HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1884-02-22, Page 6a
, •
• Drairti•Blarika
The passion te grief lieti
The passionatelongingicir hepani b/
he passionateyearniktfa the Or ed; ,
-,Gteaeh • vi*-atbk#: 1.1,Can.,214e.:13494 w°0e tba
• tots jy,-zy A •y -
,Aya=answiiriweary lips dila tife4 eYes;
To violent sorrows solace nature grants;
WoraIrtilSa tJAP world's attpremestagopieat.,
• Are sit vteltmptrf)lanktrAtAhopelvtp.weti
_ .
When vivid liehtuhigkilaineaniithunders craft
When the Iflera windsr 'lase:the iferce.Sew
We"see,the storwii.4acons by -the
• The '7teissing.
• forni;" • -• ;
-But whqii nelbyttlie sullevItip of._rain
- The ,w.aters juipalonOthe hellOyeahOrey
• 'Tis hard to thifik*he min -Can tahre again,
The dull Withteli glean to livinglightenee Mor
"i'Vhen time sape-SlowIy strength and _hope aWa
• And the-blaekgillf yawns by the lonely path,
e.When tht(dmiali night creers on theistopty day,
•lAndlthaonett clue of all is held Pv44talt
Look not to faded Joy or lingering love •
•To wake the powersyouthandfaith had given;
. 'Take patiently the lot ,we all.nitt prove; -
Till -the gre t- par swings bank nd shows ns
heaven. ' -• the arecq lynotcp.
• They lived in a creeper -covered cottigl
nestling among'verdure in the highly-oulti
..-vatedvalley t one ef',...the;Iforne mount*
. There was a malIdairy-rfainPattachediel
nom ady Best beetoVied all he
'leisure hours and thereby rosneged to ad
no, iaconsider bie Stith hekincenie, *hid
sines her bus aned's death hell been rathe
With- the .m
.ehe had- been
ooine.ati ming were set
As she, too, -perceived
The exeited motheek
; " Oh I they ,are_if
e ot those elude !chat. I told
nts with ootmtless small roome, 'the better."
taking in a far larger number of "A chat wi
eople than its exterior .would learryou tO ,,;Bries Butghley
n. ine ' No
ent,,tend to calm`
*to have a...little
er it was over
y eon.
t Arth
t Hannah 1 ‘1' D
att ,
as this -this
syou not know?
;Oh I then I nortSCioot tell the scree of the
a ji
...wedldt_bn.qUiteeventughefore she would tpritiOn-house, t, Prayk On't -look so
rive ind'LladfliefetEpassid all the day in lueftil,. aunty dkr, The . et is not of a
a state of -feverish excitement, waile3ring. • very dreadful nettite.; -
tfotit!tioni -rtbi'rtiont.:"....4 *peeped- . feel Lady Best was, -litifieVer, by no means
that there Wate-ta! deitinylirt 'stake ;while comforted by this intelligence. a'Arthur
Arthur, the individual whei elt•probi: betilReatrying On -wit*thistigiri--mIt
bititf the inOst -..131nIceined0was perfeotly ktiowittolteic.Lanct hence
cool and collected .andinasped:.. the bonze In ciijectiOnlibt4lieliessness.A Okikittrgelh,e
hishabittiaf P1aeld-entOinietitoWbOW.k.,41 neighbors *eriiight lovehvagthe!root -Of
• .The mystic shade of twilight was already tbecyiI. '. And to think of the little -Minx
ore4)ingup the valley . when Wheels :were -forcing ' herkelf 112141dr° tinder -,ilikinfah's
beard approaching the Cottage, and Lady aniwicesk(th-l..it was too bad -very much•Best-went
Bestment-outointothe...poreh,:to,teoetWler -too bad ; ibeltad'heentreated'ElhantEiftilly
guest. Fain would she have persuaded ;' And, ..:het; lobert ; teo fn1IL to: speak
11;!•414iltetyp7set-i0nopant..,her, butiltk, preferred without committing herself; which pride
an ared-ejiair ht.*, titndia4Z.-i• prevented When she remembered thit this
Atlaet4; „the etzriagel isWiislitior,,,ittnd niece had been conniving . to deceive her,
anneb ;Miltori; having -sPiting out, is abewrent indoors, up:into her own mem, of
iclamorouslyAissing her 'aunt. ••. Which she'. looked the dobr, and, • then
-.There. is • nothing tegthetio or' dreamy; ifidtilged iiiithe • hinUry tempeetuous
11 1
aboutlier, 411heshas broad; plain, honestburst.artears, • - -
2 .0
cipenface,•-withifind eyes and a large mouth. • -‘Toe more than- hour she remained there
full of stronklooking white teeth -not the sobbing and compobing...herself, by ttirne,
Slightest pretension to beauty, but you can till- at last she heard voices under the
see at 2aglancei that Etannah.•Milton a window.:.- Carefulty .090c/ding herself,- she
thoroughly good; kind; sincirre:c wAilsan. peeped frein-Pehind tbc,nttptain., - •
Her Mtict# je,:xery:lond, but it hie" the'iing - There they were, all three , talking and
;• f :Wm* heart.' WItftitetie laughing,;. " woke -up" look on- Arthur's
baweverZ., ae:. ` thintca; • "What :Will face which she had net . leen there for
liArthur Months.. • , • •
'lllannafl,. Or -alloWliii4ifelf lov,iii subdtiefi
• by her?" . :1 . -": . • -• --
. able .to ' . a. her only • so -41 ithree mild' &gs of different breeds, there
oney derived ft -6 this Board la:waled .1,4,-..- bird Gages.' 9. Persian cat and
In the carriage beside Hatinah, halt cen-
Arthur to .0xfOrd-Arthur,. kho was -th , Iis, a girl -the maid, of cotirse. The dogs
- apple 01 her ;e:ye-,;thit- ode!' only being fo „.-;1,and oat Spring odtafter-- :Hannah and the
. whom she really - oared. ••• .81ie..had give i footman takes the bird -cape. lust as the
him a .first-clase 'eduesi -ietar, and 'it had no,1.1unnotioed crcedpent of the -carriage is step
- heed receivedion 'etOriy ground, for Artitu 1 iping out' Hannah turne,round.. -- _ • - -
was clever, and a hoek wort:144°o much- s " Oh I I. forgot; let me introduce My
• for worldly p rposes, -si ce he had: indtilge4; Hdearest friend, Agatha„BgrAhley.' Of course
.111 study au contemplation tin he ha you eicPected her; she never , -leaves . me,
• -become a dreamer.. By...the time; he reache4. you know.?' . . . v - : -
the age ofc•tw ty.five ir-had70.een declared: Lad*Best heldout Itei!bandrin ayOlottoin
by all the neighbors, .And -lady teet'reeir o Whidh her hkart;ilid -n teepond ;nor
- ale generally that Arthur would d ''d .shkspeak *apt tasta
_ any good for iinselt-rdWei a hard:Verdict-I. - -alild your ..aiiikllentt. ?
.cansidering th t: he :had not a. Single irice, 'Nfise Milton burst out laughing. - "-That
and was handioind'anif manly-lOoking. Noti is...i..s,tuzwy- in- which -..we don'tinditlge7; do
that his habit); 'and . pursuits' were exaotlyi liv.e,•Aggyr? We arrange out toilets .ddr-
manly ; &Wilk:Was the 'enly:sport in•Wbic ,. elves,- and Very '..:effective they are some-
he.had ever lieten- known to indulge, and h. tirnes, eh?", . , - - 77
' fiPePt his tiinelfor the most wander- i tidy Best looked. :agaita.;_at.ithis onico.
' ling' tiitlessly. Shout vija -yillboy ; ...tve.aitng., p4nott of Whom She had neVerbeardh9ftttt-
--clothes of a somewhat Ee Allem eutlihtelf No, decidedly; if iiilie had inc.tvin :4 hog
was particularly diateSteful- Ito _his; rural xisiencesbeWettbliiot haveaskedlEfkiiiith
:neighbors,' a •slouching felt Itap mi:hii Ife4d; 6.the.Cottage Ortii4gatha-itti.bsatitift114's
. and a.book-generally poetry --tint* hand. that refined . ;,ipirittialized' :beauty about
Idolizing Aethtir though She -did; it deJ hich-poets ravel •
pressed' Lady Beat not. -little tor,see:.ititet ' InitiIikifindertgrof 004 she had invited
• take to An - effeminate do.nothing style of 'Hannah, and this companion, this Agatha,'
_life ; and • sihoer he had now wasted morel ,,was. she also tWhe their daily .assooiate for;
than. a year in this sort of,dretatio,:she hegank*e,iks ?; - ,, -- ," - ;• : :. . ,.' . . _ . T. - -
to despair of seeing -him embark in any- OM : The meetingivitWArthdr;hoivever-could
,-alio ' fitted him.11:1,4nto the drawing-roorn. , ' - • :- • :: ' -
the profession for wiii;h. she had hepediWot be deferred, and T.44 Best. led the way
hie edueation would
What she - Pia to do -how Be Was . to -1.61 He was ascordial as -it was in his .Mature
change the cur ent vo; -biretta --she did not -Ato be in his reception- Of his tiOttidh, but
know... - .. .. - .--. r. • --i , tiii.en the sable- iformulas. of introduetion
"Was he in eve? Had he had a distil,- ilvith which • Lady Best had been • greeted
. „ • • .
.- pointmeat ? "'.her acquaintailow:askekbe./U&Sati4gone fr though, and . Agatha,' dragged
tillshe was tired of answering. ` ...,:Tlie:qiie-9-11.iiptviard by her energetic ' friend', stood'
tion, however, at last suggested a' rernedy.414efore hiti1,„ With thepale gleam of -: the
•:Why should nOi a touch of the very didease ;tieing -Moonlight ioti- her - race, he started
=from whit% -pgiciple.. thought he was inffer- hiack as though he had seen a'Speqtre, more
.. Mg. bring &ben , is Cure? : -. . , • ;:' li ' felt then_ adMiration, at; it seemed to •
• Girls! - 'She. _, would slirOund, him with ;4,4is anxious,' Wattihing mother. -t: ",":.; - ' ---
• girls ;. of douree,While she 'had. a due rregard-11'.,._ There was no time, however, for specula -
for good -looks, never forgetting that in her 1 jon•ati to whit feelings Agatha -hadlaWak-
estimation nothing made theeyesglisten2e
mith so much pleasure of gold. ..iere'assertifkthenTheTves and, EI.61,4i# 41..1`
. So Lady Best --,-"gaVe-...;.,a_ tobniti.partyi kid- 'Or bluntk. Whyi dieleled here& tolittle#-
-. 7. -invited all the : beautyiethe-county, in-.- *.- hieg.- ;. ... . •
1 •
-eluding but''before i .A; rand
apid toilet dinner.; , CoMei-oh
two or three heiresses, ;
. the . atternOon as -bait' Over Arthurhad othit w -shall not keep Litt; Beet:Wait-
• _dtaapPeared. )11e: had wandered down the
g _
-valley away from -" the noise,"
,Of atheEte maideps,ge," as he Called
-the Musical 1
•.prornising hitneelf to return it*E100.11 as they
ShOuld-S11- be genoe. • •f-
Lady; Best was disappOinted, .but net
crushed, she*onftVtry again, thi/ epuneln
a quieter, but the hoped; -a ittclire.'''effesitual
- way!. : - •• •
4,9999%.&••4A.9 [099 •••*9-., ".1.05r0!.909%,•0
" Aithitr was out -so muchi she was at
some aesistince.in. ' effect-
- 'times very dull," she -told hini ;: more7
ver, she wanted
• ing.ene. Or twodairyreferms. Her eldest
• brotheet.diugeterlila nah Milton -aged:
19,. was, she understood, a- decidedly- praO4
• .8120044 004 She -*ad norstem her
She was u:hewouldtlike $o
invite her On ongvisit ancl,Maketer.
•quaintance. Had Arthur abytobjeoticin ?";
• No ; -none_ whateVet. Oti.ctiurse _his.
mother was perfeetiyfree.' to do as she
liked." .- - . 1-
. But would he be -.Civil and kind to this
unknown- cou8i4v/Iten.
Iliceild.rit" ncr,' firite re.
"11 she -pleas:041*i* oertitinlysi
doubtless, she
withhis pursuits."';
•- sin enticins in reference to XiMiss. -- Xot-very enursging 4f Lena, Best had
Hannah Milton,- who -we will observe ;in
parenthesis -she believed would sooner or
-; later come into the posseasioh Of at least Ai
•. hundred_thousapdAtOtindS,_.
. . -Not a Word. Cifithieli*Ait however, utter
% tiI_Attimi,- btitiittiktit *iithei diseussion'
wrote an ailed ionate-lett r to her . niece
. ettVI. -
king her to come and at at the Cottage
. • 163 Ong as she 1.dodld endnre . he fr !linty
ibud smalinelkofitheitiottpe,
. Malt ilannalillfillOn4nSwOred4i1lettirii
• of "-post that she obi:11dd be delighted to avail
-,. herself of he - aunt's . invitation, more.
.. eepecially as-,hei father Was going abroad
- on busittese; and she should - be her owd
-. mistress for .the -next two niimiths. . She
• : might be expected. to 'arrive, bag..._and
• . baggage- akthei Cottage on the ;5th of July.
:it ;WM:theLn the ed 01 UP
- . To .1hit tithioinirmellefolicirei.a‘Vpos‘;
script thatehelhoped her dear -aunt did not
--object to living•animals, as of course she
-" could not leave -hereitli -lialafie4t-Miltou
• .
Hall -during- h ' • 2, ap -lier lather's
:absence. . .. -•• ! ,,-
•ILadyBest w
of her letter, .iin Arotttgig
• both she and ..0!,t ' nkweaRagi,
Of PEAL; ---is- " tic -arzif,,r3,
Arthur hadread BliesAfiltoilla
• merely said t1+, :itehoped,the-dopkitthei.
were doge, were thoroughbred; he
that was not perfect:
So, till the . 5th of Atly, Ithe .Ccitteige„
• whenever- Arthur :went out-4prit could'
not be expected that he sheuidlendure fuss
and :olatter4asToonifulsel with prepare-
* tickle for the arrival of the heire is-nieoe and
her retinue. kbed!roxim Was turned into
tiiig long," and.the twe''girls' went quiokly
ep into the rooms that had been prepared
IfOr them. :
In less than a _quarter of an hour ;they
ine back,. looking's); spie-and-span
ey-had made no long journey. It was
*pry obvious that the services of a. maid :
ere unneosisary. •
heve.tiiner scarcelfa'
• erry one. ...f.4Artki-itr wsaimtrizthan tumidly
lent and edittive,Atha very tired ;
o was not moircibliet agpm.iffitor* 0
00-on1t ifrielYielle 0! the ia#W0 4,;
lOred eesselessly1 to' Lad est,. NV o;fdr)
sgood listener-:
ffill her atte ted 11 that
ung person -1 ,
ady, in her -Mind,:
signated lackadaisical
knoe ill her life;
`A V
Hannah Witti-i;ve
'fairy reforms..
31 hOrpr
1ull,•lot.-the trojected:
loved everyt
nde • t,
bile *1330%74446're n w
•rthur and this beautiful.' Agatha be-
ing ?m--,slistrastedviiersielbo,A1 Olifif HaTi.'
h would only.ttiri*hor full attention ont
igat Aloce inttinctrtantwOof reforming
ttiffet •' ifitsitat taw§
IX.4ady:Best was, however; tocrtilUgh of Ei;;.
4ords ; no, shei' aot," manoitivre,":'
BACh‘11;-?' * •4P4P- r; •-0;:% 4 Ir. .fintr2<74'04, y
OP.attrse thefirst
annah expreepe a wish tarok over the
rm, 'Eat. Aightha,. she
d .1.4.0 Best atarted_On a tour of inspeci
Bag,' and Ittidlictiffitise.hiiii 3t4abiprei
red rebitiiiiiiriiiiheiiiftielillihnohemi
•? • 40.4- 1
- • ; • ,
-:4With‘ the exelF.A4.#92 .‘all-4.0.40-413ainna
joh farFulgtpligrunage.qentailedi
dy Best'sitprits,..rOseffand,:;s1te became
gioroughly*biorbett initertishbjeot,.rejoick,
• 1.g that Ellittftidlotittd46ticiikenial a cdnit
ion, and ,abriitiNfirker ad, annah
fkilituttreolt*ItItog:W*feJ1 *o
hiPro.--AgathpatiWali4ipin'ttd: "-Of course'
'tie hvd gotkrAteljiiiir tirthir.; Atwegf-
wevitg ganihatimlan them," and the
ther. as: She -thought, of it batman' per..
-tty niteesablew. ; F • b -
ii-imiiiiitphoMe.tionelhistron, et ;
tire4theilitid;!Etild if,,HatitikWdid nbt
nd,4 therSi?;*ciVIdl.return, to
Ley reaohed tbe'-bbtteai.g. ..$1,10.-'00421
?ieh lay in front "'of 'ttif.414.1..ng4o4ni
uidows, just O. Agatha; a000mitsinied by
....t.thur, Strolled up the terrace towards the
Cod. - • . ,
sight was past bearing this, then,
astobe the end of all her loving care lot
thut; be wasto. Marry Hannah's Penni:
s companion. Nor did. Hannah's remark,:
- -
Xi was Strange, very, strange,; -and as she
st*sid and Watched thinn she ,ncit
make rip ler ;Mind' whether.42e,hed or had
not made a mistake in asking these people
to come. - After all, ir his •love for -Agatha
saved Arthur from- despondency and made
a man of him, she ought -,-to coneider her
eliject gained. •
Anyway, she made up her -mind to be
Silent for the present and take notes; -- and
so deciding, she w,ashed her face smoothed
her silvering hair,: set her cap daintily. on
her heed and 'went clOwnsiairs, -*here the
Inn -ribbon .Was decidedly- f* ;More cheery
than the dinner had bean on the previous
evening, .0 s 7 •
And•tbe-days passed on -life at the Cot-
tage seemed .'very bright to-allbut
tress, who Could not reconcile hereellf to the
feat' that blosibIlMbeen deceived; not even
though it gliddenedi her heart - to heir
'Arthur tempting feertily; as he 001:-IletiMeS
ditliati hie Oali:ies; to -see him take
si/1 interest he: neyer, took haters in the
f arm and Its *irking ' • 's - •
4gaithe's-pale beautiful face would dome
between the mother :and the change her
presence to have :Effected, and Lady
Bestleit- thiit gheb3rOititinve. Agatha;
even though Arthur's Whole happiness was
.Cantred in her. • - •i" . •
-BOO she had lost asson she had gained
daughter,, for appreciating. Hannah's
• merits asshe-did-tot4eluitetiCille felt that
she was.each day learning to love her, more
and more. Many tiztes•Wae it on. her lips
to tell her how grieved .,she was • at the
direction Arthur's fancy -seemed to. have.
taken, but tilde -held her back. -
• At last, ambit before couidbelieive
its apprOanh, St. Partridge arrived, and
With a letteritom 'Mr. Milton, saying. 'he
should . be baok leie than a week; that he
would take the -,Ccittag# on ;his way, dee his
date* and escort his-,danghterhOme.-
, What tears and 'heartliiirnings. did, this
letter produce! .Hannah was evidently in
despair at -leaving, the Cottage. Arthur
hisiatntt. de*Wide*.atiefie
:ittotithe agolonilteAgOlis seemed- to'hav�
Otlfoutse net, sineiiiie expect:SAO:AO
herfi;alwayS • , ot witlith)ie;
..£rthnrfound bOr
.be pleastrilit to
POI r bri/AeMig-:* 4044-4Pv0; .t.6**40,19041.0. .
`,`...0hvArthar, if "Yow.,,uilly- knew
-haiii-dreaded this. etsipSion •
Dreaded .03„, mother thogihk.:you
Woildte,delighted:r ,•
Sal cii-;--Pennilesii,-.1adka7
didaioa,i;:.intriglicgIL-theqest- of iiers'.,,Esei!.
tibSe was' a ebb, interrupted, however,..- by
't YRolkniless1,714844.14 ? .riY9-:4131%e,nlY
fault in my eyea is that shelias- money,
:and MY::unole1.214, .47.e2/
°.-418,111Ifig4 !-
Hannah yog...lovelt; ystit4esr., ,
bist- own.boy
Whytsiolokheen ..eligag4dito pfy
rege ijlitba4,-...I.Aaheehbe Wilmot feethedeatt
Thlti hid*ktt *Sett iittALbelate
making up. I _could not :tell yotOefititsie
the whole thing -Fat a.ssavAtl.04_001#1.9,
uncle. 1The gntljnan, however,
ti` in ad *ey.4r e marrd
Lady ,Beet soon forgot all her anxiety
and the unhappiness.orthc last few weeks
• figitea- nd'Aif
promised • to: negotiate. inattels with
Milton When ha slionlkarriye, and she did.
:so Most effeOtually, for. he -seemed as
Pleased as she was; and from the day that
'her capacious heart,- ehoweringupon the
girti144niertfiratittvd*. kr. 4,04444g her
love for Arthur- was all kinistake-as many,
kindnesses and presents as She beEttowed on:
her Well -beloved' Hannah. •
eel-NA:ha oenigtee;
tOok placeat MiltonaI1out1e•papttt.dat',..
the-Eininitiii4tetwOli& at- O.S Vaveiliciught
that LitiStikst was $heiuiothireLboth the,
I 1•
.atioeuivr. y. • _
There.are3,0, tn.:this clan•
trY," remarked Mr. Wigg orth, Without
Wen, r dlai;"exo1bthea'hi wife,
" if. I don't ;mean.to get One: I saw a,
nice onein_tibisjitore liar only $6."'
•'`; tifitAtiatid she
began darning a hole in :the toe- of a red• ,
stocking, while Mr. Wigglesworth laid downrc
the agrioultural paperiie ha4 bean:i40412(1,
and wait orti-of the- room, rubbing 111P
"head in a dazed Sort -of way.
- in the oareer of female fame, there are
- •
few 'prizes- to be. :obtained Which ean Vie
with the obscure state of a beloved wife or
a- happy mother. -Jane P.orterlf,:.
- " -
P-3), 37;;-,...:1•T":"...7,-""\;',
tvICIEI,rresaildi .11low it Porpnalueri..,,r nta,
teadiair' 111;iia:e
.' 41 •
• Isttiany,(1+74.).totirnal-4
on*. the 'hundreds .of thousands Of,
tEl whO have visited -Niagara Pahl
84 WO& 111. .81 We . before its Miracle of '
w stands dire° opposite the Cataract
' fPai Atiretitir ifttybabalitYlitmLittriteltillwIdllina:'
Omit -distance- below the railroad'
s on and -cantilever. bridges. NW;
' g ieknown to all St; the "Monteagie.
* , . and it hasbeert a papul**placie of .
ret. for. 'hundreds of travellers during
years. . . Nearly • every Plegee. Air
Lt•uce pOssessitig unusual natural' seen -
•9 WI 1003114 said a most tragical cue
is A tad on the site where litis• stone
bignow stands. Monteagle; a. young
. v , n of the . Miami Indiana, loved
t fl aughter of a mighty chief among
AO titroquois. , His wooing, unlike that
of awathaii was i..,-,. net • ,recsived with
f t -i'. Ay -the father chief, 'and hence he Virikii
. r
co _ filled t� reedit to the usual Methods
of 14,1p:idol:I and flight. The Leg -eying pair
wr '..vertaken on the banks of the Niagara.
WI --,Ott; hotel now *ands, andtiatner
tli Omit? to :eat:nut* the lovers east-
tb: tiselves into the cataract below. Their
be, were subsequently found at the
m t of the river clasped in an, embrace
lit. t ev.if.the cataract could not sunder.'
Dir occurrences SitiCie that 'HMO have
ta ...- make the Monteagle famous, and
with sun:Inge that it was learned a
s time since that the edifice Was to be-
etatt.O-y tranbformed, re arranged ,and, ref:
fta-itbed for the benefit of tourists, and
eo(i 'Ally invalids. ;
-TO mg that this is &subject in .whiaio
tbgbpbhc would• take unusual interest,
est:le-011y :as the National Park question is
1390-09 strongly agitated, a representative
ot-•!,'Clf.) Paper. "visited Niagara Falls -yeliter-
da.S. fi-Od learned the following facts: -
'I LIN. R. --Criunb, Who is about under:
taig this important task, is a gentleman:
Iiir#0 8 well .known throughout the land,
suooessfulli? practiced Medicine in
60 t •17 of Buffalo fornearly thirty years.
E .4. Exneedingly, well - preserved, though
ne :p.. 60 years ot age; while his energy and
a ..,., on are something : wonderful. In
0(1, VI Elation with the reporter he said: •
' 0 f )nticipate greatsucbesshere, although:
.4 ,..
a , t- 4 ears ego 'I should not have dared.
ud.:(4[4ake It, tor I was :then what people
dead man.'."
: , W,oWDati that, Doctor? How did it
, . aa brought- about, as lily:1h troubles
l' b ; '
u.are, . y... mental and physical d.epres-
sioq*cising out of troubles and reverses.
TO •rad has s remarkable effect upon the
boOgrand when one- nieets -with . misfortdnes
0.000fally, or in. any ether film, they are
likolle0. be Accompanied by ° rojefortu.nes
plkil4gt4ly, Sao*, , at. all - events, was my .-
OLO,Ilitia was irritable, restless and feverish.
I hi -0M heavy and irregular pulse, My food
•diddi3o9 assimilate my heart would throb
viatoptly and then- _stop and . the...fluids I
pot; ' lwere profuse, high -Colored and thick
Vitt PPOBAS, I Viu3 ' obliged to, ...,A4t-andon
my:-, 'ogee, And also to spend pushing
nil abte invention, knoirn as 'Crumb's
poO nhaler,' for. the otire of catarrh and
... . , a a •
IIS , -
t w long did this continue 21-n'.,t •-
. ;AL ' about two years. I realized that
I NY Ate sick, but like ,everyone else; I
1014';', ;,;`-f0,VcIfr-V,D#2;:-31.;14t.:IPP1.1.,1- pQr.ttrz:-i-itT40
'mil:a' tip of9pedpre drat: along the WO Ei
me, , :43dight. who ' knew nothing about
thekdreat Falls and was floating with the
-c . ; It4e-eo-eaey toprift, you see. At
:the, of a Yegfi . however,_ 00# condition
bee simply horrible.. I had a serious
a- 1: -.tliptliviAat 4.].j19440-,-PliNg.i0
linvit*the liMlbs linsVnitinki.
new' tending down the thighs. I had
tie* 'flnigWY*P-OttallE4114 443'6.-00Pilvais
lott. "ih albumen and Acids. rcalled in
seyq .iltof the . most skilful physicians, buil
con.014, ed to sink rapidly. I was the victim
lofV12,!Pioort'etv,dtiritiae,a4ieth.ofounthoesti.ri_cedintty.ms,t1s.niod 4.L.I ;
elitt of' terrible and then
.dea * * • - * It is painful desorib;
tif r x. erienoo, and it is sufficient to sap
•lentirely well and that my life
• ied by: means :of Warnies_Safe
it 1•4
CLIV bitikarniated the disease;effeeted!,a
our :d haspreserved me in. hem* ever
n 1tas this temiidy that :Saved
3 _a' .
,3e/19-14EAt8ttifY from ,,,gFat041419,,mt
48 xvIle
are f.„4.essed by reason of digappointitents
and--:imerses; who are losing fleshand
stre ‘1*4.0ndwil#Ittnet fintrelief ornafatal
• - iftthiiM;ttf
gre i iiiiiiiiiisithionttantlY, ind
the 1 erful effects I observed in my own
disti., oeferepeatecrittfheiraxperienbes; It
iirt ?, at Makettuti-,:certabiLeattendbre
the Os of the great Sanitarium I iipi.
Doh " • . ...,
. ---- ..,---.
-4` e is one hind of pad that doesn't
c -5.--Uterrpgad .Johnni,
ape .
rOt Pkg. Ireadinihe_imrier Vitt a
• knooked downSt New York and
Different Iliad -of Path.
d Fizzletop at. tfreakfast a few
„ri s po., - 4 '-'
:3;3!4.010,,Akpadi aretlitlitiliT,iNeViciven,
it-.. ' • o
iive* at we in e news -
t any ' d iir,iii.Valid
Jii, alt
ptives are cuEed 1St., breast pad
ad. Vier( again Reptile wheliave.
asVitieectire4410064:1en iL(4.-, -
44114.r:•fIr8,-liad'4ff ils:?-,au,P
6 . ffe midi Bright'si BOW,
e are stomsclisPgdatriAfAi '‘.
GB' BN,--YefirHOp iiiam4invie been o
great* Me to me. I was laid up, with: typhoid
fever 4.)r over two months, and., could get no
relief BIM I tried your Hop • Bitters. To those
sufferfk,t„ with rdebilitit'or any one in feeble
ordiablY reer,onAtF1 thflial• - •
..c. ti.7zw4„,,r-rtgoii-I. teeiotiottioi*
1. ........5.... . , . • 0
. 9-f*i •O's j i bilittkI: ;"%lii Heidelberg I once
cam. *oss tt negro'. that was actually•so
blatt, „. it becould not be .seen without a
tight t 1111.1H'm I I saw a fellow one. time
t.; . - r ' -
in: li..,...1theim who was 130 thin ,that he
alwtk 1 "ad to'enter a rOom-twice before be '
con , : oticed !"Gerinan .E:t1/4,
V R ;SS •
Rheurtiatism Neuralgia Sciatica.
. f
Lumbago, Backache, -Headache, Toothache,-
• Burnt, :scalds, Prost Ilites,. '
sold by Arnold@ to an/ Dealete elrervw140e. rimy ennto 0. tow.
• pirecnoin in n Lankimges.
(5100t1toto to 4. VegELERk W.) liniiimere, 8.1U.,
'0;0- 0' N. L S• 144. -
Dome Ite• ms.
. -All yOur own fattlt
-•it you remain sick *hen you an
4 Get hop bitters that never -Fait.
The weakest woman, smallest child and sickest
_invalid can use hop bitters with 'safety and great
good. '. ' .
. .•.
=01d.rnen totterine arciund from Rheumatism
kidney trouble or any weakness will be almost
new by using hop bitters. -
-MY wife and daughter were made he _ y by
the use of hop bitters; and I -recommend them
to my people.-Mtthodist Clergyman.
Ask -any good doctor if -hop • •
Bitters are not the best family medicine
On earth.
ed aasnsooniali:u°hsellesi
arrive. .
-MY mother ttrove the paralysis and neuralgia
all out of her ;system with hop bitters. -,Ed.
Oswegje Bun, ' •
-Beep the kidney's healthy with hop bitters
-and you need not fear sickness.
-Ice wateris rendered harmless and more re •
freshingand reviving with hop bitters in ette
draught. • ,
-The via'cinpf youth' for the aged and infirm
in hop bitters.
No otlier easels BO prevalent in -this noun.
tryaa Constipation., anti no remedy has ever .0
w equalled the celebrated Kidney -Wort as 4
ctre. Vitatever the cause,hovrever obstinate ts
03 the ease, this remedy w31.- overcome itDI . 1.
• LES* 18TBIS veryapt t'coehl.be
4.. COMlilieetnd vrif4annnixipatinici.' Kidney -Wort "
42 arand iPedixrcrel.xshal2avve.eetbethfrr ofaf tirete troubles
Drugglilts Sell
lk 4/-
ETART4E :-00141P0r2D.
A Aura :IfiNirei for Ali ...immix
NESSEBr Ineludinirtentnnwhtext. h.°
• reeeded..and Pahlta! *.epotroationt
Initimniatlon and illeeroxfon of
'fitiycomb,P1O.Ogila PEO.
Ace. -
13rPleastiatto the Wes, efficacious 818111Mthlid1ate
in its effect. h is a great helpin pregnancy,' itaid re-
iisyds pain dining le.bok ami at regular periods.
rzysicwisrsz IT IND MEWS= IT flZI
of either se, it lieecond to no remedy that has :erVer
been 'befoN the*Piibliot kid' for 41iseases &the
tFttstrt; it is the Greatest Renedy in the World -
Se: Find Great Relief 10 Its rae.
will e
1. Sit bottles fort& Mie
- •
. try= Praxs cure
esti and Torpidity of the Liver,
...10,110tv Pti
-18-AlStift CURE
for all:_41,4,/aeitisf the
lIVER3 ,
XL on. this tick ..IztiPtif4kit
innelionolltiMulittrit-4heth*ithr°17e0cr W."t111111
, .
• .•,;VIrtlSh71el1uisnlgartihare.hakV1i*
aonation, regular
I• "%you ee
aepihpusolyszep ly
ltittodew .=; _
nue ,shbulci • .**iibithf-octinos" it.
12- 9161243. ..
TI -0 a,
Thsve 8 positive remedy for the above disease; by
'• :use thousands of gas& of the worst kind and of ion •
standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my fait
in its eMeaoy,-that I will std TWO BOTTLES FSEE, to-
- getter with a VALITABLS REATISE on this diem's°, to
any sufferer. Give Exprese and P. 0. address.
.. DR; T..A. SLOCUM, 181 Pearl St., New York.