HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-03-07, Page 8•
-. 2:51 -
11:25 •
1o; .
,A Good Price,.
lir James` Graham, - _of Maple
Lodge,-4shfield, sold last week a'very
fine - you short-lior-d hurl "Alex
Ross," -to a entleman n 7 incard ne
township :for, $.125.:.
Village-gon tabiet . _
:At the council meeting .o>i Wednes-
day evening last Mr. Archie IeCorvie-:
vs,s a rani re aPP oitited table'.for '
he E iIlage:'; There was only one other
application., -for the.posit`u.:�
Canadians vs.: 8catch en.
1 .A rink of Scotchnen a d .one of: -
Canadans payed agairist - theOanacfian
and: Scotch members of.the Witigham
Club on Thixrsday of ,last. Week, and -
vhicli. resski l ted in a i'iottier v ctory for
he Luckilowites by. 25 shote
Threatened ed' -Reduction.-
Mi. _fltckson, mmnagei of the Wand
Trunk, °Iit -- sent out :circul rs 'to his.
employees ;asking them if t ey:could
al:cept a _ reduction -of;`. 10 .'- p i cent on
• thein -wages._ • This the men. it be-
l evied have.. e:fusecd to -do, laairi if the: J
matter .of reduction. is pressed a .strike
• ill certainly be the..resis ult.
1. croese Meeting.
A111)6..66,14 :of th
wtll.be held. sin. So
Tuesday evening ne
meats for the coin'
requested -to attend.
The New Bridge,
P1 ns •and' specific,
bridge to be erected
can -now beseen at
in ,this . village. T
ceiv d until YridaY,
Pass -d: his Examine
F iia .the=Edinbu
February 11th, we
teemed- townim_ an,
has passed his . final
has een: adinitted .L
berg and.L.. R. -
Goo. for the Docto
Temperance Lectur
On Tuesday ev
.Andrews, : wife of
Anl ews, Sof =Kincar
a =1ec lire- in the Met
in. onnection wit
Christian .Union Te
tion:: . A: collection
the c. ose.
North-West -Excu.rsi
Thi - various railw•
lag p'eilminary..an
tie to: their special
ba, �w ich will . corm
Marc - The fare i
de-rstood,:.will be low
ever tiefore .-Shou
avorably, -the`numb
probably. by large .:,
1=a ily Welcome,"
Everyone likes -to.
good. story, one that
and enter tainiri
get; t le" lads' and- la
borne o nights to
story w ill make •:eh
and' the gude man Cl
delight ...- '/he Farm
tains exactly what_
struct We dire
tt`nt 'on to its a � i its ache
column; and say,'.4
IT.I •
Dominion Licence lnspeE tors.
T:ieLieei se Gomm.}ssioner_.s'for truce
uliilr'r the loin}iiioii ct liar:, as oint-
�'- RP
, 1 ref;- t::: 'alentiie, of Paisley, -Chief:
Chief -Inspector ;. Ir: -ohin leis, •f
k-,r-tou; -s .b-inspector:log• •: the
,T ., I Goose E-,Sinitll,.
:Ant •A .A=, . NE -inspector' for -
rk J;. d .n41- Mr. Arch. i4lc
i. of -Walk-
of South
the, north
orvie, -of.1
f iud - » .cult ins�;ctor-for #::the east
--fiiln .
a, cage.
An unknown, a boa fid resident
,• of .Luckno�i who has never skated in -.
1. race;_ hereby .challenges George Kerr
-:o a three mile skating conte t to come
l` iia - t1le c,Luckmo.v skating rink. -with-
i two weeks fol :ten dollrr a side. •
the u.nl i a�rii has deposited a" forfeit
-of five-doIl_Lts iii the -hands of D. _E.
.ii i:3..0 f who liaa:: pori er t .a range..
;F'f3 y'i; iTi co.iiiec d With tho: race . ..
-Close Season for Fish, 3. .
The -following schedule of the close
tea o»» for fish:- in:. Ontario - -during the
'year. 1881, which has just. ben _issued
-1 the g De _ rt e
a nt • of �aril.
.Y P
e and
l.-•isheries,..inay he -of intereS.. :•Piek
el• t-
_ ei � 15 lm nil to 1 Atli May -
_., �p ._ y mask;
iiwiige, frith April to 15th._ ay;:bass;_
15th .-April to 15th . May
s�ilinon •
tc Nov.to
Nov. to -
th Sept
Daring Burglary.
A darifig ".burglar
in this;:village on ' T
shortly after the. a
4.44 from the- lith
of Mr.' Win. Me s, e
though the =place: is
lar ge mastiff dogs,-.
li-rht • are a _-terror
:the morning: the trac
Marauder tis'as--. plain
leaning.against the'.
brooms -.arid the oiil
.missed -from = tIi
the: i daring "'burgh
taking ,from. the. side
trout and .large grey trout, 1 s -Mother. other,
moth NOV, 'white, - fish,- Ist
1 Oth Nov, i speckled -fro : , 1
..to lst May,: - ' -
A 'Good idea, is
A railway `invention of iti9re thaci
usual value, if it works satisfactorily
ndw announced:: _ is ur se is to
- s � P P�
obviate the necessity of having to call
..out the names of stations b having
them. always:_ exposed inthe..car. It
consist of an indicator - wit a glass '.
lox and .canvas roll: _ inside, on which
the naiii' s. of stations, are printed. :Thea
loll isturned by an automatic sir tube,
orked by the engineer, awl. ill al:-
�t d.s �.
• � � L 1 � - t
a the:. 'name. of e next
Birth, Marriages and:•Deeths.
• 'We are soineti; .s:: Warned rned. or not
K .-
. ��.viri7 pu it city, to all the ►ninths, mar-
•'. itiages and cleatti w-hioh take p ace. in
the neighborhood. Although we: ;try
1-ard to .pick =up;every item of -: i terest-.
ft)r our readers, it is sofnetiruee-.• next
t iinpossilrle.. If clergyniei :in, town
.country -would- kindly =drop: us. a
}costal' card,. containing.- the particulars
,:_( any.. marriage :ceremony- in which
they may be -engaged, and -doctors,- of
rsirtlis-and -:deaths, they would c4, nfer a
favor uou us and ;at tle- saniV time
1'e doing the interested ones akinA/less.
_ arrcw„Escape.
On Wednesday afternoon o f last
reek while' a farrner was hauling oord-
ood across the- track_ at the 2rrd con.
the team "stuck" on the a•lwa
r.. gotr�.kwy
csrossing just as the train from Kincar-
ine WAS
coming down flit,-. grade.
]Finding the -horses unable to m ive the:
load oft t e- ...
� track tho.farmer seized_ the •
y the: bridles, evidently afraid::
the animals would "run away' ' when
.the• engine struck _the - -load, but a
g�entlema who --was passing at the:.
.%one pull4 the bolt out of the our le-.
treew and : freed the horsesfroin the
sleight or. L4 all liklihood • the !horses
would hsa�a, suffered : a sunilar,l ati to
1 isieigh ard= . contents. • = : -
y>- t� $
-Three Mile Race. =
A large crowd .a
-Lorne- rink k M
witness th hree mi
betwee'• Geo. -Kerr,
Albert Cooke, .: of -D
dollars ;a side,- : herr
z �
four laps.: . During :
lacrosse players
rvine's : ofice-on
r to make arrange.-
season.... All are
ions for the new
)n Campbell St:
ie Clerk's office
ider`s :will - be re_
4th inst. =i •
S cotthina4-:of
rn that our es
- 11IacCrimmon,
xamination and
R: O. P., Eciin
S. Edinburgh. --
ng next, --Mrs.
e Rev: Alfred'-
*ae,. will -deliver
dist Church fere
' the Women's
erance Assoeia
i1i .be: taken at
_ Innes -are maks'
ncements -rrla-
;rains to Manito-
ence to -run in
s generally : un-
wa : this year Ulan
the spring o}� en;
oin� o .
ggutr�i 11
ead and hear a
tg •_
s 'bright, �i
that ill-
bile- at:
ead ' A g od-
lousewife s ile
'-lis hands w th
I elconme con --
please, and:-
nd: in-
our` ' read.rs
servient i our
D IT .arid AKE
Was commit ed
.sday :night ] st
Val •: of the 1 te:
n- the reiai 4-
-prep- agent.-
gent - -
11 guarded
o even in ;day 1
behold, :yet
of the midnight
visible, `while
once : were
thing _ of val e.
' einises'
eks oid,:'whi h l
succeeded_ in
its urs s
con ci
rnbled at t
riix on and eveninglast�to:
skating con t st.
:Lueknow, arid'.
'aannol , for -ten
oto, • -beat Coo
le race the wil
est exc.iten4eiit• . prey . ed :among t
spectators, .:and a -; Lige amount'.-
•money 'changed hand
nally wo.n-by='Cooke
half to 'spare, but it i•
friends:that had • he
times during the rac;
held hi own against
e Veli t ria- s :On
next,, e. beii eve a
-same parties Will t
Dungain.pn rink-- for
�a. ..
Literary" l=ntertainrner
Oi ues -
da evens
rbers of -the Lucknosv
held their first publ-L
in the Tei/versa-ice
sense of. the-PrFsiden`
Mr. '4rin. ,.Connell DC
On.:-acconn-t of the in
entertainments of lat'
was -.not so large '_as
desir'.e b.. _n
d nt the � ro
P- a
ed -full satisfied a
audienc . Solos'
Miss, Clara Berry,-il •
Messrs.: G. Maclntyr
E. Cameron.
. d.
by Miss `G, lel array,,
chis. p,- J. , :Alurchisa
-Marra Charade-
B€ird, and Powell,'
Somervi1l :and C.
hi .
�er : iv
e. a -i
w >i
ailer. It it th
Society- to itiake thes
of freq out occurrent
The race wits
ith a lap and a
• :claimed by- his :.
of fallen for.
he owould ti e
- s - opponent
onday evening
e between the
e place int e
tenty 'dollar a
of the society arewore
vide wholesonie elite
struetio ,_ to bring-
tabs, and 4140014M
out wbieh. itatanse - s
.last t1 a niem-
iter ary: Society.
1. In- the ab -
of the gociety
died : the chair.,
concerts and
the. atteAdance I
rld have= been 1
mme as: e ` -
r ixder
•delighted : the'
-ren red
mma- Smith;
lied, and: D. -
and recitations
r. Wm. Mur-,
and Robert.
Misses Moss;
d: Messrs►`:R.;
herford. ;All..
the t � lea
rn,os p s-
Atention of the
l tertainnents'
The ol.; cts
in ent .a•:in-
n a
light b*ri
Me funds Leh
Charity Concert
Theconceit in -_the Texerance He -11.
of 'Fr day evening last in, aid -0 of ' the
poor of. the Village was one oftabe most
enjoyable entertainments yet given=iri
the: village and although_: the t attend
'mice w' not large about -thirty dollars
will be distributed in" charity. The •
chair was occupied by Reeve Campbell
while those -who took part in the: pro=
,gramme were:' the Misses. Andrews and
�Snoiale and Mr.• Henderson, -of Coder-
ieh, Mr, and Miss -Jones, of.lyrood
nd-: the .Misses Clara Berry, Emma
Smith, ids Rooklidge, Minnie Miller,
Jean Murray, Rennie Hopei., -Nina;
Murray, Mary Whitely, 'Tenni
later;' • and Messrs.. K Kerr aid D. E.
Cameron; of.Lucknow, all Of whom.
rendered . their different parts: in ' a.
manner creditable : to themselves and_
igh'ly satisfactory too -all present,
Flunkey Guri..ers. - •
According`' to ` arrangements :two
rinks of ;the.--Licknow .curling club
Went to Harriston on: Tuesday- last to
:ineet-the :Fergus curlers for the district
`medal, but the . Fergus :- men failed to
put, in: an appearance. This is -the third;
time during the -present . season that
Lucknow -has` been- deceived ' by. the
Fergus-: clubIf:they are: afraid of the
Lu ckn_o wites, which : we believe they
are,; it would-. be only gentlemanly on
part to say so and .not- pt .mon
tot he expense and trouble.of travelling
:around the country: in order to gratify
their childish - whims. Lucknow is. now
entitled : to -the medal but we,- believe
they.will. not accept it, but anew it to.
go back to the `Roy, al .Caledonian Club•
to be competed for next: year; -hen in
all probability -they _-Will, -be "pitted"
,against a club with.a little hon - r about
it. Dtuiing:their stay in Harriston a-
watch wee -played -between the Luck_
and the
a - . hich
resulted in favor of ` Lucknow by: :.13
shots. - -The _Harristoii -. -players are
perfect gentlemen ar d their `treatment
*will. not soon ..be forgotten by the.
Lucknow' curlers "- -
Sudden Death
It is with feelings,of _deep:regret we
are called :upon this week -to: Chronicle
the very sudden:death of"Mrs. Ander-
son, wife . of:Mr.." . \ni.. Anderson, - of
this village, but formerly of the town=
ship of West.:Wawanosh,• which' took
- lace'.at her_ residenc a on Monday' - last:
P y
-from: ani affection of :the' heart. Mrs.
Anderson was in her - usual -health a
-few Moments before:her deathh; -' and.
-only-complained of a, slight pain -in her
left .: breast, which . was . . thought to
be- Of a trilling'nature. -:: She sent the
little -girl :to -school aiid _ nothing" more-
was:kno n of; ter w e .illness :until' the
it returned: me
u d o
me at
when -she discovered Mrs. - Anderson -
lying on the bed apparently lifeless.
Medical -aid was soon summoned : but
to no avail as the vital spark had flown
fully':two hours before she was_; disco -
bred. Mr.: -Anderson - was' visiting
friends. in.: Einloss at; the time and
knew nothing of liis auction: till
word :was brought to -him b:y one of -the
neighbors.: The _death liar cast a gloom
over the
whole community as the_de-
ceased was widely known. •and highly
'respected by - all.: The funeral -on:
Wednesday last vas one of thelargest
ever wended its way to -:the Kinloss
Lucknow Public School. -
1ST DEPARTifENT. `Fourth Claes.—ld$ Gra-
harn, 281;: Edward Lawrence, =,281 ;.. Harry.
1�iacIntyre;. - 280 ; • James McDonald, :: g67;
Annie Middleton; -250: - -
• 2NvE L P — o .
.erasEN T. Beni r Minnie Arm.•.
strung, 298 Harvey Lindsay, 278 ; I.cui�
` AloGro y, 249 ;" Cunna Peart, . 246.-- :Junior--;"
JohnJaineron;.280 ; John - Hornell,, 247;; Geo.'
M�rrrey, 242 ; Willie Matthie, 285.
ttle;4 S ; Joni a 'Gallagher,425 , MdriaMceAs,:419
Ab Whitely :
ely, _ 417: Junioa=-Chi•rles-
.)ohnsnn,-479 ; Mand Stewart; 287;-;-Curniee
Graham; 35; -=Maud- Wilson, 376. .
• 4Tu-DEPAn.PMENT -Senior--Ada.:Grundy,
2995 Amby G-rundy,'284 ; Franklin Tohneen,
282; Clara 'Hambly, 277...Junior--Bertie
-West, 279; Adie Little; 277_;= r'reddie: Jack-
ao., , 264. • J eiinie Denoon,. 249 ;• - Samuel
13arbei, 256. . ..
:The fnihiwing is a summary sf. the attend-
ance. in this' .different departments =for the
month: of F't brua*Y-
Department'-. let 2nd 3rd 4th lith
No. on n..a roll• 54 . ':M . - 58 , - 54
� t e 5g
�t l�do.E
n e.
Total num ber ors register; 280; Number, of
days sohol ke,t open, -21. • - _
--A boon in these hard times, Macy
Intyre's 25 cent- tea. Don't fail.
a sample: One trial will convince. you,
-:--Joseph h Smeltzer is :at present-
re sea
nursing a foot which he cut while at
chopping bee last week. i : -
-- Cliesp guns. ° .Jones is offering a
good; tuuszle.. loading; shot gni :1oz 2.50
worth 14. Breech: loading shot guns
for.. $3:58 worth $5. _: Double. barrel
shot gun for $11 worth $15. OnIy a
few bat Call it oneitas4 sits t
V s
till night
to be dis
�h eager:. c 0tamers.
ary Ba,
gage Za1e, .
sold to jai
worth 4f ogds still
the : assort -1
will -91Y-COUtIUU e
er this is not an ordiri-:.
Sale but a Chatto1ot-
article Elitist be:
the Mortgage.
o ena
�enefits sof
months cr
pro*er3 rat
parti es
s-_4 -�ver-.
• '
X11. to _s��r n ��
s . Great' Sale eight
will be given ap
without itere*t to
sing Parcela of: 20