HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-29, Page 12 4 • , • • • a rmosolienlifiii811Nrsumims•Osodieli-40 etc CAMPS „ LEG a-ANSERsi. Iv: 0 ey to 4-4an at Ft#tlucee. Mat -e to irle • T4onns on Nit ritkiwes as to* as 6 pei cent.; t - '7E3 AND LLIGT .T.fiAVER, attorfieyat-.Law: . Converanimr; &c. •Of lae.Pdat Office, LUokno*,,Oj ik-RROW.i,PROUDt4.1 J. T.-84E80W 1-424;,' iti Chan -- e neat door to " 318 T,. B4iitsters,solloito i&c.;Gnderich, UDTOOi -, 13*.ft- and k_lheetues. Pdilitieashc.:(1.1 A.na ?rot/apt Attention paid tC the 211%;tes,. A.ceountki ,-Littnts-, &a. A. -BLE LA1t issued IJ , the :1. riqeiPat cities and te lens Of cane - -ela„f zed au- the United. Staten- and: Great - 11•-t.rties Rentittilt-._ • . . ..vriti in -I this the cheapest, iafett, and mOat -,..1.4avenient raethoft - N-TEIVESTt- Tivv- per 4rot, allowed on Deposits in the S-4vints Dank Departm'ent. - Fand-s Invested for 'Yerbiste Parties.- . Nrc -See Jrepareo.1 Offer to Customers every. Caellify stT:m•ted by a Ohartered. Batik. and eknsity- favorable terme ontreyanclnita stilts Branches. . . . . • • AMES tSOMERVILi • - • • - CoNvElf iVtoney to loait on daily. Tee Valuator Lk Trait and Lo 1- OER. • 101i Real Estate. 0.• -1AXT0g, .Co4i, ikatecer,-00111101/14 1 .. I sioner in H. C: tj, :etc. -Money to oan at 7 pez cent, straight, litterest. Valua- tor for The Doininion Savif,is and invest. 'tent Soda*: Lanier of in 'Age Ligenses. - . . . • ..Kik UGH P. 0. - Fire and:Li e 11 ST 'ION. ANIES REFRESENTED: 'IF ICE VIOITRir-FROZ11 O. A. IL T•4 r. M • OAMERoN to _ _ . Llicairo*, EYD11:- 05; DI 4801j, , BARitiSTit . . ii•LIC1 Ott fo;137;17 Iliamiltoti. and. -affidavits • for ; Oornis�iowr :for- telt' i 'anitOba. srarin, Tetra and,- :Villa* ropert•yheught • an.lecild 1 -- . ' • I . : . , - • - - - If 1 - .. . _. • Money loitted, 'Mortg( • . - o • oneit invested- for . pro 40 persons, upon: :the.beitMortgage security: • ., offices—wingham, r UcknoW, .• Luelthoi.v Offir,e, adje. Shoe. ;Store. - - - CAMERO , CAltigRON eke.A.BIPBE,LL) N.OiTA PUBLIC .. ..4.1omitissioner in -B. R. ' Conveyancer, • . • , aT Etc. Ete eft' NO - . . C4 inve ieru01_11g in all its Branches. ' Detvls, NI:mtgages, Boads, Agreements. 'Lessee, prodiptis aadeaiefully prepared, irlrreetaess guaranteed ci Speal and attention paid to the are4vehing-of Titles, and to mattereconect- : tue transfer -4f Real Estate. . ClIA.RgES REASONABLE. • -• mem* & HOT t.firsiC4ANg., - SUR mchiere --General rend v's.Stbre.1 Residen the residence formerly (monk Cri/0310111;" ,,'Hutchinio formerly 060.1m:sled hp. Dr. St., opposite the pnblic. sch [i JGbnS,Tennant TRIPATT,... FEBRUARY'. P0BLiC -I - LI, PARTIES - INDEBTED TO THE uridereigeed either'by-note or book ac- count are requested to call and settle-thetaime at once.: Parties having book accounts.will please call and settle_ either by cash or. note. I am now at the/factory Of Messrs. Horsy & Miiler. - 8in,528 W MILLER,- Luchnow., NOVICE OF Dissoter rioNe OTICE; IS HEREBY GIVE* THAT the partnership heretofore existing be- tween the undersigned as Carriage and Wagon Makers and General Blacksmiths has tMs-day beet dissolved by mutual consent. Dated thie 12th day of February A.D. 1884. Witness i WILLIAM MILLER,. ELLIOT THANE& j WILLIAM GRUNDY... GREAT SALE OF tilN80114. .,101sTS • & - AC. face,above F. • 4‘' t -Dr. MaeKid- i d by Dr. Mac - be resilience iciCid, Havelock OfficgLMedcatHait ..rrSpecial attentio Woman- and- Children. - falls promptly _night or day. • ONEY TO LEND on easy 'terms o payment,- Apply to JOHN COOlicE, Agent, Dungannon. liONEY- TO LI) ANI FIRST CLASS- IIORTA.GES it 7 th • Ti per cent -interest payable y.earlyi liargia-very-Modefate. A pply to •-• ROBERT MURRAY, St -Helens! , S-8.074pary of the West .Waavanosh Muttial -Sire Ihaurance Company,'Fabitg but fa, , -r.r.lpertyinsured: Parties lasiotting rto, luau 'la his popular farmers companyin the toWPr iiv's of (lolborne., Ashfield, East and Weet, W4Aaano3h, Kinloss; and Huron:by:rending* Paat. Card to me will be called -on and evry 4 a formation given. • • :tawny. • 1 'to diseases ,of - ended to by - :ENTISiRY. J.S- • JERQYE,Lkentiate of : DeatajISureery, has re - =civet! to 1Vnghani, --whe4i, -will carry elf the dentristybusiness • but le ivOuld beg tie inform' his Pat'rone that he visit Luoktow on the first -Monday and TuMay,andalso On thelhi, rift:tondo.. y and Tuosdy of each month' Office. at.Wgitely's Hotel. . 15, . GENER 1. 0 NoWISTHE TIMI TO FURNISH TOURHOUSE Ladiesbisure mid:read tlits. Yoga •anay nOt havo suca s opor- • tinity4,gain, _o rllH:E UNDERSIGNED, haying leased the ware rcom and • bought out a lull stock of furniture from Me ars. - EY .&•MILLER, Manufacturers here-, .at less than wholesale prices, and having no high freight to pay, is piepared to (tell the came at , Prices -That -Will Astonish You. This is no Catchpennysale but a GENUINE OFFER. 'am determined not to be -under- s01.1 by anyone • - Call and lexamine . prices and quality of goods. Remember I. fully _-gaarentee every article sold. .. • I have *WI made arrangements whereby I an take in exchange any quantity Of Lumber, also farm produce, etc. - • • 'I have on hand „a lot of Abe celebrated Whidermu* Spline- beds. and - have the sole right for the County. :Those . syringe took the bronze- medal it the provincial fair: over all others, and as they are Made right here_I can Offer them as cheap at any of- the cowmen Springs in the trade.' Also woven- wiremat. tresses 25 per cent: Cheaper than they canbe bought in-Lucknow. Chairs of all description and in fact everything in my. line. Remem- ber the place adjoining the •factory -opposite the-Cale4:14tiniiin grounds.: . : • . - - W It JOHNSTON: Lucknow,.Feb 1304 mgt.. iv)RERT.gURRAYst.;liplellif br;. • obert Fupnin' --4. large -number of horses were purchased ihere last- week by buyers from the Western States. - ' —A Printers' and Publishers'. As- sociation has :been -formed for he counties of Grey and Aufferin.- 7-The literary sOgietjr. -wil give a grand erktertni ai ment th ane43 Hall Tuesdar.eve mg next. • ukimi -The laost_ SUceetu71. sale ever '.4", -held In Ltieltiow nOW going.en. ..at Oki s and. ..trnpree-. dented_ rush for. the great bar. gab* oteOred Sy last the, employees of ept him silent. ith, of his great t1le. Adve*ser office presented. the in. Re /Aid upOn the membersOf the Advertiser- Pkintipg num* anion or demons could OEtTOLOAN at- 7 per eent.-,fro 2 to 20 years, lista of Falfli28 for sale. tie Ontario as well as Manitoba% Forties; J4- :440123 fa sell farint, will eonstilt their interes4s • by 4.1kAg the adtertising iaftilitiesof sub - awe r Great Britain and rrei aid and con - Writ otta,nds for sale; • - • AltiGUS iiTBWAIT . Land Vale VII*. Isuelinciat P 3. (YNEY TO LOAN ON OlOOD FARM .Froperty 6 -and ner cent, iteeovel- :;•,ag to the security offere4. The above *ill lie `-tasfied-on any ternis to .-euit Me borrower. - respondence will be- cheerfully saistiersid ahoot expense. For .furthar. partigulai -4.1ttily to . • • 391.IN,GORDON, . St. Helene P , • • • - • . 184-, G.R .0. , A. P. & A. M., . d it the Thursday. ,f . on(irpeforefullmoofi. f oh month at 8, p. Visiting breth- refit rdially invited. 1- - B. MALLO q11. Secretary. 3, S. TENNANT, W. j LUCHNOW 140DGE, No. 112. Meets everyl Friday eveills at 8,9.:oloplc in bretherdeordi• their Hall.:Ca pbelltt. • • / • W.gCON. 0414/Secretory. W. 4. ',MIL nibie _ A. O. 1.1.11‘ -UOKNO LaD:GE/0..3- THE AFri: the-Ogfellowa Hall, Ani 'Aecond leSt • ant Ord rof 'United Tiorkinet, e.„....at in Monday even4igs of at 8 teeloCk.. sVisitiz* Brethren aricord41,1y in to 'at, - tend: ' I • . inviked. TgOIELIAivRENeE - - '.34,iiether rktoan..- , Aeoorderi.' "manor, J'uly14$12. 128.2. WALTER TRELEAVEN She C4 ,a711,t) the put, still keeps on handalargeoad . superior stock of ° ENERALCR0CERIES ,1:11d____...„very-thing,tound_ in the.larder • * — . housekeeper; He would -also iEon We • 4. 'c,or particularly thefaripinge +,,,Ohat he liaa engaged, the serviees or& ourt, es SQL .-LucttNow, onto, This conit Os on the 0 days in every month. - at Tetaperance - Breth :tend!. ALEX,MacINT - . 4an4.-third Mow ..p. ill nielle at, S.-,-414, •WIWI& go. 520 • 0 • • 4NINEMMINSUMNIMMINNIMMINt 4741".-71 1AGAIN VIOTORIO* Ancient Order United Workmen.i. 7..tiostfoyr CURLERS BETZATi BY 8110T64,4 A well contested game; -was played in the. Lorne 44 Monday list between two r0 Wingham. curling. club number of LucknOw players. -resulted in another victo home Club by seven shots. oUt thegaime the play . waci the average- and some veryf were made. • The follow, .score ' -Rink No. 1. Gre E. R. 'ref b -Geb. Ken H. Sonierville, a W. Berry, Geo. Douglas, Dr. Tennant, - skip . .25. liink No, 2. M. Cdrrigan, •R. Copeland, W. U. Little, J. B. Hunter, -skip. . 17. t curling here on - s of the a like lid which or the rough - above e shots is the e srap.es .1 John Nole* John In Dinsl 13- Wilsd • 42: ajecity' for Liieknow; -35. Funeral Sermon - • • ':The following is an-outlin Of the funeral ;sermon on .10f Mrs. . _ . . Thos.. Barnby, preached -On: -e 10th inst. iniZion. Church, Ashfiil by the Rev. ..Jaines•CaiWell, of annon : Revelations,,7thchapter, lst of the 17th verse:,--4hese words,- with Icoutext. -0ansport us in imagination to 4, world, • and. place before Our •minci!si eye a # fie of un- rivalled interest and beauty. - that the- gotid Shepherd has gathered- his' le flock intotheupper fold _where they ` hunger no more+ gatheied from all land, t ages; here.theY-.-ineet,•,,the purest; he t, most favored and honored fraternfty oeizble for the Savior to form ourof eprav-. ed humanity. And What is here armitig iy pictured to the Mental eYe,:- • and bye become gravid reality. 1/4.tnregation 'ettberighttous liefokiiitie throne of qi$4.1, hloodwashed, ciowetkind glori- And thinks tomerciful• epAi .flidulgent Heaven*. may beofthe number. 1 we are . not it Will ba ourotvn fault. Thoi00 thought of Buck amazing blissis truly derfie4tA 4. G- iant- to reconcile U8 to any sunon014. toll- or diflimilty in werhingcnto.nr-salv0404., Verily there:is arewead for the righteoil4 eternal • weight ef -We ca.a attenty fiot, to h.ere get kir*. Second; his lki,t1 "to the.title*id position of Leir&AallainCalrisat tionato-hia redeemedpeople. : e ishere- -;4 styled the lainb, fii,T:r•orite •nant.O. h Jan, and-one:beautifully appropriate. . cant. .For it remind us first of '--0-ilneekness -and:gentlehess.-- jeafisiwas O.Crearth. He is shah in Heaven and ever will blij1.2nd, ifiepnrity: His Whole teachingi#0.1it,action *demonstrated this fact. 3rd, -114(*bmisaive .spirit. He Wailed -ea Lamb lilanghter et be oPened.not L. ' or man - ace' for. ar.- No dragged „ugto go. . Joh. blood ; resauta . 0 is not tete: lb.:ie. .1{nown that. lie bekoga to our eart le.lonti. Of us. He-leta the ray i of It'a,g Divine - glory shine through the veil .of manity. LastlY, that he is food fer the sOlg- -As the Pasobal lamb,fed-the Peisons -W been -saved from the ,destroying its 'shed blood 44 does Christ feed his het g people by ma' Word, anti. opiiit, and ord yes; and -grf.ce;, igo is in the gnidist of thi; riiione, the :Xing of Zion, the King Of Glory ,H0FO- we learn that Jenne Christ ;, associate in intimate comummou with Holii.neeple iti Ilenee*. He will manifest avectit* Juterest- _and enlarging capacity. He' th,14 make What was dark anCmyitezhius -He Will throw .light Upon `tkeir-.41: history 1 joy. JOy ever full, ever fresh, or e..Mie. : hOlinese; will.suPp15%every'elen)ent of it Seothind,; her nativiiend She their toeher forever. : Ho will with Barnby belonged to them 'Of ext.. She: in anat. He will feed -them wit#140:4„owtiule,c1, hg,eer.: perfectly bright and eatisfactor4- will be:, toineet and -keep full their ever. g desire, with horinese. Supply them ulnest of 1 was converted in.the Baptist dean atwnin - • n life and videavored • were ao&e. The ffestaiker OAF iirttitZthirelth distifigniefied her were her belief to for,.and. love 't0. Grid's -holy word, Y- • ht in the Ordjnances of.God'a hole- wo,ra ething but r.cinpleteinabiltty•:oould .her from the -hot* 04 .410y - ii, 7 1 PPI*13,7 When -the lettlemett Wm new lia5t' taken to the house of the lerd.:. 'She wev „ _ -otoaeateu d purity; o--but.tt to; ouicuonoteinao eft. atrne.4441,04 • ThitiAlik. ...wgilligs&fs;et:".11:611-ri;7bibh":::117:7;6444.: 1:7thee'll:71117-betgt-.1":±-i'?11"1"11''1a-14131.114:b1:4°.. ----------- From the report of the Grand Master submitted to thiGiand Ledge at its .annual session in Guelph last week, :we take the folloWing interesting figures regarding the order A. "O. W, was established by Supreme -1'. U. E- Chiirch, on the .27th of October, -1868, there being :than only 14 Menibers. October, ,18b3, there - were reported 126,787;. and lopses or- ganized in .27 States and in the Prey. incesf Ontarioand Manitoba: 'buring the year closing March 1883, the. Order paid $1,792,603.24 on behalf of the beneficiary department, and since its erganiza,tion up to the date Dania $7,300,000 for the benelit -of widows andorphans of deceased members. .itt the Province of Ontario the history of r the Order is as foilows •'. The first lodge was organized in April, )877 ; -18 lodges and 400 inepthers in Febru- ary, 1879, *55- lodges and 1,150 members in February, : 1880, *107 lodges and 3,200 -mem bero'in February,. 1881, 169lodgesand .inembers in February, 1882, 19-3- .lodges and 8,084- menibers in - February,. 1883 216 lodges and 7;467.. Memberk Fef - ruary, 1884. Since ,,the iitganization Of the Grand Lodge in 1414, 1.880. there have been reported 126 deatfici. and $252,000 bare been paid for bene- fits at the. for.owing rates per .yeary each ending 3let- December : 1880, 13 nssessnients or *17, :1841, 13 as- sessments or $13,; .1882, 14 aisesi- mints or *14, 1883, 12 asse,ssments. or $12. - Comps, y Witikan. elegantly frame • d oil Rim to th49rose had ifibeenr. . , . ' , lie freely shed Hie Woo for us, • 3 ortDe late Manager, william cleanseth sin. Oth, that. earner", *Its executed ,Hrielfalpitearli4th'umti frt J -The. painting .4. a rst 11°Zerfice,N /striking lilt, eness,,and---Will be treaspra: . ad ag a iROOTN.air of ON Irboin to. know was itv.eatOaill very hitihly. —.Jag, Smith, of the first concesiiion Culross, has received the sad. intellf- genee tha-joeff ton, -,010- Went -to Man- itoba last in& was found fp6ze..4 dead near, Regina, where he had:taen; up land. It Appears' he staked to :the nearest v' 1 (3 to get some neeesSaries when s pote4 he :lost hiS. way. Tic Vas found - by .g 'hunter -only three. ' miles froni-hoine, - and one Mile oil' a - - • -,, Village,- •••• . . .• ' Montreal independ ent journal. , describes . the -spebtacle presentet -:by' the. . Canadian Pacific SYnxlicatet :the Grand; Trunk and .the - ,Quebec• French Tories fighting .for the spoils as that of three-nitUres savage- I e set whereuntosla, had'ette,' ld-f 1 e 4 • " only so, but gy the Government is vainly-, trying to character, a_14 lioneetlY, *nest! IBlhaetrutti4ullry. del_eetloped the Clam y ger amilng over. -the carcase w :11hiiePijortaioaininfaaninrsgi'iast.lithelne 4Nheostioculeitionif t9. 61°41Y Gvd la her' b*dY to what they are..fieihting.over.. They _ b. 'are mere birds of prey .appetites which•aret:neVer and caw never be at - • -• isfied; -however .gorged, '-•untd. the or- . • 'case. is finished, :The ugu.'.vel IS OVA confidence lathe eaffiefene*,-of „ the. Peop4of this country who hove to meet lair doily need of pord0 provided -A -a. 'carcase by -paying heavy taxes,- Which:yielded-a large :Surplus, And by -oilmbittiug, for alltbatuto be _planed Moro deoply In-Ldebt,. calmly, stand by and watch.* loathly -stru4g-. glo. with }Atte •-tooro Cope* thoii ototO. oOriesitirt: r 0kb Irikl„ got t 414 Wit". 44110.14.f1. - • THOROUGH .10-ILLEF4-.., wilt wry -a the Mining bialaasi th ed vigor. and by turning Out pod ibts date, silo increased potiOnsiefoksa lie. Ali Idado of - a --4) RA IN -A- No ex ED", - ..s astaatly.oa %Oa& 1 - 'So alit pall - leo 00.„. _of tits no toad as Isonestors for T. .-GOAVertairslantbe wv-• pulps abo sent freC ThIrt -sevOrate. 'merlon . 1101.4.1 *00: or• • tAk Maws leek sink . gr. ' BELFAST. • Prom Our Own- oirreepoodi;st., - Miss- Watkins,' of $unimer visiting.at Mr. G. M..Kilty's. " • • Mr.- George Snell; formerly :of this Place' but lately of Lanes, -.7has Moved • to LondesbOreugh. • - ...Large qtaintities' of square timber pati daily Ihrongh... here 074 rowte for LUcknow ,station . Mr. Robert Taggart, Oth Con:- West • VirawanOsh,..kas moved - into ,the- -house vacated last fall by Mi.: john Hunter. :The telegraph 7: wires betireen here and St Helens were broken Elatir- dsy. last by trees *felled by timber 15 it Ine the lieinit rook on which4e hope of eternal . She yae: LOCHALSH. ° Frost our own'earrespoldenf. We are pleased to noticethatMisses Eliza and. Lottie Ohasibers5 who have been suffering from s, severe attatk of inflainatory rheumatism, are recovered: 'Finlay, son of Mr. McLennun-,whilt chopping. in the woods one,- day last week cut his foot If the axe accident:, ly striking and glancine: Off 'a tree. .The wound fortunately was not deep aldinhie will soon be .a.b. le to I!)e .eiround.. • Mr. Norman McLean, Of 12th con,: -Ashfield, had made arrangeinents to% deliver a lecture Wednesday evening: last on the subjeot Life in Manitoba in -1864," but was obliged to drop the idea on account Of being unable to procure a suitable - Mr. D. G. lifel)eithy !formerly, of Amberly, has ceinmenad -hilliness in the tailoring line here and is prepared:1d to make suits which for style, fit, an45. finish, cannot fail to satisfy- or. pleact • the most flotidieuo. - Mr Jno. Cameron' -leaves here' thit week for Knoxville, Iowa.. 11.e takes - -With him an entire horse purchased from Mr. J. Gentiles, Kincardine, AMBERLey. ; AVM OUP 0.161 itorrespesdest,. Mr.. Wm. Powell ban relogved frota: -Winghftm -t hia fignu. on the Lek* - - Shore, lat1y, ocoulii$ by, M. 344 Strath., of Whitecluirch, We 04)1)4404 to loam thiA 10161 peqpI9 are inaking 'a• 1110N411 orrniZe an I O. 'cf Q 7. Lodge iutlio Algid* Topple., The list ikuraliers •Gypr Arrinty.-4Ta, /*prelim, - - _ tpa-iseetios k to belteld lu tsire P!.. ()karat 110 IiiTe411, Tigidat ow Mora Otte. .nuteher Roweroad gooilimea ova expaokii i- :- take port istike•eatietiPlkmoit. Via; vill laektniejked ysicir- OficienA: iiKer UAW the limikneip Piot Magavi1i?-.-4-- 4 .‘ .