HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-03-28, Page 4• • • • Vit t .,s Lt wTz oQ,',wr�ZL3rErora8 E, tocoBJ UG to taxa, tcz&ess oreoa ow,: Ma ch 2 PASSING ; EVENT `c A LIQUOii law without nalties will be : as -: •less as a w h -dog without teeth," remarks the ,r 'onto :Telegram. in reference -to .the D union -license Act. This. ;i.s`a mrsta ..,; the law is' not harmless it • ch the liquor . � 4 dealers out. o f $1e ; it give: them no value for the. money , t Tse ' Biddulph tragedy :1 dramatized, and :will be played out the Provinc All the in participating in , the trial, ` in Mr ; Irving, Q : C.,: Bill : Do� Judge Armour sired -Johnny C are represented. . TheParkbi lD Olub -lias the doubtful _ honor o ingthe.interest ui the terrible m, the: author. of the drama being i Aman named .Scales,: Ta$ -Brant• 11 ezc A jo ished in Paris, the interests Conservative : panty announe. if sue of last week that the reve3 :iregar. ding tune conspirators -.a nrich for It cannot=condone t "-can no longer :continue to s party , whose best • -argu-rien tribes, and the leaders . of whit ncourage. any pohitical : villainy -egging on- treason,to:place they I powier, in the 'face of a decid diet haul the citizeng of this Pro + t Mn. W.. R. White, qhs -was i n ed= before -the Immigrants _ an onizatron : Committee at Ottaa Saturday,. expressed the belief about 50 per Cent' of the -land oeelr ough- duals riding olly;. mors, ticie ,, 1'u the A.ditor of the Sentinel : 4 DEAR 818, -Iii your last issue them appeared a letter from Mr. Robert Patton,: one of the Kinloss ,Township auditors, ix which he states: that I re- funded $1I8.98 to - the - Treasurer :of Kirdoss.. This is not .correct as. the only mo ley _I received was $8 for a coffin fo an:. utligent, :which not being, sufficient to 'neet the expenditure I' afterwards to the Treasurer:: `Yours truly, W. H NDERSON.. Lucknvw, .March 26th; 1884. otA- 7a tlie'.-Edctoi•` of the Sauna. DEAR Sx.i4--Whilelooking aweryour last issue of the _SENTINEL, ° I aaw letter from Mr. Paxton,- one of te. Kinloss:auditors;. which -seemed to be intended _as a reply tominme. ` I' care- fully scanned it over and found:it to be a; purile,.: scurrilous and -untruthful production. I.have no doubt that .passion paxton penned it while in a • ° T . - and when his wounded =pride: had .got the . better of his- judgement. gad Mr: Paxton carefully readmy letter• and 'dispassionately Weighed its contents he would have -seen that there were errors in the auditors' statement that should berectified,: and he --would never- hare' re41 put his weak -efforts into -print, run -his colors to the Mast head so:defiantly and flaunted _ .them so proudly .in the breeze , But,. Mr - Editor I -am aeterm- iued ;to pull:.them down. Mr.::.raxbalnPaxton has `to face ( stern • realities .as I -will_ bring nothing to aid` me "=but facts;- and he will find them. to be.stubborn chiefs to .cuff: In one portion of hie letter he maintains that the:$118.90 paid in. by dung. >ub_ tJ e 4,4 a its, ions too dem port are Will• even ves ver-. ice. jam- • Col�- on at the free -g nt::distr.ict ofOntario tra', d ,by.the Canadian Pactfic Rally' is :available :for' ;settleme - . ret for ,cul t l rapurposes. s ` _ '� a r. .. . _. heat, and b _ se peas cans;: is well as a l ; rdy_ q _ lity o f apples, can be slimes sll fir: 1 l y g pwn, while: theteountryis: also for grating --P ='Po :es. � u s ' 4� - hmall' 'are also. produced in abundance- , Y . A_ correspondent - e - in..:an .. eg c�a .fir-�tes _in -ref Renee to the author; teaehersover: _pu ua on the p . .P . ih w h �-- ..y On--, their - ways . to •cir /ill in •the statto-jstify ` the o P�;: ' ,that -the: teacher has authority the child •easept t u • durnng _ school h The -parer is- the nturalguard*,d Ida Whilethe child is- at so-, the : parent Adele ate his a $ t�thorit� the�� teacher as - .soon as the.'c is oitt of the arecin Cts; of the the teacher's authority ceases." wiewof the case is stet the one has been common1, acted u , • teachers and trustes, tlt_� h weP not prepared to sa that it is t. A Winnipeg :despatch of. Mon last says_ The'fa of the co try are, disgusted at JET.- Nor ua of he >m. ng; on er s. of to �. m. Henderson is: correct, and in an- other he says these three small county - cheques must be the= items as: shown above. If hislast stateineritDis correct, as I believe it ' ,- his -first must be wrong But wh should county cheques paid ov r b Y q y, m appear. in Mr.. Hen derson' _name 7- The cheques :paid. over ; by me_ _ere. paid in open Council.and _stand n • `.thei, rninutes of- their Ilast meeting -in 1883. ` Notwithstand- ing : Mr Paxton's judgement to the contrary,.I hold that where money is . paid in from different sources= or by., different1 =. pa . 'es it . should appear separati n the.abstraot He makes °a great ado about the t pauper's- coffin.- I will not defend our action in that matter but will freely.state that at it was mismanaged: fr om Abe . 'nn� to-eend and p - � ?Ilg was 'paid through an extaaordii y de- cisionof the cciurt, and 'cost the Town-: ship: too much _ But there isno question. -asto: the le - alit: of the g Y a 3Councl:paying=; it There are $4 paidfor an election booth for the Dominion �• • rluch is illegal and should be -refunded to : the Town ship by' made_• the `rson " who : 1� the istake.- Mr. -Paxton semis to - ha t a wrong construction. on my lett 1 through. He. says I`threw irisin i ions at the treasurer, the audit() d'the new:. Connell.::. Such is not e.I :wrote the letter to ,indica my own' character -bee -because apse the :Coon published the incorrect sttaternen their'sworn auditors. Alli the: oth drtors' reports -of ehn Coinityshew what their R,eelve's ad. refunded, bu loss- did , •. . n What :core•lasio old the other• peeves come; to bu at I had put it into my own pocke ertainly : have a: right. to defend m f~ T riot altogether: blame •. me tkini a mistake, but I detest''me o defend that -which' is wrong. -" ids my statement made -about th age by-laws,. I put : that.. in . as endly flint to the Council That som g was wrong Mr. Paxton. meet ;in this manner;_' This is •.what -.- a broadcast- assertion and 'imerel . aasertion.and will pis it as: such.' ow Istaae emphca y that if ' th 'tors' statement correct th ren's l ooks' are wrung. and• the funds have got mix _ es I termed The` treasurer: has_ ai `g . P $ 7.7 0 Holyrood:ditch.. debt but - of the 'ham:: Line ditch fund,. and then di' enough- standing to the` credit o ditch funds on the 31st :of Dec. aid too much to the general fund. 11 peas Dir Pagton'k taunts\ about 11 -nature, -the -the; people's rdiiet, the mparison of -theold andnewCouncils; spectacles, etc.,- and say -1-- can lly see matters as they -are -with- glasses. Mr. Editor, I will .thank to give this an insertion in the NEL and will ;leave. the matter o -for Kinlosa Council to rectify. 'If do not*. I will= be compelled other ' P �, to means' to have the 'matter right:: .1.- Ty0} ars :most respaectfully, ROBERT. PORVa$. pu al `at an cas had of -au f :Kra eco th I° c s el for wh reg drain fri thin call an and .trea,su -the the Pu` 18 1] the last. Iwi myi Co ..� the gene "out you SENT the they adopt put:.. ve er rs t ted C11 is er ed: t t. Y=; n - As e a e 8 I Y• e e t Of e� - f Are .actio in refusing to make =a -len; on the Dominion Government for • pensation for lands ! sold in. this P wince, They say . that asking mer fore the control of . lands unsold is going ler,enough. The lands lingo it is claimed,- would not ,„pay the pease$ of an additi final' de: a which`woul ` .,, °� prtm, d have to be (; op$ned if t remains is that which the Govern: • - could not sell during the boom; : officer _of the Ferment - � 'Union said was the intention" to call:another another C : `Mention and ask:Mr. i o' i' _orqua and bit 'followers to resign. . Mr. N r ."4. claims that it would not be advisab to' ask -for . � r cwripenaatio>� for lands ao� as it would be unjust` Tie_ peo' it take a:• . -. _, , p , dif'f'erent view . -of the. is u esti rn Q and hold t q ., CiF hat ss the ._ other Pr o have had Control of th"..r theCo' _ #1, Co federation,1 afoul control of the land is given, as all :-t me l d o` • 7 Lucknow, march 26.thl 1884. NEWEST STYLES • ST TO HAND ozore 'CHEAP CASH STORE. _-i - z � '�• -: r � .rte . is .�.� r; ".�' -.. c-•�" � ,! +`2'- s�. ,c — L4 - af-I'f_ i l;,'. ' • .:.rye S HORSE . SHOEING; And: General BJacsffliIhin • ..,....______1 DAM .TITODZPSON begs- cleave _ ,�,_,� . _ Novelties for the ► � Spring ..,� Trade. 't Fresh, fit - 'thank e nkP sh c the inhabitants of LuchrF 'Pi t&ctie both g p said «t- in z, Color and - Pa tier . n. . - Notice � T some • now And aHrrO �iiding-country.• t e�-tea le andme of ,our Iead%ng flues. Iii nliberalu , P Fancy Dry -Goods we are shewin a full range : patronage bestowed on hi : : g Anne i8. during the`: last> two.. ears :and wis k y ,. hey a 'continuo:ace o' f .his old custorneir s an a fair share et: the' new, as_ he is' in Better position. than ever "to su l PP y r; MANTLE ~ AND DIES SILKS; wants of thenkrlc.,e always h hand: at e- of; 4 • . WHITE,'. :CREAM. •� .: � �&LACK :LACES, f Wa oars 8133* , V P. TR MM �' � ,gg�es: of �l1 Ot�Ies� r� - INKS & . ORNAi1IE1�TS I Heyvillalsoremmdtheinof the far famec =si - R:. O. T . - LEB SCOTCH DIAMOND _ _ - NARROWS.: _. - • �. • which Minnrints he a we s has on hand and : we have a ver `extensry Y , ar . Y e assortment of colors 1 .at� qualities ail /made of the ver' -bent materia,. �-p- re'''fs. Piles of ]lucks'anid Cotto . .. , 9 cl • Pari •,n Ades. Piles .of Denims an Shirtings. -� _ - � ;, Ales =Af 'Whiz ' ' . k - and bSh�rtit, �. ties. wanting anything .in this line. wild a and Grey Cottons:.. do well to give him a' call an see ,.d rice r, before rGents' chasm elsewhere. Our P g ere. ° Pa ticu -Furnishing Department is r . lar attention: _ . - �), _ � . replete with New .@er , � �. paid to _ : or$teds, Pantings, Scotch and Canadian• n Tweeds, Bats, Caps, s Cite Co lor and ,_ ed P shi:. its ALL .oil. KINDS OF. HORSE Collars, Cuffs ' Lawn $� $HOEIHC � Innen and:Silk, Handkerchiefs, Boots and fiat feet aontrde'� ions and ` • t : Shoes; a great variety. Groceries fresh and;thea_ unterfering. £;, . .. . y p. • SFr r -- iTIAIS►. L Cly AND AT —� dlliT' mmw -STQCK IS NOW COMPLETE IN. EVERT . DEPART MEN I' with the Darrel N LACK � . t � . �� � ,T ; . = -. AND t ,OLO] ED CAS:: MEI�ES PLAIN AND FANCY . DRESS 3i By strict attention to business, good t *orkinanship .and employin - nothing 1! g � but good' vorknien, I trustto retain r. k the patronage kindly extended to :me I ALSO DE COiPETITION. ` • ADAM: THON EPSON Campbell Street opposite _Ta ' . P the .Bank t� •, - Lucknow May•_:15th, 1883. 1 4Yop 'can%_t -make a1 niis � 3' talre, 'zest, latest :and rbP.attter ns,in wall : _�' - - pape�: can. be had at Berry's rug Storei,` Burdock t$L0o1) BITTERS. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, - # DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA,DROPSY,: INDIOESTION,. - FLUTTERIAA JAUNDICE. : OF Tule Hl ERYSIPELAS, : ACIDITY; DAF SALT - RHEUM THE STONAOH,. -" -:;HEARTBURN. DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE' 8AIN And very specles of dlsssse; arlsInju ' ClitordereeLIVER,-KIOREY-0$C%OWELS OR 6L.pB,- - T. MIMuvn ' � ProprNC)K : s Ttik�l"Q 8 erg tyre for. CUf Sorst4 Itte.' 644: bealiai orm s hred Mater -sin 3� McGv.gos & . '' rkd the � ��'�:cr1�' ate. There ie no sore tut wit sttiPst�tiaii Itt.� awok derful healing ;'open ,w. `. fth an'inv+ 'friable dteNnng for ser, lda,� , etc. . Prloe Ott At! `fide: Etta ai ,piksy'' b dors. t SOME OF OU11IY3jj TEA, 4lbs, STT 8t 11101312- " v :, • o • - 3 • • • fatAFr t. lI ST 1` rES. Il I 1 a - D T I, : Leasure in .info � �1 � A. �` p'ming the citizens of 1ai+chtiw:. . that he has opened ell -tilt -tie shop . f+ 'mer -oocn -PEART ° ' ` opposite the Whitely d 1s h - nn 1 to sell. . , ries . -tom = iliotar , ahtz -41* eev, 0 Ol and p + ds ,A414) --L ry 0 -.46. ,eo ,- . .hing In bis -line, at .• - - a bc- "m _ i d eP •ri a -<-. i�ss 7. earli tall 1, ' . PAN'S • ND - . ,y S'ECLlLT* t e }a •