HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-29, Page 5r �< • 4 � • 11. e • •; .11 ,Iegee!inijennoro.......muuilijnumnm....iinr' • Kan, ; Sept. Lit, 1181..: m.%harchi l"� Oo.:Gents, I have *men troubled .with. -Catarrh ' for the east two, year&: Your Fountain. of health was recommended to me. b . lace ; -fir. Lindsay of this . Y P After" ming one and a half bottles all symp- Jong of Catarrh,have disappeared, and yealth is so Bauch - improved.that I A flare gaiviecl several pounds in $esb.itt: I anx- 1 pure truly; „NIL LATI _ hid earl—I have been a sufferer from, (k stiweness, Sick Headaches --and pest of Appetite for many years,..felt always tired, so - that'` my:.} life was:a _ .rr&len aiip all -seemed dark to ine. I. have had medical attendance,and` have tried . almost all. the advertised reined _ ff's, but without effect A. number of zany Iieiglars✓ who had used. your .ountain . of Health, urged me to give it a trial, three bottles of why made ,u reel like a •hew women; 3.18s. BALL, 57*,: King street, Toronto. 11 Bnckl's Arte, Salve. The best salve in the.world for cuts. i brurses, -stares, tetter, -chapped .hands �•lulllain corns and all Alin eruptions end positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed -to give' perf€ ct •satisfaction, or moneyrefund- od.. Price 25 Beats per box . For"sala y G.. '� '� Berry : druggist,: Lucknow. • a . µ TrutflsI.: `l.hc blood is the fountla- ^ ==a :of life, it circulates t k '•kills hl .every part of the -body d ild t IA-Sitis pure and rich, E, •P .ssli%fe, if: d.se s has.- et!Itcred tc.: the only sure and tguick - v":`• -y to c rive It out •is t0 u .P l f_ ;rid tenrich the blood. -•' TN:se simple facts are well .1.o^;Yap and the highest.medi- :. l a.tllorites gree •-t r_E,1.I in•� but iron will restore_ •l to ifs natural condi- also that all the • 1Ym_>~t ''—...reparations hitherto. r. ode• ;Iacken the teeth, cause .• - I~�.�Le€;*cIic;w , and are.atllerwlse- I: { � AND ONDITTER t LI thh6 OUghiy'- and qU Cloy s ,ir ii:late -t1- t b_ ihe blood:, •i • -r .gland •s:rcngthcn:n i� 1i .r... cf'tbe stem, and 14 - . .::1not ri y 1i11c ie/� .tt1:e 'feet!', - a ..:2. .lads pets`f<vCCy I:et. rt T:(ais. . ...•i. jolalsblu , VermptwOc . z:st • z.•Frar sit } ca% I .l ave been great su`rer r from r ood .fisc asc, d •'.persia - • .e(co istip-tion, and became so debi- 1 ..te.i'tl at I could not retain anythun x on my stomach, in fact life•had:almost C*.come a burden,and hen hope Bad ahnnstleft me, I wasinduced to give- St.LPattla AND- IRON Errnsus a trial • 1 asci now taking tiie third bottle and• Bate not felt se -.we:1 in six Yeast as 1: do at present. MRS.. S, L. htCsbRE::" SULPHUR AND IRON Bir 1tns 4ffectually cures;dys Tepsia,indigestionand:weak Mess, And renders the grea- test relief and benefit- to -persons suffering from such iseas'°` as kidney liver complaints, dyspepsia,.. indigestion, lett._ -Sold byall Druggists and '.. a- _.ntL Depot of 50. St. James St.. Wits , Montreal,Price VQc, FOR. . tiArk BY = j Y LITCKNO • The subscriber hereby notifi the public ` in general that he is p. pared to execute, all work in his line in a su- perior style:. QPIMITO OF -Alitwas contracted for and finished :inn the latest manner and with great satisfaction. I keep on hand a large stock of season- ed' lumber. All kinds of DOORS, SASH AND B• /IDS 1 On hand or made. to order at :short 3 notice. ; I guaranteegood work as 1 keep none but the best of -workmen and material - JOHN STEWART' :Lucknow; March 22nd, 1882..- -�..�= a; i. cures Rheumstieni,. Nenraigia, Rheumatic - Gont, . General: Debility, Catarrh, and all- disorders . caused by a thin • and impove °rished, ar cowupted, condition; of the bloody expelling the Thlaed-poisons ,front` the -system,.. •eri''Ching .snd .renewing: the blood,, and -restoring its vital- izing power Daring a long period -of • . Unparalleled xseful, AeArta's SARSAPARILLA has proaen its perfect. adaptation to the cure of . all diseases '; originating in pooi blood and a weakened viality.' - It is a highly;concentrated extract of Sarsa- parilla-, and other blood -purifying • route, .: • conibined with .Iodide of Potassic # _ and: Iron anti is the .safest, most:. reliable'and `most econcmueai blood •purifier and blood food that Iititanintatory Rheumatism, Cared:. 1.YER'$- SA$sAP�IFtILLA has. cured me of the .Inflammatory Rheumatism, Withit' have suffered for many years. W. Ii ;MooRE."- Durimrn`, la., Mar_ch.2; 1882. j - g:years AgoI had in attack of R e � uma... tis - _ ere -t• - • I could not move fronithe;bed, or4r s thou 1p.' 'I tried several remedies without muck.if any relief, until I took , SARSAPARILLA, by theuse of two bottles of which I was_ completely. cured. I have net,,beea troubled w.tth the Rheumatism: since. ' /lava gold large: `'quant ties isf your SARSAPARILLA; and it still retains its wonderful popularity. The: :Maar: notable cures it has ei%eted. in this vicini can ace me that it is the best blood mediciu ever_ red tolie public,' - Erie. HAR $.". • Iver Si.,t: Buand ckl, Mass., May 13, 1882 "hast larch 1- se weak frem general de- • bility.tliat I could tot walk without help. Fol- lowing the advice of a friend, I commenced tekiig AYRR'S SARSAPARILLA, and before .I ha. used three bottles I felt as well as I ever did iii in lift, I have been at work now -for two months, and d iink your. ARs�ASILa.Atge.great't.,.tood :>1�4et�Ci°h�-in�h8 wbrifr;.. DAMES' 1tiA5 STAR ..„ - 620 lvest:142d St., .ew.York, July 19,1882.1 -. �YER'8_SARSAPAIiSL•L �CKteB=`�rOftl'35� Stnt��- au Sero fuloii sCo l }�' etna, . Ringwr rm, Igo tches/Sores, Boils, Tumors,and Eruptions -of trhe Skin: It clears, the blood cti'c all unpttri ties, aids+diagestion, sf. >nua latea the station of ihe.boWelg, 'Thi 'thus its ores Vitality and strengtiPeris the whole sysiein. PREPARED BY _ .• - = Qr J.O.=Ayer ` �.Oa;; Lowell :m Sold by all Druggists; price -g1, six bottles, flo. ALL AT OorrigaE,'z, BOOT & SHOE STORE And vxamiaeouur stock of - • OTS All parties ind -tinders' pied are I call and settle. at once. Thos parties ed: tosettle th with *rood :wilt: it in .no n ted tc' th quested tf r accouncs o _ prom is . account: ace brinb rness Maker pz:• I wish to info re t h a citisen surround ng Gauntry, • a' opened up' In R:.G: Greeawill's Olc}St onhsandatall Ak:4: Ik-1111 oF.:F -Give me s call. toa Meat Deliveredl' -Viltagd, on ‘Shorte JAIME,. .- f T.ueknow'aa i:t >°I have:. I will keep kalif : MEAT'. arts ,of the Notice. sf is . Otearing Sale' in General Dry -Good Car __-..els B1an; RE T+LY REDUCED,:: PRICES FOR -0 Uri WILL IBOWWYOU WHAT 0008 AT COOT AEL es}�ectfull�`regest �i1 av'ng note or �,c�oun�s oohs to call aAnd :settle t • is aim sem Mr s_= Have• n odea 1 , g.o agely� _ to •hrs-- already Eatengive Stock of Har. d prepared to furnish. evesything rev` ised,by.3uildeis Lucknow, Sept. Oth., rfa p( ' . 11300 RE WJ o We will a the above r �; p d for any of 'v case Til er Com yin- t D s e-- a p Sick 9a �Head Che. Indigesti n, Constipati L dill . . or Cost i ven' e4s wecannt ci with West v-egetable laver _14ea the. irections�e6tidlyagpiedwith.They ire-purely.Yeg4.ble and 'never ' fail to give satisfaction. Sngeeboaad.LarneBoxes; containing 3•) p11ls,2 r uts. For, sale by a l�dr,:ggists. - Beware•of n'tinterMt. and. ifm.thred `.nilly � • mitations.: The tenuire.:i�t' by.1UH1Y C.. WEST & Cao., St. East, Toronto. G: W. Lu ekuow. ` to awl 83,i ,ll$ ry,:- druggist; which we will dispose of at as l'w prices as is consistent with'fair. dealing' •so as to enable us to -pap 108 cents Bin the;dollar. - -We invite you to try our store or rather our goods and prices and: you will ' be vinecd that`ther'e it wisdom in so doing. It is verywell to' please the eye' but jwe strive; to pease the pockkt also. A. personal examnination, of try on 'O urFte , Stockef Bpots&ShOgs _ - will certainly convince all, even the closest and most careful buyers "that we are rfieritig 'COOQ MDS AT Lpif PRICE$. WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE s . .8i` IOUSM 28- - DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSI DROPSY, INO,eESTION FLUTTERING tlrl UHtiIL'E. __ _ • OF THE HEART ERYSIPE149 . ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM : JHE•STOMA IfEARTBUR ,;-. DRYNE-3S IIEA DACFIE, OF THE 8K114 Arid every sleeks of disease-- =risin troin` disordered. LIVER, KIDREYS,. ST4MAON , • BOWELS -OR BLOOD.. ei �Ji ILB1J KCO Prd, et _ TORONTO n EarMITB MADE 1Yr ORDLR.f `ea,rt &Qorriga :oney to Lo -1- .On Real estate, at reasonable rates, on terms of paymento suit Borrowers;: ELLIOT O + FIOE= p*t- to"Post O e —GO TO_.-- _F::NDLAT E R' ,�._.iRILL HZNDS;`OF ATd fs; OLOOKS, AND JEWELERY. Repairing don. promptly. - _ • ; ALE'. FINDLATE.R, Campbell-gt, lawNso a • 1 �_, TRE 1 MEET T Lis E L Wrs 's lisay.` # tint 1. iEAT,, BENT; : a guaranteed specfi or -Hysteria, Dimness, Oonvulsionw,.Fits, ervons Neur• algia, headache, Nervous I r : •ratios;,eaused bythe use'of alcohol er tobac t Wakefulness Mental Depre sion, Soften* Of; the' 1: rain, resultingi'n Insanity and lea tg, tci misery, - decay and death, Preinatur{e > 1 a __: arren- . - ess, Loss of Power in either s 1, `I ' voluntary I. Losses; and Spetmatorrhma,i ' ` 41,sed by over - eae<rtion,of the Brain, self=ab Sp orover In dulgence. One bolt will cur xtlrecent 'cases, jack box contains one mon 's_ .treatment. One dollar a• box or six bora r five dollars;• ' sent. by mail prepaid on receip bf price ` We 'guarantee six boxes to-eure a case.. With each order received by us -:for 'x; boxes, ac com .anied wath,fve dollars i swill send. -tile. pp , 1 purrluwer our written guaran torefund the. inodey.if tbe•freatment does effect a cure. `Guarantees issued only by J N” Q. ` WEST 'te Co . Sole propprietors, "81 ai 83 Hing St: East,,Toronto,- Uut.- G. W. 13; try: druggist, Luckevw Wishes to call •tke . d - Publie.to • NEW AM COM BO6TS A.N embracing 'a ;lumber -o which will: `be = sold' a slut Cadtoibers. 1 quest buyers loo. • the - finer goo, me. me = a c_ before arch CMNTOM WORK A SP - f 'Eg s taken in exchan • • • ion:* the Where: ' VARNISHES, AND ALL KINDS.�OF NARD1�►1�RE• iso tterin .in Tin '.7n or -G 'lvP _�?: g , c, . , a alined Iron, G`istera bio , a � 1 , A � ale Tin or Clap. aniz I , ed ro . � Water Lige fdr 0i/steins and in . 'fact � ct e .• ' in t� revved e Building -Lute � furnish at'm "stoeat Bottom r .ttom ._ _. _ � _ _ .. _. .. •�� - - . - . � Prig artier intending � - to' build will' find it 'to their advai and?see,xti k Stock before �' purchasingtheir. su `. o IN TINWARE • thAve' as:iif3�, fry- - - - � ua -, a large -and'` well, assorted .stock .av j c - . h� . h I will sell - as the Clieape,t. Eavetrough•ingi a S•pecialty::!--Repairingdone wit' and despatch I In :S ir_ es have a large assn tineat,of ; ,: 0 • 41. { EA ich will be sold at. Low Prices. airing had: a long experience of Sas'-' � $ had: . g perlemce mess, I think I can'supply the. wants of the, polio!, rithout...r'. �:..:. mall`profits and _quick returns is my motto-.! While�reurnin m :sincere thanks to thee: ubhe for their L be%a1 :in the past, . hope fpr a continuance of the ss ae ' In . future: LUOKNO is.#loi► is $ 4 k the orgestand bestdielay. LICHT A D- NEl11iY HARNEUU- a1er_ sbOAn:- in- Luctnow. ' $hesiaa' Induce - ' meuts m siu -WO: I- hfystOek of Tr�unea. kR, Valisea.�: Has dSMoh ls,` etc.,* now domplete,.and"iaslades a114 latest stylesaiid make.. ♦s •x11 the abovetdo1N Were. pnrehsaed from the :best maker*, antahthe lowest cash' rrioe, I an prepared..bo ,ell ss..bei! ae another hones ie the trade. Don'tNtioeol1andiee'a y xtoek before purchasing .: C el here.' - B c 1 attentio�i paid to *ries •- es liarnwu wll work grear 'tee _first-oleess. {` ROBERT PROOTOIL a *eek at home.:: $5 -outfit. fret. Pay absolutely sure. No risk. Ca iital not regnired • Reader, if You want business. at whiohpersons oi. either sex,- yon ag or old, can make great pay .all "the time they work, •w tl absolute , certainty.- j .Write'for-particulareto- Et. HpLLST'r & Co'. :or u Godso'rtland main • • 1 • is LAWR1 ttr fa , is now ughing • • arc1 e o call eap a atness' is line Of op-- • ohage- WILL OBLIGE BY 1?' • 1= 1. e goods which, away than a either sex, su road td fortnnte: solutely sure. At``� Agnate; ?Asia- vik s�tssf'`�l�i ;Nt ;iFl L 1.4 •