows :-29 • it-(`,: •hien '- doctors of . medicine, 9 ;ze,w,.E :. antih Z. higschool teacher—. f.s1 ua i y c _glkitalumn this week will 1n,,w;• ,. s painful i'. terest to Very many 4 t: t•- readers, - t •. g,.th'ring homeward from ev'ry:. 1ancd, one i,y= one >>-st' Ye -by One _ _ - 'A, tg ir�t «r- feet te.,ach the shiuingstrarjd;. -• it•ie. 1117- one y - • `'&:_ . •--t with th.-; Say :our, they wait their a:.ir tracd stained :garments . are all W(1 ✓ . e,� it o ; mer: 6 . the white raiment the =Lord shell * ire” _ ;7: -Oft') thelory with Hun shall share,' :pix : • :home r ,gathering homy. ! Fording i%er one by one. - f;,.: r__a:; h�>ine 1 gathering home .yes,, on - \Vood.stock Sen gz. el _Re jet pr lei Thtica Salye. h.,. bet aI e in the world for cuts, set -es,• ulcers,: salt rheum, ur• -}• -*Ons .tetter, chapped Vauds, lcrF l.ins, corms and all skin eruptionsf: - d ly .sitweiy cures. Piles, or no pay -regal rt It is - guaranteed to give - ,satisfaction, or money refiurtd- • Priee'25, cents per.: box. For sale Ez W. Berry, druggist, Lucknow.. • Rev. Father Wilds' • �XPI RIENCE,.�rt r.;ev.:dZ. li* Wilds, well kiiawn city :asi,enar4: in Meir York, and brother of the 1.tie-can orDtJudge W1ids, Of the Massachii. a..`i''s Supreme Court, writes as follows ill= ''`s E. Ret Se Km York kayi-6,U1 6 cn'.... • IId. C. \. En & Go_., Gentlemen• • Last a •trig -r 1 Avaetrou ,red with a most uueom- • 't-Irtat)le 'tclii g humor affecting more ;especially v • .:F , which itched so intolerably at night, ,.. x ; tl sn iaatense y, that I could scarcely bear - ay s if+ It.iag over them.. I was also a sufferer- f>o"a,..vere catarrh -and catarrhal cough my cgcr {%.e:tpoar,•sncl my system a -good: deal run tab WW. t'iitf>trivg the value of Alma's S`.ti.sAPA- i as r,.e.. Tr -of SP.rL atfon of many other eases, and trout .g,••r, ;final use in former t -ears 1 began taking; •t. f:)t.• tine. above-named .cdisorders. 141y Appetite peaw'e:nat•ct almost frost the first dose. After a ' klio t titaft tta'• fever and itching were allayyed,.end. ;re S .':g of irritation of theskin disappeared, 1fdy k at ar'•ta• and cough were also cured by the saltie ► r`Er.- awl Trey .general health greatly improved, • ct ** is now excellent. I feel a hundred pe'r }ati;c-t, and I attribute these'resuits to the '. us• ,. of the SARSAPARILLA, which I recommend s itis ;ati ei.natfidence as the best blood medicine a•ter *kV r:tl_ I took it in small doses three taaaQ� .t•ty, and used, in all,less than two bottles,> lfl;w a those facts at your service,. hoping_ their. publication may dcagood; • ' yours respectfully, Z. P. WILDS." • The above instance is but one of the many eon-- ista ill 'emeing to our notice,. whichprove the pery � feet adaptability .of 41-Ea's SARSA 'ARILLA to (aril or all diseases arising fr i i:inpureor amt • i-"vesriAieti blood, and a weaken • -Ratty., Apes Sarsa ari Iia. lF asst s, enri" :,,. and strengthens the blood, strnca • ,lrtts t the ae.iota of the stozliach and bowels, 'eel tletieby enables the system to resist and over, (-chute tie the attacks of all Scrofulous Diseases, Ern the .Skiu, Rheumatism Catarrh, General ' ; 1' I Vag, anti all disorders resulting from poor or t o rul teu blood and a Iow•itate of the.system. PR.pt A1tEIY B Y - - Dr. J. G. Ayer .&.Co.,,.Loweill Mass. Sold by all Druggists; price 51; six bottles for 85, AYE R'S CATHARTIC PILLS —Best Purgative Medicine cure Constipation,: Indigestion, Headache, and • • all Bus•Disorders. - , Sold everyw ere. Always reliable. - Pleasant take. Contain their Owe- rtaa'ti'*e�. is e4, sale,.,sure. and effectual • illeArbrer-*Ylorisat fu ClindseucEA41314. • * • r . ; COURT o F" ic - R T i �vlsx�v FOR TgB- . Vill:tige of: L• ucknow will hold hi first,. i sittings _fortfe year in the Council- Chambers; - t.uck1 ow, on Tuesday, May_2_7th. All parties interested are requested to attend. " W -Ii. SMITH, Clerk. .°OTIC $ECOURT OF RRVIa'TON AOR the nr,wnship of Ashfield will hold its frit sittin ;`s for the year on Monday,:the26th of May, in School, house No. 9, commencingat 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All, parties inter- ested are -requested to `a:tend. . • JOHN' COOKE 'T• : ;. . )j , ,own ship Clerk' ung iinori Ma _' FA,IIM FOR SLL E .. BE G PARTS. OFLOTS NO. iAND2 the-2th Oona W. D. Ashfield, 7-rniles: trona J.ucknow, cons%stin of acres cleared, and the- remainder acres, 52 bush. er hard. -wood Good buildings .veli fenced and in good state of cultivation,_ and ..well watered: further particulars apply on the premises_ to n _ THOMAS BARNIsr, Ina:539 - • Lucknow P, O: FARIII OR SALE:; t BEINGS H. LO11S 25 and 26- -IN THE 1st Uon; of Kinloss, situated ' 4* '•miles fruin 1 ucknow, 3* frosin Whitechurch, .and 7 from Wingham",consisting of 100 acres,70 acres cleared,. of which 9 acre's" are under fall wheat arid the balance hardwood bush. A never-fail:- ing spring creek runs through, the farm. . 'A good brick yard and brick ..machine qn . the premises. Good fram ; barn and stables with log house.. For further particulars apply to ANDB,. W McWILLIAMS,'. lm -539 .Whitechurch P . Q A Great_ Lvlscoven'. �s Mr. Wm.Thomas, of 1V ewton, Ta.,, says ..•= My wife has' been seripusly _a$ected witha cough for swenty five years, and this spring Entire severely than ever before. ' She had used many remedies withoutrelief,and being.urged to try Dr. King;sNew Discovery, did so; with. most gratifying results. The first bottle re-• lieved her 'very much, and the second bottle has absolutely cured her- She has not had so good'health for thirty years:" - :.Trial . botlles free at _ferry's drug store. Large size $1. Peat:- Sir,---I:hav-0- been . a suffered front. Crostiv_effess Sick Headache; an Loss of Appetite for many years,_ f-eet always tired, so that -my life was a burden anp all ,seemed dark to.me. ==I have .had .niedical attendance nand hav 1 tried almost all the. advertised remedy res, but without effect- A number of my reighb rs- who had d use - your Fountain o ealth_urged me to give it : a trial, three bottles of . which made me feel like a new mioncie_l.: Mlfs. BALL, �. g street,' Toronto, The Greatest 1ealtnK Corapoti i4 is a preparation of carbolio acid, vaseline-and cerate called McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It will cure any sore, ctrl, burn or bruise when allother preparatons fail. Call at Berry's drug store , ltd ' get- iu ' ac a e' P g. `Twenty five cents AS all it Roots., Eva, Sspt,,10 x$00, -T=om: r. Wm: Churchill & — -Cd.3 dents,: I naive :been f -troubled. with) Catarrh for the ' past two '- years - "rour_ Fountain .of Health was recomi vended tome by - Mr. Lindsay of ` thisPlace:" : After using one and a half bottles all syrup,:. tons of Catarrh have disappeared,: and - my heaith: tis so much - improved that: I have gained s ;veral.pounds iii -flesh. I.an-yours truly,:_ s. to call.: t ..Public W AND -C BOOTS. ration; of the Embracing. . a num Ne �� Lz> which will be so t Pri es to. " suit Customers:_ would: e- � Yrs uest-bu e: .• ing fQi, ▪ the finer g c .to give me11 before urchasulc, sewh CoSTNIW O _ 0R K � .� IratEggs taken. in eke ge foGoods -Wks i - The subscriber he 'e noti� public in general that is Ti- to execute all work in . line perior style, BUILD=TG• 01 es ,the epasetl- ` a su_,. • TO THE PIONEER STORE. -- CAA? :SEAS-ONAgL In Dry -Goads I showat greatly reduced rates — Lace C'azta o Cray Cotton, White °a Cotton T Igi Russian Crashs, Shirtings� Bedford,. S,,.. -Croix,- Libster, Dundas, .Atlantic St. .i s l' theh p _ • ; . Cornwallr Z icluirasr - Prints. In all ntw st Styles, risen) of which are _.:actual observati¢o pro'red td be, 5 and 6c per ydless than regular prices, S, is uikish-Cloth= H ne <.Cumb Cloth, 20 Patterns ofd _-and .•. � , tic y ettonne�, IiIack -. CoIcI�� :.. C'a sly - • nacres a=Specialtyy from -20o. yup, Nun's Yellin.' - ;n all Shades, _French :verges,; -Satin Jerseyb, Glo - osier- D+ inbibi e • 3c..0 . - _ - Olir 3 ply all wool :Car. els are unsurpassed for quality and cheapness, We. can .. p to men 'esidin g in largest Cities of Ontari• o: Blots and: Shoes from the best makers at low prices. Teas at 10, 25, 40, 50 'and 60 cents, all excellent- saltie. car -load ;of Sugarlast received direct from Halifax.- . alifax.- Our "tailoring department is under the management of - a first-class miter and no - --p u d e work =isturned out In _'s de partment we tilt p ...guarantee satsfaation as'our increasing Sa. •i� :testi= fr -- This is genuine. contracted for -and fini red in t manner and with.:greatf .4.tisfa keep -.on hand a large lits lc of ed lumber. All kind •e DOORS, - ,On. hand or rmade to -der notice.. = I guarantee a of wor keep node - but: the 10 ..of w and material.:: OH! Luckniow,: March-2di INDS short ,as' 1- k en W>� LATIMEI, . Fluid Lightning. • _ . Is the only instantaneous relief, for neuralgia,. headache.ootha<che, et'. Rubbing . a few drops -briskly is all that is needed. ' No taking nauseous medicines for weeks; but brie -min- utes application removes'.. all - pain and. Will . prove the great value. 'of. Fluid Lightning. Twonty five cents per bottle at ferry's Drug Store. - - . Never -Give- floe. I€ yoitase suffering With.low an:l.depressed • AR ESS- -' :LUCKNQ mapirits, loss of appetite, general deb}lity;_-dis ordered blood werk ponstitution, heladache,or. any disease of -a bilious 'nature.' by a, ll means procure a bottle of Electric tiittaers. You will be surprised to see the j rapid : improvement that will follow ,• you will be inspired with new life ;, strength -and activity will return pain and misery will cease, . and henceforth you,will-rejoicein the praise of Electric . Bit ters. Sold at fiftf cents a bottle *by G. G. W Berry. A:Reliabfg. Witness• R. N Wheeler, of Everton,_ spt;akeshighly: a agyar s ector a cam, eying seed --CASH PAID. F0 cart i- . r- gGS AT Having` added .largely . to !iii err a,dy . Eatens vi 8toqifoi hardware% prepared to :furnish: everythiuig-retjiiired.. by Builders) VARNISHES TND .ALL 'KINDS OF HARDWARE. Also guitkritig in Tin, .Zinc or. Galir n`ed Ison„` Cistern Pumps,. Eavetrta,.ghing in Tin : or 'Ga1vaulted Bron Water , W . to Lung for (cisterns .end in fact -eves icle• • . required ill the-Buildifig Eine 1 fuihisli at r r stdlre'atBoatom Prices: POW • Eartiis itt,ndIng to- bulli. hisason will find it to their- advanta andsed rn - Stock- before purChasing their -supplies. 1V, TINWARE call I,hsve;as usual•a large and well'assorted stock which I will, sell as Cly as the Cheapest. Ecave and despath !. Ili Stoves: 1 -have a large assortment o:4 • 00 'h r.: s. Whit will. b s h ,ir e, old at Low Prices. - Hatpin had a ion experience ine- t of business, I think h can supply the wants of public lic without fekr . - -. - theF b ,y,. position. Small profits and .quick returns is my_ motto ! While returning my sincere thanks.. to. the' u `-lac for their Liberal Er IC?nage in the past, .I hope -for :a continuance a the same in future. BOOT &SHOE T 'Thousands'of .do$ens -wan ▪ examine our $- hof f H d' P al 'B I h • its effects in his own case, a severe inflamatfon- of the lungs and distressing cough, was quick- ly and perfectly .cured, r which had resisted. other - treatment, $500.00 Reward• Tor any testimonials recommending IIeGregt or'sSpeedy Care for Dyt;pepsia, Indigestion; Costivenss, Headache, etc., that are not genii:. ane ; none of whom are' persons•in the states or thousands of miles away, •but from persons in and around Hamilton, Ont. We give trial bottles free of cost, so that you cannot be de-. ceived by purchasing a"worthless article, but know its value before buying..: Trial bottles -and teatinniels given _free freeat 7 err s D_•ru 8 Store. - A Painful- Occurrence..:: Some of the most _ 'painful sufferings that. afflict mortals ecciir froth rheumatism. Either the acute or chronic foil]] may be eradicated froia the bloodby an ea;1y use of thegrand k lpurifying system_ relator, Burdock lood Ditto's. _ , e and which we will dispose of at consistent with fair dealing us to pay 100 centson the 4,w p :ass ces se is enable We invite you to try our ; -°e or r her try our goads and . prices and will '. e con- vinced that there it wisdo so do- ag. It is very well to please t - eye strive to please the •pock. t alt i. examination of iteaof Stocko la.: will certainly convince all, and most careful buyers, thli lilt. we - ersonal oe:S MIT :M • _ , I S . AD AWE will have.a large -_s ruts of clur own make ou_h PRICES: DOWN ! QUALITY 'up .1 AT Tin.&s Sto a Depot; 4 hosite_the Whitely Mouse' Lucknow TOVES. TT IS CONCEDED TI 'AT THh DEMAND FOR ..LOW PE,ICE-0 V ' e2i1 et .. but the time. for buyingand Belli Dods . put up sell cheap without regard to' quality, is past. 1 T ape e ..to The undersigned,lu thanking the citizens of Lucknow And v ciziat ±i the liberal patronage bestowed on him during the past year, takes this opp. aunty •of calling attention to his large and. well selected stock - of Stoves for bo 1, ood and coal:. Cutlery, Tinware of all" kinds, Coal. Oil, Lamp Goods, and eve : thing else in his line Mil k cansa m` iIr • pans - and dairy pails a specialty. *Ave. troughin •'and reai '- _ worn tl at tided. to. . Best Good . at' .° N' vest. _g P.. P, :.-P Y �. - sthe .� rest 'rices. Gail and be convinced. a }; • • • •