HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-03-14, Page 24
you 410. 0
wag the obar,
re a :at his wor t
70,111thftil hon6ekeep4rk OnAcfay tain prii, h sponse, AS k -would not ken his
t. oil
on raode I She
urziodIP his on
4, A nie
POS1 ans"red, in A tone.- contempt such 1'!g4Jj, against thi wi All hands-' were -on deck novo -n
490kingsuppoi in a wayi. rni that
ere man now. he standing aj d
�delightful. lres,Uy.-, A aU individual so 'prdb vag-q News He W -AS 'no la
had *sell
.0 par.t, pegean , bewildej ad
giant!s strength. uWake that droulren TM&iu out 0' -my
out vith oil
bO au 4 pher
hvj P OAAb t
a own long
f OrsOlf to him and tli fatu
."are ago. - She - had Me vessel.
W"t Oven
Nqroab�i so ch -ih In that her ihouX'ht had he roared,'as bepto9d paoiiok
re. war a and
Old hi
;near wd` fibanne
We- ihalf' k1fiVilicli i -, -
17 bein AA,napki ea� a Ina -84%8
Wake a I 0114-'�Omet iln&N�..6ry W- a 0 1 re W-49
b - h all
F * *0l*d.*,,-th - 4W . -
.168sk brough Aq:�z Ah Wif
ba ther W X .9W
ut wbon -to tiy it, sT! tic" in the -W mome Or 'stte,m"i-, he knew What he had to do. CHAPTER IX.
-she so i )ress
alf .. -On
�A ug -'ke Y&O I ha- '09'
.��4 - -$'D Satisfy herfath
iii* w mig, eiand-hawould
her tha
00 2,
or if his
R t1121 y, but The huge rock
T e h- t4b16, ss pkiseiti bought h be c1Q, be,& little� dal I
ueless to it thd� ut "me -when
46wer6d smifini, Z spoed
'Wei She 'too kvp 0 . :�m ' S :q k -the B
Z *,set wwd w
is, and1e, ri
y- b J?ancan Murray Bacbau as bigh andjp4ged above th
y ither-p
Phet but it
rn that bs wM -worthy. of his
rueftil 100:6 6i 1,�hk dikina Y. and those gittenti 11
n In all ekto d
6 the immed t As -for C which asahes. and churns white ug�krjast
arg hap 1 -if.
]noa, e -did th
Of OVAdU -hi
will Spoil, th - njoest.,ciot late source of her -good nature, he
has.', right -feeli, them, falling.back -.moming U if wit a WIS.
n 0i okesunny 89 away', nder, -may ..-bring us FjU6h rain a 9. frequently to Ross. 1voil 4F hi
to'chase the
sippolUtment that it cannot overthiow
0' pu
j.1st as w Re only.- 049e d -andvaa and altalo a c StAir -by the I Were
le we it bo sai Un solo rve 'the amile 'gO1 lould not hear -them he 080. van f
y we anotru ind it." 00n US of the. 4al %1judon to hi on., them. But it, has, -made inrbads stth i
PIR d . - I . a I, which was hurt air
a Ould 'e guese' t4 'Wpo - hewould
80111 r 'of a '190 for bi archways, leading to
gorgeous rai si.nt.
rersstii* air
T and-- he there was nothing bu fe4tefOrmilIg curious
r4in ned Once inore - A., yo]m are - weather 7- 0
AS severaj times ki-4 , I
Soin'�hb di -int. fe T-Wisev 'a t great -cavern 1 once the haunt of amu era.
ii9cessful in ggl
r#P#Ug them. Ho-nbted
V .10ei she *sita4 upo m a 011 I Ite- happi thrilled -Still -the rocks Stand firm, proud gusidi
ty was -o'er, rays and I bughtnot to- have dared to- i4y a fth
nd s1iadow�'gjjth6jkr thidkly
. # nt Wbat iness that
A h ' -si word. oil thi 1 subjej' t
.4tars o;ne worviii West, th
Ught to have as on V . M .0
as meal lons.. .a 6tood'at -his f tho'coist, and's'terror to mariners
Wd occas �, ? the man as h
-goner. g b
they were PoBit h
-when the wi blow higb.
guest me how il.-mas to. be-. B - any. -alone, togsibeir al�,�� QAt 8 little 14 Me maid" a nd
=Ing e �xh ineriy �Iii 6
!to seek t'hr3 i2om erman
we -,z E -0 afely- to Or
Pyl: An. t d m - 'The little "Nermaid" looked Uke!je,
uidkly. nay! be hap mOit uUplj -in the dibino for, of Poe
A meant
1-w t
on the water i oo vast -thoue
wever., bad- w '.intention Of at With
b oser in a of nature. As it Steamed slowly and
this gam
rou ftest, iA- the woild.!�
as arW ez' we Are with-those*6 like When ROSS -Was- below, captain bQ speak
lesson as piain: w day; h co
ulay'r!La aboi�e w".0n ded]
A X Way.
skyUght he safelybythem- there 'were' homeondeck
thinks 'tV be fsther r she his. time, and he -felt
8 he was playilig.
Once ;standing by giant
What is the -day the op'On,
2( board tilia, e�, jo,.; could bide
sy impe;
vious. -eart its -at thoiighttof the.
-A 2d pJ 'd Ahis- vdry browl. 6cIj3 w -Mind-,-Almie th 'Whan Or Was nearer -than -that .1 1 .
'said; turni who -1
Ju go wX g others frown'. ng her ]lead A PArtof-theiroonverestion.-
J;ut aP vaip rep
-down,' that his tim as li 8 it 9Xw
sy ycg��, b ind it: A -thi of 11,
a trip is were 80' narrowly escspilw� All
no be faahad vii, has� ave paril they
r I'm to speak to- your father.,,
Y seas, ony Oh, sbeen, his, parpoBe -to were gratefulh the 050sip, who had come
s"'s -NERO -min&;,,4udj make big pro
answered -the:64pt so timely *"W -'SU0h Skill and Etrangth to
ILight gj.pj ftjrrh.,jnki wh is before the
gal d- to h
-b methin h Y retachad Peter
A B1. - 4 9 go�d From
UeeAswithia-co i' f Own usiness and'iinconselous -of Wh . - g Put he. had �oon their rescue; Only one pitied the man - ho
so t 9 oingat -me, I think h6.111 ma* -b6 -seen that the -t
'Mo. ag&inflt ell rne.,D�eR,afte car On- C&rgill o did feel ehadjed -them 1
Yet they -i -nt6 th'
0 a that slight �it." did not mean to a d'sager.
ment of her b
ead And' VA As for Dan= Murray, his bienst was
yet tw)n t ng brows r we !or tare "a
lbUg.:jA a
ith- -tooth
In. a wa r th r WoUld cArl rgh s k in
nattention'to -Cargill arry until he 'as pretty,
alked s*4
a he an t of wrath. The rabuts%
They sjy -hat shb,s. z Words; for, 'like.. sarld'. fu I I
)ot. 44 set 1 &us r wo Id beYqs. -.And
tb W6 'th a lifetime
4,one, d frowni A �epllon Was uld Pkill which he hod sr%ed �wi
And she har;j are for gh� as. coUtdUt go ^- _A, - -
B"Ut she does jpz)c 'C him but,. epi�eful aj
Y wh6 ' ;' * be
WAYS, wrathful As getting dark when the hoo6vil a at J%d, And only.saveti
he can Pay-d]V"
1% WItjk A�e lJoks jMAD.
W '�.On be Was 11118 imm h tre ted adez Mittle by a miracle Jeops
g teat nqlddt;, maw
h StO&mer reached the. rug, rdized by the
tbo d6tice with g66d o1dFred HOWeve trusted a h trusted himself I The
Ba ,ed
h 'Cargill's bearing 11 are
;01114,fro chant - and the pilot knovying
�t t0L a is In. that 'moment' had
ibe East, y6ujkn�ow Dme round, ers of the Dua wasno Penaltyi "heavy S1106912 foraudh a
i 'Iwas
TI I ]I?- Ail BQ* Rock:ond the
She had id. to I�Lis.faee a �.thougbt toward Ross altered at k,. *a! Val
% vnshed hith- mind -the rAngely. dead-, lbit she' opportunity H sme B
I -; r round -to bld O8PIUg off, but not so Wn
Ing Quita fri�ndl
was his n Pat;OI2iZiUg.-;m-jU talking 11"' ho
ebe la to W- The fatbej w&jig
b Pt the ian
s favor, and -that praised-' hifil irr we M VDO less Acquainted -wit U
the gineman and Ross,
.111)ugbear, Bob Ross was tbe� cabins coUfA ould' have done.. o far, this. had sell On.the floor of the cabiul%a
his ths;t F
ut -his brains for debts on board. mebeeu',-ffi-?9 v
6yssia� ar b' t SO'ObverlY-Aid- he m t
08 rapid Ulm renialned dock. But -no wor
318 'U, I soap
But I saw Ma book-. a6d for all his b� He h" "no. asre-by*hat lack ught,he was; and Aunielli -eyes roa&04;��for desiri 9 to make it a remarkable M and
�h-id - so ev and goo pass -ad the grim Ballars.
On the �Igbv7f th 08 oordiall -2 "On -
d as
0 (ast Two Thoti; . y hst circanjetan said10 himjelf�. I, Wall, he isno ge the slow Nar,
h! ROSSL US Wk&n Until they;
hjjV'a� een planging now. WorO like pe6)le
debt. it* had brightened *hflkt .-all
brought 6
bh at co*es- ic we .0 career.' ini
A-hd t .. - .! ! .. bo'- Thoii was the. f -so th d to Mrseilf, one I ="-watchi gr :the scowlin
WWIn d fougelit r -n ag figure at the
16- Wh
11 ereis
d. was eRbugh r hi it Was soine good in him, after alls wereaboutpposit(a S n they knew that they,
lights'. -wore UP,And I was one
1, as there ist breath like a sob of
for altijough, -she TOk
-to. Auniii - there had. of. 40 %446ck except Roj he look.; sd a -prayer of WoUd
e thL . could -say kind word CUM were One !oil i nd thebtnek 'fl OtM ever tilley
d a Aoniish prie it woiiia a h ng. more -than �thaj.: 8`5'bSence Of thought he safe
'his vows'. About Bob here a
But he br Dke his ii6art instea in free wdo
ol o giu]n on. waa In restin -thanks.
( oapt&iliL Was: the power of on w
thoughts -'i his head th6 out' ) L
Ross- that pers a and i ring
aghtS Olain-Bob.
Ui certain
ic e ich biade. g In
-to -by the load voice of the
M. ere I
ur You., old bhu 'h sll- gittink on in Such a engaged with 'some papers i daptaingiving so a briaf com misn&.
An han. he hAd
Sh�e'll- wait f him . spe0kally a
0-r 'Was away.. :9104 that h ence of his pilot86kiii And re t0red them
She's not th - -girl. f In faet thojow A
youlia not what they i0ift ac . - -had been by her -fat
h P%rtio'u1ar.pieo6 -Pl WAY, I at. -0aptain D can
to- thi - C had succeeded in will cal!R", ou -deck, lit the 16 'd iain t
of grati on bag4n t 'M "
t h �Qt
her's side -all
the deak, bing- the I arg.1 a hst�sbe was
t'su- -A`UUiO went dOwz! Uk that Im reo 11
0 We On rhite jin
h ago re. one'to'g, jobia ort.LtUrA.Up and do more - -like than a li
Wj - W4 as if our- ving oInw..
er. -Thei.-W&IR, ad up: When they dau
and he -said
d4iil she other .9 -ampty a darkening outlines She wat.6hed every ovement o the -v
And ate -to- bi veyin
ghier, took
-AIR A-.. MAI F -----,.of th000
ter about the ..h f -ea.
.819 to and. grand IM :no W"tin,L 8 ew.words to the L Ulan 'he soil, 4.0w-obedieiitly It Answered 'the helm
grand SOi- You're to'isk# _ H* fteP -o h kei . lowly. on t the -ma . a - terIj I j until.at.len
0 deolsivelyi"kaow, aft. to gth it -
a -of Lonaon.'4ii& P- - - _ - ' - I under
Love H-0: iiied eSaid very th
t; ell a wai
mind was b sy 9 the reas
a taken -to. 'A cfeelin
Ul- -of took them' Out iftt6 safe Waters Buth
bet. abdOrsiand h P9 o who -'.bar father R confident
W At delights, I&* course i u er
who!-Bhquld'b U
6 the WOMP Y refs his,
g some Borrow for U seekin on for this
.1lia Way�,SboUt PPOI - medt he -expected n98 Her father in his r
CHA]PTE who had b
t b 6 a place Y11 syo�! is the. jo6a-
lar'observation *the ni
din str4
ved her and SAY that, but I- 7 ose
var 46od. law 0 to
him Stejy� 'Ooome a had.sald-that Ross was drunk, -butsh
R a said- lit i thyset. didna-.Wsnt 0
14 reply, but ihe'lii 0 lest she bad L�4
toned" I oould-ndt believe in.
go a word witli bi
4%t herfsther!i fir -at'
progi gr'' a- -She roplys. But She t In
A m '09 me turned sWay V: nd
-engineg -rattlin;y` in her Wait eoti to the
; tire to ex -0 ad no -Ai Ret mind leapt
On d th t h
D 1% a ki thought bad fallen in ome fi
am" no wor4o alld moved-swiffly
bs said good -n -AWAY, daWAL.to4he ' abins
-goods h" confoundedly
bales Of ork this, Rogs, and
froin- 000sai all
-on Y and coked - o' t. to:,3e% Wh
hinking lUach., 'dull i
ships* 9 'or 'vice or )Walid, U at 0 n"'the shore acan her fathbr-ifisisted-on this o d -d the floor lay -the
barrelo, baibs�-hawpbrs to': do if sturedly. Thern
Sif'sly in th the AM r t eager eyes arnage. Man she loVed..
And if; a-11 flying �p U'ng� the WaterS pa Wfth'()irg-j-RL? Ho a Mr. Cargill,p
bb'did not obs ad Said that -was-4h&, Abeer*
air places y &bower.
gjOAL t
idet ex a' etve their. the Man to mh in she ha&
-he Id: -not in 66Ah "
a Babel of t ngues end it, did not ',,a won Wati, -but She --kne* how 0 pledged herself,
jift 6u like ih and arlydestroyed th- mail
I" g- fois- as, Once - he had -a
'And -obstinate e"w a Work, SUPPooe,:L And o had so no
That wis. th all. -thatin , -;a
port of Lsitb -at such ti got an idea -a senseless,
she all tha differen6e." Uklyph- a
�w 'd. fixed in. -hit lie' so Of buinoinity. She
Th b ut' or N6?V. Mud: he wab -And- Mermaid t Py ted, himself approschod, hi bent ove -with a ten -
ThiWa bar as A father coulilba:Vf 'of rope
Of .012 a coil rhim
9 and pijjff - th A Of VOi0a Which filled, ni or'
Mo abut- pantin .9 as with bit'in" dadght A hd,-si*
o in ddr hope.
iudly - as t anxiet , , -.0 . ' , ,
0ran it. � ' S
be at he dre,
&PP a neighb Of triumpb. -Y 0 Ae bar is a Of like t or. I wou d orBf t d
I I # r-Yll)g to -mAke
ear 8 big air possiblej and t in the. ledd y -i,,. as he oil not and -her lace
COU midst' of his- trilumpli --the led-ibi thiloonvi-a His breath told er that her
"th be b6rno in u I .
E�t Yet Sh
maid agdOnlyslaakenod.ap do lion him� that father
-4u - a was proving Pose U bad truly. A
ANY Ussprvin 0
with &4 -of e4gal.considers. t hh ngh2i,6t0Pped:&jt0geLt bj forcin or onoughf,
'tion ee An& his iffe
dimly' Vollsolou
g at
sto aiiiii 166, jadjed b that' min Is
-lay Ann's he 9 to do vfiat�
r1v&1awhj ilia 6 her.' OtiOn mosi md 8 Was
right du �fb it 6j� w w -4. with the
4 SmAc ich-vas- Had s -a,
toted of th is seen the'ca at timeo.vp
as8 amil expected o
fata�ja.. i Th -to be fumes: Of hiskay -there g hi
-The. �b t kin wh rk is Wig the people Al 9 . ardi them,,,_:-,. - * L . '': was - somet, mg
-SM r, W
Le, Port for- its rl Main on -her trouble me al i hi0h shd did % not und
44 - - -Which at the
a there 4�njitfiing t a matte 'face is 0 M L to be Lt
neatne"ss, abi F S"-� fsther'fi dy he made h erstand, and
uses, and tb Aiding things moment did h6t impras herL
C o e -per A ahing' 0 ra i urpriss. h she
pug hs oter of, -its ; � .. - . . I would not- -hive. though
tb, -deep be ml
an r. . I
00min de -been so. all the perils of -the nd.
1109' hid no elre was
8 put, 0 2, b6aird"tha- At t-seeh it, but- 8 fore yo 'the one h
'ermaid--1 ther rem in -
were the" Mr -j. Ro� 7 - only -bered. what.ghe-.,b M-- that &a, Th orrible fact.; -he bad
i sife ad,toldl hi
they theL h 8;US toLwho &Us*4red R- so been dijilking 110 -had
4had -o - laugh, g.,
'wo o - "i
p ced ja arlds (if! the 1. looked uld. take at his good -will Wi imp ��u
they, Per Ow-.6f'the could o'thst� their lives I
W 0(
blwAll kud woula
Mius �tfi f -w i _ -not -- take ond of
are *c.o I idd iel a, And
o 8 a
e.woUld -.,hold -to that.
Own Wh
t UP frOill'the cigar.
"t Sh .989 -#
a credi a. her: o*us' smoke The first sickening
Duncan BXfu L of fall sense of-Aismay ver,
'never ka she became air
d he vibilued it LW&
-toward.. was at as work At
Ving, and that pi
tber6 as about- froni'. 0 C ty fO. -and bethought her
it, mo -thaw 'a Sha -went Roigi Who
rr it Wa Y. more. than his. -tan the dis;- whedl that Something Vag
life-- f6 of I"Ner ah6y. He. smile, d. store.
ly was. jesent jilara wa to an no, mere ph ainIL'ib .th P as --but -any in r h' to to- be done to re
. 1. . - , IM conaGio
a fact. -1th Y lid d Maid Usneass, 41Who -was -to help
ra8a I" And approached,
aUp beside the'abegimer. in elon h j face- Ali.
OU Smoke 271
hall sBV.
re even t up her si . d OPes er fath
edit e + ' A her? She dared'ilcit
va u d that. owenng il
:'Iife,:L 0' dmug climbeid Nib not speak to 0
-She passed him tha k
Lit id
ail a din and nevir
d that v 129- Olt the 4 'sve' .1 b
obtaroo a' Pad B,and-stood 'IV Id and 4ho would
eL nth:Ur back. toviaid In gazi
1: Q11 0 -.A-vavo of his: long I ,
Sant. every U the"-debk.' as I h a able to get Of -tile
human- he PI Y for YOU boo ud!-by -she wo
the - �44% - ladomradei belo- -atner had'mades- GiArtl about; h hi tr4ok-the little Ste au
�9 .. OTO �Z include W to: si "ify. I -,,in
-146thiiidil M2 Ali oigart, hare- Men b
esall d tit
hiF all
'Ross g1raspin
"d -come Ut'nQnO Of thOjF 00 be Spare
as 9 a boat dropped. astern, an the g :whaal Afhflis-glabded present.
Urprlae'L; at it as- only for
rmaid", moved again. 'I.-shouli not- likd-to am eall,
lag -as safe' d the Ithoughi ff AS ps a- round nb
t was W D 'for he- had to'tu
that. was 48 rray'"L The a ouin6d tohjjk6 ban& Instant, oke o '001 L White she'LlEbt a towel, diiVod it in
r1i his. es quickly You T-ff011ld. -if YOU knew Wh ac'roughly. by 1he arm -
4OU won. t -refuge to'have a UIL
not. stay to speak more. thka a few _althOi1*h1
s if he had- W4686n bat to Ihe eourae'bafore- -him.. At they 4 Water AMade lorc1hik -Aid it on his head.
6;rcT h ir Othe. She Shook hii
of he could uld Speak were. but lie
The f le: I wdr &a an'
Mot reinaikab greeting to foi We? .1;, you, do I shall"thi U2448 no.. Sign. T,
look, drink
You He -h .. t ad to the coast of huge - iodko'ji one are jig UP ' 0 that W. llwhole, in -the the ink flaskAs Thewwas one thing --more
ange of so
his 11' Ad -d h as*Y` low velisel, Alt h OUt'&-d -lost th 'Such a. alistig . a in e'ra. 14 imores against m.11 u
00tuftae.. f bis t the mofft
trading, t -was
a. T 8 dangerous known t6 m He pol smallei it paokage� r 8 44 Mar-
ftr.eL- and tid to Ofth the manner She c
YOP It was -A hough h Id it up h1w Y
as Ye IrS went oa.-.th of is qaie nature thatmij o Ross. -The latter b- a; blirthe-made 240SIgn. While
perceptilit -6. tw. weath t
fact- grew* in its i proportions-. 36,only sure 011ef,- and. to'save'tim at -besitautl
1142 .. -W h- , p
a' to Vill; emembering'th doing two alai be
a ,e t is came ai ji
until 0 :6f jealou -being fine, Were, aggingLt trouble be
ttle molre 001a
nd qUiSitj on Ia pr4
'ht -be - was hi hat
it seemed is if- oRQL,faila av Y j?
gill -Car 9 eunle', -with' h t b-1, only she
d' all of Wit. as constant watchfulnss was icas of -th i4noe zof t Something
=168 to drink hemi 8 the fumes of`W
ve listener, to his. 'Part of�fhe pilot 'duty, what � there -has on too buoy ii was
-jacke Is there An thing Wro her sffOrts
been bt.
gUOSO-- 0 was 'afixio he, kely to -I won refus 4
er-1 ber-i 6 �b a
And pea jhod oitadd, vourtao rouse h in to give
io From
V in kt..een the
..or. sailor, h it, impassi,
.911, Otood,94 thqburr, loans deck o an because h-- ng? .�asked tween us it Particular heed. to
l0kitig- the bt st4e: on- usly. be
Poard. buoyant in lion, the ri k And,. ohs *98 w -d
ud'bnght on ering.
wered Ow 00
'116 drl eth.
clanging this -miserable shame fall
Heler was 1togi An,facio Answering hi 6,150 Without
wher verv� Uld
ng about a r- � . .11 - - i I - h Utthe In Q'th On 'B-ob oss 2
-Y bris Z n, - 14
POSJti9 and sigill
now U every subject. lie -mobt ly
1: now.- a our gin t -him ad, tivi
now lending & h 19 1 am feared there met's OUJVI�."Y- t 0,bOttOli of hieflisk ag 4he hid ever heard Of him there.
1301116-thibg 06C 1 -
66 -Ifie stf]:Cpateil YOU. L hi
C1 0 what it ig
an-* you in it -r
Ing 'Was Ij.mY If' toli'vy one of the qualities for which
I Be a friend in -Cam
t- -'rination his do I' ;C�bt
angth over h* Offirol, * astothe:- m - "YOU tell rong. had been niD hint of t
At I d to move soin pilie th 'a h -singular. -cordiality more than.. aill oOnly two. People D'i h6ird, and again Of vessel and: th pbeil
wore want be had
the.' ast If or. UJOW WAS Sobfie
1!or - the. Wind I,
point a.; whi 6. said R
ing't oomp a' 00 Y1 oas gasping. Thin how Shoal equi a. flirious* She stood Silent. $'A N; strong$ Welt
the wish
#tliUg'- round them- 0 me
a cleW' as -and; 'th ines, r with now in the 410 "fok h theY *ere e'eng J&
er h
Ad b d
sea ZZ
even 'the. boa WAY wow.
d Aan sea 61909. At le - like fjo;po now-?
-h pabiting As the.o Xorfllaidl� to I I When be was ost AUi Plesee I her
dus to
seriti GeV: Could
'Afttr long cofijd4 eye, it t�-�oa S coUld -not derstand.
on with h Stillgiiishedith,the fa aked. Do ybu I Ugth'
-He'll join nind Illit d at th a was
oblige that was All Zhe coifld saypand us on -the roa him go d V ri Th it
nod to- yoil.!, her -baviii
to, Is 0 ht.. md. UPP f11V hiat.,nig and IL Said man At he allay, Who& ppened* f I" all- n f a4dVCa;9ill moved off As if dormant be& W nderingag
-if he would- mee ever. or t: 0
ge 41,11 -
&.1he cofisequenc- ?,, a W12012.. -Wishod'I
-tL suddenly A, in in -hei a
had n' shora Wuhere, IwU only on time astanddull
0 11 'his
Ou6 Shame here ?
-h i as�one�aaxl y -water did not come. selling
0 nee -Vis."Oug overboard'-.' dii down the cablit Or ittlevhil� to�negiect- 10 fulfil his cigar And AS show
n lme� lisfl. fair his d and you w9ra passing rocky t Doyou mind ths PrOMIN. H6, threw as Wondering there
g ask- arg was Xr; a
b er, IL did _Ws
d�ht leaje f ath -a dry pyeoj fdr
t tiM$;W t to You What Ora i0ab Aawhar tjo� throat bed and some.
as It alOUg 69 lot infor 96
-0 nves. a . a
(TO be.
0 In
you aiStar were t
up 'd- blow.
alt th,
-,I fler up-,tii -bil
peared in d -y aRead, in
I -we the Will. In. every, Word Aking his 9ontinued.)
fagh ndivar d W6. joi 'ry O�SFJL
tll] id me to gjjq come otit.
check t should
replia smiling'
do am going to -tell YoUno* Burody one Of
Small hand i-bod not .68 h6aid of What -06ul b - a Weed B I V' ihe word Visa like�gold't
arryi. f6. WOrth Meallenin
n er v4 jon li'� L M.
t a' L syny 1139worth sayin.
Oh am _Uot rjjjdo�'. he'. 'Oat
a -928 F
6eatt. had b my fal d.Xi., -it H Dwe faltered a little everhavesuch'Andfrect
ops otiboard 1 hav Whe
a: been very a rong: 1 that
W eS srG Q
ch it
agine 'a t, AS I L.thi 'COUVIC 'on we like. to -
heigg Wi. h heei nk of boyi he have"Pioi
-6 of a -boa -bay were approadhing the
pdusly g Against his- T -hen came thelow,:Seet to 6u t beare
4z - f b, U- ed ith - his he - Y JUF 4. h
e8a PO oi� b.oar one- � k � And 89 jpoke im. - It at., fool he t h 9 is Spoken
said Art ..thumping hiske terse and
119, grof -b 'I'Wa ted i forjnation-:� had been the, impress of oas
His at Tide(l ' w polute&
11' the L -vb1cd like a whisper of
si fe( t ia the wili -Dan Bu3 wh.
ere munic&ti
Your sob6r is, to"Arrangd the Should -Of suh n&t
and ale log- it*as Wh hd Bullers, are f the zoom
d a -know the ast
jo*lS VY a so -14. and
a vpyv. as, dressed J& f I -thought -a You.
Was matter isgrasp -tightenea m. But lad of sells -about hi are is the 61.
&jet were becoming confused, -0. In
had 'an.. But th e upon. it f thJi -1161 h* W. F. H
*b -- I 'should doo U 0 his, frow.mr.
;�-ee Lei
anin-g th -'t everythingdenced r. malist,
sIs 81 1
Unlobunded, Wheel '89 if lo keep himself fro den.p
faith- im this poll U ody jJ158.11 tting his eyes. dho 0011:4, Out
legabc of hie.. id . Xon, sompb
_h before
Pan to take them-�-& 'dan
QU4 and the- gkil ot his tiiior�- And 464 aj her, we' of -duty And.- tar
as of �fl d.
o re un Ov over, my restoreit
did WOOD to a -lines O]joern:.
ken'd that An t wo Wri
She nie,- and that
lebody, was
3ight erstand who h
Aun;, ad At W6 F h Of 411011
le laagh' of A M2 aiji aid a., :herlp his arms.1 block: h 'Would
a captala *fe)
what -a
Nothing had on, nQVipUll hi J0
b di choose. '-to understand efful re
bid hil a - - - - - - - h
or ..the I
mas AAll Vado
that min. le ae'Medicines v. to,ri 'd
ma a yourm4 UIF
Sojo� if She -were )rds. ase dear o , St; Jabdbmp 0i
but Could, 1091, 'What was VAG matter ing ih� ad
0 0 es vull swered 4' Ilf 'together ? He -V
-0 w
t J can ever take flia: i6 Of- the W years I have been usin
qui6k.,� - . Into Ated in; rb6ogiizi coal I - t,but, the
t. o' IhaafeltitL, Y -boo! 20 i
On. In my'lley He Set his
'it eVjr_8Woa now. =-dL 91
go saa Ill -lid b tooth; ut -nothing
Id L hi eigh :aristo . "pt 9
-4 line me
or-yo'u to And h 10 would -would- bbip Poo
0 t ever you h -of is 611ii on -Procured'-& bettle
valled. Captat mar U w Or it iforfed me' In C�' r this demon that had -jot Finally I
a '010111 Would have, Wen. b h 5 com Whenever -1- th u -t t. Tao0ba Oil, liked L g
9PeyO t I ty that- you gh'lot -of
Oing.1he. -out t his tongue was
given H6 tried'# upp CAVA 0
t" f(ir Any Y he Y sThe am sea re
Prho has a swe' becoming more- Ruffe at
b erance� 10 ered boit to I
a greati,toady -if -Of ortu itk tad h b After
ev no� irat.?
WAS, -again Ong Silo !,So *b
bility,. -and deep -1 dot, 'bat' t pAralyzed. .3 is
pea rer from
Solnebad all .of jh id - more OOM46ed is bellinatism, asf- frenzy as 'At German
ven rempt ly, ropiOsentod'it t She eyes more and more lieved by the use Ihe -are re
6 .9 quite abl 'do it onj 7, of course she wodid could noi dazzled*' TQ
c0- 9190- of -their a0
:.With all hia- a OP041L A bstifil airs, i -s ee, no requ to do MO. -WAS Ill rat to owed to Romedyi. 8
130me'upow , 1. ;-
OW 1; -Tacob
�mo spper,-, Whoever Ufa. Odd'dif thee de. $Oil 1SU 'great bloselD9
ImPr6898 - the V d b- ki * " i -v
d control WOUld,`10wever fibil, ice' Y
OuVot the sing omethi"Al And- See t .,- Ile ad' humanit
424t 84 po 11 - I 064ny fither, '0 On And: Mr1jr. I shall do
ommor - ;he l: is a awat jai i
no a d -B8'11 A. -1 h' -8116fely., 1. a
or -us... taken "up
Once, keiping Ways -with - that -Mani maakaoW.4 its
'uud n -port and 1148.4rand He fell, a
Pres 3ed As,� for j the *verYtb'D9 i. tower -to
no Ua'tly -PWUp
-.Vermitta-her in W st ar for his and. his fortune -and his promijes, -and oll t flo e�. wh , altering t a hO ding to the wheel th
.,Want' to� go out by *ill nov - hesrk t se':�V
an we f
P L d6alit. he athjjL So,. A Shang
to :b L
0 'Word- Ust her noe an
ihtt,th6 wind.: -was dead against; from - YOU. UlY straight
110 U4* or- Tawh t
tooL 9"�And'sa wroug,,. a D= Buy _eon received her.6 'Of vices have
--but the re ).Wskq-96 Storm c6lhiii ind Ilm -great' financ*
ocoup give L Y, W 0eirtroubled. . ! . 9 ... -.. . U;Eomon. of Panic Peki
a WAS - �- U 4
gI f: :0 the� L Brea
call �Sbaf it and i t1 Thor
t 1' 11- � L .1. -
attentio . R . , h .8 11 -Bat YOU.
"d 87: rac a TI& --.!, - - ,,, t fie ide 7 native erhants
never: t bahko�fi
�ve YOUCI,
part 6f 1h give failed The bank
6fild- not Uzi or M 1 Thou be shouted silvpr rates for
reocia th at fac4014d he nilcugh' to stand. 211 i
f rrapidly
f9- Merchants in
Pelf- �o it ji. o arran'g e- linin
the"interior "him 'bat:j tales. Th, Ing,von.,
tdn' k 48. for* adouring -ght6st Pparj ShdL-"L Said ang,?-We% -be, on
na�grest �C(31 I triValic -hill-hever ts
0 interfere ojt?a Vir Ave Stopped
'Usual- tor tly b ovp With the Never is What I'
Gomfbi Without the- �j never -the ke a-popawe _thr
-6r OP, Athor without.fathOr'S,'"14, -4nd The cal Ughbut
-pg.Aoie- th teration, o
Pf -On dook; want to.., tell'. ou mord: - I k at sea, _0
and no
01 a yoursv
'Ads"Would L AM'120
as jusi- -tcx b ird the cry oxia harried
Thio-boi all b
I -shall never be �y big, d
'or;. a,
kymbryv� m& ng a
hiug and Bbb R an b1c% c6ptaWliv-quiek
$4. L LCIOUbt Of the
R% tb erous -f-op Power iw as 0, ht
-er ok
Are You �g6jug. W.My;' !4 _k -,,rson h
�gj.As will 77
77 be, Be -rushed to.. H(W Iftu
t,62 a P a said4o: vqu -woul ail, ei -d b --oo' D
jPI you
Bosco ac,
or. ap..
poiiiqv�#, at
-or h6jid, h P 1he
continue ri k L 6604W
he to' f
th gj ot. the Wheil
t a- f Una Per-.
##so of; All on
.1.8 -way, halt time-.' !1" C r -an your
DfOssioll "d VI
-the pleidge 0
991st btbbM
a she'll ano t
jo tuin
drunk *ban,- ftftm- "cl -Fab. it m�.
ROSS fait so if he vbu d
I -'have steered 400fore -84k given UP..by tho
die of imrO&I,
a [We,
wules or
71 a,% Yi.