HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-04-18, Page 4t . *schism offset[ 3 E -' xYf; L:ie �''T7 To IITTFR ANht Ao kRGUH PRE£LY . 1)3 rj\GTO THS:DiCT.TE 1►co. satitNCEjC]�i P.STZg: 80vE A ta. oTtie•A LIBERTIES.- • LOGNAL Peon .our a ai Ccs teond nt. The hiirable mic � in ,which the .young ideas of t S.. sec are -taught -how' to shoot has 'been nd .erect alittle more: dignified th addition . of Mr. Jas.' L. Grant; 6, and pushiun. saw-liiillle thirty fiv. -horse . powek :r itll. The engine • whi the Kincardine found latest iniprovenien.ts -and the tilt/is/rand:wor. decided Et to the sit?' it -Was ISstied. Once again has the, his 'rider visited our-, col . office agai> we _find - it k f uty to• adcl another to :,hose w ho.:have passed �rltti:a.ih ill swha -0Pver.,fo - , I ill it Comes or cliosoever it t : es -is I wa s g•Viiiieesse Shore -Atria Butt. ge-YOVNG FARMER OR SERVICE TO A T.IMITED namber J' of 'cows thisseason, at Lot 17, Con. 12, w.Wawatosh. Terms for the season -Grad 7$2.00 ; Thoroughbreds $8:00 . • PYDI48EY- "Young .Farmer" 703—: dark red, calved April-'l.2th, .1882, bred by H. Snell & ;Som Clinton, Ont.' Got by Piince of Seabaw 2 Dam—Maud by Ozfo rd Butterfly - 383--; Princess Alice by 3rd. Eatt-of Geod.- ; Lady Lorne by..Diaie Duke 3847:-.;-; Uillifltwer by Duke of- Bourbon,. 5546,.; Theresa by Baron •:.-S,lway, 6432, Strawberry by (obdeu (13 70): Red Rose, .fry Young Briton (-14756), Lady Jane Glop) by 'Sir Walter (2639) a• son of Booth's Jerry ( Young Star (010).;. Roseberry : (567) a sots of Coiner(1.55). "Prince of Seaham" pg "Princess": Brill was -..imported by Col, Taylor,,of London-; for: service in his.celebrat ed Princess herd. EDW'_' St. e1ena=`P..4; TEW SST -.1eCterprising, has put a iiew- enaein his vas built in lots all the appliances iansh p are`a ., from, «h;ih. le herse and slum'( ; . and lir n ournful' elong list of et to: theins - a Sad event but if dere: is a time +`hen it isr articularly ineianch )lv than ariozlr --mother is° udcleiily. al? snatched :from the hose; U Tuesday ev=ening, ls� : J. CI Svii.e Cyt i ':' Dab i i.L. of, As'rfield, quietly and. the babe to whom birthtaut an iioui.•c)r tw• fever to Iiirow a ino mother s care The svt - entire co niuiity is and family -of three aids i_ieir irreparable low snails sof tie .. fond r ere i itc�a i ed iii theLocl: • L tin. TliuT sc v Che•rrj_Grove . sad: e is When, `a iunex ected ; f:her_faiuily; hist , the' be- Boss, 12-th= ;aased =away; e- had given previo sly is. S 10 sora pathy of the., Air. Ross child-reni le mortal re= and mother: 1. lV`O 'ICE ti j` RI'�TG ENTIRELY DISPOSED' OF their : furniture business to Messrs. Hoey Miller, •we take =this opportunity' of. demandin a settlement -either by cash or note -of all ottstandingaCconrits by the IOth-of May - next.. iynext _ After *A dalcost will be -loft on vithoii ft ince..: ;The boobs in the meant a Can tioe seen with.;Mr. A. Lavison. -CH1.49.. HOOD & CO Fon T ETA . S. IL -LOTS 20 .. J D • .2, IN the 1st co cession o( Kinloss, situated 4 miles -from Lucknonv, : 1 1 from W hitt i .LudIrn,r6Ni March -26th, 1 s :c6ureh, and 7 front - EiTiagham, consisting Of. 1Ott acres 7{) a . , 7 Cres .c.eaart�d; nf; Which 'nine =r_ _ acres ,re under tali wheat, balance hardwood ; `• bush."—... A neer-failing :wine {creek runs -- .through the fariia:: A.., o.,d ;brisk -yard and '_--- lfric iLteachine on the riStatiSes. God frame. : Baru and sta'±les. with,irig Louse. 'For. further .� Si `i' rtictiL s apply t+►' AX DREW McWILT.tAMS, \v;kriteeh -,;h: P. O 't oo l Kysen wind J " ' an Tea f r G3 apTa 6 1l`nt .Canned Apples for , ... iP Merle Tweed Suits for.,. , . Muss aiicl-l3 -s*' Feats for.., • 13oy Felt Hat worth $ i frit , •, , t;+ t • '1I ells Felt Iiat worth t 2 for, ` .... : 3, e s ti) E -r f .P.mninau is of Dr{mss (gods a:. COSI. cr Prints �' 411 `• , sc Tweeds - . „IN THE :11K 11-(©URT:OF •J STZGE, CIIANCERY. DIS ISI.Ct? RE PERCY. `. S'1(. V ART S: PERCY,; : Cat �rcl� off' Onions, Dutel Setts, �`11,;�1i� 1 anal clian . Potato Onic,ii , and .E knot• Seeds, o. 1 L,^,ri 14. olt l eztriitj at 1 . UrftSLANT TO-d-'tiiGEMf'NaT' t;:afcl by public auction with -the ai,',rohati•,n of •meq � f floss Islt cetrietert 'order:made in" -this cause ther=e -tri11• be QT: -4 .T 1 LY EZ_tan it T IO 7, O Wm - M,L, a'n - F- uire, the -311 ter.o honorable (:ourt at %S alkerton c of a at the hourof-t o u d��k in the a �.. ` dal • • ac • -ay, 8 *e _#til a inn Is th result • ,fternotha at- �=iritteh c analisation hc1 in the' above . s=_-hoo• durst, o• the last -.�t of f atoll, WHlTELY'S HOTEL ' in the Village rf Lucknoa-;by YeterUgiriiati -ti FIFTH CLASS. -1st, -I, altle E. John,.Esquire, A.uc;ti',tiier, ;he -tollowiuu..;r operty atoll : '`llid Clara J. Fin • • Fotfnrt,.-(1-etterai pi • 1 - uau;eIy,.: the mouth half-' w1 the sO4th., half u- cency--1st,. ,iioran Arithme- ci; LialP �f:: d spelling the north half of .Block F, situate ntt•Stanife street its she said Villne of Luc t taw, 'cow = =large A.:t Blake ; 2rid;• oh Moran taining three-quarters of an-:aere more or less. There are erected cur the said land a large' �.'rd, LizzieL M E. Finlan ,, two storey: fixthe hotel. with shells and hall' ti'ic-1st- - hn Moran.;" e attached,. known OA t12 . lval and 'Zi.. Findlay . Graininar also a large frame barn 1n.good repair._' t st,_Beatrice : V. Fiiilav . 9nd Sarah_ ' The;: preoper'y, is situatied c,n; the • northern` : . - .: . ?- gravel,:road leadingmita :the said Village . of 'S. Ashley Geogra liy .; .nd literature• aet P Lucktic�w; and s.� ell srt+rated antiptedfor —1st, Lizzie Finlay-; _ . Maggie A. a _Farmers' Hotel: Blake. • 'History andgiene-1st; TERMS OF SALE .: laggie A. uBlake 2nd; rah Ashley,- Improvement .in writii—1st,:Beat n•icec V. Fin lay .-2nd: A :;iia R: Reed.. SEN.,D P — 4 . rith m e t is 6- r aitstaii 2nd. - Jon ntia ztrian and :Wm. H. Mickley. .:Grog'"filaraiid get - : 'Die. Vt:ndoris n.'t tol,e bound tojproduceor �: i furnish any titl-q dem . graplty-1st;. Win. Grp gran • pit{l , a straots,.ar either e�- There .will he a reserved bid fixed --by - the said Master i'he purchaser Will st the; tiui of sale pay down a depotrit often per csent.: t th-V e endo a Solicitor r . airid . the. batane:e� iraLo Ue utt in: one:amoutb thereft to without--in.ttar est when.the pt rcha r will be ent.tled to pos- session. , • clefs"e-o Samuel J Milpatrick. ; pec': lf..cIaas f trtl The property -w l -be sorra free �, - a , ; rano ' ltdGeorge Cranataii ' Cal ad jots ..tat .other _respects the'conditions o lit (geography-=lst.. Joni 1 Lauiiazi b fi'story liE•glene•aatail spel -1st Geo.` (14 standing conditiuias. "of. tli' .. toanna 3itniin lir- E9ir fu_. L . infnruia.tiop. a i . star' r _211d, Win: C lista � Thomas .1)i on, •.Duui.re . Sul cite Walker- � , - - -�- '. Cucery. S�rdristan Incl- provenieut In --w ug—i Geo. Crate , f,{,scombe Esquire Snlicite p Y ., of "incuru E sale will ,Court of NV. c incardine, JUN.. 31;p —Arlt nieii tun; cis• to the Plaintiffs S„lie itis,, ' Liicknow. ---lit, Cal 'brine Blake.; Cannan: •3''ana 1ian: hist .and geography -1st, Cat ' 2nd, Joanna Clare. Ira °writing---lst, Joanna (Catherine Blake SEcoND let,: Joseph ,.Anson: Finlay. 2ND PART.—fist,..Dav .5 Kilpat- rick ; 2nd;: James. N. Grp u. -: And s 4iid, 'Michael gl_amni'ar { rfne Blake; .ovenient in Aare ; _ 2nd oran 2n., MONTHLY BFPO The following is .the- aboye� school for. the 'non -It is based on attudance -conduct, and work-, of. the names appeair in order of l s FIFTH.. 6 -Lass,—;.. -Lot ti >: Clara .Heller, FOTURT I-Mafrgie B1! F%play; - Sara-' Ashley SEN. 3RD.—Joanna L -,othy Ashley George Ora JUN. 3RD=Catheriin� Clare, .Sophia-Kickleyi SECOND. -Anson "Fn .Take, Michael Griffin. 2ND. P.L —Wm. -Richard Ki } :. PaaT.--phos. Y B •Make,. .ggie Ma„a le The best ;4pe1ers in impelling:: matcthes were ;-=- 'Beatrice Finlaywino , .1 ;, Col e ;• junior third; (�,th Anson Finlay.; David liilparicL.` Dated: this .seventh "day of April, A..U.1884. LL!AIY! A. McLEAti Master at Walkerton. ELLIOT TRAVER, - Plaintiff's Solicitor, Lutknnw. GREAT. -S ALE -C 111- Ladiesbosure and reaI•this Tou NOW IS THE TIME • DAM THOMPSON begti : ;-ave to L . thank the inhabitants is suck now .and sure `{F ounclin t;ount� : �r the. ,I. a F l bera,l . patronage e best w P b bestowed: d °� him during the last two - years, a;� riches a continuance of his old eusto-` a Vis and a. --fair s bare of the neer, as �l f a in -::a better position than ever to s : Iy -the wants; of the : public. • He. a s has - ori ha v d. a 'stock --of . PagOis & B ic$ of r ple r ad 1al sot mr .e ndtbemofthei;. SCOT H .DiA CND HA which', he always has on han Zee: 3a,niecl WS, are made f the very -Best materia ' r Par- ties. wanting anything in this!' will do well to give him a call and.rices before'pur-chasing elsewhere. lar: attention paid to n 3 • ALL KINDS OF HORSE S . *!NC flan feet : contractions and int, ring. By strict attention to busin ,good workmanship and ernployin ; thing but good workmen, I ." trust ( retain the the patronage kindly, extend o me. i ALSO DEFY COMPETITI . 4 ; - ADAM THON, P h ,, Campbell Street". opposite the 3"- ank :Lareknnw May 15th. 1 R83 ,. Ladies of Li- ek o.w and i-cii t showing gue in RESSCOOEg. FRO f -pLES:s.- CAP.. .. Al - �II��TIMa; 0 consider it any. sho�r them• y • • TO FURNISH YOj,*R HOUSE z0ay r of have a;ch an o por port :of the t_'.iii. again.. • t . of �Iarcli, F E Z?\ D I RSIGNFD, having - leased uiiotuality; � the ware remit. snit :bought ort afull.. 11tuc1. of.furniture f '11 roni a res • upi° The t' EY, �► i s tit Johnston; - e, . Lizzie. IrianDpr-. Joanna blhtthew David ck Annie le.m hanthl y surds ird, Crecia. nt. Blake su1l putt, Maunfrietrirera.here, at. less than wh l sae sat1G: prices,- and having no high treil ht: o pay,. is. pi:enared to -sell the same at PlicesTllitsu, 'I'hisls noeattchpennysalila, butaGENUINE OFFER. I iui°dete5rurined not' `to he sold by anynne.� • • rr. (.'n:11 and examine prices and :quality. of -t • goods. lCemeznber I -fully 'guarantee etery article :4414. - _ - ... . 1 have-aJsn'made r►rra'ngernents. i.r.herfbr 1 Yat' take in. exchange. any quantity of J.timher, also farm proditee. etc. •I : hay.e on _hand.. a. is►t - of `toe C lebrat. mri Winderth spring beds and - have f the sole right for the cc'u�ity. '1`boa e: _ spriiiga took the • bronze. medal at:,this . Pt Vines ►i:.. fair over all . others, and as they are made right here I. Can offer thesis as. cheap. as any _,'f • the cHL.mun springs in the trade :Also woven wire : haat- - treses 215 per cent. eheapes than. they -Can be bright in l:nckne w. (ha►irs:`nf all description and in fact verythi,ig. ui thy line. Heena- ber the t l.ic udj�.:inibg tlie. :factory.. o osit e the(; - by wleitu u.ti'' re � _. ti l . 8.. is e. �- W; N. JOHNSTON. L(wknow„ Feb.:13th, .I tet,. ti�p3 MUNN &,,CO., off "the St imsTiric AHER t , con - thine to art as Solicitors for Patents. Cav, - t -.' Trimde Marks, Ccipyrights..for the United State' -made, E land, •mance, Germany, etc.. Hand B f k about Patents sent free: Thirtyy even years' eat. enee. Patents, obtained. thrcina'li'MUNN & CO.ti'roticedw In the 9.0Frring AMERICAN, the largest .slit, and most widely circulated seient iffe paper t$.i. a year. weekly. SS�plendid engravings and inter` mg in-- /orate e��Adcopy of the Scients s y�►;'TFIC.,' Address MUNN k CO . ef, I .MFBICAN Office. 261 Broadway, New Yore •.r, - .. , i • STOVES. ` WILL CURE OR .RELIES` BILIOUSNESS, ` DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA' DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERINQ • 'JAUNDICE. i :#F THE ERYSIPELAS, . ACIDITY OF ;SALT RHEUM THE •ST% • HEARTDUR111,RYNESS HEADA_HE OF TH s4 h • And every species of disease . irisi,tcx: disord.: .f red LIVER, K,9DNEYt$, $Tt:*, BOWELS:OR BLOOD; •$ . . MILDY RN _ 131.°P141"4 • • D S 21 ap pleasiire•in nfQrzriip -the- ct-riz -'�` g ens of Lucknow and surioundin u itry - that he has opened out in the shop; 1' P s1t p formerly occupied b J Heti' PEA., � opposite the �Whitely �' � , } ppo House and is prepared � prepared to solid Coal Oil and Lam ,.. p Goods. Also-- 1\1/ LSO = 1j zi ry.thing in his ine,_at bottom pricess 'ateei f0u h 1Tr. and ,airing 1 roan tl , ittended to. g P PAn early call solicited. PANS AND DAJRY. PA IS ,S A $FECIA L Y 4