HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-29, Page 3•
• a.
- •-•
, Irtte -Bledel4vite.
My good 'wife is. kuittin', and, 'yond plays the
- kitten. •
flizt.Tstre gieWvinboiticitfeaereolli's aboevAhe snarl. don't,
• alarm her ;
Her thoughts are cn me and of love.
' Her smile- ',so bewltehLn Iights parlor and
- For shessunshine both upstairs and. down:
Ail bustlingeend- busy, is Bonnibelle Lizzie,
The best little- wifeinthe town. '
She's too trueto: her labors to gossip With
With a greeting she -passeithem. all,
And the women that alwayt.- are vrhisperin'in
• hanways, •
She shuns, for their talk is too small,
.withaftears of Miss Prattle, and Dame Grundy
Ta.ttee, •
With the names "of poor Sones, Sinith or
- Brown., - • • -
Coiningmischief they're busy, but not go with
- 4zz1E,- - • • -
0 best little wife in the town. z
When her tins a bright line in, like silver are
And the gettle is singing.for tea, .
You'll find.lier a sictin'.ano quietly knittin',
Aweitin' the cbming of me, '
And. the thoughts so beguilin', her dimples ge,
• • .
The plump rosy cheeks up and dowir- '
Still her fingers are buSy, no dreamer is Lizzie,
The best little Wife in the town,
When I finish My daily long tasks, ksing gaily t
4tFrom the toil of the bench, rove, I'm free 1-1'
Though • the star 4 twinkle o'er me, my heart
flies before me, ,
To her Who lairs:Whin' for me.
stealin behind her, with stronghandaI bind_
. her, - •
My queen.of.the calico ; -
'The little hamislinsy. 1 clasp and kiss
:Zeno best little wife in the town. .
-,Leonard Wheeler.
:Latest.FashiOli Frollis and Neviest Domestic
spoon- for tWenty_minutee before 'putting
into a well -greased cake -bin; bakejor is,
full hour and shall; . -. • :- • - .:1_ i '
-How to Clean Brass.—Make a rolittuf„ ot.
one part common nitri&eicid and one-half
part sulphuricacid in a Stone jar, ha. lig.
also ready * pair= of fresh Water and* boi
-of sawdust: , The arttoles to be treated re
dipped into the MMkt ii
id, then removed
water, and finallyAubbe.d, with awdUst.,
This immediately changes ' them AO a tit:
liant color. If the_brass hairbecome grimy
it- is firet dipped. in -a -strong -solution-0
Potash and soda, in warm Water-t-thisthuts
the grease, so that the apid: has free power
to aok- - , -.
Norfolk Dumpling.--7-Taltelhree-quarters
of a pound of flout, three tablespoonfuls of
milk, warm water, one ' teaspotinful of
yeast -and half ,a,teaspoonfal of -salt. ' Stir
the salt into the 'flour, make's -hole tin. *the
Middle of ..it, pour. in the Water, add1the
yeast, stir round- till all the water ;is
absorbed, and you, have a ball of the **-
stance of sponge:: Cover it . with l the
remaining liont,.. let, it stand . covered
with a thick cloth in a Warm platai . fortwo
hours, then Work it intoa .ball di rather
(Aunt Kate's Budget -1
Shampooing Preparations:
. A.,-.OrrespondSnt inquires for the
name of the "salta of. -tartar," the
solution of whioh 'used by _many(%azberit
-for -shampooing the head: The ,-salt is
simply 'carbonate ot potash, .and is-objec:.
tionabIe for the purpose, on a.ecount of its
alkaline character, - _especially when em-
ployed so Aping a _solution is is. often
_used. A teaspoonful of powdered borax. in
a qtart of .water forms a- safe shampooing
Liquid, but stilt better is the yolk of an
• _egg, worked thoroughly into the hair,
-applying %little at a time, and thin washed
out, The egg will leave- the hair surpris-
ingly clean, and. the sealp soft and free from
-dandruff; -
'Ethics et
*. ."7.• .
• "IfT.
h T ettit , t
:. ' : ' ' ' . -' I
etrott Free P ess. - • - ,
One of 'e most remarkable occurrenOM
ever givetii-16 the public,• which- took place,,,
here in
tion "aii,it
The factare, briefly, ,.,.italollowe : ;Mr.,
Nilliazia -it iCroml, is-s7.04iiinanformerly
residing' t -Birmingham; a suburb Of ii
troit, 'an. ,,4now • living at t: 287 -Igiolligin
avenue,' i tOhis city, oan truthfully say that
he hat- 16, r4ed- into the -future world and.
yetretur le°4 to this. A representative:of
tine. part ,4.1 -,has tntetviewed latm upon3hiS
iiiip6rtanliqubjeek and . his exPerienceil are
to tie publio fcir the fist time. " He
een haying molt peculiar sensar
k- •
cnig while: " 24f. head 'felt ' dull
my.eyesight did not 'Mein So
merly ; mysppetttewat ,uncer-
, asunaccotintablytired: Ittwas
stiff dough: --Let it stand till a thin crust elt effort- '6, .arille-itr the Morning and yet I
be formed, then - put it -into a .saucepan of -could. no41eep at night. lay, mouth tasted
boiling *ater, and bOil gently.for half- an badly, - I! had feint all -gone SettsatiOn in.
amidst,. has vomeAtour
ttwilkundpAtedly...p.wolgen as
ise and'attract as great attien-
already- in newspaper circles.
tions for or!,
and heatri
bleklir PS 112
tali and
•GAR61071e1414 AND ireaTESprlit:
The Acfrease,./..1,reaplt ,Pirossise„ case
"Akitinst i(airl Calms, gad. •
The New. York Werjd's speciial .London
eablegXadisadrit: "In thli' Fcirtelitnie-Gfir-
Moyleihreach of proniiinkase theplaiitiff's
,eyidepoe show- that, Lord -qarmoyle's.
proposal prevented titillate"( Moentance of
=Other offer. --Negotiations are atilt 'PO-
beedint.,40_,pre-Yent Allevuodao4tom going'
before a jury: _ The plaintiff has been
advised, :that Lord; ciannbylkis. Unable to
ray. heavy clamages.-. It is :doubfel..too,
whether WS father, 1.40fd .0aiins, worild be
ebb to pay: 'Lord Cairns ' has liteidthy,
brothers in business 'in Ireland, lint he is
himself wore,. = After. a tstaterient forthe-the
hour: Divide with tvio forks.
the -piti
and cla
and los
head we
- my stomach that food di, not
M.y hands and: feet 'felt cold
The %Latest Faahionti..
. r I was nervous and -irritable,
.Charopignon mushroom' anew shade '11- enthusiasm. At tirnesi my
of soft pinkish drab. . - • •• ...Seem to whir and irly heart
vets are Much in favor. - and I Seethe& indifferenfo the
• - Pink shades in gray or cafe cafe "au lai terribly!. I h no,energp no
dthoughtiess or the 4f attire.
,The . favorite .Paletot for pet ..doga 'is of
tried to sake. the feeling off•ana persuade
411vet trimmed -with fox fur.. [ . -1 .
• The waistcoat ending in paniers is r -vived if Iti was simply a 'cold" or a little
'a not to give up, and so time
• on new demie-saison dresses. But it 'would not go. I was
Among pronounced novelties in bonnets• g, and'all the *bile I was getting
paned at
limbs swollen so that, by pressing my
are some with very high crowns. . 1 ••
- was abo
i • "ut- this title that I
Varga. plaids and sinall -checks will be
ad begunto blast fearfully.; My
equally fashionable in the -early siring.
Figured velvets are mut& worn, but are
never so elegant as plain ones. 1
Gentlemen's dhave 'gloves - very
large gauntlets. '
Jewels- are Much in favor for the hair at
evening parties and balbili 1
- Colored straw bonnets form the 'bulk of
the first importations Otopring milli 'pry..
Tarkoolored., Suede gloyes. divide favtir
with -white - and - bleak gloves for evening
wear.. • .
_ . -
-Children's dresses are all . made 'loose
,about the waist,. -in the late revived English
styles. .
Eatingand drinking have act theirothical
side. It was one of the forcible sayings of
,Dr, Chalmers that ehristianfty taught a
man how tohandle his knife and fork: We
all know the story of the man whO chose his
-wife by the way in which she ate her cheese.
She was in fault it she either ate or left
the rind, but because she merely soraped
it he thought she would prove a wise and
prudent hottaewife. We knew an old sur -
peon who used to form his estimate of
people by the fact whether they took plain.
bread or bread-and-butter with their meat
or bacon at breakfast. He was of opinion
.that bread-and-butter 011 the. - sandwipla
principle was highly luxurious, but that
plain bread. argued a -good conscience and a
. fine natural appetite. - -
• Simplicity in Bridal Dresses-
. I -•
Short dresses are much in vogue for even-
ing weer, even when .the -wearers do not
Clanzy stuffs; 'tulles -cram; .and silk said
- . -
Indian muslins are iii!fieniand for b' 11 and
fancy party dresses. . ..- - ' 1 . , . ,
Tulle,.. spotted or. sprigged viith silver,
. . -.
comes among other gauzy tinsel decorated
Muffs for evening. wear: . • .1 _ '.. .
- Pet dogs wear: button- 'hole•1 ,unnets
pinned' -on their gorgets with! a ieweled
' Is at last becoming the -fashion, and brides
are TIOi garrying as large bouquets *animal,.
It - is now the fashion for the. bridesmaids
to -give the bride her -bouquet; "and to em.
• broider ' or paint her initials on
one- of the ends . of the _ribbons
Which tiee it the groom's on - the
other,. and the date of the wedding in the
'centre. The -bride- min Always keep. the
ribbon, then as &memento of her Marriage.
. Bridesmaids; seldom go bareheaded into
Church- nowadays.. If they ,ofdeiate -in the
xaorning or little capete bon-
nets are worn- that mateli or contrast With
, their costumes. If at- an evening wedding,
, they wear'short veils.of tulle_thrown back
from their. faces and extending -only to
:their waists. The west news concerning
the English- Weddings is that bridesmaids
have recently appeared in bright canary
-color; possibly striving to emulate -
Whistler in the display Of nocturnes and
sonatas in yellow and white. • •
• 'a* mita isousektepers.
. .
. -...y toast should never be preparedlonger
-than five minutes. before. serving, as it be --
cornea tough if too long prepared. -_: .e. TO remove warts out a:pieCe- Of potato
•- and rub the wart With it. Continue this
every night, 'letting the .moisture dry on it,.
and the wart will -soon disappear. - •.
Dust and marks of children's fingers ban
bef-reicoved from . icy windows these dold,
• _days by using a sponge to wipe them which
YOU have dipped in a little ammoniai ard
water. 7 ' • - _ A
Bachelor Cake.—One pound liour,.,half a.
pound Of sugar, quarter of a pound of -bit-
ter; half £ of Sultanaraisins, quarter
'eta pound _currants, -one-fourth. of ,a nut-
meg, . two,. teasfoonfuls of ginger,- one do.
• olanituon,..one do. carbonate of soda, .: four
• -.winegl t_i*.s of milk., r Workinte-a etiftbat-
- ' ter; pa ., a pan and bake. . ' . :' -
Rem y for Croup.—It is said that a
Very effective reniedyforcrouP is cohnxion
shim, used as folloWitt -Take Is teaspoonful
of pulverized alum, mix, it with about
'twice its quantity- of 'sugar 1 to make, it
palatable, and administer 'AS quit*. 'as
-possible. Its- effeM will be truly • inagicak
-. as almost, inMantaneous .,reliel will be
- affordei.. ,_ . • - .
, - Potatoes.—!i you wibh• to have potatoes
: mealy do not let' thein Stop boiling' fer in-
inetant ;_ and when they are done; pour the;
. water off; and let "the& steam `fel Ail for
twelve minutes over fire? In the spring
• . of the year it is be4er•ta boil potatoes iii.
two waters, pouring off the first as E10011,613,,
.1f comes. to the boil, and. then - covering ` the
potatoes a second time with cold water,
adding a little salt. - -. - - , • .- -
_Blue and gold colors are coinbined in
lovely .gradatione of Shades an the .new
epring batistes ind.zephyrei
:fingars tron. thorn eep: - aepreesions _Would
- The bodice:with a high back -analOw out:
out front is the correct- *ear for • dinner
parties and evening receptions. .
Sleeves of boattimes . of cer ni ny; are
made tight, but with puffs of epaulette ap-
pendages in the' -armhole or n the,
The feW trained dresses lately' rought
from the other side have the princess . batik,
under Which disappear the high - puffed
panier. draperies. . .. . -
- The flowers most in raver for ball dress -es
are % lilies of the valley, forget..the-nots,
hedge roses,, monthly roses, Alpine heather
sprays=and red or blue salvias.
Elbow sleeves have the upper par . of the
cloth -out away, showing the atm to the
elbow, -save -where It is oover-ed by the bands
that fasten the sleeve aoross it. f .ii .-. . --
Velvet dresses are .handsontes 4 when
'made all of one kind of velvet and trimmed
only with a little- lace; black or Site or
both, or tinted matoh the cob) of 'the
dress. -
plaintiff'bas 10P 4D464,0:0 AP04430,
probablethat a settlement will befreaolied:
Lord GarniOle ben exelvidedlrom the,
Beefsteak Club- ,by .niajoittY ef:vitesi-
The ayinpathy of thegeneral public' is with
Fottemue.": - • '• .
• The New York' $un's leOer adds': 4.‘ Pub,
lits feeling against Lord Cairns is So strong
that he was kissed -last Tuesday 'night -en
his, way to - take Pett in the debate in, the
House of Of Lords. The Duke of 14tiattmndl
who whispered totterittayle that all' actress
would never be received at -court,iliaS been.
reminded- that: he inherits titles and. lands
from a mistral* of :Charles , and the
Prince of Walesr,-"alse an active opponent of
the match, heti fallen into much; disfavor
.with the theitrical profespion, who are, of
oourse-,,solid for the deserted...14OP - •
.- - -
. -
be madej, I My face' -also egari" to enlarge;
and cont i ivad to until I ould toarcelY Bee
, out of, riyi`. eyes. " On of My 'ftiends, '
my --appearaiice'i at that time,
s an animatedeometbing, but -.I
should 1 aa to know what:' in this condi-
tion I pt -ed several weeks of the greatest
agony. 1,:i , r L
"Finay, one Saturday night, the nintery
nultainitAd. Nature could -endure no more.
I beiiamitirrational. and .apparently nisen-
sible. ' , Vold :sweat 'gathered on my ifore-
head ; yOyesbecamegl ed and -my throat
rattled. ' I,' seemed 'to - be in another
sphere d - with .other eurroundings. I
knew ii , ing of what ()conned around me,
althotiglt ,T have 'since learned:itwas con-
sidered Itt,', death by those who stood -13y. It
-was to -`' e a quiet, state, and yet 'one of
- y. I was helpless, hopeless and
pain w*.t'biy only companion. I remember
tryingtd;ee what was beyond me, but the
Mist be re my eyes was too great: I tried
:to reasn -t but I had loat all power: I felt
that it vjs death, and realized how terrible
it was. t last . the strain upon mylmind
gave waj and all was .it-blaok: Ho* long
this:ao "tied I do not i:now, but, at last I
realize lthe presence! -of- friends; and.
redogni . my mother then thought
it -..*aa earth, but was not certain!,
I gradtt y regained consciousness,
ever, az the pain lessened. I . found that
my friei shad, awing- my unoongoious-
MSS, be giving me .* preparation -I had
never t n before, and the next day, under
the infr .ce of thiti treatnient,. the'bloat-
ing be to dieappear and from thattime
on 1 ste lily improved, until to,daY I am
everbefore in my life, have no
traces e e terrible acute Bright's disease,
early killed me. and all through
According; to tlie Medici/1 ..4e0ordl -in-
-SUrAntie tables show that 'a man who
abstains from alcohol has, at20lyears of
age, a ohance'of living .44.2 year , at 30,
365 years, at 40;28_8 years. An 4ntenipix-
ate math.; ohance at 20 i615.6 -years ; at 30,
138; and M 40,11.6.-, -
General Grant is said to bi much better,.
and is bound to be out as soon as Ihe sciatio
strain is mended.
Iteme Items
. -All yam oin fault
- If rill remain sick when you can
.gret hop bitters that never-_--Poit.
. :The weakest Woman; smifilest child andIdOkest
-invalid can tad hop bitters with safety and great
good. - •
• •
-Old'men totteringAround•fromRheuntatisni
kidney trouble Or any weakness will be almost
new by tieing hop. bitters; .
• .
-My wife and daughter were made healthy by
the use.of hop.bitters,, and. I recomMend- thein
to my people—MethodistClergyman
• •
Ask anfgeOd doctor if hop
Bitters are net the best family medicine
On earth - - • . • •
' fever, Ague' and Biliousness, will
leave every neighborhood as goer' as hop bitters
- •
-Powder • Science.• •
Both-. E: - F. Rocker assert
that the- --soja bean, , which hashetnibut
recently imported into :.Europe -from Japan,
is a -very valuable fodder; -being exceedingly
inch- ite fatty constituents:-
- Experts in chemlstty have :esatiMated
'that the cost of LondOn'Slyinter smoke and
fog is §25,000,000 annually'; -that to say,
Obnitittkents ofooal.to fhb' value .escispe
Iineepfillined and 8900. in forming the
sooty va-,por. 1_ - - •
-A recient French law. makerreivagwiria-i.
Mon incUmbentlipon every student Feoeived
into thilyceums and - proCthe
experiment was made at the LyceuMLeuis
le Grand not -a single case': of .veriola or
varioloid has appeared:*
Dr. V. Poulainbelieves the reason'that
cow's Milk 'so often disagrees with children
is to be,found in the fapt that cantristigatie
used tbtesVelaten He ;Says that for thirty
yeorikkel.haapied, the sugar .0! milk with
the beet'restilt#:"' ' '2'7!
- As an inducement to the greaterutilila-
tion of buttermilk bread Mitking 4t is
stated that it containg4.40 5 sper; cent1 of
inilk sugar anclti pet1/440004 rotnerakettltr_3;
and that.after Bettlingtor#064e412,4)
oontains 1 per_ceitt. oViiitrogeiionirma
and nearly as much otbiitterlat
All incombustible-*aperihas:pli
• Excellent Soda Cake.—Take one.pound.
of - flour, di' ounces of butter or dripping,
- . fat ounces01Sugar,. half-pint Of milk, one
- teaspoonful of_ carbonate of' soda, and add
one or two eggs; with half a_ pound of cur-
• rants or oarraway- -seeds. Mix -the soda
affestance areVlaced fiat. on the oorseges.
thoroughly with the fiour,..rub- id the brit,
ter,.. and heat the -whole with and draperies of many gauzy and tinsel i" se
al-w°134,n.' embroidered ball dresses..
N1-1 3C
R E S -• „ .
Ahtuniatistiv - uralgia,, Soiaticai,
Lumbago, Ba a leadiehe, Toothache,
Sore Throat„outv :ago sprioMiontrniette..
• Burns, 044, to, ,
SaidbyDraggists and Iii:_10-ts everywhere: Fifty douta a bottle.
- • IHreell4Will Lapgunges.
Tun CHAR17..04.A: VOGELER; CO.
(Swims= to A. VOGSTAA *A -ft -04 liammore. u.
• . "
--My-mother-drove the paralysis and neuralgia
all •out of her system With hop bittera.7-Ecl.
and you need not fear sickness. -
. • -
. -Ice water is rendered harinless and more re
trashing and reviving with hop bitters in eats
draught - • • • - •
-The-vigor Of -youth for the aged and inflrni
in hop bitters. '
. • •
- -Keep thelcidneyi healthy with , op bitters
the Nvoterful instrumentality of. Warner's
Saf the remedy that brought to
lifeeafterjI was virtually in another World."'
Mr. GO
of, nctiO,
• ttcnible
.14. qui
the p
he sy
ave had an. unusual -experience,
bie," said the writer, Whci had
thlesily listening to the recittal.
think I -hale,'" was the reply,
ias boe3 val a4e: lesson to „nfte.
ain, though, there are. thousands
d *mien very Moment
the sane ailment Whiolt came so
g me; and they do not know it.- I
-1.dney disease is the most deceptive:
t cornea like a thief.
-certain symptoths,
h one differently,- It
;and all the more
It hi killingniete people`to-day*
other. one -complaint: If had
i I would 'Wain. the entire *arid
't and Urge thein tOrenicive it from
M before it is too
0.ne if -p.14 the members f the Ann ofWhite-
lid the World.
rght. It has n
eto attack ear
- treacherous,
by tZfryeg; Thit1/410st_ Of per is
ainialithue.-An b
ink is used with thisPaperi,-4",..A.I.i.thegrik, Rit
made with -this paper and ink, when plabea
between two layers of melted ',Wed
the action of heat perfectli, '
• :01'4 -. ' . . - •
Birmt pain Eccentric, paid -a fraternal
head Ict Mitchell proprietors - of the
visit t iv.this_ office yesterday, and i in. the
counter 01 conversation llir:,OrOmbie'S name
wasnitMtioned. . :., -- . -' • . - `.--.. -• I. - - • -
-” Iii4o.vi. about :his sickness," . said the
edito IN and his reniarkable redovery, I
hadbile:Obituary all in$ype and announced.
its nerk issue.- -It wap -certainly a most
in thclecentrid that he -Could not live until
?ivond-b1;t:I21 Oise." . - - . • - ° . : .- - I - .
' Rev. ,'. R. piiittlew formerly -pastor . Of
the. MV.t..- Chun* at Birmingham, Oidlnow
of Sob ' laraft,-Mich., in -response to_a;.tele-
tOlied : ,-, 1., ; - .,, 1, 6..!- : : );._ . .
tkliSr• A.,Ckorabi* 4as -lb- member of
regation at the time of his sick -1
he praYersof tlae church Were re7
for him On twb diffetent occasions.
I' weal' ith him the day he was reported by
Prof. Rit „ n gepor w Ose
ship has made lid -legions, has' invented
submariniboat.' Htt)iits Workihinicidela
.in operation' In a
his lahoratorr
-BrAgSOPOlt ge
modet fiftwen holies
about under watel
•ge tairly of .water at
off rcon:ut the
bui.l.ding. -Tho'
one . 'napeedie
•'depth three
inches to four feet, cording to the adjust-
:br the Eitifikw13ioh,..,OPerrates its .616'4
vating,and•lciviering attachment. artford
Evening POSL
IT -13'
As It is for all the painful diem* of &as.
oleanses the system of the, acrid poison
t causes the dreadful • suffering whiCh
only the tiestims of Ilheumatis:m can realise.
or the worst forms of this terrible disease
Cave been iittialrly relieved, and in short time
rine; at. Lupo ou Day, SOLD BY DItINIGLSTS.
44- • Dry aim be sent bymail. ,
liSTET,ILS,RICIIA33,DSON St Co, ;Burlington.Tt.
Kitl 411118
tiPositive 'Cure
A Medicine ibricKIM)01-71nvented bY a Wonien..
:Grosteot' ilirreItessoilrberjy..aSlInVee°thillea--Dall.TIie w.n of MOW.
harmarltonize.revisvatto, 4telfoping spirits, invigorates -and.
functions, gives elagtidty Ind
Minn:ass to the ot4t5. re7tores the natuisl lustre to the
eye, andplanfil .eheek of woman the fresh
. -
roses of MI5 sinfhalletearly summer time. •
-.M-PhysiCiactik9i and Prescribe lt FreelY•matt
:tremovesfainiii*ffiatulency, destroys erasing r
for stimulant, auf4Clieves weakness of the stomach. c, •
• That feeling. oFt:V.1;41ng down, sensing pairi, weight
. and backache; is**ste permanently cured by its Om "
For the euro eiIithy37 Complaints of either SeZ
• thit Cp_riv4inul is unsurpassed. •
• Lima N. Ft-,7*.A3FS imam PURIFIER
Will eradicate et vestige of . Etunara from the
-Blood,.a,nd give Ut.,irAnd strength to the ajlitern, of .
man woman or c...V11Inedst on having it. . • •• •
Both the COmpp!atd and Blood Purifier are prepared
at 233 and 235 We.4.07*, Avenue, Linn, ?Los. Price of .
either, 31 Six bOttiO for 35. Sent by mail in the form -
of pills; or of Icge:p ' 4s; (*receipt of price, el per box'
freely. answers all letters of
:or -either. Mrs,
* OiquirY. EnclosOtt.'istamP. Send for Pamphlet,
familj shora Without LYDIA, B. 1:11.0111AM'S
'Tama PILLS. 'Ir. elute constipation biliousness, •
And aartys.o9g .,,vetat.125Dreeungtigip:tr;3b•„...tel
tibia and bate -rine of the MOS
Is p
BO flet
ioianwas dying;: and -consider his,'
almost a Miritole.":, '.: • .
e person in 0.:-. *illioit ever comes
eathasAiditirt Cripmhitand then
blitthifAien,akitrwOutetv- Who are
toward. the-'- -earcie end 'are legion.:
.To nothe slightest eyraptonas; to -realize
their. r -itifac be Sind to meet thein in time
'-e'lqemedyl.ifilile14.hai4 been shown to be.
Oat dent, ;le a, d ty from whi0h there
can- Oesottps They are fortunate who
•.de tit ; they are on he sure road itO death
Vt'i lect it:, -, - k'.. . %., ,r• ••
i. .
' -,-
TO .Be SCe in Spring. -
:$e YOU seen Otem-eicolte* Y asked
a ire youth, poking . his head into the
rePO rs' room. No.; what- is it ?.."
inqui d several scribes, •,e,s.*.tli.tY-tett for
theirWhy, :It's` all over
town-, " Whit ie-"-yentured the Youngest
pen6it usher. 1.74elled .the 'unsalted
4411144,A Slarriming- , door behkil him wIh
suclOorce that drowned the, ro r of pro-
snittilwhich "folldv-ied his exit.— ew York
. Jowl • .
• .
ilrFor several Year"' We have fuMished the
Pairyraen of America with an excellent arti-
ficial color, forbutter; so Meritorious thatitmet
with great success everywhere receiving the
highest and only prizes at both International
Dairy Fairs. • . .
But by patient' and seien.tific chemical
searchwe have imPrcared several points, and
now offer this new color as -the best is the world.
It Win Not Color the BOttertallk, it
Will Not Turit%Rancid.' the -4
Stroingest; Brightest arta
: Cheapest Coio'rMade•
vviaile prepared in oil, is SecompOund-
ed that it is bu-ossible for it to becoMe rancid.
-0217BEWARE, of all imiteitions; and of all
other- colors for they are liable tobecome
rancid and spoilithe butter. • -
IgTqf you Cermet get the "'improved" write us,
to know *here and how to . get it Without extra
q±Peiymlesn.riivt' AS: 'ON. V,04.`11. sr!. hil4too, •Vt(1!).
In-Shem -4?rsia and Turkey Bindings.
STANDARD.ster-it si18,000 Words.
-00 Engravings, and a New
dgraRincal Dictionary.
'tulard in Gov't Printing. Office.
3,000 copies in Public Schools.
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• to make a Manly intelligent..
est help for SCHOLARS,.
'The best r414:1a1 English Dictionary extant.- •
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It has all 44ig kept a leading place, and the
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It „is recogtiVid as the. most useful existing.
" wOrdtbook!_li."13,he English language, all over 4
the r;irork"Tribune,1882.- •
h‘A.MPAR:ir IN ITSELF." ..
The latest-01Am, in tht," quantity of matter it
contains, is ix -ed • to be .the largest volume
.pnblished. ,p.„43 an ever-present and reliable
school-master0flie -whole family.
fpecimenl*es sent prepaid on -application. .
G. & C. *Allf & CO., Publishers ;
• I'SPringfield, Mass., U. S. A.
e are about 6,052,283 e'ohi ren' of'
1 age," which'varies in the different
from 4 to 16, hi the United -States.
noes sia,me back or disorderect6rinein-
cate that/ou are a •ctim. TIMri. DO NOT
E HESITATE; use Kidney-Wbri at once; Wad-
gistorecommendit)and if speedilY 'Over-
° Come the disease and restore healthy action;
aslin-id'IL:wwmeataadeisipefsriS314ipecinay.tolieyrivute7liafelyo,rteax,Pislaiittinsurpated:74:8.e. Paseeultafi.min.
ther Incontinence, retAittikur
5 bkologrielt,danustsp,eavorroP7.4ePOsiywia tqrteitaaxd dul4v.drage power.
is- sap tix Ant mato-Gis rrifie et.
• •01
9114 DPOtite,1
on Sour Stomac
441.Cc•stiveness, ;
che. and Sitidusitessi,
..tr bottle— Sgilby allDniggists.` •
who are; 030 of employment, in city or
dounby, distance no objenti9n ; can have,stee,dyi
work at their homdsiill the -year -round: o Werk
sent by mail; any one can do. it; good salary
no canvassing. -
Washington street Boston Ras •
, When f sag cure 4 do not mean merely to step them 15r
a time andt en•have them rAturn again, T Mese a ran.
cal cure. I have niade the -diseaoo of FITS, -EPILEPSY
.or FALIsINGESICKNESS adlio long study. I warrant my
remedy to titre the - vrovat-c• is.- Because others .have
failed Is no reason for ie.- no receiving a cure. Send at
once lor .8 'treatise an a P. fa Bottle, of ray infallible
remedy. Give Express sfold last Mode. It costa you •
nothing for a trial, and I will cure you., •
Address Dr. ROOT, .13 Peari St. , -New Torii.
_x47E1. aiwzmilito24!;0s'.flig:T'sAft:d6-,j3nEtt-ot miso'dx,ao(thr:e4a1T4:ftiairLocira)1--;r0,4To .
NEE ONLX__AgOuice- - OR QLD, who are stiffer!. r.s •
. .
in from, igii7tal, Vous - Digiumr, Lasr VITAEITE',-
AstING VOALVEssEs. and anthose diseases of -a
'PERSONAL " },77,4-41Air.s.xesuiting frOla AMSES `Hid .
,0111BA VAtt-ty peefiy relief Said - :complete -
'--r°S,GuARAt°rattti-rt3E.EllE.4t1,3;i7P tISILEALd 71fai oViiiren Parnd111341111trorecit
Pamphlet 40,0,U. Address ' -
ITOltaioteit 00ot llaishallillidif.
..........- •
, ....., ,
•-,' - ,--,,,,,4.--,
. .
. P,CAANS .1,0 seem a .Butiiness F.
Education or Speneerian Pen .
Manship -et the SPENOICIS ' •
IAN BUIBINKS8 '001.141110111.
tetra Qlrentars free
. • Ar.
„ • •