HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-03-07, Page 5• Fronis our g, - n O nrreepontte r J mfesoil s-wiIlcliiiikl earns . to • ,tLlef Aitr ng the ae've.re scorn of las°t Ir e.r: ail;;ged to a consider- a,bie::exte t _ and ix ese its " a ranter uttered-a:ppeara _ce.. - • The� - >rI�v nsr�r _tr-rl`at ,arses is in. ;a vary ciair; erL us condition: owing to the =snl v drifts 9.r.d -trig; e kk - Severai p.&•or,s have !net ws.th s. idents at the l&c�'. peg itioln 176.: ;.:fin' spa --roveme i of bite r cad .x as Lm - circulated and e pre eut ed t© ;o a ads at. its nee rug.' - .:,li - • .. text a - ,-We h re ,e' en remarkably free from -tine "weddii laze' that visited ae*ter I parts of rite to ship daring the Present .winter.: No doubt the young peopte were 4iscoti .gec - by the bad t. • -cross ° last year But, 6 is ""whisper • rot nd =, thaw_ Tuve-.area 'lumber- re about to emba-c cn' matrimonial.the sea in the coinspri g. �Wep hu1,,e• the report iq r cr as weddings ..gen,- - rall � prey -Li -1.s. arnusernr_t • for the young folks s 4 item-= fir, .s you': •hull,—Col `the subscriber hereby notifies the public in general . ,that" h isPre ared P , to ex. ecu_te all work in h,isj line in -a Pe.io ; su= : 1• >" st " yl� t7ILD4 4.0 OF ' AL . :ZXIWS contracted for and fnislie in the latest manner and with great satisfaction.., I keep on la_ hand a_large stoc of season= ed lumber - All kinds of .00O'RS, .. S ASIS _AND I3LINLS - d On hand . ori made to. order at short - no :ice. _ .Iaranteee : o work' as .1: keep none but the' -best 'f workmen and material, . . A ll --part% t �derSIgn cae ll .and set a once Those: }gar= ed -to Astir wood i t ,-111- now leaning Sale:•in = GeneralDry3ocds,ar, L T a: ets, Branke,ve, pte CREAM)! REDUCED : PRICES ' FOR ONE i !NT&. I WILL $SOW YOU WHAT 0005 AT COST ARE: - 1r p c -fill- request all la: havitgnotes 0 c - counts .- -00- tocallrand : � ale. this LAtilEs From your oz i. Corresp nuc nt Mr -William Scott, of this neighbar-. 14 3;1, has `(cone to .Jako a to join his t'wo Icier brothers -who have.been•there for scat eyears- `Ve-'.Wish him success., • George ge Snell,, blacksmith of this place., is ,about- to r'einos=e to _Londe,,s borough, Where kis rather has purchas= -eel him s -house `and lot 'c; i t a Very ion rpe)slruus, shop for the- brabksmith snd <<-a e. maki1i4business:- Mr, *hell s'1 Elliked as' workman here, and altl u;zh:sorry he is about to leaTe us we hope hewill do well -in his new home; Mr... 1) McLean, late of the firm of . ez IL,'McLean of Lue"kn w, takes lits -Lce as. blacksmith We hope lie wr= 1°e as `s ccessful as Mr,s `knell has been: " } •. -u rpor. W.- LaneehaC'a; full rine of oo, s ' and_appearances we- shoul heis doing very `good riess'ior a'begnri er. .1e \ : R " rl llcr Life Inst ante Age- at of Goderich, has been. visiting ', f r ief -ifs and plying his "rade here for a _e 'ay s. ` Het was successful in some 1rs-` to 11r cLeccl'/:'`resent-ec:.her hue lard ' with. a ver-, fine -daughter lately.:: The .population of Lames stead ily .increases.. am - �_ � the '�, papa J es Ir s �h h Irving happy P of boulicingTo, . L Another increase. Ess Caroline McDonagh is visiting friends at Lanes. - 'e are enjoying a ver en'y in, .� y cold snap fatr9szrit • If report be true, Mr. Hawkins, our public school teacher, is bringing some of the "hard seeds" "to time, and; it - is W ' alt -is badly needed: ▪ s R E. Lane,, of Elm v°ood farm, has the :earliest° lambs lire have' yet heard of in this,neigh1 arhoo L He has neigh:.. Etmbs from four ewes, all living It --semis the custom around this A.• . village to. see %owmuch rubbish .ean be leftaround ahouse when the tenant. emoves. We would'suppose • :broains_ o be scarce.. _ DearSir _--I have been a. sufferer from Costiveness, Sick Headache, and -. Loss ofAppetitefor :many years, felt always -tired,. sot that -my _life was a burden anp all seemed: dark to met .i haw ad medical attendance and have • • tris almost all the advertised remed- ies, but without effect, - -A number of my neighbors:- who , -had.. used . your Rol twin of Health, urged. Me to .gi-ve it 'a :trial, three bottles , of which made ; ine feel like a new wo nen. JAR& BALL - _.y • 5 4., Kira street, Toronto. slues' Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheumatic:'; 'cont, General Debility, Ca rrrh,• and all .. dlsorders caused --by. a thin and! impoverished, - or corrupted, condition of the hood; expelling the blood -poisons from the sys em, enriching and renewing the blood, and res.: ring its vital !zing power. During a long period : pf unpa_i alleled useful gess, AYER's ..SARSAP�IRILLA hlas. proven its Perfect adal*tatiou to the :cure - hof alt diseases uviginating in poor blood and a weakened vitality. ;: It. is a Highly concentrated extract of Sarsa- barilla and other blood -pun Eying rootg, combined• with: Iodide of Pi ta,ssium and iron, and is the safest, most re able, and most eeonamical blood -purifier and 'lb cod-foodthat c au• be used. • - Infiamlinatory Rheumatism Cured. - " � VER'S ',SARSAPARILLA has.sti ed -n e,of the In Inflammatory Rheumatism, with/which. I have suffered for many years - W H, Moon "- Durhain, la., 1Fiarcli2, 1£•82; • t"Eight years age I had au atta4.of Rhenrn : ' Ai _fissin so severe that -I could not move from the bed,- a or dress, without help..] tried several remedies without muck if -any relief, until I1 took- AY ER'S. SAu5APAhn.r.,A . by the use of -o' bottles of . Svt.-ieh I was completely cured. I ave net been troubled:with the Itheuinatism sce. Hage sold large quantities of your ,SARSAY "RILLA,'and it. - still •retains its wonderful gbpulariity. The many 1 __hatable cures it ha% -effected in this Vicinity eon m, 'eine ever vines me that -it is the best blooh offered tothe public. E. F. IIa Tuzla. " River St., Buckfand, Mats., :Ma 13;1882. v6 last Va.reh I was so weak fro -general de-: Vilify that could • not walk 'icithlut help. Fol- lowing the ad'cice of a friend, I comirbnted taking . '. AY i`x's Sx4tUPAA1r,na, and: before I- had used three boucles I felt:.ns well as Ieve' %didi,irii hf -. 5 I have been at work now for twoinorxths- and .think lour SAasAI'.A1ULI the '° reatest blood-. "medicine in the world. JADIEs bIAA- NRD ,62O West.42d Sit:, New York,,-Jui.a_,19,1882. A ` 's-SAngAPAnILL1. cures : crofula nd all' Scrofulous 0 1 S s C m aims E siel a�Ec P , erna in' r 1 ` z R o m B oteh es ore , , s Bell Tumors, and. Eruptions of the Skin. tt clears the blood of all'iuipurities, aids digestion; stimu lates the action of 4.4e_l owels,. alidi thus restores gitality and?'s iren en'`s the wh9lesystem. -PREPARED BY -Dr. J. 6. Ayer-& Co.. !Allen, Mass., Sold bg all Druggists; prise $1, six 'bottles,_ 1d Stand. I will: keep_ t all tams fr-RESH M AT,: all Parts of the Havinn: added largelyto- - his .allead3Extensive Stock :of ' Har ware is now. raired to: furnish hin ever k . a prepared .�. . �; required by Builders ' 0 .will -pay the -al of Liver.Cout folia, c e,! Indigestion; Cc, -.we night cure with Pi .is when the toil ih..The y a -: re - ur 'e rew-�r d for any case yspetisia. Sick Head-.. 'tipation orMosttivenees Test's Vegetable .Liver: ns are strictly P ctl complied lied p Vegetableand never failto give sa i afactif SupszCostad. Large fbites, containing 390111e,25 cents.:. For'.sale by!a;l dr,tggi- ts. 33 Aare of oounterfe .aind . niitatiorts. The sten „ e ivan'.ifectOredi. 1y° bvf TORN. t;. WEST Co.; Al and 8$,:, King .: E ; Stast,: Toronto. r: T : .e£ ; druggist,. -We 110w, .: s .:VARNISHES, - AHD- A LL.K INDS OF HARDWARE. Fl •Also guttering in- l�,1nGor-Ga1�a ,zed Iron 'Cistern Pumps, E etrou ghlnr n Tin dl' 1 ited-:I . n = ater.I�im;e for Ci sterni Cisterns, and in fact veryarticle. e Hired ' ` In th R' din � . e it to Line h�furnish at qm - s. for e at�B g o tto m�; 1'r- S. intending rartires lnten ' dln � tobuild this season on� will find - fit it to is • ...gthe a� adva a to call. R .g and . gee may. Stack. before :purchasing their supplies. - • r�, . I have as us a large- and well. ss : t `' . _ usual- g.. a o ted stocT� which I •will � � sell s Chea R P as the Cheapest.. Eavetroughing.:a ;Specialty t Repairing :done.•>'9ii- neatness and despatch which we will: dispose of at as lop prices as is'. consistent with fair dealingxo: • s to enable us to pay•1O& cents. on the dollar.[ We invite you to try our store or rather try our goodsanct prices and you will be con- vinccd that there it wisdom in a _ It isvery:well to please . the eye but we strive to -please the pocket also.. `A personal'.: examination of - _• will certainly convince all, evert 'the.closest and most careful buyers,. that vel are offering .1$R. i U WEST'S 1V NEWT, - a- guaranteed Diasinesef Conv:tlsio . algia; Headache, Ne by the use of aleohob 4 Men .al Depression, # res:: ting in Insanity - r deca: and`death; Pre oss: of Power in Losses. and Spermato exertion of the.Brain dui`gence..- One box --diligence. ho$ contains One cicillar ax or si sent by� inail.prepaiai guarantee six boxes t ea,ch'order received b compauied visth:five, pure aser our w- itte rnod`y if the treatme Gupp.:antees issued o C -. Sole T,rourfet TREAfMtNT�, �R.AND.t3a,AIN `TREAT .ecific fc Hysteria, Fits; Nervous Nevi us t rostratio=,eatrsed t'tobacco, Wakefulness akefulness e; tenting of the Ellerin, d leading to misery, tore :old age, Barren- ther -sex;: Involuntary: tea,, caused- by over-. if -abuse or over in cline recent - Ewes., month's treatment. owes for five: dollars; r receipt of price. We t- nre any case. With :Itis for six boxes, ` ac= Lars, we will send the uarant ee to refundthe does not effect a:.cure.• by JOHN C. WEST 81 and -83 King St. ..'V. Berry druggist, Which will be sold at Low Prices. ' Having had a long ogcleriencev in this line of business, Ithink I can supply the wants ofthe. public • withoutear of op- position. -Small profits and quick -returns is my motto While returnin. mysincere thanks to the "'their Public for g P Llbetra.. , Patronage in the past, I. hope for a continuance ofthe same in future. r . HOS. LA. E. lias now in stock the largestand best cis lay - WILL -CURE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION JAUNDICE. • ERYSIPELAS,' 'OR. RELIEVE ©IZZINE89, DROPSY,' - FLUTTERING OF THE HEART,. ACIDITY OF - SALT 'RHEUM THE STOMACH, HE`MITHURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE,- OF THE 8K1R,. 4 And every species:, of disease- arisinggMm fro: sIisordered LIVER', • KIDNEYS, STOAOH.. . BOWELS OR BLOOD,: On Real -Estate,. at reasonable rates: on terms of pa lent, to snit Borrowers. .' ELLIOT T AVER t _N°CE=--Noxi to Post Oi.ce WATCHR S CLUCtKS, AND .JEWELERY.` Repairing done promptly. racing a Hui zich will be suit Ctilstontie questbuye the fines give before purch liSTOM wort RI er of New Lia+es, 1d at Prices to I : would- re- looking for oods to • -- ac JJ g elsewhere.' ever .shown in Lucknow, - :- Special: induce. - ments:in $' P 7. LO and; GAT:111033k2 is I023e-Blan2ote, etc. My stock of Trunks, Valises, HandSatchels, etc.,is naw complete, and;ineludes-all the latest styles and mikes. ' As: all the above articles were purchased from the best makers; 'Egad ' at the lowest cash. 1 rlc'e, I am prepared to sell as oheap as any other house ill the•trstde pant fall to 0611 and see my a Istoekbefore purchasing 'elsewhere: Special attention paiit to: order ed Harness-" AlI work guaranteed first-class: ROBERT - PROCTOR. a' ,w=eek at home $5 outfit lfree. Pay absolutely sure.' No risk N -V Capital not ' required. Reader,,if you want business at which persois of. either sex. young or old,: can 'hake great pay all the time they work, with . absolute certainty. Write for laI n ulars to H. HALIPUT & Ga', • Send I: cents for •postage -nd receive free, ` =.Nstly.. box :of , oodrwhich will help yon to mo;• lnbney right -� 1.'AWAY than anythisig else in this prld;.All,of: either sex, succeed from_first Witt. The broad. 'roaJ to.fortune opens before tbeAprkers, ,#b- •solntely, sure.•At once address. , , 3iit- & (.;o. .Agusta. -Maine. . r: