HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-05-02, Page 4st etN ► e itattau #anti rtx. L:7n fLtBEBTY To UTTER 1IQTr•T O ABOVE 1..6,,GJaii)ING TO THE DLVTATr.s OP CONECIEN -j PRIZE ,BOVEALLOT$BE.LIBERTIES. 41:03.pnor .*A7:4c1; thousands;; at any rate they. Were f• m far an (l -.near. 7EStellar and I faile . -to meet out friend at the station, as 'watches Werslow, -sohetook the us • .and a#teii been, driven around: the. it:. lege upone: street .and down anot er, ' ` d tossed sed. About that h ld- I. �4ol' ` ' t e1 an . ' 'busfor nearly. an hour, .the „di er -lashing his, horses almost to • a-, gal sea p,' ;that dear, patient man was- depos'ted- -,at Dr. turner's -residence, zv-.re .Estella: and I had dined butan ur tagiiz. { As soon as the ;bus stoppe she crowd - gathered; and as our fi°-lid. ..came Out -of the house, having lea i ed ;that le were: notthere, . a snout stat tom. air, and cheers for , ac m paniecl by such: sweet music as of tin cans,cow- s,. w -bells --and. dinner horn an Make._ . Our friend .drew::.h is rev„, v.-er ..o in tli air but it only d:. gild. fired. , . y segue :adding fuel to the ilainea,- as the iot. .increased. • He' took .refuge. in f wo. . h1p118e.S,• blit was.:orcle ed out, ail. •at last :-got' nto shelter- at the - W 1 ;ely - 1-Fouse, the proprietor ofthat.esta •. ish= ineiit looking after the,: interest (I) Mk f gc est'with his usual urbanity. r ella` -about ten o'clock, pec ived a : note , -mil 1111_, S`a'� 3F1 .g that he was beseig :at ri � the hotel, and .could not get :her house, and asking what he shoul ” do. She -replied that she: and I war ' otb '.of us so much upset - that it w , :in- ' possible for us to .see .him • that i ght. • but would do the next morning. But .alas ! .through fear of • the mob ` sA' his . ;anxiety for .his dear children at me,.' I know .not: which- I heard• he " : ssed F; a..slee;pless night, pacing_ _ "the roc : tilt the break of. day, •when he. wast eon. - f hurrying to the: station with hi -=grip sack in nand, into which the *nzbP: ling } ' • before _ he had' so. care -fully. plac -his linen for a week's soJjurn arson ' us. : g ". And now; _Mr, . Editor, lirough ' this . riot -I have lost -akiic,dear.liu ancl,• .one who was. worth_. 53000, i •h• no • - -.debt; so he. wrote;' arid-. I hared: area; ,son to doubt his word,., and as :' was so good to • state in one`. of hi' dear letters, that with the heel, :of ` inti - , we -would be , •coniforttable. " duri "the ,afternoon of Wife." Qnite poets ` 1, is it riot? Oh poetry, how Ere f° are thy: charms but. I was- forgett my, self:: - .Do you thin; I ban -SU cient _:cause: to tinter a ,•suit ` for. da ages agaisist-.`the- Corporation of : Lu now ill the -Surrogate. Court1 9r ou '.4 y r thick I had better:let. the:mnatte drop; •r as that is generally k, a , sorry g ` e to ';enter- by. Iidonotf wish' to ke a• _ • pun, 'I- are; 'not .in the humor, tl 0. last.' :-fort*-eight hours I have lead t' cable • enough to drive ,guy sane Iva a s -n in- . sane, ' but I hope to -live throug it -as :_ I have ;had twelve ;year's experi;. ce of married life. Do please let m know by _your devil,. •I behave that what'. ;you printers call - the - boy, ' ' at I •should do iu. this.. .Tatter,' .and lieve- me to be your paid up subscribe , (you .slid not -send= me a receipt for t `e last quarter-;] k Your Truly, Lmzn) •MCGt on .- ur • R --How m h did he charge you ? H -He colleted -40c f ronv me Niblick1 con-: sideri an'exhor dant :charge. . • R -To what place were •sots -conveyed by the 'bus P li -To Dr. _ erdner's. , 'R—`When did -the-, mob first= shew .riotous symptoms 9 .. H --,On leaving. Dr_ Gardner's, for hotel - an immense crowd of boys Pursued unci : shouting - and ringing hells. One .person km,ckedoff•my :. hat. --whereupon 1:• discharged "my revolver: iu the air to.letthem see lr was prepared: to e.- Purl myself. and if anyone - .had''4nolested ,ue further W.mdd have shot him; so help my G • :I Did the mob_ ask you fer.money? ` • l3 .Yes, they asked .me- for -S10; but I would see them.- iu h - bef ore I would give. them :a cent R, ; Do you. feel . disinclined to _state .the nature of your business to:Lucknow..-7.- H -- I am. here nn business, . orrather absent from ;business am—ani—a dyspeptie, and:. ,and—am out ftr- a'couple of weeks. Gentle - Men the.question:is:a delicate One and do uot- wish oto :lengthen our interview. 1::; 00 hy 'sit SO exp ;aid - givin aleamen want to st be 115eQause our Goods are; No o1to-� g t. goods at C��.Eas ]ata rightprices. die M_.OUMIJ{NIC ►T1Oil.. 7o the Editor of the Sentinel • DEAD SIR, i did not intend to re- ply. to. any more'of •Mr. Purvis' -letters - and :will do so, i- ow fora the last= time, very: briefly: - Mr` _ Purvis has- taken -the i cowardly : way .of blaming the Treasurer -and. Clerk: for work that had r-: tio`pass under his- .notice;, through his ovirrt hands and signed by himself.. Ie was:at/the -last meeting' of Council; April'� • :th� and read -froth- T •y last :IQ letter "that even':- the 'cheques issued by the 'Council for ditch.-accouuts, se=veral of = them _-representing -large-: amounts of money, do not state What !bylaws they should be paid, out under;" which he said then was not true. The - Treasurer being present _ with his; books and `vouchers, I, is_ m.ediately handed over to Mr Purvis, in presence of the -Reeve,--.Clerk, and :Councillors, cheques 'aniounting . to _ $147 signed by Mr Purvis, and none .of them -stated . ;shat- particular by law..they should be paid -•under.-.: Bnt notvyithstanclin g this he states. in lis -letter ..of last' week, that " Mr Payton makes another- Iris- leading statement when he says that "cheques•: do not shew the by-law they should be paid under." Now, ` Mr. Editor,-'I..call that .an •untruth and something like swearing - to it. - 11 fir. Purvis has: got mixed in -doing so• much figuring. .How he -makes "nine other • coupons -of $I:1-0 amount_ to $13.50, -.glue 31st Dec. 1883, I: cannot under • stand. : We :have it in. our: Report and. in its -proper place as coupons re tired, $15.30. , Mr. Purvis, we --all. know, you are well versed in municipal lam,: and .that you have - statutes off -by heart. I .heard -a Councillor remark a- 'fewdays ago. -"that if Paxton studied the statutes all day- Sunday like Mr. Purvis he would have "them:off .by heart toy" -Mr. Purvis, it appears did not get the satisfactionhe thought;he: was entitled t� :from tie new board sit the last , meeting of. Council; •m. a ' nd sill las. something -Corrupt , -g.g corrupt in him,Well in! -leaving .you; frielidPurv-is, willgive you the.:Quaker's advice "out with it `-friend,, -thee willl never get to Heaven. with that foul _ stuff on thy stomaoh." Thanking you, - Mr.. Editor, for the space you have given in your paper,- :I am .yours ;truly, • ROBERT PAXTON. �T :a► says advs $a4.X00 per cen. a as theycansee: e` are; afferila g. " r i►�. This:adv , e -_ Q �O the c - e. .a...w.0.-e*,..to • week the Bar- s 4a can Good yse13 alld Span Tea,fGr: 6.thw Canned Apples for , , , Men's :Tweed Suits for__ - . , . '.. M -en's and .Boys' Nests for, ..$1 Boys' Felt Hat north. $1 for . 60t Men's Felt Hat worth e2 •...5 .2=i'I1 .. 7.50 tot 5041 v Remnants of 6:G _ tt fir- s Goods Prints Tweeds Ea7Top Onions, Dutch Setts, Cans,clian Potato Onions,: 'Yid• Garden Seeds.. at Cost: ." " • a. English ails all kinds o l 1 Labrador herring at. _ _ _ • s • • act :.E ED —`fie wouldi just :state or the benefit of -Mrs, McGregor thy.: we do not- run°u, legal firm in .:coil lection with this paper, nor clo we al w our . den i1 to run around. the : villa with :answers to correspondents, r our .opinion Mrs. McGregor had b ;ter let ` the matter drop as in ;l cin to law , there is -a sorry gate . to go • t ough. We,rearet'- exceeding for this sturb- ,.ance as the party in qu 9 of : a wife, to all appearances, seeto be an intelligentand, respectable . .ntle:= . • man,: as can be"gleaned-from'1 e fol- lowing- interview between ll : arida • special reporter. ;`: R -I am sorry to learn that you Lve. met with such uncivility to -night, -but sieve ale .sir, that demonstrations ale very sual in Lucknow: • - -II •It is to be hoped they are. tbink it very" discreaitab1ee to :the town. ` , R—Will your give inc your nam d place .of abode? j' - ' H ----Certainly not, certainly not. ( rob ex- .citee) I am not a boy ,nora fool,.a re+pact- ,ib.e business man, came.to town • rausiet busine:•s, the boys have•met with : wrong Man to hand them -110 -in -buy,whi ti...,_ don't. purpose giving thein a d--.- cent. , .R=On airivina• at the station w you. in- terfered with in any way by the b ? 11 -,--No, I was not.: I was civill; - eated Ct the•station,took the 'bus- down to et with ..,f no incivility the conveyance, 'bi tvas not brought tothe destination where Ita ;driver e was insti ucted to bring int.. ' } . • ; ;-, B—Do you think the driver waseollusipn -With the mob? • • . i . 1:;" H—I ceitainlyiiethinkso, and n I think he to* my money urteier falee kre of tell_ ii; The '-Princess" Shoxt-Harn Hull. •"YOUNG FARMER. A CHMAK BOOKS IN THE HIaat COURT Op JUSTICE,: CHANCERY ii/VISION. RE 'PERCY STEWART VS. PERCY. tSUANT TO .IJDGE31 ENT AND • order made in this cense there will :a • soldby public miction with the approbation q`:,if Wm. A. McLean,=Esquire, the Master of t s f ignorable Court at :.Vv alkerton on l--SaturdaylligiOlhda oftsig. -'8' .._. I . i • :I r y ay_ 1.1 ii; VER FA at the hour of two o'clock: iu the afternoon W H ITE LY' R HOTEL. in the Village cf Lucknow, by PeterCorrigC - Esquire, Auctioneer, the rollowiug proper if •j(j1�j■■, namely, the Routh Thalf and the south half . ,la Yti1�00. '. .•y the nartbkl�saif of L�1ncle:Ie situate on Stant,_ a, _ street in ,the said Viiia re Of Lucknow, a 1a veiningthree-quarters Of an acre more or 14 .3' There :are erected on iibe said land a lafcle two storey frame hotel with, sheds and.13114 .5ttacliel , known e, , the "Itoyal Rotel," r, tl. .also a large frame barn hr good repair. ' The property is situated on the north,,,{.a gravel ,road leading into the said Villageat Lucknow, and is well sittated°and adapted i y, .: a .Farmers'- ifotelo OR SERVICE TO A- LIMITED•numbert of .cows this season, at Lot -17; . Con. 12,. Y. Wawaliosli. Terms for the season , G•rades $2.00, ;' Thoroughbreds $8.00.' _ - PE-i)IGt-REE•- - "Young Farmer" -703— dark red, calved April I2th,1882, bred by H. Snell & . Sons, Clinton, out.. 4ot7 by Prince' of • Seaham; 21.432, Damp ---Mand _by Oxford;Butterfly -! 383-- • Princess Alice by 3rd Bail- of Good- ness -7385--- ; Lady. Lorne by Diicie :Duke- 384—• ; . `Gilliflower by • Duke of I3ourbon, 5646,4' 'Theresa by Baron :Solway, 6431, ; Strawberry by Cobden (13670) : R d`Bose by Young Briton (15765) ; Lady Jane (imp) by • Sir Walter (2639) ; a; son of Booth's `Jerry •1 (4097) ; Young Star (5310)•; Rotaberry (567) ; a son of Comet (155). 'fI'rince`of Seaham" a puri; "Princess" Bull was imported- by Col. Taylor, of London, for service-hr=his celebrat- ed Princess herd. • EDWIN GAUNT, >lm -534. St..Helene_P. 0 FARM FOR SLLE. • TERMS OF SALE ; There, will he a reserved bi��i byy said MAW, Tho purchaser will at then 111,4 of sale pay down a deposit 4.f ten love cent. 40 the Vendor's Solicitor and the balance A ' ag Court lit ,one month therefrom •witimeat int r- est when the purchaser will be eniiiyled to 1.ri ,- ession.' 'rhe VEndor is not to be bound to �,roducc 'op furnish any title deeds, abstracts, orOdor dence of title. The prperty will- lie s3old of ° incl :n brance. k.f • In :other respects the awlitions of •sale be the standing conditions of the Court; ',4.1 Chancery. For further information app1y t 1•V•• , Loscombe, Eseltiirs, Solicitor, l incardi aeA 'Phomas Dixon, Esquire, Soikeitor, Wali. ir: ton, or to -the aintiif'e .solicitor Luei�aa ;w.., Dated this seventh day of April$ A.D 1.04, • - WILLIAM A. McLEAN, Mas.$er at NVall ort, zt, ELLIOT TRAYER,• - Plaintiff's Solicitor, ,uckni* 1 -ZING S. H. _LOTS 25 ANIY 26, IN the 1 st concession of Kinloss, situated. 411 miles from:. Lucknow, -11 from White church ,*and 7 from Wingham,:cousisting of: 100 acrrs, 7e- acres &eared, of which, nine.:: acres are under tall wheat,' balance hardwood bush. ' . A never -failing: spring creek runs= through the farm. -A• gotta brick yard and brit&machine au the ,premises:• _ - Good frame.' barn and stables with=iog Louse. For further particulars -apply ` ANDREW `McWILLIAD,IS, 4 In - 43 • Whitecci ureh 'ItliBliffe ;1OTTCE, ISI, PAR -TIES -ARE' HEREBY -CAU tinned against--negotiating.&promissory note :wide' by me=in-favor: of 'L'hos. Lawrence: & P0..;—for $i4 and. dated tin or about the 14th: .nf-1111irch,iast,, as I: have nyt received value for the same. - - GFURG HA1t1 IS, Asbfield� � public are also fiirther notified not tri :crept any promiesory ueites'made out • on 'to ',printed fermi est Thos. I awr`ence= & Ce., .-as they Ito -not allow the,same:to be wild hyaaents': I T HO% LAWRE CE &t0., 4,535 • .Idncknow'1'-. 0. ashmere rocadg�d 11�J ins, 101. r' $ urdock Ts BLOOD BITTERS. ''NIVEL CURE .OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, . DIMNESS, ,DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. • OF THE HEAL: T, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF $ALT .RHEUM THE• STOMAL :. HEARTBURN;. •- DRYNESS HEADACHE- OF THE Sar, • Aetd every species of disease ar-tsln ''ftin dlaordered:UVER, KIDNEYS, 80M&14 ROWELS OR • 81.000, . 1I B .t & goof oK+ • t. •r r> - • •