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The Sentinel, 1884-03-14, Page 4
• a. tir • r.iiI; r•initiriY.Tri uTtonANE OAAG 4'Rl'EELY 3. i.ifiD YG TO' PRE. Dy,t%TA1 ES OFcolts N@E WE: PuTxEABOVEA-1.4?G'Ii$Bf,luitB-ttrA. E IJ i = to tucknoww arch 4i FAS.8i.NO EVENT; :leas as well to get doWn, to bottom. of facts 1':'Sotrie people • the $30,'000,000 giant. to the. as• if it- Were small .: matter Allison; Owl l- Liberal:: me Lennox is riot aStmemoer of ,tl nd :he has taken, the first oppo o- tell his constituents why aaiiist the _ perpetration= of _ a a t- trage. - Speaku g at : Isi apai aturday,he pointed out wliat 1 £ n aria :- The -`gr nt :of $30, .ser. nt 93i.f tons of ail ver, whio1� P;1uir a -937 teamt©draw; 701 oris a,• procession- allowing 30 � ad,1;: team, 24 'Illi 03. Iona Z' 4.00,0O0i.also. re resented 30,Q iushels 'cif wheat Lel 81 p•er hu�� z1OVe \V hie;h it �� ttld require . `:acus, makingi e procossion:4,2 oxtg If his `.11(�t rel s • were incl watch .it pass 4i, the rat.. xiilc s a. errs -it ''F incl occupy S l ie also pointe=d ut that the.ta; the people. of Lee lox ;imposed 1 ia, it. -amounted to nearly $.•2i e' . Weil kites- fiat if a. by -la 'icen-sul)mitted V. the people riding for_even lie°half this s 'this Pur los. they would hav v (o[wn.. 4MBERLEY`.: �•orzt oina• out ` Corresp. ndent. It is oil• painf duty' tel eh t uc; deatli ofEliza ,etli:tht bolos o Tr. G-00-: W it,, of Beltast,. 1ii:triiage was:inserted, but leeei >t:he colurxitis of the SE.YTINEL.. :had bet.ii visiting .t • her father.' demes,,Mr:_ darns$. Oourti ey's, 21: uron, -while.. there. She had an a tack of =inflatilation frons whi tl 1ost recovered, vlleli a rola c rred ata.she ,gradual's' grew tx 1 death put an -eiid to' her -Su. • '01 Monday morili a ' at' eight o' .f or Fen -mins - were :'-: intorre d in ver cemetery. nt Tediiesda `'w re folloih'ed to her fnal-restinL by, a large: cotirou1ke',of. people. sy- npathv of the community • to`, the bereaved husk aud-and:frie S'-5., No. '5. Ashfield. 'ock alk of; deed. -I er for kind; 'unity Toted chch an. on' lions ► tt100; 'ould ould rt for -• X30, .: 1,000 I- I to ►,000. rules • tuna . f 5.0 lays. Pon'. this.. To the 000 - bad 'COMM IINICAT101V. 70 tlw Editor': of .tht S.entinel. D>iAR SIR, ----When perusing the S1NT1NEL -of.the 7th-inat., I• came across the Auditors' •.A-bstract- Statement :of the;": 'Township::of Kinlos.; and on reading it I found the follow: ing item in -the. receipts :. Witham- Henderson, grants, $118.90. I atn not -.aware: of that gentleman making any grant or grants to the Corporation of Kinloss. -_There- were • three small -county cheques which T.. -gave to the'' Treasurer and -which do not appear . in the re - They were:coiinty refunds forcounty bridges, Ia looking over the expenditure - I 1.aw.:that the acconntauuder by -law -34, :1&3 1,: and` by-law 39,:1883, has got mixed, and hay, - ink received -a detailed statement• on paper: I found it nearl the earinne; . I: could not under, .'stand it. Under the head of Municipal Gov- ernment 1 found two sums- paid.:: to - the ::-°Clerk for registration. . Qnly one should appear for that work., tlie• other being' for . serviced: of- a: different nature.:7 Unser the •1Lliseellune(ius . heading I found an item, Registrar Co.Bruce, plata drain, which should: read, . Registering. I1y=Ia«', etc. ( f fi Iooking over the. assets;. ira bilities anddrainage accounta tinder by-law 34 of 1881: and .by-law: 39 of 1883 1 saw -no :less than a -dozen ''mistakes. It `is '-not ; the 'true .state ofr :.funds. `They are .What .1 niay .term infixed z ,hope -the Council Will consider, • their, duty to ,have the repOrt init. right, espec-.- . -ally those -refunds referred to put: ire iincb Mz. Heudersoiz's grants . _struck out,, :as • any one •reading it the way it now Stan'is would natur- ally .suppose that -I had:never-given the cheques to the Treasurer, and that XT. Henderson hail Township `,funds in his, possession when 3rr. -granted or refunded it.to•the Trea;stirer, -and: might, go _.to help the- :story got tip. =in the Township at the last eIection,.tltat we had. di- vided -a large euui :.an ot,gst us;:said story being used i.s an.electton cry for the•;ptirpose of de= featiag uzy-old•and trustworthy colleagues 111- olhce., 1 canuuol see how the'3 ;uncal in Making the' final- audit of .the acoounts allowed ,such a; .tatetnent to tours before the people;: they 'ha,vuiig all the data at : th€ir. :hand to worlc • from. 'But whether allowed -di advertently Or_ inteutio is ly I trnst it will be lout right so. a;s . to leave their pretiece»sons with: the reputation they,deserve—let:that be, good: or- bad. - Mr. Editor, I am, afraid 1 atn takinMitch (tch of - . y ourvaluable•space• aitdevtll close by thanking you for giving tbis.a•n.insertioii in the SENTI,fEt:.. Respectfully yours; • ROBERT PURVES... ttol of the - Gntinel 'Aberdeen, Feb 25th,188 DEAR SIR; -I w. tis brought -'u1) in West wxuosh on a. farm -of my.fathi-r's• that 1 Wats. fat 'lieawed to call berme With the' hope of •better -prospects. the farils was s}.,ld.and. of course w _ d 1t- all struck .out. for our fortunes:. II have been clriithig here unci there -for- -upwards:o€:,three• 3 e era; and b av c seen soave: very good - land but •none fetter than that that' I now look out -up- on Of •course you kuuw we had not .the best of cri