HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-04-11, Page 1-sf
'• •
0 3k -N 0 W.
fVF-ariey to. Loan at Reducee Rates o
T;oangon Mortgageaaslowar.,6 Per cent.,
• (,)--rt.ft and Cheques on all point's pasha&
)".teisl antk- enoinpt Attention paid to the
?illation Of tes, Aceuunts ?Rents, _
- --- • • - •
1-11.A.FTS P A.YABLE AT PAR -Issued
)flfl t,...),rincipalcities and townsof Cana,
d t. aut1,;(41k; tbe United States • sod, G1 eat
• • .
• this_ the Cheapest. safest, and Most
- einnvenien;tinethiur ' •
v per Centallowed oir PeDositw 1,ti tne-
• . Savings.Bank.DePartment: • .
ka.nds Iniesie-d for Private Parties,
are prepared to offer to custoniers gver
fU1tyafforciPd by a •,:lharter.ed Bank
▪ • and on equally favorableterma '
n.veyantelngift all Lts ItranelteC,
• .
Fire anti Life hisuPanee.,
J1IfE itounk.;...**07itt 9..A,31..10 4 jti -
- • - 'LUCY:N.0W,-;
-t. .
LL4.Attorneyiat-Law, Solicitor
-1 Can-Vey:MU:eft.. f&p: Office "lex
• ise"-ROst Office; Lueknow, Ont. • •
Barristers, Solicitors; tic.;
- • •
J. T• GARROlir [-WM. raoubro
oor to.
TAMES -soNIEUVriALE:.•-- .
ty • ;-•-•.oxyzy.,kiccEs.
.steneyo linen.ton Sassy Terins-on•Re
.1r4uatt:rlor. Tri,a and LQUil:COs-
• aioner in H. C. J., etc. tiney tO:
A. 4:0:aminifiev.
Et :
loin at 7 pet centt straight interest
• tor for trbe Donnnion Savings ab.
!nen.t Wociety. issuer of ina,rdage,
• - -
Q 0 f,IcaToR for Bank c;f -}iiit
:Q. C*)rniisioner, for . taking
lqatfitoba. ._ • .. - •
-F4rtn, Tolin„aud, •Village proper
Money loaned Ph' Mortgages.
. ... , „ . .
N4-o.ney inietmee.Tor private pers
the best Mortgage seemitY• • -'-
' • 'Offi6eg---2Wingham and Luc - 1
- .T.iurienCAy Qffize,. :adjoining tit
. Store. . ' .• , .
and •
its 'for
– - -
: /, -SCOTS
. • "
(Writteg for the qenti;Vi.) •
The following is a translation laA.
MeKillop, Bard of the Celtic -Society
of *Montreal, Of a Gmlic poem entitled, _Ilariesterwas well were selluiwr,. at 54
'451.arctis Lathurna." which ppear- in two payments. Just $9.0!_differenCe.
ed in the SENTINEL of, March 28th :
led into the ;prices of farm implements/ 1
.. .
'and I fond that the Deering.S5 Min;
meapolis .Harvesters were selling, there '
!last -year-at $255 in two paying*.
'while at Troy, my nearest R.R.Stati6n,
the same .Harvesters,andzthe Canadian
- •
Noble,..generous, young. is he,
Far from Brideand 'vanity, ; .
-Better, .witliout--goktto- me,
• _
Than any Prince, is Lorne.
Half the world,.if it were mine, .
A 4,-. I. 148d -sulky 'plow selling at
Pembina for $69 sold last year at Troy
for $100, The _same proportion of
difference is noticeable in theless costly
ithplementS, and I may add that in our
;Townshipthere is! only one Oanadian-
plovi in:.pite and was bontrlit at
-With the grandest. Pripoe. to gland •
- a_
Portage la Prairie before the N.T. was
• •
-,Better far by 'fair Loch- Fyne,
A heather-cot:with LOrne. ;thought of. Of course thefarmers here
. • .• . •
are -net simnosed .to be able tojudge of
What to me a kinglytower
- the -merits _of Canadian! and American
Without Lorne to distill,. the flour?. plows as well as `Sir Leonard. Tilley; -
with dower.? Would I be a Queen- and it mus be good enough for them
No! I'll marry Lot-- ne.- to pay 25 per cent. duty On American
' One of Scotia's kingly line •. implements if . tliey . don't Appreciate
Canadian manufactures which are not
Is -the 'chieftain. of Lodi- Fyne :---
sold any Cheaper, I leave your readers
- Who in rank cari 'him. outshine
Royal, highland Lorne.
ought •
•- I,
T .
commisAio'ner. 13 R, Conveyance',
Etc Etc
Invevancing in all it ara.nches.
1)eed-3,- M )rtgages,- Bonds, Agree_rcenta;
Le%Ses, tt.d.,•promptiv and carefully prepared,
- an•loorrectness guaranteed. '
t-Apecial and: prompt attention paid to the
trabiog of Titles, -and to ;la IllattOS..C.011eet;-
Art with the transfer of. Real listate:
°NEV.- TO LEND -on eitty terms of -
payment, Apply to
JOHN c 00101, Agent', Dungannon.
_ . :
• - „
-. `4- FTR,..iT-OLASS ,2flOPL.'1'.AGES at 7 tii
'kJ 74r per.ciit interest ,yearly;_
bA,ree vm
very oderate. . Apply to . •
:11•OREUT Al
• •. • •
icrefary of the West ..Waw4nosh Slutua,1
e f nsnranCe . Oompany•,nOth-ing but _f.arlli
),),irty insured, ._, Pill ties. initJtiug to Insure
t'ais.,papular ftirmersoonxpaty in. the '1,u'it'n-of .
4J1borne,, Ash.field'; East and Vet
KirrloSs.-and liartin-by
p-14it Card to Me wiLl- be- e alled on and every
-information - , - - : •
• '...10)3 11/1,TR,RAY , St .1len*R... O.
eonohiers. 'Oeiteral Office,
Grundy s S.,tore. Reeiderfees—I.)r.
•the_residence formerly occupied by
Gsimmon ; Dr, Hutchinson, the.
formerly:occupied by Dr. MacKid,
St. ,opposite the public echool..-
. •
• o NEY TO LO per.Sent.:from-
LIfiL 2 to 2Q vears„ifsts larms for sale:.
in Oat -uric) as well a Manitoba. Partiep-cle-
strolls tosellIarme„will.consuIt their interlsts
byinspectin,g the ad vertiiir fpfafAlities 04.ault-
a Tiber in Great Britain and Ir9li,sd and eon -
i nent of lands for sale. • -
-Land. Valultor,Ineku.ow "1_. Chit
'..-"YN•EY. TO- VIA•N••• ON GOOD F A.R1Sf
Puoperty at 6 andf 1-ner cent, amok:mid,-
•-ng. i..t seetxrity cfferea; T.be above witthe
1.Jane4t on any -terms to wn.it the borrower.
ro:gfespondenne -Arit3 be cheerfnlly answered
withont eitpense. • For .further- particulars
apply tat. • .
-- St. Hgans, P. O.
John &Tennant
1.'.1% •
ove I.
office—Medical Halt, Luana
Special attention to di
1.Vothen- and. Children.
.UrCalls promptly. attenc
night 6r .day. •
ses o
o by
Office - keit ci9or-toWte Parber
.A,full supply of medicines alwa30,41n hand:
Calla both night and day prompttteaded
.to. SW -Charges moderate.- •
it:t in the past, still keeps on -hand a large awl.
superior stock 4
-J11111,0M4Lip.Intiate of
.11i1186.6 . Dental Surebri has re-
moved to Wingham where he wit earn' •en
the dentrIsty business • .bpt heGw
rm his patrons tliat'lke wIi vis
on tbe first 11.konday and Tu4day's
the thirdMondaY -and Tues4ay,0
Office at Whitely's Hotel.
; twinding everything f?und. is -0 the ltirdefof a.
. • )sid housektieper., lie -unfold sliw inform the:
n !)lic , more p:Lrtic 'flatly the f artningoommilnf.
y.rat be has engagedthet.s.epitioas of a,-
ld beg-1ft).
-also on
-. ifnsurqiice 4L
LItet ttl
inor bef
of each
1-• B. IVIA-LT40.1.761f,
/4 -1)
on03 „at
:ong brath,
1VE. eets every FylciftV .evening al
Uieir 1: -hill Camphell-st.
Ally'frivifech • •
. _ - •
W. H...MILS.J't-R- Noble"Grand
A.A.. V.. W.
ant Ortiarof . United Work
thekidevolin*ii gal, on ttie see
. onday_evenings of each month
Visiting Brethren art cordially
. ten& -• -
THO.S.-14WliENCE, W. tr_.
*aster Wo':•luns.n.
o'clOik in
:Atli will curry on the A.lillinLhusinesswitit.
r-pteirssi Vigi3i; and liy turning out gooil gristal
•virck time. g,iio-increme4 ,patronftgetri)mi.,
t All kinds
• °
.3 a1_71retraeTI;d4 4altilayaPft-
-;'.-•• •
r11, BIET
4 and Aast
t 8.o!cloaks
ltedt., at-
Then, an Angry message came, , •
In the king Of Prussia's name-;;-,
"Is it not a burning Shame"
Thus td think !of Lorne 7 .
fgt. was mean,' 1 he said, it was
- And a,gains,t the kingdom's laws," -
You must wed a Prince, -because
He is only Lorne."
• • -
Thfa gi'dbuts tneeta on the Stet-
dap:like/get/7. ileuth.:.41.7-•
'Tegoet4: ELM.
•. r4t szakatfi-fx;„.
• .•'-f4-
. • .
Almost broken hearted,- I
Heard the message, heaved a -sig
And 1 told them I should die,
• .-.
Losing, fair young Lorne.....,
- Then my pious mother,- said,
." Dear Louise, be not &intik
•Gla,dstone-and Myself, will wed
- 'You to handsome -Lorne"- -
Now.,: we shall be wedded soqh--;
• Gladly-, with tny harp in tune; .
Would, I sli.oud the lioue-y-modu.
• " Roundthe world with Lorne:- „
He shall hear -nay. sweeitedt ,songs;
Charming, soothing, Qte1ic songs,
Faithful sti11, Whikof.tive prolongs.
Life, to cheer-.M•yi-Lemc•-: :
.• - "
Haying, all that -I eduld'wisb,-
.Frorn Loch Fyne.the:finest.fish,
--Game for every stiVory dish,: -
}irony. the Glens of Lorne:
Im the noble Chieftan'S wife_
Far from -sanoky {lin and Strife, •
Heathery hills and highland life,•--
HapPy. with my Lorne. -
to draw th
where a gr
in,the De
eir Own conclusions as. to
at Part of the big. surplus
Inion treasury conies from.
To the Editor. of the AS'entitel
• lpplOg over the rules
and regulations of the Spring Show, to.
be held in.LucknoW on ,the. 16th-
aS published. in -posters',..I noticed what
--I consider, errors. Ourtrule is made to
read that all taking first prizes
iniast Stan kfor: the Seasen in Lucknow.•
From this:any person- wouldinferthat
the' hopsesi receiving -first awards must
stand exclusively in Liicknow during
the,seasonL Such was not the intention
of the DilvetOrs -when those rules were
frained, as it *Was --made and ...should
have read;that. all h�rses taking : first
prizes must stand -once a week. during
the season in Liicknow!, which, I think,
is a rule which -11.6 reasonable:horseman .
can well: object to; Secondly; that
horses - _receiving second" and -third
:prizes Mint-- .travel in WawanOsh,
..A.slifield„ Kii-doss and Huron. 1, as.
:one,of the, Directors'did. not, under-• -
stand: this .rule that manner,' - I be-
lieve thatIthe arict.cOnnecting Kinloss
ant.V---Hurowthould.read.' or,' which, I
tithilc, -would be Much More agreeable
to. exhibitors; _ for: by by compelling re-
ceivers. of:. second and, third. prizes to
travel in those 'lour townships you
:bind -them even - niore - than the first-.
prize ones. : --Again, we have four Classes
of horses, in.eack•thtee prize's-, offered,
Which makes twelve horses .compelled -
'to travel in those four townships or
forfeit the :prize,: Besides - veiy many
. -others who did not' redeie prizes or
Years may- go and years may come,
Life may have its hOiirs of gloom;
Long maystill, the hawthorn bloom
Round the house of Lorne. -
OLE Kg 524
-"imp....-...........eimiar._ tog,
sue,e,tfliilly,' carriiiielt on.without plenty
of 03;;,j0s. I trust that we gay haye 1.
1artf1, frsemblage of visitors to witness
wha in-oraises,- to be the most succeds-
fulfk:gfing Shilw-. held- Under Our ans.
that -the trifling admidsion
fee. 1:j rot be given gtudgingly but
'wit.t. ew spirit of.2. gl(v‘itip,- to a good
objko„% the.promotiim And encouragis, •=
mop. Pof• Agriculture.,. the first and': .
not i0 of sciences. Thanking you, M r.
Ectr)T, for snace enaployed, 'I subscril b
r x .
iny1, _ ..._
A DIRECTOW3OF K. )3; 4. S.
• 0°Codneit.1
'-fl'e• neetinof the,. Village COun•
eil °
ri •
111 in the, Clerks,_ ofhee at the:
:caig the lieeve on Monday eyening.
las All the members being present:
Ar the. minutes ofstlie. last, meeting
ead ancl,adepteda., plairtif a pile
brA was laid before the Council:
T lerk was autherized to issue
c ,e to H. McKay for 'five dollars .
r 4rain on Campbell -street. . 'An
:nut of $1.40 for-fiour for A. Ale-
Iie was received • Mr.Doyle -ap-
14- - !-
perli-ve,fi before the council -fer. -
.pit2,4se Of obtaining a 'iBilliar:d'Xtooin. ,-
e, Moved by Colin. Termar,it
atOf seconded by Coun. Stewart, that
:lie i
rtie at the rate of $15 per table begi .
ed him—carried. • . The Clerk was .
atillprized to ask for tenders for pine, .
not pxbibt.t6c1 will be - travelling
The last eight lines are Uot - the were u
'original Giolic, A. McKay*, - an the '541fie traQkst therefore 1111 'eau'
hip$ Mon.W
V01.1.)ligN4CAPON: .
Notes from, Qu Appeqe
Tr) the ..Eigtor :of the. '8entimel :,
....DEAR Sitt;--7-In myi referredset to
1 - '. '
artificial burdens t� Which . the firthers
objected and which had been iiiiiiosed
by ':the' Dominion :G6verninent,:.• and
inioQi*v lmviel,14gai:e'6few4..p.afi
Of living in the. N,Ortk West TO-1410es
; of Canada: ;_ Local. rates: on 4.1; 0.13, R.
are Very high; in -fact they seem to . be
, ., . . , . . 0 .. 1 mile I len. we can 111_4% .--./.4 Jones you eau get pine tar,
enormously so- - IAA' year I paid and in'sf Cipei - ao . et' - ' 1 ' f r om rooting,
tyeight on oats int'sascks:-.at the rate of duce.. , BY aliberal prize list we bri.ifo'Kell"gs to :Pre.vent. pigs
38c per loo- for a,.diStance.. Of about niany..anianals together in. -eelnparigo-n!,lib othes line *ire and reels-; coin door
•_13 mules, mid .tlii,S4eirs:I.Eitati.)ccisfcili:. -Here- is- the great objectof- our Agri, Ipats,- fish hooks and lizies, pipeS, pock -
to , pay •-freight . tpr" 'a---ii_eightier . on eultiirat Societies; Wheri3.the Observ; ' 4' -13°°ks' .toy Pist°18" : iiibber ball'''
s of all desci
„-ws, ' -', -,
wheatAl 'sick4-. at the rate.. a ..31. Poi' ant • and stock -loving public- are affbrd-: cork screOddkt•
400 'f41- a distance of Nile&......1 find. ediu-epportunity of. cQinpiri.pk: aninis 'gong, spectacles, barneSs and: glover s
the 140 rates:and- irksoin ' " 't. • 'where' • . !
exceu w 02., Ir.eiri • ai.a..liird cages‘cheaper than ever.scrubbnig,... ,
eilles,•large. and nvs.-v...- seleqiou. of
that Ale ineretutittE!cioniP14t alsAabout-. With animal, noting -went and.dfluerit%-- •e•
. - ., R. condi lona polnis one
In cOnneetion with., the:: shiojeut...of. other:is delicienk Itlei.e is l'ivitere ite..-Ht:
i., li . ash, and paint lams e, ,
tew•he -
. - - • - - - • . : -i •.- - - i';‘,!--- i
their good . 13ut4iie.sett1er.*:,haTe ,t9.4. - portant-lesson:4 are 'given; --whieli nine -I!'" ---L-The eighteen year old daughter of
pxy,•the.bill at last. 4 notieex:heweier„ -be li, WA' 0.fit:tii every intelligent farmer
• that ,the- C.. P. R, .littyp ,agreed.itoi.earct . who mails himself icif thp, . opporttuit
'Wheat by Tort Arthtly toMpntreal_for , given.. The- Sodiety has- :seen fit to ad
25c. per bushel, 'elevator charges 14, k .
'eluded, and 1 -be*ye,-.this ,wili. --'he..., tlli -
rate ti.Oni Virdiii-An-d' pints East, and
U they _continue. igkcarry the gnaw-, at
itot d�iipaying' business, and. Kane,
probably iour prize takers, are of the
latter, _Now, -I do not .believe in- res..
trioting successful exhibitors. too oiva.
They know, or .shonld know, where
th6y may travel and -de good busi,
-ness. They .1-iiay hate their route laid
out; .s.00 - may - . route
:travelled by theta for --year.
Why compel. these -men if they be for
tUnate in. taking prize, to chanie
_that rcii.,e-7which- probably
es otie op two of theIireseribeci townf,
ships,: aim should -be, as little
.restrietion. possible and the:. widest
tfock dud cedarlumber, The Reeve . .
3 requested to Call a public,- meeting•,
'Ice: steps, towards organizing a fi,
any. A communication was. re,..
AI from the Treasurer respecting-.
onds. The. Matter will taken• .
the next meeting. The:auditors'
4rt- of the finances was
)4)4,1ed to the finance*_committee.
iiecl by Coun. Tennant and. seoond-
y Coma. Stewart that $4 -be paid..
orace Somerville for a Map .of the
nge for the use of the Assessor—
:iied. The Council ;then. adjourned
ime'ot at 10- m: on, Tuesday. ,
peil met as per adjournment, 6\
Te embers being. presSeut, :The -finance
mittee asked for an ° extension of
to report 'on the auditors'. report
-;•,!4*ranted. 'The -plan and specifications.
,11,idge were taken -up and -finally
nitted. The Couucil decided- to
- for tendersi and then adjourned.
• 'LANES: -
• From our own Co-rrespondent.
:IThe. Sabbath School which. was
red during the .wint(F. will be ie-
gned on Easter Sunday.
-Miss gtewart, of .Jiintail, has.been •
aged by Mr. Lune as clerk- in
s store. •
laiirice Wallace- and family have
-,-moved to near Kintail where he hex
.,..-r-chased. a farm. 'farm heut,
sold to Mr, F. Scott
'Sickness has been: ..very onmmon
Winter inthis vOnity.
of Mr, John 13(f‘vlers is at
pesent•very low with spinal disease..
__Use Prof. Low's Sulphur Soap .1
-er prickly heat, nettle- _rash:- sale
aria diseaSed 'con -
tion of the skin.
miner; named Ross, of the Sixt11;7'
1,90noession 0113ruoe-- townshipfittempt-
-to a lamp, with- oil without e: .
• two. closes -to the plitg-e.. list this year -;.ilreningts.ishi.nliCiutt‘ht-itl,:*..:Zi.Llin .fiel:craill'illee!-; ..
_ , .
,which ,Cannot ;fail . -lin -.giving- -greateti.
satisfaetion to judges, exhibitors "A ' ` 11p4ed, And both b& AO ' lamp PN'''.
the -piiblie and A COMPArisou - of' .it Walie-dknal...t.thhea *biliclk4i ..,-.-tehIcet.41-eziupislolisii.iolig ,
fwelleitight, 'wade: leag 'tho irgn' atex
it:totikl,darktiots.!-1. The :othavhmetobt;rs. ,
.441.14Ztt.r.,t%-gui11117P, :47kft.wpi'51-71j. '
woof _A— . , i
' Nu as 4,,covirrevcpslf.:1:,
1"13.14* it ' ' ' ..i?ii,v.r,, ,
ti. 44-041t4P.4'ttr* ., : ... . .
' "xi' - -:ni‘oclayeed .8,41..n.s-.,.,
.s. . ''4.. . „t -. . , . .
1- :trf Ji1.4 4 'trA
_ -•:-- ; . o- : .-
that • rate wheat:groxing be a LucknOW prize list with those of-Aither-
profitable industry lore. -.But wii-ktite- 10-6-0,Lsiiow4,. it will_ 1i?'.• seek thatN.-
prospect of the ea 'Conipletipii,of the-- •.tAkeithe,,lead rn 1ihqra1ty,'
truit, will induce vaagy.04.1iih4 ra
that thig.coglitty ;twat Ageggiily recover' be present with r tkiek:,stock �r
-fro*Ithe .dtepresshi!lvaigi 'Oa 6440 1§th
-zpit4setit.yrtluo -bm ooVho. roosts-to:01)y 444 WiAlioiciq Itos„
. 4 11.
-Ntete, C re- !TOW ; iy; -ittniaactspottits-' -
yiiitiu dmiuim1 tie to
• •-t•-••
.01, ell'iUZ?* 441,a4CtilVI
, . •
' I
t. 3
11 I. • I
In, •
• 4' .'r2