HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-03-14, Page 1„ r- • RCH r 1884. -111.11.1111•0101111•11ankaa ' - - CAMERONii WHOLE No 530 • -BANKEftels• CtTON 013 ney.to Loan at Reducer' sistec - - f : Suitine Timec Loans on Mor tgages_ aslow.a 6 per cent: II )TE'S AND MORTGAGES -SOUGHT - L - LI.GT TRA kttorile y - 4.atw Sol ici tOr in: Chan - v, Convey -sneer e Office next doin. to. Post Office Lue,.., ow t)nt. 318- . Or: -..ft and Cheques Oh aii point,.cadid " .-;., ..,i,i,,.1tli,, Lid . er.ocapt 41.- tte_otigli• Ila in to..the t!..,k,Ceetion of Liotes ,. .„1-'3C01.111tS , itenti, *d . . _ - ----. - t-V'TS -t3 .A.,V AB LE ....AT - li All- - issued .. Ihe Jrincip.al cities and t wns 4 :a Can - .: s at.. and on -the -gaited ita,t. v aod Great Britair„ ' Parties e . •- \t1I find this the cleanest safestand ru. ost , -)uvenient inct noel • INTEREST ; per dOrtt.. "allowed on net ii.ts in tbe Saviligii,-13aok Depart Funds Invested for PrIvrife Parties.. : W.e.• are prepared ttr offsr tozners every ' facility afforded by a Jhartered•Dank &titian equally fayorableterms . invekancing in all its• aratches. :1f7n-- and Life In 14P.anee±.1 [' Cflf- ANIE4e; REPRFJSENTED -11y2:141E-s9Fus---FnD11 s A. M. TO 4 16,1; . • 'CA ME R ON & CAMPBELL TJucKNow• . . ..ARROW -& P.' AJUDP'00T,: • • Barristers linitdrs, Sze., Giiderieh, • - J. T. GAngoW W3r.” PROUDFOOT. AMES' SO-AIEJ. d • Mhney to lOan on e Valuator for Trust' , AXT0.1. sioner i loin at 7 per cent, s .tor for Tbe Domin Tnent Society. . Issu ILLE; NVEraNcErt. Perini on Real Estate. -1.1 Loan CO. 1tf Conveyancer, Cnni, inis• • C. J., etc. Monyth ight interest, : Valua- Saviiigs mid Invest.. of marriage.Licenses, , KINLOUGH-P. 0. • EYER & FOKINSON, . I3AR g)LI01TOR for- )ZJ: Cmissiouer fe anitoband'. Sold. -` Money loaned' on ortgages: ioney invested: ft.4 priv.Ate persons -the best Mortgage 864? ity, Offioes-7- Wing LncJnow Offiae, nk of Hamilton, and _taking. affidavits for Rage property bought in and Lucknow. °filing. Little'•Shoe -upon tad • (QF dAstEitoN J CAMPBF.I.L) NOTARYU L .1 .0 -Commissioner in 13. R. • COnveyancei , : Etc., ETC - mveyaneilig in all its 'Brangli,es, 1)ee4s,- vrtgages. - greeinents. &c., Promptly sad eareftii prej)ared • MACKiti & con G • Ginn(' s Store. R the've, dence former •(Jam ; Dr, lint- forM rly occupied b St.,,o posite the pub • UTCHINSON,. UliGEONg•& -ACs• oral. Office, abo -e opc•upied by Dr. Mac- inson. the IVIrelnetace aCK:id;11a elock bchool Office----Medic , an...14; rtreetne,ss gnariinteed. - . -10'Specia1_fttt Wctpie_ii. and Chil Kr Calls prom night or day. Sascial and:_proinnt attention -paid to the • 'F krc;fling "of Titles, anti to 1331 maAfers 4zoneet- 'q 1 NY-lththe transfer of 'Real .111state: . • - ClIAAGES RE ASONAliLE... . • NEY TO LEND On easy terms- o At.pp_lx to jOEEN linkigagnoxr. 014EY .---, PUBLIC .NOT1411,E; . 14 L l'AR'i1IES INDEBTED T(/' • THE _unciersigeed either by note or book ac- count are reque1sted to ,call and ettle the sanfe. at once. Parties having book - accounts will please call andsettleeither by cash or, note; I am now at the factory of :Messrs. Honey. it 334il • iit-Zit'21.. 8 ' - ''.;W. MILLER, -Lu.:knoVf. . . • NOTICE OF .DISSOLV 1LT- °TICE IS -HEREBY' EN• THAT -the_partnership heretefor�. existing be- tween the undersigned as Carriage and Wagon Makers and General 131- eksmiths has this ,day been disselVed likrautlial consent. • - 'Dated this -19th day (4Febrnark A.D. 1884,. *. Witness. WILLIAM MILLER:, . ELLIOTTRAVjR. f WILLIAM-GRUNDY. BULL FOR SERVICE. HE -KiNLoss COMPANY -.BULL-- , , "Alexander:" Will serve .. a. limited Mimber of coxes this season at J. Gordon's, Lot 23, Gin. 8, Iiinhiss For the season, $2.; Thorouatbred cows, $5, - • • W. YOUNG, Pres. D. JARDINE,- Sec- , • . HOUSE AND, LOTS FOR SALE. TI1HE UNDERSIGNED. OFFER :FOR- A. sale.a frame house and-seVeri lots forni-; ing part of the -mill - site on. -Clyde streetin this village. The house is one Storey.and a half high. and -contains' E•roonis. The 'engine 4nd-- boiler:belong-tug to the steam mil1 lately ,des- troyed by fir is also offered fO Sale.For , further particulars apply to TOMLIN SON BRYFHEBS,- • . L icknow .0MAJ,L. :DASHES: proper begins on the gOth .of March. . • —Weddings appear to. be of the day in this section. tlie order. 10,v- -M. Corrigan . on• the war -path, ---,The thaw this ek has spoiled the sleighing hing —Forsale or' exc1 vcre a seed drill, and a set of...harrowefo apply. • at this Pel office. • • =Mrs.: W. L were visiting friends •week.. :- ..Mr Angus 3 chased over One cubic feet of square t . . save y:b. from the -March sun •Sinith.los a large - Woel.Barege- -7. . -Obstructions...of • le .and family Brussels last uait. has pur- {dred thousand ber this season. complexions . , r winds. Mrs. of silk and anti bowels are prom National Pills. . - W.. IT. .Lit Campbell, in the -first for :the Adam BroWn. nesday last by one sh , sun-sh- hati, a very -large -sto Smith's. • omach, liver 4v removed by I defeated D. raw at curling )edal on Wed- s• and sailor cheap at Mrs. --Lin the report of 'ehan'ty con- cert we omitted • fia me tion Mr - Walter -Campbell am;?N‘.;?St. those who took part in the progNsAme. -4-Messrs. Geo. Doga,s, Alex.Ross, and John Peart, the0e6mraittee ap- Poinked'atr the last e?ting ,of the Odaellow's*Lodge ha v istributeitthe $30 from --the charity ' cert amongst the deserving poor of .• —A regular _Meeti ian Societ .will be hel Y ,-Timothy and clover se d,the ver 19th Hist- Bum y- . ess best....quiiiity, at Ma.cIrityres; . full attendance requei ,Cepelancl hal-8 returned. -1-The Brussels f the Caledon- n Wednesday, intirest; A • d• -f from lier visit to friends in Ilatriston. printed:at horhe on tion tO iseues . , is expected -the Ontaii6 The Post is a good.loet. y attenckd to by lature will be. prorogued -inA' bout.two Ker,1.* is to be congr. MORT AO -E 7.to .10..‘41 F7t1ta;err CceLin-itSinSterest•pay lble yearly, h.rrges ve?Y-moderate. - pply t - ;RQ 41178 at.T11.-4,..Arar t.Hehns eCretatirOf the.•West WaWartosh Miittiat r•ie144n:ranee Conipany,fiothint but firth • 1/41 )14 irtyingured.- Piatio6 N%iithilitito insure this p .?pulaff4r1.aerfic (=pan in. the town - 1."•:Sof Colborne, Ashheld, Ras and West . ,Wa.yanfoAh, Kinlosa, and linnin liy sendiiiga- " 4-A t gar'l to me- will be called onland every. 1 g!ormatien given. -.1 ()BERT MURRAY ,St . moved to Wingliam, the deutristy busine informhiripa-trons t enl,he first Monday the thirdhlonday an Offige • at Whitoly's ISTRY. .S- OME, Licentiate:6f utal Surcery; has re - here he will ctirry on btkt he would beg to he will visit law:know. Tuesday -And -also on 'nesday uteciali month el. ' 15, Robei1Citn, hisur ONEY T ONNY T 0 at .7 per oept. ,from 2 to.20 yeirs„ lista of Fatmsf.orale in 0 Attui o n,s weltas vLa.ntoha. Parties 1e•-• consult thiiriiiterests 1spe9tilig the advertising .fatilltist,f'sub.- r1bek-ii1 Great Britainand.Iret-Aitianet con- inent ' lac-ads:for sale. • ANG TY STEWA L uid Yalu , I.o.eoknoW Ont: !%E 1 I , i : ta 4... . - S:ITENNANT N LIT .1INOW . DGE', N . - •M• ets.eyery *Friday Caanpbell.- IV. C • ltfL LER; No - 0 ht 1. -ig o . dge a. 1.84, G.R & A. meets the '1111-ursday - on or before f ull moon of• each mouth at .8, p.m. Visiting breth- rencordiallyinvite& ifLOUair, Secretary - . ... • 1-fri.i.N-Eir -TO LOAN ON GOOD t'ARM PLOPerty at 6 and 6/fr Per c4nt, aisentxt- .: -; to th/ 4ecurity offere,_1. Theeve•witi.let )4ned on in terms..tor . suit th4bergower. I.4rt espondenne will be r cheerf answe.red wittrInt expense._ For;fiirtlier i)!irticulans- -;.app.ly to - -. St. _He1en9- i P.O.. 1 z it.t4tt,im CKNOW •TA) 'ent tirdorof 'Urn the i-1 etInvoi„Haill, . •Monc , y evenings of e ii. Visit 141 Brethren are, tentt.:. .. - - • i ;.1.11,19.t -LAleitilt-F.Ne . MaSterNorkman linokilnyt,july4.4th;- yeti ng at 8 o'clotk in • All brethern • -/ cordi- [NELL, Secretary,. e Grand . W. OF THE 'd N'Vorkmen, nieet in . the second and last month, at 8 O'eloek, rdially in vtted to at LITTLE, . Recorder.; 2. weeks. •, ' patronage lie - - • - business *men of Br Jtmes Soniervile; - - :home, from Ottawa- for few days last —Dr. Low's- Please. week: - .,agreettble, safLpreeman'se remedy.te reinoVel all .w.orm peid48 destroy and remove..--wiirinA withOu..t.libjuri, to , 8fning ha* Er adult or infant. • in great Variety in If you are.goin-g to build, Jones' is the place to buy your nails, hinges, locks, glass, paint, oil, etc. ---Fot sale or exchange set of - double harness, wagbn, d fanning milli apply at this office. --Lucknow scOred her seventh ;Tic:: tory' at curling on ThursdaY. last • - de- feating Kincardine- by 17 shots. _ _ - . . - -• it is an -open winter --open• a both -erids—axict the wind -blefws right through it. Lawrence, , of Lon, • dOn, son of -1VIr. Thes, 'LaWrence; spent a few . daYs:.in,the village-thiS -week. . • —" Oh 1. such lovely, prints," is the: :pleasing rernark of everyone going R - • . _• Oorden; of Toronto,. has returned home frcini.4 visit of. a:..few dais- at the 'residence of Mrs. A. Murray; _ —There was no meetine- of the Lit- erary Scietyi on Tuesday evening_ last; -Owing te the absence�fseveral of the - members. . _ --Co,ps the climax Machityra's 23; - - . ..cent tea, 30* half -chests in stock, equal to :20,%00 lbs.; sufficientto fAmaies lbs, each costing. nly $1. Office 1nspect6r _ Spry,. of Batrie, is. investigating elm ges :made _ . . -itgajnst the post office .manage.ment Waerton . by Mairet . , • f 7.-L.-Thoiigh _there is. a '''gritqf boom in. tea .and prices much higher,Magbityre sells;e3rcellent tea hySen,gthipevider, and„Japin for. 2,5 cents a 11).;-... Oct tv s4mpl 9 • folipse the -rnoo-wi11 be visible in thiipart of the- world on: the .inorniugiof April la . Thiswilt be the only ,eclipSe of any4incl in this locality- during the .year. —Cheap guns.—:-Joue*-,Is offering a good zee 164dhig for$2. 50 w.,Orth $4 ; breech toaskir.i_g shot gun foi 10;50 worth- double barrel 411.6t guti for $11 Wciath $15. Only. a le* left, „Oil at ol.risi*,,and, get 00, bargain -4i _ ----AuilligerS00007-,hung on. a 80-Pgh- n pi .atitionra*, wow. = 10* -f- t p. mood -Court, g a WAlv,TER yRking. vg14 - -As.,41 the past, Ail) keeps on littiid alarke,and •-• -supericrstock pf .GENERKL GROC I I. • nelnuliag everything found in th larderof , ;ad h Insekeeper` He woni4 als inform the p..144licon Partic njpz1 v the f cam ntnr- ty, that he,has engaged .th,R,oer.O. etecof . a a • 0 ...G1-1 ;NUL y.,14 . will eurry.ifin. )sine6 with. tnawed iigor,and, by turnilig,piit;i0od gntsts time,. gain increasect„piO, asplAre,n/ t . ItiAIN Wow II • - so,niet‘Atri frn hand. 19.1011r. • i-tit.v9?-4.. _t-ot.tas :This -Point-to eets t •Vst -and third -Mon- days lin every- rnont•h • in the • t.ridy ALEX 11.A4 1-4114 -Tempriance • . • Brityley, Ha ip.9-;,-paYs .;--` Tread -theittistinioniali for •M Clrege,r's Syseib,:fc'ure aftrel fiiiind that I hiid t!.)., go. to New York,- Lanisa or Tuiii And liYIR$1,witnesses-ofite. wet, !env • af siteralnieright boye Jarcrte- elm 1 * .t ittiple and ina rot 40vh,y, was with Bilki I. Fiver ,Ionialu-anyOneri:4 014 th..it•Iiity. ta an *-411.r.rollio,tiles-ibill any WO toed irit bur14,1 132b7, jar tpubt F. • s iivek :001, shapes- at Mrs: Smith can get the canned peaches, tomaf lobsters and sardines,, 'Murray's ; also absolik. is now all power press. paper andBro. dated the elves fro& the .s. • •• • Wolin Syrup. and effectual nag of worms. . - and bonnets 41 1 the leading • . • . -st qualities in ,peasi.salmon, EL & J. D, 17 purespices, • curry powder, icing .011gar, and fine groceries_ of all kinds. r.:1 . - • • ---L-Call 8,nd see MaNityre's Canadi- an tweed suits- for $7 fig 3 men's Testi; $1 to $1:50 ; boys' Ve41- ilequally cheap. men's 4:)n._g_ boots for. $i' r-15. ' '' , 1 .„ . -4-According to a 4 turn just brought. doji men ii.). the penite* • country and only 31 there are people who s not ,vote. , Qi want sty', summer'wear, go. and' new spring priiits. 20 yds. -factory - for $19 _ necessity o greater interest th day: more and more -a liamentary re there are1;111 48,ries- of the omen. women shiiv1;4:' • d- • beanty-z fpr MacIntyre's s. print for$1 ; t Maelntyre's arents taking boys is every: rent Alto- gether- too Many boysAl4ave the run of the:streets day ancriu,, t This sort of trainin„,a can have ut one end.- Purehts should _know iere their boys are after sundown, an is at home. • toma,tOes for -lunch, lunch- ton ster, mackerel. -peas, save* • sauces,.. pickle$ beans, dried corn, at • Lanes Public . • LEADING :THE VAN. Luciorow CURLERS SCORE ANOTHER ,VICTORY. The Lucknow 'curlers are evidently determined to sweepthe iceinthichatn- pionship race -of thelocalclubs this sea- son, having added • another v,ictbry to theirscore onThurAday last' Thisiithe., seventh victory that.has been credited to them this season,. and had the Fer- gus .club "showed np" at Harriston last week,- it ,would have. -added an- - other to- the list.. ,On Thursday last two rinks of the Kincardine club ploy - ed heLrecr-Kt7 LUCK.;. score standing 52 to 35 in • favor of LuCknow. The follewing i the soores itINCARDINg.- 8diner e, J.;I-Iurdon, GW Fry,. 8. O. May, Geo. Douglas, ° Harry Collins, Dr.. Tennant, W..Rapley, , , ,• skip -18. D. Campbell, •J:.Watson, Dr. Hutchison, J. II, Scott, ., IL Little T J. Minter ' L Righ.tmyer • skip -3L skip --1 a - • 52. ..Majoritkfor Lucknow, 17. .HOLYROOD. - From; Our Ow* COrrespondent, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, of Belfast,1.: 7ere visiting friends here this week. Mr. Jones has advettised a month's.. . extension sale of all lines of goods re- s' garilless of .cost. Mt Wm. &others has returned• home after spending a fey • days visit- ing'frien4 in 'Agh.field.. - Mr. John Purvis while atTeeswater narrowly escaped. . As Johm is a goo -d1 -see him -able to mills with a -grist .fracturing. his ltg.. fellow we wish to about shortly. A merry •timeis . expected at- th.0 residence of Mt S. McDonald, of 6th con, Kinloss, .on Wednesday of; this week",the occasion of the marriage,1 of his 'eldest daughter. • We are sorry -to state that our es- . teeMed teacher, Mr. $totheis, is under the.necessity„of tderkiiiejt t4iiAvea as his fait partner is payilig an, ex- tended visit to her pare*s near - fast; Several meetings have been held in the hall in reference to the previously, mentioned cheese' faefory and inuc/...• has been said on the subject durilig the _past week. Several:influential farM-• ers expressed themselves- in favor of . :.the sCheme. Conspicuous among- tEte addresses delivered Fwere those of . :Ressrs. Grant and Corrigan, , especial- . ly that- of the latter .gentlenian, joint-stock company has been formed and a site chosen, which is' theisouth West corner of .Mr. Nicholl's farm. A -number of teacloglk -ofithe tQwIl ship of Kinloss,•met On Saturday, 8ti inst, at Holyrood- forthe purpose of organizing a Teacher's Institute; 'The-. object in vie* is the discussion of matters'pertaining to . school and gen-- . eral improvement of the teacher. .A..1 chairman being appointed the meeting was:Culled to order it 10 a n After- - -some discussion. as to the form the meeting shoeldtake, a .preiident and - a Secretary '..Were appointed for the • first quarter: It.. was then 'deoided.lp hold the next:. 'meeting on Satiticlty, 22nd inst, at the hour of li."8.1-f past one, p m A programile 7i;;.as,..theit drawn up for the next meeting con- sisting of the following Mr. Walker, Langside hi4 isyst€in of marking, Mt Stothets Bolyrood . arithmetic,Mr.Wilson,-NO. 5, history, Mr. Ross, Kinloss village English grammar, Mr. Middleton. No. 7. We v. trust that the, .teaehers 4,a:the town- ship will he interested in the oppor- tunity thus afford. of 'communicating their ideas to eacti, other in the im2 portankmattei of 114 edpeation of -the - yotypg;-. And will eoflia /mowed to *take -.Part- *at& disoussiop hat he best place. 't 11410Vy paste salmon, lob - 'us, anchovy spieel, white cintyre's. The.foilOwing is thd r, Selina for the -moil* of le' Oh the- attendance,-reeititt thetImpilx: SAir 4Tu.—Arary Conlin • of the abOve nary': It is based and oonduet vf , :Maggie:Pagan, Samuel Johnston and -Ken McLean equaJ. tl.len Bowler aid frihn Hog w..and -,...:..261.1;07e.47-TRy,..-'irriihMinanish. . " . • S4.11 Sart.--.:Patrlekroi4 Lainna Lanai 3an.„ John Courtnsk George Fariies ,arko,telni • legg *has 4 ia _ ailb-$211.40%;.tati posroo :::40,441414. Toslka. Maggis Aennet • h{!117. ribtWatt- • rougli eft' Aiticnis of.tbia istie Piratiow'SA% ri — . . -74'P :r • • . '• • • • • • •