HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-03-28, Page 8•g`
10:55 '
•-- , 519 _
• 6:55
. •
farm P-urchesntit
We are glad to Mr41an-
XeDenald has giyen up theidee of
taking his departure trom, ittquoligst.#i
bet has_ purchased the 1.C10. aere'faim
- belonging to. Iterr, adjoinihg
. this village. We believe the price
paid was.$5000.
, The undersigned, having- sold his
agency for London Mutual.FireIns4r-:
„. arice Company to 'John Shoebottom,
Kinleugh, would- request all parties
ewine- fees or due bilis to pay the seine
at once and save further trouble,: Jko,
Electric Fire Alarm.
Mr. C. L. Ireland, of Wingham, has
patented his electric fire alarm, which
• has -an automatic action, whose wOr
ine. is regulated by the 'temperature of
the room. It is said -to be an:ingeni-•-
• .ous contrivance,and, it is hoped the
, •
- inventor *ill realize, a handsome
fortune from it.. .
_ ,
Sato Postponed.
It was -announced in the:Sgrr.iNEL
- last week that the household effects Of
Mi'. Ulan- *Meirialii Who 'Was about
loy. -Washington Territory,
T-7e,u14 be offered for -sale on Saturday
-kle;_lt-1,.):;;pliblic auction:. - The sale will
tedle'pkaco,..as Mr. McDonald has
2'ieelded to_settle. .clewn perin.an• -'•
, , • _•
itiew*,.. Bridge..
The. Oouncil hate,clocidod:not
any of the texAders ,receixed for
•he construction . of -the new briidge
Pampbell- •street, a thev censidered
them all too hig1, the lo,west being
$'.8.1-9.60, • They i,ntend to change the
.plary .9.nd..havO aL pile.. bridge, erected
-rhich, it is chinned will - lasC.lener• ,
3nd be 1nueli. elpaper.
If'rune the.Teetas,;•.
, April is a go.ed. time •te train apple
- They should ...be pruned soas
ta'allow•. air and sunlight to, enter
- antor et the branches freely. No„better
illustratien eau be. given limn to make '
•• the main branches,,to stand out from
•. the tree like the rods in an invettod
- - • -
uMbrella,., • • Ariew 'to 41.11elipstt)„rOffs
melt other, nor. alto* • main brenehes
t•S grow too closely parallel' to-•etiJh
- •
ft'aer. ...- There. is hardly any danger of
• eaving the branches too open: •
• • • _ • - •
Poore. AdelaY
• One- day lt Week, ' says the -Win&-
liam-Atttiizce; Addleiw,Eis indne id
- to." march Ups, asiyhl. .1,49* fie
streetfrom 1 to. 6,. O.:clock p....qi for
• the purpose of counting the number of
persons who passed a certain point be,
".tween the Corner's Of Victoria --ankl
- ohn- Streets,- - Whei.ie:
he -had. about 1100 marks onhis c!connt,
•• er,' indicating that that -number -had
, sed-inifiVe hours. The peer_ fellow _
.* appears to be lab-oring, under insanity
- et: inebrity, and -the sooner he is
"-taken care of"the :better for the
_ .;
• i••••t41191,---
New Hoter.
In another cOluinnwill
advertisement flaking -for.
the building of a, new
• village .of. Holyrood.
Finger Lott. -
• On .Friciay list a.. --
. •
named Erin Fizzell, ha'
fingers Olen offlay the sh
at - Mr. -J. JO. A.ckert'e
ItolyrOod. •
*Berry's Horse.Liniment.• _
-Universal -.embrocation
affept4Qrs.Of the skin, 111
jenAts, spins, bruises,• :
wounds, ringbone,- spavin
etc., only:Sold 01107'8,
4. •
the Medal.;
The beautiful medal_pfes
Lueknow. Curling Club- by
Brown, of Hamilton, and
solid silver. and ia Made fro
years old,
- Mr. John! Jamieson,-
deterMined to place his:
shert:horns in the front Ts.
purch,ased last -.Week rfro
Anderson his splendid tw
'None- Such,'
seen all
era* kn-
it the
ng man
of his
-mill• at
• -,..
s les, and
to the
ty. Mr.
t is• of
fiefd,-. is
herd :Of
- having
ear old,
r. a big
Land Transfer Reform.
• We have received a Om of in. ad,
dress- on the Land' Trafispi•Reforna,
delivered b31 J. Herbert M ;ob, before -
the,, Canadian-InstOtte, T Tho
. . -
pamphlet . epntains an a e and ex.:.
hquitive.reliewo theTor systeth;
41.W pfesents,-Strong arginn s in favor
of its introAietion iiito. Onrio..
,Oballenge. ••'
chanbe te c-mpete with t
- Churn," I in willtaig .. t�
_ . _ .
that I ca,n churn in -less
more ere* and. make a be
, Of butte; • tbyt.1./ any manu
churns ilk 11ron. or _Brae
• given en, t.,iini to be return
tirely iattisfactory. -- ,Joiliv
urns a
e $2-5
t nie With '
. •
et _quality
cturers of
if -net
.Riekt.ty kterrl.
•There- are quite 'a fe business
• changes here this spring. H. Bell
lses bought Out John Shelt harness
biz., and • takes possession . n the -old
stand. - ' WI Pringle, late 1'4i -email for
J. Shelton, starts -11, hari ss shop on
his own hook. Alex. -31. bray has
epened out a new furnit1 e shop on
• Queen stree .-, having .bo1ictlit out H.
, A. Ceulter's stock.
A.,rboir Day.
. We -heart ly endorse th, views ex-
preSsed•by the Toronto lies for the
este:01;311mm t Of an , ar i - or: tree
l ' ' -
, .
plantipg_day in Ontario. 4_ InInany
places in the united Stateck the day is
Miss Stron gin Guelph.
C. Strong, --forrnerlx of this
village, took- pe.ri-, in the 8t. iYatricies
. -conceit at Guelph,- and the -Heee-da of
that .city in speaking of her perforce
Says :,iss Kate Strong, of Toronto,
4-The Last Rose of •Sininiler' with
prann and harp: aceomR.animent. .:If
I was rendered wih mueh feeling and
the riteli, pure yoce of the singer was
•a4mirahlY displaked.- • It was not ho4-,
ever,- till the, second,. part when Miss
_ -igtrong gave( 'TOsti's solo' Gpod Bye'
that her full powersas a vocaJist were
. • shown. Her every note was, distinct:
1yarticulated and her -Voice -sounded
eharmingly The rendition was
receil:ed With w -arm manifestations.Of
• -
. approval.
'War Notes,'•
.Such•is the martial tttle . of a .week.-
•- -ly caniplign paper juststarted for the
bene,fit 6f. the general ,Scott Act
p.iign inaugurated by the; Dominion;
Alliance. It is issued by the Mb/0 :
publishing_Honse,-Illontreal, at *bar*
- cost price -20 copies :weekly for stx
an5nths for one dollar. . •'War:No*
, has in° fact as wellas in .tiante_the
ring of battle, :its articlei beiRg ctiap.
•itaa keen, its nein got,- Up in: peint*d
yle, and- its heaclings .trumpet Mesta.
• -t011 designed -to rally the temperance
clans. It gives flews. rid the Working
nf tIH•Scott Act Where it is in opera -
in, QS. welt as -camjiaign news. -•
• • • -•_
- •
set apart - by _proelaniati
-purpose. - fn. Indiana '
April is • selected and to
•widespread observance,
_schoof pupil.: -.have been
compete in ' planting trees i
. . e
gardens. For.some years
had.a ‘‘.,tree planting -day"
but the time usually sel
tirely too late in: the . seas
'a small proportion of the .t
on that der .ived.1 ..Ther
that adds miore to the
pace than nice shade tree
. plante
. loiterary Soeety Officers._
_ At the Literary Seciet
Tuesday evening last t
officers were elected • for
quarter :--- •-
President -7 -James Br
First • Vice-Presiden
• Second. Vice Presidth
Secretary Campbe
Treasurer—, Misi.Clara •
• •-•0ritic-04 Z. Canter°
• Guard—Hught Some
Managing r Com nuttee-,'
Soinetville; John Murehi
--, After . the ..election o
splendid programme . of .
readings and recitations.w
the Misses-Plara :Berry,
ledge, Katie Bargess„,:Mri
and Messrs. D. E. _Calmer
Rutherford, . and • Mast
Berry.. On. - Tuesday es,
public entertainment • wil
the Caledonian- Hall. ' •
, .
. • .
1.3erey!S Universal H* -Pr
It is not s dye; ittlean
froni-clatidrit#*, P t t
filling Off ahil-:proinetes,t
new'. hair.-„ • Try _a , battle.
bottle and --e.#iibe-..hact Onl
Drug Stere0.-
---.-;'..F.,reeinan's worm pow$:,
-edultOr• infa
for that
llth of
ecure itj
he- public -
ested -to.:
e School -
,We have.
was eh -
ea planted
,is nothing
eauty of a
'eeting on
• following
officers .a
os,- duets, .
given by -
a,. Rook-
-• 'Bryan,
aCqhah4 el es o
fkg .next.a-
be:het& in
the .he4
_hir from
groWth! of
nl* 50e. a
• Berry's. -
It -0
liosirlii4 tit Sale. :_
Maori. Cameron Ar Campbell have a'
number Of choice farms for sale in this'
locality. .1 Immediate possession.
, Another ilonor for" Atunbo„.
This Wel4nown idog has Scored
another first;.• prize at the Toronto
Bench Show • now, being heldatthe
Horticu1tur4 Gardens in thaCc..tty.
Berry's Pimple Wash...
For removing pimples and barber's
itch, and for all roughness and redness
of the face iarising 'from disease, etc.,
try a bottle, at Berry's drug store.
The *public entertainme4 in the
Hail- on Tuesday ning
net under the auspices of the -Liter-
ary[beciety promises to be a ra treat
The programme • will *Maude' solos,
_ .,_ii
Wettilier Probabilities. ,
l'wether "- '
• Foretel in the is un am at the
beat, but it is certain that if youv,.ii cold.
in. this ctiangeable climate you can be.,,:,, reak
its 1)1 effects with Hagyard's Pectoneirs in,
the most reliable and pleasant reritibly or
cOughs, cnlds, bronchial and lungemy. ints..
It 188o agreeable thitt ',even *child T13,1 take
it. 4
The Quickest Thing on R11
Is Fluid Lightning -for Neuralgia, Heta he
r anj
TOothaclie'etc. It does not blister .10..1.'clhteol!
or the skin; requires but. one applicittpi to
banish all pain nitwit:allywithout _„.v4-iiig any
• greasy liniment or carrying. your b'4,44' in a
poultice,for weeks. Try a .twenty?Fv4 cent
from G-- W. Berry, Druggist. '•
• If Should be I n_vestiga)ted -
*;) ic' I
If any f our readers are . u eat; ) fro
chronic diseaee of the stomack, ' er -Tizg„elpeysb
or blood, i they should investig.at ke-4rierits
• of Burdock Blood Bitters: It vine - 8.onie
of the moist remarkable cures on reco i
I l'
a week at home. $ . _ ?utfit
free. Pay absolutely sure. i risk
Capital not required. '2&er, if
business at which -persons
duetts, choruses, readinits recit ta you wan
_ . 0 , . it • ,... •
_ . , stt,.(•tyirieg,;:o;:.1rdu,,tawits tmhakaebsgroienatte peempi,.4.ntthye.
tions,, etc. ' .. Admission only 10 Cents. ' • h • . - - •
. .
1- - • Writeforparticulars to EL HaLL_Erk- Cocy
13.6eiy's,freckle 30413*. . . . . Portland, Maine. - - -- :i ;
/-:. Perfe ' iy harmless preparation A Questionto the Point.
-foriremovin freckles, tan, sunburn, . 'Redder, have von a laberad; akt fi-4 tired
and all undue roughness- and redness
of the skin, * leaving the com'plexion
fair and ivelvety; for sale. only at
Berry's drug store.
; [ s • ;
e' •
IlwbeN7-80c. to 80per bus.
• . Fall wheat—$1, to.$1.05,per-bus:
Spring wheat--80c.to $1.00per bus.
• Barley -46c. to50c:, per bushel.
• Oats -31c. th32c. per bushel.
• Peas,•, -71.c. to 72 per bushel.
P• otatoes -30c. to 36c. per bushel.-.,
•Apples—$1 per bag. '
Hay—$8 to$8 pet ten. •
Flour -2.50 per cwt -
Wool -2O.- to 20c. per lb.
. Sheepskins7,-60c.to 80c...
Hides-6eper lb. •
• Tallow -6c. to61--c. per lb. •
Pork—$8.00 to $8.50.: per cwt-
1Vood-,$2.25.to $2.50 per 'cord.
.Eggs -16c. per dozen. •
butter --146c. to 16e.per lb.
t -
There will be Sold by public auction
-Lot17, Pon. 2, 'Kinloss, • on Thur -
day, April [3rd, two farms, farm stock,'
implernentS, etc., the property of kr.
John Morrison. ...John Purvis, Auct.
On Saturday next -a large amount of
-valuable propertrconsisting of buggies,
•• _
wagons, horses agricultural -imple-
Ments,- etc. will:be sold at Martin's
hotel in this village b '(-Mr, Archie-
McCorvie, auctioneer.
feeling, with nervous exhaustion; s lly in
the early spring? Then your liver 21:active
and circulation poor.' Arouse the to liver
cleanee-the'sluggish bIdod and reg:'e
secretion's with that purifying tonic, A, _*-dock
Blood Bitters. .
• Dear have -been. a iferer
from Costiveness Sick Headac,10 and
Loss of Appetite for many yee..7..-S; felt
alwa,ys.tired, so that my life' -Was
, . a
burden unp all seemed dark to! le. I
have had.medical attendance' aief'have
tried al ' ost all the' advertised1,4;;Med
ies, but without effect. . A nun•-ber of
• my nei hbers- who had usei(,''',.iour
Fountain of Health, urged me i give
it a trial, three bottles of whic pade
f me -feel like 'a new women. . -
Mils. BALL
•At :lot- 9, con:: Kinloss, there. will
- t. • • • - .
be sold- by auction a--.:large'a.nieunt, of.
farm Stock implements, etc.,
4lea Apra,-21id4. the property of: •
Mr1:•: .Thos. • WOW*. j-Ohn'
auctioneer. •
.Tewnship Teachers' A.ssoCiation.
number of the irieMbers, of the
• .
:Kinless Teachers' Association.lidet • in
the HatirrOod schept.ozSatximilitY the;
22fid Mist, at 1:301-i. m. ; After the
regular-rontine of business wOlinishect
the •pregrainme was .0111e110ed. .. Mr,
• Walker was . first called 'upencto -take
theltsubj*ct of Algebra.. The *k.'t.i`,.'•titniltir
he -dealt, withwasSynard-44*-and
• the reenner. which he handled Lit was
very .creitable. to himself. Mr.-Sti4hera
bhen proceeded with :his :system -Of_
marking 'Which he explained very Clear,
The principles of the -syStein, are
clear arid concise and add in -nto! mar
-degree to. his Success in'the scheol.
• 4toss then introduced his Sukject- of diTi-
Tiding- up History se ,to facilitate
the the teaelring, -• Th -el. divisions
were well chesee and.-Would;-‘1OubtlesS
prove very : usef01. teaghing -the.
...subject,. -Discus.siOnS took .place after.
reach.- subject in Which many . good •
points were brought : out.' Officers,
Wen. then appointed for _next. meeting
anda programine:,.drawn ' It con-,
siate of: • Method- of teaching writing,.
Ross; -method' Of- teaching *editig„
Mr.. Smith;Geography, Mr: Stothersi•
.alsei • soine -readings. told recitations.
The meeting then •adjourned! until
Saturday,'April 5th,;to• meet at S. S:
• No: 6 on the 14th opposite the
*Grey Ox Hotel, let 1.:30 p. nit Akthe
c-ondition of the roads was not.' very-
fevOreitble,there were -not Many Preitent;
and it is,lioped...there will be .a beitter
and that they will Come prepare ck to
Make the:'meeting suetes&—Com.
- Dr.- Low's Pleasant or -Syrup.
agreeable, safe in effectual*
remedy to remove all kinds ,orresi
• —Mrs. rindlater has opened. out a
Millinery emialarinni • in conneeticin
ri,ith-,..the jewellery etiore!.. • _
ori want *0 se a beintifla
and well assort stock of staple 14*,,
fi�y tf -tos.° 1464tYres.-- "
, . • •
• *. 574, King street;
, $1.00.0. FORFEIT..
- Having the utirioSt cosifiilenCe In i eri--
- ority Over all others, and after thou:*s Of,
teSts Of the most oomplieated nds- g.,-•,,,, restf
cases we •oitid findwe feel justified ii-> „ring
to forfeit One Thousand Dollarskr kiy case
of coughs, °tildes, sore throat,in1neni0d4 rse-
ness,bronehitis,Oon8umption' in its -ea. , stage
ivii000ing eough.and all diseases of tti:;.-''..,*roat
and lungs except Aithena, for which44,0on1y '
.claim relief; that we can't cure witlt r%1T.'est's _
:Cough-Syrep, when tab% according .t0,"'
*ions. S' Tile:bottles 36 and 50 cent i , larger
pettleS one dollar.Gen:Rine wrapppill, onl3r
in bine. ''.Stild by all druggistei or seutby ex*
press •
:on receipt e*priee. - JON C,IjiNVES'If.
0 Co.,, 8 and133, King St, . Eaet. tRitnito,
•Sint. .1: -. W. Baer deuggiet huakii-A,-.10-.
-,- •
lEars• , Sept. :let,
Win.phurchill _4:1z Co.,Gents,— ave
been troubled! with Catarrh 'br. the
past twi; -years_ _`--rour otiii vi of
HeattlfilyaW •Fecemmended to e by
Li2,Y- et' this. ter
• using one and a- Ralf laiottres.abi rap -
tons of Catsitrh have disappear, .1 and
, my heap is so- much' improve _lei 1
• :lave gained several pounds in
I am yours truly,.
Is • receiving liesh
daily, which she
-cheap by the,. pint,.
• VI r
acres, Manhw
es a/ hee.
a., .411 s hard- '
ivood lamb; 3 barna and two Lior.*ea witli stone'
cellar, never failing apring,clese to: buiidinge,„
Tacrea of orchard, piehty of Tail tAmbct, soll
e*cellentrseven miles fr,All eh. ATerons.1 ,
to suit purchaser. Immediate v or,-.4;bsiou. For •
further particoilars apply to , • -,
A_ )1 eCORVIE,
P. o..
from 60 to 80 hives of pu Bees,
all in first-class conditios.,s. He has also for -
sale alarge nutnber of good bee -hives,: which
can be purchased either at tosiidence Lot .
9, Coil. 9, ICiniossi or at Mr.: W. Lyon's:
Cooper Shop in the Village of Lacknow.
Box /0, Ho1yroo3
'Cure for Rheumatism.
. Sufferers from either acute or chronic rbeu-,
matism will find no more ready rthef orbetter
cure than Hagyarcl's :Yellow Oil, the popular
household remedy for external and internal :
use inall painful afflictions, - • ,
And get inore than:the-wort-hi-Of your.
Ever offeriod in, ukuc
from busipess and. 'being about.to re-
move .to bther parts, I beg to Offer for sale that
larae, and commodious residence south of the
iner4et _square, at _present oeciipied by the.
• Ube -building is & substantial frame, stone
foundation, 18 x 240,annew1.6 t-22,with NSinter -
and minima kitchens,- One and a -half stories
high, contains 10 rooms and 7 closets and ,
pantries-, fine dry stone cellar, hard and. soft .
water, all in first-class repair. Also wo:odshedl
50 x 11, Jaige stable and other outhouses. 'The-
groUnds consist of of an acre, fine ycning
orchard and grape vines all in bearing. The
site is on a ridge overlooking thevillage and
is one of the best and healthiest in the town.
Will be sold at slow ignre- at a dead loss
rather than rent '
4.06/0. H. IVICHARDY.-
!Lucicnow,Nfarch 6th, 1884 .
. ,
.-11901'-altplOE STO
nd examine our Stock of
will dij• pose of at as low pr4
with fair dealing -so as 4- /
08 cents on the dollar.
444 is:
-W invite'. you tn try our store or edab try,.
our votla and priqe and -ye3vi1r -f*)eT pon..
• thfo:t.there it wisdom inliibtbie -•
[tis very well ' to utease t eye
at. ive to 1-44ease the poQ154 ale%
examination of '
idle algid Boots
will cert nly cenvinee all, even the clqaest
and most Oareful buyers, that we are
IL GOO* AT 1,01 P
• -•
0* -
7,• •
c or
lias now in stock the largestand bestsdlay
evt sliown in sLucknow. Special induce
ments in
EXt Wit cl Diet iOLT ROBVB
• 3Zorso-314zots, do.
114 tosli, of Trunks!. 'Valise!, Rand Satcbels,
etc.,n3 now co.mWettp-, and itiqbadas all the
' latest styleed d es:
4 . • -
As all the above arfiCraiiiiir iw,chased from
• the Nat makeis, atw.
Ibbe loest cash
•firivp:1 a'an,pitepariitklill
o se- as ebeap
AO anx.etlierhonetiii-theArtde.
Poo talltocalland see my
atockbefore purchasivig
= eliewheee;
SPgoial attention pnid to Order
•4 ed Ilnirnes.s -
All wpalt guaranteed , ,
•' ROBERT- iitocrofi.
onesr to oat..
On Real EstateAt rpiksonable
--rates; on ternis of payment io
80.4 110TrOiTer ":
rf110 Pc* it'ef46
•-• .