HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-05-02, Page 8-
- • :.
, 70orix satix4
• a:1161qt 41Zd Vitinitil
1. 6:19- t_
10:50 -
2:20 -.
5000 calf -skins wanted at D. Suth-,
erland's-for which the higheit price
. be paid in cash
A Big Nest.
Mrs Adam McDonald, - of Jriloss,
brought in at once to R. .1r* J D.
Murra4;'s, 70 -dozen. eggs. Who 'can..
beat tht
-•. Apprentices Wanted.
_A number of . apprentices ' to .
the dice0-thaking and milliiierfbesi-.
esS 'Wanted at *Mrs: -Radcliffe's
. . „
.uiery and Mantle EmporiumL
Village pc/listable.. ..
Applicatioirs for the office of:Con,
-.stable for the village of LticknoV/r.
be ropeit ed by the Clerk,. Mi. W. 11. -
Smith, -up to Tuesday next; -6th May3ro.
ke- Through the Siciewal k.:
Thelerge iron sae, belonging toMr.
Martin; jeweller; while being re-
- nioyed from a -waggon -en Monday last.
fell upon the. sidewalk'smashing the
planks and - sleepers as though - they
were nAatchei. -
With Hov,-,fard clifton.
K Kerr, the, powerful basso
s-nger of this village, is now travelling
with *the . lio.ward. • Clift6n. Concert
t.oinpany,. having- seclired . an engage:
tringt1 reccntvisit of the Company
• Lifeknow: •
to the press ofether work -we
t -.z. -e unable to change the -.5‘ Pieneer's".
't, Ivertiseq.ueattliis wqtk, -but would
-,!;•t reeiin,d our read*: that he has::
eese-iired t large assortment: of new-
• .v.,i6ds dire4t from the'r,manitfactuters.
-14,i7listii in. the village'-dOn't ()ail
ca M. Campbell. -• •
smisse.d Withoutbosts. ;
charge of obstructing the street
eltural irapleme.n.ts-Preferrecl
. ,
- tyy .the late Constable. against. Mr. .y
vi'.as on Friday rast dismissed- by
agigt.ra,%eg, * each party _paying
their own! Costs.- appears from
-the evidence that -Mr. -AIIm - had
-c-erved permission -froth the -Council
. -last year -to -6coupy- part of the
beidrre with his implements. _
-jgr.-Robt. Vcipelan sAvoulklilike the
party mho.. borrowed. . sugar -:kettle
last fall' to rettirn e. wordct like.
to have the use of it 6r• a keit,d4y1;"-
as it were. .
Village Assessment. ,
•_Mr.,Corrigan, the 0.1 age. aassessor,
has finished his rciund ' The total as-
;sessinent is $274,400,,' a ;decrease of
$17.00 from last year. e populationi
of the village has incre. d.- • - '
Hese' Reel Meeting&
A meetine of the • sAmbers of the
- 45 4 6 1; ic-
11066 Reel, belonging tt.-..; e .Lucknow
:A . .
Fire Company, .will be ''814 17a theFire
f.pose of . appointing, o Lers,. etc.', -;--at
Hall to -night (Thursday ,_ for the pur-
eiglit o'clock. •
Breach of Promise.
'The -celeSrated brea
`case, Xeains vs. Northe
ed - so much. exciteme,
places in Ontario -a slier
shortly be produced on
by ithe members of theL
• "
giOthat creat:
inne age. will -
•e stage here!
• rarySociety,
;when we bespeak- _for ra, brimper!
house. -
junior Bepoys. •
At a meetink'ef the nier- SepoY
Laerosse Club, on Tueida4
the following Officers wert -eleetect :-
President,. Alex.- -*Caniebell :* *Vice
President, .John- Aturchis'di, • "C'aptaiti;
W. Grundy; 'Secretary, T. Matthie
Treasurer,-faas. Andersone
tain; .11.ugh Somerville.
•The.B.cott Acti-n Bruce..
At the temperance cd
Walkerton on Tuesday it Was .un-
Verition itn
Oir stoss..,-„
who as been
Country -for some mo
eat .3in the Old
cuting•his Meckcal • 'stales,
home per steamer :‘tScotland" - t
TemperIey. WM 17th. lipz•A and
elgected to reach- LuoItivir-Ahe hrst
week _ist May. 4The -DoOor will be
heartily Welcomed by hia- many friends.
' has just.received a cheicelet
-A big time here on the 26th of
-SeverL new advertisements in
this iseue.
-A band'. of gypsies are Camped
near the village.
• -The rain of _Sunday last: he,s help-
ed the fall wheat • _
---;Timothy and cltver still on hind
colors Of paints readr
use at
Ww-f Berry removed his
Goderich last *leek.
The farmers are busy_ seeding ,an
Nu-al/less is quite in the village -The quoating . - •
Club ,has been reorL
ganized for the seam'. -
-Ityou Want Cheap raiiins,prunes,
dried applesevaporeted apples, -tea. or
tobstece;- go to Watt Noble's and yon
will lent them.. A .
. -*-L-SeVeral ,eltizens are r.naking ex-
tenaive im.prowereents to their rest -
deuces. - • •
-The usual saeramental seiVices of
he Methedist 010k:eel Will be heldonuncley next•.
animously decided t� -su: e.Scett 8
•a -vote of- the ele •ters- of th'e ti 1
COnnty. of Britce.. ..A.Aco..finittee Wa
;appointed to arrange. for &brie Mee
-; "
ings in the,:diffeeent ' sehtl section
throughout %the _Cointy. 4,10 63). . earl
-date. The Act is alsotO subMitto
it', the COenty of 'Hurbu.-
? -•The Ontario LicenSe Co.., thissioner
/iave granted the • followinAlitiena
this villige.:Tiiverni4,4.6.M
R. J:.-Whitiely,, Mary- - j-.-afo_4' Pa
Isaac Martin, Rotit:-,•111cC-Virolf,-
EdWard-.HodginS in fr'e.te.y'A.-1-,old st
and for shops to Alex. - Me, -ersei
John Armatroug. *. • In the'Vwn4h
Kinloss ---Geo. Oushitian, . illackho
Mr. C. Morrison,Orey'Opi' and ;1*
Purvis, Hollyrbod ; receive; *1` licenses.
1..-b. a, F. AniSiveitae4.. I.
., The sixty:fifth -'y of the
-Indefiendant Order 0 ,,odtveli.,.q1=a-ig.
America Was icele_bred_, kAilie'piprn-
.„..., . - !.' . bei of ' Lubkno .attenclik -.diyitie
,-1:se School Books.
, 'wership in'8t.Pter"sEpiSco/ leaurch
• --The Ontario Minister of_Egueitien
, - on S.unday evening.la4t; whstst. Ole-
'Teti- iiited 4 -Ore -afar to ijuspe6teis re -1 'event and *improsive.- sell ion Was
quiring thera to examine into anct re I plia6hM 4. the itev.' Mr. eto.S14, -.4f
11.*.nt on eaeli.iclibol as to whether fhe wz-..r.ki to_dayi in 34 virs,e74,„ ...
-p-a1-34 therein hai-e...been :required to •// The
- -
Wingheni, from he words u, go
pn'aiithorized text bospks. . it iS . thembers of , the Order ,ass , -bled at
f mild _that inany of the complaints- their Lodge -1004c.end- inar.,_ fled in a.
: h:!iiitist, the ..gcliicational . system . in re -
J,, - body to . the 'Clinich,...:boilig „9-,. dil-ipani,.
" g Lid to the fr.equeiit•clianges of -text.
Y ' ed by.Seyeral meinbera of : Tr.,. ingliath
• b.)oks im foiinded, not in the ohanges -24, -
Lodge and Encampment.- . Ed service
authorized *14sr the denartineut but in WAS to 'Celebrate -the institUtpn of the
- first lodge Of Odilielleirs. on '1,:this.. cOn,
V the illegal-aiilistitution,..of unsiltaior-E ,..
i7ed books. - - *.. .tinent.- ;On the 116th day li April,.
. . '-''' ' 1819„. in an obs4ure little vilitge .in -the
•. •
. A °eel...0,0g kin. - -• . *State Of Missouri; he first ILdge-ivai
•An intereSting-case was. tried b-efore . opened -with. a • iinernbersluti- of five.
, .0., •
idlilagistrateslere on Monday.laSt: .Since that time the Order - 1114 grown-
-ate pia-int:if:being- Dr. 5-. - H. Garner, • and 464h/ha-tip. a trietii.bers140 of:half;
._... . find the dofenclant, J. St -Clair Walk- _
s,- thillicin-_about one-eighth •.kt alt the
(>!--,. V. IS.' • Froin the evidence brought' population..: of :----Vanadalth • two
out- at. the trial- it -a,p0Iirs that some 4.
branCh.. ergenizations : knOwnL as -the
- tinie in iannary last Mr.- Walker -had tincathpthent. and- the .It_ebekapegree. .
in his possession a -large. yellov.rish dog . _. , • - 1.43-,-• - .-
The first lodge initituted oniti-li' iadian
sli;kre: and while on his Way to theLeCk- .8°'.1--va not - °Pe4-ed untilWailY. a
-11.)-* tanne•-•sel•i4t6 intended hay- • quarter of a century ...after 4., little
ing- it,._ --tanned he .'-was -aticosted by 'Dr.' 13111- -ee• of "friendship, love, -°4tr4t1.17'.
aarnor,- who asked • Aim Where he got- was first , planted.• and.- took treot-in
.•Cit.s deer skin 2."" 'Net -teceiviusr a tat- m10°144-1.' ''' Li - - 1841 .-t1).• ''Piillb ' of
-..., 4. - . i - "a-- • -WaTei-todg•Nyas, instituted. -44I -Mori.•
Istacuory answer to hit. question the --- ' i' -
. ' Docan 10q4ed an infOrmation. against -treel- wider the jurisdiction ,:.01: ther
t.:1.-'ictiiie.44antt for -" "baring ' in his pos,-
: _ • I" 'k' _
UnitedStatesGrand •Lo 04.-- - bqii the
P -- ' ./. - twat led.Ie in' Canaila : h i'i Gritn,
session_ a- deer- 'skin &Innis- tne a • • . - ' • 0-i,
- . , • •• .i., . . T. i
eason for deer. • On. hearing the :-I.:4)('P• - of ,c-anOft,.. , And aubsebisintly
idence the Magistrates dismissed -the the grand - Lodge of :Britighlkorth
6,2"tlia - DOotor .haiiiig `.. to pay the A.mer-4ai I'v.-6-re ' f°119.ed* . Th--°-1Gfaxiii
..... • , .
4 VAX - g . - = . ' i Lodge, of Ontario -Was-formed ipl-,?5
. a ona are sugar coated;
,s -mild-I:nit thorough and are the best
.stonsach and liver pill in use:
s -1f-ye'll have any- idea of .going in-
to hOuee keeping, call at MacIutyre's..
He has„almost anything you want in
that line:
•:---;13aptismal- services,: .were held in
:St. Peter's ChurcIr- on- 'Wednesday
es tn. -
-evening last.
870r,• , -If yon, want §ilks; gotoR. T.
and D' gurraY s' SeVenteen patterns to.
select from. .* .
--L----Use Prof. : Low's . Sulphur Soap
i1- of for prickly heat, nettle rash, staley
rse,; eruption, iftch,_. and all diseased con;
ohn ditipn of the skin. -
t A four year old heifer belonging
to :Mr. JR:11)ft the 12th con.
-of`VV't!st NV.0,10:010sh, dropped a -heifer
,calf last Atilt weighed eighty
.pou s. •
Firemen's tournament,. - _
/ - •
On account of the 24th of May fall:-
ing en $aturdey . this year tke Luck
km* Fire Brigade hive &dela teliold
, thtlir grand tournament on Monday,
- the 26th. Ths .programthe *will con,
t4iet -of athletiesports, for -which about
$2,00 will be given in...prizes, -band
- titian firemens pa b
eompe , ,. . . rade, ase ball
--;,itid lacrOas.e Matches, etc.., . -in which
the 64) frOth Winghisn and--G-oderi.ch
-will-take part. A great "fug of war!' -boasta '0,1e/tat-one- lodr, while..T4Sro-
has also been- arranged between. the el'er the Oddfello* May rosin tr- Cam;
. members of the village council and ada he 648 his br.9.-thei-n a th°,ithrol.
th,e-school bearil,as well as•the"Egypt- ilinks about as thicelis the ,prov ..bial
an tilt, of war,'1 never 'before -intro-. blield'errt's 41-'r ready = to "4nd'o-
Ti-meed*into ' this. pioviricel. hi ihe -helping hand. to him.
...-4vening- a'gran4 concert :Will besiven --44acintyre is ielling...iniviillue4
it . the Tempe:m.110e Halt in twhieh Oa' of goods at cost to clear 00: -- enr.
54the leading tat* of Viis. section.will 'nautili of .dros*-,,gdo-dsi *Ad pgiti ti .
part. - - - -
and numbers 11,861 ,'members
is now about -half a Million do4ilts in-
vested in the-fiat:le the.0' (10 ingns
tario, anti about$25,000 has bet paid
ou for sick benefits up- to the
tittle; which with the.amount petit...Out
by the Order for relief' brinla the
amount. up to about $40,000,
the past five years the growth- bit Me"
Order in Ontario has been Vidst 4fiton-
Tishing, and at present nearly
town and village In the Prevince
7. -•The best yet --chain dish oloths
iasnes time, saves labor.,No kitchen
complete iv-ithout one.. Try one and
be convinced it is just the artiele re-
eft•ItrOd-t sale at -Jones' hardware
kaeltityre is selling. ladies' prU.n-
olla.boats and shoes for. sixty cents--.
as cletplas you can buy them whole-.
_ J. Murray's advertise-
ment seems to be common. sense in
• print They have *advertised lines
separately, and -in, six month's have
'worked up a trade seldom seen in three
year's standing.
-Call on Watt -tV, Noble and see
their fresh supplfof gent's hats, ladies'
black, kid gloves,. and boots and shoes.
can -get -4 . lbs. of '-.eXcellent
hyson or Japan tea for . $1..; : 6 lbs. Of
canned, apples - for 25 . et& • -canted
•-goods,jauces, and :all other :kind's Of,
..faricytroperip.a.; honey very cheap in
-1444; MacIntyre's.. .• .
Alibastine, yes, ladies, alabhstine
is the aine-Of.the. °new ° invention- for
' finishing walla and 'Ceilings. ITO* that
hotise--eleaning.-is on. the , carpet, use it
InsVect6t-paint, Paper, -kaleciinine,.�r
#e*iith, it .nialFes 4. bettaititut finish
4a_alea* disAn t3nt rendermg
• •
Bea cguktity of Black an
• Fruits, Syrups,' Canned, nit: siiid Fish i
Hri.i.X.DERSi•G 1"..; AS FOA SAM
.frole 60 to S.' b' ,of pure italiar. bees,
I in lirst-elass liaS also for
e a large numbertof ood bee -hives, which.
en belptirchaseil at his residenee Lot, •
eon. 2,- t at Mr, 1-W. Lyon's
Cooper Shop in the V Inge 14 Linikitow.
4 1.14.70: AIIII011,3:1;0E0B.4 P0-
111 cans,' an. d:everything on hind that 1;.nsual-
ly kept in a first-clasa confebtionery.
- • .
4 •
ea, Porrigan
Thonsindao.f dozens Avamted. . sure an
' exainine our stock,of ."
which. we will, disPOise of at as Low. prices as is.
consisinut with fair dealing so as to enable
us to pay -100 cents on the dollar, " '
• '
We firtite you to try our store or rather try
ottivotida piicda- and you will be COB-
Vinecd that there it wiadom in so doinK. ,
Itis very m!ell to i3lia,ae the eye but we
ive to please the pockelt also. A. personal
examination of -
OurEltganiS:ti ci of flatts&Shus
. . - - •
will cer'ainly convince all, even the. closest
and most careful buyers, that -we are offering
ficeWe will hijme a large stock . of Harvest
3:iits of onr own. make on blind in .seaason.
- -
eart Corri
hhia, Crockery wad Glass-
ware Depot.
Has just received a complete Stock of
Tea Sets in China and Stoneware
BREA.iii7A4T srts,
In Stone and China. Parlor, diniu$
roo0 ana•bedremai
• .01, ; •
50c:, value in tea. No 25c.
tea kept on the "pretais5e&
'Ladies Band Basket% Market
Baskets, Conies Baskets.
•' A • 7 .
ga-Pickies by tie quart or bottle.
Extra quality. -
- ALL KI mop::
Sirllam, _Bacon and. -SAW, Itoll
c•onstan•tly on,hand.-•
I •
•.s.ff y45 want -
ory 1 yd. iv
1.) STAND:.
,irting word; c. for 14c,
• Splendid liralue in
cox ea. Cottons !
•ef ilnoltvenp(i.litcoes a
trytnovfd. goods •-vt•
the busin es&
d• good quai-
l]. the.
ow in stock tie lar
tand&F,t disdlay
,iii..i., in Luck.04, ii Sptclal Induce
. ments :hill
It9130 Itlataito, 4,. etc. -
- ; 6
- a fec •
• --apirrtinentsThealthful.. It- cut be pro -
.c.tired in a Variety -of' beautiful shades
t'Laivrenee's hardware htere;
• A large line of -Unveilings, table
•eloth,.lace Curtains, muslis, linnen
Pc**, laces, lawns, honey comb- and
oatineM good 'f�r children'ssuits. a-
lai -a assortment of boy's, misses' and
. children's straw hats, at MacIntyre's.
• .
Try T. 4iverence.foi sp!tdea,forks,.
shovels, brush hook,. pruning hooks,
<pruning knives, hoes; - rakes; grabbers,
Piethl,g.gritiastdijes and &dittos, philter,
of paps,.raw petypilluintboth boiled
and maw linseed oil, furniture and car-
riage varnish,turpentine, ehellac,brown
japan black japan,. white lead dry and
in ion paints of all colors ready for use.
Tot!gart. 'get at Maelniy.re?'
Aelli_a fur felt_ hats for $1 worth $2;
boy'slelt hats for oq.cts, WQIh $i, •
Aneirl tweed s4Oits, -t9r 47:50;. -
kW* hats -being anxious' -to redude
our stuck Nit; 3.tfe1 quote yeti lint
. ,
?ck ofirrunj0;-,-Vallie naliffSatcbelik
now *eointAlete, and belni4d-s all tbe
. latest *-Ityieitand akes: '
13. ;the abov's sedate werk_ purchased fr.oin
kz.itnatnalliege,.paaratibdattotb4lt.i. j10:44.4astzsls
as any othe_tbovuse infttlie tr44e- -
„I -Atilt* call itid- see my
• rytook-before_puitiOsing
• _elsewhere. II'
tt,.eeitil_RrirPirotts'O. to
.11 ,Meguarglikekt ffrat-biniss. °
.R013.Elt PROCTOR,
1,1,Atoct Sic F1878
On !a1 Esta at tipasonable
rateig„ on teringt f paj meat : Lo
suit o'rrowers.
011411, to .01.fce
Iml; Arnica '
7st salve the world for cutsi.
c :
bruise 01:3,es1Qcregiolis.leter, ir se_ .ra:c; hilt tta ast/olt tt. rstaei itou:
and ely eures at* Or pay.
rennirIt 'is sisziot001 /Owl .
factions cit