HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-04-18, Page 5- . . • BULL FOR SERVICE, 11•••••••.•mm....• 1079,3, JUPITER 3•' IT ILL STAND FOR COWS - THIS V Season,at Lot oft, Con 1, lounalap of -Kinross, Jupiter was bred bydolinsoii Harris- 'We Wet, (Ju. (Jo. Halton. Got by Jupi- ter 8,76(i - liank!loretice, . vpi 6-416 By iniperial Prince- -6410--- -g. tl (len' - of the Nleacteav got by Ontario Duke --1888- gr g d • tatrawberry ivy Riifw 43, Valentine by fokest: rl'hora--• 349 -May Day *by Young White ---82:1-- Lady Janetimp) by Sir NATalter- by a. son ttf Mr. Booth's. g dun 'Terry -I" _ WEars Nsltvz Alia) bitAIS-TikeAT- 411.197)..1-13r.it•weherry (5(17) by, a son, if comet It F:+17:-, a guaranteed 8 pecific for' -Hysteria, •.,135i'-?). See Herd Bonk. Terras--41.80. Co:ws Dlz.ziness, Convuleione, Fits, .Nervons Igenr- holiat be returned -if requieed throughout the aisle, headache, Nervous riistration,e,aused •••••••• eat 0. AS.A000..k•oime. rirky Stock: is 1104i full 'an co ple‘eVair Link 011Y--G9061:GlIOCERIES-, CROC[ERY,BOOTSi be oid.- at prices to 'compete with seaso•- _ . . - . - .- , by use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefailnaos- vl-s, . ... IIITall AtoK.A.Yrop. Mental Depressien, Softenini of the e ram A .. • • • • restating in Insanity and leading' to niiseeYi An U -ti protected Farrii fy-,--- -.... . decay _and dtathiPTem.ature ild-age, Barren. „ Is one that has not' that valuahle remedy, es, Loss of rower in either sex, Involuntarit 1,r4gYll'ill: Y€11(jw ?II' -.11Tia.,Ille inlilie -,inr .:8'''. exertion of the Brain, self-abiiie or -over in ; Losses and Apermatorrta, cause by over- ients arm ernetaaatncles.. at tures coltis,cru b: . s,}re throat, deittness,. rheumatism, neural,..,*, :dulgenee. 'One box will cure. recent case. .,vbahialus, butus,, brelee3 and aii p#inful Each box cobtains one month's treatment. •. hinnies. - . , • - One dollar a -box_ or six boies fin- fiVt dollars; ,, . ,• it is Natural-, . . -- ..- -sent by mail prepai4 on receipt of price W•e . .. . . • guarantee six boxes to elite a* ease. • With _ . „ Tt is natural for some wople •10 be bilious, i each order received by .tla for six boxes, ae.= beit g often the iesult of peculiar. bilions fetal- cornpanied wsth five &Hats vei Will Send the 4P • . • •- • . yieratoent, winch -with high living, tot!, greasy's pnrchaiier our written gillitantee to rettind the" . . . _ .„ vabgestion from inacitive liver, is the modey ifthetreatment dOesn'At effect a cure.- .. frequent eattse- 'Tbe i ernedy, above -all otheia. Gil rantees issued only by JOHN il: VESTis Burdock Blood Bitters. It is highly cura- &On., Sole -proprietors, .81 aria -83- 14.1.ug St- ' tiv.e-for ail biliary complaidnts, antar better Edst, Toronto, Amt.; G. W. BerrY.deuggist, "• than iihY:,,ie, for. inai:tive tonditiona of the LnektioNV.- 7 LoweIs.• , - , =• - •A Elad 0-asi of Stokiiatio rt,i To starve the lungs by, a lack of vital_food .eontained in pure air. If the lungs are oh - ablated colds, remove the at:coin-I-dated. i aiblegnt th that safe -and pleasant throat and lan'a-. rentedy, 4agyard's Pectoral Balsam. • , •. NrxicHis, ; Ile -pairing INDS Or JEWELERY Ompti7.- canipbell-et, -Lane know - iz -nu- wili pi: \Ali() bont;lii at -the N;),--o0.41.-be cheap salesno.aci at- ri son -p)_ ti b iiistaric-ci they 'paid as much as '15c._ per vart nor ,t itiu I sell the Same.goods for. 5 REWARD.- 01'7%/te-vilil pay -above reward for any case at Liver ComPl t,i Dyspepsia, • Sick Head- , the.. Indigeatio ,,TlYnnstipation or•CoatiVeneiS• .•we cannot enre West'sVegetabId 1;i•rer when- the ,1,...1.!ectAoiis are.strictlycoMplied .„N‘7th-. -They ar4,,pirely.Vegetable and never fail to give satispction, StigarCeated. Lazge Boxes, eontAtelitig 3'1 pilla.;24 cents.; 'For .saIe -by a,' Idraggiatql Beware of counterfeit= and itati6 n s. .11t0:4enuit:e--ti,inufectured only bit Jo.ffisr c. wtssT 4, CO., -81 and 83, King St. East,.Terentit W.- Berry; druggist, _Lu cknoW. . A RN • ••• tali -Special inducementswillbegivento buYers of lqkse lnts, ! - parties indebted by note or b9-1-11vadamillt47,4reclue A to on or .before APril'ist aud.pay or arra*. Compliance.*i his r.1i est wi i !save- costs, • The un sortable conduct of many who leaYe accountw lirtipaitd 2 Ig• and then_run after every cry of wOCUS Cost Sor iiAI iik$41,fra • coni adopt this course. .ifellsobe Salt Rhenni Cured. . - Are you troubled 'whit Salt liheum, P,,,iugh ..., • 4:in Pini-ples or Canker Sores, if so gi) at -wee to Iltiru`a Drug Store aud get a. package - ...T7 _th.(4(fg-or As Pukes earboIPtlerate.- Price ttwe-ent3,---five cents. ' It - was 'Pavel knaWn td. - • , .. . - 7 • . , . Reerreuror's SPegit'i); rturit,-- , yroto the many remarkable cures wrought-Elabr,acing -..6.-,. number of -- . ' T I144T-; Nic(lreg`); Speedy clu'e fi'is DYs- 1 - *-1 ' 1 -• v'll b IA t- 1 la ii.ia, indieeitiiiii; Constipation and „Area- ' N% n.c. i .1 1 . 8 so a ti 11 ef the 4..i.Ver-and front the hi:intense- stile ' suit 'Customers. :I" w , j- Wishes to call the attel tion- of the Public to his EW AND CaMPLE BOOTS AND, S E: :StOOK HOES 1 •.r.:inttacted- for -manner . and - k ep pnlhand luinber.... t The subsc bile in gen _execute all. rior: Style. et' hereby notifies the that he prepared ork in his line in a mu- itwitholt ant,- advatrtisiag; we have Con - fed to- pia.ee it -extensively on the market, - ;74 tliat tivAse litho ,-,uffer mat have a peffeet ti lierry"e drug store and -get ft bottle free, of- the -reRular stAe fnr fifty- , _vents' and (me oottar. .„„ Prites -to uld re- quest buyers looking.,fr..• the finer g•et.m_ls to (live me. a 'Lath • .„ . • Milli ei LIghtiling - - befatTurenotng eis where. .. 4 , . - Unt4 TY CUthaelle " and Neuralgia -ttiriAt aS . • . d Esh:relieva4 any -pain instantly,-tbe cheap- --,:it -allft 4ilajekeRt- --31.1,141foatiim killiwn, Why sltfie•r 1,Vir,11 tinYthaehe. • neniadgia; headache, • - 'f-k•:..-7turnat,i,:m5...ltinibziga. scia tiea, woe throat or ;Leett*- traiRS of any kiad- when you can go to ry's ti -ng store and get ' a. perfeet and in, T...ti.ntalleous Cure for Me/ay live eentia Ask . tor )-"luitt Lightning.. , .i . - :These are Solid Facts. Tile bast blood piirifier and syhtem.regulat or over placed within the reit-4h of suffering hnt4aefty, truly rs Electric_ Bitters Inactiy- * Of the Liver, Biliousness, Jaundice, Con- AVeak Itidneys, or any disease of the nrienry organs, or whoever requieman 4:t.PPetiz-r, tonic:, or nal& -stimulant, will al -- ways find Electric Bitters ,th-e. best and only ertnin eine known. They act surely -and evvry bottle :guaranteed to give -exp ;tire satisfaction or •nioney refunded. Sold. at _• cent's: a bottle by G. W:Berry,Druggist. A 'Startling' • Oise overy. Mr. Wm. Johnston,. of Huron, Dak.,writes - :that his wife had been troubled with acute - Broochitis'for many years, and that .all reme- - dies -tried gave no permanent relief, mitil he prothwed a bottle of .Dr. Kim/8 New. Discov- try:- for tionsuraption, Coughs and Colds, - . had Iv niagical effect, and produced i;ermanent Core. It is guaranteed to cure all • tiis;ga:.ea Throat,_ Lungs, or Bronchial rithes. Trial Bottles free at Berry's drug •store77-Larfic; stie $1; • • Ail End to Bone.Sernping; EdrdsheiAt'erit," -of -Harrisburg, says': Haying received :RO 1411E11-behefit from fv.el my duty to let Suffer- --ipg humanity know it.. Have had a -running sore on my leg for eight years, my elnctors t4I met would have to ha:Ye-the bone scraped or.leg amputated. I used-, instead, three.. bottlea of Illeeiric Bitters; RIM !even boxes fluckleies Arnica Salve, and. my leg is no So.nnd and well." Electric Bitters are sold at fiftycenta bottle and Bueklen's Arnica Save atgili cents per box by G. W. Berry.. - , :CUSTOM WORK A QP CIALTY. tar---'tggS taken in exhange for Goods ,. •,, _ I NOTICE. r . rintNDEN,S WILL BF RE MINTED 13Y 1 • _1 the Undersigned for the -b aiding of an Hotel at-HolyrOod, up to the - Fl RST DAY or M AY N EXT. .41.Wa EINDS. cl finished in the latest .1 peat Satisfaction. latge stock of „leason- kinds of • Plans- and specifiektions -can b seen -at John , -Purvis!, Holyrood, or at -iraY e. - • 531 — •PETER oRRIGAN. 11,00138:,-.„ 7 AND., BLICrDS 0 halid or • edtPi :1111. flaving .added_htrgeiy- to his already 'Extensive • Stock o prepared to furnish everything.reTqui'red by This de to order' at short •._ nte:e, good work as 1 the. -best of,. ,Workmen &raw ART. a 22nd; 1882, L ckhow, .1., • A.Renr Amble Eseape4 Mary -A. ailey,:of Tenicharinock,ra.. vt‘ afflicted. for years with: A.Sthma and ditri 1Which •-tiirie the best phyL siqams could giv -Aio relief. Her dile 'WAS de- spaired of, Until last October she pi ocu red a -bottle ot Dr. gtg'.s NeW. Discovery, when iminediate- did pias felt, and by Continuing . itskse for thork,.._-4 tithe -she' was completely cured, izaining inOes1,50-lbs. in a feW„ months, Fiiee trial bottlet .1,c)f this 'certain cure for all Throat and 1.untiDiseasee Berry.'s Drug Store. - -Large b les $1. . • • • rars, Sept, - • - WiThChUrchill -& teits of the inn o9mnlicated seYerestf been -fiotibled with Cata -rh for the eases We could fi we feel justified inoffering $1 . Having the titkOst eonfiden-ce in Ite,Eamerit. )1ty.oiier allot rs,.and after thousandi • et -• _ - -to forfeit One T i:nusand Dollars for any case past two years. Your ountain of. . of cdughs, colds ',re throat influenza,ho rse- Halth as recoinmended to me by.- ness,bronchitis,. umption in its early stage Mi.. Lindsay of thiS pla e. .After whooping coughe d a 1 diseases of thc. throat - • and tithina for vehteh w.e.onlY using -one aid a half bottl s symp- la'Ain relief. 't e can cure vv ith.:Wrest's , tons of Cgtarrh have disap eared., and - COlugh Syrup, w. taken according to dire,e-. my health is so nnich.- impr ved-thats .i tio s. Sample res.35. alai riff cents; large .. • pe tlea tine do1107, Genuin e - wrappers only have gained several pounds in flesh. - in blue:- Siild b ' It druggists or Sent by ex - .• I am yours truly, .. . - press on'teceilt rprice- ' JOHN C.' WEST 0 Vo., 81 and 13:3--. King .St. East. Toronto, Wm.: LATI_B. IERT ' . &flt, C. W. Be druguist, Lucknow. .• ,. aseimascissmeereasmemeinga WHITECHURGH. Fran& .64p2/ Carr apondenta, enzie,- hag sold • his houe and lot t Mr. IL D. Henderson:and he his removed . to- the township' of Itattiami. Campb-411 of this place has erected a large itud.comModious build- ing for the purpbse*of keeping:. on hand large supply: of agricultural- wents. - Messrs..Donaid.and George-. Maein- tosh lift for Dakota on -Monday last takingwith' them horses and iniple- _ utents necessary -to start fartning.;The - form,er having *been Out there and taken up land. '• - life -are o learn that Mr. H. Ilendersc Ilierchant, who has 1 Len Rufferinfr from a severe attack of • . . bronchitis. is recovering and will !obit: - be lible to attend to his duties as usual. ..•••••••••• PUBLIC NOTICE, A LL PAR'RIES ARE HEREBY CAII- ..4111.. tinned against negotiating- a promissory - note made by...me in favor Thos. - Lawrence kt Ota.for $1-1 and dated on or abent the 14th . of March last. alai have not received value for the same.. • GEORGE HARRIS,- Ashfield. The public are aIso further notified not to acceitt emy promissoty notes made, out on the • 'printed forms of Thos. Lawrence & Co., as they do notallow them:fine to be sold by agents TLHO,LAWItENCE 4 CO.; ▪ n- Lucknavt.P;*0. ...r.mairIlscotrozaral&ar...I11413.3 . B.ENEFIT 1V1 SUFFERING_ Mrs. deo.. M. Franklin, 63 Hinter street. Hamilton, Ont, suffep*-frorn torpld. - liver, corigested lcidneys, uleeraf'onand falling Of Ili., womb, lamed. cp-,-paan.. thc left bide, twrt of the heart, dyspepsia and atarrh., She corn small- of back and between Sh011li L8FS; -narropsnes and biliOusness; pain overkidheys. heahlache and cal* • • 18;78. feet; to sleep on the- left side; back very weak,- feeling "as if there.was l'atload against it " in the morning; ached from of back to kneed; . often. felt as if her heart•wortItlistop and asif slfe. would smother. Had -also everyl symptom -of female weakness.-.. A fter her_ case,hadi been abandcined as• hopeless byseveral physicians she toek treatnrnt Of -the Drs. IC.' K., who speedily CUBED her, She t' fiieti of my cast.' oi says:s t er s.61{)yDenve4ftitliiirthingy suiftbeerinrig "- 7 C le• r. "0 LIFEIROKS eb..Z1r.l. D. Boardman, Eviitor of the IF'etersburgh (WO .11 Maletin, says: " iNlyhealth having- becomo undermined _ When fighting, forlhe Uni�IL,:1 was attacked_in 79 by. CORT sitniption in its worst fern'. :I ihad. severe pains in the left !. breast, a dryluicking cough; I - right sweats, daily fe- ere and frequent violent bleeding from the lungs.; also suf- feredfroin indigestion, heart 4isease and general debility. eAut was greatly emaciated. In '81 I"was tole thael- lutist coon die by_ all the- local ysjcians and- in despair e,..pplied to Drs. K. it K. I 3 ': was then a complete wrec. Their first month's treat- ,i1, Tient set Ine on. -my feet; in It Cour months I-wasCurcd. am now iris' goad health, life . Woks bright to ma, I bid fair, ter nee 'ard work for years; tut& I owe! all this to Drs. K, phAT HARD, SOLID WORK. Garrison Shedd, of North Buxton, Ont., was operated on for fistula in December, 1884 by.,the Drs: K. & His 'recovery was compiti:a and rapid: In, Nevember, • 1883, he wrote:-..-, areper- Manently cured -of the fistula far- which you treated me; andhave been at hard, solid it. ..,. ‘4.. • putt ard*a', WcW, • ,VAIRi!SHES, AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWE Also guttering in -Tint Zinc, or Galvanized Iron) Cistern. Pur45 Eavet o ghmg in Tin of Galvanized Iron Water Lime for Cisternt and in eveiy krticit required in the Building Line I furnish at -my store ai-Bortw. I'liceS.,5 •Tr' - Parties intending;to-build:this seasonwillfind - it to their vanta • • • .and_see my ,Stock before.purchasing their supplies,: • • - IN T1NWARg I f i' - , - . - • 1 • • . t , 1 I Iliilt* SI% 4: large andwellasso*ted.stoCkWhiCh-I will.111.44: 'AS. . tite,Cheapest. .Eavetrotighinj,r,' a. Specialtyl-• Repairing d4c•;:- iiith... , and despatch! - ,. ,,. • .7. - - • In: Stoves I have a large Assortment of •• ap • atnesi ook,ParIor an . • Which will be sold at Low Prices. Ilaving. had L4lortg,ezipr7pice in this 14ne of business, 1 think I can Supply the Wants of the 1 public -cy=i-lout earof sjp: positiori. Small profits and quick returns -is my motto!. • ' While returning My sincere thanks to.the public for their in the past, I hope for a continuance of the same in, future. f ;V. 1884 .. .„ . . fp A V.VAL.11141G- ADVP1TISEMEN - ...Nisi Hattie Cameron, a sae -0 teacher of KeillPhille* Oat4:. Suff. -for: 7 threo years from a most annoying and painful eruption on'her t.,64*-4nd . e. 1:T:n-. ableto obtain relief at home she toolareatment of.the Dix: K. skil.:,," 'Shot 'iv- ys:- • : -"In April; 180:3, -1. comitiencedqi':_`aa ,tment - "ha was :1882.: '. sow entirely cured: I havo been se - 81, • - for everyone the ht my fo.ce-WOVs*ilt for, '1 3 - moat for Drs. K. IC. K..sincLIponra7; : ed to .ftto,1 1.rove :1 - ,. . - • -' EquitLED.ItY No5T .S.CAM,4"fmtiertiONS.* "Fer 9' ' Mrs. A. H. Skillin, Ames, Ourai)„t!0„ tolori* had . -': beTleatet4:1;b1,Y•lly-ater ccetmlipitilinnteltienksucogiftale4la'Otli y'efilallk:il-d-t;41e°aSned: . *for large b4i- As on Or fleck, ":1 blotches 34 pirq4pIef, oil her 1.1 - isahcee,suff- ati.e...„4,„ ii..70'noilite,rianeyllitrnodriln.' chills an.(':'..reyer, li ' Mum, I weak bii.,,,a14:- sleep ness, costivent.-4,0 catarrhal dis- charge. ftT--i-in the ndse and throat; 11etache .and -either. IrW6EarTFSrilisat‘fil As lonpgq167illesd sire ms 1 re- gardedli&Af as intirable, e, , but was poOtided lit:',4friends - to 1 • to try the:.1A".A. K. & K. ' She • p wrote in t:',47;lerober 141: -"I fili am -'at- 10* ikell andketiiing. ll . and ihanp„,-OrS. 1E4 IC The . i the wonde.,,tfiii benefit I nave I raceionsltedalaeZtzlilee eeaq-pwilee,ttaton'Insr. 1!. and I feeV,recstgratetni for ; 11,receiyed,14,e,:;.'-f . 1; f;14"tr'' 14s: t, : • c..= rc: w 8 — .0 0134,, W d 11-11",c1 W 2ct. co ra fr vsi Ott Stirgiqa 4:44). oaf 14%. -, 4 •-.. \ ..„ • --,<,,,,,, -.:,.• ..,‘,0,.: .•.--44.-.-;*,-.., ,,,,,.., -,, . , ..t..-. ,,,,,:-.... - • A -A ''.., •••••:;........: ..,.. --"iiLk.,>_;.,.. z.„, • i ' "tpi,V1 • , Ne II VA./lb c''' troubled . .4.91yvillif:Dy.e.'.71:11 'illible.altz;L: ,. erysipelet* conclitioi. of the blooCaomplicated -sith - I • s.--. al. igestiaccOid alight febuale - s 1 a aknesal.:4 Ighe iid ilull, a 0 1 eavy pK1fr;:. after pating, 1 t -a- 00 : wbee01,1chedwtAx...,000,„".stareczeti teal 0 0 " tt• .0 :is ttcnight,e,ac-h4•1 a uet0 Itrii. i ooff backtheskit othe ti wnas ' ve7.. 1,1 Afterone,-,,:iolth's trC-atilaent NM ' • It111••• . SURCRONG OF TR1S ..................•••••• .....L...., -........•••••r-•••••••••• . ...0., ...It wilVi.lethtebl4igt,t, .F.I Atti usheite , Famous Association ' , - ' . .•AT ?: Dila CZITOW, OITTI..imj caon7S11 omsuLTED medicinoit iFildodg004'1:0ieYatirbisti°11hular ,teI: I HOTEL,TIII' our .- feel Its good effects 000d A It ;I ,,•<, g- thank. Ihiid good Leor send • '0 - * ua waco.t.b,i1ESDAY NExT; APRIL 23RD. I Finch_goodoctors ,' lusty Yo Ye WO . . OR i from tkOffects of exposurer OLD Turn and YOUNG MEN -suffering from the results excessand •indiscretion,. - -* r A MINTS whose- 'children inherit suffethx...; ie.n t‘iiii, • s ic.A.L;;Ixv,1 p_OCUliar to sex; MEN suffering r - long -oti the earth to lgood.;',' . Send three two-cenNitansps-i6 a scroftllus predisposition; those of -111 Ages and Both Sexetwho suffer from any Wit.avrzr, suraptiVAA Nervous or Rheumatic CoMplaint, should consult them. !. ' : Chronicc,L1-,isease, from deformity of any. description or from any Cancerous, COlk• MICR: T. 0 DRS: DETROI . tr, :r:haatglx:so:1,•areR, re.400YOU:ki*Iite fritel 'communications areemfidential. - • : . Space doesinot permit the publication of ttiAnumerable instandes-of Cures performed by the Association. The followlintare all We have rooni to give: .., .31 -yrs. Adelaide McGill, wit% of _the Man ql:Tlotthepiltarici Bank, Bownw_lviue. Ont., pervousdebility,teartdisease and°0.02ALE WEAINES& (TEM. Wea, Wm. lienetaat a OTHEE,..,REFER,.TEI,PEs Farintniron,:Mich.: general debili , DIZON kIAL atid LUNG DISEASE CUND, Xrli. R. Cook, Romer, Rich., DYSPEPSIA CURED.- Win. Wee, Avon, Ont.,c4e,tight _restored-, BY ri4a1RA*. w'ves' AKAIThilitSIS VVIIED: Mr& Fred-. SWAM, Mich., texas's. weekneseand GENERADNERVOUS DEBUSTI MM. Xri. Geo: Menfare Detroit, Ovadtrzl'eirsier Remand. . , ----HieTi T-.; .1111T TO TIJE Mr.EI land Co; 1 • • ME ISSOCIATIW, f.. - • frl 4, rCor. Michigan Avenue el , _ , 1 .. . t work most a the season.” - t - AS BRISK- AS _A. BEE. Dirs. s. Finnie, Oshawa, Ontario Co. Ont., 66 years oldprevious to Sept lad had considered her -1seases-Rheuma- tismandPrurigo-incurable. After one month's treatment by the Drs. K. St K., -- she writes: "My disease is..qpire gone and so are the wandering 'panne= in my limbs. I am as briSit as a bee and feel. better than I have in ten yeara.!, • "'fft BUILDING, Grisweld St., Detroit I OR VRITE To DE& X.* K. kiaorT 'President and Medical.Supt„ JOHN D. KEEGAN; Me V14:0 -President, FrailE13 $Ittrit, 11.p. Treasurer, HON.. MOMS W JIrzD.„ • Secret -ax, WILLIAM*. XERO.84.. ' 41 .4. .••••!•.010‘ • F